CHARTER & STRATEGIC PLAN - 2020-2022 MOE Number: 2099 - Trentham School

Page created by Floyd Warner
CHARTER & STRATEGIC PLAN - 2020-2022 MOE Number: 2099 - Trentham School

                           MOE Number: 2099
CHARTER & STRATEGIC PLAN - 2020-2022 MOE Number: 2099 - Trentham School
                                                                 EMPOWERED LEARNERS FOR THE FUTURE
 OUR                                                          GROW - Growth, Relationships, Ownership, Wonder

 OUR                                      Kia puawai enei rakau ‘Kia Kaha’ mo ake tonu atu │ May these trees bloom with strength forever

 OUR VALUES                Resilience │ Respect │ Team Work │ Compassion │ Responsibility │ Integrity │ Creativity │ Excellence

 OUR                 WELLBEING / HAUORA                                    LEARNING / AKORANGA                                TEACHING / WHAKAAKO
 STRATEGIC           Strengthen the wellbeing of our school                Create a culturally responsive, localised          Empower staff to create innovative and
 GOALS               community                                             curriculum that empowers and excites our           collaborative learning environments

 OUR SUCCESS         Our students, staff and whanau are happy and          Our learners are actively engaged in relevant      Our staff are equipped with the pedagogy and
                     successful at school and well supported to            and authentic learning and feel confident,         skills to develop agentic and inquiring learners.
                     manage their own wellbeing.                           valued and successful at school.

 OUR                 1a​ Review, develop and implement an effective        2a​ Develop and implement a curriculum driven      3a​ Strengthen staff capability to empower an
 STRATEGIC                school wide wellbeing/behaviour                       by our GROW principles and Te Tiriti o             authentic and engaging curriculum
 INITIATIVES              programme                                             Waitangi
                                                                                                                              3b​ Develop understanding of Deep Learning
                     1b​ Nurture and foster staff wellbeing and            2b​ Strengthen our cultural competency across
                          review workload expectations to enable                our school community
                          staff to do less, better
                                                                           2c​ Continue to develop a learning through play
                     1c​ Establish practices to support whanau to               programme and explore a shared school
                          increase student readiness for learning               philosophy

 OUR WHY?            The health and wellbeing of our students, their       Our learners need to be energised and engaged      Teachers’ roles are changing from instructors to
                     whanau and our staff are paramount. We learn          in a curriculum that is responsive, supports       facilitators. Our work needs to focus on
                     best when we are fit, well and happy. The             learner progress, embraces Te Tiriti o Waitangi,   designing learning experiences that challenge,
                     responsibility of this lies with us collectively so   and helps learners engage with the knowledge,      provoke, stimulate and celebrate learning, and
                     we can then look after ourselves.                     values and key competencies they need to be        equips students with the necessary skills to
                                                                           successful.                                        succeed.

Trentham School Strategy 2020-2022                                                                                                                                 2

Trentham School Strategy 2020-2022   3
 Strategic                            2020                                                         2021                                                        2022
Initiatives     Term 1         Term 2     Term 3              Term 4         Term 1         Term 2     Term 3              Term 4         Term 1         Term 2     Term 3            Term 4
               Review current behaviour          Develop Wellbeing                Trial Wellbeing
        S.1a             plan                       programme                       programme
                                                                                                               Implement Wellbeing programme              Review

                  Staff                        Gather
                               Plan staff                      Revise
        S.1b    Wellbeing
                                             feedback on
                                                                                     Implement expectations                 Review
                 Survey                      expectations

                                                                                                             Establish practices to
        S.1c                                                                                                   support whanau
                                                                                                                                                   Implement practices                 Review

                                                                               Develop a learning pathway for students to actively
        S.2a   Revisit & strengthen the front of the Trentham Curriculum
                                                                                        monitor their learning progress
                                                                                                                                               Implement learning pathway              Review

                                               Develop shared cultural
        S.2b                                         practices
                                                                                      Implement shared cultural practices

                   Establish and implement a learning through play           Consider a learning through play programme for Year 2        Consider how learning through play may be utilised in
        S.2c                programme for Year 1 students                                      and Year 3 students                                         the senior school
               Staff professional learning on GROW, Te Tiriti o Waitangi and culturally
        S.3a                              responsive practice
                                                                                                    Staff professional learning on student learning pathways

                             Deep Learning professional learning for the                                                                     Consolidate and implement Deep Learning with
        S.3b                             Leadership Team
                                                                                Deep Learning professional learning for teachers

Trentham School Strategy 2020-2022                                                                                                                                             4
 Strategic Goal:                     3 year success measures:

 WELLBEING / HAUORA                  1a     95% of students report feeling safe at school always or most of the time.
 Strengthen the wellbeing of                Reduction in the number of behaviour incidents during class time and breaks.
 our school community                1b     Increase in the number of staff reporting positive wellbeing at work.
                                     1c     90% attendance rate for Year 0 and 1 students.

 Strategic                            2020                                                     2021                                                    2022
Initiatives     Term 1         Term 2     Term 3              Term 4        Term 1      Term 2     Term 3           Term 4         Term 1        Term 2     Term 3     Term 4
               Review current behaviour           Develop Wellbeing           Trial Wellbeing
        S.1a             plan                        programme                  programme
                                                                                                          Implement Wellbeing programme           Review

                  Staff                         Gather
                               Plan staff                       Revise
        S.1b    Wellbeing
                                              feedback on
                                                                                 Implement expectations              Review
                 Survey                       expectations

                                                                                                      Establish practices to
        S.1c                                                                                            support whanau
                                                                                                                                            Implement practices         Review

 Initiative                       Key actions                                                     Who                     Timeframe            12 month milestone

 1a​ Review, develop and          ●       Review current behaviour plan, collecting staff,        Benjamin                Term 1               A school behaviour/wellbeing
     implement an                         student and whanau voice.                                                                            programme ready to trial in
     effective school wide        ●       Gather voice from Māori and Pasifika community          Benjamin &              Term 1               2021.
     wellbeing/behaviour                  and ensure part of the development journey.             Rochelle
     programme                    ●       Review our school Peer Mediation programme.             Benjamin                Term 1               Students, whanau, staff and
                                  ●       Research various behaviour and wellbeing models         Benjamin                Term 2               wider community, including
                                          and programmes, i.e. PB4L, Restorative Practices,                                                    Māori and Pasifika
                                          Zones of Regulation, Pause Breathe Smile,                                                            communities, feel connected to
                                          Sparklers, Te Whare Tapa Whā, Circle Time. Share                                                     the school behaviour/wellbeing
                                          findings with the Leadership Team.                                                                   programme.
                                  ●       Develop a school wellbeing/behaviour programme          Benjamin                Term 3-4
                                          aligned to our GROW vision.                                                                          GROW vision is evident in
                                  ●       Share draft programme with whanau, Māori and            Benjamin &              Term 4               school behaviour/wellbeing
                                          Pasifika community for feedback.                        Rochelle                                     programme.
                                  ●       Participate in Mental Health Awareness week.            Benjamin                Term 3 - Sept
                                  ●       Become a water-only school.                             Suzanne                 Term 1

Trentham School Strategy 2020-2022                                                                                                                                5
1b​ Nurture and foster          ●   Staff to complete a Wellbeing Survey to gain a       Isabel           Term 1       Shared understanding of
     staff wellbeing and             better understanding of the needs of our staff.                                    expected workload.
     review workload             ●   Involvement in the CORE Educators’ Wellbeing         Isabel &         Term 1-3
     expectations to                 Toolkit.                                             Suzanne                       Agreed ways of working more
     enable staff to do          ●   Support staff to learn how to look after their own   Isabel &         Term 1-4     efficiently.
     less, better                    wellbeing with techniques, strategies, activities,   Suzanne
                                     readings, etc.                                                                     Wellbeing Statement of Intent
                                 ●   Collect teacher voice on current workload.           Isabel           Term 2 TOD   (SOI) development to support
                                 ●   Identify expectations to keep doing, stop doing,     Isabel & staff   Term 2 TOD   staff.
                                     start doing and why. Use the Staff Handbook as a
                                     guide.                                                                             Staff are resilient and better
                                 ●   Schedule time for conversations to discuss these     Isabel           Term 3 Hub   able to look after their own
                                     expectations. Why do we need to do some things?                       mtgs         wellbeing.
                                     What can we remove? What can we do in a
                                     different way?
                                 ●   Investigate workload models from other schools       Isabel           Term 3
                                     and outside sectors.
                                 ●   Expectations developed ready for 2021 and clearly    Isabel &         Term 4
                                     communicated to staff.                               Suzanne
                                 ●   Develop a Wellbeing Statement of Intent (SOI).       Isabel           Term 4

Trentham School Strategy 2020-2022                                                                                                           6
Strategic Goal:                     3 year success measures:

 LEARNING / AKORANGA                 2a     Increase in the Me & My School survey data.
 Create a culturally responsive,            Students are more able to talk about their learning at Student Led Learning Conversations.
 localised curriculum that           2b     Increase in the number of students and parents reporting strong cultural competency within the school.
 empowers and excites our            2c     Increase in GROW dispositional data for Year 0-1 students.

 Strategic                            2020                                                      2021                                                      2022
Initiatives     Term 1         Term 2     Term 3              Term 4       Term 1        Term 2     Term 3             Term 4        Term 1         Term 2     Term 3            Term 4
                                                                            Develop a learning pathway for students to actively
        S.2a   Revisit & strengthen the front of the Trentham Curriculum
                                                                                     monitor their learning progress
                                                                                                                                          Implement learning pathway              Review

        S.2b                       Develop shared cultural practices                Implement shared cultural practices

                                              Establish and implement a
                                                                           Consider a learning through play programme for Year 2     Consider how learning through play may be utilised in
        S.2c                                    learning through play
                                                                                             and Year 3 students                                      the senior school
                                                programme for Year 1

 Initiative                        Key actions                                                       Who                    Timeframe            12 month milestone

 2a​ Develop and                     ●    Utilise the Ministry of Education designing a              Jillian & Dave         Term 1               A deep, wide curriculum with
     implement a                          localised curriculum resource.                                                                         rich learning opportunities to
     curriculum driven by            ●    Review and refine current curriculum                       Jillian & Dave         Term 1-3             engage all students.
     our GROW principles                  documentation to focus on identified effective
     and Te Tiriti o                      pedagogy across all learning areas.                                                                    GROW indicators developed for
     Waitangi                              ○ Make links between curriculum                                                                       year groups to show a clear
                                                implementation plans.                                                                            progression for dispositions.
                                           ○ Collect teacher voice.
                                     ●    Review relationships for learning, rich learning           Jillian, Dave &        Term 1               Assessment schedule reviewed
                                          opportunities                                              teachers                                    and updated for 2021.
                                     ●    Unpack GROW Learner Profile and develop                    Jillian & Dave         Term 1 TOD
                                     ●    Identify local community resources to support              Jillian & Dave         Term 3-4
                                          school curriculum.
                                     ●    Review assessment practices to align with our              Rochelle, Jillian      Term 3-4
                                          curriculum.                                                & Dave

Trentham School Strategy 2020-2022                                                                                                                                        7
2b​ Strengthen our                  ●   As a staff brainstorm the kawa (protocols) desired      Rochelle & staff   Term 2 TOD   Ownership of kawa across the
     cultural competency                 for Trentham School.                                                                    school and community.
     across our school               ●   Consult with whanau at hui and review.                  Rochelle           Term 3
     community                       ●   Gather student and whanau voice on cultural             Rochelle           Term 3       Increased use of Te Reo across
                                         competency.                                                                             the school.
                                     ●   Create shared kawa and share with students and          Rochelle           Term 3
                                         whanau, seeking feedback.                                                               A plan developed to unpack a
                                     ●   Provide support for individual staff members            Rochelle           Term 4       Trentham School model for
                                         regarding any kawa they need assistance with.                                           cultural competency reflection.
                                     ●   Staff to create a visual pepeha for the office foyer.   All staff          TOD
                                     ●   Develop and implement a plan to support staff to        Rochelle           Term 3-4
                                         increase use of Te Reo.
                                     ●   Ensure the Te Reo progression of learning is            Rochelle           Term 3-4
                                     ●   Investigate models for reflection of our cultural       Rochelle           Term 3
                                     ●   Revisit our Māori Graduate Profile alongside            Rochelle & staff   Term 4
                                         whanau, and increasing the profile of this work
                                         amongst staff.
                                     ●   Involvement in the Kura Ahurea programme.               Rochelle & staff   Term 1-4

 2c​ Continue to develop a           ●   Professional reading and discussion around              Heather & staff    Term 3       Learning through play is
      learning through play              learning through play across the school.                                                reflected in our Trentham
      programme and                  ●   Collect voice from whanau.                              Heather            Term 3       School curriculum.
      explore a shared               ●   Develop a shared understanding of learning              Heather & staff    Term 4
      school philosophy                  through play and the pedagogy that sits behind it.                                      Year 1 students involved in a
                                     ●   Develop and implement Year 1 learning through           Heather & Kiwi     Term 3-4     learning through play
                                         play programme.                                         Hub teachers                    programme.
                                     ●   Kiwi Hub will share learning through play journey       Kiwi Hub           Term 4
                                         with the rest of the staff.                             teachers

Trentham School Strategy 2020-2022                                                                                                                   8
Strategic Goal:                     3 year success measures:

 TEACHING / WHAKAAKO                 3a     Teacher voice shows an increase in confidence and capability to deliver an empowering curriculum.
 Empower staff to create                    Evidence of agency, collaboration, cultural responsiveness, GROW learner dispositions in class observations and
 innovative and collaborative               coaching sessions.
 learning environments               3b     Shared understanding of deep learning by all teachers and deep learning evident during classroom observations.

 Strategic                             2020                                                       2021                                                       2022
Initiatives     Term 1          Term 2     Term 3             Term 4         Term 1        Term 2     Term 3             Term 4         Term 1         Term 2     Term 3          Term 4
               Staff professional learning on GROW, Te Tiriti o Waitangi and culturally
        S.3a                              responsive practice
                                                                                                  Staff professional learning on student learning pathways

                Deep Learning professional learning for the Leadership                                                                     Consolidate and implement Deep Learning with
        S.3b                           Team
                                                                                Deep Learning professional learning for teachers

 Initiative                       Key actions                                                          Who                     Timeframe             12 month milestone

 3a​ Strengthen staff             ●       Develop and implement a professional learning                Erica & staff           Term 1-4              Teachers more confident and
      capability to                       plan to support teachers to:                                                                               capable to deliver our localised
      empower an                           ○ effectively deliver GROW and our school                                                                 curriculum.
      authentic and                             values in classroom programmes.
      engaging curriculum                  ○ Increase staff knowledge and understanding                                                              A shared knowledge of ​Te Tiriti
                                                on Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Māori history.                                                           o Waitangi and Māori history.
                                           ○ develop a shared understanding about what
                                                an authentic curriculum looks like.
                                  ●       Utilise strengths within the school and cluster to           Erica                   Terms 1-4
                                          deliver professional learning.
                                  ●       Involvement in the Cluster professional learning.            Erica & staff           Terms 1-4

 3b​ Develop                      ●       Leadership professional reading on Deep                      Leadership              Term 4 - Term 1       Leadership Team has a shared
     understanding of                     Learning.                                                    Hub Leaders             Ongoing               understanding of Deep
     Deep Learning                ●       Key points of professional reading shared with                                                             Learning.
                                          Hub teachers throughout the year.                            Leadership              Term 1-4
                                  ●       Leadership Team participate in New Pedagogies                                                              Professional Learning plan for
                                          for Deep Learning professional learning with CORE                                                          2021-2022.
                                          and the cluster.                                             Mary & Suzanne          Term 4

Trentham School Strategy 2020-2022                                                                                                                                         9
●   Develop a 2021-2022 professional learning plan.

                                                               2020 ANNUAL TARGETS

 Strategic Goal               Wellbeing / Hauora

 Annual Target                1. To increase the number of students feeling safe at school always or most of the time by 10%

 Background                   Ensuring students feel safe at school is a priority at Trentham School. We want to strengthen the wellbeing of our students so
                              they are happy and successful at school.
                              In 2019 Year 3-6 students were asked to complete a survey online regarding safety at school. 226 students completed the
                              survey. They were asked to rate how much they agreed with 9 statements about safety at school. If they did not feel safe at
                              school they were asked to tell us why and give suggestions on what we could do to make them feel safer at school.
                               ● 87% of students feel safe at school always or most of the time
                               ● 88% of students feel safe at breaks, an increase of 6%
                               ● 86% of students feel safe before and after school always or most of the time
                               ● 73% of students always or most of the time feel comfortable talking to their teacher about problems

 Planned Actions to Achieve Targets

  1.    Individual Behaviour Plans established for students with high behaviour needs.
  2.    Teacher Aides utilised for specific students requiring support during breaks.
  3.    Review of Student Behaviour Management Plan and establishment of a wellbeing plan.
  4.    Support from external agencies sought when necessary.
  5.    Students informed that all gates except one are locked during the school day so people are less likely to wander through the school. Also reminded to
        tell a duty teacher if they see something they don’t like outside of the school grounds.
  6.    Teachers to continue to develop positive relationships with students and to follow up on ​all​ student concerns to ensure that children feel heard and
        that issues have been dealt with. Educate students on what bullying is and how it is different to children being mean.
  7.    Teachers to remind students what they need to do if they have an issue with another student or they don’t feel safe.
  8.    Teachers to carry out emergency drills in a way that doesn’t frighten students. These need to be regular in the classroom alongside school wide drills.
  9.    Regular reminders to be sent home about signing in at the office and not to wander through the playground, particularly during break times.
  10.   Duty teachers to be visible in the playgrounds by wearing supplied fluro vests.

Trentham School Strategy 2020-2022                                                                                                                  10
Trentham School Strategy 2020-2022   11
Strategic Goal               Learning / Akoranga

 Annual Targets                2. To accelerate the progress of Year 2 students ​reading​ below the expected level to be reading at Turquoise (Level 17) by the
                                  end of Year 2. (9 students)
                               3. To accelerate the progress of Year 3 students who are achieving below the expected level in ​reading​, to achieve at by the
                                  end of 2020. (9 students)
                               4. To accelerate the maths progress of Year 4 students who are achieving below the expected level in ​mathematics​, to achieve
                                  at by the end of 2020. (9 students)
                               5. To accelerate the progress of Year 5 Maori students who are working below the expected level in ​writing​, to achieve at by
                                  the end of 2020. (6 students)
                               6. To accelerate the progress of Year 6 students who are working below the expected level in ​writing​, to achieve at by the end
                                  of 2020. (9 students)

 Background                   Over 2018-2019 the professional learning focus was on the effective use of acceleration strategies in the area of mathematics.
                              These strategies now need to be embedded into practice and transferred into other learning areas.
                              2019 end of year data shows:
                               ● 18% of Year 2 students (2020 Year 3) are achieving below the expected curriculum level for reading.
                               ● 39% of Year 3 students (2020 Year 4) are achieving below or well below the expected level for mathematics.
                               ● 57% of Year 4 Maori students (2020 year 5) are achieving below or well below the expected level for writing.
                               ● 59% of Year 5 students (2020 Year 6) are achieving below or well below the expected level for writing.

 Planned Actions to Achieve Targets

  1.  Hubs to develop an action plan for their target students and review termly to monitor progress.
  2.  Regular discussion of progress and achievement of target students at hub and leadership level.
  3.  Teacher inquiry to focus on target students and effective practice to accelerate their achievement levels.
  4.  Induction of new staff to include acceleration strategies in maths and literacy.
  5.  Regular moderation of tasks and OTJs across syndicates and the school.
  6.  Engage with whanau to inform them of target students and how they can support at home.
  7.  Explicitly teach and model working collaboratively and sharing ideas.
  8.  Use acceleration strategies such as frontloading, talk moves, mixed ability grouping, and formative assessment to provide an environment for
      accelerated learning.
  9. Develop the use of Te Whare Tapa Wha in literacy and maths programmes.
  10. Strengthen links between Inquiry and writing.
  11. Target blends and digraphs during Guided Reading sessions as well as running the Yolanda Soryl phonics programme.
Trentham School Strategy 2020-2022                                                                                                                 12
12. Do either a visual reading or a rich introduction to prepare students for unknown vocab.
  13. Engage reluctant writers with a range of different approaches, e.g. Game of Awesome.
  14. Build inquiry planning into our literacy and maths.
  15. Teacher collaboration in planning for reading, writing and maths.
  16. Opportunities for student collaboration in all learning areas.
  17. Strengthen student learning dispositions using the GROW Learner profile - focus on perseverance, collaboration, reflection and creativity to increase
      student agency and ownership.
  18. When possible give students an opportunity to choose their topics for learning.

Trentham School Strategy 2020-2022                                                                                                               13
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