Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 - Meadow Flat Public School 2509 - Amazon AWS

Page created by Audrey Dixon
Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024

                  Meadow Flat Public School 2509

Page 1 of 7              Meadow Flat Public School (2509) -2021-2024   Printed on: 30 March, 2021
School vision and context
       School vision statement                                                                                    School context
       At Meadow Flat Public School we believe in building strong foundations in literacy and                     Meadow Flat Public School is located at the eastern extremity of Central West New South
       numeracy to enable independent learners of the future. We build a culture of learning where                Wales, halfway between Lithgow and Bathurst on the Great Western Highway. The school
       all students strive to succeed and achieve excellence through a high-quality public                        is committed to providing educational excellence for all students who are drawn from
       education.                                                                                                 diverse backgrounds within the small locality, and surrounding rural and remote areas.
                                                                                                                  Meadow Flat Public School is recognised for its positive learning environment where staff
       We aim to improve students' capacity every year by ensuring students achieve success by                    collaborate, and consistently set high expectations for students' learning.
       improving teachers' performance through strategic professional learning that has a
       foundation in research and evidence based practices.                                                       The Wiradjuri people, the traditional custodians have a strong representation and presence
                                                                                                                  in the school. Our school has a high percentage of students (18%) who identify as First
                                                                                                                  Nations people. The school values our ongoing partnership with the NSW Aboriginal
                                                                                                                  Education Consultative Group (NSW AECG) and is committed to continuing to strengthen
                                                                                                                  this relationship. We recognise the NSW AECG as the peak community advisory body to
                                                                                                                  the department on Aboriginal education at all levels and in all stages of planning and
                                                                                                                  decision making. The Partnership agreement "Walking Together, Working Together' has
                                                                                                                  guided our focus on Aboriginal education ensuring equitable outcomes for our Aboriginal
                                                                                                                  students. We will collaborate with colleagues to develop school-based approaches to
                                                                                                                  student engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and
                                                                                                                  languages through school assemblies, ceremonies, interdisciplinary teaching and learning
                                                                                                                  approaches and National Reconciliation Week activities.

                                                                                                                  Our school comprises of three composite classes across the school and enrolments have
                                                                                                                  fluctuated between 60 and 70 over the last several years. Teachers are committed to
                                                                                                                  utilising high impact teaching strategies and ongoing assessment to ensure each child has
                                                                                                                  their learning needs identified and met.

                                                                                                                  Meadow Flat Public School is a member of the Bathurst Small Schools group and Lithgow
                                                                                                                  network of schools. These professional learning communities support staff and students
                                                                                                                  through collaborations in staff professional learning, and extracurricular student activities,
                                                                                                                  including sporting, leadership and educational excursion opportunities.

                                                                                                                  A comprehensive situational analysis has led to the development of the Strategic
                                                                                                                  Improvement Plan 2021-2024 which focuses on three areas of improvement in leading,
                                                                                                                  learning and teaching. These are informed by evidence and supported by research. These
                                                                                                                  focus areas (quality teaching and learning, expertise and innovation, data informed practice
                                                                                                                  and explicit quality instruction in reading and numeracy) continue to build on and enhance
                                                                                                                  the work previously undertaken as we focus on learning for our students. We will continue
                                                                                                                  to implement the strategies in What Works Best which clearly links to research based

                                                                                                                  As part of our reflective situational analysis we have prioritised the continued emphasis on
                                                                                                                  ensuring every child achieves expected growth every year, either through the external
                                                                                                                  NAPLAN or identified internal assessments. Meadow Flat Public School focuses on the use
                                                                                                                  of data to drive our teaching and learning programs to identify students' areas of need.
                                                                                                                  Teaching programs and student learning is differentiated to suit individual needs and enable
                                                                                                                  all students to access the curriculum.

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School vision and context
       School vision statement                                 School context
                                                               Continued development of expertise in all curriculum areas focuses all staff through
                                                               targeted professional learning. Teachers embed effective classroom practice through a
                                                               whole school approach to optimise learning progress for all students, utilising the most
                                                               effective evidence-based teaching methods.

                                                               Meadow Flat Public School cares for all students through a planned focus on whole-school
                                                               wellbeing structures and approaches. It remains a positive school that is founded on
                                                               respectful and healthy relationships. Behaviour expectations are high. There are
                                                               established relationships with parents and carers that create optimum conditions for
                                                               learning across the whole school. New measures will be used to evaluate the range of
                                                               wellbeing programs and initiatives within our school, ensuring connectedness and
                                                               engagement. The whole community works in partnership to achieve a shared belief that
                                                               every day counts for children to succeed at school.

                                                               Our school motto "Learning for life" reinforces the importance of continuing partnerships in
                                                               developing and supporting the whole child in a learning environment where all students will

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Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment

       Purpose                                                       Initiatives                                                    Success criteria for this strategic direction
       In order to ensure the delivery of quality systematic         Data informed practice                                         Data informed practice
       instruction in reading and numeracy, data driven decision
       making processes will inform explicit teaching, supported     A whole-school learning culture will support students to        •   Student assessment data is regularly used school-
       by quality, targeted professional learning aligned to         achieve and maintain high reading and numeracy                      wide to identify student achievements and progress,
       evidenced based research to deliver high impact learning      achievement and proficiency through data informed                   in order to reflect on teaching effectiveness and
       outcomes for all students.                                    practices that will be supported by high impact                     inform future directions to support all students'
                                                                     professional learning where high expectations for all               learning.
                                                                     students' learning occurs.
       Improvement measures                                                                                                          •   Learning goals for students are informed by analysis
                                                                                                                                         of internal and external data.
                                                                     To use data effectively in reading and numeracy, teachers
       Target year: 2022                                             will:                                                           •   Teachers clearly understand, develop and apply a
                                                                                                                                         full range of assessment strategies - assessment for
       Student attendance                                             •   use data to inform explicit programming and targeted           learning, assessment as learning to inform
                                                                          teaching, including differentiation and formative              instruction and monitoring and assessment of
       Increase by 17% the number of students that attend                 assessment of literacy and numeracy skills                     learning to determine teaching effectiveness,
       school greater than 90% of the time, to be at or above the                                                                        directions, monitoring and assessing student
       lower bound target of 70%                                      •   collect meaningful data and include regular,
                                                                                                                                         progress and achievement.
                                                                          dedicated time to using data effectively
       Target year: 2022                                                                                                            Reading and numeracy
                                                                      •   become proficient in data literacy, data analysis, data
                                                                          use in teaching, and data use in planning.
       Reading                                                                                                                       •   A whole school approach ensures the most effective
                                                                      •   collect and submit data as evidence they                       evidence-based teaching methods optimise learning
       Increase by 20% the number of students achieving in the            demonstrate their practice across the domains of               progress for all students, across the full range of
       top 2 bands of NAPLAN reading to be above the upper                professional knowledge, practice and engagement to             abilities. Teachers employ evidence-based effective
       bound target of 65.5%                                              achieve proficiency as a teacher                               teaching strategies. Effective methods are identified,
                                                                      •   monitor and track student progress, and support                promoted and modelled, and students' learning
       Target year: 2024                                                                                                                 improvement is monitored, demonstrating growth.
                                                                          students identified as needing additional support/
       Reading                                                            extension                                                  •   All teachers understand and explicitly teach literacy
                                                                                                                                         and numeracy to students at all levels of
       100% of students achieve the expected level for students      Reading and numeracy instruction                                    achievement, in all subject areas, with success that
       in Kindergarten (9), Year 1 (18), Year 2 (22), Year 3 (26),                                                                       can be measured by improved student progress and
       Year 4 (28, Year 5 (30), Year 6 (30+)                         Reading and numeracy teaching is the core focus of                  achievement data.
                                                                     continued, high quality learning experiences to sustain
                                                                     effective, targeted teaching to reduce achievement gaps.        •   Teaching and learning programs show the
       Target year: 2022
                                                                     Sustained professional learning to support reading and              application of explicit and structured literacy and
                                                                     numeracy will enable teachers to use explicit teaching              numeracy strategies informed by student data.
                                                                     strategies when introducing new or complex reading and
       100% of Aboriginal students achieve in the top 3              numeracy skills.
       numeracy bands
                                                                     Teachers will:                                                 Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
       Target year: 2022
                                                                      •   hold high expectations for all learners, and share a
       Reading                                                            vision of accountability and responsibility for student
                                                                                                                                    To what extent have we achieved the purpose and can
                                                                      •   prioritise teaching time for literacy and numeracy
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Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment

       Improvement measures                                         Initiatives                                                   Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
       100% of Aboriginal students achieve in the top 3 reading          with strategies embedded in all curriculum areas         demonstrate impact and the improvement of student
       bands                                                                                                                      learning outcomes in reading and numeracy?
                                                                     •   engage in quality professional learning that further
       Target year: 2024                                                 develops their capabilities to teach literacy and
       Data skills and use                                           •   understand the syllabus requirements and the             The school will use the following data sources to regularly
                                                                         minimum standard required for student literacy and       analyse the effectiveness of the initiatives in achieving the
       Using the School Excellence Framework, the school self-           numeracy development for each year level                 purpose and improvement measures of the strategic
       assessment of the data skills in use element indicates an                                                                  direction.
       improvement from sustaining and growing to excelling          •   provide quality feedback and utilise assessment
                                                                         practices, to put the faces on the data                   •     NAPLAN
       Target year: 2024                                             •   use the Gradual release of responsibility model for       •     PLAN2
                                                                         both teachers and students; modelled, shared, and
       Literacy and numeracy                                             independent                                               •     Check in assessments

       All students achieve or exceed expected growth in literacy    •   provide opportunities for students to practice reading    •     Reading records
       and numeracy using the literacy and numeracy                      and numeracy as students gain proficiency and             •     Student work samples
       progressions, PLAN2 data and syllabus indicators                  understanding of concepts and skills.
                                                                                                                                   •     ACER PAT assessments
       Target year: 2024
                                                                                                                                   •     Tell them from me
       NAPLAN value-add                                                                                                            •     internal assessments

       NAPLAN value-add moves from:                                                                                                •     external assessments
                                                                                                                                   •     surveys and observations
          •   delivering for Kindergarten to Year 3 to excelling
                                                                                                                                   •     focus groups and interviews
          •   delivering for Years 3-5 to excelling
                                                                                                                                   •     document analysis
          •   sustaining and growing for Years 5-7 to excelling
                                                                                                                                   •     resource allocation analysis


                                                                                                                                  Analysis will be embedded within the initiatives through
                                                                                                                                  progress and implementation monitoring. Meadow Flat
                                                                                                                                  Public School will review progress towards the
                                                                                                                                  improvement measures each year.


                                                                                                                                  The findings of the analysis will inform:

                                                                                                                                   •     future actions
                                                                                                                                   •     annual reporting on school progress measures

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Strategic Direction 2: Quality teaching and learning

       Purpose                                                       Initiatives                                                     Success criteria for this strategic direction
       In order to establish excellence in quality teaching and                                                                      Expertise and innovation
       learning, teachers will be empowered to deliver the most      Expertise and innovation
       effective teaching methods, with the highest priority given                                                                    •   Teaching staff demonstrate and share their expertise
       to evidence-based teaching strategies. Promoting              A quality learning environment with a focus on intellectual          across the school and with other schools. All
       learning for excellence will achieve ongoing performance      quality, academic challenge and rigor, higher order                  teachers have expert contemporary content
       improvement throughout the school by being responsive         thinking, problem solving, and critical and creative thinking        knowledge and use effective teaching strategies. The
       in meeting the needs of all students. All teachers are        better prepares our students to thrive in a rapidly                  school trials innovative practices and has processes
       committed to identifying, understanding and implementing      changing world.                                                      in place to evaluate, refine and scale success.
       quality teaching, curriculum planning and delivery, and
       assessment that promotes learning excellence.                 The creativity wheel will develop student's critical and
                                                                                                                                      •   demonstrate a high-performance culture, with a clear
                                                                     creative thinking skills as they learn to become
                                                                                                                                          focus on student progress and achievement with a
                                                                     independent learners by generating and evaluating
       Improvement measures                                          knowledge, clarifying concepts and ideas, seeking
                                                                                                                                          high-quality service delivery
                                                                     possibilities, consider alternatives and solve problems.         •   All teachers reflect on their practice to continuously
       Target year: 2024
                                                                                                                                          build their expertise as measures against the
                                                                     Teachers will:                                                       Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
                                                                      •   share teaching practices through collaboration that         •   teachers exhibit innovative practices in learning
       Increase by 50% students' technology performance as                improves teacher quality by seeking professional                design, resulting in experiences which are inclusive
       measured by Validation of Assessment for Learning and              learning where they share and gain expertise in                 of higher order thinking skills and other components
       Individual Development (VALID)-6 to 100%                           evidence-based teaching practices                               of the creativity wheel

       Target year: 2024                                              •   focus on their students' learning by knowing their         Collaborative learning environment
                                                                          impact through a focus on pedagogical frameworks
       Wellbeing                                                                                                                      •   teachers initiate and engage in professional
                                                                      •   collaborate with colleagues to plan, develop and
                                                                                                                                          discussions with colleagues through alliances with
                                                                          refine teaching and learning programs
       Improve by 19% students' engagement as measured                                                                                    similar school to evaluate practice, directed at
       through the Tell Them From Me survey to 100%                   •   encourage students in being imaginative, inquisitive,           improving professional knowledge and professional
                                                                          collaborative, persistent and disciplined across all            practice, and the educational outcomes of students
       Target year: 2024                                                  learning
                                                                                                                                      •   teaching and learning programs challenge students
       Quality teaching                                               •   design higher-order learning and to enable students             by supporting differentiation and cater to individual
                                                                          to self-reflect through the learning dispositions of the        student's needs win input from parents and carers
       All teachers working above proficiency as measured                 creativity wheel.
                                                                                                                                      •   formative, engaging assessments - are authentic and
       against the Australian Professional Teaching Standards in                                                                          integrated into teaching practice in every classroom
       the professional practice domain standard 3.6 - evaluate      Collaborative learning environment
                                                                                                                                          (e.g. exhibitions, projects and portfolios).
       and improve teaching programs
                                                                     A high expectations culture will develop self-motivated          •   feedback from students on their learning derived
       Target year: 2024                                             learners who are confident and creative students, while              from assessments informs further teaching
                                                                     preparing students for future success and wellbeing.
       Learning and development                                      Teachers will engage in professional dialogue and
                                                                     collaborative design to improve professional practice for
                                                                     continuous improvement.                                         Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
       Using the School Excellence Framework, the school self-
       assessment of the expertise and innovation element                                                                            Question
       indicates an improvement from delivering to excelling         Teachers will:

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Strategic Direction 2: Quality teaching and learning

       Improvement measures                                        Initiatives                                                  Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
       Target year: 2024                                            •   describe what students, know, do and understand         To what extent have we achieved the purpose and can
                                                                                                                                demonstrate impact and the improvement of student
                                                                    •   develop a collaborative approach to the design of
       Curriculum                                                                                                               learning outcomes in reading and numeracy?
                                                                        success criteria related to learning intentions
       Using the School Excellence Framework, in the learning       •   teach using data throughout the teaching and            Data
       domain "curriculum" the school self-assessment will              learning cycle where high impact strategies,
       validate an improvement from delivering to excelling             feedback, peer student feedback, clear learning and     The school will use the following data sources to regularly
                                                                        success criteria, deconstructing explicit teaching,     analyse the effectiveness of the initiatives in achieving the
       Target year: 2024                                                clarifying students' understanding, clear about         purpose and improvement measures of the strategic
                                                                        purpose are used                                        direction.
       Improving classroom and school practices
                                                                    •   support students as a learner through the creativity     •     NAPLAN
       Increase by 21% the number of students who report                wheel with self-evaluation and assessment to identify
                                                                        areas for improvement by involving students in           •     PLAN2
       positive outcomes of:
                                                                        reflecting on their own learning and the learning of     •     Check in assessments
          •   advocacy at school                                        others
                                                                                                                                 •     Reading records
          •   expectations of success                               •   use assessment to provide students with learning
                                                                        opportunities that challenge them to be creative         •     Student work samples
          •   a sense of belonging                                      learners by implementing project-based learning
                                                                                                                                 •     ACER PAT assessments
       as measured by the Tell Them From Me survey to 100%          •   enable strategies that encourage students to feel
                                                                                                                                 •     Tell them from me
                                                                        connected to their learning and be self-regulated and
       Target year: 2024                                                independent learners                                     •     internal assessments
                                                                    •   use appropriate differentiation of the curriculum, so    •     external assessments
       Learning culture
                                                                        all students are challenged and engaged in the
                                                                                                                                 •     surveys and observations
                                                                        classroom to maintain high expectations for all
       Using the School Excellence Framework, in the learning
                                                                        students.                                                •     focus groups and interviews
       domain "learning culture" the school self-assessment will
       validate an improvement from sustaining and growing to       •   provide students with feedback that focuses on           •     document analysis
       excelling                                                        improving tasks, processes and student self-
                                                                        regulation and supports students to set and achieve      •     resource allocation analysis
                                                                        their goals

                                                                                                                                Analysis will be embedded within the initiatives through
                                                                                                                                progress and implementation monitoring. Meadow Flat
                                                                                                                                Public School will review progress towards the
                                                                                                                                improvement measures each year.


                                                                                                                                The findings of the analysis will inform:

                                                                                                                                 •     future actions
                                                                                                                                 •     annual reporting on school progress measures
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