Teacher of French & Spanish for September 2019 Candidate Information Pack - Mill Hill School
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INTRODUCTION Owing to an exciting phase of school growth, a well- qualified and enthusiastic graduate is required for September 2019 to teach French & Spanish to GCSE and A-level within a large, dynamic and successful department. Closing date for applications: Tuesday 26 February Key facts about Mill Hill School GCSE & A-Level Day & Boarding 2018 Academic WITH A WIDE RANGE OF OPTIONS DAY, WEEKLY AND FULL BOARDING Results PLACES AVAILABLE A-LEVEL: 40% A*/A; 73% A*-B GCSE: 59% 9-7; 81% 9-6 120+ Co-educational 10 miles ACRES OF GROUNDS FOR AGES 13–18 FROM CENTRAL LONDON AND FACILITIES WITH EASY ACCESS TO UNDERGROUND AND MAIN LINE STATIONS Part of the Mill Hill School Foundation EDUCATING GIRLS AND BOYS FROM 3–18
THE SCHOOL Mill Hill School The Mill Hill School Foundation Ethos Founded in 1807, Mill Hill School is an The Mill Hill School Foundation educates independent co-educational boarding and day boys and girls from 3–18, seeking to equip school with 750 pupils aged between 13 and 18, them for life, both now and in the future. of whom 300 are in the Sixth Form. The School is one of four in the Mill Hill School Foundation, Our stimulating academic environment and which comprises Pre-preparatory, Preparatory numerous activities outside the classroom and Senior Schools as well an on-site encourage learning and personal growth. International School. We are committed to the development of every pupil and believe that our friendly and We are situated in a magnificent 120-acre supportive community helps this to happen. parkland campus on the edge of the North We seek as a Foundation to instil a love for London Green Belt, providing a wonderful learning which will last a lifetime whilst balancing environment in which to work. The School is this with a readiness to embrace change. very much a community, particularly given the central importance of boarding: we are unusual for a London school to be offering full and weekly boarding, with over 180 boarding pupils. We are committed to the on-going professional development of all our teaching and support staff as well as the full induction and training of all new staff.
THE FRENCH & SPANISH DEPARTMENT Staffing Accommodation and Resources The faculty comprises the Head of Modern The faculty occupies a large suite of Languages plus the Teacher-in-Charge of purpose- built rooms located on the lower Spanish and six other teachers, one of whom ground floor of the Favell Building, opened in is the Senior Deputy Head. The Head of March 2007. We have eight classrooms, all Modern Languages has specific responsibility with projectors linked to a desktop PC and for French. There is a good mix of male and DVD/video facilities, some interactive female teachers, age and experience. Most whiteboard technology, a fully equipped are able to teach two languages. There are language laboratory, a faculty library and two also three native-speaker language assistants, faculty offices. one for each language. This post will be in addition to the current staffing. The Post The successful candidate will teach across Curriculum the age range from Fourth Form (Year 9) to A- In the Fourth Form (Year 9), French is a core level. The ability to teach for Oxbridge subject. A little over half our Fourth Form preparation would be highly desirable. pupils come up from Belmont, our preparatory school. A through-curriculum is Candidates are asked to clarify, in their in place to ensure a smooth transition. All application, the level of their ability in each of pupils also study either German or Spanish in their languages. The post could be adapted the Fourth Form. to suit an experienced teacher, a newly qualified teacher or a new entrant to the Pupils are expected to study French, German profession via direct entry training. or Spanish as a core subject up to GCSE and many choose also to maintain a second Our training programme offers a high level of language within the options system. mentoring and support within an appropriately reduced timetable. The faculty prepares pupils for the AQA syllabus at GCSE and A-level. Over the past Accommodation in a shared staff house may three years, average GCSE pass rates were be available. A trainee would be expected to 54% A*/A in French and 63% A*/A in Spanish, complete the University of Buckingham with A-level pass rates over the same period PGCE with QTS in the first year of their of 82% A*-B in French and 88% A*-B in appointment and to undergo the IStip NQT Spanish. With smaller pupil numbers, German induction programme in their second year. has maintained average pass rates of 72% A*/ All training and qualification costs would be A at GCSE and 67% A*-B at A-level over the met by the School. We would expect the last three years. appointment to be permanent, subject to the post-holder successfully completing the We have a number of bilingual pupils who are School’s standard probation period, their supported to take public examinations in their PGCE and their NQT year. ‘home’ language. The Modern Languages Faculty organises a range of trips, work experience programmes and study visits to European countries, including trips to San Sebastian, Madrid and Montpellier.
PASTORAL AND CO-CURRICULAR CONTRIBUTION The successful candidate will be expected to play a full part in the broader life of the School. This will include responsibility for a tutor group, reporting to a day or boarding Housemaster/ mistress as appropriate. The successful candidate will contribute to the School programme of games and/or activities. This will involve participation during the five-day week as well as working in the region of eight Saturday mornings or afternoons per academic year; assisting with the boarders’ programme on Friday evenings or Sundays is also possible as an alternative to the Saturday commitment.
PERSON SPECIFICATION As the successful candidate, you will be able to demonstrate the following: > A strong academic background, with at least a > Thorough knowledge of the subject and good honours degree in Modern Languages or an interest in current developments a related discipline and, depending on > Ability to use a variety of teaching experience, a PGCE or equivalent and learning styles > Awareness, understanding and, ideally, experience of issues relating to safeguarding > Ability to convey infectious enthusiasm for the subject the health, welfare and safety of children > Experience in the use of ICT to support the > High personal and professional standards teaching of Modern Languages > Positive working relationships with colleagues > Ability to form and maintain appropriate and the ability to work as a member of a team relationships and personal boundaries with > Excellent time management and children and young people organisational skills > Ability to manage practical classes effectively > Ability to take responsibility and to and safely show initiative > Motivation to work with children and > Ability to take the lead in developing new young people teaching and learning strategies > Positive attitude to managing behaviour in the classroom
EXPECTATIONS OF A CLASSROOM TEACHER > To teach to the syllabus prescribed by the > To keep classrooms, laboratories and Head of Department, using the scheme of equipment used in good order and to report work drawn up for the department and to any damage/faults, etc., to the appropriate prepare pupils for tests and examinations, person (usually the Head of Department). using revision programmes, past examination > To contribute to the overall work of the papers etc as appropriate. department e.g. drawing up schemes > To plan and prepare work as appropriate. of work, setting examination papers, participating in field trips or exchange visits, > To maintain records of work covered for covering classes for absent colleagues as each set taught. directed by the Head of Department or > To set prep on a regular basis, following the by the Head. School’s prep timetable in the Lower School > In the case of absence, to notify the and according to the Head of Department’s Head of Department and the Deputy Head guidelines in the Sixth Form. (Academic) and to set work for classes > To mark pupils’ work regularly and to keep a needing to be covered whenever possible. record of each pupil’s marks in a mark book. > To attend all staff meetings called by the > To monitor pupils’ attendance at lessons Head and parents’ meetings of all year and to follow up absences in writing with groups taught. the appropriate Housemaster/mistress. > To keep abreast of developments in his/her > To provide a written report on each pupil at subject area and to support the department’s half term (on internal report card) and at the contribution to the relevant targets of the end of each term (full reports). School Development Plan by attending appropriate INSET and other courses.
HOW TO APPLY If you would like to apply for this role, please The Mill Hill School Foundation and its staff 1 download the application form from the are committed to safeguarding the welfare School website. Our Guidance Notes for of children. The School is registered with Applicants can also be found on the website. the DBS and successful applicants will be required to complete successfully the Disclosure procedure at the Enhanced View Online Page level. It is an offence for any person barred from working with children to apply for this post. Your application form should be completed in 2 full and returned to The Mill Hill School Foundation is applications@millhill.org.uk by 9.00am on committed to Equal Opportunities and Tuesday 26 February 2019. Please note that welcomes applications from all sections of we are unable to accept applications unless the community. they are made on our own application form. Due to the large number of applications the School receives, please be aware that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted to be invited for an interview. Should you require any further 3 assistance, please contact us via email applications@millhill.org.uk
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