Marian Catholic School - PRINCIPAL'S REFLECTION

Page created by Gordon Williams
Marian Catholic School - PRINCIPAL'S REFLECTION
Marian Catholic School | |             07 856 7515 |

 Newsletter 9, Term 2                                                                 Date 26 June 2019
  June 2019
  November 2018
  Focus for the Week                                         Maori Phrase for Week

   The Body and Blood of Christ                              He aroha whakatō, he aroha puta mai.
  Luke 9: 11-17                                              If kindness is sown, then kindness you shall receive
  On Sunday we celebrated the Feast of Corpus Christi or
  the Body and Blood of Christ. The Church is often
                                                            Marian      Catholic School
                                                             PRINCIPAL’S REFLECTION
  referred to as the Body of Christ. Jesus comes to us in
  the meal of the Eucharist. Through the body and blood      Matariki at Marian- Celebration Day
  of Jesus, we have the sign of God’s presence within us.
  Without this communion, we are divided, homeless and
  without eternal life. Through this communion we are
  made one and have the life that will go on forever and
  we are strengthened until Jesus comes again.

  Charism Focus
  Our Charism focus for this term is LIVE FAITH. We
  celebrated Corpus Christi on Sunday - The Body and
  Blood of Christ. An important part of our faith and        Matariki is a significant time to celebrate, to plan for
  belief is that we recognise the real presence of Jesus     the future and to reflect on the past. As the family of
  when we receive communion.                                 Matariki rise above the early morning horizon, they
                                                             remind us of our families. We are grateful for all the
  But how do we share the love of Jesus that we receive,     people who have come before us and for people that
  as we go through our day? Jesus wants God’s love to        have nurtured and inspired us. We think about the
  be shown through us, to people we meet and spend           different strengths different family members bring and
  time with.                                                 how we can contribute with our own unique qualities.
                                                             Matariki hunga, Matariki ahunga nui. Matariki has
   Our school motto is To bring Christ into the World.       many admirers, Matariki brings us together.
  To bring Christ into the world means to bring love.        To celebrate Matariki at Marian, our senior students
  Pope Francis wants us all to reflect on what love we       hosted LC1 and 2. The students were involved in
  bring to others:                                           learning songs, games, working on artwork and eating
  So what does this mean to us at Marian School?             fry bread with jam. Students were invited to bring a kite
  We need for people to recognise that the students and      to fly on the senior field. During lunch, all other Marian
  staff at Marian school are followers of Christ … We        students were invited to celebrate Matariki by
  need to pass on the love that we receive and share that    participating in the planned activities. A HUGE thank
  love in our actions and words. To be the hands, face       you to Mr Jordan and these senior students.
  and voice of Jesus in our world.

Empowered to Learn. Inspired for Life.

1 | Term 2 No 9 | 2019
Marian Catholic School - PRINCIPAL'S REFLECTION
D.R.S. Corner
                                                             Parish /School Mass
                                                             Last Sunday LC5 (Years 7 and 8) were actively involved
                                                             in the 10.30am Sunday Parish /School Mass, taking on
                                                             the roles of serving, welcoming, reading, singing and
                                                             music liturgy at Mass. It was wonderful to see the great
                                                             number of students and their families in attendance.
                                                             Well done to all those involved, a great parish and
                                                             school celebration.

                                                             School Masses -Term 2
                                                             4th July: Next Thursday 4th July we have our final
                                                             Mass for the term. The Mass is at the usual time of
                                                             9.10am. You are all very welcome to attend.

                                                             Upcoming Masses: Term 3
  Board of Trustees                                          25th July: Grandparents Day MASS. Week 1 next
  On Monday we had our first Board meeting with our          term.
  new board. We welcome Matt Iremonger, Bart                 15th August: The Assumption
  Karralus, Rowena Moore, Angus MacKenzie, Cath Ellice       26th September: End of Term 3 Mass
  and Nerroly Hay (Deputy Chair) as our Parent elected
  representatives. These elected representatives join our    Faith Insights
  Proprietor     Representatives,      Wayne        Bates    WEEK 9 24th – 28th June
  (Chairperson), Malcolm Barr, Sue O’Brien (Treasurer)       24th The Birthday of Saint John the Baptist
  and Andrea Savage and together with Nicole Higby           28th The Sacred Heart of Jesus
  our Staff Representative and myself make up our            29th Saints Peter and Paul, apostles
  board. Our Bursar, Jeanette Stephens is our Minute
  Secretary.                                                 John the Baptist -the cousin of Jesus
  On behalf of our school community I would like to          -John was about 6 months older than Jesus, and he was
  acknowledge the huge contribution our previous             the one who baptised Jesus.
  board members have made to our school. We farewell         John's father was Zachariah and his mother was
  Baden Hilton who has served for five terms, Stu            Elizabeth. They were both faithful to God.
  McIntyre, two terms, Darin Fong two terms, Chris Rollitt   The story of John the Baptist follows:
  and Sean Botherway both completed one term. On   
  Thursday 4 July we will farewell these members at our      john-baptizer.html
  End of Term Two whole school mass. Parents are most
  welcome to join us for this mass.                          Gold Card Assembly
  Open Morning for our Year 7-8 area.                        This Assembly will take place in the Cathedral
  This morning we had an excellent Open Morning for          tomorrow (27th June) at 1:30pm
  our year 7-8 Intermediate department. Our Year 6           Gold Card awards are sponsored by Emma Taylor from
  students will bring a Year 7-8 prospectus home today.      Lodge.
  If you have any queries about our Intermediate
  department please do not hesitate to make an
  appointment to see me.

  Ngā mihi nui
  Debra White

Empowered to Learn. Inspired for Life.

2 | Term 2 | No 9 2019
Marian Catholic School - PRINCIPAL'S REFLECTION
Enrolments for Sacred Heart Girl’s College              Oxford Pies
                                                          Orders will be delivered Tuesday 2nd
  YEAR 8 GIRLS: Enrolments for Sacred Heart Girls'        July .
  College Hamilton are open now and our Year 8 girls      A big thank you to everyone. We sold
  and their families are encouraged to enrol now. The     929 pies and 44 lamingtons.
  SHGC       website     has     a     clear   section    A profit of $1437.50
  students/domestic-enrolment/enrolment-                  Help wanted - Mitre 10 Sausage sizzle
  procedure/) on how to enrol but if you would like       Sunday 30 June The PTFA will be holding a sausage
  additional support with this, please pop into school    sizzle at Te Rapa Mitre 10, please come and support
  and Mrs Asumadu can support.                            this. If you can help cook for an hour (fun to get your
                                                          kids involved) or can donate a loaf of bread or a
  School Photos                                           bottle of tomato sauce please please drop into the
                                                          school office by Friday 28/06. All proceeds will be
  Flyers were sent home last week. If                     going towards our new shade sails for the middle
  you did not receive one, please pick                    playground.
  up a spare from the school office.                      Friday 23rd August. Quiz night and auction. Thanks
  Sibling photo registrations are also                    to those that have started to donate auction items
  available at the school office.                         and spot prizes - we appreciate the support. TICKETS
                                                          ON SALE SOON.
                                                          If you are able to provide any spot prizes or auction
  Marist Football Photos
                                                          items e.g. weekend at a bach, fishing trip, sports
  This coming Monday, 1 July in the GSEC                  coaching/lesson, vouchers, mechanical repairs,
  Coaches will be in touch with teams regarding photo     cooking lessons etc please contact
  time. Alternatively, you can check the website to see
  the programme.
  Please bring cash on the night.                         Entertainment Book: Get ready for the school
  NO EFTPOS available.                                    holidays and purchase your copy today. $65.00 each
  Children are to wear their Marist shorts, shirts and    from either the school office or on-line.
  socks. NO BOOTS.                              
                                                          Lots of family fun and eateries to enjoy. Check out
                                                          prizes and extras in celebration of their 25th birthday.
  Old Mobile Phones needed
  A big thank you to Marian Catholic School for their
  ongoing support with the Sustainable Coastlines
  Mobile Phone Appeal.

  Just a quick reminder to send in all unwanted
  phones to the school office by the end of term.

 Thank you from the Swapkit Mobile Phone Recycling
 Appeal Team

  PTFA Notices
  PTFA Fundraising Goal
  We are currently fundraising for shade sails in the
  middle school playground. Help keep our kids sun        Dates to Remember
  by supporting the PTFA.                                  26 June             Cultural Assembly – 1:30pm
                                                           27 June             Gold Card Assembly – 1:30pm

Empowered to Learn. Inspired for Life.

3 | Term 2 | No 9 2019
Marian Catholic School - PRINCIPAL'S REFLECTION
1 July                The Big Gig -Lunchtime concert   Saturday 29 June
   I July                Marist Football photos           Marian All Stars vs @ 12.15pm @ GHC2HC
                                                          Marian Rebels vs Glenview All Rounders @ 11.15pm
   2 July                Pies arrive                      @ St Pauls HA
   3 July                Epro8 Yr 7-8 @ Maeroa 5pm        Marian Strikers vs St Ham East Falcons @ 10.00am @
   4 July                Epro8 Yr 5-6 @ Maeroa 9am        GHC1QB
                                                          Marian Thunder vs Te Totara Strikers @ 8.30am @
   5 July                Last day of Term
                                                          GHC1RB01 (Skill Session @ 8.00am)
   22 July               Term 3 begins
   24 July               School Photos                    Junior draws are available at
   25 July               Grandparents Day       
                         Scholastic Book Fair             Hockey-1
   7 August              Sport Photos

  This Week’s Health Nugget                               Wednesday 26 June
                                                          Marian Ferns vs Rototuna Stars @
                                                          4pm on Crt 1A

                                                          Thursday 27 June
                                                          Marian Pulse vs HNS Hot Shots @ 5.30pm on Crt 1
                                                          Marian Mystics vs Deanwell Lighting @ 5.30pm on Crt
                                                          Marian Stars vs Rotoruna Flames @ 4pm on Crt 7

                                                          Saturday 29 June
                                                          Saints United 8A vs Morrinsville Int 8A @ 9.30am on
                                                          Crt 13
                                                          Saints United 8B vs RHS 8A @ 9.30am on Crt 15
                                                          Saints United Red vs Rotokauri Eagles @ 9.30am on
                                                          Crt 8
  Sausage Sizzle this week                                Saints United 7A vs Morrinsville Int 7A @ 8.30am on
                                                          Crt 12
  This Friday - $2.00 per sausage.                        Saints United 7B vs RHS7 Steel @ 8.30am on Crt 10
                                                          Saints United Gold - BYE

                     Sport Notices                        Tuesday 2 July
                                                          Marian Magic vs St Joseph Y3 @ 4pm on Crt 5
                                                          Marian Tactix vs Frankton Stormers @ 5.15pm @ Crt 1
    Marian Catholic School Sports Notice
         Wednesday 26 June 2019                           All netball draws can be found at

  Friday 28 June                                                             BASKETBALL
  Saints United 1st XI vs Berkley NMS @
  4.30pm @ GHC1                                                                               Brought to you by
  Saints United 2nd XI vs RHS Orange @                    Wednesday 26 June
  4.30pm @ Dio                                            Marian Eagles vs Insoll
  Saints United 3rd XI vs Southwell Yellow @ 4.30pm @     Ballers 3/4 @ 6.30pm @
  Fraser                                                  YMCA Ct2
                                                          Marian Hawks vs Deanwell
  Intermediate draws are available at                     Cavs @ 7.00pm @ YMCA Ct2

Empowered to Learn. Inspired for Life.

4 | Term 2 | No 9 2019
Marian Catholic School - PRINCIPAL'S REFLECTION
Thursday 27 June
  Marian Tuis vs Knighton Lakers @ 4.30pm @ YMCA
  Marian Wekas vs Glenview Grizzlies @ 4.30pm @
  YMCA Ct2

  Friday 28 June
  Marian Ospreys - Draw not available at
  time of publishing

  Melissa Nelson

Empowered to Learn. Inspired for Life.

5 | Term 2 | No 9 2019
Marian Catholic School - PRINCIPAL'S REFLECTION
Empowered to Learn. Inspired for Life.
Marian Catholic School - PRINCIPAL'S REFLECTION Marian Catholic School - PRINCIPAL'S REFLECTION Marian Catholic School - PRINCIPAL'S REFLECTION Marian Catholic School - PRINCIPAL'S REFLECTION
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