Impacted Consumer Attitudes About the Environment - How the COVID-19 Pandemic has

Page created by Ernest Barnes
How the COVID-19 Pandemic has
Impacted Consumer
Attitudes About
the Environment
Introduction                       4    Consumers are now placing          13
                                        more importance on spending
Globally, 58% of consumers said    5    time with their loved ones, with
they are now more mindful of            34% mentioning this in their
their impact on the environment         top three behaviour changes
since COVID-19                          since COVID

On average, 85% said they’re       6    1 in 3 (31%) expecting the         14
willing to take personal action         wellbeing of staff to be in the
to combat environmental and             top three key focus areasfor
sustainability challenges               companies moving forward
in 2021
                                        A third (32%) of those who         16
More than half place more          7    have changed their opinion on
importance on reducing their            environmental and sustainability
carbon footprint than they              issues across the globe stated
had pre-pandemic                        that increased news coverage
                                        had educated them on
Out of those of who stated         8    environmental issues
environmental and sustainability
issues were now more                    Globally, 30% of consumers         17
important, 42% revealed                 admit seeing climate change
that seeing discarded PPE               showcased across social media
was a reason for this change            posts from influential people
in opinion
                                        50% of those surveyed across       18
Consumers are now adopting         9    the globe said television was
new personal eco-friendly               the key medium showcasing
behaviors such as recycling             environmental topics
more (41%)
                                        A quarter (25%) of                 19
Consumers are now adopting         10   consumers want to educate
new personal eco-friendly               themselves further on
behaviors such as being more            environmental issues
aware of purchases (42%)
                                        35% of consumers stated            21
Consumers have also placed         11   that the increase of single-
greater emphasis on building            use plastics was a factor
habits that contribute to their         in encouraging better
own overall health                      environmental decisions

Consumers are now placing          12   Of those that have changed         22
more importance on enjoying             their opinion of the environment
life, with more than 1 in 3             and sustainability, 44% admit to
wanting to spend time enjoying          having more time to think about
nature (37%)                            environmental impact
Nearly a quarter of the globe         24   Companies and brands are          34
surveyed want to adopt a more              now expected to act with
environmentally friendly diet              greater purpose
                                           37% of consumers expect           35
Exercising and enjoying               25   companies to focus on waste
wellbeing activities has become            reduction i.e., food waste and
a key focus across the globe               reducing water and energy
with 1 in 3 taking more active             consumption) in their top three
steps to lead a healthier lifestyle        issues to tackle
for the first time since the start
of the pandemic                            On average 31% across the         36
                                           globe revealed that companies
The pandemic has undoubtedly          27   should be more conscious of
driven a more conscious                    their employees health and
consumer, with almost 3 in                 wellbeing when focused on the
5 (58%) globally now more                  top three issues
aware of their impact on the
environment compared                       Consumers now have                37
to pre-pandemic                            increased expectations of
                                           companies to act with greater
Globally consumers feel it has        28   purpose and placing increased
become a lot more important                value (35%) on brands that
to reduce their carbon footprint           make ethical choices
with over half (54%) feeling it is
now more important to reduce               24% of consumers are likely       38
their impact on the environment            to stop shopping from brands
                                           with no sustainability plans
Enjoying life to the fullest is       30   for the future
one of the top three effects
of COVID-19, with more than
a third (35%) globally placing
more importance on
enjoying life

The pandemic has                      31
fostered better local
community connections

34% of respondents who feel           32
environmental issues are more
important now compared to
before stated that the pandemic
has helped people to feel
more connected to their local
community and would therefore
like to shop locally more

                    While the trend toward more conscious consumption has
                    accelerated over the last decade, changes in global attitudes
                    and actions have increased more rapidly as a direct result of the
                    COVID-19 pandemic.

                    Mastercard has conducted global                                                     since COVID-19 (1), and 85% said
                    research among consumers in 24                                                      they’re willing to take personal
                    countries to investigate changing                                                   action to combat environmental and
                    attitudes toward the environment,                                                   sustainability challenges in 2021 (2).
                    particularly since the start of the                                                 More than half (54%) place more
                    pandemic. The research looks at                                                     importance on reducing their carbon
                    actions people are willing to take to                                               footprint than they had pre-pandemic
                    help preserve the environment, what is                                              (3). This increase in awareness of
                    driving changes in their outlook, as well                                           environmental challenges and climate
                    as their expectations about the role                                                change is likely driven by consumers
                    brands should play in creating a more                                               having more time to think about the
                    sustainable future.                                                                 effect they have on the planet during
                                                                                                        period of reduced travel during
                    The study revealed that almost three                                                lockdown and a rise of sustainability-
                    in five (58%) are now more mindful                                                  focused social media content
                    of their impact on the environment                                                  and documentaries.

                                                                                 of consumers who’ve become
                                                                                 more sustainably aware, seeing
                                                                                 discarded PPE was a reason for
                                                                                 this change in opinion.

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    Globally, 58% said they are now
                    more mindful of their impact on
                    the environment since COVID-19

                    Figure 1:

                          Australia                                                                                      57%
                             Austria                                                                                   55%
                            Belgium                                                                         44%
                                Brazil                                                                                                            85%
                            Canada                                                                                     54%
                         Colombia                                                                                                                        93%
                              France                                                                             47%
                          Germany                                                                          41%
                              Greece                                                                                                 70%
                                 India                                                                                                      78%
                                  Italy                                                                                56%
                               Japan                                                                       41%
                               Kenya                                                                                                                     94%
                              Mexico                                                                                                               85%
                   Netherlands                                                                             41%
                              Poland                                                                                           64%
                           Portugal                                                                                                        76%
                               Russia                                                                              51%
                               Spain                                                                                         60%
                            Sweden                                                                         40%
                               Turkey                                                                                                              86%
                                      UK                                                                     44%
                                   UAE                                                                                                            83%
                                   USA                                                                 40%

                                           0%                                   20%                  40%               60%                 80%            100%

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    On average, 85% said they’re
                    willing to take personal action
                    to combat environmental and
                    sustainability challenges in 2021

                    Figure 2:

                         Australia                                                                                             84%
                             Austria                                                                                            86%
                           Belgium                                                                                            81%
                                Brazil                                                                                                     96%
                           Canada                                                                                              84%
                        Colombia                                                                                                            98%
                              France                                                                                           83%
                         Germany                                                                                       73%
                             Greece                                                                                                     95%
                                India                                                                                                   95%
                                  Italy                                                                                                 95%
                               Japan                                                                                    77%
                              Kenya                                                                                                          98%
                              Mexico                                                                                                    95%
                   Netherlands                                                                                           78%
                              Poland                                                                                                  92%
                          Portugal                                                                                                      95%
                              Russia                                                                                            85%
                               Spain                                                                                                 90%
                           Sweden                                                                                       76%
                               Turkey                                                                                                 93%
                                     UK                                                                                 76%
                                  UAE                                                                                                      96%
                                   USA                                                                           68%
                                           0%                                   20%                  40%   60%          80%                100%

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    More than half place more
                    importance on reducing their
                    carbon footprint than they
                    had pre-pandemic

                    Figure 3:

                         Australia                                                                                  53%
                             Austria                                                                                53%
                           Belgium                                                                    38%
                                Brazil                                                                                                    75%
                           Canada                                                                                 49%
                        Colombia                                                                                                                83%
                              France                                                                   40%
                         Germany                                                                      38%
                             Greece                                                                                                 70%
                                India                                                                                                      78%
                                  Italy                                                                                       64%
                               Japan                                                                 37%
                              Kenya                                                                                                              84%
                              Mexico                                                                                                 72%
                   Netherlands                                                                        38%
                              Poland                                                                                54%
                          Portugal                                                                                                        75%
                              Russia                                                                   40%
                               Spain                                                                                    56%
                           Sweden                                                                    37%
                               Turkey                                                                                                 74%
                                     UK                                                                     43%
                                  UAE                                                                                                72%
                                   USA                                                                 39%
                                           0%                                   20%                  40%                60%               80%          100%

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    Out of those of who stated
                    environmental and sustainability issues
                    were now more important, 42% revealed
                    that seeing discarded PPE was a reason
                    for this change in opinion

                    Figure 4:

                         Australia                                                                   34%
                             Austria                                                                   37%
                           Belgium                                                                   34%
                               Brazil                                                                      40%
                           Canada                                                                                47%
                        Colombia                                                                                  48%
                             France                                                    24%
                         Germany                                                                      35%
                             Greece                                                                                50%
                                India                                                                33%
                                 Italy                                                                           46%
                              Japan                                                                        39%
                              Kenya                                                                                    52%
                             Mexico                                                                              45%
                    Netherlands                                                                        38%
                             Poland                                                                                51%
                          Portugal                                                                                 51%
                              Russia                                                                                           61%
                              Spain                                                                          44%
                           Sweden                                               19%
                              Turkey                                                                       39%
                                    UK                                                                                  55%
                                  UAE                                                                      39%
                                  USA                                                                 36%
                                         0%                                20%                        40%                60%         80%   100%

                    With the rise in awareness of environmental challenges, consumers are now adopting
                    new personal eco-friendly behaviors which include recycling more (41%) (5) and being
                    more aware of purchases (42%) (6). Consumers have also placed greater emphasis
                    on building habits that contribute to their own overall health, with over a third (35%)
                    globally wanting to take part in activities that improve their wellbeing such as eating
                    more healthy and exercising (7).

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    Consumers are now adopting
                    new personal eco-friendly
                    behaviors such as recycling
                    more (41%)

                    Figure 5:

                          Australia                                                                                    45%
                              Austria                                                                      33%
                            Belgium                                                                          36%
                                 Brazil                                                                                       55%
                            Canada                                                                                     45%
                         Colombia                                                                                                          72%
                              France                                                                             39%
                          Germany                                                             23%
                              Greece                                                                                               58%
                                 India                                                                             41%
                                  Italy                                                                                      52%
                               Japan                                                                 27%
                               Kenya                                                                                         53%
                              Mexico                                                                                                 62%
                    Netherlands                                                                       30%
                              Poland                                                                               41%
                           Portugal                                                                                            57%
                               Russia                                                                      34%
                               Spain                                                                                         53%
                            Sweden                                                                    30%
                               Turkey                                                                             40%
                                      UK                                                                     36%
                                   UAE                                                                           38%
                                   USA                                                                29%
                                            0%                                  20%                          40%               60%           80%   100%

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    Consumers are now adopting
                    new personal eco-friendly
                    behaviors such as being more
                    aware of purchases (42%)

                    Figure 6:

                          Australia                                                                              42%
                              Austria                                                                                  48%
                            Belgium                                                                          39%
                                 Brazil                                                                                        58%
                            Canada                                                                                     47%
                         Colombia                                                                                             56%
                              France                                                                        38%
                          Germany                                                                     32%
                              Greece                                                                                            59%
                                 India                                                                           41%
                                  Italy                                                                            45%
                               Japan                                                                        38%
                               Kenya                                                                                    49%
                              Mexico                                                                                   47%
                    Netherlands                                                                       33%
                              Poland                                                                                     51%
                           Portugal                                                                                           55%
                               Russia                                                                            42%
                               Spain                                                                             42%
                            Sweden                                                                   30%
                               Turkey                                                                                   49%
                                      UK                                                                   35%
                                   UAE                                                                             45%
                                   USA                                                                32%
                                            0%                                  20%                        40%                60%     80%   100%

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    Consumers have also placed
                    greater emphasis on building
                    habits that contribute to their
                    own overall health
                    With over a third (35%) globally wanting to take part in activities that improve
                    their wellbeing such as eating healthier and exercising, when asked to choose
                    their top three.
                    Figure 7:

                         Australia                                                              30%
                            Austria                                                              31%
                           Belgium                                                              30%
                               Brazil                                                                              51%
                           Canada                                                                    33%
                        Colombia                                                                                   51%
                             France                                                          28%
                         Germany                                                             28%
                             Greece                                                                         42%
                               India                                                                   38%
                                Italy                                                                      39%
                              Japan                                                                        40%
                             Kenya                                                                                   57%
                             Mexico                                                                                  55%
                    Netherlands                                                               29%
                             Poland                                                                   37%
                          Portugal                                                                     37%
                              Russia                                                                 33%
                               Spain                                                                    39%
                           Sweden                                                       25%
                              Turkey                                                                        41%
                                    UK                                                       28%
                                 UAE                                                                         43%
                                 USA                                                   25%
                                         0%                              20%                          40%            60%   80%   100%

                Alongside improving their health, three of the top effects that the pandemic has had on
                theworld is consumers are now placing more importance on enjoying life. Separately, more
                than 1 in 3 wanting to spend time enjoying nature (37%) (8)

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    Consumers are now placing more
                    importance on enjoying life, with
                    more than 1 in 3 wanting to
                    spend time enjoying nature (37%)

                    Figure 8:

                          Australia                                                                         34%
                             Austria                                                                                     47%
                            Belgium                                                                          36%
                                 Brazil                                                                                         56%
                            Canada                                                                                 41%
                         Colombia                                                                                         50%
                              France                                                                               41%
                          Germany                                                                          32%
                              Greece                                                                                            56%
                                 India                                                                28%
                                  Italy                                                                            42%
                               Japan                                        14%
                               Kenya                                                                         36%
                              Mexico                                                                         37%
                    Netherlands                                                                      27%
                              Poland                                                                              40%
                           Portugal                                                                                             56%
                               Russia                                                                               43%
                               Spain                                                                             38%
                            Sweden                                                                          34%
                               Turkey                                                                             39%
                                      UK                                                                    34%
                                   UAE                                                         24%
                                   USA                                                               26%
                                           0%                                   20%                          40%                60%   80%   100%

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    Consumers are now placing more
                    importance on spending time
                    with their loved ones with 34%
                    mentioning this in their top three
                    behaviour changes since COVID
                    Figure 9:

                          Australia                                                                   31%
                              Austria                                                                      35%
                            Belgium                                                                        35%
                                 Brazil                                                                                47%
                            Canada                                                                         33%
                         Colombia                                                                            38%
                              France                                                                       34%
                          Germany                                                                     31%
                              Greece                                                                                   48%
                                 India                                                          24%
                                  Italy                                                              28%
                               Japan                                                                  30%
                               Kenya                                                                 28%
                              Mexico                                                                             39%
                    Netherlands                                                                      28%
                              Poland                                                                   32%
                           Portugal                                                                                43%
                               Russia                                                                                  47%
                               Spain                                                                               44%
                            Sweden                                                                         35%
                               Turkey                                                                28%
                                      UK                                                                   34%
                                   UAE                                                                30%
                                   USA                                                                30%
                                            0%                                   20%                        40%              60%   80%   100%

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    1 in 3 (31%) expecting the
                    wellbeing of staff to be in the
                    top three key focus areas for
                    companies moving forward

                    Figure 10:

                          Australia                                                                          35%
                             Austria                                                                 26%
                            Belgium                                                                        31%
                                 Brazil                                                                     33%
                            Canada                                                                               36%
                         Colombia                                                                          31%
                              France                                                                        33%
                          Germany                                                              24%
                              Greece                                                                  28%
                                 India                                                                 30%
                                  Italy                                                                    31%
                               Japan                                                           24%
                               Kenya                                                                                     48%
                              Mexico                                                                       32%
                    Netherlands                                                                      25%
                              Poland                                                                 25%
                           Portugal                                                                  26%
                               Russia                                                                26%
                               Spain                                                                       31%
                            Sweden                                                                     30%
                               Turkey                                                                      32%
                                      UK                                                                         37%
                                   UAE                                                                             41%
                                   USA                                                                      33%
                                            0%                                  20%                          40%               60%   80%   100%

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    Digital media appears
                    to have played a pivotal
                    role in educating
                    consumers about
                    climate change and
                    environmental issues




All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    A third (32%) of those who have changed
                    their opinion on environmental and
                    sustainability issues across the globe
                    stated that increased news coverage had
                    educated them on environmental issues
                    This was particularly prevalent with the 55+ age group where over half (56%)
                    had seen these topics on TV compared to Gen Z at 43%.

                    Figure 11:

                          Australia                                                                    32%
                             Austria                                                     21%
                            Belgium                                                         22%
                                 Brazil                                                                    34%
                            Canada                                                                     31%
                         Colombia                                                                                       50%
                              France                                                  19%
                          Germany                                                                    27%
                              Greece                                                                   31%
                                 India                                                                      35%
                                  Italy                                                              28%
                               Japan                                                                              41%
                               Kenya                                                                                    49%
                              Mexico                                                                              41%
                    Netherlands                                                      19%
                              Poland                                                                       33%
                           Portugal                                                                  27%
                               Russia                                                                27%
                               Spain                                                                          38%
                            Sweden                                                                     31%
                               Turkey                                                                        36%
                                      UK                                                         25%
                                   UAE                                                                     34%
                                   USA                                                                      35%
                                            0%                                  20%                          40%              60%   80%   100%

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    Globally, 30% of consumers
                    admit seeing climate change
                    showcased across social media
                    posts from influential people

                    Figure 12:

                          Australia                                                                    36%
                             Austria                                                     24%
                           Belgium                                               19%
                                Brazil                                                                     36%
                           Canada                                                                    31%
                        Colombia                                                                                       53%
                              France                                                    23%
                         Germany                                        14%
                             Greece                                                                   33%
                                India                                                                                  51%
                                 Italy                                                               32%
                               Japan                                      15%
                              Kenya                                                                                            63%
                             Mexico                                                                              44%
                    Netherlands                                              17%
                             Poland                                           17%
                          Portugal                                                                         37%
                              Russia                                                        25%
                               Spain                                                                   35%
                           Sweden                                                   21%
                              Turkey                                                                 33%
                                     UK                                                   24%
                                  UAE                                                                                   54%
                                  USA                                                           28%
                                          0%                                20%                        40%               60%         80%   100%

                    Social media has increased Gen Z’s awareness of environmental issues by 43%
                    compared to the 55+ age group at 21%. Notably in Kenya, social media has been a
                    hugely impactful channel, with over 3 in 5 (63%) seeing environmental issues showcased
                    as a topic, followed by United Arab Emirates (54%) and Colombia (53%) who also saw
                    increased coverage of environmental topics (12).

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    50% of those surveyed across
                    the globe said television was
                    the key medium showcasing
                    environmental topics

                    Figure 13:

                          Australia                                                                         42%
                             Austria                                                                                      58%
                           Belgium                                                                               47%
                                Brazil                                                                                 53%
                           Canada                                                                           42%
                        Colombia                                                                                                     71%
                              France                                                                               50%
                         Germany                                                                                  48%
                             Greece                                                                              47%
                                India                                                                            46%
                                 Italy                                                                                       60%
                               Japan                                                                                    55%
                              Kenya                                                                                                68%
                             Mexico                                                                                      56%
                    Netherlands                                                                             43%
                             Poland                                                                          45%
                          Portugal                                                                                             63%
                              Russia                                                                         44%
                               Spain                                                                                    55%
                           Sweden                                                                          40%
                              Turkey                                                                                 54%
                                     UK                                                                           49%
                                  UAE                                                                        44%
                                  USA                                                                34%
                                          0%                                20%                       40%                60%               80%   100%

                    In Italy, television was the key medium showcasing environmental topics with half (50%)
                    of those surveyed noting an increase. In the UK, environmental documentaries such as
                    David Attenborough’s ‘A Perfect Planet’ were a key factor in educating consumers on
                    environmental issues, with climate activists such as Greta Thunberg encouraging one in
                    ten Brits to act (13).

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    A quarter (25%) of consumers
                    want to educate themselves
                    further on environmental issues
                    Figure 14:

                          Australia                                                     20%
                             Austria                                          15%
                            Belgium                                        13%
                                 Brazil                                                                          38%
                            Canada                                                     20%
                         Colombia                                                                                               60%
                              France                                                18%
                          Germany                                      11%
                              Greece                                                                       32%
                                 India                                                                            38%
                                  Italy                                                               28%
                               Japan                                                    20%
                               Kenya                                                                                          55%
                              Mexico                                                                                    44%
                    Netherlands                                           13%
                              Poland                                                                 26%
                           Portugal                                                                         34%
                               Russia                                                       22%
                               Spain                                                                 27%
                            Sweden                                    11%
                               Turkey                                                                      31%
                                      UK                                   14%
                                   UAE                                                                      34%
                                   USA                                              18%
                                            0%                                  20%                              40%          60%     80%   100%

                    Colombians significantly wanted to educate themselves with 3 in 5 (60%) wanting to
                    improve their learning followed by Kenya (55%) and Mexico (44%) (14).

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    Discarded PPE prompted
                    consumers to be more
                    sustainably aware

                                                                                                      The UK


                                                                                                     and Poland


All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    35% of consumers stated that
                    the increase of single-use plastics
                    was a factor in encouraging better
                    environmental decisions
                    Figure 16:

                          Australia                                                                          35%
                              Austria                                                                 28%
                            Belgium                                                                   29%
                                 Brazil                                                                     34%
                            Canada                                                                          35%
                         Colombia                                                                                              55%
                              France                                                           24%
                          Germany                                                                    26%
                              Greece                                                                                   44%
                                 India                                                                                   47%
                                  Italy                                                                           39%
                               Japan                                                                       32%
                               Kenya                                                                                           55%
                              Mexico                                                                                    46%
                    Netherlands                                                                        30%
                              Poland                                                                                         51%
                           Portugal                                                                              37%
                               Russia                                                                            37%
                               Spain                                                                               42%
                            Sweden                                                17%
                               Turkey                                                                              41%
                                      UK                                                                    33%
                                   UAE                                                                                 44%
                                   USA                                                               25%
                                            0%                                  20%                          40%                   60%   80%   100%

                  For the consumers who’ve become more sustainably aware, seeing discarded PPE was a
                  reason for this change in opinion. Most notably in Kenya and Colombia where over half of
                  the nation (55%) were encouraged to act more sustainably because of seeing the likes of
                  single-use takeaway packaging and disposable gloves, followed by Mexico (46%) (16).

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    Of those that have changed their
                    opinion of the environment and
                    sustainability, 44% admit to
                    having more time to think about
                    environmental impact
                    Figure 17:

                          Australia                                                                               44%
                             Austria                                                                   34%
                           Belgium                                                                         37%
                                Brazil                                                                                         58%
                            Canada                                                                          38%
                         Colombia                                                                                                    72%
                              France                                                                       37%
                         Germany                                                                      32%
                             Greece                                                                                    49%
                                India                                                                              47%
                                  Italy                                                                           44%
                               Japan                                                                        38%
                              Kenya                                                                                           56%
                              Mexico                                                                                     52%
                    Netherlands                                                                      29%
                              Poland                                                                                   49%
                          Portugal                                                                                        54%
                               Russia                                                                      37%
                               Spain                                                                                    50%
                            Sweden                                                                     34%
                               Turkey                                                                            43%
                                     UK                                                                    37%
                                  UAE                                                                        40%
                                  USA                                                                        40%
                                          0%                                 20%                           40%                60%      80%   100%

                    Consumers have had more time to make better environmental choices. Having more time to
                    think about environmental impact is one of the top reasons highlighting how the pandemic
                    has shifted behaviors, with 44% admitting this has been a pivotal factor. Almost 3 in 4
                    Colombians (72%) agreed that the extra time (due to reduced travel, lockdowns, etc) had
                    supported them thinking more about their environmental impact with 1 in 2 of those in
                    Spain also admitting the same (17).

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    The pandemic has
                    led to consumers
                    wanting to develop
                    more sustainable
                    and healthier habits
                    and behaviors

                                                                    Poland                           Portugal   Canada
                                                                     37%                               35%       34%

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    Nearly a quarter of the globe
                    surveyed want to adopt a more
                    environmentally friendly diet (24%)
                    Figure 19:

                          Australia                                                          23%
                             Austria                                                                       32%
                           Belgium                                                        21%
                                Brazil                                                                      34%
                            Canada                                                          22%
                        Colombia                                                                      28%
                              France                                                         23%
                         Germany                                                                     27%
                              Greece                                                                 25%
                                 India                                                                28%
                                  Italy                                                              27%
                               Japan                           7%
                              Kenya                                                                        33%
                              Mexico                                                        22%
                   Netherlands                                                                   25%
                              Poland                                                                       32%
                          Portugal                                                                               38%
                               Russia                                         15%
                               Spain                                                  19%
                            Sweden                                                  18%
                               Turkey                                         15%
                                      UK                                                    3722
                                   UAE                                                               27%
                                   USA                                             17%
                                           0%                                   20%                          40%       60%   80%   100%

                  Purchasing less in general was a top three environmentally friendly habit, with 10% more
                  women wanting to adopt this behavior compared to men. Top countries likely to reduce
                  their shopping: Poland (37%), Portugal (35%) and Canada (34%) (18).

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    Exercising and enjoying wellbeing
                    activities has become a key focus across
                    the globe with 1 in 3 taking more active
                    steps to lead a healthier lifestyle for the
                    first time since the start of the pandemic

                    Figure 20:

                          Australia                                                                  30%
                             Austria                                                                  31%
                           Belgium                                                                    30%
                                Brazil                                                                                   51%
                            Canada                                                                     33%
                         Colombia                                                                                        51%
                              France                                                                 28%
                         Germany                                                                     28%
                             Greece                                                                               42%
                                India                                                                        38%
                                 Italy                                                                        39%
                               Japan                                                                              40%
                              Kenya                                                                                            57%
                              Mexico                                                                                       55%
                    Netherlands                                                                      29%
                              Poland                                                                        37%
                          Portugal                                                                          37%
                              Russia                                                                   33%
                               Spain                                                                         39%
                           Sweden                                                            25%
                               Turkey                                                                             41%
                                     UK                                                              28%
                                  UAE                                                                              43%
                                  USA                                                        25%
                                          0%                                20%                             40%            60%       80%   100%

                    Consumers are now taking active steps to become healthier. Exercising and enjoying
                    wellbeing activities has become a key focus across the globe with 1 in 3 taking more active
                    steps to lead a healthier lifestyle. Improving wellbeing was particularly important for the
                    Kenyans where over half of their nation (57%) were actively supporting wellness in their lives
                    for the first time, followed by Mexico (55%) and Brazil (51%) (20).

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

Consumers are now
more conscious of their
environmental impact
and want to reduce their
carbon footprint

                        All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
               Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
                               The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    The pandemic has undoubtedly
                    driven a more conscious consumer,
                    with almost 3 in 5 (58%) globally
                    now more aware of their impact
                    on the environment compared
                    to pre-pandemic
                    Figure 21:

                         Australia                                                                                      57%
                            Austria                                                                                    55%
                           Belgium                                                                          44%
                               Brazil                                                                                                           85%
                           Canada                                                                                      54%
                        Colombia                                                                                                                      93%
                             France                                                                              47%
                         Germany                                                                           41%
                             Greece                                                                                                70%
                                India                                                                                                     78%
                                 Italy                                                                                  56%
                              Japan                                                                        41%
                              Kenya                                                                                                                   94%
                             Mexico                                                                                                             85%
                    Netherlands                                                                            41%
                             Poland                                                                                            64%
                          Portugal                                                                                                       76%
                              Russia                                                                               51%
                              Spain                                                                                          60%
                           Sweden                                                                      40%
                              Turkey                                                                                                            86%
                                    UK                                                                      44%
                                 UAE                                                                                                           83%
                                  USA                                                                  40%
                                         0%                               20%                        40%                60%              80%           100%

                  The top three most environmentally conscious countries were Kenya (94%), Turkey (86%)
                  and Brazil (85%) (21)

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    Globally consumers feel it has
                    become a lot more important to
                    reduce their carbon footprint with
                    over half (54%) feeling it is now
                    more important to reduce their
                    impact on the environment
                    Figure 22:

                         Australia                                                                                 53%
                            Austria                                                                                53%
                           Belgium                                                                    38%
                               Brazil                                                                                                75%
                           Canada                                                                                49%
                        Colombia                                                                                                            83%
                             France                                                                    40%
                         Germany                                                                      38%
                             Greece                                                                                                70%
                                India                                                                                                     78%
                                 Italy                                                                                       64%
                              Japan                                                                  37%
                             Kenya                                                                                                          84%
                             Mexico                                                                                                 72%
                    Netherlands                                                                       38%
                             Poland                                                                                54%
                          Portugal                                                                                                   75%
                              Russia                                                                       40%
                              Spain                                                                                    56%
                           Sweden                                                                    37%
                              Turkey                                                                                                74%
                                    UK                                                                      43%
                                 UAE                                                                                               72%
                                 USA                                                                   39%
                                         0%                               20%                        40%               60%           80%          100%

                  In Kenya (84%) of those surveyed stated it is now more important than before that they
                  reduce their carbon footprint followed by Columbia (83%) and India (78%). (22)

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

Consumers wish to
enjoy life to the fullest

                    Enjoying life to the fullest is
                    one of the top three effects of
                    COVID-19, with more than a
                    third (35%) globally placing more
                    importance on enjoying life
                    In Belgium half the nation (50%) stated                                          consumers don’t need to commute
                    this as an effect of the pandemic,                                               long distances, with almost 2 in 5
                    followed by 43% of Greece and 2 in 5                                             of those aged 55+ revealing this in
                    Brits (40%) also wanting to make this                                            comparison to 26% of Gen Z. In the
                    change towards a happier lifestyle.                                              UAE and Russia 2 out of 5 (40%)
                                                                                                     felt the pandemic had shown that
                    Consumers want to take more time to                                              they don’t need to unnecessarily travel
                    appreciate nature, particularly women                                            long distance for work with over a
                    (41%) versus men (32%). In Greece,                                               third (35%) of those in Australia who
                    Portugal and Brazil over half (56%) are                                          have changed their attitude towards
                    more likely to take time out of their day                                        the environment and sustainability
                    to appreciate their environment. (8)                                             saying they will be looking to reduce
                    The pandemic has demonstrated that                                               travel where possible.




All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    The pandemic has
                    fostered better local
                    community connections

                    The pandemic has helped people to                                                          local businesses, with an average of
                    feel more connected to their local                                                         23% actively wanting to buy more
                    community with nearly 2 in 5 of the                                                        products produced locally to them,
                    55+ age group feeling more connected                                                       when prompted on their top three
                    than they did pre COVID-19 (39%).                                                          behaviours they will change following
                    In Kenya 45% fostered better local                                                         the pandemic. Those living in Austria
                    community connections followed                                                             (37%), Canada (33%) and Australia
                    by 43% in Canada and Portugal .                                                            (31%) placed the most emphasis
                    A quarter (25%) of respondents                                                             on locally sourced products with 1
                    within the Gen Z age group felt more                                                       in 3 wanting to buy more products
                    connected to their local community                                                         produced locally. Globally those aged
                    because of the pandemic, increasing                                                        55 and above (27%) were twice as
                    to 2 in 5 with those aged 55+.                                                             likely to buy products produced locally
                                                                                                               to them than Gen Z (15%) with an
                    Across Europe consumers are giving                                                         equal gender split of men (20%)
                    more importance to supporting                                                              and women (23%).

                            Kenya                         Portugal                       Canada
                             45%                            43%                           43%

                                                                                                     Austria      Canada     Australia
                                                                                                      37%          33%         31%

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    34% of respondents who feel these
                    issues are more important stated
                    that the pandemic has helped people
                    to feel more connected to their local
                    community and would therefore like
                    to shop locally more
                    Figure 23:

                          Australia                                                                              40%
                             Austria                                                                        35%
                            Belgium                                                                    31%
                                 Brazil                                                                    34%
                            Canada                                                                                43%
                         Colombia                                                                      32%
                              France                                                                  29%
                          Germany                                                                           35%
                              Greece                                                                        36%
                                 India                                                                           40%
                                  Italy                                                                    33%
                               Japan                                                                 27%
                               Kenya                                                                                   45%
                              Mexico                                                                   32%
                    Netherlands                                                                        32%
                              Poland                                                                       34%
                           Portugal                                                                               43%
                               Russia                                                        23%
                               Spain                                                                  30%
                            Sweden                                                                    29%
                               Turkey                                                                      32%
                                      UK                                                               31%
                                   UAE                                                                 31%
                                   USA                                                               28%

                                           0%                                   20%                         40%              60%   80%   100%

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

Consumers are now more
conscious of a company’s
eco credentials and
want them to act
more ethically

                       All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
              Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
                              The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    Companies and brands are
                    now expected to act with
                    greater purpose
                    Figure 24:

                          Australia                                                                                      61%
                             Austria                                                                                         65%
                            Belgium                                                                        46%
                                 Brazil                                                                                                     84%
                            Canada                                                                                     58%
                         Colombia                                                                                                                88%
                              France                                                                             51%
                          Germany                                                                          45%
                              Greece                                                                                                        84%
                                 India                                                                                               77%
                                  Italy                                                                                            72%
                               Japan                                                                        47%
                               Kenya                                                                                                        84%
                              Mexico                                                                                                 76%
                   Netherlands                                                                               49%
                              Poland                                                                                    60%
                           Portugal                                                                                                      79%
                               Russia                                                                                  59%
                               Spain                                                                                      62%
                            Sweden                                                                   35%
                               Turkey                                                                                                      82%
                                      UK                                                                         52%
                                   UAE                                                                                             74%
                                   USA                                                                      47%
                                            0%                                  20%                  40%           60%              80%                100%

                    Consumers are now more conscious of a company’s eco credentials and want them to act
                    more ethically. This is across several areas including waste management, plastic pollution
                    and the health and wellbeing of their employees, with 62% across the globe deeming this
                    a lot more important than at the start of the pandemic.

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    When considering the three key issues,
                    37% of consumers expect companies
                    to focus on waste reduction (i.e., food
                    waste and reducing water and energy
                    Figure 25:

                          Australia                                                                              38%
                             Austria                                                                                         52%
                            Belgium                                                                              39%
                                Brazil                                                                                   48%
                            Canada                                                                           37%
                         Colombia                                                                            37%
                              France                                                                                   44%
                          Germany                                                                                 40%
                              Greece                                                                                    47%
                                 India                                                                      35%
                                  Italy                                                                31%
                               Japan                                                                       34%
                               Kenya                                                                 26%
                              Mexico                                                                       33%
                    Netherlands                                                                               37%
                              Poland                                                                                   45%
                           Portugal                                                                                          51%
                               Russia                                                                  30%
                               Spain                                                                       32%
                            Sweden                                                                   27%
                               Turkey                                                                        35%
                                      UK                                                                      37%
                                   UAE                                                                 30%
                                   USA                                                                 31%
                                           0%                                   20%                          40%               60%   80%   100%

                  Consumers expect companies to focus on waste reduction (i.e. food waste and reducing
                  water and energy consumption), with 2 in 5 of the 55+ age group stating this as a key issue
                  that companies should address. (25)

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    On average 31% across the globe
                    revealed that companies should be more
                    conscious of their employees’ health
                    and wellbeing when dealing with their
                    top three issues besides coronavirus
                    Figure 26:

                         Australia                                                                    35%
                            Austria                                                       26%
                           Belgium                                                           31%
                               Brazil                                                                  35%
                           Canada                                                                      36%
                        Colombia                                                                     31%
                             France                                                                   33%
                         Germany                                                        24%
                             Greece                                                           28%
                                India                                                          30%
                                 Italy                                                               31%
                              Japan                                                    24%
                             Kenya                                                                                 48%
                             Mexico                                                                  32%
                    Netherlands                                                         25%
                             Poland                                                     25%
                          Portugal                                                         26%
                              Russia                                                      26%
                              Spain                                                          31%
                           Sweden                                                                30%
                              Turkey                                                                 32%
                                    UK                                                                  37%
                                 UAE                                                                         41%
                                 USA                                                                 33%
                                         0%                              20%                           40%               60%   80%   100%

                  Reducing plastic waste was another highly listed issue, demonstrated in the 55+
                  age group where 43% felt that companies should tackle this issue versus Gen Z at 29%.
                  In the UK, 44% of those surveyed believed that brands should focus on tackling the overuse
                  of plastics in packaging.

                  Consumers want workforces to be healthy and happy. Consumers wanting companies
                  and brands to focus on their employees’ health and wellbeing as a priority came into the
                  top three focal points with an average of 31% across the globe revealing that companies
                  should be more conscious of their employees (26).

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    Consumers now have increased
                    expectations of companies to act
                    with greater purpose and placing
                    increased value (35%) on brands that
                    act in a responsible, transparent
                    and honest way
                    Figure 27:

                         Australia                                                                      37%
                            Austria                                                                   34%
                           Belgium                                                        26%
                               Brazil                                                                                   55%
                           Canada                                                                      36%
                        Colombia                                                                                        54%
                             France                                                                  31%
                         Germany                                                      24%
                             Greece                                                                              45%
                               India                                                                       38%
                                Italy                                                                  36%
                              Japan                                                 22%
                             Kenya                                                                                     52%
                             Mexico                                                                          42%
                    Netherlands                                                 20%
                             Poland                                                                    37%
                          Portugal                                                                                      55%
                              Russia                                                          28%
                              Spain                                                                           44%
                           Sweden                                                        25%
                              Turkey                                                                                51%
                                    UK                                                         29%
                                 UAE                                                                   35%
                                 USA                                                       26%
                                         0%                              20%                           40%               60%   80%   100%

                  But consumers are likely to stop using a brand that hasn’t adopted sustainable values.
                  Consumers now have increased expectations of companies to act with greater purpose
                  and placing increased value (35% globally) (27) on brands that make ethical choices, with
                  India (36%), Greece (33%) and Brazil (35%) being the top countries likely to boycott
                  a brand with no sustainability plans for the future (28).

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                    24% of consumers are likely
                    to stop shopping from brands
                    with no sustainability plans
                    for the future
                    Figure 28:

                          Australia                                                                   28%
                             Austria                                                          23%
                            Belgium                                                17%
                                 Brazil                                                                     35%
                            Canada                                                                   25%
                         Colombia                                                                                      43%
                              France                                                   19%
                          Germany                                                 16%
                              Greece                                                                       33%
                                 India                                                                       36%
                                  Italy                                                                    32%
                               Japan                               9%
                               Kenya                                                                             37%
                              Mexico                                                                        34%
                    Netherlands                                             14%
                              Poland                                                       21%
                           Portugal                                                                        32%
                               Russia                                      13%
                               Spain                                                             25%
                            Sweden                                               16%
                               Turkey                                                                 28%
                                      UK                                                   21%
                                   UAE                                                                28%
                                   USA                                                 17%
                                           0%                                   20%                          40%             60%   80%   100%

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).

                       Priceless Planet Coalition

                    With growing consumer passion for the environment, Mastercard continues
                    to develop products and programs that help people contribute to the future
                    of the planet.

                    In 2020, Mastercard launched the Priceless Planet Coalition and committed
                    to restoring 100 million trees in five years, uniting the efforts of merchants,
                    banks, cities and consumers to take action and fight climate change.

                    The Priceless Planet Coalition aims to reinforce a restoration model that’s not
                    only focused on planting trees, but on re-growing forests in geographies with
                    the greatest need and most potential for a positive climate, community and
                    biodiversity impact. Guided by the expertise of forest restoration partners,
                    Conservation International and World Resources Institute, and our Advisory
                    Committee, the Coalition has employed rigorous science-based best practices
                    to identify three restoration locations for the coming year in Kenya, Brazil and
                    Australia. Beyond these initial projects, the project portfolio will be expanded
                    to include other locations that meet established criteria.


All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 25519 adults.
Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th January - 5th March 2021. The survey was carried out online.
The figures have been weighted and are representative of all country adults (aged 18+).
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