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Journal of Global Business Review: Volume 22 No. 1 January-June 2020 pp. 11-25


 Paratchanun Charoenarpornwattana1*, Khemmaya Kiniman1, Bin Xue Xie1
 Facultyof Education, Burapha University, Chonburi, 20131, Thailand
 Received: February 24, 2020
 Accepted: March 29, 2020

The study of online business utilization through WeChat of consumers in Kunming aimed at
finding out the reasons why consumers in Kunming used WeChat for online business activities;
study of the relationship between personal factors and WeChat usage behaviors; and the
reasons why WeChat was necessary to be used for online business activities. A quantitative
research approach was used and a questionnaire survey research was selected for this research.
The sample group in this study was composed of 400 people in Kunming city. The data
obtained from the survey were statistical analyzed. The findings of the first research objective
revealed that, the top three of the reasons why consumers in Kunming used WeChat for online
business activities, namely payment system, logistic system and price. For the payment system,
the fact that WeChat payment system using QR Code scanning system instead of cash was
considered advantageous to the business because it could save time and ensure payment system
efficiency, security and convenience. Perfect logistics system enabled the consumers to
purchase the products from any place; the system allowed the consumers to select their
preferred delivery companies; and effective and convenient goods delivery service could help
raise chances of sellers’ success in the online business via WeChat. As for pricing, the
consumers preferred to negotiate with the sellers to obtain a lower price. Furthermore, the
cheaper price and special offer were advantageous to their selling activities. The findings of
the second research objective indicated that, there was a relationship between the personal
factors including gender, age, education & income and online shopping behavior. The
significant relationship between personal factors, namely education and income, and monthly
expenses for shopping online was found in this study. Age and differences in income level had
an impact on overall opinion and each aspect of consumers’ opinion why they should use

Keywords: Online business, WeChat, Kunming customers

Introduction over 80%. China has more online shoppers
China is one of the world’s largest online than the US, UK, and Australia combined,
shopping market. Half a billion Chinese shop with online sales at over 16% of total national
online and with smartphone penetration at retail sales in 2017 (Frost and Sullivan, 2018).
12 Journal of Global Business Review

Table 1 China’s online ecosystem compared to selected countries, 2017 (Frost & Sullivan,

 Topic China US UK Australia
 Internet users 733 million 245 million 62 million 21 million
 Social media penetration 57% 66% 66% 60%
 Smartphone penetration 82% 86% 87% 90%
 Online shoppers 500 million 217 million 43 million 12 million
 Online sales as percentage of 16.6% 8.9% 18.0% 7.5%
 total retail sales

WeChat is a Chinese multi-purpose messaging, have a trading license. This allows minimal
social media and mobile payment app investment and the prospective sellers can
developed by Tencent (Wikipedia, n.d. a). gain access to the Chinese market by working
According to the information provided by with a few Key Opinion Leaders (Marketing
Statista Research Department (2020), the to China, 2017). Which is different from the
number of WeChat active accounts has been traditional process of establishing a business
increasing by 20 million each quarter since for foreigners in China. That is complicated
quarter 2/2011 and had over 1.15 billion and requires many important documents to
monthly active users in quarter 3/2019. It is register the company such as personal
undeniable that WeChat is an online business documents of business owners, company
application commonly known in China. registration document, business license etc.
WeChat has introduced an option through (Interloop Solutions & Consultancy, 2019).
which people can sell their products on their These steps provide the sellers with direct
platform, as well as pay for their products feedback about their business performances
directly by using WeChat pay (Marketing to in China. With this feature, it enables the
China, 2017). seller to plan the next step of business
WeChat is considered to be one of the best investment easily (Marketing to China, 2017).
applications for e-commerce in China. It is It is assumed that WeChat is an essential and
not necessary for sellers to have an account at outstanding marketing tool for business to
a Chinese bank, Chinese business registration enter Chinese market. Setting up a WeChat
or any other exporting license in order to sell official account allows brands to reach out to
their goods on the platform. The sellers are a huge audience and effectively raise brand
only required to open a WeChat store that is awareness (DeGennaro, 2019). WeChat’s provides
an E-commerce platform exist within the various functions that allows sellers multiple
WeChat app. It is mobile websites connected ways of interacting and engaging with
to the menu of a WeChat Official Account consumers (The translation people, 2019).
with the ability to pay with WeChat Pay For example, McDonald’s, Starbucks has
(Marketing to China, 2017; Qpsoftware, n.d.). been with WeChat since 2012. In order to get
WeChat provides all involved parties with an many users excited about the launch, the
opportunity to have a cross-border payment coffee chain sent each user a song that
account. The seller can easily ship products emblazoned a message to Starbucks. The
across borders whilst it is not necessary to mood of the song was based on the type of
Journal of Global Business Review 13

emojis. After a month, Starbucks had gathered Kunming used WeChat for online business
62,000 WeChat followers and received on activities.
average 22,000 messages a day. On the one 2. To study the relationships between personal
hand, the company benefited from its fame, factors and WeChat usage behavior; and the
but the creative approach increased the reasons why WeChat was a necessary tool for
interaction with the followers immensely online business activities.
(Bart Van Bos, 2018).
The list of products sold online is endless; Hypotheses
these products vary from handcraft jewelry, t- 1. The relationship between personal factors,
shirts, online courses, e-books and fashion namely, gender, age, education, and income
accessories to smart mobile devices, electronic of consumers in Kunming, and WeChat usage
devices and luxury products. The sellers have behavior exists.
an opportunity to sell almost everything 2. Different personal factors namely gender,
online as long as they can deliver the products age, education, and income of consumers in
or services to the consumers. Working in the Kunming were correlated with different
e-commerce market is becoming more efficient, reasons why WeChat becomes a necessary
because of technology that continuously tool for online business activities.
developed such as WeChat mini program,
WeChat mini game, WeChat pay etc. It helps Conceptual Framework
sellers being easily available at every body According to A model of consumer behavior
fingertip (Marketing to China, 2017). of Kotler (1997 cited in U-on, 2014), which
Kunming, the capital and largest city of states that A model of consumer behavior
Yunnan province in southwest China, is now is a system that consists of 3 parts are 1)
a prefecture-level city, and considered a center Marketing and other stimuli such as product,
of politics, economics, communications and price, place, and promotion. 2) Buyer’s black
culture of the province as well as the location box: the buyer’s consciousness which is
of the provincial government office. These are divided into 2.1) Buyer’s Characteristics
reason for which headquarters of many of including cultural factors, social factors,
Yunnan's largest businesses are located in personal factors, and psychological factors
Kunming (Wikipedia, n.d. b). 2.2) Buyer’s purchase decision process. 3)
According to the statement above, the Buyer’s Response is the response or purchase
researcher was interested in studying online decision of the buyer. It can be seen that to
business utilization through WeChat of make the buyer decide to buy. Personal
consumers in Kunming with an aim to factors are important factor. Therefore, in
generate benefits for entrepreneurs and those order to study and understand the consumers’
who wish to do a business through WeChat; opinion why they should use WeChat and
create a guideline for improvements and understand the consumer’s black box in terms
developments of WeChat online business; and of personal factors such as gender, age,
ultimately increase consumers’ satisfaction. education, income toward WeChat usage
 behavior and reasons to use WeChat for
Objectives of the Study online business activities. The researcher has
1. To discover the reasons why consumers in defined the conceptual framework as figure 1.
14 Journal of Global Business Review

Independent variable Dependent variable

 WeChat usage behavior
 - Online shopping behavior
 - Monthly expenses for shopping online
 Personal factors
 - Gender
 Reasons to use WeChat for online
 - Age
 business activities
 - Education
 - Marketing activities
 - Income
 - Product
 - Price
 - Logistic system
 - Payment system

Figure 1 Conceptual framework

Literature Review within the WeChat browser, and they can
Definition of WeChat order merchandise, transfer money and pay
WeChat is a mobile text and voice messaging bills electronically or in stores that accept
communication service developed by Tencent WeChat payments (Encyclopedia, 2019).
Holdings LTD in China, first released in Online business using WeChat
January 2011. The app is available on Android, WeChat provides an open platform for
iPhone, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone businesses to build their own apps on top of
platforms. WeChat has multiple features WeChat basically “apps within an app” model.
including video chat, voice calling, SMS, Developing for WeChat is much cheaper and
games, QR code scanning and much, much easier than native app development for both
more. WeChat offers full M-commerce Android and iOS. The cost of user acquisition
capabilities inside the app (WeChat, 2019 a). is also much lower than with native apps;
WeChat is a messaging app, but it is only a adding an official account can be done with
part of all services. It also offers more one click (Matthew, 2016).
traditional social networking functions such Numerous small businesses may not have
as video and picture sharing, games, stickers, difficulty with a formal website as many
and the ability to share and connect with Chinese users have skipped the desktop era
friends through WeChat Moments (Newberry, and are far more comfortable and familiar
2016). In conclusion, WeChat is considered a with using smartphones and, in particular,
combination of Venmo, Facebook, WhatsApp, WeChat. They are more likely to find out
Google News, Tinder, and Pinterest into one about services or brands through their social
app (Dragon Social, 2019). circles or scanning a QR code than through a
WeChat is a very versatile app with more than search engine (Matthew, 2016).
a billion active users. It features add-on apps Regarding WeChat usage for online business
(“mini programs”), games, video chat, a activities, the steps of opening an online
social feed such as Facebook and photo business in WeChat (Dragon Social, 2019) as
sharing. Users can also access any Web app follows: 1) Open a WeChat account; 2) Drive
Journal of Global Business Review 15

users to WeChat official account with QR in English. Second, the researcher translated
codes; 3) WeChat content: Create valuable, the questionnaire into Chinese in order to
emotionally appealing, and useful content; 4) ensure that all of the respondents could
Utilize WeChat’s location-based marketing completely understand the questions. Third,
features; 5) Use WeChat HTML5 campaigns the researcher sent questionnaires to consumers
to shock, awe and engage; 6) Leverage KOLs who used WeChat for online shopping. Fourth,
to succeed with WeChat for business; 7) Use one week later, the researcher collected the
WeChat advertising to drive measurable results; completed questionnaires, and thanked all the
8) Promote sellers’ WeChat official account respondents helping the researcher complete
& content on other social platforms; 9) Start a the questionnaire. Fifth, the researcher separated
loyalty program on sellers’ WeChat official valid and invalid questionnaires. Sixth, the
account; 10) Use the power of WeChat micro- researcher conducted an analysis for the valid
sites/ WeChat mini-programs; and 11) Create questionnaires and prepared complete data
branded WeChat stickers to ensure that users findings.
are satisfied with sellers’ brand. Data analysis
WeChat contains more features than regular All of the returned questionnaires were
social networking apps. It is considered an reviewed to ensure their completeness. Then,
ideal platform to fill the gap between online the data were keyed into a computer. The
and offline marketing and is a great way to researcher used statistical analytical software
connect with consumers and build greater program to analyze the data. The statistical
brand awareness (Dragon Social, 2019). methods used in this study are: 1) Descriptive
 statistics to analyze gender, age, education,
Research Methodology and income to find frequency, percentage, mean,
Research design and strategy and standard deviation; and 2) Inferential
The researcher employed quantitative research statistics to analyze hypotheses with statistically
for this study. To complete the research significant level of 0.05, including Chi-square,
objectives, the target group of this research t-test, and F-test. The average findings from
were asked to answer the questionnaire in the data analysis were interpreted as follows:
survey. 4.51-5.00 = Very high, 3.51-4.50 = High,
Population and sample 2.51-3.50 = Moderate, 1.51-2.50 = Low, 1.00-
The population of this study was composed of 1.50 = Very low. The rate of returned
approximately 4,339,587 people in Kunming questionnaires was 100 percent (400 sets).
urban area (Population Stat, 2019). The samples Ethical consideration
of the study were selected from the population 1. The researcher completed the required
using random sampling method. In this study, research ethical form and submitted it with the
400 samples were randomly selected from the research proposal and questionnaire to the
population according to the sample size University Research Ethical Committee to
determined by Krejcie and Morgan (1970). obtain approval prior to collecting the data
The information was collected from people in from participants.
Kunming that have used WeChat for shopped 2. The researcher reminded the participants
online in the past year. that all the information filled in the questionnaire,
Data collection including related documents or pictures,
First, the researcher prepared the questionnaire received by the researcher would be kept
16 Journal of Global Business Review

confidential. The participants were frequently product return and replace was ranked third
reminded of their rights to answer or not to ( ̅ = 3.64).
answer the questionnaire as well as the right 2.3 The results from price analysis. The
to discontinue answering at any stage of the overall score of price was at high level ( ̅ =
data collection. 3.75). When considering each factor, it was
 found that ability to negotiate for a lower
Results price was ranked first ( ̅ = 3.78), special offer
1. Demographic data of the participants of the product was ranked second ( ̅ = 3.77),
and their WeChat usage behavior followed by cheaper price which was ranked
It was found that the majority of respondents third ( ̅ = 3.73).
were female (68.3%), aged between 21-40 2.4 The results from logistic systems analysis.
years (79.6%), obtained Bachelor’s Degree The overall score of logistic systems was at
(52.8 %), and earned more than 11,000 RMB high level ( ̅ = 3.78). When considering each
per month (49.3%). The majority of sample factor, it was found that buying the product at
group often did online shopping (57.3%) and any place was ranked first ( ̅ = 3.85), having
spent money for online shopping between more express company choices to choose
2,001-5,000 RMB (40%) monthly. from was ranked second ( ̅ = 3.83), followed
2. The reasons why consumers in Kunming by convenient and fast logistics system which
used WeChat online business activities was ranked third ( ̅ = 3.80).
2.1 The results from marketing activity analysis. 2.5 The results from payment system analysis.
The overall score of marketing activity was at The overall score of payment system was at
moderate level ( ̅ = 3.30). When considering high level ( ̅ = 4.20). When considering each
each factor, it was found that discounts was factor, it was found that using QR code
ranked first ( ̅ = 3.73), the varieties of promotions instead of cash was ranked first ( ̅ = 3.42),
was ranked second ( ̅ = 3.71), followed by secure and convenient payment system on
after-sales service appreciation which was WeChat was ranked second ( ̅ = 3.35),
ranked third ( ̅ = 3.55). followed by using QR code to save time and
2.2 The results from product analysis. The improve efficiency which was ranked third
overall score of product was at high level ( ̅ = 3.34).
( ̅ = 3.65). When considering each factor, it 3. Hypothesis testing
was found that having product information in Hypothesis 1: The relationship between personal
time on WeChat was ranked first ( ̅ = 3.69), factors, namely, gender, age, education, and
varieties of products on WeChat was ranked income of consumers in Kunming, and
second ( ̅ = 3.68), and simplified process of WeChat usage behavior exists.
Journal of Global Business Review 17

Table 2 Result from study on relationship between personal factors, and WeChat usage

 Monthly expenses for shopping
 Online shopping behavior
 Result of Result of
 factor Chi- Chi-
 Sig. hypothesis Sig. hypothesis
 square square
 testing testing
 Gender 6.420 0.040* Correlated 3.477 0.481 Non-
 Age 172.130 0.000* Correlated 42.424 0.214 Non-
 Education 29.548 0.001* Correlated 66.447 0.000* Correlated
 Income 15.218 0.019* Correlated 60.755 0.000* Correlated
*Significance level of 0.05

Table 2 shows the finding from the study of shopping online. Most consumers in Kunming
the relationship between personal factors and earning lower than 8,000 RMB sometimes did
WeChat usage behavior using Chi-Square, it shopping online, whilst those earning 8,000
was found that gender, age, education, and RMB or above often did shopping online.
income were correlated with Online Shopping The consumers in Kunming with high vocational
Behavior, and Education and Income were certificate had monthly online shopping
correlated with monthly expenses for shopping expenses less than 2,000 RMB; and most of
online with statistically significance level at those with Bachelor’s degree or above had
0.05 whilst gender and age were not correlated monthly online shopping expenses between
with monthly expenses for shopping online. 2,001-5,000 RMB. Most of consumers in
The details are as follows: Kunming having monthly income between
Regarding online shopping behavior of both 2,001-11,000 RMB had monthly online shopping
male and female consumers in Kunming, it expenses less than 2,000 RMB; those having
was found that they often do shopping online monthly income higher than 11,000 RMB had
but female consumers tended to do shopping monthly online shopping expenses between
online more often. The sample group aged 2,001-5,000 RMB.
between 21-40 years does shopping online Hypothesis 2: Different personal factors, namely,
often whilst those aged between 41-55 gender, age, education, and income of consumers
sometimes do shopping online and the in Kunming were correlated with different
consumers in Kunming aged above 60 years reasons why WeChat was necessary to be
had never done shopping online. Most consumers used for online business activities.
in Kunming whose education is lower than 2.1 Different gender of consumers in Kunming
high vocational certificate sometimes did was correlated with different reasons why
shopping online, whilst those with high WeChat was necessary to be used for online
vocational certificate or above often did business activities.
18 Journal of Global Business Review

Table 3 Reasons why WeChat was necessary to be used for online business activities based
 on gender of sample group of consumers in Kunming

 Reasons to use WeChat for Male (N = 127) Female (N = 273)
 t Sig.
 online business activities ̅ SD ̅ SD
 1. Marketing 3.3186 0.66099 3.3051 0.6888 0.184 0.854
 2. Product 3.6732 0.65353 3.6511 0.64012 0.32 0.749
 3. Price 3.7192 0.60629 3.7753 0.69897 -0.821 0.412
 4. Logistics system 3.7887 0.54289 3.7863 0.56981 0.04 0.968
 5. Payment system 4.2497 0.5081 4.1837 0.52843 1.178 0.24
 6. Total average score 3.7499 0.4497 3.7403 0.48272 0.189 0.851

From Table 3, regarding reasons of customer score of male and female participants was not
in Kunming why WeChat was necessary to be significantly different.
used for online business activities as a whole 2.2 Different age range of consumers in Kunming
and in each aspect, namely, marketing, product, was correlated with different reasons why
price, logistics system, and payment system, WeChat was necessary to be used for online
based on gender, it was found that the average business activities.

Table 4 Reasons why WeChat was necessary to be used for online business activities based
 on age of sample group of consumers in Kunming

 Reasons to use WeChat for online business activities F Sig.
 1. Marketing 4.626 0.000*
 2. Product 2.081 0.03*
 3. Price 3.035 0.002*
 4. Logistics system 2.355 0.013*
 5. Payment system 1.706 0.086
 6. Total average score 4.086 0.000*
*Significance level of 0.05

From Table 4, it was found that the opinion of age range, the consumers in Kunming aged
consumers in Kunming with different age between 16-20 years, 46-50 years, 56-60 years,
range towards payment system reason why and above 60 years had marketing-related
WeChat was necessary to be used for online reasons why WeChat was necessary to be
business activities, was not significantly used for online business activities less than
different, whilst the scores of the overall those aged between 21-25 years, 26-30 years,
opinion and one on each aspect, namely, 31-35 years, 36-40 years, and 41-45 years.
marketing, product, price and logistics system, Regarding product aspect based on different
were significantly different at 0.05. The age range, the consumers in Kunming aged
researcher has applied LSD method to between 16-20 years, and 56-60 years had
compare pairs of variables as follows: product-related reasons why WeChat was
Regarding marketing aspect based on different necessary to be used for online business
Journal of Global Business Review 19

activities less than those aged between 21-25 be used for online business activities less than
years, 26-30 years, 31-35 years, 36-40 years, those aged between 21-25 years, 26-30 years,
and 41-45 years. Regarding price aspect based 31-35 years, 36-40 years, and 41-45 years.
on different age range, the consumers in Considering overall score based on different
Kunming aged between 16-20 years, and age range, the consumers in Kunming aged
56-60 years had price-related reasons why between 16-20 years, 46-50 years and 56-60
WeChat was necessary to be used for online years had reasons why WeChat was necessary
business activities less than those aged to be used for online business activities less
between 21-25 years, 26-30 years, 31-35 years, than those in other age ranges.
36-40 years, and 41-45 years. Regarding 2.3 Different education level of consumers in
logistics system aspect based on different age Kunming was correlated with different reasons
range, the consumers in Kunming aged between why WeChat was necessary to be used for
16-20 years, and 56-60 years had logistics- online business activities.
related reasons why WeChat was necessary to

Table 5 Reasons why WeChat was necessary to be used for online business activities based
 on education level of sample group of consumers in Kunming

 Reasons to use WeChat for online business activities F Sig.
 1. Marketing .783 .563
 2. Product .561 .730
 3. Price .516 .764
 4. Logistics system .316 .904
 5. Payment system 1.150 .333
 6. Total average score .352 .881

From Table 5, it was found that the opinion of 2.4 Different income of consumers in Kunming
consumers in Kunming with different education was correlated with different reasons why
level on reason, as a whole and in each aspect, WeChat was necessary to be used for online
why WeChat was necessary to be used for business activities.
online business activities, was not different.
20 Journal of Global Business Review

Table 6 Reasons why WeChat was necessary to be used for online business activities based on
 income of sample group of consumers in Kunming

 Reasons to use WeChat for online business activities F Sig.
 1. Marketing 6.193 .000*
 2. Product 3.628 .013*
 3. Price 2.121 .097
 4. Logistics system 2.730 .044*
 5. Payment system 4.255 .006*
 6. Total average score 5.620 .001*
*Significance level of 0.05

From Table 6, it was found that the opinion of 8,000-11,000 RMB, and more than 11,000
consumers in Kunming with different income RMB. Regarding payment system aspect
did not have different price-related reasons based on different income, the consumers in
why WeChat was necessary to be used for Kunming earning between 2,001-5,000 RMB
online business activities. Regarding opinion, had payment system-related reasons why
as a whole and in each aspect, namely WeChat was necessary to be used for online
marketing, product, logistics system, and business activities less than those earning
payment system, on reason why WeChat was higher than 5,001 RMB. Considering overall
necessary to be used for online business score based on income, the consumers in
activities, it was found that the average scores Kunming earning higher than 11,000 RMB
are significantly different at 0.05. The researcher had reasons why WeChat was necessary to be
has applied LSD method to compare pairs of used for online business activities more than
variables as follows: those earning lower than 11,000 RMB.
Regarding marketing aspect based on different
income, the consumers in Kunming earning Discussion
higher than 11,000 RMB had marketing- Based on first objective of this research which
related reasons why WeChat was necessary to was to find out the reasons why consumers in
be used for online business activities more Kunming used WeChat for online business
than those earning lower than 11,000 RMB. activities.
Regarding product aspect based on different According to this study, in order to establish
income, the consumers in Kunming earning an online business through WeChat, the
higher than 11,000 RMB had product-related consumers in Kunming, or the sellers, were
reasons why WeChat was necessary to be recommended to consider following suggestions.
used for online business activities more than With respect to marketing, the sellers were
those earning lower than 11,000 RMB. recommended to provide discount activities,
Regarding logistics system aspect based on varieties of promotions, and after-sales service
different income, the consumers in Kunming which helped the sellers attract more
earning between 5,001-8,000 RMB had logistics consumers. This is consistent with the study
system related reasons why WeChat was of Samia (2019), stating that price discounts
necessary to be used for online business encouraged buyers to buy in bulk and at non-
activities less than those earning between peak hours; the buyers were often offered a
Journal of Global Business Review 21

discount on product pricelist. Rick (2017) also was, they would likely be seen by at least
suggested that a sales promotion was an some consumers who required a better deal.
incentive offered to consumers or potential They may aggressively negotiate for a better
business consumers, raising the possibility of price, or walk away. If the sellers could find a
purchase of products or services. Several win-win solution, they would have the chance
companies used sales promotion strategies to to preserve not only their interests, but possibly
produce a short-term increase in sales. Companies build a long-lasting customer relationship.
can offer various types of sales promotion Additionally, products with a special offer
activities including free samples, coupons, and a cheaper price also could help the sellers
discounts, premiums, product demonstrations, to get an advantage. Ebay Seller Center
point-of-purchase (POP) materials and even (2019) suggested that the “Offer to Buyers”
refunds or rebates. On the other hand, having feature in the Seller Hub could allow them to
excellent after-sales service could increase send offers to potential buyers to buy some
customer satisfaction which enhanced products in the listing. Being able to define
competitiveness and obtains a significant target buyers who had already been interested
group of buyers. Sanjupa and Kumar (2016) in items could help increase sales and attract
indicated that in highly competitive market, buyers to purchase again. Ideal logistics
one of the strategies to enhance consumers’ system could encourage consumers to buy
satisfaction and loyalty was to provide an products at any place. The system should
excellent after-sales service. Discounts, seasonal allow the consumers to select any express
offers and delivery period were also considered company they trusted for goods convenient
attractive to consumers (Singh & Srivatava, and effective. This system could also gain the
2013). With regard to products, this study consumers’ satisfaction and seller’s success
could suggest sellers provide comprehensive in WeChat online business. Robinson (2015)
product information for each item, including indicated that an ideal logistics system could:
a variety of products on WeChat shop, and 1) improve communication, 2) improve transparency
allow consumers to easily return and replace of the supply chain, 3) improve customer
products. This could help raise competitiveness satisfaction, 4) reduce reduction, 5) Improve
of WeChat online business. This is consistent service efficiency, and 6) ensure delivery on
with the study of Ren (2015), indicating that time.
WeChat application allowed the users to post Using its own payment system, WeChat
product pictures with unlimited description enjoyed this advantage because the sellers
space which was its unique feature comparing could simply use this system for their online
to other similar applications; and, in case the business in WeChat. By Scanning QR Code
consumers had any problem or question to make a payment instead of cash could save
related to the products, they could use WeChat time and improve efficiency, security and
to provide answers and the sellers could use this convenience of payment system. WeChat Pay
application to obtain consumers’ feedback. applied QR Scanning system on its official
Regarding price, the study of Greng (2017) website (WeChat, 2019 b) in following
suggested that consumers preferred negotiating manners: 1) Quick pay: sellers could scan the
with the sellers to get a lower price. It also QR code shown by consumers on the quick
highlighted that, regardless of how reasonable pay page to quickly finish transactions. 2) QR
or competitive the sellers believe their pricing code payment: sellers could create different
22 Journal of Global Business Review

QR codes for different goods. After users shopping frequency of the consumers in
scanned these codes, they could see related Kunming aged between 21-40 years was
product information and transaction guides on higher than those aged 41 years or above. The
their phone. 3) In-app web-based payment: finding is consistent with the study of Ren
sellers could send product messages to their (2015), stating that the target group of
followers via official account. When WeChat WeChat application was the people of new
Pay was enabled, their followers could generation growing up with technologies.
purchase products on a shopping page; 4) In- Education level of consumers in Kunming
app payment: sellers could integrate WeChat was correlated with online shopping behavior.
Pay SDK into their apps. When users made The online shopping frequency of the consumers
payment in other apps, WeChat would be in Kunming having high vocational degree or
authorized to complete the payment process. above was higher than those whose education
When the transaction was fully made, the level was lower than high vocational degree.
page would be redirected to the other app. This is consistent with the study of
Moreover, WeChat also provided a security Chaitaweewutikul (2012) suggesting that the
system to protect the payment process different education levels of consumers
(WeChat, 2019 b). WeChat Pay included influenced purchase frequency of goods or service
tremendous resources to build and maintain a through online shopping with statistical
state-of-the-art fraud control and security significance. Income of consumers in Kunming
system. Every stage of transaction process was correlated with online shopping behavior.
was real-time secured. With WeChat platform The online shopping frequency of the
and online business, consumers could have a consumers in Kunming earning 8,000 RMB
secured payment which contained convenient or above was higher than those earning lower
process encouraging the buyers to use. than 8,000 RMB. This is inconsistent with the
The discussion on the second objective of this study of Phithakraktham (2013) which found
research which was to study on relationship that income differences had no influence
between personal factors and WeChat usage towards online shopping frequency in the past
behavior; and the reasons why WeChat was 12 months. Education and income of consumers
necessary to be used for online business in Kunming was correlated with monthly
activities. online shopping expenses with statistical
According to the first hypothesis testing, it significance at 0.05 whilst gender and age of
was found that gender of the consumers in the consumers in Kunming was not correlated
Kunming was correlated with online with monthly online shopping expenses. This
shopping behavior. This is consistent with the is consistent with Phithakraktham (2013)
study of Jhiengkhong (2016) on factors suggesting that difference in education level
influencing buyers’ online shopping decision and income affected the amount spent by
focusing on goods receiving methods which consumers for online shopping the most
found that gender differences influenced whilst gender did not have an influence to the
purchase frequency of online businesses. On amount spent by consumers for online
average, female consumers tended to buy shopping. However, the findings of this
products more often than male consumers. research were not consistent with the study of
Age of consumers in Kunming was correlated Phithakraktham (2013) as such study suggested
with online shopping behavior. The online that age differences influenced the amount
Journal of Global Business Review 23

spent by consumers for each purchase the with the study of Samarnpitakwong (2016) on
most. marketing mix influencing buying decision
According to the findings from the second through internet system of the consumers in
hypothesis testing, the opinion of consumers Songkhla Province, suggesting that the
in Kunming with different gender and consumers with income differences attached
education level, on reasons why WeChat was different level of importance to products and
necessary to be used for online business sales channels.
activities, as a whole and in each aspect, was
not different. This is consistent with the Recommendations
research of Srichannil (2017) indicating that For sellers wishing to establish an online
consumers of all genders in Nonthaburi Province business through WeChat:
placed importance on online marketing mix 1. The sellers should improve and develop
before purchasing goods via internet. Also, payment system, logistic system, and price.
Sompong (2015) suggested that people with 2. The sellers should establish an ideal
different education level had the same online logistics system, which would make it more
shopping behavior in terms of products, sales advantageous in WeChat online business.
channels, and promotions with statistical They can allow the consumers to choose an
significance. The consumers in Kunming with express company, whilst cooperating with the
age differences had different overall opinion express companies that can prove their quality
on reasons why WeChat was necessary to be services.
used for online business activities, including 3. The sellers should provide the consumers
marketing, product, price, and logistics system with a platform that allows them to negotiate
aspects. This is consistent with the study of with sellers so that the sellers can offer
Samarnpitakwong (2016) on marketing mix cheaper prices and special promotions to
influencing buying decision through internet encourage consumers to buy the products.
system of the consumers in Songkhla Province. Moreover, understanding buyers’ needs would
It was suggested that consumers with age help improve customer satisfaction and
differences did not attach the same level of maintain long term relationship.
importance to products and sales. This is 4. The sellers and those who wish to perform
consistent with the study of Sompong (2015) a business through WeChat should focus on
indicating that the consumers with age female consumers aged around 21-40 years,
differences had different online shopping having high vocational degree or above, and
behavior in terms of price, selling channels, earning higher than 8,000 RMB or above, as
and promotions with statistical significance. potential customer because their online
The consumers in Kunming with income shopping frequency was higher than other
differences had different overall opinion on consumer groups.
reasons why WeChat was necessary to be
used for online business activities, including Recommendations for Further Study
marketing, product, logistics system, and According to this study, suggestions for future
payment system aspects. However, their opinion research are as follows:
of price-related reasons why WeChat was 1. A qualitative study on factors to success of
necessary to be used for online business sellers performing online business through
activities was not different. This is consistent WeChat.
24 Journal of Global Business Review

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