TOP marketingplan 2020 - TOP INTERNATIONAL Hotels
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aCtiVities 2020 TOP AcTiviTies FOR YOUR sUccess This new marketing plan combines the activities from TOP iNTeRNATiONAL Hotels, TOP city&country- Line (TOP ccL) which represents the TOP exclusive line our marketing alliance partner vcH-Hotels Deutschland. starting on the 01st January 2020 until 31st December 2020 the activity plan includes a lot of activities which will be organized for the first time. HOW DOes THe HOTeL WORK WiTH THe AcTiviTY PLAN the structure of tOp internatiOnal Hotels asks for certain flexibility, therefore, changes in the time schedule might occur. in order to make the use of the marketing plan more efficiently, we suggest to concentrate on the following points: • addresses- or contact reports will not given out without any proof of its purposes. • sales activities are to be found on the homepage • short summaries for various trade fairs will be given at under press room. Certain fairs have a co exhibitor contribution fee. key travel trade fairs as itB are meant to be meeting points for hoteliers and clients. all partners are most welcome to join in and take full advantage of our corporate stand. this activity plan and permanent communication with the tOp/tOp CCl Head Office combined with attendance to tOp trainings will ensure to get the most out of the partnership with tOp internatiOnal Hotels & Corporate partners. the training dates are set depending on urgency, new hotel staff and/or individual requests by hotels. We urge every partner to at least participate once a year in a training. next to explanations on the fast moving development in electronic distribution the training will assist the hotel staff in understanding the meaning of successful handling of the tOpreZ system. 02 i AcTiviTies 2020
neW in 2020 iMPLeMeNTiNG PAYMeNT OPTiON ON TOP iBe after postponing of the psD2 (payment services Directive 2) and sCa (strong Customer authentication) for online credit card payments from september 2019 to the middle/end of 2020 it is a milestone for the tOp iBe to handle this task already in early 2020. even though tOp is not a payment provider for online bookings, tOp internatiO- nal would like to offer this magnificent service to all hotels using their iBe. starting January 2020 the implementa- tion process will start and after successful certification this addition will go live latest end of Q1. RevAMPiNG WeLLNessFiNDeR.cOM the four year old design of tOp´s own wellness portal will undergo a complete relaunch including extensive seO activities. thus ranging from on-page, off-page, usability studies, layout changes, backlink structure and in depth long tail keyword analysis. this relaunch is based on a completely different mind-set and not only focusing on pretty and neat looks and feels. the approach is based on keyword strong markets and will reach out to users with a high potential affinity, rather than producing content for underestimated keywords and audiences. the relaunch will take approx. till mid of 2020 and seO activities will commence for the next year ongoing. OccUPANcY BAseD MeAL PLAN ADDiTiON a new enhancement within tOpreZ allows the tOp internatiOnal gDs team to completely restructure the set-up of the rates and connections to partners, such as expedia but also the own distribution channels like gDs (global Distribution systems) and aDs (alternate Distribution systems) with DHisCO (our aDs interface) connecti- vity. the new feature will enable to calculate real time the breakfast supplement per room based on the chosen occupancy. Double and triple rooms can now be sold for Double-single-Use, triple-single- or triple-Double-Use with person based meal plan addition. NeW iN 2020 i 03
activities 2020 calendar Activities/Events Location Description visit stand january 04. – 06. Jan Reisemarkt Mannheim Local end user fair Rhein-Neckar-Pfalz 11. – 19. Jan C.M.T. Stuttgart Local end user fair X 15. – 16. Jan BOE INTERNATIONAL Dortmund Conference-/Seminar organizer fair 16. – 19. Jan Vakantiebeurs Utrecht Dutch end user fair 16. – 19. Jan Ferien Messe Wien Vienna Local end user fair 17. – 19. Jan Reise & Freizeit Zwickau Local end user fair 21. – 22. Jan Sales Drive Stuttgart MICE-Sales Action Karlsruhe 23. Jan VCH Meeting Bad Urach Training and Workshop VCH-Hotels internal 27. – 29. Jan HEDNA meeting Los Angeles System meeting with chief executive of travel industry 28. Jan VCH Meeting Berlin Training and Workshop VCH-Hotels internal 30. Jan – 02. Feb Fespo Zurich Local end user fair Switzerland 31.Jan – 02. Feb Reisemesse Dresden Dresden Local end user fair Consortia Check up TOP Hotels guarantee 10% off BAR dynamic pricing plus 10% commission for consortia emai- ling. Wellnessfinder SEO 2nd keyword analysis to make sure important trends are not lost or missed in the duration of the programming. 04 I Activities 2020
activities 2020 calendar Activities/Events Location Description visit stand january Yearly company Mark this date for the most im- turnover request portant figures for Sales action. DNATA Biggest Merchant partner in the MENA region. Umbrella ag- reement signed and hotels are required to complete the Health & Saftey information in order to process further. This is a global requirement for all hotels selling through a merchant partner. Payment Gateway OVIBE Implementation of a payment option in TOPS´s own internet booking engine. This will allow customers to directly pay non- refundable rates within the booking process. Distribution TOP Guide 2020 February 03. – 04. Feb German Hotel Congress Berlin German hoteliers meet X and discuss future trends 04. Feb VCH Meeting Fulda Training and Workshop VCH-Hotels internal 05. Feb VCH Meeting Essen Training and Workshop VCH-Hotels internal 05. – 09. Feb Reisen Hamburg Local end user fair 06. – 09. Feb Salon des Vacances Brussels Belgian local end user fair 07. – 08. Feb Reisebörse Potsdam Public fair in shopping center 09. – 11. Feb BIT fair Milan Travel trade professional and end user fair in Italy 18. – 19. Feb VCH Meeting Gießen/ Training and Workshop Marburg VCH-Hotels internal 19. – 23. Feb free Freizeitmesse Munich Local end user fair Activities 2020 I 05
activities 2020 calendar Activities/Events Location Description visit stand february 22. Feb Public fair for pilgrims Hamburg Public fair for pilgrims X in church St. Jacobi 26. – 27. Feb Business Travel Show London International corporate and conference organizers trade fair 26. Feb – Freizeit Garten Messe Nuremberg End user fair 01. Mar 27. – 29. Feb Willow Creek Karlsruhe Gathering and congress with X Youngster Congress workshops of an independent and transconfessional network. 28. Feb – Fiets en Wandelbeurs Utrecht Dutch local end user fair 01. Mar Wellnessletter Start the upcoming spring month Spring edition with new wellness trends. Company rates Mailing to all hotels, checking loading check company rates loadings and following TOPREZ clean up. ITB development Aggressive development ac- quisition action for attending hoteliers and hotel owners to the ITB 2019. Wellnessfinder SEO Relaunch of look and feel and technical background. -Ready to book- Official announcement to all consortia mailing consortia connected travel agen- cies that TOP / TOP CCL Hotels are live and bookable on the electronic systems. Hotels Combined Highlighting winter city destina- tions and biasing them on Hotels Combined landing page. Media Database Enhanced agreement with VFM Leonardo for picture and multimedia content on the TOP website. eDreams connectivity The eDreams connectivity will allow all TOP Hotels to send their rates and availability to Opodo, a well know portal for packaging flights and hotel stays. 06 I Activities 2020
activities 2020 calendar Activities/Events Location Description visit stand march 04. – 08. Mar ITB fair Berlin International travel trade and X end user fair. Meeting point for all hoteliers and possibility of appointment scheduling on our stand. 06. – 08. Mar Ferienmesse Freiburg Local end user fair 06. – 08. Mar Beauty Fair Duesseldorf in co-opera- X tion with THALGO Cosmetics 10. Mar LOCATIONS Mannheim Conference organizers trade fair 17. – 19. Mar M.I.T.T. fair Moscow Russian outgoing fair. In cooperation with ALPHA Travel Consultants, Berlin 13. – 17. Mar INTERNORGA Hamburg Food, beverage and kitchen X equipment exhibition 31. Mar – Sales Drive Berlin MICE Sales Action X 01. Apr Consortia 2nd round Last chance to be included in the preferred programs. New agency is taking over Wellnessfinder SEO the WF SEO techniques. This month starting the on-page analytics. LASTMINUTE Europe’s larges portal for packa- implementation ged travel starts to implement the first TOP Hotels. Evaluation of ITB Check up and discussion on on- going ITB presentation and TOP stand. Co-exhibitor planning with HOTELSPIDER and LEONARDO. Activities 2020 I 07
activities 2020 calendar Activities/Events Location Description visit stand march DNATA Biggest Merchant partner in the MENA region. After having recei- ved the Health & Safety checks from the hotels the connecting of rates/availability will start. Google Analytics Implementing the new Google Implementation Analytics Container with the boo- king engine in order to find out more about the initial website entry. Switching Kayak campaign For the past years TOP has used the CPC model for their Kayak campaigns. This will now be restructured to the mother com- pany of Kayak, which is Hotels Combinded. The biggest Meta search player in the Asian region. TOP Partnermagazin 2020 Exclusive partners and suppliers of TOP INTERNATIONAL will be presented with their special offers for TOP Hotels. April 19. – 22. Apr ATM – Dubai Travel trade professional fair X Arabian Travel Market in Saudi Arabia 21. Apr RDA trade fair Friedrichs- RDA trade fair for bus and coach X hafen operators 28. – 29. Apr Sales Blitz Berlin MICE Sales Action X Wellnessletter Special spa and wellness offers for bank holidays Quarterly company Mark this date for the most turnover request important figures for Sales action. Content update As in every year we need to make sure that the information is ac- curate and up to date in the RFP tools and for GDS distribution. 08 I Activities 2020
activities 2020 calendar Activities/Events Location Description visit stand April Online Marketing Now the first actions will be imple- by PEGASUS mented by the new Pegasus online marketing activities. Some test hotels have been especially selected and the first steps, in this month Google Hotel Ads will start. PSD2 / SCA action Getting the first preparations for Payment Services Directive2 and Strong Customer Authentication done and implemented. 1st mailing to TOP Hotels together with CON- CARDIS our largest payment/credit card provier with technologies that face the upcoming hurdles. May 10. – 12. May GTM – Rostock Germany incoming leisure X German Travel Mart business fair. 12. – 13. May Sales Blitz Hanover MICE Sales Action X 12. – 14. May IMEX fair Frankfurt a. M. International trade fair for X conference- / seminar organizers 18. – 20. May HEDNA meeting Amsterdam System meeting with chief X executive of travel industry LOCATIONS Mannheim Conference organizers trade fair 28. May HRG Travel tba Presentation on the upcoming X Kick off Meeting RFP season for the HRG consortia program. Wellnessletter Summer and Wellness? Does that Summer edition mix and if YES, where are the best places. RATEINFORMATION 2021 After 2020 the new RATEINFORMA- reloaded TION sheet is implemented, in 2021 this version will go online for easy completing by the hotels. New for- mat of the RATEINFORMATION. No more Excel spreadsheet completing. AMEX/HRG turnover check Now it is 5 months old that the new partnership of AMEX and HRG have been rolled out. A serious number have taken the opportunity to join ths brand new program in 2020. Activities 2020 I 09
activities 2020 calendar Activities/Events Location Description visit stand june 16. – 17. Jun Sales Drive North Rhine MICE-Sales Action Westphalia 20. – 28. Jun Kieler Woche Kiel Local end user fair X 24. Jun DER Corporate Frankfurt Introduction on the upcoming X Kick off Meeting RFP season for the DER corporate programs. BCD Travel tba Presentation on the upcoming Kick off Meeting RFP season for the BCD consortia program. Rate / Hotel Information 2021 Collection of rates for 2021 Preperation Company Outlining and selection of negotiations key account companies. Distribution of corporate Distribution of turnover statistics company turnovers to corporate clients Wellnessfinder SEO New agency is taking over the WF SEO techniques. This month star- ting the off-page analytics Requalification 2021 Requalification for existing com- panies and new company acquisi- tion based on hotel feedback and figures. Hotels Combined campaign Highlighting winter city destina- tions and biasing them on Hotels Combined landing page. Roomtype picture A new functionality within the LEONARDO picture database will enable the TOP Hotels to specifical- ly label room pictures with correct room type codes. 10 I Activities 2020
activities 2020 calendar Activities/Events Location Description visit stand july 07. – 08. Jul RDA Workshop Cologne Coach- and bus organizer X travel trade fair 08. Jul LOCATIONS Stuttgart conference organizers trade fair X 31. Jul Corporate company Turnover request of the top turnover requests companies for preparation of the negotiations 2021. Consortia Selection 2021 Hotel selection on various consortia participation for 2021. Wellnessletter Special spa and wellness offers for summer Company contracting RFP season 2021 starts. WF packages Update of existing and new online bookable packages for wellnessREZ properties. Online Marketing Now the next actions will be imple- by PEGASUS mented by the new Pegasus online marketing activities. Some test hotels have been especially selected and the next steps, in this month Facebook Ads will be the target. PSD2 / SCA action Getting the last preparations for Payment Services Directive2 and Strong Customer Authentication done and implemented. 2nd mai- ling to TOP Hotels together with CONCARDIS our largest payment/ credit card provier with techno- logies that face the upcoming hurdles. Activities 2020 I 11
activities 2020 calendar Activities/Events Location Description visit stand August 25. – 26. Aug Sales Drive Hamburg MICE-Sales Action WF packages Update of existing packages for yearly fee properties. SHIJI connection testing Shiji is Asias biggest technology provider, which has connections to hundreds of Asian travel sites. Such big Asian portals as JTB (Japan Travel Bureau) or HUAMIN, but also some global players like, Expedia, Agoda, Airbnb connect their por- tals through this mega technology provider. september 15. – 16. Sep Sales Drive Dresden MICE-Sales Blitz tba fvw Congress Cologne B2B congress for hotels, travel X agents, airlines and OTA´s 23. – 26. Sep Reha Care Duesseldorf End user fair and congress X focusing on rehabilitation and care. 23. Sep Yearly Assembly AEU Frankfurt Yearly meeting of protestant workers. Preparation TOP/TOP CCL hotels -Marketing Plan 2021- send their input and requests for the planning 2021. Wellnessfinder SEO New agency is taking over the WF SEO techniques. This month star- ting the electronic background and CMS checks. Company contracting RFP season 2020 and renegotiations ongoing Wellnessletter Newsletter send to over 20.000 subscribers. 12 I Activities 2020
activities 2020 calendar Activities/Events Location Description visit stand september Fastpay connection Fastpay is the partner, which uses for their hotel offerings. The agreement between Fastpay and TOP INTERNATIONAL has been signed in 2019 and in the meantime the connectivity via the Derbysoft interface is established and will go LIVE in September 2020. Online Marketing Now the next actions will be imple- by PEGASUS mented by the new Pegasus online marketing activities. Some test hotels have been especially selected and the next steps, in this month Insta- gram Stories Ads and Posts will be the target. october 01. Oct BKU congress Wuerzburg BKU congress X for catholic businesses 13. – 14. Oct Sales Drive Munich MICE-Sales Blitz Quarterly company Mark this date for the most impor- turnover request tant figures for Sales action. Wellnessfinder update Updating pricing Wellness- media and banner ads. Preparation brochure Start: Collecting information for the - TOP Hotel Directory 2021 - - TOP Hotel Directory 2021 - Merchant marketing Preparation of various marketing actions with Merchant partners. Consortia Check up TOP Hotels guarantee 10% off BAR dynamic pricing plus 10% commissi- on for consortia emailing. Wellnessletter Cosy and relaxing autum travel Autum edition destinations for getting ready for the Winter. Hotels Combined campaign Highlighting winter city destina- tions and biasing them on Hotels Combined landing page. TOP Partnermagazin 2020 Exclusive partners and suppliers of TOP INTERNATIONAL will be pre- sented with their special offers for TOP Hotels. Activities 2020 I 13
activities 2020 calendar Activities/Events Location Description visit stand november tba WTM - World Travel Market London International travel trade and X end user fair. Meeting point for all hoteliers and possibility of appointment scheduling at our stand. tba Consozial Nuremberg Local end user fair X 05. Nov LOCATIONS Mainz Conference organizers trade fair X 08. Nov Synode EKD Berlin Synode EKD Gathering of the X protestant supplier organization 15. – 17. Nov VCH General Assembly Butzbach Yearly Meeting of VCH-Hotels X 18. – 22. Nov Touristik & Caravaning Leipzig Local end user fair tba IBTM Barcelona International trade fair for conference- / seminar organizers Kick off Meeting Birmingham Strategy, structure, enhance- PEGS 2021 ments and planning 2020 with our technology provider PEGASUSsolutions. Company contracting First acceptances / rejections are going out to the hotels. Calendar mailing 1.000 desktop calendars mailing to partners, clients and potential clients from the TOP Head Office. Wellnessfinder SEO New agency is taking over the WF SEO techniques. This month starting the on-page analytic. Online Marketing Now the next actions will be imple- by PEGASUS mented by the new Pegasus online marketing activities. Some test hotels have been especially selected and the next steps, in this month Retargetting Activities will start. SHIJI implementation One of Asia’s most popular techno- logy site with hundrets of connec- tions to Asian travel sites. tba Der Hotel Talk Hamburg Industry professionals gather for an X extensive discussion on the current hotel situation in German, Europe and the world. 14 I Activities 2020
activities 2020 calendar Activities/Events Location Description visit stand December 01. – 02. Dec Santa Claus Sales drive Hanover Sales drive action with selected VCH-Hotels 03. – 04. Dec Santa Claus Sales drive Berlin Sales drive action with selected VCH-Hotels Sales Meeting Duesseldorf Sales round up of the results in 2020 and projection 2021. Wellnessletter Unwind in sparkeling wellness Winter edition resorts in the snow. ONYX commission Offering of TOP Head Office to processing take over the commission payment process as centralized source for payment. Explanation New in 2020 Exclusively in cooperation with VCH-Hotels Activities 2020 I 15
- tHe partners the tOp brand brings together hotels tOp City&Countryline (tOp CCl) is tOp With the niu, your city trip starts already that are synonymous with personalised, internatiOnal’s exclusive hotel collec- at the hotel. everywhere, for you, your friendly service. Wherever they are loca- tion, consisting of private first-class and friends and family there is something new ted, they rank among the best in their luxury hotels in germany and neighbou- to discover about the city. sometimes ca- class. they have chosen tOp internatiO- ring countries. these are establishments sual, sometimes crazy or even nostalgic, nal Hotels as their marketing partner – that never compromise on quality and but always strikingly different. each the one of europe’s largest hotel alliances undergo regular inspections. every tOp niu tells a surprising story – inspired by the that represents hotels in germany and City&Countryline Hotel exudes charm neighbourhood and shaped by art, spirit major european cities. the group is also and character and is privately owned or and history. in each the niu hotel you will the marketing partner of VCH-Hotels and managed. meet individual elements that make the embrace Hotels. place, and thus the niu and your stay a unique experience. 16 i THe PARTNeRs
R ed by po w erTOP INTERNATIONAL HOTELS & CORPORATE PARTNERS tOp internatiOnal takes over wellness- lists extraordinary VCH-Hotels (association of Christian, one of the leading internet conference hotels, conference centres Hotelkeepers e.V.) has been in existence platforms in german speaking europe. and event locations, serving as a preferred for over 110 years. the partner hotels of the outstanding placement in search en- planning tool for seminar and event orga- this association represent the mindset of gines under the criteria wellness is used nisers. simple enquiry options and stan- Christian hospitality, social engagement by over 100 hotels, carefully selected and dardised offer retrieval enable easy com- and fair trade. these attributes are re- upmarket properties, for additional mar- parisons and decisions for the perfect flected in the VCH slogan „On the road keting activities in the wellness segment choice. as well as the online function, and yet at home“. the 3 and 4 stars ho- and to offer their specific services and a personal conference service offering tels as well as the monasteries with their packages. advice and assistance is also available to offerings of culture, meeting places and customers at no cost. planning and boo- vacation packages are open to a wide king events cannot be any easier! variety of guests. these criteria are all represented in the partnership of tOp in- ternational and VCH-Hotels. THe PARTNeRs i 17
tOpreZ ng GDS-Systems connect your hotel to the world’s gDs and become available to thousands of professional travel bookers. Pegasus IDS sites connect your hotel to the pegasus iDs- powered sites and be available for sale through major online travel brands. Call Centre connect your hotel to 44 international call centre, the reservation agent will be happy to book at your hotel. Direct Connects connect your hotel to major travel websites and profit from our preferred partner agreements. 18 i TOPReZ NG
COnneCts YOU tO tHe WOrlD Preferred Partner connect your hotel to preferred partner websites and increase your listing position and market. samples: DerbySoft connect your hotel to the global leader of interfaces and sell your hotel rooms through over 1.000 integrated partners and global connections. Hotel website IBE connect your website to our innovative website booking engine and sell accommodation plus additional services on your website. Meta search sites connect your hotel with evolving rate comparison and hotel review sites as trivago and kayak. special implemented rate structures ensure a high conversion ratio. TOPReZ NG i 19
TOP INTERNATIONAL Hotels GmbH Neuer Zollhof 3, 40221 Düsseldorf T +49 (0)211 55 98 55-55 F +49 (0)211 55 98 55-54
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