Membership Setup Guide - 2019 Icon Systems, Inc - IconCMO

Page created by Enrique Moss
Membership Setup Guide - 2019 Icon Systems, Inc - IconCMO
Membership Setup Guide
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Membership Setup Guide
© 2019 Icon Systems, Inc.

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Published: May 2019


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Table of Contents

Quick Startup Guide                                                 4

IconCMO Software Concepts and Definitions.                          4
   Households and Individuals                                       4
   Why are there Household and Individual Groups?                   5
   Difference between Groups and Talents                            5
   Difference between Group Attendance And General Attendance       6
   System Overview                                                  7
   Running Reports, Exports, or Graphs                             10

How Do I...?                                                       12
  Add a Single Person or a Household                               13
  Add a Household Picture for the Pictorial Directory              15
  Add an Individual                                                17
  Add, Update or Delete Individual's Information                   17
  Add Notes to an Individual                                       18
  Handling Deceased People                                         20
  Add Member Groups                                                21
  Assign Members to Groups                                         25
  Transfer or Move a Member from One Household to Another          27
  Add Talents and Assign them to Members                           28

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Quick Startup Guide

When starting with IconCMO, there are basically two ways to get your membership information into the system.

One is to import your data from another system or existing spreadsheets. We do data conversions for a reasonable
fee to import data from other systems. Also, sometimes churches are able to do their own data imports using our
API, but this takes some careful planning and some programming expertise.

The other approach is to enter your record manually. You can read in the 'How To…' section of this guide about how
to create a household and add family members to it.

Once your family information is set, you can organize families and individuals into groups, associate them with
certain 'talents', and set up events for attendance, all of which is described below. Also, you can assign donor
numbers to your people and set up the contributions module, as described in our ​contributions setup guide​.

IconCMO Software Concepts and Definitions.

Households and Individuals

∙ Understanding the difference between a Household and an individual is important and is defined as follows:

  o Definition of a Household: A Household is a physical location where people reside and the name of the
    household represents the adults that are responsible for the location. It ​does NOT​ represent an individual. All
    individuals are listed within one household. Additionally, the household record defines the main mailing address,
    alternate address, main email and phone (if one exists), status, and email history. There is very little individual
    information displayed on the household screen.

  o Definition of a Individual: An individual is a person that resides at the location. Every member (individual) of a
    family or household should have an individual record in the system. The individual record is where everything
    about that person is stored – birthdays, marriage dates, personal emails, phone numbers, gender, relationship,
    what groups and talents they belong to, work information, etc.

  o A Household example – Let's say Jimmy and Mary Jones have three kids: Sarah, John, and Marky. We would
    have ​one​ household record called '​ ​Jimmy and Mary​'​ that includes the household's address. Then we would have
    five​ individual records. The first individual record would be Jimmy Jones, the second individual record would be
    Mary Jones, the third individual record would be Sarah Jones, the fourth individual record would be John Jones,
    and the last would be Marky Jones.

∙ How does this affect the data input or use of the system?

  o Scenario #1 – The church wants to send a newsletter to the congregation. When making labels, would you want
    to send one newsletter to the family or one newsletter to each individual in the family? Churches don't want to
    pay postage for each individual in a household to receive a newsletter. After all, a household could have
    anywhere from one individual to over ten individuals. In this case the labels are done at the household level.
    Therefore, a household group or report should be used and not an individual group.

  o Scenario #2 – The church wants to send a personal mailed invite (or email) to the teenagers about an upcoming
    event at the church. The church wants the labels addressed only to the teenagers, not the parents. This is a case
    where the individuals' records are used instead of the household for labels, because the household is named

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    after the parents. IconCMO will pull the teenagers' names from their individual records and use the physical
    address from the household record to create the label.

  o Summary - In scenario #1 the user would create a household group to get labels for each household addressed
    to the main people of that household. In scenario #2 the user would create a member group, not a household
    group, to send out the invite to the individual. See groups for more information. Whenever you are doing
    something in the system, ask yourself the question: Do I need this for individuals or households?

Why are there Household and Individual Groups?

∙ A deeper understanding of differences between a Household Group and an Individual Group is as follows:

  o Definition of a ​Household Group​: A Household Group is where the user creates groups and assigns a ​Household
    to the group. They first create the group, and can then add or remove households as they see fit. These are best
    used in situations such as when you want to create a household group for the purpose of sending a letter or
    other information via postal mail. The system will generate one label per household for the selected households
    of that group. Keep in mind a household is a physical location where people reside, and the name of the
    household represents the adults that are responsible for that location. Therefore, the labels will have the
    household name printed on them.

  o Definition of an ​Individual Group​: An individual Group is created for the purpose of tracking individuals in a
    group for attendance of a small group or ministry that meets regularly. It's also used for communication to these
    individuals and not the household. As an example, let's say you want to email or mail something specific to a
    person and not an entire household. You can have a family of three: John and Mary with a son, Jimmy. Jimmy
    belongs to the group called '5th Grader Bible School'. John and Mary aren't part of the group, therefore if their
    email address is different than Jimmy, they will not receive the email. Only the individual would receive it, and in
    this case, it would be Jimmy.

Note about Emails​ – When households or individuals have the same email address listed under several individual
records, or a household's email is the same as one of the individuals, the system will only send the email once. It will
not send duplicates to the same email address.

Difference between Groups and Talents

∙ Understanding the difference between Groups and Talents is important and is defined as follows:

Note:​ There are two types of groups - Household Groups and Individual Groups. For the purpose of this section, we
will think of them as just groups.

  o Talents are assigned at the ​individual level​. Households do not have talents – ever. Some common talent
    examples are greeters, plumbers, carpenters, ushers, book store attendants, etc. Notice how these describe a
    gift of someone – not that they belong to a group such as 'Men's Bible Study' or '5th Grade Bible School'. Think
    of talents as individual gifts that a person is willing to use on behalf of the church in order to further its mission.
    An example: the mother in a household could have a talent as an usher. Taking this a step further, the mother
    could be part of the '8:30 Women's Bible Study' group, plus she also helps as an usher. Other ladies could be
    part of the '8:30 Women's Bible Study' but not be involved as an usher. They might however, help out as a
    plumber or book store attendant if they are experts in those areas.

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Difference between Group Attendance And General Attendance

∙ Understanding the difference between Group Attendance and General Attendance:

  o Group attendance was designed for taking attendance on a specific group of individuals (not household groups).
    This is completed under People-> Groups -> Manage Groups. You will need to add the event first, which can be
    done by clicking on 'Group Events' and adding the event.

    The biggest difference is that when you set up events you will only see the people that are in the group that you
    can take attendance on instead of the entire congregation.

  o General Attendance – This is completed under the People-> General Attendance -> Attendance screen. This
    screen takes attendance for the entire congregation, typically for the weekly meetings. It can be taken by
    individual or head count. In each case you must first select event folder, the event and event time (if you choose
    to track the times) before you enter the attendance. When individual attendance is taken, you click
    'Add/Remove Individuals' to populate your member list, then click the checkbox under the column 'Attended?'.
    This means they have attended. You can switch it back to unattended by removing the check from the box by
    clicking on it again.

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    To display only individuals who are attending (the ones you have already checked) click on 'Show Assigned Only'.

    Head count attendance is taken by clicking on the 'Event Summary' button (after choosing an event,) entering in
    the count for each time slot and clicking save.

System Overview

∙ System Settings Overview

  o Organization-> Preferences-> Church Membership – This window has several sections – 'system default values',
    'modify contents of a drop down list', and 'other membership preferences'. The 'system default values' section
    allows you to set the default values for the denomination, language, address format, create two custom fields
    for household, set the city, state, zip code, and area code. Additionally, if the church plans on using the
    accounting side of the system, they may want to turn the 'Link to Fund Accounting' on. When contribution

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   batches are posted to donor's accounts, the system will then record the transactions into the General Ledger.
   Remember to click save defaults once all changes are made. If the 'Auto Rollover Contribution Info to Next Year'
   feature is set to 'Yes', donors and contribution funds from the current year will be copied into next year
   sometime near the end of December by the Icon Systems support staff. Please note that multi-year funds do
   NOT get moved forward as part of the procedure, and must be manually moved when you are ready to do so. If
   the 'Display Address on Contribution Entry Form' feature is set to 'Yes', a contributor's address will be shown in
   the contribution batch entry window when their name is selected.

 o The 'modify contents of a drop down list' feature allows additional values to be added or deleted from the
   standard drop down list. For example, you can add 'Shut-In' to the 'status' drop down list as an additional status
   code for individual and household status. Other drop down lists you can add values to include relationship,
   denomination, language, countries, ethnic origins, occupations, and gender.

 o Maintaining or Modifying Drop Down List Contents:

   ▪ Adding a new entry – Select the drop down list you want to change by choosing it from the drop down list
     labeled 'Select Drop Down List'. Next, set the current value to 'Add New Entry', then enter the new entry in
     the text field 'New / Modified Value'. When finished, press the 'Save New' button.
   ▪ Change an existing entry – Select the drop down list you want to change by choosing it from the drop down
     list labeled 'Select Drop Down List'. Select the entry to change from the drop down list located in 'Current
     Values', then enter the new value in the text field 'New / Modified Value', then press the button 'Save
     New/Modified'. This will change the old value to the new value unless the new value also exists in the drop
     down. When the new modified value already exists, any individuals having the old value will be changed to the
     new modified value and the old value will be deleted.
   ▪ Delete an existing entry – Select the drop down list you want to change by choosing it from the drop down list
     labeled 'Select Drop Down List'. Select the entry to be deleted from the drop down list located in 'Current
     Values', then enter a replacement value in the edit box titled 'New/Modified Value', then press the button
     'Delete Selected Option'. When an individual record has a matching entry that is to be deleted, the deleted
     entry will be replaced with the New/Modified value. The replacement value entered must exist in the item list
     you're working with. An exception to this is 'Occupation'. An occupation entry can be deleted without having
     to enter a replacement value. In this case, any individuals having the deleted occupation will be cleared.
   ▪ Please Note:​ It is not a good practice to define a new status code if a household or person can fall into more
     than one status code. Example: Adding a status code of Choir or Usher would be bad because a person could
     belong to both and be Active. In this case the person should have a status of 'Active' and belong to both the
     'Choir' group and the 'Usher' group. Use the Groups section to classify Choir members and Ushers.

 o The 'other membership preferences' allows changes to the phone and email types or the special events. Phone
   and email types can be added like 'mobile' or 'work'. Special events are milestone dates like birthdays,
   marriages, confirmation or joined dates. Each button activates a sub-screen as noted below with the shadowed
   insets. These settings should be set up by the church's system administrator as they affect the entire system.

 o Maintaining Special Events:

   ▪ Add a new event​ –​ Press the 'Clear Fields' button to clear out the contents of all the fields, then enter the
     name you want to give the new event. The event name can contain a maximum of 15 characters. Add up to 6
     additional fields to retain information about the event. Give each field a name by typing the field name in the
     edit field. Then, press the 'Save' button to add the new event to the system.
   ▪ Change an existing event – Select the event to change from the list of events in the left scroll window, modify
     the names of the user-defined fields. The first five event names are used by the system and cannot be
     modified. Press the 'Save' button after completing the changes.
   ▪ Delete an existing event – The first 5 events are system defined and cannot be removed. Select an event to be
     removed from the left scroll window then press the 'Delete' button. A message will appear reminding you that
     the event will also be removed from any member to which it has been assigned. Then press ‘Ok’ to delete.

 o Maintaining Phone Types:

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    ▪ Adding a new phone – Press the 'Clear' button to clear out any existing information. Enter the name of the
      phone category you want to create and check the check boxes titled 'Use Ext' if the phone type contains an
      extension. Be sure to check the 'Unlisted' checkbox (when setting up each member) if the phone type may
      have numbers that should not be listed on directories or other reports. Check the 'Cell Phone' checkbox if this
      phone type is for cell phones. This cell phone checkbox is used to identify if a phone number should have the
      capability to assign a cell phone carrier. Phones having a cell phone carrier can be sent instant text messages.
      This can be very useful for alerting entire groups of schedule changes etc. Press the 'Save’ button after making
      your changes.
    ▪ Changing a phone​ – ​Select a phone name from the phone scroll window. Change the values and press the
      'Save' button.
    ▪ Deleting a phone name – Select a phone name from the phone scroll window and press the 'Delete' button. A
      message will appear reminding you that this phone assignment will be removed from any household or
      member using it. You then have the chance to cancel or continue the request.

  o Maintaining Email Types:

    ▪ Adding, changing and removing email names – These options work the same as the phone options, except
      there is no carrier for email as that is part of the email address. ​Note:​ An email that is marked as unlisted will
      still be used when a mass email is sent. Unlisted means it will not appear in directories.

  o Organization-> Preferences-> Personal – This screen has several sections: 'System Wide Preferences',
    'Membership & Contribution Preferences', 'Accounting Preferences', 'Personal Security', 'User Email', and 'Other
    Personal Preferences'. This screen affects only the logged in user and not other users on the system. In the
    'System Wide Preferences', the user can set the fiscal year, date format, background image displayed in the
    system and switch the accounting menu sections on or off depending on whether or not they wish to see them
    displayed in the menu system on the left-hand side of the main window. In the 'Membership & Contribution
    Preferences', the user can set the default status code and country for data entry purposes. 'Accounting
    Preferences' allows the user to set a default date and fund for the accounting side of the system (ie. General
    Ledger, Banking, AR,AP, Payroll). The 'Personal Security' and the 'User Email' allow the user to change their
    current password or email.

    ▪ The 'Other Personal Preferences' section allows the user to turn the 'Auto Add' feature on or off for
      automatically adding member records when a household record is created, thus saving considerable time in
      creating the necessary member records. When turned on, this feature will create member records for those
      people automatically when there is either an ampersand (&) or the word 'and' between the first names. For
      example, John and Mary or John & Mary could be used when creating the household record, and the system
      will automatically create a 'John' member record and a 'Mary' member record. This saves time as you will only
      have to add member records for the children or other individuals living in the household.

    ▪ Note: It is very important for each user to have their current email address stored in the system in case they
      should ever need to reset their password. Icon Systems' employees do not have access to any passwords or
      the ability to change email addresses for users. Password resets are sent via email.

  o Organization-> Setup-> Information – This screen allows you to input the church's name and address that will be
    used throughout the system. It also allows you to upload a church logo which must be .jpeg format and a
    minimum of 75 X 75 pixels and a maximum of 150 X 150 pixels.

Running Reports, Exports, or Graphs

∙ Running Reports or Graphs on the system.

  o Reports on the system are done exactly the same way for membership, contributions, accounting and payroll.
    Any screen on the system that has the word 'Report' in its name will give you a list of reports for that module. In
    the figure below on the left side, there are numerous report screens in the 'People' menu. These include

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   Hse-Reports, Mem-Reports, Grp-Reports, etc. As an example, we'll choose the 'Hse-Reports' screen illustrated by
   the oval on the left in the screenshot below. When selected, the list of reports appear on the left side of the
   screen. We'll choose the 'Household List' report, which has an oval with an arrow. Select a report, and the
   report's filtering criteria will appear on the right hand side as indicated by the arrow. Set the criteria for the
   report and the output format (PDF, Excel, HTML, or Labels) as shown in the inset towards the bottom. Then click
   the 'Show Report' button to run the report. If you attempt to output the report to PDF and it doesn't appear
   on-screen, follow these instructions to set your browser and PDF software correctly.

 o Various report screens will also allow you to select multiple status codes. This is noted by a message that says
   'Use the Ctrl key to select multiple status', and is pictured below in the blue square. With the Ctrl key pressed
   down, use the mouse to click on the status codes you wish to include. When you're done making status
   selections, release the Ctrl key and run the report.

 o Note: When running reports, it's beneficial to understand what kind of data you are seeking. For example, if you
   are looking for a birthday report, you would go to the member reports, not the household reports. Why?
   Because households don't have birthdays – individual people do. In the same manner, if you were looking for a
   directory or address labels, you would go to household reports, as directories and household reports have
   address and household information with some individual information.

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 o Creating an export on the system is very similar to how reports are created. Choose the screen that has the word
   'Export' in the name and you will see a screen with exports on the left, and you can choose one of the exports
   which will display the filtering criteria on the right. Once you select your criteria, you will click the 'Export Data'
   button. You can either select 'Excel' or 'tab delimited' for the file structure using the drop down list that is just
   above the 'Export Data' button. In the screenshot below, there are several export screens such as 'Hse-Export',
   'Mem-Export', 'Grp-Export', etc.

 o Graphs are run in the exact same way as reports. Graphs can be found under Organization-> Graphs-> then
   selecting either People, Contributions, or Accounting. Below is an illustration of the 'People' graph screen, which
   shows the 'Members Age of Congregation' graph.

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  o After you click the 'Show Graph' button, the graph will appear on the screen as seen below. On this screen there
    are several options. You can choose 'Bar 3D', 'Pie 3D', or 'Doughnut 3D'. By selecting it, it will redraw the graph
    using that format. Additionally, if you right click anywhere on the graph you can either print the graph or save it
    so you can attach the file to an email. On the 'Pie 3D' or 'Doughnut 3D' options, you can also enable 'Slicing
    Movement' or 'Rotation' by right clicking on the graph. This allows the user to create a graph and bring a certain
    part of the graph to the front with more focus.

How Do I...?

Add a Single Person or a Household

∙ The following are helpful hints relative to household field definitions, and you should keep these in mind when
  adding this type of data to your system. Consistency is the key to good data entry and a better behaving system.

  o Title:
    ▪ If Married Couple Title=Mr. & Mrs. or Mr. & Dr.
    ▪ If Single Person Title=Mr. or Mrs.
    ▪ Many People will leave this field blank.
  o First Name:
    ▪ If Married Couple First Name=John & Mary or Mary & John
    ▪ If Single Person First Name=John or Mary
    ▪ This field is never blank. It must contain the Head(s) of households.
  o Last Name:
    ▪ If Married Couple with the same last name. Last Name=Anderson
    ▪ If Married Couple with different last names. Last Name=Anderson (Smith) The primary last name of the
       household would be Anderson and the Secondary name would be Smith.

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    ▪ If Married Couple has different last names and the wife hyphenates her last name Smith after his name
      Anderson: Last Name = 'Anderson (-Smith)'. The parenthesis are important here to distinguish that John does
      not hyphenate his name.
    ▪ If Married Couple both hyphenates their last names. Last Name=Anderson-Smith
  o Status:
    ▪ ​The status field is used to designate different types of households. The system offers four default status codes
      of Active, Inactive, Visitor and Delete. You can add as many of these as you wish by going to Organization ->
      Preferences -> Church Membership. On the right side, locate the field "Select Drop Down List" and select
      "Status". Enter the Status you wish to add in the New / Modified Value and click Save New / Modify button.
    ▪ Do not add a status code where an individual can fall into more than one code. Example: don't add choir since
      a Choir member can also be an Active Member. Don't add Employee since an employee could be Active or
      Friend. Choir members belong in Groups.
  o Status Date:
    ▪ The Status Date can be used in several ways. Most will change the status date each time the household Status
      is changed. Some will change the date every time a field is modified on the window. You could also use it as
      the date the household joined the church

∙ Single Person Household – If you are adding a new Person in the system that is the only member of the new
  household, one household record would be added first, reflecting the physical residence and one member record
  representing the individual living at that location. First, click on the menu People-> Household-> Hse-List from the
  main menu, then click the 'Add New Household' button. After clicking the 'Add New Household' button, Fig. 1
  appears to enter in a new household. Note: There are no family members in the gray box to the right on this form.
  If this is a new household and you see family members you should click the 'Clear-Add New' button which will start
  the process to add a new household and not overwrite the existing household. The household record would be
  inputted as 'John' for the first name field and 'Smith' for the last name field (circled in red below). The physical
  address is also entered. Once all the information is entered, please click the 'Save' button and the system will
  confirm the save by displaying 'Add Succeeded' in blue letters above the First and Last Name fields (Fig. 2.)

           Figure 1


  o Note:​ The system has the capability to add in the member records for the main people named in the household
    record automatically when this feature is turned on in the system. Please see system overview to see how this
    works. In our example here the system would add in the household record, then also add in a 'John' member
    record that appears in the 'Family Members' box. In situations where there are more members (IE a daughter or
    son), simply click the 'Add/View Members' button to add additional members.

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∙ For a married couple, the household name should contain the names of both parents, as seen in figure 2. The
  household's 'First Name' would be something like 'John & Mary'.

           Figure 2

∙ The figure above shows the household after it was added in. Whenever any household is added successfully, the
  words 'Add Succeeded' will appear in blue text. Additionally, if the system is enabled to add member records for
  the primary people of the household, they will appear in the 'Family Member' box. This happens with the single
  household scenario explained earlier. Once the household is created and all members are added in, you should see
  a complete listing in the 'Family Member' box.

∙ You can watch this ​video​ on how to add a household to IconCMO.

  o Note:​ If you do not get members to show up after adding in a household and using the '&' or the word 'and',
    then check to see if you already have a member on the system by the same name. Please go to the People->
    Members-> Mem-List screen and search for them by their last name. The system will not allow duplicate names.

Add a Household Picture for the Pictorial Directory

∙ You can access the screen for uploading Household photos in two ways. The screen works the same way in both

  o On the household record screen, you can click the image in the upper left corner of the household screen. If
    there is no household picture on the system yet, it will appear as shown below. Hover your mouse over the
    picture and click on it. The 'Household Pictures' screen will appear.

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  o Another means of access is by going to the People-> Household-> Hse-List screen. At the bottom of the
    household screen, there is an 'Add Household Pictures' button.

∙ This will bring you to the household pictures screen as seen below.

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∙ Any household that already has a picture will have a 'Yes' in the 'Picture Uploaded?' column.
∙ Select the household in the left hand window pane, who you would like to upload a picture for.
∙ Click the 'Choose File' button and locate the picture on your hard-drive or other media.
∙ Then click the save button. The system will take a few seconds to upload the picture. Once done, you should see
  the image in the right-hand pane.
∙ You can also delete the picture by choosing the household on the right and clicking the 'Delete Picture' button. The
  right side of the screen will go to the gray image that is seen when no photo is uploaded.

Note​: This is the same process under the Mem-list that would be used for adding pictures to Individuals.

Add an Individual

∙ Special Notes: A member must be attached to a household. Therefore you cannot add a member unless the
  household exists first. If you need to add a household first, please see the topic, Adding a Household.
  o Go to People -> Households -> Hse-List.
  o Click on the last name of the household you wish to add a member to.
  o Click the button 'Add/View Members'. This will bring you to the Member Form.
  o Enter the member's first and last name. Other data that can be entered includes relationship within the
    household, gender, denomination, language, preferred and maiden names. Click the 'Save Member' button to
    save the data. The member's name now should appear in the box with the other member names in the
    household, as seen below.
  o To add another new member, simply press the ‘Clear Fields’ button and follow the above step for the next
    member of this same household. It is not necessary to go back to the household list unless the member you're
    adding belongs to a different household.

    o You can also watch this ​video​ on how to add an individual into IconCMO.

Add, Update or Delete Individual's Information

∙ When updating an individual's information in IconCMO, it is generally done all in one place – under the member
∙ Go to People -> Members -> Mem-List.
∙ Click on the last name of the member for whom you wish to modify data.
∙ Select the data you want to modify. In the image below, you can choose 'Special Events', 'Phone Numbers', 'Email
  Addresses','Groups', 'Talents', 'General Attendance', 'Member Transfer', 'Alternative Address', 'Work Information',
  'Secondary Household','Allergies' , or 'Guardians' (works with Child Checkin module.)
∙ 'Household Info' can be viewed in this screen but cannot be modified. To modify household info, use the
  household list (Hse-List).

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∙ 'Background Checks' is an option that gives you an integrated link to log into SecureSearch Faith directly from this
  screen, once you have signed up for it. If you have never signed up, this screen will display a message to find out
  more by following a link to our app market​.

∙ Depending on which option you choose from the list outlined in the picture above, the information in the area to
  the right will change allowing you to enter in the appropriate data. For many of the options, a save button will also
  appear in the area to the right for you to click once you are done adding or changing the data. If you wish to
  delete the data, many of the options use the delete button in the same area. Don't confuse the save or delete
  button in the bottom portion of this screen with the 'Save Member' or 'Delete Member' button for the primary
  member form at the top of this screen or you may not get the desired results

      Note: You can customize many of the drop down menus such as Special Events, Phone Name, E-mail Name,
      Occupation by going to Organization -> Preferences -> Church Membership -> Modify Contents of a Drop Down
      List, Maintain Phone - Email Types, or Maintain Special Event Types. To add Groups or Talents to the drop down
      lists, see the “Add Member Groups” and “Add Talents” sections at the end of this guide.

Add Notes to an Individual

∙ You can access the screen for adding member notes in two ways. The screen works the same way in both
∙ Go to People -> Members -> Mem-List.

o Click on the last name of the member whose data you wish to modify.

∙ Click the button called 'Add Notes' on the member screen. This will open up the member notes screen for that
  individual. Once an individual has notes added, the 'Add Notes' button becomes an 'Add/View Notes' button.

∙ In the example below, we are on the Anjeneya Abar member record. After clicking the 'Add Notes' button, the
  notes screen pops up. Here you would type in your notes in the right, and then click the 'Save Notes' button near
  the bottom of the window.

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∙ You will see a 'Save Succeeded' message.

    ​ nother means of access is by going to the People-> Members -> Mem-List and choosing 'Add Member Notes'.
  o A
   This will bring you to the same member notes screen.

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Note​: This is the same process under the Hse-List that would be used for adding notes to Households.

Handling Deceased People

∙ There are two ways of doing data entry for deceased individuals, depending on your situation.
  o If the person is the only member in the household:
    ▪ First, check to see if any contributions are attached to the deceased member or their household. If there are,
       then you will want to go to Contributions -> Management -> Cont-Statements and print a statement for that
       household. This statement should be mailed to the person handling the estate for this individual. This is
       important, as all the money minus the taxes will be dispersed immediately. Print a second statement as a
       backup copy and keep it in a folder. Since this is the last person in the household, you can delete the entire
       household and archive the members inside. Go to People -> Households -> Hse-List and locate the deceased
       household. Click on the Last Name of the deceased household and press the delete button. Follow the steps
       displayed in the popup messages.
  o If the household has other members that are in the household that are not deceased:
    ▪ Go to People -> Members -> Mem-List and locate the deceased member. Click on their last name to bring up
       the member form for the deceased member. Add a special event for the member under the member's special
       events. Once this is added, click the "Delete Member" button. Click 'OK' to the message 'Are you sure you
       want to delete this member?' Then click Yes in response to the message 'Do you wish to send the Member
       information to the Archives'. Enter a reason of 'Deceased' and click 'OK'. When you're done, the household
       will still exist, but that specific member will no longer appear in the household. They are now in the archives.

∙ NOTE​: We always recommend archiving all individuals unless they were entered into the system in complete error.
  The reason is that you can un-archive them. Additionally archived individuals don't count against your household
  count for pricing, saving the church money.

Add Individual Groups

∙ Adding individual groups is done on the People-> Groups-> Manage Groups screen. Groups are categorized by a
  generic heading called a folder. For example 'Sunday School' would be the folder name, and 'Grade 1', 'Grade 2',
  and 'Grade 3' would be the actual groups. Both the folders and groups must be created by the church before
  adding anyone to the actual group. The names are completely customizable by the church. Below, we will go over
  how to add the initial group categories and groups. Then we will explain how to add individuals to the groups.

  o Adding Folders – All the maintenance for group folders and groups are completed using these 'Add/Edit'
    buttons, found on the right hand side of the screen as marked by the arrows below. Every group must fall under
    a Folder. If the folder does not exist in the drop down list, then click the 'Add/Edit Folders' button on the right
    (circled in red below). This will bring you to the Manage Folders screen. Under 'Current Folder', choose 'Add
    New Folder ' Add a new Folder Name such as 'Sunday School'.

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      This will bring you to the Manage Folders screen as seen below. Under Current Folder, choose 'Add New

      Folder'. Enter a new 'Folder Name' such as 'Sunday School' and click 'Save'.

      Once you click 'Save', you will be automatically brought to the screen where you can add groups into that
      folder (as seen below.) You will be able to add specific groups at this time, or you can click 'Close' to add
      them at a later time. Your folder will still be saved, it will just be empty until you return to add groups into it.

 o Modifying/Deleting Folders – To change the existing folder 'Sunday School' to 'Sunday Bible Studies', click the
   'Add/Edit' button, which brings you back to the Manage Folders screen. Select the folder you wish to modify
   from the drop down list and type the folder’s new name in the 'Folder Name' field. Click 'Save'. To delete an
   existing folder, select the 'Current Folder' from the drop down list and click 'Delete'.

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 o Adding Groups – This screen will pop up immediately after adding a new folder, but you can still access it at a
   later time without adding a new folder. To add a group you must first select which Folder the group will be
   under. Then click the 'Add/Edit Groups' button on the right. This will bring you to the Manage Groups screen.
   Under 'Current Group', choose 'Add New Group' from the drop down list. Type in the group name, such as
   'Grade 1', 'Grade 2', or 'Grade 3', in the 'Group Name' box and click the 'Save' button. Optionally, you have the
   choice to add leader or description of your group. You also have an option to mark your group as 'Private'. This
   only matters if you are using the Parishioners Module. You will have to click 'Close' to return to the main group
   management page.

 o Additional Buttons – located on the left side of the Manage Groups window.

   ■   Group Email – You can email the members in a group using the 'Group Email' button which brings you to a
       new window where you can compose and send your email.
   ■   Text Message – You can send a text message to the group selected. Clicking on the 'Text Message' button
       will open a screen to compose a text message. You can choose which phone type to use (example cell phone
       vs work mobile), Who the text is coming from (email address, name, church name), subject and message.

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               ∙ ​To receive text messages, the cell phone must be recognized as a cell phone and have the carrier
                  listed. If you are unsure which individuals have or do not have a cell phone carrier listed, you can
                  use the 'Print Options' on the right to pull a report.
               ∙ ​To assign a carrier, go to People: Members: Mem-List and select an individual and click on Phone
                 Numbers. Select their cell phone and add the carrier. If you do not know the carrier, type their
                 number into and it will tell you which carrier they use.
               ∙ ​Text message character limit is 160.
   ■   Group Events – You can set up and track attendance for groups. Select the folder and group and then click on
       'Group Events'. Type the name of the event, choose a date and click add (as circled below.)

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               ∙ I​ f this is a recurring event, click on Add Multiple Events (as seen in the box above.) This will open a
                 new screen (see below.) Enter the beginning date, the end date, how often the event occurs
                 (Weekly) and the event name. You do have the option (see arrow below) to add a recurrence of
                 any number of weeks – every 2 weeks, every 6, and so on.

   ■   Group Copy – You can copy all of the individuals from one talent into another talent. This will not remove
       them from the original talent, and it will add them ​in addition​ to the individuals already listed within the
       talent group you are copying to. Click 'Copy Assignments' and when it is completed 'Copy Completed' will
       appear at the bottom of the screen as shown below. Click on 'Close' to return to the Manage Talent screen.

∙ Individual groups and household groups are created exactly the same way. If you are unsure which type of group
  you want to create, then please read the section called 'Why are there Household and Individual Groups'. The
  menu option for household groups is also the same: People-> Groups-> Manage Groups. The only difference is the
  'Group by' option will have to change from 'Individuals' to 'Household'.

Assign Individuals to Groups

∙ When assigning people or households to groups, both screens work exactly the same way. The only difference is in
  household groups, where you typically see the name of the parents or person in charge of the household. In the
  individual groups, you see individual member names. If you are unsure about the differences between household
  and individual groups, please review this explanation before moving on.

∙ Once groups have been created, you can assign individuals to them. There are two ways to do this.

   1. Remaining in the groups management screen. Once you have completed adding groups to your folders, you
      will see a message (as circled in red below,) that the “Group is empty.” Click on the 'Add/Remove Individuals'
      button as indicated by the arrow below. It will populate all individuals into the currently blank section
      beneath it. You can use the Filters on the left (circled in green below) to narrow your results by name, age or

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   You can select the individuals you wish to be assigned to that group simply by checking the box next to the
   specified individual as shown below.

   2. Go to the member screen (People -> Members -> Mem-List), clicking on the last name of the individual,
      choosing 'Groups' (as outlined below), Picking your Category (Folder) and choosing your Group, and clicking
      'Add to Group'. Once you have added that individual to the group, it will appear in the central list indicated
      by the blue arrow below.

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Transfer or Move an Individual from One Household to Another

Many times this window is used when people are divorcing or getting married, or when a child becomes their own

∙   Go to People -> Members -> Mem-List.
∙   Click on the Last Name of the individual you wish to transfer.
∙   In the List of data entry options on the bottom left, select Member Transfer.
∙   In the white box next to the 'Find' button, enter the Last Name of the household you wish to transfer the individual
    to and click the 'Find' button.

∙ Click on the Last Name of the Household you wish to transfer the individual to.
∙ Press the Transfer Member button.

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Add Talents and Assign them to Individuals

∙ Adding talents categories and talents is done under the People -> Talents -> Manage Talents. This process is the
  same as adding groups. The first thing you should do is to compose a list of your talent folders. As an example, you
  could have "Music" as a talent folder category. Then, under Music, there could be various individual talents, such
  as Flute, Piano, Guitar, Drums, Organist, etc. Be thoughtful about organizing your items. Putting a talent like
  'Automotive' under the 'Music' folder would be incorrect. The talents should relate back to the talent folder
  category. Setting up talents works exactly like adding groups.

  o Adding a Talent Folder – you would first need to add your folder by clicking the 'Add/Edit Folders' button. On the
    following screen, type in a folder name; 'Music', for example. Click the 'Save' button. This should bring you into
    the Talent screen where you can add a specific talent, 'Guitar' for example. If you do not wish to add specific
    talents at this time, you can click 'Close' to add them at a later time. Your folder will still be saved, it will just be
    empty until you return to add specific talents into it.

  o Adding specific Talents in a folder – The next step is to add talents under the talent folder. This screen will pop
    up immediately after adding a new folder, but you can still access it at a later time without adding a new folder.
    To add a group you must first select which Folder the group will be under. Select the talent folder that you just
    added, 'Music'. Then click the 'Add/Edit Talents' button on the right. This will bring you to the Manage Talents
    screen. Under 'Current Talent', choose 'Add New Talent' from the drop down list. Type in the specific talent,
    such as 'Guitar', 'Vocals', or 'Piano', in the 'Talent Name' box and click the 'Save' button. Optionally, you have the
    choice to add a description of this talent. You will have to click 'Close' to return to the main talent management
    page. You would repeat this process until you have all your category folders and their talents added into the

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 o Adding Individuals to a Talent can be completed in two different ways.

      1. To add individuals using the talent module, select a talent such as 'Organist', like we used earlier, and click
      the 'Add/Remove Individuals' button. If you don't see everyone that should be in the list window to the right,
      choose an individual status of 'Everyone' in the Search filter on the left. To add an individual, all you do is
      click the check the box next to their name in the column 'In Talent?' To remove individuals, simply uncheck
      the box.

      2. Individuals can be assigned a talent when you are on their individual record. Go to the individual list and
      choose an individual. Then select the 'Talents' option in the list labeled on the bottom left of the screen.

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       The section to the right of the above list, allows you to add the individual to a talent. Use the drop down lists
       to the right to choose the talent folder and talent, then click the 'Add to Talent' button.

       It will populate the talent in their list of talents. You can also delete the individual from the talent on this
       same screen.

 o Additional Buttons – located on the left side of the Manage Talents window.

   ■   'Assign all to Talent' and 'Unassign All' – You can add or remove all individuals by using these buttons. Before
       using either of these buttons, you should do a backup by going to System -> System Utilities ->
       Backup/Restore menu option. The backup gives you an opportunity to revert back to the previous data, if
   ■   Talent Email – You can email the individuals in a talent using the 'Talent Email' button which brings you to a
       new window where you can compose and send your email.
   ■   Talent Copy – You can copy all of the individuals from one talent into another talent. This will not remove
       them from the original talent, and it will add them ​in addition​ to the individuals already listed within the
       talent group you are copying to. Click 'Copy Assignments' and when it is completed 'Copy Completed' will
       appear at the bottom of the screen as shown below. Click on 'Close' to return to the Manage Talent screen.

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