Los Abuelos - Yuck Boys Live

Page created by Alan Stevenson
Los Abuelos - Yuck Boys Live
VOL. 2 • NUM 36                              www.LaPrensaTEXAS.com                                 8 de Septiembre de 2019

                                         Los Abuelos
La Unica Nieta que    SAFC Ofreció La             Pachanga De                Dr. Alfonso              Fruta Nativa:
      Visita         Fan Appreciation               Palabras              “Chico” Chiscano           Ehretia Anacua
                          Night                A Westside Book Festival   July 22, 1938 - August
                     Y Concierto En Honor De                                     27,2019
                     Selena Durante Partido
                     vs. New Mexico United

     By R.Eguia         Por José I. Franco       By Gianna Rendon                                     Por Rachel Cywinski
Los Abuelos - Yuck Boys Live
2                                                                             La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                            8 de Septiembre de 2019

   This grass roots publication is the life
                                                                               Let’s Talk About it...
source for a community that is not easily
afforded viable access to diverse and ac-
cessible media. San Antonio and the sur-
rounding counties have become accustomed
to relevant news brought to them in both               By Yvette Tello                 Rights but he was afraid to
English and Spanish since 1913.                        With Grandparents day           fly. Actually he had a leg
            Steve A Duran Sr.
                                                       coming up, I am blessed to      amputated because of dia-
        s.duran@laprensatexas.com                      still have my grandmother       betes and wasn’t expected
             Ramon Chapa Jr.                           and she is pretty healthy,      to live past my 5th bday.
        r.chapa@laprensatexas.com                      I may add. She has all          That didn’t hold him down.
                                                       her wits about her. Know-       He fixed anything (mainly
               Yvette Tello
         Executive Vice President                      ing how my grandmother          water coolers..I know how
                                                       worked as a migrant work-       to fix them myself because
              Roxanne Eguia
              Editor In Chief
                                                       er and picked cotton, or that   of him) and sold it from his
        r.eguia@laprensatexas.com                      my grandpa was a purple         wheelchair. My grandpar-
             Victoria Ward                             heart recipient has helped      ents practically raised me.
            Graphic Designer
                                                       me understand that I am a       Loved it.”
                                                       part of something bigger
               Steve Walker
             Dr. Ricardo Romo                          than myself. Knowing that,      Mike Miller:
              Isa Fernández
                Contributors                           and knowing that previous          “Our grandparents and
          info@laprensatexas.com                       generations survived their      older people are full of wis-     gras, Coauila and both          older one gets away with
              Maria Cisneros                           own hard times, helps kids      dom. Sadly many people            grandmothers were born          everything. I’m her favor-
            Sales Representative
                                                       learn to cope and bounce        ignore them. You are truly        in the United States. I         ite. I’ll ask “who loves you
                                                       back from their own ad-         blessed to have her in your       remember as a child, both       more?” She answers”you
                                                       versity. I am blessed to be     life. I love to chat with older   grandparents the Martinez       do.” I love it.”
                                                       a grandmother of two baby       people.”                          and the Chapas; when I
                                                       boys ages 1 and 3. There is                                       would visit them, they had      Roxy Eguia:
                                                       something about the bond        Ramiro Mendez:                    a lot of pictures of me. At      “My favorite memory with
                                                       between grandparents and            “We all are descendants       the age of 2 years to 4         my grandma is being with
                                                       grandchildren that I can’t      of immigrants. We went to         years old, I was in suits.      her in her garden picking
                                                       explain and a love that         work up north a “las piscas”      They loved that. I have a       chili pequin and figs.”
                                                       can’t be imagined until         in several states picking         lot of cousins but I was
   The mission of the Westside Develop-                you become a grandparent.       different fruits and veggies,     the favorite grandson and       Angel Benn:
ment Corporation (WDC) is to foster
economic development, promote the de-                  Please share your favorite      even though we were U.S.          everybody would say I was         “My favorite memories
velopment and redevelopment of real estate             memory or your grandpar-        citizens, but we had to help      spoiled. I loved visiting my    are riding the bus for the
within its target area, create viable urban
communities, and preserve the character,               ent’s Let’s talk about it...    our elders, for several years     grandparents ; I remem-         first time with my grand-
culture and history of the Westside.                                                   and we were very proud of         ber spending quality time       mother, spending the day
   The vision is a vibrant Westside com-
munity where people want to live, work,
                                                       Stefani Shamloo:                that.“                            with them and just talking      shopping and going out to
and visit.                                                “ My grandfather was the                                       and chit-chatting and they      eat with my grandma and
         Leonard Rodriguez                             only daddy I knew. He was       Ramon Chapa:                      would tell me things. It was    watching Lifetime all day
           President /CEO                              also a migrant worker. Ce-       “I was fortunate to have
    leonard@westsidedevcorp.com                                                                                          good because I loved them.      with her”
                                                       sar Chavez asked him to go      both sets of grandparents.        I am grandfather of two
La Prensa Texas San Antonio is published once
a week by La Familia Duran Inc. San Antonio,           to D.C with him to advocate     Both of my Grandfathers           granddaughters 3 months
Texas (210) 686-0600. Subscription price in the
U.S.A. $125 per year (52 issues). The opinions         for Latino American Civil       were born in Piedras Ne-          and three years old. The
expressed in the editorials of this publication
represent the positions and ideology of this
newspaper; the opinions expressed by writers and
guest columnists are not necessarily the opinions
of the management staff or ownership of this
newspaper; the contents of which they are solely
and exclusively responsible for. Letters from our
readers are welcome and will be published, subject
to space availability so long as they are signed and
have a proper return address. All letters will be
reviewed and edited for offensive language, libel,
slander, defamation, proper grammar, spelling, and
accuracy, according to our style. La Prensa Texas
San Antonio is not responsible for advertisements
that may be deceitful or fraudulent, and does not
guarantee in any way the products or services of-
fered, of which only the advertiser is responsible.
All Rights Reserved. Published and printed in the
United States of America.
Los Abuelos - Yuck Boys Live
8 de Septiembre de 2019                                   La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                                    3

                                      About the Cover Artist
                                                                     Kim Bishop

                                                                Photos by Luis M. Garza. Visit this exhibition through Sunday, Sept. 29, 2019 at the City of San Antonio’s
                                                                Centro de Artes Gallery, located at 101 S. Santa Rosa, 78207. The exhibit is free and open to the public.

  Kim Bishop holds a Bach-      and the San Antonio Public
elor of Fine Arts in Com-       Library. She is currently
mercial Art, a Master of Arts   working as a full-time artist
in Gifted and Talented Cur-     out of her San Antonio-
riculum from Texas State        based studio, and teaches
University, and four lifetime   community classes part-
Texas Teaching Certifica-       time at the Southwest School
tions. Bishop has been an       of Art, and with local sus-
arts educator for over 30       tainable art and education
years, 28 of them in the        nonprofit Spare Parts. Her
Texas Public School system.     work is informed by her
A painter, printmaker, and      experiences as an educator,
sculptor, her work is in-       a social engagement artist,
cluded in the permanent         and as a resident of San
collections of the University   Antonio.
of Texas at San Antonio,
Los Abuelos - Yuck Boys Live
4                                                        La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                     8 de Septiembre de 2019

       The Doseum
       To Offer Free
      Admission For
 During The Month Of

                                                                      50th wedding anniversary of Concepcion Salinas Flores
                                                                  and Regulo Montalvo Flores. The grandparents of Isa Fernandez

  The Doseum is pleased to       to the public on september
announce grandparents ap-        8th.
preciation month, offering         The Doseum, San Anto-
free admission for grand-        nio’s museum for kids, is
parents during the month of      one of the leading children’s
september in recognition of      museums in the nation; a
national grandparent’s day       place where children learn by
held on september 8th. Chil-     doing. The doseum offers in-
dren and their grandparents      novative exhibits and experi-
will be able to enjoy a day of   ences to get children excited
exploration and discovery at     about concepts in science,
the doseum and visit recently    math, art, and literacy and
remodeled exhibits such as       encourages them to take the
force course and innovation      excitement into the world.
station.                         For more information, visit
  This offer is a great op-      thedoseum.Org the doseum
portunity to catch going         is a 501 c3-non-profit orga-
places—an exciting exhi-         nization.
bition immersing visitors         The offer is valid from                       Jose Maria and Sylvestra Saenz.
in the science of “getting       september 1- september 30,
around,” over land, sea, air,    2019                                        The Grandparents of Dr. Ricardo Romo
and space—before it closes                                                      Photo Courtesy of Romo Family
Los Abuelos - Yuck Boys Live
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                                   La Unica Nieta que Visita
By R.Eguia                         Hopie. I have always found (left).
  San Antonio is a city full       it so synchronous that my
of mamas and tias. The ma-         two favorite grandmas were
triarchal energy is apparent       born on the same day and
in the color palettes, food        harbor the same love.
and landscapes. Warm and             I travel frequently with
welcoming, the city will           my art collective and while
always remind me of my             we are abroad in Europe or
family and the women that          performing in L.A, people
brought me here.                   always ask us why we don’t
  Every Sunday, I meet my          move to larger cities like
grandma, Cointa, for lunch.        New York or London, in
Sometimes we meet at her           order to be closer to the cul-
house and she cooks Adobo,         tural pulse. Our answer is
Entomadadas, Caldo, Tosta-         always: Because our Grand-
das Preparados with black          mas.
beans and queso fresco.              My friend Gemel, who is
Sometimes she will want to         also a part of the art collec-
meet at her favorite Jalisco       tive is the only child of an
near 410 and Moursond, not         only child, which makes him
far from her house.                the actual only grandchild.
  These moments are spe-           He spends most days hang-
cial because I am her only         ing out with his grandparents             ABOVE on the LEFT: My late Abuela, Hopie.
nieta that still lives in San      who support his artistic vi-
Antonio. Everyone else has         sion and his appetite. They
moved on to Chicago, Dal-          are the actual cutest and
las, or back to Mexico. I live     will take us to the airport
only a few blocks from her         equipped with water bottles
and I like to see her when         and hot cheetos.
I can.                               I find this family dynamic
  She speaks only Spanish          to be really prevalent in S.A
and she is one of the only         and I wonder how many an-
people I can carry a conver-       chor abuelos are responsible
sation with in that language       for keeping this generation
without feeling totally em-        here. As others move away,
barrassed. I tell her she is the   I stand deeply rooted with
smartest person in the world       my family and my neighbor-
because she can discern my         hood.
broken up spanish. I learn           Cointa Baca is photo-
so much from her in our            graphed to the RIGHT here,
Sunday exchanges.                  on the far right, next to her
  She shares her birthday          daughter Blanca (center)
with my late Grandma,              and my mom, Josephine
Los Abuelos - Yuck Boys Live
6                                                            La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                          8 de Septiembre de 2019

                                         Pachanga De Palabras
                                                          A Westside Book Festival
By Gianna Rendon                  ized and when children were
   Join Échale Books on Sat-      punished for speaking that
urday, September 28 for the       language. In many ways, not
first ever Pachanga de Pal-       much has changed. While
abras: A Westside Book Fes-       the Pachanga de Palabras
tival! This book festival will    is hosted in the Westside
take place from 6pm-10pm          for cultural, political, and
in the heart of the Westside      personal reasons everyone
at the Historic Plaza Guada-      in San Antonio and beyond
lupe, 1327 Guadalupe St. and      are invited to celebrate the
is free and open to the public.   love of words and stories
   The festival will include      whether written or passed
book and zine vendors, live       down through generations.
music, poets, food vendors,
interactive free workshops           ABOUT ÉCHALE
for children as well as adults,   BOOKS: Échale Books has
and a drag king                   been providing affordable
   story time! The Pachanga       books to their community of
de Palabras seeks to promote      the Westside of San Antonio
literacy in San Antonio, as       for over 2 years via book
well as celebrate bilingual       pop-ups. They also recently
and Spanish literature within     installed a Little Free Library
an important public space for     by Las Palmas Elementary.
the community.                    We specialize in Chicanx/
   This book festival isn’t       Latinx/Bilingual/Spanish,
born in a vacuum, it is the       feminist, LGBTQ+, and po-
legacy of all the literacy        litically progressive books
and cultural work done for        although we provide genres
generations in San Antonio.       of all kinds.
The Pachanga de Palabras
is continuing the ancient           LINE-UP: 6pm – DJ De La
tradition of outdoor story-       O with MC Gacho Marx (La
telling -- from storytelling      Voz de Los MENtirosos, San
in the fields, to porches in la   Antonio’s only Drag King
vecindad, to storytelling in      Troupe) 6:30pm – Drag King
mercados and plazas. This         Story Time 6:45pm – Story-
book festival hopes to honor      time with Xelena González,
the work done before us, and      author of All Around Us
to inspire folks to continue      7:10pm – Marisela Barrera
                                                                     FB/IG: @echalebooks E-mail: echalebooks@gmail.com
doing the work of supporting      (teatro) 8pm – TBA 8:30pm
and uplifting their commu-        – Anel Flores & poets from
                                                                    • Aztlan Libre Press • Bonnie   Neidy Flores • No Whites        - Nancy de la Zerda • Tom-
nity. VENDORS & LINEUP            The Center’s Monthly Queer
                                                                    Cisneros/Despeinada Styles      Allowed Zine (NWA Zine)         boy Toons • Warship Zine
BELOW.                            Voices Speak Out program
                                                                    • Ericfi.Zines • Faith and      • Planned Parenthood Texas      • WildHoneyPot • Xiobahn
   Historically, the Westside     (poetry) 8:50pm – Victo-
                                                                    Fashion • FlowerSong Books      Votes • Red Salmon Arts •       Apothecary: NovelTea Shop
was one of areas of town          ria Garcia Zapata (poetry)
                                                                    • Guadalupe Cultural Arts       Casa de Resistencia • San       • Yes, Ma’am Zine
whose populations were kept       9pm – IndigiNecias (music)
                                                                    Center • Mary Agnes Rodri-      Antonio Public Library - La-      Contact: Gianna Rendon
from many resources includ-       9:15pm – Polly Anna Rocha
                                                                    guez • MestizaAF Bookshop       tino Collection and Resource    or Eliza Perez Échale Books
ing quality education. Most       (poetry) 9:30pm – Alyson
                                                                    • Mind Monkey • Metropoli-      Center • Say Something Real     Phone: 210.328.1980 (G)
Westsiders remember or            Alonzo (music)
                                                                    tan Community Church of         Press • St. Sucia & Isabel      | 956.354.4396 (E) echale-
have relatives who remember
                                                                    San Antonio • M. Cortez •       Ann Castro • Sunshine Sales     books@gmail.com
when Spanish was criminal-          VENDORS: Anel I. Flores
Los Abuelos - Yuck Boys Live
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                                                        By Leonard Rodriguez
                                                        This column highlights
                                                        inspiring stories of Latino
                                                        leaders. For more than 500
                                                        years, Latino men and wom-
                                                        en have positively influenced
                                                        the face of United States so-
                                                        ciety. Let us celebrate these
                                                        outstanding hispanics.

                                                             Joseph M.
                                                        At age 21, Joseph M. Mon-
                                                        toya became the youngest
                                                        member of New Mexico’s
                                                        House of Representatives.
                                                        Rising quickly through the
                                                        ranks, he was elected to
                                                        the U.S Congress in 1957
                                                        and, in 1964, filled the late
                                                        Senator Dennis Chavez’s
                                                        seat. Senator Montoya was a
                                                        proponent of civil rights and
                                                        was committed to preserving
                                                        the cultural, linguistic and
                                                        ethnic heritage of Latinos. He
                                                        worked to pass laws to end
                                                        discrimination and improve
                                                        Hispanics’ quality of life. Af-
                                                        ter 21 years in congress, Sen-
                                                        ator Montoya passed away
                                                        in 1978. He was nationally
                                                        known for investigating Wa-
                                                        tergate and is remembered for
                                                        his Bilingual Education Act
                                                        of 1968 and legislation that
                                                        created National Hispanic
                                                               Heritage Month.
Los Abuelos - Yuck Boys Live
8                                                         La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                             8 de Septiembre de 2019

             E   V   E   N   T O   S
       SAFC Ofreció La Fan Appreciation Night
           Y Concierto En Honor De Selena Durante Partido vs. New Mexico United

Por José I. Franco              tiempo patrocinado por la         ción “H-E-B T-Shirt Toss”.
  El equipo San Antonio Fút-    cadena de supermercados             Además de haber sido un
bol Club (SAFC), propiedad      H-E-B), SAFC                      interesante partido ganado
de la empresa Spurs Sports        presentó el partido entre       5-0 por SAFC al duro visi-
&                           fanáticos denominado “H-          tante (ambos militantes en
  E n t e r t a i n m e n t     E-B Bubble Soccer”, luego         la Conferencia del Oeste en
(SS&E), una vez más         la presentadora                   el circuito internacional USL
con éxito rindió diversos         Rebecca Pérez, invitó al        Championship), la gerencia
reconocimientos durante         centro de la cancha a la          general cumplió a su base de     unfo, el mediocampista ar-        plan grande. El marcador
supartido contra el visitante   aficionada Michelle Mo-           seguidores con la tradicional    gentino Cristian Parano,          así lo indicó tras excelente
equipo New Mexico United        rales, para entregarle regalo     promoción “Fan Apprecia-         quien abrió el marcador 1-0       plan de juego en equipo. Se
(partido jugado en su sede el   y nombrarla “Twin Peaks           tion Night”, que fue patro-      en el minuto 28, y culminó        le ganó a un duro rival (New
estadio Toyota Field).          Supporter of the Match”.          cinada por Bud Light, que        su trabajo sobre la cancha        Mexico United),”, destacó
  La ceremonia de aper-           Posteriormente empleados        ofreció en el evento cerveza     anotando el 5-0 en el minuto        Darren Powell, director
tura fue encabezada por         de SS&E, se reunieron         y refrescos por la cantidad      90. El delantero Brian Gó-        técnico de SAFC, quien su-
Stephanie Bergara, quien        en el centro del terreno de       de un dólar.                     mez, puso la pizarra 2-0 en       peró en la estrategia al exper-
tuvo el honor de cantarel       juego para recibir felicitacio-     Cientos de aficionados de      el minuto 39,                     imentado timonel rival Troy
Himno Nacional. Seguida-        nes en el programa “SS&E          todas las edades, al final del     Frank López (delantero),        Lesesne. SAFC después de
mente el aficionado invitado    Family Recognition”. Estu-        partido, disfrutaron del con-    anotó el 3-0 durante el           dos partidos de gira retorna
de honor Anthony Torres,        diantes de UIW militantes en      cierto en honor de Selena,       minuto 56. Parano, se llevó       al Toyota Field este
posó con elequipo estelar,      los equipos de fútbol soccer      que fue exitosamente ame-        la distinguida designación          sábado 14 de septiembre
el pequeño futbolista Robert    varonil y femenil colegial,       nizado por el conjunto “Bidi     “SWBC Man of the Match”.          para recibir al rival OKC
Davis, vportó el gafete de      cumplieron invitación para        Bidi Banda”.                       “SAFC le dedicó este par-       Energy en el horario de las
co-capitán.                     repartir entre el público alu-      Por SAFC se destacaron         tido a la afición y se hizo en    7:30 p.m. (Foto por Franco).
  En el intermedio (medio       sivas camisetas en la promo-      anotando los goles del tri-
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Los Abuelos - Yuck Boys Live
10                                                                   La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                        8 de Septiembre de 2019

                                               F R U T AEhretia
                                                                            dos lados del patio trasero, todavía no había árboles jóvenes.    tienen que depender más de
                                                                            Entonces, un día, en el sorteo de un árbol en el sudeste de       más pequeños para sobreviv
                                                                            San Antonio, había un Ehretia anacua en una maceta. Ni              Ehretia anacua y Cordia bo
                                                                            siquiera las personas que regalaban árboles sabían lo que         les de tamaño similar que so
                                                                            era. Llevé ese pequeño árbol cuidadosamente a casa como           borraja. Ambos son de hoja
                                                                            si fuera el artículo más valioso y frágil; y lo plantó en medio   rangos en el este de México
                                                                            de todas esas semillas de Anacua enterradas que no habían         en la parte norte de sus distri
                                                                            germinado. Dos semanas después, las semillas enterradas           edor de San Antonio. Estos á
                                                                            al lado del arbolito brotaron y crecieron, y luego las que        bosques ribereños nativos de
                                                                            estaban a cada lado de ellas, hasta que brotaron casi 50          importantes como fuentes
                                                                            semillas y tuve que eliminar algunas cuando el seto de Eh-        migratorias.
                                                                            retia anacua se levantó a ambos lados del jardín. yarda. Al         Ehretia anacua es el anfit
                                                                            igual que la pareja que finalmente adopta y luego descubre        Anacua Tortoise, que segur
                                                                            de repente que están embarazadas, las semillas brotaron           cualquier humano que espíe
                                                                            en forma de dominó al caer en ambas direcciones desde el          aspecto claro y único en el e
                                                                            árbol adoptado.                                                     Ehretia anacua (símbolo U
                                                                              Una década después, la investigación emergente de arbori-       comunes de diferentes siglos
                                                                            cultura puede explicar lo que sucedió. Este nivel de investig-    fico y el nombre común “An
                                                                            ación está surgiendo de una combinación de nanotecnología         combinación de dos palabra
                                                                            e innovación humana práctica por parte de investigadores          (papel) y cuahuitl (árbol). E
                                                                            que dejaron de intentar llevar lo que estaban estudiando al       conoce generalmente como
                                                                            laboratorio y, en cambio, establecieron sus observaciones en      de los nombres comunes en
                                                                            el ecosistema. El resultado es un énfasis en las micorrizas y       Ehretia anacua es un árbol exce
                                                                            la relación simbiótica entre los hongos del suelo y las raíces    proporciona sombra con sus rama
                                                                            de las plantas. Investigaciones muy recientes indican que,
                                                                            en ausencia de cualquier hongo específico, las raíces de una
                                                                            especie necesitan. No crecerá incluso en presencia de todos
                                                                            los nutrientes necesarios y la humedad adecuada. Cientos
                                                                            de semillas de Anacua enterradas en mi jardín no brotaron
                                                                            hasta que un árbol joven de Anacua y el suelo que contenía
  Este bosque de Ehretia anacua fue alcanzado por un rayo hace varios       sus micorrizas fueron trasplantados junto a ellos.
años, pero las cicatrices de quemaduras negras son el único daño en estos     De hecho, ¡ese árbol joven gratis no tenía precio para
árboles notablemente resistentes, que han seguido prosperando incluso       mí! Las bayas de Anacua son mi comida favorita. Parecen
                 después de ser alcanzados por un rayo.
                                                                            ser muy favorecidos por las aves, ya que ignorarán otras
Por Rachel Cywinski                                                         frutas maduras en otras plantas en el sotobosque hasta que
Miembro vitalicio de la Sociedad de plantas nativas de                      se consuma toda la fruta de Anacua.
Texas                                                                         Un año hubo una cosecha abundante de muchas frutas. Me
Traducido del inglés al español por LPT                                     sorprendió encontrar muchas cerezas maduras de Malpighia
  Fue mi fascinación con Ehretia anacua lo que me hizo                      glabra porque las aves se las comerían la mayoría antes de
arrojar precaución al viento y probar las bayas a pesar de                  que las consiga (ahora eso se ha corregido plantando mi
que no había una fuente definitiva que indicara que fueran                  propio jardín más pequeño y dejándoles cosechar el resto).
comestibles para los humanos. En ese momento, Ehretia                       Mientras estaba de pie en medio del sotobosque metiendo
anacua no estaba disponible en centros de jardinería minoris-               cerezas en mi boca, muchos cardenales y sinsontes volaron
tas. Me había familiarizado con el árbol mientras trabajaba                 sobre mí y me observaron con curiosidad, luego volaron de
como voluntario en el Parque Histórico Nacional de las                      regreso a los árboles de Anacua y continuaron disfrutando
Misiones de San Antonio, una de las pocas tierras públicas                  de todas las bayas de Anacua que habían estado fuera de
locales donde esta especie nativa es respetada y mantenida                  mi alcance.
adecuadamente. Durante dos años, recolecté semillas de                        Los árboles de Anacua florecen profusamente, pero algu-
cualquier derecho de paso público donde habían caído y                      nos años hay pocas bayas. En San Antonio hay años en que
podían recolectarse dentro de los límites de la ley.                        las tormentas y los vientos racheados golpean las flores de
  Pero después de dos años de plantar semillas a lo largo de                los árboles. En esos años, las aves nativas que comen frutas
8 de Septiembre de 2019                                           La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                                        11

       A T I V A
e los árboles y arbustos frutales             Anacua es uno de los árboles raros que los arboricultores
vir.                                        generalmente permiten hacer lo suyo, ya que no responde
 oissieri “Anacahuita” son árbo-            como se esperaba a las técnicas de poda estándar, pero tam-
on miembros de la familia de la             poco parece sufrir daños por ramas cruzadas y crecimientos
a perenne en la parte sur de sus            que podrían debilitar a otros árboles. Un bosque de Anacua
o, pero pueden ser caducifolios             de cinco árboles en mi patio está lo suficientemente cerca
 ibuciones nativas, que es alred-           como para que cuando cayera un rayo, los cinco obtuvieran
árboles son importantes para los            la franja negra y reveladora de sus troncos hasta el suelo.
e Río Grande y extremadamente               Un arbolista acreditado miró los árboles aún prósperos dos
  de néctar para las mariposas              años después y desestimó la salud del árbol después de
                                            un incidente potencialmente fatal como otra forma en que
 trión exclusivo del Escarabajo Anacua desafía la norma.
 ramente fascinará y deleitará a              Las ramas naturalmente arqueadas de Anacua pueden
 e su caparazón de “tortuga” de darle a un árbol maduro un perfil similar a un Live Oak.
 envés de una hoja.                         Pero Anacua no requiere un siglo de crecimiento para de-
 USDA EHAN), tiene nombres sarrollar esa altura. Un árbol cultivado a partir de semillas
 s. El origen de su nombre cientí- puede alcanzar la altura de un edificio de un piso en unos tres
nacahuita” de su pariente, es una años y luego espesarse a medida que crece. El crecimiento
 as náhuatl de los aztecas: amatl en altura de Anacua parece ser fuertemente dependiente
 En San Antonio, la especie se de la lluvia. Responde como un cactus: cuando no llueve,
o “Anacua” más que cualquiera permanece verde y se ve igual día tras día. Luego, cuando
n inglés.                                   hay fuertes lluvias, de repente la planta se ve más alta un
 epcionalmente resistente que crece más rápido que Live Oaks pero también
                                                                              día porque está enviando
 as arqueadas. Esta madura Ehretia anacua en St. Philip’s College es tan alta tanta humedad y energía a un
   como el edificio adyacente de dos pisos.                                   nuevo crecimiento.
                                                                                Al igual que los cactus,
                                                                              Anacua es extremadamente
                                                                              tolerante a la sequía. Tiene
                                                                              pequeños patrones de puntos
                                                                              en la superficie de la hoja para
                                                                              evitar la pérdida de humedad.
                                                                              Las hojas se ven más verdes
                                                                              y suaves en temporadas con
                                                                              abundante lluvia y nubes. En          Las bayas de Ehretia anacua se pueden comer crudas. Las hojas tienen una
                                                                                                                  superficie punteada que se vuelve más protectora a la luz solar y la sequía,
                                                                              estaciones cálidas y secas, la                   para proteger al árbol de la pérdida de humedad.
                                                                              superficie protectora de las
                                                                              hojas es más evidente. Esta
                                                                              superficie protectora repre-           Ehretia anacua es una especie importante de los bosques
                                                                              senta otro nombre común:             ribereños del bajo Río Grande. Gran parte de su hábitat
                                                                              “Árbol de papel de lija” que         puede perderse durante la construcción de un muro fron-
                                                                              se originó de los colonos que        terizo. ¡Así que plantemos mucho más en San Antonio y
                                                                              utilizan las hojas para lijar. La    mantengamos vivo a Anacua!
                                                                              madera de Anacua también
                                                                              se usó para mangos de her-             Perfil de Ehretia anacua en la Red de Información de
                                                                              ramientas y postes de cerca.         Plantas Nativas:
                                                                                ¿No es inevitable contem-            https://www.wildflower.org/plants/result.php?id_
                                                                              plar cómo los árboles vivos          plant=EHAN
                                                                              podrían haber sido utilizados
                                                                              para la protección, pero los           Perfil de Texas Entomology de Coptocycla texana
                                                                              muertos se usan para los             “Anacua Tortoise Beetle”: http://texasento.net/Coptocycla.
                                                                              marcadores de propiedades?           html
12                                                               La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                 8 de Septiembre de 2019

  Consider Financial Gifts for
     Your Grandchildren
By Edward Jones                      your tax advisor about these         age of majority as defined by
Edward Jones is a licensed           incentives, as well as all tax-      state law, at which time they
insurance producer in all states     related issues pertaining to 529     take it over. They then can use
and Washington, D.C., through        savings plans.                       the money for whatever they
Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.            A 529 savings plan’s               want – and their plans may not
and in California, New Mexico        contribution limits are quite        have anything to do with books
and Massachusetts through            generous. And, as the owner of a     or classes.
Edward Jones Insurance Agency        529 plan, you have flexibility in      Still, your grandchildren
of California, L.L.C.; Edward        choosing where the money goes        might be particularly interested
Jones Insurance Agency of New        – if your grandchild decides         in owning the stocks contained
Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward           against college or another           in the custodial account – many
Jones Insurance Agency of            type of advanced education,          young people enjoy owning                        Ernest J Martinez
                                                                                                                           Financial Advisor
Massachusetts, L.L.C.                you can transfer the plan to         shares of companies that                                                  edwardjones.com

                                     another beneficiary. And due         make familiar products. And                      1344 S Flores St         Member SIPC
                                                                                                                           Suite 205
  National Grandparents Day is       to recent tax law changes, the       your gift may even get your                      San Antonio, TX 78205

observed on Sept. 9. If you’re a     scope of 529 plans has been          grandchildren interested in                      210-354-4915
grandparent, you may get some        expanded to include qualified        long-term investing.
gifts or cards – or maybe even       withdrawals of up to $10,000           No matter what type of
a phone call! But you might          for tuition expenses per year per    financial gifts you give to your
feel that it’s better to give than   beneficiary at public, private       grandchildren, make sure your
to receive, especially when it       or religious elementary or           keep enough money to pay for
comes to your grandchildren.         secondary schools. Be aware,         your own needs. It’s important
And you can make a real              though, that a 529 savings           to balance your personal
difference in their lives by         plan could affect any financial      savings needs with your desire
making a financial gift for their    assistance your grandchild           to be generous.
future.                              might receive. Although a 529          Giving financial gifts can
  For starters, think about your     plan owned by a grandparent          be rewarding – to you and
grandchildren’s education.           won’t be reported as an asset        your grandchildren. Consider
If college or some type of           on the Free Application For          exploring some possibilities
vocational school is in their        Federal Student Aid (FAFSA),         soon.
future, you may want to help         withdrawals from the plan
them meet some of the costs,         are treated as untaxed income          For more information
which can be considerable. One       to the beneficiary (i.e., your       contact Ernest J. Martinez
common education-savings             grandchild) — and that has a         210-354-4915 or ernest.
vehicle is a 529 savings plan.       big impact on financial aid.         martinez@edwardjones.com
With this plan, earnings on          So, you may want to contact a
withdrawals are tax free,            financial aid professional about
provided they are used for           the potential effects of any gifts
qualified education expenses.        you’re considering.
(Keep in mind that 529 savings                 A 529 savings plan isn’t
plan distributions not used for      the only financial gift you could
qualified expenses may be            give to your grandchildren. You
subject to ordinary income tax       also might consider giving them
and a 10% IRS penalty on the         shares of stock, possibly held
earnings.) You also may be           in a custodial account, usually
eligible for a state income tax      known as an UTMA or UGMA
incentive for contributing to a      account. However, you only
529 savings plan. Check with         control a custodial account until
                                     your grandchildren reach the
8 de Septiembre de 2019   La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO   13

14                                                        La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                                                                                             8 de Septiembre de 2019

   OBITUARY                                                              ST. JUDE DREAM HOME Giveaway

                                                                         Sorteo Dream Home de St. Jude

            Dr. Alfonso
         “Chico” Chiscano
July 22, 1938 - August 27,2019

                                                                                                                              GANE ESTA CASA
                                                                                               Construida por Evolutionary Homes en The Canyons at Scenic Loop
                                                                                                    en San Antonio, TX, con un valor estimado de $725,000.

                                                                                     RESERVE SU BOLETO AHORA | 800-667-3578 | sorteodreamhome.org

                                                                       CUANTO ANTES RESERVE SU
                                  ate about teaching the next          BOLETO, TENDRÁ MÁS
  Dr. Alfonso “Chico” Chis-       generation of surgeons and           OPORTUNIDADES DE
cano passed away on Tues-         was recently promoted to
day, August 27, 2019, in San      Professor at The University          GANAR PREMIOS.
Antonio, Texas. He was 81.        of Texas Health Science Cen-         Reserve su boleto hoy para tener más oportunidades
  He was a native of Spain’s      ter at San Antonio.                  de ganar el primer premio—Entradas para el Concierto
Canary Islands, the city of         Dr. Chiscano worked stead-         Star Party incluyendo pases para conocer y saludar a
Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Dr.       fastly as a cultural ambassa-        los artistas, cortesía de KJ97. Reserve su boleto antes
Chiscano attended medical         dor, connecting San Antonio          del 4 de septiembre.
school in Barcelona, where        with his native Canary Islands
he was awarded Most Out-          and the country of Spain. His                                                                                                                                                                           Amiya, paciente de St. Jude
                                                                       Premio de compra anticipada—Un lujoso crucero de 7
standing Student. Following       great civic spirit and relent-       días para dos personas, cortesía de Carnival Cruise Line®.
medical school, he completed      less drive combined with his         Reserve su boleto antes del 4 de octubre.
General Surgery Residency         visions developed many busi-
at Wayne State University         ness relations between the
                                                                       Fecha de sorteo: 21 de noviembre de 2019
in Detroit, Michigan. Dr.         Canary Islands and San Anto-
Chiscano was then awarded a       nio. He has been named “The
clinical fellowship in cardio-    Father of the Tricentennial”         Patrocinadores Nacionales                       National Sponsors
vascular surgery at the Texas     celebration of San Antonio
Heart Institute in Houston,       as he tirelessly promoted the
Texas, working directly un-       history of the Canary Islands
                                                                       Patrocinadores Locales

der the supervision of Dr.        and their connection with the
Denton Cooley, a world-           Alamo City.
renowned surgeon.                   In terms of honors and
  With his grand capacity to      awards, Dr. Chiscano re-             El sorteo es llevado a cabo por, y a beneficio de ALSAC/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®. ©2019 ALSAC/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (42412).

care for others, he quickly       ceived the Medal of Isabel       dition, Dr. Chiscano was an                                                  foster the development of the                                                        daughters, Kristie and Ca-
became a prominent cardio-        the Catholic and the Medalla     American Heart Association                                                   Canary Islands and worked                                                            rina; sons, Steve and Todd;
thoracic surgeon in San Anto-     del Merito Civil, both pre-      Honoree.                                                                     relentlessly to build bridges                                                        and eight grandchildren:
nio, ironically, a city founded   sented by King Juan Carlos          Dr. Chiscano created the                                                  between the Islands and the                                                          Niko, Caz, Lauren, Oliver,
in part by Canary Islanders.      I of Spain. He was honored       Canary Islands Office in                                                     American companies.                                                                  Kayla, Christian, Alexandra
Dr. Chiscano operated and         with the Medal of Gold from      San Antonio which is coor-                                                     Dr. Chiscano leaves his                                                            (Birdie) and Lindsey; and
saved more than 6,000 lives.      the Autonomic Government         dinated by the Friends of the                                                best friend and loving wife                                                          spouses Jeff, Jon, and Kim-
In addition, he was passion-      of the Canary Islands. In ad-    Canary Islands Foundation to                                                 of 51 years, Mary-Alice; his                                                         berly.
8 de Septiembre de 2019                                   La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                       15

      Piratas de Sabinas campeón Torneo Sabinas Labor Day 2019
    Con picheo de Alejandro “El Pipis” Rivera derrotó al club Sabinas de Coahuila
Por Sendero Deportivo            (San Antonio), derrotó 5-1      ta Ramiro Morales, quien
  El equipo local Piratas de     a los Mineros de Dallas que     presentó los trofeos a los
Sabinas, con pitcheo del lan-    dirige el experto timonel       cuatro equipos, así como
zador derecho Alejandro “El      semi profesional Luis Cerda,    placas de honor y trofeos
Pipis” Rivera y salvamento       quien cuenta con experiencia    individuales, que otorgaron
del relevista Leo Sánchez,       dirigiendo en la Liga Norte     al mejor talento del torneo
con pizarra de 10-0 carreras     de Coahuila, con los equipos    (y a los jugadores MVP), y
derrotó al club visitante Sa-    Mineros de Rosita y Piratas     personas que una vez más
binas de Coahuila.               de Sabinas. La victoria fue     aportaron colaboración en la
  Piratas así en el estadio      para Iván Rubinsky. Sabinas     organización del concurrido
Potranco Baseball Field (que     dirigido por Juan Ochoa y       evento deportivo que logró
les fue prestado por el propi-   Jesús García, doblegaron        imponer marca de asistente
etario Eloy Rocha), logró        13-7 al club Agujita, Coahui-   durante el sábado 31 de
ganar su cuarto banderín en      la dirigido por Juan Aranda     agosto y 1 de septiembre, con
el tradicional Torneo Sabinas    y Chacho Zavala.                lo que a la vez festejaron el
Labor Day. Piratas, bajó la        Los equipos derrotados se     Día del Trabajo (Labor Day).
dirección del manager Ser-       disputaron el tercer lugar,       “Todos los años se ha          nuestro equipo está impues-
gio De Luna, y los coaches       ganando Agujita a Dallas con    registrado avance en el de-      to. Sabinas, un digno rival
(jugadores) Iván Rubinsky        marcador de 4-2.                sarrollo del béisbol, con        con beisbolistas de gran tal-
y Mauricio Esparza, con el         Por el campeonato, arriba     peloteros de gran talento.       ento, entre ellos novatos y de
respaldo del capitán Brayan      descrito los anfitriones, se    Sabinas, se coronó campeón       experiencia. Piratas, también
Guerrero, familiares, pa-        dedicaron a competir duro       durante el tercer torneo, por    presentó alineación para salir
trocinadores y su base de        y al final estrechar lazos      lo que seguiremos adelante       adelante en el primer partido
seguidores, vieron finalizar     deportivos con Sabinas. Am-     reforzando el equipo para        y cerrar fuerte en el segundo.
la sequía tras haber perdido     bos equipos alinearon con       lograr capturar otro banderín.   De antemano agradecemos el
los dos últimos torneos.         jugadores de gran calibre,      Agradecemos el respaldo          respaldo que se nos dio para
  Ahora los del ojo par-         como lo requiere el torneo      del público de la región car-    celebrar el torneo. Nuestros
chado, exhiben en su vitrina     categoría Abierta, por igual    bonífera y de aquí. El torneo    patrocinadores, familiares,
su cuarto trofeo de campeón,     Dallas y Agujita, lo cual       tuvo buena organización y        base de seguidores y paisa-
mientras que los equipos         en sus alineaciones rotaron     no queda más que felicitar       nos que concurrieron por dos
representativos de Dallas        beisbolistas que gozan de       a los anfitriones y a seguir     día a este interesante evento
(ostenta 2 campeonatos),         popularidad entre la afición    preparándonos para el octavo     en el que sobresalió el talento
y Sabinas (1 título), son        local y oriundos de Coahuila,   torneo”, dijo Juan Ochoa,        de todos los jugadores y di-      y Ramiro Morales (volun-
quienes les siguen en este       residentes en Texas y al sur    manager de Sabinas.              rectivos participantes”, dijo     tario), presentando trofeo
interesante evento deportivo     del Río Bravo.                    “Llevamos 4 campeonatos        Sergio De Luna. En las fotos      de campeón a los directivos
anual.                             La premiación del tor-        ganados de los siete que se      aparecen Piratas de Sabinas       de Piratas, Iván Rubisnky y
  La séptima edición de Tor-     neo fue dirigida por el co-     han realizado, lo cual es un     con su rival Sabinas de Coa-      Sergio De Luna. Johnny Lo-
neo Sabinas Labor Day,           mentarista y compilador         buen promedio, a pesar de        huila, unidos estrechando         pez, jardinero izquierdo pego
presento lo siguientes re-       Simón Sánchez, quien tuvo       que tuvimos par de años de       lazos de amistad y deportivo.     de 3-2 por Pirata. (Fotos Por
sultados. Piratas de Sabinas     gran ayuda en el beisbolis-     no lograr concretar a lo que     El capitán Brayan Guerrero,       Franco).
16                                                            La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO             8 de Septiembre de 2019

          Ransomware a Texas
             Sized Threat

By Jason Meza                     and how to respond if they             • Be cautious with attach-
Regional Director                 find themselves hacked, they        ments. Ransomware and other
Better Business Bureau            can minimize damage as well.        vicious softwares can be sent
13750 San Pedro Ave, Suite          BBB has these tips on pre-        to you through links or attach-
400 San Antonio, Tx. 78232        venting and responding to           ments in emails and phishing
p: 210.260.9843                   ransomware attacks:                 scams. It is best never to open
bbb.org Start With Trust®                                             anything from an unknown
   Texas made headlines             • Stay updated. Keeping           sender. You can also enable
around the world as news          your software updated will          your system to show file
broke of ransomware attacks       ensure you have the latest and      extensions, which makes it
on 22 municipalities state-       strongest security measures         easier for you to spot poten-
wide. The attacks happened        on your devices. The weaker         tially harmful files. Look for
on the morning of August 16       your system, the easier it is for   file extensions like “.exe,”
and seemed to target the local    hackers to get in.                  “.vbs,” and “.scr.”
governments of mostly rural
towns. What does this mean?         • Have a backup. Routine            • Disconnect from the net-
Ransomware allows hackers         backups ensure you have ac-         work. If you discover you’ve
to remotely encrypt comput-       cess to your data in the event      been affected by ransomware,
ers, locking out the primary      of a ransomware attack.             disconnect from your internet
users. Then, they can demand                                          connection immediately. Dis-
payment (usually bitcoin or         • Use stronger logins. While      abling that connection may
another type of cryptocur-        a strong password can help          cut off the hacker’s access to
rency) before they will release   keep unwanted attackers out         your data.
the computers or files being      of your accounts, you may
held hostage. The mayor of        also want to consider two-            • Keep your money. Ran-
one city said the attackers are   factor authentication. This         somware attackers will de-
asking $2.5 million in ransom.    would allow you to use your         mand payment to release
   Ransomware attacks don’t       fingerprint, security keys or       your computer, but there is
just happen to local govern-      one-time codes sent to your         no guarantee they will do so.
ments; they can target small      cell phone in addition to your      Keeping your data backed up
businesses and individuals as     password.                           will prevent you from needing
well. Cybersecurity authori-                                          to pay hackers.
ties said damage could have          • Install antivirus software.
been much worse, but because      Anti-virus software is another        • Reports the attacks. If you
Texas has worked hard on          protective measure you can          are a victim of a ransomware
incident response, everyone       take against hackers. Do re-        attack, report it to the FBI,
knew exactly whom to call         search on the software you          Internet Crime Complaint
when the attack happened. If      want before you download it         Center (IC3) and BBB Scam-
consumers and small business      to your computer and search         Tracker.
owners know how to protect        the company’s business pro-
themselves from ransomware        file at bbb.org.
8 de Septiembre de 2019                                      La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                                                                     17

Legislative Session Leads To Changes In
   Children’s Mental Health Treatment
Kronkosky Charitable Foundation Host Update on Legislative Outcomes Relating to Behavioral
                                 Health of Texas Youth

By Rebecca Helterbrand
  The 86th Texas Legislature
gave special consideration to
issues relating to the behav-
ioral health of Texas youth,
a topic that encompasses
both mental health and sub-
stance abuse (which are often
interrelated). It’s a subject
that affects approximately
130,000 children under age                                                                           The San Antonio Area Foundation has served as the sole,
17 in Bexar County alone,                                                                           designated community foundation for the San Antonio area
with many children typically                                                                         for over half a century, growing to become one of the top
receiving care only after                                                                            20 foundations in the nation based on asset size. The Area
                                                                                                       Foundation helps donors achieve their charitable goals,
encounters with law enforce-                                                                         managing more than 500 charitable funds approaching $1
ment or emergency rooms.                                                                             billion in assets. Coordinating efforts with numerous area
 While the Legislature passed     impact youth in our area.           Featured experts included:      nonprofits, the Area Foundation serves as a collaborative
some bills affecting the treat-     The discussion follows         Michelle Harper, Meadows         leader, connecting donors to address key community issues
ment of young people with         the February release of the      Mental Health Policy Insti-     and investing in our future. Since 1964, over $400 million in
                                                                                                     scholarships and grants have been awarded to enhance the
mental illness, other bills did   Meadows Mental Health Pol-       tute, Allison Greer, Center                       quality of life in our region.
not make it through. Several      icy Institute Study, funded      for Health Care Service,
local experts in the fields       jointly by both foundations      Deborah Caldwell, Northeast           Learn more about the community foundation at
of mental health, substance       to research current youth        Independent School District,
abuse and education will lead     behavioral health capabilities   Abigail Moore, San Antonio                              saafdn.org
a discussion on the bills that    and capacities in the area in    Council on Alcohol and
                                                                                                         112 E Pecan St # 830, San Antonio, TX 78205
made it, the ones that didn’t     anticipation of legislative      Drug Awareness.
and how these decisions will      action.                                                                                 210-226-4651
18                                                        La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO                               8 de Septiembre de 2019

  Equipos Listos Para
  Los Playoffs De La
   Cuando la Temporada Llega A
    Su Fin Grandparent’s Day

  Por Jessica Duran                La Conferencia Oeste
Traducido del inglés al es-      ha sido la conferencia más
pañol por LPT                    dominante con 5 de sus 6
  Los 8 lugares de playoffs se   equipos ganando un lugar
llenan a medida que la tem-      en los playoffs. El Oeste
porada regular de la WNBA        está liderado por los Ases de
llega a su fin esta semana y     Las Vegas, seguido por Los
los juegos de la temporada       Angeles Sparks, Minnesota
finalizan el domingo.            Lynx, Seattle Storm y Phoe-
  Es probable que Washing-       nix Mercury.
ton Mystics termine en el          Como el Sun, Mystics y
primer puesto de la Confer-      Aces son favoritos para el
encia Este con el Connecticut
Sun para seguir su ejemplo
                                 Campeonato de la WNBA,
                                 Sky and Sparks buscarán
                                                                     ATTENTION ALL DBE/SBE/MBE/AABE
y luego Chicago Sky. Los
místicos parecen ser los fa-
                                 causar caos y ser potenciales
                                 Campeones de la WNBA.
                                                                      SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS
voritos del título jugando       Todos los juegos de la tem-        Harper Brothers Construction is requesting bids from Subcontractors and
a un nivel impresionante         porada final restantes para la   Suppliers for the City of San Antonio Monticello Park (Kampmann to Fred Rd)
liderado por la candidata al     WNBA este domingo serán          Project. SW3P, Trucking, Barricades, Perm Signs, Sodding, Concrete Removal
All-Star y MVP Elena Delle       televisados ​​por ESPN3. Los     comprise needs for the project. All inquiries shall be directed to 210-740-0099
Donne, con un promedio de        playoffs comienzan el 11 de      Attn: Carlos Benavides or bidssa@harperbro.com. All quotes shall be in our
18 puntos y 8 rebotes por        Septiembre.                      office by 2pm on Sept 9th. Please email quotes to: bidssa@harperbro.com or fax:
juego.                                                            210-740-0056. Harper Brothers Construction is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
8 de Septiembre de 2019                                       La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO              19

                          Just a Thought
                                 Grandparent’s Day

By Steve Walker
Steve Walker is a Vietnam Veteran,
former Justice of the Peace and

   Grandparent’s Day is a
holiday for celebrating and
honoring both paternal and
maternal grandparents. Al-
though this celebration is           President Jimmy Carter in       either full time or part time.
largely celebrated in the            1978 and made official on       In the USA, 75 % of grand-
United States, various coun-         September 6, 1979 which de-     parents control the wealth
tries have also joined in on         clared the first Sunday after   of the country. They love
the fun of celebrating this          Labor Day as the Grandpar-      spending time with their
special day. But countries           ents’ Day.                      grand kids. Sadly to say, 66
like South Sudan, Poland,              The following are some        % of grandparents have not
Canada, France, Germany,             of the most interesting facts   yet celebrated Grandparent’s
Estonia, UK, and Australia           about the Grandparents Day      Day. It is time to change this
have different dates for the         that are worth sharing to       and make it 100%.
celebration of this wonderful        other people. About 1/3 of      Quotes such as, “I couldn’t
event. To celebrate this day,        the population is composed      ask for better grandparents
people do various things with        of grandparents. About          for my daughter,” or “Happy
their grandparents such as           1.7 million people become       national grandparents day,
eating out on lunch or dinner,       grandparents each year. Ac-     we have the most loving
or spending the day at their         cording to surveys about 72     bunch anyone could ever
grandparents’ house.                 % of people believed that be-   hope to have.”
   This holiday is always            ing a grandparent is the most     “Of all my jobs and titles,
held on the first Sunday after       important thing that they can   grandmother is the best!”
Labor Day. This means that           do in their lifetime.           How about, “blessed are
Grandparents Day 2019 will           Of all grandparents, 43 % are   those who spoil and snuggle,
be celebrated today, Septem-         in their 50s and 37 % are in    hug and hope, pray and pam-
ber 8. In addition, Grandpar-        their 40s. The average age of   per, for they shall be called
ents’ Day 2020 will also be          a grandparent is 48%. 43% of    grandparents. So on this
held on the first Sunday after       grandparents exercise regu-     Grandparent’s Day, honor
Labor Day which is Sunday,           larly and also play sports.     and celebrate your grandpar-
September 13, 2020.                  Many grandparents do vol-       ents while they are still alive.
   Although there are several        unteer work regularly. Nu-      As a grandparent of two
accounts on how the celebra-         merous grandparents come        granddaughters and two
tion of the Grandparent’s            online with 45 % having         grandsons, Linda and I are
may have started, the event          social medical accounts. 60     looking forward to hearing
was officially declared by           % of grandparents still work    from them TODAY!!
20   La Prensa Texas SAN ANTONIO   8 de Septiembre de 2019
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