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Volume 28, Number 1, November 2017 DeLeón Club of Victoria honors community leaders Every year since 1988, Con- hand to review the accolades of gress has designated September Mr. Gomez, as was his sister, Mrs. 15 to October 15 as Hispanic Heri- Lisa Hernandez. tage Month. On Wednesday, Oc- President Victor Manuel Men- tober 18, 2017 the DeLeón Club of doza opened the celebration with Victoria held an Hispanic Heritage a welcome and introduction of Recognition Ceremony at the Uni- members and their spouses. He versity of Houston-Victoria, West commented on the importance of Alcorn Auditorium. Approxi- the celebration to commemorate mately sixty-five friends and fami- the positive contributions of His- ly members attended the ceremony panics to our country. He also to honor three Victorians for their added that although the organiza- service to the community. Within tion is small in make-up, the club’s the three designated categories, contributions to the community Lucy Balderaz was commended of Victoria cannot be overstated. for her positive contributions to Members and their spouses pres- nursing and religious service, Er- ent were: president Mendoza/ nestina “Tina” Garcia, a retired Rosemary, vice-president Mike educator, received her award in Rivera/Ovelia, secretary Arturo professional contributions, and Lara/Carolina, treasurer Jesse Joel Gomez, an emergency medi- Rayos/Marie, parliamentarian cal responder and fireman, for his John Ramos/Marty; and members service to the community in cri- Dr. Jesse DeLeon/Lydia, Rey Her- sis situations. Dr. Jesse DeLeón rera/Lucy, Roman Garcia/Jessica, introduced Mrs. Balderaz, and a and Freddy Canchola/Betty. The biography on Mrs. García was invocation was led by vice-pres- provided by her son, Chris García, ident Rivera followed by hors d’ Jr. Chief Tanner Drake, from the oeuvres and entertainment by the Left to right Lucy Balderaz, nursing; Joel Gomez, medical (EMS), Ernestina “Tina” Garcia, education, and Victor Mendoza, president DeLeon Victoria Fire Department was on See DELEON, pg. 14 Club. Contributed photo. Whooping cranes make late IN THIS ISSUE migration into Texas UHV search............... pg 3 Noticias..................... pg 4 With the first pods of iconic, en- The late migration means the identifying characteristics be- dangered whooping cranes start- whooping cranes are showing up tween both hunted and protected ing to arrive on their wintering in Texas just as waterfowl and migratory bird species. Farmers’ 7 grounds along the Texas coast, the sandhill crane hunting seasons get With Hurricane Harvey’s im- Texas Parks and Wildlife Depart- under way. It is vitally important pacts to whooping crane wintering 8 ment is reminding Texans to be on for sportsmen to review the crane habitat still not fully understood, it the lookout for these impressive and waterfowl identification guide is possible that whooping cranes La Cocina................ pg 15 birds as they move through the in the Texas Waterfowl Digest may use “non-traditional” habitat Whooping crane. Contributed photo. state. and familiarize themselves with See CRANE, pg. 16
2 — Revista de Victoria, November 2017 Walker named chair of Community and Technical College Leadership Council Victoria College Board of Trust- munity and Technical College council earlier this year by the ees Chair Ronald Walker was re- Leadership Council. Texas Higher Education Coordi- cently appointed to head the Com- Walker was appointed to the nating Board. “My appointment by the Coor- dinating Board and later election as chair reflects the respect Vic- toria College maintains with state officials and other community col- leges,” Walker said. Walker will serve a four-year term until July 2021. The Commu- nity and Technical College Lead- ership Council, which meets four times a year, is comprised of 14 trustees from community and tech- nical colleges throughout Texas. According to its website, the coun- cil attempts to “build collabora- tive relationships that will allow the state to leverage and scale the positive results of improvement initiatives and partnerships at pub- lic community, technical and state colleges.” “Ron Walker being named to the Community and Technical College Leadership Council is great for Victoria College,” said VC Presi- dent Dr. David Hinds. “Ron repre- sents this college and our commu- nity so well when he goes to state meetings and events. Having his voice heard at that level can only mean positive outcomes for not only our students at VC, but for the over 700,000 students at all 50 Ronald Walker has started a four-year term as chair of the Community and Technical Col- Texas community colleges.” lege Leadership Council. Contributed photo. The Community and Technical College Leadership Council first tion,” said Texas Association of leaders, and with Chairman Walk- convened in July 2013. Community Colleges President & er’s leadership, we’re optimistic “Texas community colleges are CEO Jacob Fraire. “The council about that partnership and our fortunate that Mr. Walker has ac- serves a critical role in our part- joint efforts to build a bright future cepted this vital leadership posi- nership with the agency and state for community college students.” Revista de Victoria, November 2017 — 3 Search committee for president of UH-Victoria announced fessor of mathematics education Health Professions and Human • Claud Jacobs, partner at Lode- • Janey Lack, executive and in the UHV School of Education, Development stone Financial Services See UHV, pg. 14 Search committee chair Roger Welder, Board of Regents University of Houston System. Contributed photo. The University of Houston Sys- tem Tuesday announced the mem- bers of a search committee charged with finding the next president of the University of Houston-Victo- ria. Renu Khator, chancellor of the UH System, said the goal is to have a new president on campus for the fall 2018 semester. The search committee will be chaired by Roger Welder, a UH System regent, and Dona Cornell, vice chancellor of legal affairs and general counsel for the system. President Vic Morgan an- nounced his retirement and depar- ture from UHV this spring after taking over as interim president in 2014. Morgan served on a year-to- year contract, extended three times during his tenure. He will remain in office until fall 2018. In announcing the membership of the search committee, which includes representatives from the UHV student body, faculty and staff, as well as the Victoria com- munity, Khator said the commit- tee is charged with developing a strong and diverse pool of candi- dates, inviting finalists for campus interviews and providing an as- sessment of each finalist. Committee members include: • Alvaro De La Cruz, president of the UHV Student Government Association • Estella De Los Santos, pro-
4 — Revista de Victoria, November 2017 por Gloria Rivera El Papa Francisco es el 266th la fecha Ahora están legos de los numero de Papa. reporteros y pronto vamos a saber. VATICAN – El Papa Francisco ENGLAND – ¡La gente esta dici- Kate Middleton y Prince Wil- va visitar Chile y Perú en Enero endo que Kate Middleton y su es- liam ya tienen dos niños. de cerca del año nuevo. El Papa poso Prince William van a tener NORTH KOREA – Hace 40 años quiere ir para hablar y conocer a mellizos! la japonesa Megumi Yokota fue se- la gente que vive en Chile y Perú. Ellos no han dicho nada hasta cuestrada de agentes norcoreanos. AFRICA – Hay un virus miste- rioso que esta matando a los afri- canos. Los sainetistas están bus- cando que clase de virus es para entender que es antes de que este virus llega al resto del mundo USA – Murió el italiano que fue de la Mafia, Salvatore “Toto” Riina, en la prisión de la edad de 87 años. IRAN – Murieron 400 personas en Irán durante un terremoto y 6,000 están heridos. El terremoto Papa Francisco. Contributed photo. fue cerca de la cruz de Irán-Iraq endo cado uno por $400.00. hace una semana pasada. CALIFORNIA – Uber y NASA es- GREECE – La policía no dejo que tán juntos para hacer la versión de pasaran 200 migrantes despues de volar vehículos para hacerlo real. que los inmigrantes salieron del Una conmutar de San Francisco norte de Greece para la frontera de y San José, que es dos horas du- macedonia en esperanza de llegar rante cuando hay mas trafico pu- a otros países en Europa. ede ser corto por 15 minutes nada USA – El FBI ennecio que los mas con esta idea de volar. mas serios crímenes en los Estados ROME – Una pintura de arte de Unidos han subido mas que en el Leonardo Da Vinci ahora es la más año pasado. costosa que nunca se había costa- LIBYA – En este país se esta ven- do para una pintura de arte. diendo eslavas como hace tiempo Ahora se vende por $450.3 mil- Migrantes en Libia se están vendi- lones. Revista de Victoria, November 2017 — 5 Constance Filley Johnson files for place on the ballot I will better collaborate with other Mrs. Johnson is a past President years and is the proud mother of county departments and treatment of the Victoria County Republican two children. professionals in our area to achieve Women, Victoria County Bar As- Please visit www.Constance- the common goals of diverting the sociation, and Victoria Main Street to learn more mentally ill from jail when pos- Program. She is a ten year mem- about why sible and reducing recidivism rates ber of the Victoria College Police Constance is the right choice for of people with substance abuse is- Academy Advisory Council and Criminal District Attorney in Vic- sues. In addition, I will establish a serves as an Adjunct Instructor. toria County. working environment within the Johnson has been married for 24 DA’s office that reduces the cur- rent turnover rate among assistant prosecutors in order to assemble an experienced legal team who shares in my vision of seeking justice in all cases by utilizing col- laborative, efficient, and effective approaches to combatting crime in our community. I have the ex- perience, temperament, and work ethic to help keep our community safe and lead the DA’s office in the right direction.” Constance Filley Johnson, republican candidate for Victoria DA. Contributed photo. On Saturday, November 11th also served as the Municipal Court Victoria native Constance Filley Judge for the City of Victoria from Johnson filed for a place on the 2012-2016. Republican primary ballot for the “The reason I am running to be office of Victoria County Criminal your Criminal District Attorney is District Attorney. A 1989 graduate because I firmly believe that by of Victoria High School, Johnson working together, we can do bet- is a former educator and regional ter. Poor policy decisions have Safe and Drug Free Schools Coor- resulted in rising costs and back- dinator. She returned to law school logged dockets throughout our lo- in 2003 and since graduating has cal justice system. We must re-ex- been practicing with her father, amine current practices to ensure retired Criminal District Attorney that we are effectively utilizing George J. Filley, and her sister our resources to aggressively pros- Dina Filley Hardwick. Johnson ecute violent offenders. If elected,
6 — Revista de Victoria, November 2017 Judge Whitaker announces for re-election as Precinct 3 Justice of the Peace Preparing to campaign for his tive Texan, Whitaker has served as the Peace. I enjoy helping people, fourth term, Republican Judge Justice of the Peace in Precinct 3 and look forward to continuing Robert B. “Bob” Whitaker an- since 2007, and presides over the my service to the public. I con- nounced today that he will seek county’s full-time Justice Court. sider this office as a community re-election as Victoria County Pre- “It’s an honor and a privilege to resource. We are here to assist not cinct 3 Justice of the Peace. A na- serve our community as Justice of only the public but also other gov- ernmental offices and law enforce- ment agencies.” Whitaker said. Whitaker earned a Bachelor’s Degree from Baylor University, and graduated in 1977 from Bay- lor Law School. He maintained a private law practice in Victoria for nearly 30 years, and handled over a thousand cases covering a wide variety of criminal, civil, and family law issues. Whitaker also served for four years as Municipal Judge for the City of Victoria be- fore becoming J.P. In serving the county, he has presided over more than 1,500 bench and jury trials, in addition to the daily hearings and work of the court. Whitaker was inducted into the College of Republican Judge Robert B. “Bob” Whitaker. Contributed photo. Justice Court Judges in 2009. He has been honored twice for his ef- the Sheriff’s Deputies who work Presbyterian Church in Victoria, forts to help crime victims, and in our courts. “In the past, defen- where he has served as both a Dea- has served as an instructor for oth- dants with multiple charges would con and Elder. er J.P.s through the Texas Justice often be magistrated by different “I take my judicial responsibili- Court Training Center. judges for felony and misdemean- ties seriously, and my clerks and I Whitaker handles all daily mag- or crimes. Consolidating all the work hard to ensure that the court istration duties for the local Dis- daily magistrations into our court operates efficiently. We take pride trict Courts and Victoria County has increased convenience and ef- in our work, and treat everyone Courts-at-Law. While this increas- ficiency for everyone involved.” who enters the court with courtesy es workloads for the Precinct 3 Whitaker remarked. and respect. We give each case the Justice Court, it also saves consid- Whitaker, 65, has been married close attention that it deserves to erable time for other judges and for 38 years to Gayla Woodard ensure that justice is done. A Jus- Whitaker, who works for Hospice tice of the Peace can make a real of South Texas. They are active difference in the safety of the with numerous civic and commu- community, and I’m committed nity organizations, and have two to serving the people of Precinct adult daughters: Ginny and Gra- 3 as their full-time Justice of the cie. Whitaker is a member of First Peace.” Whitaker stated. Revista de Victoria, November 2017 — 7 Fall season underway at the Victoria farmers’ market When you are out running er- at 2805 North Navarro. We would rands on Saturdays, I hope you love to see you there! will stop by the Victoria Farm- Meridith Byrd is the Director of ers’ Market. We meet every Sat- Programs and Development for urday through the end of Decem- the Food Bank of the Golden Cres- ber (except for Thanksgiving and cent. She also manages the Victo- Christmas weekends) from 9:00 to ria Farmers’ Market. Contact her 1:00 in the parking lot of the Pat- at 361-218-9246 or mbyrd@feed- tie Dodson Public Health Center Food Bank moves farmers’ market back to Pattie Dodson Health Center. Contributed photo. by Meridith Byrd the farmers’ market toria, so you know you are buying We are lucky to live in an area the absolute freshest vegetables November 4 marked the reopen- with a very long growing season, and meats available. In addition ing of our farmers’ market for which gives farmers and gardeners to being fresh and local, the prod- the fall and winter season and we the ability to produce fresh food ucts offered at our market are high could not be more excited to be all year. Right now, our market quality and fairly priced. Each back! During our summer break, features a beautiful assortment of time you visit our farmers’ mar- we made some big changes to the locally grown vegetables: kale, ket, you are supporting someone’s market that will benefit both our squash, okra, green and yellow livelihood. customers and our vendors. zucchini, broccoli, onions, and a The most noticeable change is variety of herbs such as dill, rose- The farmers’ market-food bank the market’s move from DeLeon mary, basil, and sage. In the com- connection Plaza back to our former loca- ing weeks we will also have toma- The Food Bank of the Golden tion in the parking lot of the Pat- toes, cucumbers, cauliflower, and Crescent benefits from the farm- tie Dodson Public Health Cen- cabbage. ers’ market as well. After our ter on North Navarro. We have market closes for the day, farmers also changed our name from the Fresh, local foods available every have the option of giving any un- Downtown Farmers’ Market to Saturday sold produce to me. I transport the the Victoria Farmers’ Market to Every market features fresh vegetables back to the Food Bank reflect the move. The visibility of eggs, meats such as beef and pork, and put them into our refrigerator being located on Navarro Is bring- local honey, homemade jams and so they will stay fresh until we can ing more customers to the market, jellies, breads, noodles, pickles, get them to one of our partner food much to the delight of our farmers cookies, brownies, cakes, fresh pantries. The Food Bank is always and other vendors. Customer feed- ground corn meal and corn flour, in need of fresh fruits and vegeta- back has been overwhelmingly dried herbs and spices, wine, pe- bles, so this partnership helps us to positive as well. Simply put, we cans, salsa, and plants for your fill those gaps. are happy to be back at the Pattie home or garden. Dodson Center and our customers Everything sold at the Victoria are happy to see us there! Farmers’ Market must be grown or produced within 100 miles of Vic- Seasonal vegetables currently at
8 — Revista de Victoria, November 2017 por Gloria Rivera ¡Hola! Estamos en el casi ul- con su carrera. timo de este año 2017. Se fue muy ¿Por que será que no quiere pronto como todos los de mas. casarse otra vez? Ella no lo ha di- Hace tiempo dice la cantante y cho todavía. actriz Lucero que nunca mas se va ¿Que dice William Levy? ¿Lo casar. Ella dice que esta bien con vamos a ver en otra novela muy su hija y hijo. Tambien esta bien pronto? Adamari López. Contributed photo. El dice, “No lo descarto. En estos momentos me encuentro en seguir haciendo películas.” Aarón confeso que la parte de su cuerpo que más de su cuerpo que mas le gusta son sus manos. ¡Que Lucero. Contributed photo. bien! La niña de Eugenio Derbez y Alessandra Rosalbo ya tiene 3 las novelas porque despues varios años. Hacen una buena familia. años sin verlos. Ahora parece que Ellos ya viven en los Estados Uni- entra otra vez en las novelas. To- dos. das las novelas que ha hecho en Brad Pitt parece que anda con años pasados, todas han sido hits. la Princesa Casirachi de Mónaco, La gente lo adora porque un talen- despues de su separación de Angé- toso actor si lo es. lica Jolie. Bueno, Fernando esta dos vec- ¡Fernando Colunga regresa a es en este mes porque la gente lo las telenovelas. ¡Siempre ha sido quiere mucho en todas las novelas buenas novelas que han sido hot que ha hecho. Ojalo que lo vamos hits! a ver muy pronto en otra novela, Fernando Colguna esta listo para See CHARLANDO, pg. 9 OPEN Tues. & Wed. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Thur. & Fri. 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Closed: Sundays & Mondays 361-575-5355 1103 SW Moody Street (Across Guadalupe River) Arnulfo & Janie Gonzalez, Owners Revista de Victoria, November 2017 — 9 la de Telemundo salió en 1988. Muy poco habla Aracely Aram- bula de Luis Miguel quien todo el mundo lo sabe. Una vez hablo del romance que él, pero es poco lo que dice de el. Dicen que Justin Bieber y Sele- na Gómez se han visto juntos. ¿Sera un nuevo romance? Hace un poco Adamari López fue a España en vacaciones. Es- tuve muy feliz y se ve muy bien despues de trabajar en su show en las mañanas. Edith Gonzales se ve muy bien y muy bonita a pesar de que sufre de el cáncer todavía. Ella siempre ha Fernando Colunga. Contributed photo. sido muy bonita y talentosa. Jacky Bracamontes hablo de su será 2018? romance con William Levy. Nadie ¿Tuvo Kate del Castillo un ro- William Levy. Contributed photo. lo sabia cuando andaban en el ro- mance con Sean Penn? Es lo que mance. Fue muy en secreto. se dicen. Gabriel Soto y su esposa Gera- CHARLANDO, from pg. 8 line Bazán todavía están juntos, ¡Arturo Peniche confeso que, en una telenovela con Thalía, el la ¿verdad? pero siempre que se van a sepa- beso con aliento de cebolla! Dicen que las 10 Telenovelas rare. Hola, ya nos vamos. ¡Hasta por mas buenas están en Univisión y ¿Venezuela tiene ya represent- ahora porque se que están listos J Luna “Moonman” • Juan Padierna Telemundo. La primera telenove- ante para Miss Universe 2017 o para el Thanksgiving!
10 — Revista de Victoria, November 2017 Victoria civilian police academy is accepting citizens by officer John Turner ing armed with your flashlight and Victoria Police Department’s Ci- sidearm. Good luck. vilian Police Academy? Imagine, if you will, you are a Since 1994 the Victoria Police police officer. You’ve responded Have you ever wondered what Department has given citizens an to a report of a burglary. You’re it would be like to be a police of- opportunity to increase their un- presented with a dark building and ficer or maybe just want to find out derstanding of the police depart- an unknown number of suspects a little more about how the police ment and get first - hand experi- hiding inside. Your goal is to find department functions? ence at police training. Through and arrest all. You enter the build- Why not consider attending the the Civilian Academy, citizens are exposed to many facets of law en- forcement that had never been of- fered to citizens before. Over the course of 12 weeks participants will gain a working knowledge of the Victoria Police Department through lectures and hands on practical exercises. All classes are taught by local law en- forcement officers. In addition to the first scenar- io, you’ll also be presented with Contributed art. several other challenging but fun exercises including a potentially You will interact with one of our If you’ve never fired a gun, deadly force situation. You and wonderful actors and be forced to you’ll get a chance to do that too. your partner will be armed with make a decision. Do you shoot or After a thorough lecture on firearm weapons loaded with paint pel- don’t you. There’s only one way to safety, handling skills and range lets and presented with a scenario. find out. rules, you’ll be going to the range to put your newly acquired train- ing to the test. Other classes include demon- strations by our S.W.A.T. team and K-9 handlers. You can also test your skill at collecting fingerprints with our Crime Scene Techs. The classes cover all areas of police work and give you the op- portunity to ask questions of the professionals who do this job ev- ery day. Classes are free and held once a year beginning in February. Individuals who apply for the Civilian Police Academy must be VICTORIA COUNTY at least 18 years of age. TAX SALE Application may be made at the Police Department, the Crime Prevention Office (located in the Victoria Mall) or online at victori- Class size is limited and Tuesday, December 5, 2017 classes fill quickly, so it is recom- mended that you apply soon. We are always accepting applications At the Front Door of the Victoria County Courthouse for the next class. The Civilian Police Academy is part of the Distinguished Citizen series of classes offered by the city which also include the Citizens Academy and the Civilian Fire For Tax Sale Information contact Academy. LINEBARGER GOGGAN BLAIR & SAMPSON, LLP at: John Turner is a Crime Pre- (361) 573-9666 or vention Officer with the Victoria Police Department. For further information on the Civilian Police Academy he may be contacted at 485-3808. Revista de Victoria, November 2017 — 11 Registration deadline for disaster assistance now November 30 for checking or savings account visit the Hurricane Harvey disaster (this allows FEMA to directly web page transfer disaster assistance funds ter/4332, or Facebook at http:// into a bank account). • A description of disaster- rvey, the FEMA Region6 Twitter caused damage and losses. account at gion6, or the Texas Division of For more information on Hur- Emergency Management website ricane Harvey and Texas recovery, Hurricane Harvey. Contributed photo. Texans affected by Hurricane Renters and homeowners must Video Relay Service) (TTY: 800- Harvey now have until November be in a designated county to qual- 462-7585). Multilingual operators 30, 2017, to register for federal as- ify for assistance. Those counties are available (press 2 for Spanish). sistance. include: Aransas, Austin, Bas- • Via the FEMA app, available The deadline was November 24; trop, Bee, Brazoria, Caldwell, for Apple and Android mobile de- however, an additional six days Calhoun, Chambers, Colorado, vices. To download visit: fema. now gives survivors more time DeWitt, Fayette, Fort Bend, gov/mobile-app. through the Thanksgiving holiday. Galveston, Goliad, Gonzales, • Visiting a Disaster Recovery Federal assistance includes help Grimes, Hardin, Harris, Jack- Center (DRC). Find the location of for temporary housing, rental as- son, Jasper, Jefferson, Karnes, nearby DRCs online at www.fema. sistance and repair or replacement Kleberg, Lavaca, Lee, Liberty, gov/DRC. of damaged homes for eligible in- Matagorda, Montgomery, New- dividuals and families who have ton, Nueces, Orange, Polk, Refu- The following information is suffered losses because of the gio, Sabine, San Jacinto, San helpful when registering: storm. Patricio, Tyler, Victoria, Waller, • Address of the location where Additionally, grants may be Walker and Wharton. the damage occurred (pre-disaster available to help with other ex- address). penses such as medical and dental Survivors may register in many • Current mailing address. care, child care, funeral and burial ways: • Current telephone number. costs, replacing essential house- • Online at DisasterAssistance. • Insurance information. hold items, moving and storage, gov. • Total household annual in- vehicle repairs and some clean-up • Calling the FEMA Helpline at come. items. 800-621-3362 (voice, 711/VRS- • Routing and account number
12 — Revista de Victoria, November 2017 “Christmas Tree Syndrome” dangerous to local families “Christmas Tree Syndrome” is Light Environmental Services™ real, and could make the holidays franchise, can help you decorate dangerous for local families, their safely with their “Healthy Holiday friends, and guests who have al- Home Checklist”. They’re ready lergies, asthma, and other respira- to show you how to prevent indoor tory illnesses. But the trees aren’t health issues from ruining the holi- the only hazardous decorations in days. your home. “Christmas Tree Syndrome” can The local experts at Advanta- introduce unseen, very harmful Clean, America’s fastest-growing mold into our homes,” according Christmas tree syndrome is real. Contributed photo. to Jeff Dudan, CEO/Founder of lived in the woods, there is prob- for mold and dust mites, which AdvantaClean, a national fran- ably mold and pollen still on it. carry allergens. Wipe those deco- chise with local offices in our area. Before you bring it in the house: rations off thoroughly with a damp “That’s why the ‘Healthy Holiday Wear long sleeves and gloves cloth when you take them out of Home Checklist’ is so important. when handling the tree. You could storage. After the holidays, re- It not only warns you about dan- be allergic to the sap. pack decorations in plastic bags, gerous mold, fumes and chemicals Use a leaf blower to remove vis- or bins, not cardboard. Cardboard from decorations, but provides ible pollen. is notorious for collecting dust and preventative steps to keep them Wipe down the trunk of the tree promoting mold growth. out of your home.” with a solution of 1 part bleach, 20 Stop the scented sprays and This is a highly visual story. We parts lukewarm water. flocking – Creating ambiance from will come to your newsroom, or Spray the whole tree with water, a can could lead to irritated noses you can explore a local home with then let stand in an enclosed out- and throats, exacerbating respira- us to pinpoint decorating dangers. door area to dry. tory issues. Instead, try a natu- AdvantaClean’s Healthy Holi- Dust off the decorations – ral potpourri of water, cinnamon day Home Checklist: They’ve been stored away for 11 sticks, cloves and orange peels, What is “Christmas Tree Syn- months in garages, basements, or simmering on the stove, to keep drome?” – because your tree once attics which are known hangouts your home smelling fresh and fes- tive. Snuff the scented candles – yes, they can create that warm cozy feeling in your home, but they can also create respiratory distress in people with severe allergies, or asthma. Some scented, petroleum- based candles can produce soot, as well as irritating particles and gasses. Candles made from soy, hemp, or beeswax, or even ones using LED “flickering light” ef- fects may be a better bet. Punt the Poinsettias – The cheer- ful, traditional plant is everywhere during the holidays. But did you know poinsettias are members of the rubber tree family? That means anyone allergic to latex could de- velop anything from a rash to se- vere breathing problems, just by touching or inhaling the allergen. Revista de Victoria, November 2017 — 13 “Historic Victoria Texas” Highlights region’s rich history Explore the Fascinating History of Victoria, Texas and the Texas Coastal Bend Historic Victoria Texas. Contributed photo. Explore Victoria Texas, the City to gather our tourism assets and of the designated “History Loca- of Victoria’s Convention & Visi- develop an incredible experience tions”, take a selfie and then post tors Bureau, announces the launch for travelers.” it to the Explore Victoria Texas of Historic Victoria Texas, a tour- A dedicated website, His- Facebook page will get a free T- ism promotion initiative that fo-, features shirt. For those who aren’t inclined cuses on the fascinating history of information on historic sites and to use social media, one can simply Victoria. activities such as the Old Victo- visit three of the locations, come to “Victoria is one of the oldest cit- ria Driving Tour, a self-guided the Explore Victoria Texas Visitors ies in Texas, and with that comes trek that features over 80 homes Center at 700 N. Main, Ste. 101 a wealth of captivating historic and properties, the Trail Through (Open Mon.-Fri. 8AM-5PM), and sites and incredible stories,” said Time, a collection of 12 large in- tell the staff about their experience Joel Novosad, Director of Explore terpretive displays that illustrate to redeem their free shirt. For the Victoria Texas. “Historical and various events and figures from complete list of designated “Histo- cultural tourism is one of the larg- Victoria’s past, popular local and ry Locations” and for more details, est sectors of the tourism industry regional attractions like the Mu- visit overall, and one of the biggest seum of the Coastal Bend and For more information contact reasons tourists come to Victoria Presidio La Bahia, and upcoming Joel Novosad: (media cell) 361 – is because of our rich history. His- events as well. 827 – 1873, jnovosad@victoriatx. toric Victoria Texas is a great way Those who visit at least three org.
14 — Revista de Victoria, November 2017 AVISO DE PERMISO PRELIMINAR FEDERAL DE OPERACIÓN DELEON, from pg. 1 PERMISO PRELIMINAR NÚMERO: O2031 Trio Encanto. It was through the generosity SOLICITUD Y PERMISO PRELIMINAR. Union Carbide Corporación, P.O. Box 186, Point Lavaca, TX 77979-0188, ha solicitado a la Comisión de and collaboration of the follow- Calidad Ambiental de Texas (TCEQ, por sus siglas en inglés) para la renovación y revisión de un Permiso Federal de Operación (en adelante denominado ing contributors that the event el Permiso), Número O2031, solicitud número 23829, para autorizar la operación de la unidad de éteres de glicol y derivados de óxido, todas las demás in- was made possible: Emett Alva- stalaciones de fabricación química orgánica básica. El área dirigida por la solicitud está ubicada en 7501 State Highway 185 North en la ciudad de Seadrift, rez & Revista de Victoria, along en el condado de Calhoun, Texas 77983. Este enlace a un mapa electrónico de la ubicación general del sitio o de la instalación es proporcionado como with Keith and Ricky Mumphord, una cortesía al público y no es parte de la solicitud o del aviso. Para la ubicación exacta, consulte la solicitud. Puede encontrar un mapa electrónico de la Mumphord’s Place BBQ, H.E.B. instalación en: Plus, and the University of Hous- Esta solicitud se le presento a la TCEQ el 10 ton-Victoria. de diciembre del año 2017. The DeLeón Club of Victoria is El propósito de un Permiso Federal de Operación es mejorar el acatamiento general de las reglas que gobiernan el control de la contaminación atmosférica, a service organization chartered claramente definiendo todos los requisitos aplicables, como está definido en el Título 30 del Código Administrativo de Tejas § 122.10 (30 TAC § 122.10, in 1965. Now in its 52nd year por sus siglas en inglés). El permiso preliminar, si es aprobado, codificará las condiciones bajo las cuales el sitio deberá operar. El permiso no autorizará of existence, its motto is: “Serv- construcción nueva. El director ejecutivo de la TCEQ ha completado la revisión técnica de la solicitud y ha tomado una decisión preliminar de preparar un ing Victoria through educational permiso preliminar para revisión y comentarios públicos. El director ejecutivo recomienda la emisión de este permiso preliminar. La solicitud de permiso, support and community involve- la declaración de base, y el permiso preliminar estarán disponibles para ser revisadas y copiadas en la Oficina Central de la TCEQ, 12100 Park 35 Circle, ment.” It is through community Edificio E, primer piso, Austin, Texas 78753; en la oficina regional de la TCEQ en Corpus Christi, NRC Bldg. (Edificio NRC), Suite 1200, 6300 Ocean support at the organization’s fun- Drive, Unidad (Unit) 5839, Corpus Christi, Texas 78412-5839; y en la biblioteca del Condado de Calhoun, 200 West Mahan Street, Port Lavaca, Texas draisers that the DeLeon Club can 77979-3327, empezando el primer día de la publicación de este aviso. El permiso preliminar y la declaración de base están disponibles en el sitio web de provide scholarships to local and la TCEQ: area graduating seniors, plus the undertaking of other projects. On December 9, 2017, the 52nd an- nual Christmas dance will be held En las oficinas central y regional de la TCEQ también puede revisar y copiar todos los documentos materiales, relevantes y significativos para el permiso at the Victoria Community Center. preliminar, además de los permisos para el Examen de Nuevas Fuentes que han sido incorporados por referencia. Personas que tengan dificultades obte- niendo estos materiales debido a restricciones para viajar pueden comunicarse con la sala de archivos de la Oficina Central de la TCEQ al teléfono (512) Music will be provided by Ruben 239-1540. Ramos and the Tejano Band from Austin, plus Henry Lee and the Comentarios Públicos/Audiencia de Notificación y Comentarios. Cualquier persona puede presentar comentarios por escrito acerca del permiso Tribute Band from San Antonio. preliminar. Comentarios con respecto a la exactitud, acabado, y conveniencia de las condiciones del permiso pueden resultar en cambios al permiso pre- For the first time, on April 8, 2018, liminar. the organization will host a ‘Con- junto Fest’ at the Victoria Commu- Una persona que pueda ser afectada por la emisión de contaminantes atmosféricos de este sitio puede solicitar una audiencia de notificación y nity Center for Victorians. comentarios. El propósito de la audiencia de notificación y comentarios es proporcionar la oportunidad para presentar comentarios acerca del permiso preliminar. El permiso puede ser cambiado basado en comentarios que pertenecen a si el permiso tiene en cuenta el acatamiento con las leyes del 30 TAC Capítulo 122 (ejemplos pueden incluir que el permiso no contiene todos los requisitos necesarios o que los procesos de notificación al público no fueron satisfechos). La TCEQ puede otorgar una audiencia de notificación y comentarios con respecto a esta solicitud si se presenta una petición por escrito dentro UHV, from pg. 3 de 30 días después de la notificación de este aviso en el periódico. La petición para audiencia debe incluir la razón por la petición, incluyendo una descrip- ción específica de cómo le perjudicarían las emisiones atmosféricas del sitio. La petición también debe especificar las condiciones del permiso preliminar community leader que son inadecuadas o especificar porque la decisión preliminar de otorgar o negar el permiso es inadecuada. Todos los asuntos razonablemente identific- • Fred Litton, dean of the UHV ables deberán presentarse y todos los argumentos razonablemente disponibles deberán someterse antes del final del período para comentarios públicos. Si School of Education, Health Pro- se concede una audiencia de notificación y comentarios, todas las personas que presentaron comentarios por escrito o peticiones para audiencia recibirán fessions and Human Development confirmación por escrito de la audiencia. Esta confirmación indicará la fecha, hora y lugar de la audiencia. • Diana Lopez, associate profes- sor of creative writing in the UHV Comentarios públicos por escrito y/o peticiones para audiencia de notificación y comentarios deben de ser presentados a la TCEQ, Oficina del School of Arts & Sciences Funcionario Jefe (Office of the Chief Clerk), MC 105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, o electrónicamente al • Camilla Sutton, assistant direc- comments.html, y deben ser recibidos dentro de 30 días después de la publicación de esta noticia en el periódico. Si usted decide comunicarse con tor of residential life at UHV and la TCEQ por vía electrónica, por favor, tenga en cuenta que su dirección de correo electrónico, así como su dirección postal, pasarán a formar parte del president of the Staff Council registro público de la Agencia. • Raymond Tucker, assis- tant professor of kinesiology in the Una notificación de la acción final propuesta que incluye las respuestas a los comentarios públicos y denotando cambios hechos al permiso prelimi- UHV School of Education, Health nar serán enviados a todas las personas que hayan presentado comentarios públicos, solicitudes para audiencia o que hayan solicitado ser incluidas Professions and Human Develop- en la lista de correo para esta solicitud. Esta correspondencia también proporcionará instrucciones para peticiones públicas a la Agencia Para la Protec- ment ción del Medio Ambiente (EPA por sus siglas en inglés), solicitando que la EPA se objete al otorgamiento del permiso preliminar. Al recibir una petición, la EPA solamente podrá objetarse a la otorgación de un permiso que no cumple con los requisitos aplicables o con los requisitos de 30 TAC Capítulo 122. • Joseph Ben Ur, professor of business in the UHV School of LISTA DE CORREO. Además de presentar comentarios públicos, usted puede solicitar ser incluido en una lista de correo con respecto a esta solicitud Business Administration and pres- enviando su solicitud a la Oficina del Funcionario Jefe (Office of Chief Clerk) a la dirección antedicha. Personas en esta lista de correo recibirán copias de ident of the Faculty Senate futuros avisos públicos (si los hay) enviados por la Oficina del Funcionario Jefe sobre esta solicitud. • Valerie Walden, comptroller, UHV Department of Finance INFORMACIÓN. Para más información acerca de esta solicitud para permiso o el proceso para permisos, usted puede contactar la TCEQ, Programa de • Yu Wan, professor of Com- Educación Pública (Public Education Program), MC-108, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, o llame, sin cobro, al 1-800-687-4040. Si desea puter Information Systems in the información en español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040. UHV School of Arts & Sciences • Jie Yang, professor of quanti- Se puede obtener información adicional de Union Carbide Corporación, llamando al Sr. Tony Motl al teléfono (361) 553-2166. tative management science in the UHV School of Business Admin- Fecha de expedición: el 10 de noviembre del año 2017 istration Revista de Victoria, November 2017 — 15 ing for 30 to 45 minutes more or 3. In a large bowl combine bread stuffing in a casserole; drizzle with until thermometer registers 180ºF, cubes and corn bread. Add cooked enough of the remaining chicken juices run clear, and turkey is no sausage, onion mixture, poultry broth (¼ to ½ cup) to make stuff- longer pink. Cover with foil to pre- seasoning, black pepper, and if de- ing of desired moistness. Cover vent over-browning, if necessary. sired, pecans. Drizzle with enough and chill until ready to bake. Let stand, covered, 15 minutes be- broth to moisten (about 1 cup), Bake, covered, in a 325ºF oven fore slicing. Pass Peppered Onion tossing lightly to combine. Trans- alongside turkey for 40 to minutes Gravy, if desired. Makes 10 to 12 fer to a 2-quart casserole. Bake, or until heated through. (For do- servings. covered, in a 325ºF oven alongside neness temperatures and roasting 4. Peppered Onion Gravy: In a turkey for 30 to 45 minutes or until times, see roasting chart.) Makes medium saucepan cook 1 large heated through. 10 to 12 servings. onion, chopped, in ¼ cup olive oil 4. Or use bread mixture to stuff 5. Quick Sausage Stuffing: Pre- until tender. Stir in 3 tablespoons one 10- to 12-pound turkey. (See pare as above, except substitute 3 cornstarch, and ½ teaspoon coarse stuffing tips.) Place any remaining See COCINA, pg. 16 ground pepper until smooth. Add two 14-ounce cans reduced so- dium chicken broth. Cook until thickened and bubbly. Cook and Cilantro-lemon marinated turkey. Contributed photo. stir 1 minute more. Season to taste with salt. Makes 3 cups. CILANTRO-LEMON MARINATED 2. In a large food processor or con- TURKEY tainer combine cilantro, orange SAUSAGE STUFFING 1 (8-to-10 lb.) fresh or frozen juice, lemon juice, garlic, salt, 12 ounces bulk pork sausage turkey cumin, and black pepper. Cover ¾ cup finely chopped onion (1 1 brining bag or extra-large plas- and process until almost smooth. large) tic bag With processor or blender running, ½ cup chopped green sweet pep- 2 cups lightly packed fresh cilan- slowly add oil in thin stream. Pour per (1 small) tro leaves (about 1¼ oz.) cilantro sauce over turkey; mari- ½ cup chopped celery (2 stalks) 1 1/3 cups orange juice nate in refrigerator at least 8 hours ½ cup butter or margarine ½ cup lemon juice or up to 24 hours, turning occa- 5 cups dry white bread cubes (See 10 cloves garlic, halved sionally*. Coat shallow roasting Tip) 2 teaspoons salt pan and roasting rack with cook- 4½ cups crumbled corn bread 2 teaspoons ground cumin ing spray. 1-teaspoon poultry seasoning 1 teaspoon freshly ground black 3. Preheat oven to 325ºF. Re- 1/8-teaspoon black pepper pepper move turkey from marinade; ¾ cup chopped pecans, toasted 2/3-cup olive oil discard marinade. Place turkey, (See Tip) (optional) Nonstick cooking spray breast side up, on rack in prepared 1¼ to 1½ cups chicken broth Peppered Onion Gravy (Optional) roasting pan. Insert an oven-going mea thermometer into the center 1. In a large skillet brown sausage 1. Thaw turkey, if frozen. Using of one of the inside thigh muscles over medium heat; drain. Remove tip of a sharp knife, prick turkey without the thermometer touch- from skillet; set aside. in several spots. Place turkey in ing bone. Tent turkey with foil. 2. In the same skillet cook onion, a brining bag or extra large self- Roast for 2¼ hours. Cut bank of sweet pepper, and celery in hot sealing plastic bag set in a very skin between drumsticks so thighs butter over medium heat until ten- large bowl. Set aside. will cook evenly. Continue roast- der; set aside.
16 — Revista de Victoria, November 2017 ing cranes and TPWD encourages Snow geese and white peli- CRANE, from pg. 1 the public to be mindful of these cans have black wing tips like the and be in places that the public brief layovers and to use caution whooping crane, but their profile does not normally expect to see around these birds to decrease dis- is much more compact, and their them. So, it is more important than turbance to the areas surrounding wing beats are faster. Here’s a ever to be alert to the presence of them. video that details the difference this iconic endangered species and “It appears it will be another late between snow geese and whoop- report them to Texas Whooper migration, so we are estimating ing cranes Watch. the first arrivals to the wintering tch?v=VvkAYGZnJ4Q&feature= Standing at nearly five feet tall, grounds on the Texas coast likely youtube. whooping cranes are North Amer- won’t be until early November, Last year, the whooping crane ica’s tallest bird and each year the with peak migration throughout population was a record 431 birds, flock follows a migratory path the state following shortly there- compared to the all-time low of from nesting grounds in Woods after,” stated Wade Harrell, United just 15 birds that existed in 1941. Buffalo National Park in Alberta, States Fish and Wildlife Service’s The public can help track Canada, to primary wintering whooping crane recovery coordi- whooping cranes by reporting range on and around the Aransas nator. sightings to TPWD’s Whooper National Wildlife Refuge near Several birds may appear like Watch, a citizen-science based Austwell, Texas. This trek takes whooping cranes, but if you look reporting system to track whoop- the birds through North and Cen- closely you can tell the difference. ing crane migration and winter- tral Texas and traverses cities such The sandhill crane, the whooping ing locations throughout Texas. as Wichita Falls, Fort Worth, Dal- crane’s closest relative, is gray More information about Whooper las, Waco, Austin and Victoria. in color, not white. Also, sand- Watch, including instructions for During their migration, whoop- hill cranes are somewhat smaller, reporting sightings, can be found ers often pause overnight in wet- with a wingspan of about five feet. online at lands for roosting and agricultural Sandhill cranes occur in flocks of ects/texas-whooper-watch and by fields for feeding, though it is rare two to hundreds, whereas whoop- downloading the iNaturalist mo- for them to remain in the same ing cranes are most often seen in bile app. These observations help place for more than one night. As flocks of two to as many as 10 to biologists identify new migration a federally-protected species, it is 15, although they sometimes mi- and wintering locations and their illegal to harass or disturb whoop- grate with sandhill cranes. associated habitats. Recipe Below) * COCINA, from pg. 15 Salt and freshly black pepper *Pesto Vinaigrette cups corn bread stuffing mix (one ½ cup Jaye’s Basil Pesto or pur- 8-oz. package) fro the 4½ cups 1. Cook beans, covered, in a small chased basil pesto crumbled corn bread. Reduce amount of boiling water for 10 to 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar poultry seasoning to ½ teaspoon; 15 minutes or until crisp-tender. 1-tablespoon fresh lemon juice omit the black pepper. Substitute Drain and rinse under cool water. ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil water for broth. Drain and pad dry with paper tow- Salt and ground white pepper els. PESTO-GREEN BEANS AND TO- 2. In a large bowl toss green beans 1. In a bowl combine pesto, vin- MATOES and tomatoes with Pesto Vinai- egar, and lemon juice. Slowly add 1½ pounds fresh green beans, grette. Add additional vinaigrette, olive oil in a thin stream, whisk- trimmed if desired. Season to taste with salt ing until combine. Add salt and 1-pint small tomatoes, such as red and pepper. Serve immediately pepper to taste. Refrigerate un- grape, halved or chill in the refrigerator up to 8 til ready to use or up to 3 days. ¼ cup Pesto Vinaigrette (See hours. Makes 6 to 8 servings. Makes about ¾ cup.
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