Quiñones anchor with ABC speaks at VC Lyceum - Revista de Victoria
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Volume 28, Number 12, October 2018 Quiñones anchor with ABC speaks at VC Lyceum by Peter Moralez His father was a janitor and moth- er a housekeeper. Being born in a John Quiñones, ABC news an- Spanish speaking household Qui- chor, Emmy Award winning re- ñones didn’t speak English until porter, Master’s graduate of Co- he got to the first grade, and then lombia School of Journalism and only due to the constant, “Spank- son of a migrant worker spoke at ings from teachers and administra- the Victoria Fine Arts Center on tors.” October 9, 2018. The attendance Nonetheless, Quiñones places was near 1,200, which included a high value on education. “For about 700 eighth-graders from many children of color taking ad- Victoria Independent School Dis- vantage of the education offered trict. them is an excellent road to suc- His topic was his journey from cess, look how it turned out for poverty, scholastic success, pro- me, and believe me I wasn’t the fessional successes, and how it has smartest kid in class, but I worked all come together as the host and hard and never took No for an an- creator of one of ABC’s most cel- swer.” ebrated shows, What Would You He said his path to journalism Do? was inspired by, “The only Mexi- As he describes, “A show about can on TV, Geraldo Rivera, and one’s personal ethics, or what you it turned out that he wasn’t even do when you think no one is watch- Mexican but Puerto Rican,” Qui- ing. It amazes me how cruel and ñones quipped. Rivera was one insensitive some people can be, of the only people of color on na- and then a hero enters the picture tional television some thirty odd and does something incredible that years ago. restores your faith in mankind.” Quiñones was the first one in his Quiñones, a seventh generation family to attend a university. “I John Quiñones, ABC news anchor. Contributed photo. Texan, was born in San Antonio. See QUIÑONES, pg. 14 VC gave St. Joseph graduate IN THIS ISSUE foundation for career Día de los Muertos.. pg 3 Noticias..................... pg 4 Mike Cavazos didn’t know what a lot of my high school, because me to do a good job. That helped he wanted to do for a career when when I came here I learned that me build the foundation I needed he graduated from Victoria’s St. you could develop a good bond to get where I am today.” Charlando................. pg 8 Joseph High School in 1976. with the teachers,” Cavazos said. Cavazos is the director of en- It wasn’t until after Cavazos at- “They really challenged me to vironmental health and safety for Mas-o-Menos......... pg 10 tended Victoria College for two want to accomplish something. I the Victoria office of Klean Corp years that he felt confident to enter saw dedication and willingness to International, which designs, de- the workforce. help students. They wanted me to velops, tests, manufactures, mar- La Cocina................ pg 15 Michael Cavazos. Contributed photo. “Victoria College reminded me be successful, so they challenged See CAVAZOS, pg. 16
2 — Revista de Victoria, October 2018 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Halloween safey Crime prevention. Contributed art. by Officer John Turner crease. According to the National or a glow stick or anything else Highway Traffic Safety Admin- that will make you a little more Witches tripping, ghosts slip- istration, the number of crashes noticeable (no torches, though). ping and hordes of little zombies involving pedestrians doubles on Make sure any masks you wear wandering out into traffic… The Halloween. also provide plenty of visibility. next great horror blockbuster? In order to keep this a fun and You always want to be able to see Nope, just Halloween. It’s right safe Halloween we need to keep a where you are going. Make sure around the corner and once again few things in mind. your costume fits and that any ac- time for some Halloween Safety For those of you who may be cessories don’t create a tripping Tips. chauffeuring kids around, drive hazard. Always remember basic We’ve all been told from the a bit slower than you normally pedestrian safety rules as well: time we were old enough to go would, especially in residential cross the street at intersections, trick-or-treating to be careful on areas. This will give you some use traffic signals and crosswalks, Halloween. Only go to houses added reaction time should a child make eye contact with drivers to with the porch light on, don’t go dart out in front of you. Be even ensure that they’ve seen you too, into a strangers house, check to more aware of your surroundings, and be aware of cars pulling in or make sure your candy hasn’t been pedestrians don’t always stay on out of driveways. tampered with. These are all great sidewalks. Watch for kids walking For a couple of hours, one night tips and we still need to be mindful in the street or on medians. Look a year, the chances of a motor ve- of them. One topic, however, that for kids crossing the street espe- hicle/pedestrian crash double. We doesn’t seem to get much attention cially mid block and from behind can change that. Slow down a bit, is pedestrian safety. cars. In a dark costume, they’ll be keep pedestrian safety in mind and As darkness falls on Halloween harder to see. have a safe and happy Halloween. night and little ghouls and goblins Any trick-or-treaters need to be John Turner is a Crime Preven- emerge from their lairs to feast on visible when roaming the neigh- tion Officer with the Victoria Po- the treats of their neighbors, the borhood. Wear a light colored cos- lice Department. For other crime chances of them being struck by tume or add some reflective mate- prevention information he may be a motor vehicle dramatically in- rial to it. You can carry a flashlight contacted at (361)485-3811.
www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, October 2018 — 3 Día de los Muertos and All Souls Day are distinct occasions world. recognized holiday and is treated opened at midnight on the 31st and that same day, November 2nd. The observance runs from Oc- with respect and distinction. all deceased children can reunite It is a Christian day set aside to tober 31st through November 2nd. Before the 20th century, Day of with their families for 24 hours. pray for those who have departed You may recognize this event the Dead was recognized in pri- It isn’t until November 2nd that from this world. It is believed overlaps other secular as well as marily central and southern Mex- adults can come down and enjoy that through prayer departed souls non-secular observances such as ico. It wasn’t till the 1900s that the feast prepared for them. will be blessed with eternal life in Halloween recognized on the 31st, the festival traveled to Northern All Souls Day is celebrated on Heaven. and All Souls Day and All Saints Mexico, which didn’t participate Day, a Catholic holy day of Obli- in Día de los Muertos celebrations gation observed on November 1st. due to different beliefs, as well as In 2008 the United Nation’s the influence of Christianity. Contributed art. Educational, Scientific and Cul- There are many artifacts associ- by Peter Moralez tural Organization (UNESCO) ated with Día de los Muertos such inscribed Día de los Muertos on as altars or ofrendas decorated Día de los Muertos, translated their Representative List of the In- with candy, flowers, skulls, pho- Day of the Dead is a traditional tangible Cultural Heritage of Hu- tos and even favorite drinks, some Mexican celebration to commem- manity. with alcohol and others without. orate the passing of family, friends The origin of Day of the Dead, Some people will use this holiday or loved ones. A way to celebrate as best as can be traced, was creat- to go to the burial sites of their the remembrances you have of ed by the Aztecs hundreds of years loved ones and give the burial plot them, as well as the deceased’s ago. It is attributed to the Aztec an annual cleaning and perhaps (dis)likes. This commemoration goddess Mictecacihuatl who creat- leave fresh flowers and candles. has traveled to almost a world- ed a festival day to honor the dead. Part of the beliefs of Día de los wide audience with the Diaspora Since the 1960s Mexico has made Muertos surrounds deceased chil- of Mexican people throughout the Día de los Muertos a nationally dren. The gates of Heaven are
4 — Revista de Victoria, October 2018 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com EE. UU.: 20 muertos es el saldo vehículo y dos peatones en las cer- y tsunami en Indonesia. El número del matrimonio en- del peor accidente de tránsito en canías que fueron atropellados. Se de heridos hospitalizados es de tre personas de este, EE. UU. desde 2009. Una limu- trata del peor accidente automo- 2,549, mientras que 74,444 indo- según ha confirmado sina que se estrelló en el estado vilístico en EE. UU. desde 2009, nesios se encuentran acogidos en la comisión nacio- de Nueva York este fin de semana según las autoridades. centros de desplazados y 65,733 nal electoral del acabó con la vida de las 18 perso- INDONESIA: 1,944 muertos y viviendas resultaron destruidas o país. La asistencia a nas que se encontraban dentro del 5,000 desaparecidos por el seísmo dañadas. las urnas se ha que- BULGARIA: La periodista búlga- dado en un 20.4 por ra Viktoria Marinova, de 30 años, ciento, lejos del 30 ha sido hallada violada y asesi- por ciento requerido nada este fin de semana en la ciu- para la admisión del dad de Ruse mientras investigaba referéndum. El fra- Viktoria Marinova. Contributed photo. un caso de corrupción relacionado caso de la consulta con fondos de la Unión Europea. es un enorme revés escrutadas, según datos del Tribu- Según la Policía, de momento no para el gobernante Partido Social nal Superior Electoral (TSE). Sin hay pruebas que demuestren que el Demócrata (PSD), que defendió la embargo, dado que no ha logrado asesinato de Marinova, productora enmienda, así como para la Iglesia hacerse con más del 50 por ciento de la emisora TVN, esté relacio- ortodoxa. 19 millones de rumanos de las papeletas, tendrá que acudir nado con su trabajo, pero grupos estaban llamados a votar para deci- a una segunda vuelta prevista para anticorrupción y miembros del dir si quiere que en la Constitución el próximo 28 de octubre donde se Parlamento Europeo han pedido la definición de matrimonio sólo enfrentará al segundo candidato una investigación completa sobre incluya aquellas uniones entre un más votado, el izquierdista del la muerte. “Sorprendido por el hombre y una mujer, una iniciativa Partido de los Trabajadores (PT). horrible asesinato de la periodista que ha surgido por parte de una PARIS: El Salón Mundial del de investigación Victoria Mari- asociación civil llamada Coalición Automóvil se está celebrando en nova en #Bulgaria. Urge llamar a por la Familia. Rumanía, que ParísCerca de un millón y me- una investigación completa y ex- despenalizó la homosexualidad en dio de visitantes se acercan al haustiva. Los responsables deben 2001, es uno de los pocos países recinto para conocer las últimas rendir cuentas “, ha tuiteado el rep- de la Unión Europea que todavía novedades de la automoción. Los resentante de la Organización para no reconoce el matrimonio homo- coches eléctricos han sido los la Seguridad y la Cooperación en sexual. grandes protagonistas. Europa (OSCE) sobre la libertad BRASIL: Jair Bolsonaro gana FLORIDA: El huracán Michael de los medios de comunicación, la primera vuelta de las eleccio- tocó tierra en Florida como cat- Harlem Désir. Se trata del cuarto nes presidenciales de Brasil. El egoría 4. El poderoso huracán asesinato de un periodista en la UE candidato ultraderechista, que ha Michael azota Florida con vien- desde 2017. rozado la mayoría absoluta, se en- tos de 250 km/h. Michael, que RUMANIA: El gobernante Par- frentará en segunda vuelta con el sorprendió con su rápido fortaleci- tido Social Demócrata había con- candidato del Partido de los Tra- miento a medida que avanzaba ha- vocado una consulta de dos días bajadores (PT), Fernando Had- cia Florida. Este huracán ha dejado que pretendía incluir el veto al dad. El candidato ultraderechista una estela de estructuras destru- matrimonio entre personas del Jair Bolsonaro se ha hecho con la idas y enormes inundaciones. Se mismo sexo en la Constitución. El victoria en la primera vuelta de las han reportado al menos 6 personas partido gobernante de Rumanía ha elecciones presidenciales de Brasil muertas y miles de hogares se en- fracasado en su intento de incluir con el 46.66 por ciento de los vo- cuentran sin energía eléctrica. Las en la Constitución la prohibición tos y el 99 por ciento de las mesas perdidas han sido grandes.
www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, October 2018 — 5 Drivers and Spectators Gear Up for The Texas Mile torsports will be back with their MPH, which was also achieved at Event Location: Victoria Regional 2006 Ford GT driven by Patrick the March 2017 Texas Mile in Vic- Airport, 609 Foster Field Dr. Victoria, Texas 77904 O’Gorman. This incredible ma- toria. The Texas Mile is a “proving Event Date: October 26-28, 2018 chine set the standing mile world grounds” for those in the Motors- Spectator Schedule: Friday 8:00 record at the March 2017 Texas ports industry, so much so that Car AM-Dusk, Saturday 8:00 AM-Dusk, Mile event in Victoria at an awe- and Driver Magazine along with Sunday 8:00 AM-4 PM inspiring 293.6 MPH! AirTech GM Performance did the first pub- Admission Cost: $25 for a three-day of Houston will also return with lic speed test of the 2019 Corvette pass (includes in/out privileges). Free their 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby ZR1 at the March 2018 event. This admission for children 12 and under. GT500 which holds the Ford Mus- October’s Texas Mile will certain- Event Website: www.texasmile.net tang 1-Mile World Record at 260.8 ly have its share of thrills. Event Contact: info@texasmile.net Texas Mile. Contributed photo. or (281) 303-1844 Social Media: Facebook: https:// As the most recognized 1-Mile single auto racing event in Goliad, www.facebook.com/TheTexasMile Top Speed Racing event in the Texas in October 2003. Since that Twitter: @TheTexasMile world, the much-anticipated Texas time, it has become one of the hot- Mile returns to the Victoria, Texas test tickets for speed enthusiasts “The event will bring hundreds of Regional Airport October 26-28, everywhere. The event co-found- overnight visitors to Victoria and 2018. The Texas Mile welcomes ed by Jay and Shannon Matus (of have significant economic impact the fastest performance cars and J&S Matus Motorsports, Inc.), for the community.” motorcycles from across the Unit- remained in Goliad until March In March 2017, the fantastic ed States to test their limits in a 2011 before relocating to the track at the Victoria Regional 1-mile stretch. Chase Field Industrial Complex in Airport allowed for drivers to set New for the October 2018 event Beeville, Texas. In 2017, it was re- multiple speed records. M2K Mo- is a large, on-site LED screen dis- located again to its new (and cur- playing video of the participating rent) home in Victoria, Texas. To- vehicles as they make their way day, the Texas Mile sells out 220 down the track. For participants coveted driver spots with competi- and spectators, convenient ame- tors from around the world. Prior nities are available such as local events have generated millions of food trucks, bleacher seating, and dollars in economic impact and shaded viewing areas. Free bus filled hundreds of hotel rooms. transportation will be available to “Victoria is very pleased to have shuttle spectators between differ- such a well-known event as The ent event areas throughout each Texas Mile return here,” said Joel day. Novosad, Director of the Victoria The Texas Mile started as a Convention & Visitors Bureau.
6 — Revista de Victoria, October 2018 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com 2018 Veterans Day Parade Victoria County Veterans Coun- day November 10 at 10:00AM. The US Army Recruiting Com- This year marks the 100th An- cil VCVC will present the 2018 It is featuring bands, floats, drill mand National Recruiter Asset niversary of the signing of the Ar- Veterans Day Parade in DeLeon teams, local veteran’s organiza- semi-truck will be parked at the mistice at 11:00 AM on November Plaza, 101 N. Main St. on Satur- tions, and private citizen’s, et al. plaza for people to visit beginning 11, 2018. The VCVC is hoping for at 8 am along with several US a larger participation to honor this Army Recruiters to answer ques- auspicious date. We request that tions spectators might have. you share, post, print and/or pub- Veterans Day parade keynote speaker Sgt. First Class. Contributed photo. lish the parade forms, which are due on October 29. (See attached) The parade starts corner of Goodwin and Main heading south to Church Street turning west and then up Bridge Street ending at DeLeon Plaza in front of the 1892 Courthouse where a cer- emony honoring our veterans will complete the festivities. Rever- end Walter Gant will officiate the prayer. The Keynote speaker is Sgt. First Class Matthew Sutton, United States Army Recruiting Station Commander for Victoria. (Bio attached) Victoria County Veterans Coun- cil member are from all Victoria County veterans’ organizations that has a charter from the U.S. Congress. The VCVC are active in patriotic and veteran-oriented activities such as funeral detail, cemetery detail and coordinating of the Veterans Day Parade. Happy Halloween! From, Revista Staff
www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, October 2018 — 7 Imagine having an entire law firm at your disposal for any reason whatsoever Divorce; Auto: Accidents, Minor Texas law firm has over 95 at- Traffic Tickets, Moving Viola- torneys and 75 support staff! tions; Estate Issues: Wills, Health- LegalShield’slegal plans provide care Power of Attorney; Financial: access to attorneys averaging 27 Bankruptcy, Consumer Protection years of experience in areas such Assistance; Home: Foreclosure, as family matters, estate planning, Property Disputes, and Rental Is- financial and business issues, con- sue. sumer protection, tax, real estate, LegalShield will help you, benefits disputes, auto/driving is- whether your consultation is for sues and more. 2 minutes or 5 hours, your price Unlike other legal plans or do-it- does not change! yourself websites, LegalShield has Teri & Dr. David Moten. Contributed photo. LegalShield, founded in 1972, dedicated law firms in 50 states by Dr. David P Moten serves 1.6 million members. Our See FIRM, pg. 13 You read correctly… Not $300- $400 an hour, but $25 A MONTH! LegalShield provides you, your significant other, and any number of children you may have UN- LIMITED CONSULTATIONS on UNLIMITED ISSUES, for just $25 a month for any personal legal matter, even on pre-existing condi- tions! You will have letters and phone calls written and made on your behalf; contracts and documents reviewed up to 15 pages each, unlimited for a primary residen- tial mortgage; be provided 24/7 emergency assistance; legal forms online - reviewed by your provider law firm; after 90 days - uncon- tested adoption, divorce, separa- tion, annulment and name chang- es; assistance with moving traffic violations; assistance with driver’s license and with personal injury/ physical damage; representation for tragic accidents; 60 hours civil law suit trial defense representa- tion increasing 60 hours each year to 300 in year five; IRS audit ser- vices up to 50 hours; 25% discount on legal issues not covered under the plan including pre-existing matters…Just $25 a month! Why spend $2000 on a will? Le- galShield will provide: 1. Your Will, 2. Your Advanced Directive (Living Will), 3. Health- care Power of Attorney (Who makes medical decisions), 4. Du- rable Power of Attorney (Who makes financial decisions), 5. Guardianship for Minor Children, and 6. Children’s Trust. Absolute- ly free. Unexpected legal questions arise daily on subjects like: Family Matters: Adoption, Child Custody,
8 — Revista de Victoria, October 2018 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com por Benita Garcia La telenovela La Piloto 2: Ya de “La Piloto 2” por Univisión y protagoniza Livia Brito inició a esta lujosa tienda en Texas. Castro se anuncian las últimas semanas eso no es buena señal. La serie que finales de julio y apenas comple- aseguró que todo se trata de una tando el mes y medio de transmis- confusión. Tanto su hija como co- iones ya se anuncian sus últimas legas de la estrella de telenovelas semanas. Cabe mencionar que esta le han mostrado su apoyo. Ahora misma serie se estrenó en México un testigo aseguró al programa semanas antes y aún no anuncian Hoy que Castro tiene razón y el su final próximamente. General- supuesto robo fue todo un error. mente la cadena latina anuncia las La fuente aseguró que la actriz fue últimas semanas cuando le queda a la tienda el día antes del supuesto un mes y medio de transmisiones, robo y se compró varias piezas de justo el mismo tiempo que lleva ropa. Poco después regresó a de- por adelantado de transmisiones volver algunos de estos artículos y en México. Esto nos indica que fue atendida en dos cajas por dife- Univisión ha metido tijera a la rentes cajeras. Al parecer al hacer Livia Brito. Contributed photo. producción y la terminará antes de el balance de su nueva cuenta, una tiempo para dar paso a la serie que de las cajeras cometió un error, nal del condado de Béxar, donde siga. según el testigo, y acusó a la ac- fue acusada del supuesto delito. Daniela Castro: La actriz mexi- triz de robo. La actriz fue puesta ¿Cambiará este testigo el rumbo cana fue arrestada en San Antonio en libertad el mismo día que ocur- de su caso? por robar en la tienda Saks Off rieron los hechos después pagar La primera gala de Nues- 5th. Como todos saben la famosa una fianza de 800 dólares, según tra Belleza Latina 2018 arrancó actriz ha estado en el ojo del hura- reportes. Castro, de 49 años, ten- con mucho poder femenino. Las cán tras ser acusada de robar en drá que presentarse ante un tribu- See CHARLANDO, pg. 9
www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, October 2018 — 9 bailando junto a las tres divas de la música. Las 10 finalistas que irán a la universidad de la belleza y se mantienen en el reality show son: Yaritza Owen, Elvira Reyes, Car- men Bátiz, Brenda Smith, Vanessa Romo, Migbelis Castellanos, Cey- lin Rosario, Nancy Alejandre, No- biraida Infante y Andrea Bazarte. Las últimas dos, Bazarte e Infante, quedan nominadas a “Zona de peligro” y el voto del público po- drá salvar a una. Algunas de las chicas eliminadas se consolaron unas a otras tras despedirse del reality show, mientras que las que Daniela Castro. Contributed photo. enfrentaban los retos del concurso aquí estoy, no me doy por venci- se daban ánimo ante los nervios de CHARLANDO, from pg. 8 da. Y eso es lo que dice esta can- subir al escenario a pasar pruebas de fuego ante millones de tele- cantantes Karol G, Chiquis Rivera ción: ‘así soy,’ no importa lo que y Maite Perroni arrasaron en el es- digan, no importa lo que piensen videntes. La solidaridad estaba a cenario del reality show, cantando de mí.” Las 30 participantes que flor de piel. Como bien dice Maite el tema “Así soy.” “Estoy llena de recibieron el pase de los jueces a Perroni, “cuando las mujeres nos emociones buenas. Tuve ganas de Miami lucieron camisetas de la unimos tenemos la oportunidad de llorar,” confesó Chiquis Rivera a diseñadora Vero Solís y Stitch Lab hacer todo posible.” No te pierdas People en español al bajar del es- con palabras empedradoras como nuestra belleza latina los Domin- cenario. “Yo he sido una mujer que “guerrera,” “única” y “capaz,” gos por Univisión. Y no dejes de ha pasado por muchas cosas, pero llenando de buena vibra la tarima y votar por tu favorita.
10 — Revista de Victoria, October 2018 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Mas-o-Menos I’m not trying to tell you something, or am I by Santos Raya The purpose of this article is to motivate everyone concerned to get up off your lazy posteriors and go cast your ballot on November 6, 2018; after all it is your civic obligation to do so. I’m not go- ing to get on a soap box and tell you which party to support…the days it would be highly unlikely to to all Hispanic voters…to get out Democratic Party…or what can- get fired from your employer for and participate in the process. For didate to vote for in the race for taking off to vote. Provided you whatever reason people can’t seem U.S. Senate…Beto O’Rourke… made arrangements prior to Elec- to grasp…most likely due to the Because that is your decision and tion Day, and in-fact Texas State worthless Electoral College…that yours alone. law says employees must be given the more votes you get the better I remember the good ole days an opportunity to vote if they don’t chance you have of winning! when Americans used to vote… have off two consecutive hours For example, just for example… you remember? It used to be a while the polls are open, accord- If candidate A…say Eric Hol- real big deal. Some companies ing to a Goggle search. guin…had 10 votes, and candidate would close on national Election And I want to make it abun- B…say Michael Cloud…had 8 Day to give their employees an dantly clear that I’m not trying votes candidate A would win the opportunity to vote; even nowa- to appeal to any specific voter… election. Using a similar example, if there were say 100 people who wanted to vote for candidate A… potential Hispanic voters…and say that candidate B could only put together 70 people to vote…all non-Hispanic voters…candidate A would carry the day. Its not that complex…more voters can equal more votes, and that means less voters, less ballots cast…Get it?!? Victoria County has made it very easy, to some capacity to vote on Election Day. You do need picture identification, and it cer- tainly wouldn’t hurt to have your voter identification card as well. You can cast your ballot by mail if you’re 65 or older, disabled. You will be out of Victoria County on Election Day or you are in jail. You can early vote from October 22 through November 2 at several voting locations. And on Election Day you can cast your ballot at anyone of the 35 precincts, as well as the Patti Dobson Health Center located at 2805 North Navarro. In most lo- cations you can be in and out in five minutes, and I assure you that it’s completely painless. If you have any questions you can call the Election’s Administra- tor’s office at 361.576.0124. So there it is all the info you need to do your part in this up coming election…so stand up and be counted…I know that I will… get off your lazy ass and VOTE!
www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, October 2018 — 11 Texas Catholic dioceses plans to release names of clergy credibly accused of sexual abuse of minors Lists of clergy will cover at least 1950 to 2018 Catholic Conference of Bish- policy voice, accredit the state’s ops is the association of the Ro- Catholic schools, and maintain ar- man Catholic bishops of Texas. chives that reflect the work and the Through the TCCB, the bishops history of the Catholic Church in provide a moral and social public Texas. The 15 Catholic dioceses in tions of trust that have happened. tion for our Church,” explained Texas and the Ordinariate of the We are completely committed to Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, Chair of St. Peter made the deci- eradicating the evil of sexual abuse MSpS, archbishop of San Antonio. sion on Sept. 30 to release names in the church and promoting heal- Bishop Brendan J. Cahill, STD, of clergy who have been credibly ing among the faithful and those bishop of the Diocese of Victoria accused of sexually abusing a mi- injured by this crime.” With 8.5 also shared his care and concern nor, going back at least to 1950. million Catholics and 1,320 Cath- for all families and survivors of The bishops’ decision was made olic parishes in Texas, the endeav- abuse and said, “We hope releas- in the context of their ongoing or to compile a comprehensive list ing the names will contribute to work to protect children from sex- of clergy who have been credibly healing and restore trust.” ual abuse, and their efforts to pro- accused of sexually abusing a mi- The release of names of clergy mote healing and a restoration of nor represents a major project. All credibly accused of sexually abus- trust in the Catholic Church. dioceses will publish their lists by ing a minor is part of an ongoing “This is an action in response Jan. 31, 2019. effort by the dioceses to provide an to the faithful’s call for greater “It will take some time for files even safer environment for chil- accountability and transparency,” to be reviewed, and there may be dren. These lists will be updated as said Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, people who come forward with new information becomes avail- archbishop of Galveston-Houston. new information following this able. Each bishop will be releasing “Every bishop in our state has announcement. My brother bish- his own statement and list. The full made a statement expressing his ops in Texas and I agree that trans- statement of the bishops of Texas concern for all who have been hurt parency in this painful matter of includes information on this work and I want to express my personal sexual abuse can assist with heal- and follows. sorrow at such fundamental viola- ing for survivors and transforma- About the TCCB: The Texas
12 — Revista de Victoria, October 2018 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com UHV receives $100,000 grant for first-generation college students The University of Houston-Vic- Albert and Margaret Alkek Foun- tions. “It’s hard to fathom the scale president of the Albert and Marga- toria recently received a $100,000 dation for this generous commit- of good that the foundation does ret Alkek Foundation and the cou- grant from the Albert and Margaret ment, which continues the fam- across Texas and how it has affect- ple’s grandson. “They recognized Alkek Foundation to fund scholar- ily’s legacy of support for higher ed positive change for individuals that many families couldn’t afford ships for students who are the first education in Victoria,” said Jesse and communities. We’re encour- to pay the cost of higher educa- in their families to attend college. Pisors, UHV vice president for aged and honored by the founda- tion, so they helped by providing “We are deeply grateful to the advancement and external rela- tion’s continued support.” scholarships to those who might Mr. Albert B. Alkek first do- not otherwise be able to afford it.” Left to Right: Jesse Pisors, UHV vice presi- nated $1 million 30 years ago to UHV consistently has served dent for advancement and external rela- UHV to create an endowment that a large percentage of first-gener- tions, and UHV president Bob Glenn . Con- provides annual scholarships to ation college students, many of tributed photos. UHV students. Victoria was Albert whom have families with limited versity that provides opportunities Alkek’s hometown. In 2016-2017, resources to pay for college, Pisors for all.” the foundation gave 93 students said. About a third of UHV’s un- The first-generation college stu- scholarships. Once fully funded, dergraduate students’ parents did dent scholarship will begin to be the additional $100,000 grant will not attend college. awarded in the fall of 2019. UHV generate funds specifically for col- “UHV is appreciative of the students must submit the FAFSA lege students who are the first in continued support from the Albert to be considered for scholarships their families to attend college. and Margaret Alkek Foundation,” offered at UHV, along with a UHV “My grandparents knew how UHV President Bob Glenn said. Scholarship Application. Required important it was for people to at- “The grant fulfills a critical need documentation should be complet- tain the highest level of education to provide higher education op- ed by each spring, fall and summer possible so they could be success- portunities to first-generation col- priority deadline to ensure award ful in whatever field they chose to lege students in our region, and determination by the appropriate pursue,” said Charles Williams, we want to continue being a uni- term.
www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, October 2018 — 13 port. You, your spouse/significant the wrong crowd and the police FIRM, from pg. 7 other or your children fall victim are involved. You have a boundary and 4 Canadian provinces mem- to identity theft. You need a letter dispute. A debt collector continu- bers can call without having to written/phone call made on your ously hassles you. You are sign- worry about high hourly rates. behalf by an attorney. You or your ing a document that you only half LegalShield also has a law firm teenager gets a speeding ticket. understand. You are buying a new dedicated entirely to Hispanic citi- You need an agreement/contract/ car and you’re asked to sign for a zens! Our Spanish speaking attor- document reviewed. Your driver’s loan. You’re worried about what is neys, materials and website will license is suspended. The IRS se- happening to your elderly parents. help tremendously! https://terimo- lects you for an audit. A merchant You have a family dispute going ten.somoslegalshield.com. won’t honor a guarantee. You have on and not sure what is right. LegalShield will help you in trouble with your cell phone com- any case dealing with: immigra- pany (who doesn’t!). You have tion law, traffic tickets, auto acci- trouble with some neighbors. dents, lemon law, estate planning, You’re making a financial deci- real estate, probate, landlord/ten- sion and need legal advice. You’re ant, family law, justice court, con- buying or selling a home and need sumer law, criminal law, corporate help with the paperwork and other law, business debt, debt collection, details. Your landlord won’t return tax law, bankruptcy, oil & gas law, your security deposit. You try and insurance law, banking law and return something to a store and litigation. they don’t treat you right. You’re Why have LegalShield? You a victim of an online scam. You’re and your spouse/significant other in an accident and someone is in- don’t have an up to date will. You jured. Your insurance company are getting a separation or di- isn’t handling your claim properly. vorce. You are having trouble with Your family has immigration legal visitation rights and/or child sup- issues. Your teenager gets in with
14 — Revista de Victoria, October 2018 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com AVISO DE RECIBO DE LA SOLICITUD Y EL INTENTO DE OBTENER PERMISO PARA LA CALIDAD DEL AGUA QUIÑONES , from pg. 1 was the first one to attend college, PERMISO PROPUESTO NO. WQ0005263000 St. Mary’s University, and then SOLICITUD. Victoria Port Power II LLC, 5850 San Felipe Street, Suite 650, Houston, Texas 77057, que posee una instalación de generación eléctrica, ha on to Colombia University for my solicitado a la Comisión de Calidad Ambiental del Estado de Texas (TCEQ) para el propuesto Permiso No. WQ0005263000 (EPA I.D. No. TX0138801) del post graduate work, graduating Sistema de Eliminación de Descargas de Contaminantes de Texas (TPDES) para autorizar la descarga de aguas residuales tratadas en un volumen que no from both.” sobrepasa un flujo promedio diario de 144,000 galones por día. La planta está ubicada en 2050 Old Bloomington Road, Victoria, en el Condado de Victoria, His first reporting job was for Texas 77905. La ruta de descarga es del sitio de la planta a una alcantarilla, después a una seria de zanjas de drenaje y luego a Victoria Barge Canal por vía WBBM-TV in Chicago, Illinois. de un tubo. La TCEQ recibió esta solicitud el 17 de septiembre de 2018. La solicitud para el permiso está disponible para leerla y copiarla en la biblioteca “I was hired there because I spoke pública de Victoria, por la calle 302 North Main Street, en la ciudad de Victoria, Texas. Este enlace a un mapa electrónico de la ubicación general del sitio Spanish,” he said. “I always o de la instalación es proporcionado como una cortesía y no es parte de la solicitud o del aviso. Para la ubicación exacta, consulte la solicitud. thought that it was funny that I had http://www.tceq.texas.gov/assets/public/hb610/index.html?lat=28.696666&lng=-96.945&zoom=13&type=r been beaten for speaking Spanish as a youth, and yet it was my flu- AVISO ADICIONAL. El Director Ejecutivo de la TCEQ ha determinado que la solicitud es administrativamente completa y conducirá una revisión técni- ency in Spanish that got me hired ca de la solicitud. Después de completar la revisión técnica, el Director Ejecutivo puede preparar un borrador del permiso y emitirá una Decisión Preliminar for my first reporting job!” sobre la solicitud. El aviso de la solicitud y la decisión preliminar serán publicados y enviado a los que están en la lista de correo de las personas a Quiñones earned his first Emmy lo largo del condado que desean recibir los avisos y los que están en la lista de correo que desean recibir avisos de esta solicitud. El aviso dará la Award in 1980 by doing a story on fecha límite para someter comentarios públicos. what an undocumented worker en- COMENTARIO PUBLICO / REUNIÓN PUBLICA. Usted puede presentar comentarios públicos o pedir una reunión pública sobre esta solicitud. dures to come to America and get El propósito de una reunión pública es dar la oportunidad de presentar comentarios o hacer preguntas acerca de la solicitud. La TCEQ realiza una reunión a job. I literally went across the pública si el Director Ejecutivo determina que hay un grado de interés público suficiente en la solicitud o si un legislador local lo pide. Una reunión pública Mexican border, retained a trans- no es una audiencia administrativa de lo contencioso. port agent, referred to as a coyote, rode an inner tube across the Rio OPORTUNIDAD DE UNA AUDIENCIA ADMINISTRATIVA DE LO CONTENCIOSO. Después del plazo para presentar comentarios públicos, Grande River, traveled to Chica- el Director Ejecutivo considerará todos los comentarios apropiados y preparará una respuesta a todos los comentarios públicos esenciales, pertinentes, o go, and was hired at a restaurant significativos. A menos que la solicitud haya sido referida directamente a una audiencia administrativa de lo contencioso, la respuesta a los comen- known for hiring undocumented tarios y la decisión del Director Ejecutivo sobre la solicitud serán enviados por correo a todos los que presentaron un comentario público y a las workers, mistreating them and not personas que están en la lista para recibir avisos sobre esta solicitud. Si se reciben comentarios, el aviso también proveerá instrucciones para pedir paying them. It was that company una reconsideración de la decisión del Director Ejecutivo y para pedir una audiencia administrativa de lo contencioso. Una audiencia administrativa that the story was about. Not only de lo contencioso es un procedimiento legal similar a un procedimiento legal civil en un tribunal de distrito del estado. was Quiñones recognized for his reporting, the restaurant that was PARA SOLICITAR UNA AUDIENCIA DE CASO IMPUGNADO, USTED DEBE INCLUIR EN SU SOLICITUD LOS SIGUIENTES DATOS: the aim of his story was closed, the su nombre, dirección, y número de teléfono; el nombre del solicitante y número del permiso; la ubicación y distancia de su propiedad/actividad owner indicted, and the undocu- con respecto a la instalación; una descripción específica de la forma cómo usted sería afectado adversamente por el sitio de una manera no común al público en general; una lista de todas las cuestiones de hecho en disputa que usted presente durante el período de comentarios; y la declaración mented workers given temporary “[Yo/nosotros] solicito/solicitamos una audiencia de caso impugnado”. Si presenta la petición para una audiencia de caso impugnado de parte de work Visas. un grupo o asociación, debe identificar una persona que representa al grupo para recibir correspondencia en el futuro; identificar el nombre y la In 1982 he joined ABC in Mi- dirección de un miembro del grupo que sería afectado adversamente por la planta o la actividad propuesta; proveer la información indicada ante- ami, then to the status of anchor- riormente con respecto a la ubicación del miembro afectado y su distancia de la planta o actividad propuesta; explicar cómo y porqué el miembro man. He started reporting on the sería afectado; y explicar cómo los intereses que el grupo desea proteger son pertinentes al propósito del grupo. television show 20/20, Primetime Live, Burning Questions and then Después del cierre de todos los períodos de comentarios y de petición que aplican, el Director Ejecutivo enviará la solicitud y cualquier petición para recon- on to his latest endeavor What sideración o para una audiencia de caso impugnado a los Comisionados de la TCEQ para su consideración durante una reunión programada de la Comisión. Would You Do? Quiñones has earned a total of seven Emmy La Comisión sólo puede conceder una solicitud de una audiencia de caso impugnado sobre los temas que el solicitante haya presentado en sus comentarios awards. oportunos que no fueron retirados posteriormente. Si se concede una audiencia, el tema de la audiencia estará limitado a cuestiones de hecho en When asked about how the po- disputa o cuestiones mixtas de hecho y de derecho relacionadas a intereses pertinentes y materiales de calidad del agua que se hayan presentado litical, social and personal inter- durante el período de comentarios. est stories have changed since his time in journalism he remarked, LISTA DE CORREO. Si somete comentarios públicos, un pedido para una audiencia administrativa de lo contencioso o una reconsideración de la decisión “America is a completely different del Director Ejecutivo, la Oficina del Secretario Principal enviará por correo los avisos públicos en relación con la solicitud. Además, puede pedir que la TCEQ ponga su nombre en una o más de las listas correos siguientes (1) la lista de correo permanente para recibir los avisos del solicitante indicado por place politically, the climate is so nombre y número del permiso específico y/o (2) la lista de correo de todas las solicitudes en un condado especifico. Si desea que se agrega su nombre en supercharged, which bleeds over una de las listas designe cual lista(s) y envía por correo su pedido a la Oficina del Secretario Principal de la TCEQ a la dirección de abajo. to society as well as the social mo- res of the current times. Información Disponible en Línea. Para detalles sobre el estado de la solicitud, visita la siguiente página de la base de datos integrada del comisario en “People nowadays are so con- www.tceq.texas.gov/goto/cid. Utilice el número del permiso específico para esta solicitud que está proporcionado en la parte superior de este aviso. sumed with their own lives that of- fering to help someone in distress CONTACTOS E INFORMACIÓN A LA AGENCIA. Todos los comentarios públicos y solicitudes deben ser presentadas electrónicamente vía is almost a thing of the past,” Qui- http://www14.tceq.texas.gov/epic/eComment/ o por escrito dirigidos a la Comisión de Texas de Calidad Ambiental, Oficial de la Secretaría (Of- ñones said. “And I feel that’s why fice of Chief Clerk), MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Tenga en cuenta que cualquier información personal que usted proporcione, there’s such an interest in a show incluyendo su nombre, número de teléfono, dirección de correo electrónico y dirección física pasarán a formar parte del registro público de la Agencia. like What Would You Do? It’s still Para obtener más información acerca de esta solicitud de permiso o el proceso de permisos, llame al programa de educación pública de la TCEQ, gratis, al all about those little stories that the 1-800-687-4040 o visita la página www.tceq.texas.gov/goto/pep. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040. daily newspaper and evening news have forgot about. That human- También se puede obtener información adicional del Victoria Port Power II LLC a la dirección indicada arriba o llamando a Sra. Lisa Murphy, P.E. al 512- interest story that stays with you, 922-0293. uplifts you and gives you the jolt Fecha de emisión: el día 18 de octubre del año 2018 you may need to continue on in your life journey.”
www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, October 2018 — 15 1 tablespoon prepared mustard 8 servings. to make a Small hole. Pipe frost- to form eyes. Makes 10 servings. 3 cups (12 ounces) shredded ing onto each cake square in the NOTE: For testing purposes Monterey Jack cheese, divided CHOCOLATE GHOST CAKES shape of a ghost, adding remain- only, we used Little Debbie Devil 2 tablespoons water ½ (12-oz.) container ready-to- ing frosting to bag as needed. Pipe Squares and Betty Crocker Deco- 1 large egg spread white frosting 2 dots on each cake using black gel rating Gel. Red and yellow liquid food color- 1 (11-oz.) package cream-filled ing chocolate cake squares 1 (0.68-oz.) tube black decorat- 1. Cook first 5 ingredients in a ing gel Salty bones. Contributed photo. large skillet over medium-high heat, stirring until beef crumbles 1. Microwave frosting in a micro- MONSTER MASH and is no longer pink; drain. Stir in wave-safe bowl at HIGH 30 sec- 4 ripe avocados ketchup and Worcestershire sauce; onds to 1 minute or until melted; ¼ cup light or fat-free sour cream cool. stir until smooth. Let stand 2 min- 1/3-cup tomato salsa 2. Unfold 1 piecrust, and place utes. 2 teaspoons lemon juice on a lightly greased baking sheet. 2. Place 1 cup melted frosting in ½ teaspoon salt Spread mustard evenly over crust. a gallon-size zip-top plastic bag. Stir together meat mixture and 2 (Do not Seal.) Snip 1 corner of bag 1. Cut the avocados in half and cups cheese; spoon onto center of remove the pits. Spoon the meat crust, leaving a 2-inch border. from the skins into a medium-size 3. Unfold remaining piecrust, and bowl and then mash it with a fork. cut out a jack-o’-lantern face, re- 2. Add the sour cream, salsa, serving pastry cutouts to use a lemon juice and salt. Stir well and stem. Place crust over meat mix- serve immediately. Make approxi- ture; crimp edges of crust, and fold mately 2½ cups. under. Place stem on top of jack- o’-lantern face. SALTY BONES 4. Whisk together 2 tablespoons 1 tube of refrigerated breadstick water, egg, and 1 drop each of red dough (11-ounce tube to make 12 and yellow food coloring; brush bones) over crust. Coarse Salt 5. Bake at 425º for 20 minutes; re- move from oven, and brush again 1. Unroll a tube of refrigerated with egg mixture. Fill eyes, nose, breadstick dough and separate the and mouth with remaining 1 cup rectangular pieces. cheese. Bake 5 to 10 more minutes 2. Working with one piece at a or until golden brown. Makes 6 to time, stretch the dough to lengthen it a bit and then use kitchen scis- sors or a knife to cut a ½-inch slit in the center of each end. VICTORIA COUNTY 3. Roll or shape the resulting four flaps of dough into knobs that look TAX SALE like the ends of a bone. 4. Place the dough bones on an ungreased baking sheet, spacing Tuesday, November 6, 2018 them a few inches apart, and sprin- kle on a little coarse salt. Bake the bones until they are light golden At the Front Door of the Victoria County Courthouse brown, about 12 minutes. JACK-O’-LANTERN CHEESEBURG- ER PIE 1 pound ground beef 1 medium onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, pressed For Tax Sale Information contact ¾ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon pepper LINEBARGER GOGGAN BLAIR & SAMPSON, LLP at: ¼ cup ketchup 1-(855) 650-5848 (toll free) or 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce www.LGBS.COM 1 (15-ounce) package refrigerated piecrusts
16 — Revista de Victoria, October 2018 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com around the world. He previously students in this area a chance to said. “I’ve seen a drive and initia- training,” Cavazos said. “They are CAVAZOS , from pg. 1 worked 37 years at Invista in sev- build a career, whether it’s acquir- tive in students who attended Vic- being taught by instructors who kets and implements core and eral leadership roles, including his ing a two-year degree, using VC as toria College. They want to be suc- have worked in the industry. The customized cleaning products last position as technical training a launching pad to a four-year uni- cessful. They really want to come instructors know the industry very and technology for power, oil and manager. versity, or getting a technical de- to work and be a part of a team.” well, and they know what kind of gas, and petrochemical industries “Victoria College delivers to gree or nursing degree,” Cavazos Cavazos, 60, is now giving back employees are needed.” by serving on Victoria College’s Cavazos said he sees many high Impact Team, which assists with school students finding their career the implementation of Victoria paths at community colleges. College’s Master Plan. “I would tell a student looking “Victoria College built a founda- to attend college to see community tion for me to strive for success,” colleges as an opportunity to help said Cavazos. “It is very fulfilling them grow and figure out what they for me to help others who need a want to do for a career,” Cavazos chance to become successful in the said. “They can build their inter- workforce.” personal skills, become more con- Having worked at Invista much fident with their communication of his career, Cavazos has long skills, and develop vital critical- recognized the value of Victoria thinking skills. They will also be College’s Process Technology close to home and have that close Program. family base to help them. Victoria “Students who have gone College is just the right fit for so through the Process Technol- many reasons.” ogy Program get a lot of hands-on
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