State of the Data and Digital Nation - An overview of data and digital government initiatives across the nation - September 2020

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State of the Data and Digital Nation - An overview of data and digital government initiatives across the nation - September 2020


State of the

Data and Digital
An overview of data and digital government
initiatives across the nation

September 2020
State of the Data and Digital Nation - An overview of data and digital government initiatives across the nation - September 2020
Australian Data and
Digital Council
The Hon Stuart Robert MP, Chair, Commonwealth
Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme
Minister for Government Services

The Hon Victor Dominello MP, New South Wales                               Danny Pearson MP, Victoria
Minister for Customer Service                                              Assistant Treasurer
                                                                           Minister for Regulatory Reform
                                                                           Minister for Government Services

The Hon Mick de Brenni MP, Queensland                                      The Hon Dave Kelly MLP, Western Australia
Minister for Housing and Public Works                                      Minister for Water, Forestry, Innovation and ICT,
Minister for Digital Technology                                            Science, Youth
Minister for Sport

The Hon Steven Marshall MP, South Australia                                The Hon Michael Ferguson MP, Tasmania
Premier of South Australia                                                 Minister for Finance
                                                                           Minister for Infrastructure and Transport
                                                                           Minister for State Growth
                                                                           Minister for Science and Technology
                                                                           Leader of the House

Andrew Barr MLA, ACT                                                       The Hon Paul Kirby MLA, Northern Territory
Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory                         Minister for Small Business
                                                                           Minister for Jobs and Training
                                                                           Minister for Recreational Fishing
                                                                           Minister for Veterans’ Affairs
                                                                           Minister for Public Employment
                                                                           Minister for Corporate and Digital Development

The Commonwealth owns the copyright in all material developed and          Email:
produced by the Australian Government in conjunction with the states and   The details of the relevant licence conditions are available on the Creative
territories.                                                               Commons website, as is the full legal code for the CC BY 3.0 AU license.
All material is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Australia, with the exception of:
•   the Commonwealth Coat of Arms
•   this Department’s logo
                                                                           Material obtained from this website is to be attributed to this as:
•   the State and Territories Coats of Arms
                                                                           Commonwealth of Australia 2020
•   content supplied by third parties.
If you have questions about this report, please contact:
Data and Digital Branch – Department of the Prime Minister
and Cabinet.
State of the Data and Digital Nation - An overview of data and digital government initiatives across the nation - September 2020
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has reminded          The ADDC operates under the principles of
us of the increasing reliance we have on technology       collaboration, national reusability, trust and
in our day-to-day lives. In the first 6 months of 2020,   transparency. It is focused on understanding and
more people than ever have turned to government           meeting the needs of users of Australian government
digital services: be it applying for Jobseeker payments   services.
online; participating in telehealth consultations;
                                                          The ADDC’s work program over 2019 and 2020
remote work and schooling; and receiving business
                                                          focuses on four key areas:
support payments. Technology will also be crucial
to supporting Australia’s recovery from the impacts       1. Reforming cross-jurisdictional data and digital
of COVID-19, helping society and sectors of the              platforms, services and protocols
economy to rebuild and grow.
                                                          2. Enhancing government capability to build public
Working together is now more important than ever.            trust and deliver digitally
The Australian Data and Digital Council (ADDC)            3. Transforming services around life events
was formed in September 2018 to drive better
cross-government collaboration on data and digital        4. Delivering a seamless digital identity experience.
transformation. Since then, the Council has worked
collaboratively to align services and strategies across
Australia with the goal of better, more joined up
service delivery, improved data and digital policy
outcomes, and sharing information, insights and
capabilities across Australia.

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                                              3
State of the Data and Digital Nation - An overview of data and digital government initiatives across the nation - September 2020
State of the Data and
Digital Nation
The State of the Data and Digital Nation report                                   1. Policy and Strategy
aims to increase visibility and transparency of data
                                                                                  2. User Experience
and digital initiatives across the nation and help
the ADDC identify areas of alignment and potential                                3. Products and Services
collaboration between jurisdictions. This is the second
edition of the State of the Data and Digital Nation                               4. Service Enablers
                                                                                  5. Internal Capabilities
The report provides an overview of the main data and                              6. Data Sharing and Linking.
digital transformation initiatives taking place across
Australia – including ADDC initiatives, as well as those                          Case studies are shared throughout, highlighting the
from the Commonwealth and state and territory                                     achievements of the ADDC and in each jurisdiction.
governments.                                                                      This publication is not intended to be exhaustive – it
Data and digital initiatives described in this publication                        provides a snapshot of work being undertaken across
are grouped into six key themes consistent with the                               jurisdictions.
2019 report:

                                        19    Northern Territory

                                                                    40    Queensland

         22        Western Australia

                                                                           46    New South Wales
                                             24   South Australia

                                                             61     Victoria               21      Capital Territory
              55       Commonwealth Government

              14       Australian Data and Digital Council               16     Tasmania

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                                                                       4
State of the Data and Digital Nation - An overview of data and digital government initiatives across the nation - September 2020
ADDC Signature Initiatives
Policy and Strategy
ADDC                                            Vic                                                 ACT
State of the Data and Digital Nation            Vic Gov IT Strategy 2016–20 and Digital             Digital Strategy
ADDC Priority areas                             Strategy Refresh                                    Digital Health Strategy
                                                Cyber Security Strategy
Commonwealth                                    Data.Vic Access Policy and Guidelines               NT
Digital Transformation Strategy                 Victorian Protective Data Security Framework        Digital Territory Strategy and 2020–21 Action
Platforms, Hosting, Secure Cloud Strategies                                                         Plan
                                                Victorian Digital Asset Strategy
Whole of Government Architecture                                                                    Digital Government Transformation Plan
Digital Continuity 2020 Policy                  Qld                                                 Accelerate – Education
National Digital Health Strategy                Digital Health Strategy                             Digital Strategy 2019–2022
Cyber Security Strategy                         Our Future State Plan
Cloud Security Guidance
NSW                                             DigitalWA: State ICT Strategy 2016–2020
Beyond Digital                                  (under review)
Digital Restart Fund Policy                     Draft Digital Inclusion Blueprint
NSW Cyber Security Strategy                     Information Classification Policy
NSW Smart Infrastructure Policy                 Tas
NSW AI Strategy                                 Our Digital Future
NSW Operational Communications Strategy
NSW IoT Policy & Guidance
NSW Cloud Services Policy

User Experience
ADDC                                            NSW                                                 WA
National Life Event Priorities & Governance     End of life (NSW + CTH)                             Death of a loved one life event
Framework (CTH)                                 Digital Birth Certificate (incl. other life event
Birth of a Child (ACT)                          certificates)                                       SA
Looking for work (Qld)                          Australian Death Notification Services (ADNS)       Agriculture business transformation program
End of Life (NSW)                               Life Events Page                                    Tas
Experiencing a natural disaster (CTH)           Online Change of Name Registration                  Digital Ready for Daily Life
Digital Inclusion Snapshot (NT & WA)            Online Relationship Registration                    Lifelong digital skills
                                                Customer Journey Mapping
Commonwealth                                                                                        Tasmanian Trade Strategy 2019–2025
Life Event Communities                          Vic                                                 ACT
Life Event Journey Mapping & National           Life events guides                                  Birth of a Child (with QLD & CTH)
governance                                      Customer Journey Mapping                            One WWVP registration process that
Life events: having a baby, looking for work,   Human Centred Design Framework and                  integrates NDIS worker screening
End or life, experiencing a natural disaster    Playbook                                            Whole of Government Concessions
Digital Squads                                  Public Engagement Framework                         Digital Inclusion to enable remote learning
Digital Service Standard                        Digital Accessibility
Design System                                   Regional Digitisation Roadshow                      NT
                                                Digital Opportunities Roadshow                      Remote Telecommunications
                                                                                                    Starting a business in retail, or hospitality
                                                Qld                                                 Digital payments solution
                                                Concessions Finder and Seniors Concession           Onshore petroleum digital portal
                                                ‘No Card, No Start’
                                                Looking for work life event

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                                                                                5
State of the Data and Digital Nation - An overview of data and digital government initiatives across the nation - September 2020
ADDC Signature Initiatives
Products and Services
Commonwealth                                  Vic                                                 SA
COVIDSafe                                     Service Victoria                                    Common digital forms                              Engage Victoria                           
Notify                                        Single Digital Presence                             Digital process improvement (Education)
myGov                                         Police Assistance Line & Online Reporting           Service redesign (Human Services)                                Service Victoria Authorised Officer App
Sourcing platforms
                                              Qld                                                 Startups and entrepreneurial pathways
                                              Unify Program                                       Digital Ready for Business
ATO Online
                                              Sortli App                                          IT industry – global branding
My Health Record
                                              QiHub                                               Support COVID-19 recovery and renewal
Electronic prescribing
                                              MyQld Digital Experience Platform
National Cancer Screening Register
                                              Blue Card
NSW                                           Email a prisoner
                                                                                                  ACT Telehealth Services
                                                                                                  ACT Health Consumer App
Buy.nsw                                       OSR Online
                                                                                                  Jobs for Canberrans (Casual Jobs Register
Service NSW                                   COVID-19 Relief Application (Payroll Tax
                                                                                                  for people who have lost their jobs or have
Digital Driver’s Licence                      Deferral)
                                                                                                  been significantly impacted due to COVID-19
MyService Account                             Yellow Card Worker Screening                        to register and apply for work opportunities)                                    QCS – Virtual Prisoner Visit Solution
Tell Us Once
                                              WA                                                  Digital Frontline Programs (health, policing,
Government Made Easy                          Environment Online                                  courts, child protection and youth justice).
                                              ServiceWA (Pilot)
                                              Streamline WA

Service Enablers
ADDC                                          Vic                                                 WA
Trusted Digital Identity Framework adoption   My Learners Application                             Digital Identity
(CTH)                                         Identity & Access Mgt Strategy, Policy &            APIs
National Digital Identity Roadmap (CTH)       Standards
National API Design Standards (VIC)           Single Digital Identity and Sign-on                 SA
e-Invoicing pilots (CTH & NSW)                Facial verification for Bushfire Relief claimants services portal
                                              Digital Legal Aid Program                           Identity & Access Mgt Strategy (Primary
Commonwealth                                  Grants Transformation Program
Digital Identity                                                                                  Identity Mgt (Education)
                                              Pick My Project
Trusted Digital Identity Framework                                                                Website as a service
                                              Single WOVG Payment Gateway
Style Manual                                                                                      YourSAy consultations
                                              Invest Victoria Platform
Healthcare Identifiers Service                                                                    Better Together
                                              Digital Assessment Library Observatory                                                                                Education Mgt System & Integration Data
                                              Victorian Information Security Network
Single Touch Payroll                                                                              Platform
                                              Coronavirus web hub
Business Registration Service                                                                     Service databases improvement
                                              Victoria Together                                   (concessions)
New Payments Platform
                                                                       Results reporting data dock
Virtual assistants                               Qld                                                 ACT
                                              Residential Tenancy Authority – Digital Forms
NSW                                           Digital Archiving Program
                                                                                                  Digital Account
Single view of Government                                                                         Digital Health Record
                                              Tell Us Once (authentication)                       Whole of government concessions
Digital Restart Fund
Digital Identity
                                              International Student COVID Applications            NT
Digital Design System                         Reporting – COVID Student Grants and Care           Digital Transformation Program: Health
API Design Standards                          Army                                                Services clinical solution                            Accommodation Support and Respite                   International connectivity
                                              Services Client Management System                   Enterprise commercial data centre project
                                              Carer Connect App                                   Darwin to Groote Eylandt optic fibre upgrade
                                              Business Assistance Finder
                                              Bail Reporting App

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                                                                              6
State of the Data and Digital Nation - An overview of data and digital government initiatives across the nation - September 2020
ADDC Signature Initiatives
Internal capabilities
Commonwealth                                     Vic (continued)                                SA
APS Digital Profession – Career Pathfinder       Shared Service Provider                        Dept Innovation and Skills- Digital
Protected Utility Blueprint                      State Resource Information Management          Transformation
Procurement Reforms                              System upgrade                                 Digital skills program
APS Digital Profession                           Connecting Victoria                            Digital Workplace Strategy (Primary)
                                                                                                Improved connectivity in schools
Cyber Uplift
                                                 Qld                                            NAPLAN & SACE Online adoption
Digital investment, coordination & advice
                                                 QCN Fibre (regional telecommunications
Digital & data governance                                                                       Classroom modernisation
Business Research Innovation Initiative (BRII)   Police Service Mobility                        Tas
NSW                                              Office of State Revenue Transformation         ‘Smart City’ technology
                                                 Program                                        Streamlined technology services procurement
Infrastructure Data Management Framework
(IDMF)                                           AustCyber Partnership Agreement                Cyber Security Program
                                                 (establishment of 3 Queensland Nodes:
Data Governance Toolkit                                                                         Technology Roadmap
                                                 Brisbane, Townsville, Sunshine Coast)
WofG Digital Sourcing and Savings Program                                                       Cloud-first policy
                                                 Social Investment Program – Procure to
Buy.nsw                                          Invest (P2i) ICT platform                      Digital solutions to reduce red tape
Whole of Government Technology Services          Information Security Management System         Digital communications infrastructure
NSW Critical Infrastructure                      Regional Network                               ACT
Cyber Security NSW
                                                 WA                                             Growing our digital capabilities
Vic                                              GovNext – ICT Procurement Reform               Responsive procurement Geospatial
Whole of Vic gov API Capability program                                                         Ecosystem
                                                 Regional communications network
Developer.Vic                                    improvements                                   Whole of government Digital Records
Cyber Incident Response Service                  Cyber Security Controls uplift
Executive Capability Uplift Program              Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre     NT
Data and Digital Standards                       Work Integrated Learning Program               Terabit Territory
ICT State Purchasing Contracts                                                                  Digital Partnerships Program
Common platforms                                                                                Cyber security training and awareness
Buying for Victoria                                                                             programs
Data & Analytics Capability Uplift                                                              Cyber Security Governance

Data Sharing and Linking
ADDC                                             Vic                                            WA
Trust Principles                                 Data Sharing Act 2017                          Data linkage system
National Disability Data Asset                   Centre for Data Insights                       Index of Biodiversity Surveys for Assessments
                                                 GovMap                                         Privacy & Responsible Information Sharing
Commonwealth                                     Centre for Data Linkage                        Leg
Data sharing initiatives                                                              
                                                 Single Digital Reporting Platform
Data Availability & Transparency legislation                                                    Open Data Policy
Foundational Four                                                                               Birth Defects Data Sharing
                                                 Victorian Data Directory
Data Sharing Principles                                                                         Data Sharing Analytics Hub
                                                 Family Safety Vic Central Information Point
Data Sharing Agreement template
3rd Open Govt National Action Plan 2020-22
                                                 Child Link register
                                                 Victorian Social Investment Integrated Data, NationalMap                                                                        Vulnerable Children
                                                                                                Emergency Mgt
NSW                                              Know your Council website
                                                                                                SA-Commonwealth DHS data sharing
NSW Data Analytics Centre (DAC)                  My Victoria Platform
                                                                                                Situational Awareness for Emergencies (SAFE)
Major Data Assets                                Victorian Economic and Revenue Analytics
Outcomes Based Budgeting                         Service Victoria Act 2018                      Tas
Digital Twin                                     Digital Cadastre Modernisation Program         Information management and data analytics
4D FSDF                                          DataShare Platform
                                                 Web Analytics                                  ACT
NSW Mobility
                                                 MyVictoria                                     Wellbeing Indicators
NSW Consumer Spend & Financial Hardship
                                                                                                COVID-19 Vulnerability
NSW Customer Sentiment                           Qld                                            LIDAR – Emergency Services
NSW Data Sharing Act (2015)
                                                 Total Harm Ranking and Evaluation Tool         Live Traffic Data
                                                 Sector procurement data analysis               ACT Data Analytics Centre
Data.NSW Open Data
                                                 Destination Information eDRMS                  ACT Open Data Program
                                                 Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN)
                                                 interagency data sharing                       NT
                                                 Mandatory reporting of child safety concerns   Data exchange for child protection
                                                 by identified professions                      Integration of master data
                                                 Our Child expansion for youth justice          Open data portal enhancement
                                                 Connect for Safety interjurisdictional child
                                                 protection information sharing solution

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                                                                        7
State of the Data and Digital Nation - An overview of data and digital government initiatives across the nation - September 2020
Australian Data and Digital
Council Initiatives

Case studies:
National approach to life events                                       9

Australian Capital Territory
Birth of a Child                                                       10

National Application Programming Interface Design Standards (NAPIDS)   11

Building trust – ADDC Trust Principles                                 12

National Disability Data Asset                                         13

National alignment to the Trusted Digital Identity Framework           15
State of the Data and Digital Nation - An overview of data and digital government initiatives across the nation - September 2020
Case study Australian Data and Digital Council

National approach to life events
Lead jurisdiction: Commonwealth

Understanding life events allows governments to            learning, sharing and integration. In order to focus
orient services around people’s needs, rather than         collaborative efforts between jurisdictions, the ADDC
how government is organised. Across Australia and          has also endorsed four priority life events with a
globally, governments are starting to adopt life events-   different jurisdiction leading each one:
based design approaches to delivery better, user-
                                                           • Having a baby (Australian Capital Territory)
centred services.
                                                           • Looking for work (Queensland)
The Australian Data and Digital Council (ADDC) has
                                                           • End of life (New South Wales)
agreed a set of principles which provide a shared
                                                           • Experiencing a natural disaster (Commonwealth).
framework to prioritise, govern, fund and manage life
event initiatives.
                                                           A dedicated working group supports implementation
The principles include the need to reduce duplication,     and evaluation of the principles and assists the ADDC
ensuring the efficient use of collective resources         to prioritise and support life event journey initiatives.
and maximising the benefits of cross-jurisdictional

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                Australian Data and Digital Council initiatives    9
State of the Data and Digital Nation - An overview of data and digital government initiatives across the nation - September 2020
Case study Australian Data and Digital Council

Birth of a Child
Lead jurisdiction: ACT

The ACT and Queensland Governments, working                  The outcomes sought are to:
with Services Australia, are collaborating to design
                                                             • Make it easier for parents by reducing the burden
and test the feasibility of a seamless, digital end-to-
                                                               of form-filling, leveraging information that the
end customer pathway for new parents to register a
                                                               Government already holds by using systems
newborn child with minimal customer interaction.
                                                               already in place and the data that flows through
The birth of a child triggers a range of required              them naturally
activities, from registering the birth with Births, Deaths   • Establish an identity of integrity we can all rely on
and Marriages (BDM), obtaining a birth certificate,
                                                             • Represent efficient government administration
enrolling in Medicare and relevant social welfare
                                                               with a solution that is extensible to all jurisdictions.
services. In many cases, this requires new parents
providing the same information to multiple agencies
                                                             Work to date has included the creation of a multi-
at both state and federal government levels. This
                                                             disciplinary team, design workshops covering
pilot aims to simplify the process as much as possible
                                                             exceptions, barriers, data requirements, and
through data collection and information exchanges
                                                             the creation of journey maps highlighting what
with trusted sources to create a much easier and
                                                             happens, pain points and administrative touch points
better experience for people at a big moment in
                                                             throughout the birth of a child process.
their lives.

                                                             The Pilot builds upon the Services Australia Medicare
                                                             Newborn Enrolment Hospital Trial, with over 18,000
                                                             enrolments created so far.

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                  Australian Data and Digital Council initiatives   10
Case study Australian Data and Digital Council

National Application Programming
Interface Design Standards (NAPIDS)
Lead jurisdiction: Victoria

Victoria and the Commonwealth have co-led the            It has also supported the implementation of the
development of national design standards for             standards within jurisdictions’ API programs. For
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). National      example, Victoria’s Whole of Victorian Government
API Design Standards support all levels of government    API capability program is leveraging the NAPIDS to
to harness the power of APIs to securely share, re-use   support the creation of APIs that are fit for purpose
and enhance data in real-time. This leads to improved    and meet a range of government needs. See the
service delivery outcomes for people and businesses.     WOVG API program case study for further details.
The NAPIDS create a common method of API                 The working group also supports cross-jurisdictional
development and address many of the questions            projects to leverage the NAPIDS, such as the current
that developers may encounter in designing and           early-stage project for Electronic Lodgement Network
developing APIs for government purposes. The             Operators (ELNO). This project seeks to develop a
NAPIDS create consistency between jurisdictions and      competitive ELNO market for property and land titles–
promote better interoperability. They support the        providing subscribers with an efficient, secure and
development of consistent, intuitive, and sustainable    integrated solution that allows them to transact with
APIs and increase the potential for API adoption and     their ELNO of choice. This project is one example of
sharing between IT systems.                              the many potential cross-jurisdictional applications
                                                         of the NAPIDS that are currently being explored or
Since the ADDC endorsed the NAPIDS in December
2019, a cross-jurisdictional working group of API
experts has continued to develop the standards in        The NAPIDS are available at the website.
collaboration with the API developer community.

State of the Data and Digital Nation                              Australian Data and Digital Council initiatives   11
Case study Australian Data and Digital Council

Building trust – ADDC Trust Principles
Lead jurisdiction: Commonwealth

The Australian Data and Digital Council has committed                                              all projects on the Council’s work plan are tested
to using data and digital technologies to improve                                                  against the Principles at regular intervals to ensure
the lives of Australians, now and into the future. This                                            they meet public expectations on how data is used
includes projects to drive smarter service delivery and                                            and protected.
improved outcomes for citizens.
                                                                                                   This approach is resulting in better outcomes for
The Council understands building public trust is critical                                          everyday Australians. One of the key projects on
for the successful delivery of data and digital activities.                                        the Council’s work plan, the National Disability Data
In an increasingly complex world of data collection                                                Asset, is applying the Trust Principles to ensure
enabled by new technologies, building public trust                                                 accountability, transparency and respect while co-
requires meaningful engagement and honest dialogue                                                 designing the Asset with people with a disability, their
with the public about their expectations, needs and                                                carers and family members, and government decision-
concerns.                                                                                          makers.
To provide assurance that citizens’ needs are front of                                             The ADDC Trust principles are available from the
mind when digital services are developed, the Council                                              Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet website.
has developed citizen-focused, public-facing Trust
Principles. Following publication in June 2020,

                                                                                                                                             ‘I know my data is
                      ‘I feel government                                                                                                         secure and my
                      listens to my views,                                                                                                   privacy protected’
                   and uses data ethically’                         Act fairly                        Protect
                                                                   & ethically                         your

                                                                       ct                                     cu

                                                                                                                  ri t


                                             with us easy

                                                                                                                               strong security
                                             and listen to
                                              your views

                                                                                     Build trust through
                                                                                     responsiveness to
                                                Be honest                              citizens’ needs                          Proactively


                                             about mistakes                                                                    communicate


                                                and learn           ta                                                           with you


                                                                         bi                                           p
                                               from them
                                                                              li t                               ns
                                                                                     y                     Tra

                                                              Respond quickly
                                                                when things                                                                         ‘I know how
                                                                 go wrong
                     ‘I know government                                                                                                           government uses
                 will tell me when something                                                                                                      data, and where
                    goes wrong and what
                                                                                                                                                      I need’

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                                                      Australian Data and Digital Council initiatives   12
Case study Australian Data and Digital Council

National Disability Data Asset

The National Disability Data Asset is a landmark          The 18-month NDDA pilot is seeking to design a data
initiative of Commonwealth-state data sharing and         asset that builds on lessons learnt from Australian
linking that represents an opportunity to deliver         linkage projects to date as well as international best
ground-breaking public policy outcomes by better          practice to enhance services.
harnessing the potential of data insights.
                                                          Nine key partners, including the Commonwealth
It is envisaged that the asset will link de-identified    (PM&C, DSS, NDIA), New South Wales, Victoria,
services and outcomes data from across the                Queensland, South Australia, a National Project Team
Commonwealth, states and territories, including data      and a Technical Project Team, are driving the pilot’s
from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS),     delivery to:
other disability programs and general government
                                                          • Trial how to link data through five government test
services accessed by people with disability.
                                                            cases that focus on key social outcome domains
The vision is to deliver an enduring, national de-          comprising early childhood, justice, education
identified data asset that will enable a person-centred     to employment, mental health, and how linked
picture of services and outcomes for the one in five        administrative data can support an outcomes
Australians living with a disability to improve their       framework under the new National Disability
outcomes.                                                   Strategy
The NDDA project is an opportunity to build an            • Leverage data to enable digital experiences and
Australian model of linking data nationally across          data insights for people with disability and for
health, education and human services to create a            service improvement and public policy uses
permanent data asset that can be used for multiple        • Explore analysis frameworks and access controls
purposes.                                                   to enable safe, timely and simple access to data
                                                            while protecting privacy
The NDDA is anticipated to be a valuable investment
which will contribute to better services and better       • Engage and collaborate with people with disability,
understanding of the outcomes and experience of             their carers and family members, the broader
people with disability by enabling data-informed            disability community, policy decision makers,
insights to be made available to people with disability     advisors and administrators and the research
and the sector, to governments and to researchers.          community in order to map opportunities, share
                                                            insights and develop the asset.

State of the Data and Digital Nation                               Australian Data and Digital Council initiatives   13
More information on the NDDA is available at the         data to improve services, enable digital solutions and
Department of Social Services website.                   empower people living with disability to enhance
                                                         their lives.
If the pilot is a success, it will be a step-change in
the way governments share and link data, and use

State of the Data and Digital Nation                              Australian Data and Digital Council initiatives   14
Case study Australian Data and Digital Council

National alignment to the Trusted
Digital Identity Framework
The Trusted Digital Identity Framework (TDIF) has       common framework to allow this to occur and to
been developed as a whole-of-economy framework,         enable interoperability across all levels of government
providing confidence that privacy and security is       systems.
safeguarded when using Digital Identity.
                                                        At its June 2020 meeting, the Australian Data and
In the Commonwealth, the Digital Transformation         Digital Council agreed to take steps to align to the
Agency (DTA) is responsible for the TDIF. The DTA       TDIF across all jurisdictions. Alignment to the TDIF
works closely with partner agencies and across          will make adoption, interoperability, integration and
jurisdictions to build a digital identity system in     accreditation easier for jurisdictions in the future.
accordance with the TDIF.
                                                        The TDIF is available at the DTA website.
A key requirement for making personalised
government services digital is the ability for a user
to prove who they are online. The TDIF provides a

State of the Data and Digital Nation                             Australian Data and Digital Council initiatives   15
Theme 1
Policy and strategy

Case studies:
Digital Transformation Strategy                                   17
Whole-of-government architecture                                  18

New South Wales
Beyond Digital                                                    19

Victorian Government Information Technology Strategy 2016-2020    20

Digital Health Strategy                                           21

Our Digital Future                                                22

Northern Territory
Digital Territory Strategy and 2020–21 action plan                23
Case study Commonwealth

Digital Transformation Strategy

The Commonwealth Government’s Digital                     Government that’s fit for the digital age: looking
Transformation Strategy sets a vision of world-           closely at how the public service works and building
leading digital government that delivers services that    the skills and underlying technology needed to deliver
are simple, respectful, personalised and available        on the opportunities digital transformation presents.
wherever you need.
                                                          The Strategy is supported by a Roadmap, updated
The Strategy sets a bold vision to be among the top       annually, that shows the following key digital initiatives
three digital governments in the world by 2025. This      underway over the next two years:
vision will come into sharp focus as we grapple with
                                                          • A government that uses digital-first policies and
the challenges of 2020.
                                                            services to help Australians find and keep jobs as
The Digital Transformation Strategy sets out three key      we recover from the impacts of COVID-19.
priorities:                                               • A government that uses digital approaches to help
Government that’s easy to deal with: creating               all sectors of the economy grow.
simple and intuitive services that are design around      • A government that reaps the cost benefits of digital
the needs of Australian people and businesses. This         transformation to invest better public services.
includes building our Digital Identity program for easy
and secure access to services.                            The Digital Transformation Strategy is available from
                                                          the DTA website.
Government that’s informed by you: using data
analysis so that services are responsive to individual
needs. Government policies and programs based on
evidence will build trust in government as a strong
custodian of Australians’ data.

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                      Policy and Strategy     17
Case study Commonwealth

Whole-of-government architecture
‘From siloed capabilities to a landscape of connected platforms and services’

The Australian Government is developing a whole             The program is supported by a taskforce with
of government architecture to drive design and              representatives from the ATO, Services Australia,
investment decisions.                                       Home Affairs, and Defence. It is governed by the
                                                            Government Architecture Design Authority, with
The vision is to take us from siloed capabilities to
                                                            membership including the taskforce departments
a landscape of connected platforms and services.
                                                            and agencies, plus the Department of Finance.
The initiative is being led by the Digital Transformation
Agency. The focus is on providing tools and capabilities    In the 2020-21 financial year the program will
to support agencies and the government to build             be progressing to deliver foundation capabilities
integrated capabilities.                                    to provide an initial Government Architecture
                                                            Operating Model, Government Business (Reference)
The whole-of-government architecture vision is to
                                                            Architecture, Platform and Services Enablement, and
provide better design and investment for connected
                                                            Assurance capabilities.
government, services, and capabilities for Australia.
It will achieve this by:                                    It is expected the initiative will generate significant
                                                            benefits for the Australian Government through the
• Championing Users: promote user-centric design
                                                            identification and promotion of ‘re-use opportunities’
  of service and capability planning, design, and
                                                            and the ‘integrated design’ for platforms, services,
                                                            and capabilities.
• Connecting Services: develop and promote
  guidelines, standards, and practices to support
  the development of connected services and
• Building Communities: create architecture
  communities to collaborate, innovate, and design
  government services and capabilities
• Enabling Assurance: provide advocacy, insight, and
  tools to visualize and assure investment and design

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                       Policy and Strategy   18
Case study New South Wales

Beyond Digital
‘Reimagining customer service in a connected digital age’

Launched in November 2019, ‘Beyond Digital’ will         Our next step is to reimagine how we can go beyond
guide NSW Government to deliver smart, simple            digital to deliver a truly customer-driven strategy.
and seamless personalised services available from
                                                         This strategy embeds customer commitments and
anywhere, to all our customers.
                                                         outcomes into the heart of a digital strategy to truly
Beyond Digital reflects the reality that the biggest     go Beyond Digital.
opportunities to improve customer service do not
                                                         Regardless of what service is being delivered,
just better utilise technology, but go beyond, such
                                                         whether it’s face-to-face, online or behind the scenes,
as adopting a whole-of-government view of service
                                                         customers consistently tell us they expect certain
delivery, driving a culture of continuous improvement,
                                                         behaviours from NSW Government.
or setting the strong security and privacy foundations
to allow effective use of emerging technologies like     These behaviours now form our Customer Service
Artificial intelligence.                                 Commitments. These commitments outline our
                                                         promise to customers on what they can expect
Our Strategic Direction:
                                                         when receiving all NSW Government services:
• Put Customer at the Centre
                                                         • Easy to engage
• Deliver Better Frontline Technology
                                                         • Act with empathy
• Engage and Use Data Insights
                                                         • Respect my time
• Invest for Customer Outcomes
                                                         • Explain what to expect
• Develop Capabilities for the Future.
                                                         • Resolve the situation
                                                         • Engage the community.
Customers today expect more secure, transparent,
accessible, and responsive services from government.
                                                         More information on Beyond Digital is available from
And those expectations are rising with more
customers transacting online every day.
The NSW Government has already taken the bold
move to create the Department of Customer Service.

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                     Policy and Strategy      19
Case study Victoria

Victorian Government Information
Technology Strategy 2016-2020
The Victorian Government Information Technology          With the publication of annual action plans and a
Strategy 2016–2020 charts the Victorian                  digital presence highlighting and tracking progress,
Government’s direction over the period 2016–2020         this strategy positions information technology as
for open information, digital services, strong modern    supporting the design and delivery of good policy.
systems and increased capability.
                                                         Victoria is currently considering a strategy refresh
Its goal is to give guidance to decision makers in the   to launch the Victorian Government Digital Strategy
public service and provide insight into government’s     2020+.
approach in the Information and Communication
Technology sector.

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                    Policy and Strategy     20
Case study Queensland

Digital Health Strategy

Queensland Health has embarked on an ambitious            Virtual Care
program of healthcare transformation, harnessing the
                                                          Kilcoy Hospital is the first in the world to implement
power of data and digital technology for improved
                                                          the new wireless continuous patient monitoring
quality of care, patient safety, system efficiency and
                                                          system throughout the whole hospital that means
                                                          instead of checking vitals every four hours nurses
The 10-year vision for advancing digital healthcare       can dedicate more time to caring for complex clinical
in Queensland adheres to the Queensland Digital           activities while still receiving real-time updates of
Clinical Charter transformation principles and is being   patients.
implemented across 3 horizons, namely:
                                                          West Moreton Hospital and Health Service is currently
• building the digital foundations                        piloting the MeCare remote patient monitoring
• optimising digital and workforce capabilities, and      platform to help over 300 chronically ill patients take
• transforming the health system by scaling digital       control of their own health. Using in home mobile
  solutions.                                              technology, they can measure and record daily health
                                                          targets such as blood pressure and weight, and speak
Digital Hospitals Program                                 each day with a nurse without having to leave the
                                                          comfort of their home.
The digital hospital program has successfully
transformed 13 Queensland hospitals and one
                                                          Integrated Care
community health centre into fully digital healthcare
facilities, covering 50 per cent of all public hospital   Queensland Health is supporting the uptake of the
activity. Clinicians now have access to the single        My Health Record and are uploading the following
patient medical record offered by the advanced            health information into patients’ record. General
integrated electronic Medical Record (ieMR) solution.     Practitioners, and nurses in aged-care facilities can
                                                          now access key patient health information from
Data and Analytics                                        Queensland’s public acute healthcare facilities (via The
                                                          Viewer) ensuring continuity of care for patients across
Queensland Health has developed an Information            multiple providers.
Management Strategy which opens the way for
innovation and adoption of new and emerging
                                                          Digital Foundations
technologies across digital health, underpinned and
enabled by robust information management.                 Key foundations required for the successful digital
                                                          transformation of healthcare facilities and to support
                                                          new or enhanced models of care include fast, reliable
                                                          and secure connectivity, digitally empowered facilities,
                                                          contemporary workplaces, mobility and frameworks
                                                          to assess and support digital readiness and digital

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                     Policy and Strategy   21
Case study Tasmania

Our Digital Future

Tasmania’s first digital transformation Strategy: Our       • The Digital Ready for Daily Life program aims to
Digital Future, was launched in June 2020.                    increase digital literacy in specific target groups:
                                                              low income households; older Tasmanians;
Released against the backdrop of the COVID-19
                                                              and people not in paid employment by raising
pandemic, Tasmania’s digital strategy identifies major
                                                              awareness of existing digital assistance sessions
actions across three priority areas: to support a vibrant
                                                              and free internet access, and working with partner
digital economy and workforce; community wellbeing
                                                              community organisations to provide targeted
and digital inclusion; and a range of government
                                                              digital assistance sessions and workshops around
services that are easy to access and use.
                                                              the state.
The Strategy overarches several of Tasmania’s               • The Tasmanian Start-up Accelerator Program’s
signature digital initiatives, including:                     Energy-Internet of Things (IoT) hardware start-up
• The Digital Ready for Business program provides             accelerator is led by EnergyLab to support and
  free targeted assistance and advice to support              mentor local tech start-ups while partnering and
  Tasmanian small businesses and improve their                collaborating with local entrepreneurs.
  participation in the digital economy. The program is      • The Enterprize innovation hubs network provide
  delivered through three core elements: seminars,            co-working spaces and a range of activities to
  coaching sessions and a content-rich website.               support entrepreneurs, startups and innovation
                                                              within the Tasmanian community.

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                      Policy and Strategy   22
Case study Northern Territory

Digital Territory Strategy and 2020–21
action plan
The Digital Territory Strategy was released by the       and the community on the achievements over the
Northern Territory Government in October 2018.           previous year, showing progress of ongoing and multi-
This strategy provides a framework for digital           year programs and providing new actions.
initiatives across Northern Territory sectors, setting
                                                         The 2020–21 Digital Territory Action Plan is the third
out a vision and digital directions.
                                                         action plan supporting the Digital Territory Strategy.
The Digital Territory Strategy brings together the       The Action Plan presents a consolidated snapshot of
Northern Territory Government, industry and the          key digital initiatives across the five strategic directions
community to harness digital technology and data to      in the Digital Territory Strategy and highlights digital
drive economic growth and a more digitally inclusive     achievements. Significant progress continues to
society.                                                 be made with most initiatives well advanced or
The annual Action Plan refresh ensures the Digital
Territory Strategy is responsive to new priorities,      More information on the Digital Territory Strategy
market developments and technology changes. It also      is available from the Digital Territory website.
supports transparency by reporting to government

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                       Policy and Strategy    23
Theme 2
User experience

Case studies:
Life Event Communities                                                25

New South Wales
Life Events page                                                      26
Digital Birth Certificate (including other life event certificates)   26
End of life                                                           27
Australian Death Notification Service (ADNS)                          27

Seniors Concessions Service                                           28
No Card, No Start                                                     29

Northern Territory
Remote Telecommunications                                             30
Case study Commonwealth

Life Event Communities

The Digital Transformation Agency, working in               In addition to the online communities the team have
partnership with APS and state and territory agencies,      hosted several large meet-ups looking at designing
runs the Life Event Communities initiative. The             the future experience of government, smaller
purpose of Life Event Communities is to break down          targeted events such as Retirement Years showcase
siloes to influence and transform the way government        and ideation, as well as networking sessions with key
delivers services to people. Based on similar initiatives   influencers. The intention of these events and meet
in other countries, the hope was that this approach         ups are to showcase research, foster collaboration
would promote a more holistic understanding of the          and build capability in the life events approach across
users experience and encourage collaboration on             agencies and jurisdictions.
common problems.
                                                             The online community has grown significantly since
The Communities provide a space to share research,          the first meet-up in November 2018 with membership
insights, and other findings, while connecting              tripling. As of August 2020, the online communities
members from all layers of Government. This aim is          have an online membership of 660 people
to reduce duplication of effort and understand and          represented by over 90 Commonwealth, state, local
improve upon whole of Government service delivery           and international government departments.
using a life event journey led approach.
The Life Event Communities also provide ongoing
support Australian Data and Digital Council led life
event initiatives.

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                          User experience     25
Case studies New South Wales

Life Events page
NSW Government Life Events provides information,             • Jobs and career
advice and support so that people can make the right         • Serious injury and illness
decisions for various life events in one central location
                                                             • Living in NSW
online, including about:
                                                             • Retirement
• COVID-19
                                                             • End of life
• Starting and growing a family
• Schooling

Digital Birth Certificate
(including other life event certificates)

NSW is developing a digital solution to complement           of both. The project is currently in discovery phase.
our paper birth certificates as well as other life event     The aim is to achieve a national solution adopted by
certificates. This may take the form of a digital artefact   all state and territory Births, Deaths and Marriages
or a transfer or verification for data, or a combination     registries, led from NSW.

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                          User experience        26
Case studies New South Wales

End of life
This project explores and develops a better experience      to identify and implement service reform. It includes
for the end of life journey experienced by NSW citizens     various initiatives to assist citizens in the end of life
and those close to them. It clusters together all the       journey space such as digital transfer of death data
events that occur during the end of life journey and        between Birth, Deaths and Marriages and the NSW
brings together the agencies and service providers          Supreme Court.
that provide services to citizens during the life journey

Australian Death Notification Service
The Australian Death Notification Service (ADNS) is         The service validates details about the person who
a cross-jurisdictional project being delivered across       has died against the Australian Death Check (ADC), a
Australia by Births, Deaths and Marriages NSW and           system that holds the death registration data recorded
NSW Department of Customer Service. The ADNS                by Birth, Deaths and Marriages registries across
allows people to proactively start death administration     Australia. Once matched, users can choose which
earlier, by providing an efficient way to notify multiple   organisations they wish to notify, and provide their
organisations at once in a single, secure online            own contact details for any next steps.
location that someone has died.

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                            User experience     27
Case study Queensland

Seniors Concessions Service

The Queensland Government is using the latest online      • makes it faster for concessions to be activated.
technology to deliver new and improved services to          For example, it now takes only three working days
seniors. The Seniors Concessions Service makes it           between applying for a Seniors Card and having
easier for Queenslanders aged 60 and over to apply          your vehicle registration concession activated,
for a Seniors Card and access a range of cost-of-living     compared to 20 days previously
concessions in one place. These include vehicle           • saves time and effort as there is no need to make
registration concessions as well as rates, water and        telephone calls, visit a customer service centre,
energy concessions.                                         fill out numerous application forms, or prove your
Since the service was introduced, feedback from             identity multiple times
both seniors and concession providers has been            • is more convenient – applications can be
overwhelmingly positive.                                    completed outside of business hours.
Compared to traditional manual application processes,     In addition to the many customer benefits, the Seniors
the online Seniors Concessions Service:                   Concessions Service also saves time for concession
                                                          providers who can now dedicate more time to
• is designed to be easy to use, even for those new
                                                          addressing the priority needs of other customers.
  to using computers or mobile devices
• provides information about a range of concessions
  in the one place

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                      User experience    28
Case study Queensland

No Card, No Start

Queensland has rolled out new working with children     In the first week since the new online services
checks laws to further strengthen safeguards for        commenced, more than 3,100 applications have
children. From 31 August 2020 onwards, all people       been made. An online portal for organisations is also
working with children must hold a valid working with    in place. The portal helps organisations manage their
children check clearance before they can start work.    obligations more effectively. The portal has been in
                                                        use since 15 April 2020 and at 6 September 2020,
To complement the new laws, the previous paper-
                                                        2,445 organisations are registered to use the portal.
based system was modernised to enable people to
                                                        Collectively, these organisations engage approximately
apply for or renew their working with children checks
                                                        50 percent of all working with children check
online, reducing processing timeframes for most
                                                        clearance holders and applicants.
A stronger identity check, which can be completed
online, has also been introduced and new cards issued
will contain a photograph of the card holder.

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                    User experience    29
Case study Northern Territory

Remote Telecommunications

The NT Government is continuing to invest in high          • Mobile remote hotspots which use innovative
speed connectivity to remote areas of the Territory          low-complexity technology to boost mobile signals
in partnership with providers, connecting optical            in very remote locations. 49 hotspots are installed
fibre and upgrading fibre pathways to remote                 across the Territory.
regions including the Gulf of Carpentaria and the Tiwi     • Local Wi-Fi connectivity in town camps and remote
Islands. This investment is providing remote Territory       communities, leveraging telecommunications
communities with the ability to digitally connect to the     in-frastructure to connect our citizens in a cost-
world.                                                       effective way.
Expanding optic fibre infrastructure to provide high       • NTG/Telstra Remote Telecommunications Co-
bandwidth connectivity will enable the emerging              investment Programs with 16 communities
space industry to develop in Australia’s top end, and        now connected, works in progress and design
will better support the Territory’s significant mining       underway for 14 more communities.
and tourism industries.
                                                           These initiatives provide data and communications
The sub-sea optic fibre connection to the Tiwi Islands
                                                           connections to many remote sites for the first time,
was activated in 2020, which is future-proofing
                                                           improving digital inclusion for all Territorians.
connectivity for communities and businesses on the
islands.                                                   More information on NT Remote Telecommunications
                                                           is available from the Digital Territory website.
Multiple co-investment programs are being delivered
to improve remote telecommunications across the
Northern Territory, from the top end to the red centre.
Programs include:
• Groote Eylandt fibre upgrade project – underway
  and will deliver contemporary services to remote
  communities and mining operations

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                        User experience       30
Theme 3
Products and services

Case studies:

New South Wales

Service Victoria             34
Engage Victoria              35
Single Digital Presence      36

Unify Program                37
Sortli App                   38
QI Hub                       39

Western Australia
Environment Online Program   40

South Australia
Common Digital Forms         41
Case study Commonwealth


COVIDSafe, launched on 26 April 2020, is the                been used to identify over 560 close contacts that
Australian Government’s coronavirus (COVID-19)              would not have been found through manual contact
contact tracing app that forms part of Australia’s          tracing alone. It continues to be iteratively improved
digital COVID-19 response. COVIDSafe complements            since launch. The app has been updated 10 times,
the meticulous manual contact tracing of state and          and it is being continuously improved with a focus on
territory health officials to help keep the community       performance, accessibility, privacy and security.
                                                            COVIDSafe is a truly national effort. An ongoing
COVIDSafe uses Bluetooth on a user’s mobile phone to        partnership between state and territory health
record contact with other users. If a user tests positive   officials, the DTA and the Department of Health have
for COVID-19 they can consent to upload their data to       led to continuous, iterative improvements to both the
the secure COVIDSafe National Data Store. State and         app and the Health Portal.
territory health officials use this data through a Health
                                                            More information on COVIDSafe is available at
Portal to quickly contact people who may have been
exposed to COVID-19.
In its first 4 months since launch, COVIDSafe has
been downloaded by over 7 million people and it has

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                    Products and services    32
Case study New South Wales


Our new gateway to NSW procurement resources and       goods and services. Intelligent search will guide them
services.                                              through the buying process.
Doing business with government made easy: enables      Diverse partnership ecosystem and spend:
suppliers to register, apply and sell to government,
                                                       Enable increased number of government supply
manage and update their information, and find and
                                                       opportunities targeting and the potential for increased
apply for government supply opportunities.
                                                       spend on small and medium enterprises (SMEs),
Simplifying government buying:                         indigenous organisations and start-ups.
A single place where buyers find guidance, resources   Visit Buy.NSW for more information.
and support, and access platforms to purchase

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                               Products and services    33
Case study Victoria

Service Victoria

Service Victoria is the Victorian Government’s              Service Victoria has cut the time it takes to do
dedicated customer service agency created to make           common tasks by around one-quarter, meaning
it easier, simpler and faster to access government          Victorians are spending less time on-hold or standing
services online.                                            in queues.
Through Service Victoria, more and more services            Victoria is the only jurisdiction to have legislated for
are becoming available fully digital end-to-end, giving     digital identity (through the Service Victoria Act 2018)
citizens the choice to transact with the government         and has created a legal framework that enshrines
from the comfort and safety of their home.                  privacy protections with two-year jail terms for
Service Victoria has removed the roadblocks to fully-
digital services, creating the opportunity for Victorians   After two years of service, more than 1.7 million
to do some of the most complex transactions with            people have visited the platform. Their feedback
government without visiting a shopfront. This               has been overwhelmingly positive, with customer
includes:                                                   satisfaction at 96%.
• digital identity verification at the highest online
  level, reusable for 10 years
• national criminal history checks
• online loan applications and repayments
• digital licences with touchless technology.

                                                            Digital identity verification: Saving Victorians the time
                                                            and effort of in-person ID checks

                                                            Digital licence: Touchless technology with anti-fraud
                                                            measures for quick and easy licence checks.

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                       Products and services        34
Case study Victoria

Engage Victoria

Engage Victoria is Victoria’s first whole-of-government   To ensure sustainability, Engage Victoria relies on a
digital engagement platform.                              subscription from each department and agency that
                                                          utilises the platform, which also supports continuous
Engage Victoria responds to growing community
expectations to be heard and considered as part
of the policy making process. Engage Victoria was         In three years, Engage Victoria has become the
developed in response to a fragmented online              leading government consultation platform in Australia.
approach across government, which saw over 40             It has supported over 900 members of the Victorian
separate consultations on different software platforms    Public Service to efficiently build and run over 500
and tools.                                                consultations and enabled over 100,000 Victorians
                                                          to submit 240,000 contributions to policies and plans
Engage Victoria provides a consistent location for
                                                          that have an impact on their lives.
the community to engage with government in a
repeatable way, and provides consultation managers
across government with tools and frameworks to
help them improve the way they engage with the

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                  Products and services   35
Case study Victoria

Single Digital Presence

The Victorian Government’s Single Digital Presence          SDP relaunched as the community entry
(SDP) is a modular, open publishing platform that           point to Victorian Government information online in
makes it easier for the Victorian community to find,        early 2019. Since that time, it has been used to quickly
access, understand and use Victorian Government             deliver crisis support and solutions for the Victorian
information.                                                bushfires and COVID-19 response.
SDP has been used to deliver 72 websites across many        Victoria Together was designed and launched within
Victorian Government departments. SDP has uplifted          two weeks using the SDP platform and pattern
the writing for the web capability of over 300 Victorian    design li-brary. Victoria Together is a new online hub
government content producers to ensure that content         that is supporting Victorians through the COVID-19
is accessible, is written in plain English and meets user   response by connecting Victorians to the best digital
needs.                                                      experiences and activities.
Using open source technologies has allowed other            More information is available from the Single Digital
jurisdictions to access and use components of the           Presence website.
SDP platform. This has created an environment where
governments and the private sector are collaborating
to continually enhance and develop the platform.

State of the Data and Digital Nation                                                     Products and services       36
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