Long Term Care Home February 2022 - Errinrung ...

Page created by Sherry Alvarez
Long Term Care Home February 2022 - Errinrung ...
Long Term Care Home
                               February 2022

Well its February and as we inch closer to Spring our
residents have a fun filled month of activities to look
forward to! We are striving to get back to normal after
this outbreak and we thank families for being patient in
this process. Program wise we are slowly bringing
back our entertainers, larger programs but in the
meantime we have virtual music therapy, virtual music
visits, supper club and so much more!

 We would like to thank the
 Thornbury bakery for their
 generous donation of
 cookies for all our residents.
 It truly made their day! 
Long Term Care Home February 2022 - Errinrung ...
New Years Party!                                          OUR VISION
  Our residents enjoyed a fun filled New Years eve party even though        Bridging Lives together with
they were isolating in their rooms! Program staff came around with hot         meaning and purpose
  chocolates, non alcoholic wine and beer and party favors to lift the      OUR MISSION
                         spirits of our residents!                          “To provide quality care and
                                                                            services through excellence
                                                                                  and innovation.

                                                                            L- Live life to the
                                                                            I- Implement change
                                                                            through innovation
                                                                            V-Value freedom of
                                                                            E- Exceed

                                                                                 Town hall
                                   Arriving at Errinrung                         Meetings
                                  This is just a friendly reminder to all     Town hall is a virtual
                                    families to arrive at Bruce Street        meeting with families
                                                                              in LTC and the
                                 entrance for a rapid test when coming
   If you would                  into the building. You are then to wait
                                                                              executive director. The
                                                                              meeting discusses
   like to                         15 minutes as per directed by our          events, policies,
                                   screener. We understand it is cold         changes, ideas and
   volunteer in                   outside and not ideal if you are in a       concerns etc. It takes
                                           hurry but please be
   our programs                  courteous/respectful/patient with our
                                                                              place on the 2nd
                                                                              Tuesday of each
   department                          staff during this process.            month at 3pm and the
                                                                              executive director
   please                                                                     sends the zoom link to
                                                                              all the families. The
   contact                                                                    past few months have
                                                                              been very hectic with
   Kristina at ext                                                            the outbreak and we
                                                                              have had to cancel our
   6!                                                                         town hall meetings but
                                                                              our executive director
                                                                              is planning on
                                                                              resuming in February!
Long Term Care Home February 2022 - Errinrung ...
Welcome Back Alyssa!!!                           EMAIL, FACETIME OR
We are please to welcome                                          If you would like to
our RAI manager Alyssa                                            email or skype your
Sisson back to Errinrung                                        loved one, please feel
following    her   maternity                                   free to contact Kristina
leave! RAI coordination                                                    at
involves coordinating all                                         519 599 2737 ext. 6
departments to complete                                                 Or email
assessments in order to get
a full snapshot of each
resident quarterly. She also
schedulescare conferences
with family and staff!                                              The programs
If you have a question or
                                                               department would love
concern about RAI please                                        to help our residents
contact Alyssa by phone or                                     connect with members
email!                                                            of their family.

Visiting the Home!                        Welcome Director of Care!

                           We would like to extend a
We have been               warm welcome to our new
seeing an increase         DOC Lisa Long. Lisa comes
in families that           to us with 23 years
would like to visit        experience working in a
their loved ones           variety of atmospheres
                           including hospital, public
since the outbreak
                           health and LTC! She lives
started and that is        in Collingwood with her
great! Just a              three     children      and
friendly reminder          husband. She is very
for all families to        passionate about working
not visit the home         with the residents, families
if you are sick or         and staff at Errinrung!
showing any type
of symptoms.

                               Errinrung Long Term Care 2022
Long Term Care Home February 2022 - Errinrung ...
New Retirement Home Manager   Joke of the Month

There is another new
face in our
management team and
that’s Rebecca Walker!
Rebecca comes to us
with six years of LTC
experience working as
a responsive behavior
nurse. Rebecca will be
covering a maternity
leave for Cherie Diaz
as our new retirement
home manager and
BPSO lead! Welcome

    Outer Footwear
   PLEASE remove your
        wet shoes before
    entering the building.
      We have provided a
       basket full of blue
    booties if your would
    like to put those on. It
    is very important that
   we do not wear our wet
     shoes throughout the
     home, because it is a
    major fall risk for our
     residents. Please also
     remember if you are
    taking your loved one
       out, to wipe their
    wheels upon entering
   the home again. Thank
      you for your help in
   protecting the residents
         in our home 
Long Term Care Home February 2022 - Errinrung ...
                                                   January Events
       Skype                                  February 1st- Music with David Latham
                                  February 1st- Chinese New year and Chinese Food Supper Club!
    If you would like to                    February 3rd- Fish and Chips Supper Club!
   email or skype your                            February 8th – Resident Council
  loved one, please feel                     February 10th- Music with David Latham
       free to contact
                                              February 11th- Catholic Church Service
         Kristina at
   519 599 2737 ext. 6                             February 14th- Valentines Day
          Or email                                     February 18th- Drumfit
          kmarquis                                   February 21st- Good News
  @southbridgecare.ca                            February 25th- Tour de Errinrung
      The programs
    department would
     love to help our
    residents connect
     with members of
       their family.

                                                                If you need us….
         Personalized Bedspreads!
                                                                           Dona Kurian
                                                                       Executive Director
                                                            Ext.5 or dkurian@southbridgecare.ca
We are asking all families to bring in a                                     Lisa Long
bedspread for your loved ones! It doesn’t                                Director of Care
have to be fancy but we would like our                      Ext.5 or lisa.long@southbridgecare.ca
residents rooms to be personalized, different,                             Kerry Baker
and look less like a hospital or LTC setting for                   Business Office Manager
                                                            Ext. 7 or kbaker@southbridgecare.ca
them! Just a quick reminder that when you
                                                                        Michelle Wilson
bring in items , have a PSW or other staff                Resident Services/Restorative Manager
member send them down to laundry to be                     Ext. 1 or miwilson@southbridgecare.ca
washed and labeled!                                                     Kristina Marquis
                                                                       Programs Manager
                                                          ext. 6 or kmarquis@southbridgecare.ca
                                                                           Allison Hood
                                                                        Dietary Manager
                                                             Ext.1 or ahood@southbridgecare.ca
                                                                          Alyssa Sisson
                                                                         RAI Coordinator
                                                            ext. 3 or asisson@southbridgecare.ca
                                                                       Debbie Alexander
                                                                  Resident Services Manager
                                                         ext. 4 or dalexander@southbridgecare.ca
                                                                        Rebecca Walker
                                                               Retirement Home Manager/ALC
                                                        Ext 4 or rebecca.walker@southbridgecare.ca
Long Term Care Home February 2022 - Errinrung ... Long Term Care Home February 2022 - Errinrung ... Long Term Care Home February 2022 - Errinrung ... Long Term Care Home February 2022 - Errinrung ... Long Term Care Home February 2022 - Errinrung ...
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