Welcome to Compass A guide for parents and families of PRIMARY STUDENTS

Page created by Lucille Moss
Welcome to Compass A guide for parents and families of PRIMARY STUDENTS
Welcome to Compass

 A guide for parents and families of PRIMARY STUDENTS
Welcome to Compass A guide for parents and families of PRIMARY STUDENTS
Our school uses Compass
   as our Parent Portal
Welcome to Compass A guide for parents and families of PRIMARY STUDENTS
What does Compass do for you?

Compass will streamline many school operations such as attendance, reporting
and communication. Currently, the following features of Compass are available to

  ●    View information on the attendance of your child/ren
  ●    Use the Kiosk for late arrivals and early departures
  ●    Enter explanations for full day absences via the parent portal
  ●    Updating contact numbers and email addresses
  ●    NewsFeed
  ●    View your child's timetable and the school calendar
  ●    Book parent-teacher conferences
  ●    Download and view your child's reports

Our school will advise parents when more features become available for parent use.
Welcome to Compass A guide for parents and families of PRIMARY STUDENTS
Accessing Compass

Compass is a web-based system that is accessible on any modern web browser
(Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) or by using the Compass iOS or Android apps.
Search for ‘Compass School Manager’ in the store.

All parents will receive a separate email with information about our Compass
Parent Portal and App, including login details and instructions. Please let the school
office know if you have not received one.

To access the parent portal, go to https://schools.compass.education

To download the app click the following links from your mobile.

       Android             IOS
Welcome to Compass A guide for parents and families of PRIMARY STUDENTS
Logging in to Compass

To log in you will need your unique username and password. These details have
been provided via email.

Upon first login, you will be required to change your password and confirm your
email address and mobile phone number. These details may be used by our
school for SMS, password recovery and email communication throughout the

If you have lost your details or forgotten your password, you can recover your
details by clicking the ‘Can’t access your account?’ link on the front page.
Welcome to Compass A guide for parents and families of PRIMARY STUDENTS
PC View - The Compass home screen
       The home screen provides you with relevant alerts and news, as well as quick access to
       your child’s profile.                                                        Main Menu
                                                                                   Allows you to access
                                                                                   other Compass and
 School Calendar                                                                   school resources. The
      View details of                                                              tools icon allows you
   upcoming events,                                                                to update your
          your child's                                                             contact details and
 timetable and other                                                               change your
relevant school-wide                                                               password.
                                                                                   Custom notifications
                                                                                   for items that require
                                                                                   your action or
                                                                                   attention. These
     Your children                                                                 include excursion
  Provides you with a                                                              notifications, absence
   quick summary of                                                                notifications, surveys,
    available options                                                              student report
     and highlights a                                                              availability and more.
          summary of
      upcoming and
       overdue tasks.                                                              News
                                                                                   Recent school news
                                                                                   items and
      To access more                                                               information relevant
 information click on                                                              to you. This may
    the relevant quick                                                             include newsletters,
  link or select Profile                                                           details of upcoming
   to access detailed                                                              events and much
   information about                                                               more.
            your child.
Welcome to Compass A guide for parents and families of PRIMARY STUDENTS
Student Profile

Everything for your child, in one

The student profile can be
accessed by clicking on your
child’s name from the home

The student profile dashboard
provides you with an overview of
today’s classes and activities, and
a summary of teacher
observations (Student Chronicle).

For more detailed information,
including assessment tasks,
attendance, surveys and
academic reports, navigate
through the tabs along the top of
the profile.
Welcome to Compass A guide for parents and families of PRIMARY STUDENTS
Attendance: Summary
  Using Compass you can view up-to-the-second attendance information for your child.
  To view your child’s attendance, click on the Student Profile link on the home page and click
  the Attendance tab.

                                                                           Daily Snapshot
                                                                           Provides a quick snapshot
            Approvals                                                      of today’s classes and
  This sub-tab provides                                                    your child's attendance
a comprehensive list of                                                    marking.
  explanations for your
child. From this tab you                                                   Attendance Summary
 can also add absence                                                      Includes a summary of
notices (both past and                                                     attendance in each class. For
                  future).                                                 full details about a specific
                                                                           absence, click the appropriate
                                                                           number in the grid. For an
                                                                           explanation of a heading item,
                                                                           hover your mouse over the
                                                                           heading of interest.
This sub-tab provides a                                                    When students are marked ‘Not
                      list                                                 Present’ in class this can sit in
      of all unexplained                                                   one of three different
  absences from class.                                                     categories. These include:
 From this tab you can                                                      NP Schl - Not present in class and
       click to approve                                                     is explained by a school related
                 specific                                                   activity.
                                                                            NP Parnt - Not present in
                                                                            class and is explained by
                                                                            a parent approval.
                                                                            NP Unap - Not present in class
                                                                            with no explanation entered.
Welcome to Compass A guide for parents and families of PRIMARY STUDENTS
Attendance: Entering a full day Parent

           From the Compass home screen (or from your
           student’s profile), click the ‘Add Parent Approval’
           item. (ie holiday, medical illness)

            From the pop-up window,
            - Select the reason,
            - Enter a brief description
               of the
            - Select the start and
               finish time,
            - Click the ‘Save’ button.

Late arrivals and early departures
must be entered via the Kiosk on
arrival or departure.
Welcome to Compass A guide for parents and families of PRIMARY STUDENTS
Viewing Academic Reports

  1   From the home screen, click on
 1    the ‘View Academic Reports’
      item or navigate to the student
      profile and click the ‘Reports’ tab.

      A list of Academic Reports
 2    will be displayed. Click the
      Report title to download the
      PDF on to any device.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Using Compass you can book your parent-teacher
conferences online.

             On the home screen, beside the student you
    1        wish to make bookings for, click ‘Book Parent
             Teacher Interviews’.

             A list of parent-teacher interview cycles will
   2         be displayed along with their booking status.
             Click on the relevant cycle.

             Your booking sheet will be displayed and will
   3         show all available booking times. Click on a
             time in the grid to display teachers available
             for booking at the selected time.

Note: You can view a teacher’s availability by clicking on the
teacher’s name at the bottom of the booking page.
Mobile App View
   This view might look slightly different depending on operating system.

                                                                            The Home page will display
                                                                            each of this parent's
                                                                            children that attend the
                                                                            school across the top.

           Menu                                                             Parents will see the 'Add
     Selecting the                                                          Attendance Note' option
  Menu icon from                                                            followed by any
 the top left hand                                                          notifications for events
                                    Student Profile
     corner of the                                                          requiring their action.
                                    Parents can click on
screen will reveal                  their child, or one of
  links to some of                                                          Below this, the News Feed
                                    their children, to go
     the available                                                          will display. The most
                                    to that child's profile
      areas in the                                                          recent News Feed posts
      application.                                                          will display at the top (or
                                                                            posts that have been set
                                                                            as 'Priority' items). Parents
                                                                            can scroll down to view all
                                                                            current posts.
Student Profile: Dashboard and

     1                              2
Dashboard                         Chronicle
This tab will show                This tab will show any
some basic                        of the student's
information about                 Chronicle posts that

their child and their             were set as 'Visible to
ID photo image if                 Students/Parents'.
there is one on file. It
will also show their
schedule for today's
date. Parents can
click the blue icon in
the bottom right to
view another date.
Student Profile: Tasks and Reports

   3                             4
Tasks                          Reports
This tab will show             This tab will allow
each of the child's            parents to download
classes. Clicking on           any reports currently

a class will expand            available for their
to show any                    child. Reports need
Learning Tasks for             to be set as
that class. Parents            accessible for
can click on a                 Parents to be listed.
particular Learning
Task to view the
details and any
added by the
Student Profile: Approvals

   5                                        Reason
                                    When adding a
Approvals                             note, parents
This tab shows any                  need to choose                      Date
attendance                           a reason from                      They will then
notes/approvals the                       the list of                   need to choose

child currently has.                        options.                    the date range
                                                                        of the note.
                                     They can then
                                   add a comment
                                    if they need to.

                                   Add Approval
                                   Parents can click
                                   the blue icon in
                                   the bottom right to
                                   add an attendance

                       Late arrivals and early departures must be
                       entered via the Kiosk and not through the app.
Compass Parent Introductory Booklet
 Compass School Manager, Compass Education, Compass Photos and the associated logos are registered trademarks used
                                                        under licence.
This document is copyright with intellectual property owned or licenced by Compass Education Pty Ltd or in the case of some
                                                  materials, by third parties.

                       Copyright 2019. Compass Education PO Box 366 Balwyn North, Victoria 3104
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