Moulton CEVC School Development Plan 2020-2021 - Suffolk ...

Page created by Steven Long
Moulton CEVC School Development Plan
          Develop the quality of education
                 PRIORITY TWO
          Develop behaviour and attitudes
               PRIORITY THREE
       Develop pupils’ personal development
                PRIORITY FOUR
       Develop leadership and management
                 PRIORITY FIVE
        Develop the Early Years’ provision.
                  PRIORITY SIX
Develop the distinctive Christian nature of the school
               PRIORITY SEVEN
      Develop the building and school grounds
Overview of Development

  -   Improve outcomes for KS1 writing (Continued)       -   Develop pupils’ independence                           -   Develop pupils’ understanding about how their
  -   Evaluate and amend recent curriculum                                                                              education equips them with the behaviours
      changes, with a view to the impact of Covid 19                                                                    and attitudes necessary for success in their
      as a priority, and considering Ofsted                                                                             next stage of education, training or
      recommendations.                                                                                                  employment and for their adult life.
                                                                                                                    -   Provide childcare security for families in need.

                                                                                                                 OF THE SCHOOL
  -   Develop governors’ roles within school and         -   Develop pupils’ letter formation for a transition
      day-to-day understanding of the school                 into Y1                                                -   Enhance opportunities for pupils’ personal and
      (Continued)                                        -   Ensure that teacher subject knowledge and                  collective reflection, giving thanks and
                                                             resources enable the new EYFS curriculum to                expressing spirituality.
                                                             be taught in September
PRIORITY ONE                                                                               Improve outcomes for KS1 writing - CONTINUED

                                                                                           Evaluate and amend recent curriculum changes, with a view to the impact of Covid 19 as a
Develop Quality Of Education                                                               priority.

                                                                                           Ensure that all pupils have access to online provision in the event of lockdown and isolation.

     Challenges                                   Active Ingredients                                                 Implementation Activities                                 Deadline
Outcomes at the end of     Pupils make at least expected progress across the year. Teachers           ½ termly monitoring of EYFS and KS1 writing Release time for     After October half term
KS1 for writing were not   and SLT understand that end of year outcomes will be lower due to          EC and SF half termly.
as high as the national    missed education.
average.                                                                                              Weekly monitoring of EYFS and KS1 teaching of writing/phonics    After October half term
                           Pupils’ work shows a variety of sentence structures across fiction         No added cost
Pupils at the end of KS1   and non-fiction. In line with national average)                            NG to model writing lessons if needed No added cost              When guidelines permit
do not punctuate                                                                                      - Progress in sentence structure document to be created by NG.   Completed last year.
accurately or              Pupils’ (age-related) punctuation is at age related level. (In line with
demonstrate a wide         national average)                                                          - Sentence structure staff meeting                               Completed last year.
range of sentence                                                                                     NG to plan writing lessons with EYFS and KS1 teachers
structures                 Spelling Shed to be used across classrooms and at home to
                           improve KS1 spelling provision.                                            Revisit English NC in staff meeting                              By Christmas 2020
                                                                                                      Revisit the writing exemplification No added cost                November 2020
                           Letter Jojn to be used across classrooms and at home to improve            Children’s writing assessed and priorities for planning          By October half term
                           KS1 spelling provision.                                                    organised. NG to meet with KS1 staff. ½ day release for EC and
                           EYFS teach cursive writing so that Y1 do not have to re-teach
                                                                                                      Spelling Shed and Letter Join to be used in class and at home    November 2020
                           letter formation.
                                                                                                      (via Google Classroom) by pupils Yearly Spelling Shed (£150)
                                                                                                      and Letter Join subscription (£220 per year)
                           Selected pupils have access to Lexia to support dyslexic-type
                                                                                                      Lexia to be use for selected pupils. £1,000 per annum
Children missed the        Pupils have essential pre-knowledge and vocabulary for topic        Staff to look at each topic and to see if missed summer learning   ½ termly
summer term of their       work.                                                               affects the vocabulary and knowledge that is needed. JR to
education, and there is                                                                        support if necessary. No cost
likely to be gaps in       Pupils’ work in English and maths reflects where they are for       Pupils’ are assessed for the following:                            By October half term 2020
learning.                  attainment                                                          Reading book band, writing level, TTM, Maths targets and
                                                                                               written methods. DfE money for tutoring to support TA hours?
The school does not        A blended learning approach is in place so that home learning can   PS to set up Google classroom for all teachers and pupils. 4       By end of September 2020
have a platform to offer   be used a pre-requisite knowledge for a topic, and to offer         hours technician time.
consistent blended         education in the event of partial or full lockdown of classes.
learning that meets the                                                                        DS to write information and/or make video for parents to teach     By end of September 2020
new DfE expectations.      Children in receipt of the PPG have access to online learning at    them how to use Google Classroom No added cost
                           home, either by paper-based packs or Chrome Books.
                                                                                               Staff meeting to learn how to use Google Classroom                 By end of September 2020
                                                                                               Possible cost of training from another school £100

                                                                                               Staff to set weekly home work on Google classroom to               By October half term 2020
                                                                                               familiarise children and parents with the system before it is
                                                                                               needed for home-learning. Evaluate pupil access to home-
                                                                                               learning No added cost
                                                                                               Purchase Chrome books for Children in receipt of PPG if            As needed
                                                                                               needed. £1000
                                                                                               Set up a system for copying and delivering paper-based
                                                                                               learning. £500 for materials, admin and postage.
                                                                                               Purchase Lexia logins:                                             By end of September 2020
                                                                                               Just SEN and PP: £1000 (£3000 for three years)
                                                                                               Whole school: TBC
                                                                                               Plan the spending of the Dfe catch-up fund – approx. £15,000       Half term 2020
Our curriculum needs      A curriculum is in place that enables…                                 Before each topic, teachers to check the curriculum map to see       ½ termly
evaluating when a full-       -    Children to build on previous knowledge progressively         if children missed vital knowledge during the summer 2020 term
cycle has passed.             -    Children to improve skills progressively                      when they were at home.
(Ofsted recommendation)       -    Children to learn and use new vocabulary progressively        At the end of each unit, teachers to evaluate teaching and           ½ termly
                              -    Children to make links with prior learning                    learning.
                              -    Children to be interested in the world, events and people.    Teachers feedback ½ termly evaluations to all staff and SLT          Termly
                              -    Children to what they know
                              -    All children to access learning
                              -    Parents to support their child’s learning where appropriate   Resources and books purchased for summer units (not                  May 2021
                                   and needed.                                                   purchased previously, as children not in) £500

                                                                                                 Subject leaders to monitor books and pupil perception                Ongoing
                                                                                                 (electronically) and to feedback to staff. Cover for release time:
                                                                                                 minimum of one afternoon per half term for each subject leader.
                                                                                                 (English, PSHE, PE, Science, RE, hist/geog, MFL, computing,
                                                                                                 No release time needed for subjects covered by DS.
                                                                                                 SLT to monitor pupils’ books. No added cost                          Ongoing.

                                                                                                 Learning Updates from each class to be sent to parents and put       Weekly
                                                                                                 on the website. No added cost.
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