LEE senior citizen news - Town of Lee MA

LEE senior citizen news - Town of Lee MA
                 senior citizen news
243-5545                  LEE COUNCIL ON AGING     21 CROSSWAY ST., LEE MA.
OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY - THURSDAY 9:00-1:30          Patricia DiGrigoli –Director

                             January 2022

“ In order to be successful in the new year, stay focused, develop a posi-
           tive attitude, and be passionate with your dreams”
                           (Bamigbage Oluratimi)
           Be willing to be a beginner every single morning
Kindness, kindness, kindness. Make it a New Years prayer, not a resolu-
        tion!!! I’m praying for Peace—- Happy New Year to All!
LEE senior citizen news - Town of Lee MA
PAGE 2                    LEE COUNCIL ON AGING                   January 2022

These are EASY classes with friends worried about the same things. Classes
       are limited so sign up soon! Great Start to the New Year!!!!
                     Dates: January 13, 20th and 27th
          February 3rd., 10th, 17th and 24th AND March 3rd.
           Time: 10 a.m.-12 (Must complete at least 6 sessions)
   Place Lee Senior Center Call 243-5545 to register by January 6th
                    Great way to start the New Year!!!!
LEE senior citizen news - Town of Lee MA
PAGE 3                                LEE COUNCIL ON AGING                                  January 2022

                            Our Senior Center Community Angels

This amazing group helped to cook and serve our Thanksgiving dinner! A huge hug to Mary, Kay, Olivia,
Rachael, Jay, Sharon, Mary and Peter. Love to you ALL! You made our Thanksgiving!!!!

 Our fun Christmas BINGO was sponsored by The Landing at Laurel Lake.
      Amazing gift cards were presented by Admissions Coordinator
                              Rosie Phelps.
                      Many Thanks for a fun time!!!

                                                 Brownie Girl Scout
                                                  Troop #65244 col-
                                                   lected blankets,
                                                  hats, mittens, pil-
                                                   lows, sox, tooth-
                                                brushes, toothpaste, Beanie Babies, scarfs
                                                 for the Stewards of Hope homeless shelter
                                                  AND the Children’s Department of Social
                                                 A HUGE Thank YOU to all who contributed
                                                  to the collection. A lot of people will be a
                                                          little warmer this winter!!!
                                                             GREAT JOB GIRLS!!!!
                                                McKenna, McKenzi, Olivia, Veronica, Chloe
                                                        Missing: Lola, Finleigh, Harper
                                KINDNESS! KINDNESS! KINDNESS!

          To All our Family and Friends
  Here’s Hoping that the New Year is in every way
  complete. With Happiness, Success, Good Health
           AND all that makes life sweet.
PAGE 4                                             LEE COUNCIL ON AGING                                     January 2022

                          To ALL OUR LEE SENIORS!!!
 Our senior center is locate at 21 Crossway St. it is the old School Building. It
  also happens to be located in a Berkshire Housing Complex, called Cross-
 way/Towers. There is this misconception that our Senior Center is only for the
   residents who live in the Berkshire Housing Complex. Oh ! But this is not
   true!!! Our Senior Center is our LEE TOWN SENIOR CENTER!!!! Everyone
          senior is WELCOME !! Come in and see what we are all about!
                      Join us for an OPEN HOUSE!!!!
                       January 10, 2022 at 1 o’clock
  Come into Mix and Mingle and enjoy some Hot Chocolate and Apple Cider!
      Ask some questions, Look around and GIVE US SOME Ideas!!!
                            Visit our Booths !!!
  Rise and shine for a free breakfast                                                  OUR BINGO DATES
                                                                                         January 6 at 12:00
                 time!!!                                                     January 11th followed by Banana Splits to
  Stop in at the senior center at 9 for                                          celebrate Banana Boat day!! At 12
                                                                                        January 18 at 12 :15
            hot off the grill                                                        January 24th Bingo at 12
 Blueberry pancakes and coffee                                                       January 31st. Bingo at 12
      January 5, 2022!!!
                                                                                   Sign up NOW for our
                                                                      Famous Community Chef make and Take Cooking
                                                                                       Class 101!!!
                                                                      OUR COMMUNITY CHEF OF THE MONTH !!!
                                                                         GIRLS FROM OUR LEE TOWN HALL!!
                                                                       They Love to cook, so it should be interesting!!!
                                                                         Wednesday January 19 th starting at 10:30
                                                                              Remember to bring a container.
                                                                       Have some FUN, Laughs AND GREAT FOOD!
                   Gosh Yarn It
    Perfect time to start those knitting or cro-                  Celebrate National pizza week with us, Stop by the
                   chet projects                                  Senior center for a Slice of Pizza!!! Yes it is a Bingo
    Join our evening knitting group and start                     Day BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO STAY FOR
                  those projects                                  BINGO! Come on in at 11:30 on January 18th OR
           January 12th at 6 o’clock!!                            Grab and Go a Slice!! SEE ! WE CAN HAVE SOME
                               Irish Coffee Day
                      Enjoy an Irish coffee with us OR A      Thank You to All the maintenance men
                      Coffee with us on                       and woman out there!! Thank you to all
                      Jan, 24th at 1:30                       Berkshire Housing Maintenance men and
                      It’s coffee break time!                 our own Lee Town maintenance men!
                                                              Maintenance Day January 21st.

  Blood Pressure Clinic January
                                                           Happy TuB’Shvat– New Year for trees
  25th 9-10
  Foot Nurse January 26th
                                                          Happy New YEAR! Stay safe everyone!!!
Monday                   Tuesday             Wednesday                Thursday              Friday

                                                                                            Saturday January 1st.

January 3rd.             4.                   5. Tai Chi 8:30– 9;30   6.Bingo at 12         7.Thought of the day:
       Exercise in gyn                                                                      “Live your life and
9-10                                              Panckes at 9
                                               RISE AND SHINE!!!!                           forget your age”.
                                                   Bridge at 1                              (Frank Bering)

10.                      11.                 12. Tai Chi 8:30 –9:30   13.Matter of balance 14.
                         Bingo at 12                                  10-12                Day’s for Girls at 1
Exercise in Gym 9-10     Girl Scout s at 4   Bridge at 1
                                             Knitting group
                                             At 6

                                             Brown Bag Day.
17.Martin Luther King    18.                 19.tai Chi 8:30-9:30     20.Matter of bal-     21.
Day                      Pizza at 11:30      Community Chef           ance 10-12
Closed                   Bingo at 12:15
                                             cooking class 10:30

                                             Bridge at 1

24.                      25.Blood Pressure   26.Tai chi 8:30-9:30     27.Matter of Bal-     28.
Exercise in Gym 9-10     clinic 9-10         Foot Nurse by appt..     ance 10-12
Bingo at 12              Girl scouts 4-5     Bridge at 1
Coffee break at 1:30
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