Exhibiting Information - TSAA 21st Annual Conference TSAA 2022: Re-Imagining Leadership

Page created by Johnnie Lopez
Exhibiting Information - TSAA 21st Annual Conference TSAA 2022: Re-Imagining Leadership
Exhibiting Information

     TSAA 21st Annual Conference
Conference 1: November 29/30 Conference 2: December 1/2,

TSAA 2022: Re-Imagining Leadership

                  Sheraton on the Falls,
                    5875 Falls Avenue
                  Niagara Falls, Ontario

Exhibiting Information - TSAA 21st Annual Conference TSAA 2022: Re-Imagining Leadership
Nov 29/30 & Dec 1/2, 2022
      TSAA CONFERENCE                                                           Sheraton on the Falls
                                                                                   5875 Falls Avenue
      2022/2023                                                                 Niagara Falls, Ontario

                                 REGISTER BY AUGUST 30, 2022

It is with pleasure to invite you to The Toronto School Administrators’ Association (TSAA)
21st Annual Conference. TSAA, is the professional association representing nearly 1000
Principals and Vice Principals of the Toronto District School Board (TDSB).
The 21st Annual Conference will be held at the Sheraton on the Falls, 5875 Falls Avenue,
Niagara Falls, Ontario. Over the course of 4 days, we look forward to sharing this conference
experience with approximately 750 Principals and Vice Principals from both the elementary and
secondary panels, TDSB Senior Executives, and Superintendents.
As the conference is out of town, we will be hosting two conferences back to back;
                             Conference 1: November 29/30, 2022
                              Conference 2: December 1/2, 2022
To meet the needs of our attendees, each conference will include workshops, keynote speakers,
interactive exhibits, built in exhibitor time, prizes, meals and more.

Exhibiting companies will benefit through the opportunity to:
•    network directly and establish new partnerships with our school leaders
•    exhibit and showcase their company’s products and ideas
•    highlight their company/products through communication (print, advertising)
In order to meet the needs of your business, a variety of exhibitor, sponsor and advertising
options are available.
Please note: As per the current health regulations, it is mandatory for all attendees to wear
masks and provide proof of double vaccination to enter all conference/meeting and dining

We look forward to working with you!

Troy Langevine
TSAA Conference Chair

                              Hotel Information/ Accommodations
                         Sheraton on the Falls Hotel and Conference Centre
                           5875 Falls Avenue, Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 6W7
        quote “TSAA Conference” for a special rate starting at $115.00 +Taxes (city view room)
                  Call 1-800-Special Rate
                                      and quote “TSAA
                                          offered untilConference”
                                                         5:00 p.m. October 30, 2022                      1.
Floor Plans and Schedules

                                                  36     37




                                             34                                              43     44        45                        TDSB   TDSB   TDSB
                                                             40        41         42

                              Stairs to
                             Workshops                            33        32          31               30                    29

                                                                                                    28        Exhibit Room          1

                                                                                                   27         15        14

                                                                                                              16        13          3
                                                                                                   25         17        12          4
                                                                  Main Ballroom
                                                                                                              18        11          5                        ** Map not to scale**
                                                                                                   23                               6
                                                                                                              19         10

                                                                                                   22                               7
                                                                                                              20        9

                                                                                                   21                               8


                                                                                                              Silent Auction

                                                             Exhibiting Schedule

     PLATINUM SPONSOR ( 4 DAYS – Main Foyer )                                                     GOLD EXHIBITOR ( 4 DAYS – Main Foyer )
  Move-In: Monday, November 28 (1:00 - 6:00 p.m.)                                      Move-In: Monday, November 28 (1:00 - 6:00 p.m.)
  Exhibit Hours:                                                                       Exhibit Hours:
   Tuesday, November 29                   7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.                         Tuesday, November 29                                                 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
   Wednesday, November 30                 7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.                         Wednesday, November 30                                               7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
   Thursday, December 1                   7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.                         Thursday, December 1                                                 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
   Friday, December 2                     7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.                         Friday, December 2                                                   7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

    SILVER EXHIBITOR ( 2 DAYS — Exhibitor Room )                                             BRONZE EXHIBITOR ( 1 DAY — Exhibitor Room )
  Move-In: Monday, November 28 (1:00 - 6:00 p.m.)                                      Move-In: Monday, November 28 (1:00 - 6:00 p.m.)
  or morning of date attending.                                                                   Or Wednesday, November 29 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.)
  Exhibit Hours:                                                                                  Or Morning of date attending
   Tuesday, November 29                   7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
                                                                                       Exhibit Hours:
   Thursday, December 1                   7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
                                                                                        Tuesday, November 29 OR Thursday, December 1
                                                                                                       7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Please note: Scheduled times may change                                                                                                                                              2.
Nov 29/30 & Dec 1/2, 2022
      TSAA CONFERENCE                                                     Sheraton on the Falls
                                                                             5875 Falls Avenue
      2022/2023                                                           Niagara Falls, Ontario

                                       EXHIBITING OPTIONS

                                        Exhibiting Packages:

BRONZE: one day package (November 29 or December 1, 2022)……$900.00 plus one giveaway
SILVER:     two day package (November 29 and December 1, 2022)…$1500.00 plus two giveaways
          Bronze and Silver package includes:
           8’ display space in the exhibitor room
           One 6’ draped table with two chairs
           Wi-Fi access
           Electrical accessibility—upon request
           Hot buffet breakfast, lunch and coffee– Maximum 2 staff per exhibit booth

Gold: Four day package (November 29 to December 2)……….$2200.00 plus two giveaways
                                                                (Limited Space Available)
       Gold package includes:
       All items listed in bronze/silver package with the exception of:
        8’ display space in the main foyer

Platinum: Four day package (November 29 to December 2)….$2200.00 plus one of the following:
           ࿘ Conference Program -Printed Paper Copy
           ࿘ Delegate ID Cards with Lanyards
           ࿘ Delegate bags printed with conference logo
           ࿘ Delegate hospitality evening - Tuesday, March 1 or Thursday, March 3
           ࿘ Extra-curricular activity for delegates
          Platinum package includes:
          All items listed in bronze/silver package with the exception of:
           8’ display space in the main foyer with choice of location (subject to availability)
           Hot buffet breakfast, lunch and coffee - Maximum 4 staff per exhibit booth
           Company ad displayed on media loop in plenary room
           Company acknowledgement made by TSAA during conference opening remarks
           Company information/logo advertised on the table tent cards, exhibitor passports and
            hyperlinked on the TSAA website and conference app
           Wi-Fi access
           Electrical accessibility—upon request

All other booth items required must be purchased by the exhibitor separately through the exhibit
Nov 29/30 & Dec 1/2, 2022
TSAA CONFERENCE                                                                Sheraton on the Falls
                                                                                  5875 Falls Avenue
2022/2023                                                                      Niagara Falls, Ontario

                                  ADVERTISING OPTIONS

             Full page black & white
             6.75” wide x 9.75” high


             Back inside cover $500
             Front inside cover $500

             Half page black & white

             6.75” wide x 4.75” high


  Only electronic files will be accepted. Please send file in high-resolution JPG or TIFF formats.
         To ensure the accuracy of advertisements, a full size proof must be provided.
                            SEND ART FILES TO: tsaaoffice@tdsb.on.ca
                        DEADLINE FOR ART AND PAYMENT - August 30, 2022

TSAA CONFERENCE                                                                Nov 29/30 & Dec 1/2, 2022
                                                                                                         Sheraton on the Falls
          2022/2023                                                                                         5875 Falls Avenue
                                                                                                         Niagara Falls, Ontario

                                         Sponsor / Exhibitor Registration Form

                                                          Two ways to register:
  1. Complete this form and send it along with your cheque (payable to TSAA) to: 17 Fairmeadow Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M2P 1W6

 2. Complete the online registration and e-transfer your payment to: TSAAOffice@tdsb.on.ca

                       Please note: As per the current health regulations, it is mandatory for all attendees wear masks
                                              REGISTRATION DEADLINE: August 30, 2022

NAME OF ORGANIZATION: ______________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________

CITY:       _____________________________ POSTAL CODE: ________________________________

CONTACT PERSON: ____________________________________ PHONE #: __________________________________

E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________

Number of Exhibit Staff Attending __________(Fees include breakfast/lunch/coffee for up to 2 exhibit staff per booth.
                                              Additional staff see below.)
                        Exhibiting Options: (description of each option available on page 3)

  □    Bronze - $900   1 Exhibiting Day plus 1 Giveaway Prize
                            Location: Exhibitor Room (1 day: November 29 or December 1, 2022)
                            Date of Attendance __________________________
  □    Silver - $1500 2 Exhibiting days plus 2 Giveaway Prizes
                           Location: Exhibitor Room (2 days: November 29 and December 1, 2022)
  □    Gold - $2200 4 Exhibiting Days plus 2 Giveaway Prizes
                          Location: Main Foyer (4 days: November 29 to December 2, 2022)
  □    Platinum - $2200 4 Exhibiting Days plus Sponsorship (see list page 3)
                        Location: Main Foyer (4 days: November 29 to December 2) up to 4 exhibit staff per booth
                        Sponsorship Option__________________________________________(see page 3)
                        Table location/number ___________ (based on availability PLATINUM only - see map on page 2 )
                                     ( Please provide first and second choice. Platinum only)
   □     Electrical Outlet Required (power bar and extension cords responsibility of exhibitor)
   □     Additional Exhibit Staff (Bronze Silver Only) $75 per person/per day                   _____________

   Advertising Options: (see page 4 for information) - Art submission deadline is August 30, 2022
                                         □ Full Page $400 (6.75”w x 9.75” h)
                                         □ Full Page Back or Front Inside Cover $500 (6.75”w x 9.75” h)
                                         □ Half Page $200 (6.75”w x 4.75” h)
                       For more information, please call 416-393-0861 or email tsaaoffice@tdsb.on.ca
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