LEE senior citizen news - Town of Lee MA

Page created by Seth Neal
LEE senior citizen news - Town of Lee MA
                 senior citizen news
243-5545                  LEE COUNCIL ON AGING   21 CROSSWAY ST., LEE MA.
OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY - THURSDAY 9:00-1:30        Patricia DiGrigoli –Director

                         NOVEMBER 2021

 Don’t wait until the fourth Thursday in November, to sit with
  family and friends to give thanks. Make every day a day of
                Thanksgiving. (Charmaine J. Forde)
 Picture by Ida Caruso —a dear friend and a friend to the Senior Center
LEE senior citizen news - Town of Lee MA
PAGE 2                LEE COUNCIL ON AGING          November 2021

                      Let’s Give Thanks
           Please join us at the Senior Center for a
                   Thanksgiving luncheon
         A luncheon with all the Turkey trimmings!
                                   Date: November 24, 2021
                                        Time: 1 o'clock
                                RSVP as space is limited 243-
                                   5545 by November 18th.
                                  Take out orders welcomed!
LEE senior citizen news - Town of Lee MA
PAGE 3                                   LEE COUNCIL ON AGING                               November 2021

   The Holiday’s are approaching . They often bring about stress and depression. Holiday’s
  present a dizzying array of demands-cooling, cleaning, shopping, baking and entertaining,
 and if the virus adds additional stress it can effect our health. THIS HOLIDAY WE ARE NOT
   GOING TO LET THAT HAPPEN!!! WE are going to help each other through this. HOW???
  #1. We are going to acknowledge our feelings-its okay to take time to cry or express what
                                           we are feeling.
  #2. We are going to reach out to the community , religious, or other social events (like the
 senior center) to have some support and companionship. Maybe volunteer to help someone
                                       and to lift our spirits.
  #3. We will be realistic, our holiday’s don’t have to be perfect. We may hold on to a few old
                     traditions but it might be interesting to start new ones.
      #4. We will set aside our differences and accept our family and friends as they are.
 #5. we are going to prevent last minute scrambaling and take a breather for OURSELVES!!!!

                               WE ARE READY TO START HERE!!!!!

            Okay be ready for this!!! A dear friend of mine, Jane Parase
  Makes beautiful wreaths AND she has offered to
   come in to do a class!!! Now maybe you don’t
  need a wreath BUT it would make a nice GIFT!!
  So don’t hesitate as this class is limited. Please
  sign up by November 10th. Class is Wednesday
               Nov. 17th at 10 o’clock.

        Make and Take Cooking Class!!!!
       We are excited to have two wonderful                           MOVIE AND SOUP NIGHT
    COMMUNITY CHEFS who are among the                                        November 18th
         best caterers in the Berkshires!!!                          Movie at 3 and Soup to follow
           We WELCOME our HOSTS                                     Movie: The American President
   LIBBY COLLINS DRISCOLL and Friend on                        Michael Douglas portrays the widower Chief
                Nov. 16 At 10:30                                Executive who falls for a lobbyist (Annete
      JOIN US FOR FUN, LAUGHTER and                              Bening), then freefalls in the polls in this
               Something delicious.                                award winning romantic comedy .
      Please sign up and Bring a container!!!

                  Foot Nurse                                     BINGO DATES
                                                      Tuesday November 2nd, at 12:10 Celebrating National
             NOVEMBER 23                             Deviled Egg day with a luncheon of Egg Salad Sandwiches!
     BY APPOINTMENT 234-5545                                                   11:30
                                                                      Tuesday November 9th
         BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC                                    THURSDAY November 18th
            NOVEMBER 30Th                                            Monday November 22nd.
             9-10 at Senior r                        Tuesday November 30th Starting with Lunch at 11:30 Tur-
                                                                             key Soup
                                                                            Bingo 12:10
   HAPPY THANKSGIVING                                   Come and have lunch with us on our Luncheon Days.
 TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES                                 YOU DO NOT HAVE TO STAY FOR BINGO!!
PAGE 4                                LEE COUNCIL ON AGING                                November 2021

                Community Angels
  A warm Thank YOU to Sue and Devonshire Es-
                     tates for
 Donating great prizes for a weekly BINGO game!!!
   And a HUG to Mrs. Patell who brought us in a
             DELICIOUS DESERT!!!
  We are so appreciative of your thoughtfulness.

                              A HUGE THANK YOU to
                              Paul and Carol Monachina
                              who were our
                              October Community Chefs for our popular
                              Make and Take Cooking Class!!!! We ALL enjoyed the
                              scrumptious luncheon!! COME BACK SOON!!!

                                          CHP CLINIC IS COMING!!!!!
                                            Tuesday Nov. 2nd from 10am to 12pm the CHP van will be here
                                            to give out BOOSTER shots/ They will also offer the flu vaccine
                                            plus all 3 Covid shots, which can be boosters or 1st/2nd doses.
                                            Look for van in back of Crossway! Must be 6
                                            months beyond your 2nd shot for Pfizer and Moderna, J&J.
                                            Have Ins. card ready. Also it is recommended that you call CHP
528-0457, tell them you’ll be at Lee senior center.

          Day’s for Girls Sewing Group November 19,th at

         Veteran’ s Day
On Veterans Day we honor all,
 Who answered to a service call.
Soldiers young, and soldiers old, Fought for freedom,
brave and bold.
Some have lived, while others died, And all of them de-
serve our pride.
We’re proud of all the soldiers who, kept thinking red,
white and blue. They fought for us and all our rights.
They fought through many days and nights.
And though we may not know each name,
 We thank ALL VETERANS just the same.
                      THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
Monday                  Tuesday                Wednesday                Thursday         Friday

1.                      2.                     3.                       4.               5.
9-10 Exercise in gym    BINGO 12:10            8:30-9:30 Tai Chi                         CLOSED

                        EGG SANDWICH           1:00 Bridge

8.                      9.                     10.                      11.              12.
9-10– Exercise in Gym                          Brown Bag Day            GIVE A VETERAN   CLOSED
                        12:00 BINGO                                     A HUG!!!
                                                     1:00 Bridge

15.                     16, Community Chef     17                       18.              19.
9-10 Exercise in gym    cooking Class          8:30-9-30 Tai Chi        Bingo 12:00      Day’s for Girls Sewing
                        Please sign up!        10:00 Craft Class with                    Group 1-3
                        Girl                   Jane Parise
                        Scouts                 Please sign up!
                                               1: 00 Bridge
22.                     23. FOOT NURSE         24.                      25.    HAPPY    26.
9-10 Exercise in Gym    Call for appointment                            THANKSGIVING TO Closed
                                               THANKSGIVING             ALL!!!
12:00 Bingo                                    LUNCHEON

29.                     30.
9-10 Exercise in Gym    11:30 Soup
                        12”:00 Bingo
                        BLOOD PRESSUR E
                        CLNIC 9-10

                        Girl Scouts
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