Page created by Wesley Ortega
January 2021

                                 The Wayside Pulpit:
                            Can We Have a Happy New Year?
                                 Rev. Michael Walker

Dear friends,
       So, I doubt it’s just me… 2020 was not a great year for America, and even much of
the world. It seems to me that most of us will gladly let the past year go, and good
riddance to it!
       Finding hope in the new year is going to be the challenge we face now. I’m
reminded of the turning of the seasons. At some point, we shall leave the dead of winter
behind us and look to enjoy the vibrancy of life. New shoots will begin to grow, flowers will
bloom, and life will return to some semblance of normalcy.
Let us enter the new year with this same set of expectations and hopes: new
growth and blooming, even in civic and political spheres. For all the hopefulness many of
us feel, for disappointment some of us feel, there is much work to do to set things right.
Despair does not help us solve problems. No matter who is in the White House, we each
have a part to play in bringing healing to society.
“We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in
the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would
also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change
towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of
our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.” – Mahatma Gandhi
On that note, I wish you all a Happy New Year!
       Stay healthy,
       Rev. Mike

               Rev. Mike will be not be in the pulpit in January, to take some time off and
               exploring opportunities for his next ministry. Normally, there would be travel
               involved with this, but due to COVID, he will likely be staying in the area. He
               still plans to be at most of his usual meetings and will be available for
               pastoral and other concerns.

Rev. Michael Walker is the Interim Minister for the DuPage Unitarian Universalist
Church. He is interested in connecting with you! You may email him with questions and
concerns at revmike@dupageuuchurch.org. If you need an appointment with our
minister, you may schedule one by calling the office at (630) 505-9408 or emailing

                               (Online Only)
In response to Coronavirus and with concern for the safety
and health of our members and visitors, all Sunday
services, Forums, and large meetings will be held online

Click here to join our live stream
Service and Forum on Sundays!

Sunday, January 3, 2021 @ 10:30AM

Visit Other Worlds: The Value of Escape
By Steve Cooper, Director of Religious Education
Our faith talks a lot about using reason to analyze the world and using action to change
the world. But UU religious educators are reminding us that we also need to nurture our
imaginations so we can dream up new worlds. Whether it is through stories like Lord of
the Rings or classic fairy tales, there is something powerful about using our imagination to
visit and create new places. It allows us to transcend our limits and indulge in an escape
now and then. It also allows us to learn life lessons while in a pretend world. So, what’s
one of the ways our faith guides us into becoming a people of imagination? It tells us to
“Use your imagination to visit and dream up other worlds!”
This is a service for all ages.

Sunday, January 10, 2021 @ 10:30AM

Imagine Meeting Ourselves Again for the First Time
By DuPage UU Church member, Dean Reschke
Dean Reschke, a Clinical Fellow and Approved Supervisor for the American Association
for Marriage and Family Therapy, will discuss how solutions to life’s problems are often
hiding from us in plain view.

Sunday, January 17, 2021 @ 10:30AM

Imagine 17 Syllables Absorbing a Retirement
By DuPage UU Church member, Tom Chockley
Haiku, the world’s shortest form of poetry, and how it captured Tom Chockley.

Sunday, January 24, 2021 @ 10:30AM

Art and Spirituality: When Imagination Runs Wild
By DuPage UU Church member, Kerry Freedman
Since the early days of human beings, art has been used to visualize, investigate, and
reify the idea of spiritual forces. From cave paintings to church architecture, the visual arts
have helped people to embody spirituality in order to worship, embrace, and sometimes
control the intangible. The theme this month is Imagination, and few human endeavors
reveal imagination more than the arts. This service will explore some of the ways the
visual arts have supported spirituality historically and how they can act to support us now
in our everyday lives.

Sunday, January 31, 2021 @ 10:30AM

Thinking Outside the Box to Let Everyone In
Necessity being the mother of invention has rarely felt more true than during the pandemic
as we’ve sought alternative ways to enjoy Sunday services, do the work of the church, and
connect with members of our beloved community. Similarly, people with disabilities and
their allies often have to think outside the box to overcome the obstacles that keep them
from fully participating in their communities. Please join Steve Cooper and members of
DUUC’s Accessibility and Inclusion Ministry Task Force for an interactive live-streamed
service where we’ll explore what the pandemic has taught us about accessibility. A
discussion via Zoom will follow the service.

January Special Collection
During January our Special Collection will benefit the Chicago UU Prison Ministry of
Illinois (UUPMI). The UUPMI fosters connections between UU congregations and those
that are incarcerated in Illinois prisons. This group offers liberal religious ministry inside
prisons to those individuals who may find themselves in one of the hardest times of their
lives. This ministry is carried out through in-prison worship services, covenant groups, pen
pal groups and other programs. This work affirms the inherent worth and dignity of these
individuals as well as fostering their own free and responsible search for truth and
meaning. Today, 700 people are served by their outreach. Additionally, UUPMI advocates
for policy changes that seek to improve the quality of life for those incarcerated both
during and after their time in prison.
​Thank you for giving generously! http://www.uupmi.org

      What does it mean to be a people of IMAGINATION? Click HERE ​to find out.

Sunday, January 3 @ Noon (via YouTube):
Science Sunday will look at new discoveries in Science. What is happening out there in
the world of Science? Most of the time will be spent investigating what new developments
in Vaccination.

Sunday, January 17 @ Noon (via YouTube):
Science Sunday will move away from astrophysics and biology, to explore a
profoundly important issue in political and social science. Does everybody have a fair shot
at climbing the ladder of success? Do people get what they deserve? Is money a measure
of social success and admirable character? Much of modern political discourse focuses on
ensuring the "ladder of success" is wide enough to support all erstwhile climbers.
However, it's not often that political discourse delves into questions about how low or how
high the metaphorical ladder goes, or how far apart the rungs are, or the social and
psychological consequences of being higher up or lower down. In this age of sound-bites
and short attention spans, conversations about equality, opportunity, status and merit have
become shortened to jingoistic tidbits of moral and political philosophy. All of us can
improve how we think and talk about these ideas.
On Sunday, January 17th Scott Thompson will discuss the intertwined socio-political
topics of economic class, status and the concept of merit. Scott will draw largely from two
recent books. First, Harvard professor Michael Sandel's "The Tyranny of Merit," and "The
Meritocracy Trap" by Yale's Daniel Markovits.

                           Come Zoom with Your Board!
Join your Board of Trustees on Zoom the first Sunday of every month directly after the
Service at 11:30 a.m. for conversation and connection. We’d love to have you join us!
Every month on the First Sunday at 11:30 am

Or dial
+1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 910 2998 3070
Passcode: 272229

Virtual Zoom coffee hour on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, at 11:30 a.m.
Please join your church friends for virtual coffee hour after the service, using Zoom. Join
us at 11:30 or so, and then around 11:45 we separate into small groups of four or five
people for conversation. We provide these small groups twice, so you can really
mingle! Let's keep our connections strong!
~Joan Doyle and Bob Harris, Congregational Life Committee

Topic: Coffee hour - 2nd Sunday
Meeting ID: 997 1830 0898
Passcode: 990689

Topic: Coffee hour – 4 th Sunday
Meeting ID: 980 3460 5503
Passcode: 855105

Or Dial 1 312 626 6799 and use the appropriate Meeting ID and Passcode

         Please consider making a donation to support
      DuPage UU Church and all of its programs ~ thank you!

                     Policy governance update for all
                     Committee chairs: Thank you for responding to the Governance
                     Task Force survey. We are reviewing the information as part of our
                     ongoing effort to create simplified and more consistent processes
                     for all the good work that we do!
                     Congregation: Find a summary of our purpose in continuing
                     our policy governance journey on the Members landing page of
                     the church website. We will gather on Zoom in the new year - date
                     and time to be determined - to explain more about policy
governance and our goal to help us all do what we love, better , within our beloved

                        Greetings from your Transition Team!
                        ​You might ask "Transition Team, what's that"? Well, we're a team
                         that aids in the transition between ministers. Last year, you may
                         recall that we hosted a series of Community Reflection Gatherings
                         to help us answer questions like "who are we now?" and "who do
                         we aspire to be?". This year, we're focusing on that second
                         question. Who do we aspire to be, and more specifically, how do
                         we aspire to be with each other? To answer this question, many
                         congregations turn to a congregational covenant. A covenant is
essentially an agreement. And a congregational covenant is an agreement we would make
with each other about how we aspire to be together. Our church has had congregational
covenants in the past, but these have faded from memory to the point where we can no
longer claim them as a community. A congregational covenant is only as strong as the
commitment it has from its members, after all.
Over the next several months, our team plans to publish a series of short articles to get
you thinking about congregational covenants and the positive change they can bring. We
hope that when we're able to be together in person again, we'll be primed to discuss how
we want to be together and what commitments we need to make to each other to make
that happen.

Your Transition Team: Chris Brown, chair, and Kelly Huggins, Robert Skrocki, Becky
Trombly-Freytag, and Rev. Mike Walker

                       Next Styrofoam Recycling Collection is January 3, 2021
                       Bring Styrofoam to church between 11:30am and 1:30pm
                       Volunteers will be in the parking lot and you will load your
                       foam directly into a car; it will be transported to Dart
Industries in North Aurora.
Bag packaging foam, e.g., the packing that comes with a new computer monitor, separate
from food use foam—egg cartons, meat trays, take-out containers, etc. Styrofoam peanuts
must go in a separate bag because we bring them to different locations. All foam must be
clean! Use clear plastic bags if you happen to have them—but don’t buy them special—
that’s just so we can see what's in the bags. The plastic bags are recycled at
Dart. Styrofoam is expanded polystyrene (#6 plastic) but not all polystyrene is
Styrofoam. Please look carefully—some packing material can fool you.
As has been publicized previously, eliminating the use of Styrofoam altogether is our goal,
but if you are using it, at least recycle it. If you can’t make this date, you can transport your
Styrofoam to Dart yourself (bring a friend or neighbors’, too, for fuel efficiency) at 310
Evergreen Dr., North Aurora. Open 24/7. This message is from your Green Sanctuary
friends. Questions to Susan at sfc1939@comcast.net

                               Green Tips from your Green Sanctuary Committee
                               Keeping a healthy home this winter

                             From Your Green Life magazine:
                             Harness Clean Energy
                             A 2018 study from University of Oregon showed that opening
                             shades to sunlight could kill bacteria inside a room. Exposing
                             yourself to the sunlight in the room can help your body
produce vitamin D. Remember to wear sunscreen if you're in a sunny place inside, as
UVA and UVB rays are not blocked by windows. Additionally, exposure to natural light can
improve your circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle), even when inside.
Get a Home Checkup
A $10 relative humidity monitor can indicate if your home is above 50 percent relative
humidity. Above 50 percent . . . bugs, dust mites and mold can thrive. If needed, a
dehumidifier ($100 - $500) can reduce the problem and could save you from
headaches. Pricier options include buying a home test kit to test for mold and other
allergens. (Recommendation examinair.com $500.)

Stay safe and healthy!

                                  Adult Enrichment
                    Mindfulness Meditation
                    Mondays 7:00pm - 8:45pm
                    This mindfulness meditation group is open to anyone who has interest
                    in meditation from beginners to more advanced. Our time together
                    consists of sitting meditation, walking meditation (when we meet in
                    person), a short teaching and responsive group sharing.
For more information, go to our website:
​www.presentmomentsangha.org, or contact Mary Kullman, at spiritmk7@gmail.com
 or Elaine Waite, at elaineawaite@gmail.com.
 Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 879 0920 0423
Passcode: 401647

Or dial 1 312 626 6799 and use the appropriate Meeting ID and Passcode.

                         WORKSHOP SERIES
                         ​INTRODUCTION TO MINDFULNESS
                          January 5 to February 16, 2021
Are you interested increasing your sense of calmness and
                       wellbeing? Neuroscience research has shown that developing a
                       daily practice of Mindfulness Meditation can help cultivate these
                       qualities in ourselves. Mindfulness can be viewed as a method of
                       mental training in which we learn over time, to abide more and
                       more in the present moment by focusing on our body, heart, mind
                       and milieu, supported by an open, curious and friendly attitude
towards ourselves and others.

The six weekly 90 minute classes will teach participants basic principles of Mindfulness
using guided meditation, explanatory lectures, practical tips and Q&A. This workshop is
open to beginners as well as seasoned meditators. Join Mary Kullman, certified meditation
teacher and co-leader of Naperville’s Present Moment Meditation Group, from January 5
through February 16, (excluding Jan. 19), Tuesday evenings, from 7 to 8:30 PM, for
this 6 week course, via Zoom. Since these classes are sequential, it is important that
you plan on attending all 6 evenings.

To register or for questions, email Mary at: spiritmk7@gmail.com or call or text 630-388-
9409. (If you contact me with text, please include your email address.)

                            Workshop Series
                            How to Become More Google Proficient via Zoom
                            Tuesdays: January 5, 12, & 19, 2021 @ 4:00pm-5:30pm

                             If you know how to use Google as a Search Engine and
                             perhaps check email, feel free to sign up and join sessions on
                             how to organize and use Google Drive, Google Forms, and
                             Google Calendar.
All you need is a Google Account (gmail accounts), a computer or device (although a
computer is easier to navigate), the ability to Zoom, and some time.

1/05/2021 - Google Features & Calendar
1/12/2021 - Google Drive
1/19/2021 - Google Forms

Facilitator: Jill Wallace
To sign up, please email Jill at socialjill@yahoo.com

                                         Opportunities to Connect

                                         For years EqUUal Access has been involved in
                                         education and advocacy with UUs on disability
                                         issues, but have you heard that EqUUal Access
                                         now offers weekly online connections by and
                                         for Unitarian Universalists with disabilities?

Go to the EqUUal Access website http://www.equualaccess.org/connect-online/ to find
active links to join all connections via Zoom.

Weekly schedule:

Theme Chat with EqUUal Access Facilitator on Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m. CST*

Oasis Worship Service on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. CST*

Craft and Chat on Fridays at 12:00 p.m. CST*

*Times listed above are Central Time. Times on the website are Eastern Time.

Individual Pastoral Conversation with a UU minister by appointment. Please email
Rev. Helen McFadyen at hmcfadyen@uuma.org or Rev. Barbara Meyers at
bfkmeyers@gmail.com to arrange a private Zoom or telephone call.
Sunday Flowers Returns!
                   Celebrate a person or event by providing flowers for a Sunday
                   service. To minimize the number of people coming in to church, the only
                   way to provide flowers over the next few months will be by requesting
                   that Sunday Flowers order a $35 standard arrangement for you from
                   Phillip’s Flowers. Your dedication will be printed in the on-line version of
                   the Order of Service, and the flowers are yours to take home after the
                   service. However, you will need to pick up your flowers either on
                   Sunday 11:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m., or contact
                   Sheri, office@dupageuuchurch.org or (630) 505-9408, to make
arrangements for a contactless pick-up during office hours. Remember, masks are
required to enter the church. Payment may be made by sending a check made out to
DUUC for $35 to the church office (write “flowers” on the memo line), through the DUUC
Payment Portal (select “other” under donation, and write in “flowers”), or VANCO (select
“flowers fund”). Contact Kristen Tang at flowers@dupageuuchurch.org for more
information and/or to request a date. Thank you!

                                 ​The deadline for the FEBRUARY newsletter is Monday,
                                  January 25 @ 9am. Please email your submissions to:

Church opening for limited groups of 10 or less
Starting July 6, the church will be open for groups of ten or less. All meetings must be
scheduled and confirmed through calendar@dupageuuchurch.org. If multiple meetings
are taking place during the same time frame, we will stagger the start and end times so
there is less cross traffic. Impromptu meetings are not allowed inside the building. Masks
will be required for entry into the building. A supply of disposable masks will be
available at the front door for those who do not bring their own.

Four meeting spaces are available and will have only ten chairs in the room with floor
markings to indicate their proper distance. The rooms available are Founders, Learning
Center, Kreves Hall and the rear corner of the Sanctuary. We will have disinfectant
supplies and hand sanitizer available in each meeting room, restrooms, and the elevators.
All fabric chairs will be removed from meeting rooms and replaced with hard surface
chairs allowing for more effective disinfecting.

The following Group Expectations and Guidelines will be posted in meeting spaces and
sent to group leaders:
       For the safety of your group, other groups and church staff please enforce our
       safety measures within your groups.
       Please ask members of your group to refrain from attending if they show signs of
       illness (coughing, fever, sore throat).
       Arrive no sooner than five minutes early and leave no later than five minutes after
       scheduled ending time.
       No community food or drinks to share.
       Wear facemask while traveling through building.
       If seated and socially distanced facemask may be removed if all parties are
       Wipe chair surfaces using disinfectant wipes after use.
       Group leader ensures any other surfaces used during gathering are disinfected
       before exiting.
       Consider disinfecting your chair upon arrival. Use disinfectant wipe and allow a few
       minutes to air dry.
       If using elevator, wipe buttons with disinfect wipe after selection
       If using restroom, disinfect touched surfaces after (and before) use
       No congregating on sidewalk or public spaces after or before meeting
       Individual impromptu meetings can take place on benches in backyard.
We do encourage individuals or families to visit the church property and enjoy our prairie,
gardens and labyrinth at any time (no reservation required).
If small groups would like to meet in the backyard for a social gathering or meeting, it
should be scheduled through calendar@dupageuuchurch.org to avoid conflicts.

DuPage UU Church                               See what's happening on our social sites:
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am-4pm
office@dupageuuchurch.org                                          ​     ​     ​
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