Page created by Scott Bryant
CONSERVATIVES – Over two decades of outstanding civic service

                         FAREHAM NORTH WEST – Spring 2021

Wise Tories had cash jab ready
to ward off Covid tax hike
SIDE EFFECTS from Covid-19                                                                           To Fareham’s precept will be added
played havoc with Fareham’s fi-                                                                   the much larger Hampshire County
nances, leading to the worst bud-                                                                 Council precept and that from the Po-
getary situation in two decades and                                                               lice & Crime Commissioner and Fire &
threat of a council tax hike.                                                                     Rescue Service.
  But the wise Conservative adminis-                                                                Overall income from council tax of
tration had an antidote ready for rainy                                                           £7.5m represents just 15% of the bud-
days – and pandemics.                                                                             get to deliver all services costing over
  Prudent investments and careful han-                                                            £48m. Other income is realised from
dling of the coffers had built up a ‘vac-                                                         fees and charges such as rents arising
cine’ of reserves, so £2m was available                                                           from the Council’s £64m commercial
to inject into the budget to relieve the                                                          property portfolio, car parking charges,
pain in taxpayers’ pockets.                                                                       hire of sports pitches etc.
  Fareham Borough Council’s tax increase for Fareham’s 44,000          There is also a capital programme over the next 5 years of £86m.
homes is just 1p per day and the result for the average home stays   Subject to necessary viability studies, we plan to invest:
at less than £3 per week for all Council services.                      •£10m for building new council houses
  “This remains almost the lowest in the country,” said Council         •£15m for improving existing council houses
Leader Seán Woodward, recalling that in 1999 Conservatives in-          •£6.5m for acquiring new council houses
herited a huge deficit from the previous administration.
                                                                        •£12m for a new arts and entertainment facility –
                                                                         Fareham Live
‘Toughest by far’
  “Now we are in a similar situation. This is the 22nd budget that
                                                                        •£7m investment in improving Fareham’s two leisure centres
I have presented to the Council and it was the toughest by far.         •£0.5m for playground improvements
  “The economy of this country has been decimated by the Co-            •£2.5m for disabled adaptation grants
vid-19 pandemic and Fareham Borough Council, like every family          •£10m for investment in Solent Airport @ Daedalus
and business, has not been immune to the turbulence.                     including new buildings for businesses and jobs
  “Thankfully, due to Conservatives’ financial prudence that we         •£6m for car parking improvements across the Borough
have practised over two decades, we have been able to weather          Councillor Woodward added: “I am grateful to our residents
the financial hurricane.                                             for stepping up during these tough times to help friends,
  “The Council has paid over £45m to businesses in the Borough       neighbours and strangers. Our Borough is one amazing com-
for Covid hardship by way of grants and business rate reliefs.”      munity.”

Fareham planning nightmare: ‘Events out of our control’
PLANNERS are tearing their hair out          again, reverting from 2018 to 2014 figures     housing completions over the last 3 years,
after another Whitehall U-turn sent          for estimating housing growth.                 but fewer houses have been completed
the housing element of the current             Councillor Martin said: “Consequently,       against the Government’s requirements.
Fareham Draft Local Plan to the shred-       Fareham’s annual housing need has been           Government added 20% to the 5-year
der.                                         confirmed as 508 homes per year, as op-        housing targets and required preparation
  Executive Member for Planning and De-      posed to 403 homes per year that the           of a Housing Delivery Action Plan.
velopment Simon Martin said: “We are         Publication Local Plan was based upon.           The Council couldn’t meet the target
being penalised by events out of our con-      “We must now revisit the housing re-         due to being unable to issue planning con-
trol.”                                       quirement, amendments will need to be          sents for 2 years due to the impact of ni-
  The Plan went out for consultation just    put forward and also to consider the re-       trates on the Solent. Simon Martin added:
before Christmas after the Council ap-       sponses received from the consultation.          “We are lobbying Government hard to
proved an earlier Government change-           “Additional sites required to deliver the    ensure they support us. Despite our best
around allowing a lower number of houses.    higher number of houses will be included       efforts to issue planning permissions and
  Two days before the consultation closed,   in an amended version of the Local Plan.”      proceed with the Local Plan, we are being
the Government moved the goal posts            Fareham has to submit annual figures on      penalised by events out of our control.”
       Almost England’s lowest district council tax – thanks to CONSERVATIVES
2   InTouch                                                         Only a CONSERVATIVE COUNCIL can deliver the goods year after year                                                                                                                                                  InTouch       3
                                                      Scourge of the throw-away masks                                                                   Leisure centre extension progresses Redevelopment of
                                                      THIS poor duck was lucky                                  to put their used masks in the          WORK has started                                                         while trying to clear        Menin House is
                                                      to be spotted with a mask                                 bin and enforcement officers            on the £6.8m
                                                                                                                                                                                                             THE NEW LOOK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the ground for the           in the pipeline
                                                      wrapped round its neck that                               can issue £80 on-the-spot               scheme to improve                                                        new extension and
                                                      some thoughless person had                                fines to anyone caught litter-          the Borough’s                                                            have built a new

        NEWS ROUND
                                                      tossed into its habitat.                                  ing.                                    leisure centres.                                                         temporary tarmac
                                                        Throw-away Covid masks are                                Fred Birkett said: “Nearly all          Most of the cash                                                       path beside the
                                                      a new litter scourge spreading                            of us are having to wear face           will be spent updat-                                                     fenced area.
Covid grants available                                across the environment.                                   masks and many of these are             ing the 40-year-old                                                        The centre, which
Struggling charity and community organisations          Councillor Fred Birkett said                            single use.                             Fareham Leisure                                                          is run by award-
can apply to Fareham Council for a Covid-19           a recent Marine Conservation Society                “Not only are incorrectly disposed            Centre in Park Lane.                              winning Everyone Active, will boast new
special grant.                                        survey found that discarded PPE was               face masks a litter nuisance, they also           Since lockdown was announced in De-             features designed to appeal to users of all
 The application process is quick and easy and        found on more than two thirds of lit-             pose a risk to our street cleaners, and         cember, external works have progressed            ages
groups who have had to close or stop operating        ter picks.                                        in some cases hurt our wildlife, so             well and while the Leisure Centre is closed,        In the Western Wards, Holly Hill Leisure
due to lockdown restrictions are welcome to             The Council is displaying posters in            please think of others and dispose of           internal work was completed.                      Centre users can look forward to a steam
apply.                                                its noticeboards reminding residents              your masks properly.”                             Contractors battled against bad weather         room and sauna towards the end of 2021.             MENIN HOUSE is 55 years old and is

                                                      A rose arises from the thorns of a wasteland
 Those successful will receive a one-off payment                                                                                                                                                                                                              getting past its sell-by date.
of £250, provided they can provide evidence to                                                                                                                                                                                                                  It’s going to cost the Borough Council
meet the criteria.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            at least £600,000 to maintain, fix struc-
 The grant is not available to profit making or-      TENANTS should soon be moving into                                                                                                                  social and affordable housing.                      tural issues and update fittings over the
ganisations, those with large reserves, or any that   Rose Court, the striking complex of                                                                                                                   Councillor Birkett said: “It is really exciting   next 30 years.
have received funding from the Council during the     flats that now adorns what was derelict                                                                                                             to see this project finally completing. When          So councillors are considering rede-
pandemic.                                             wasteland.                                                                                                                                          I first became a Councillor the Hampshire           velopment of the site and the Executive
                                                        It’s a triumph for Conservative-run Fare-                                                                                                         Rose site was an area I was extremely keen          meeting on March 1 heard that it could
Bid to halt tree disease                              ham Council and for Executive Member for                                                                                                            to see properly developed, having seen              provide a greater number of modern,
Ash dieback disease is spreading through West-        Housing Fred Birkett and Councillor Peter                                                                                                           it change from a pub to a derelict waste            energy efficient, affordable homes.
ern Wards woodlands.                                  Davies in particular.                                                                                                                               ground over the years.                                Executive Member for Housing Council-
  Holly Hill Woodland Park and Whiteley have            When he was elected as NW Ward Coun-                                                                                                                “It has been a challenging time for all con-      lor Fred Birkett said it was built in 1966
been affected, so has Wicor Copse, Portchester        cillor in May 2016, Fred set his sights on                                                                                                          cerned, but I think everyone will agree the         and its original method of construction
where 65 trees have to be felled.                     transforming the site of the old Hampshire                                                                                                          result definitely presents a hope for those         presented some costly challenges.
  Fareham Council started taking urgent mea-          Rose pub into much needed housing.                  Fred Birkett said work had been hindered       spacious interior design, as shown in the        that desperately need housing.”                       He said: “In view of the condition of the
sures in February to halt the spread by remov-          The result stands as a tribute to his per-      by the Covid situation but, with house           photos, with some having wheelchair acces-         “More FBC housing projects are starting           current structure/building and the cost to
ing infected trees while dormant.                     sistence – 18 attractive flats in two blocks.     moves still allowed under current regula-        sibility adaptations included.                   across the Borough, and with HCC agreeing           address those concerns, Council officers
  In many areas such as woodlands and semi-             Contractors are due shortly to hand over        tions, it was hoped to move the first tenants       It is part of the wider Fareham Affordable    the sale of the Kershaw Centre on Wynton            have been considering the most appropri-
natural greenways natural regeneration will be        the keys of the first six flats to the Council,   in as soon as possible.                          Housing Strategy programme, with other           Way, it will not be long before a new housing       ate option for the future of Menin House.
encouraged, but in parks and open spaces trees        with the rest to follow in April/May.               The flats have been finished to a modern,      areas of the Borough benefitting from new        project will be underway in Fareham NW.”              “Officers have also taken into account
will be replaced the following winter.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        that Menin House occupies a large site

                                                      Solar panels scheme                                              College chosen as rapid Covid test centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              with adjacent garages, many unused.”
Still up and running
Citizens Advice has not stopped operating in          A NEW scheme to provide cleaner, greener and                     RAPID community testing for people with no coro-                  Health and Social Care and will run for an initial 6-week            Homes plan to replace eyesore
Fareham during the lockdown.                          more sustainable power for Fareham residents is                  navirus symptoms, but who need to leave home for                  period.                                                              Derelict wasteland in Fareham town
 Although advisors are not currently seeing           being launched.                                                  work is being set up by the Borough Council.                        Councillor Fred Birkett said: “The introduction of free            centre will be turned into a smart new
clients face-to-face, they are offering the same        The Borough Council is joining forces with iChoosr,             From the week commencing February 22, 11 commu-                  rapid community testing is a significant step in our fight           housing estate if a plan for 18 homes is
top level of service.                                 independent experts in group-buying schemes, to offer            nity testing sites were being opened in Hampshire and             against Coronavirus. I encourage anyone who is eligible              approved.
 Here’s how you can contact them:                     households high quality solar panels and battery storage         Fareham College was selected as the Borough’s venue.              for the scheme to get tested regularly to ensure that                 Curdridge-based Imperial Homes Com-
 •General advice: phone 01329 223117 or send          at the best competitive prices.                                   The scheme is by appointment only and is aimed at                we identify positive cases more quickly.”                            mercial Ltd want to regenerate the site be-
 an email to             Residents can register for free by providing details           residents who travel regularly outside their home for               Anyone experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should                       hind the Red Lion pub that has been an eye-
 •Universal Credit: call 0800 144 8 444.              about their roof, such as its size and orientation.              work and who are not covered by an existing work-                 not attend a community testing site, but book a test at              sore for decades.
 •Consumer problems: call 0808 223 1133                 The more people that register, the better the deal             place testing scheme.                                    or by calling 119.                                 They propose building 2 and 3-bedroom
 •Online scams: call 0808 250 5050                    should be for each household and the installer with the           It’s being delivered by the County Council in part-                Book a test at                houses with private parking and individual
                                                      most competitive package will win the contract.                  nership with district councils and the Department of              symptoms                                                             gardens, 40% of them classed as affordable.

                                BOROUGH COUNCILLORS                                                                                                         COUNTY COUNCILLORS                                                                                COME AND JOIN US
                                  Fareham North West                                                                                                           Fareham Town                                                                             If you support Conservative principles and
              Peter Davies                                                 Fred Birkett                                               Peter Latham                                                       Fred Birkett                                   would like to vote to select your Council
              142 Highlands Road                                           22 Lynden Close                                            Posbrook Gardens                                                   22 Lynden Close                                and Parliamentary candidates, to attend
              Fareham PO15 5PS                                             Fareham PO14 3AL                                           Triangle Lane                                                      Fareham PO14 3AL                               social and political events or help us by
              Tel: 01329 846239                                            Tel: 0750 5000 987                                         Titchfield PO14 4HD                                                Tel: 0750 5000 987                             delivering InTouch in your street, then why
              email:                                email:                         Tel: 01329 843267                                                  email:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        not join Fareham North West Branch of
                                                                                                                                      email:                                                                                  Fareham Conservative Association? Please
                                                                                            Whether you voted for us or not, your Conservative councillors promise the highest standards of service to everyone in the com-                             phone Fred Birkett on 07505 000 987.
                        WE SERVE YOU ALL                                                    munity. Contact us any time and we’ll respond personally within 48 hours.
4   InTouch with Westminster
                 Looking forward to a year
                 of success and recovery
              I know that many people are strug-
              gling with covid restrictions.
                However, I sincerely believe that
2021 will be a year of recovery and success for us.
  With Brexit finally done, this Conservative Gov-
                                                                     BRAVERMAN MP for Fareham
                                    BUILDING on my recent
ernment fulfilled its major promise to the British
                                    visit to the Royal South
people, securing a historic deal with the EU which
                                    Hants Hospital in South-
takes back control of our borders, laws, money
                                    ampton to meet the team
and trade restoring our political and economic
                                    behind the Hampshire Re-
independence.                       search Hub, I am delighted
  We have also delivered one of the most com-
                                    that we as a nation have
prehensive economic responses in the world to
                                    now passed the 15 million
support jobs and businesses during the pandemic,
                                    vaccinations milestone.
providing over £280bn in jobs support-including
                                      At the time of writing, the
protecting 12 million jobs through the furlough
                                    UK was the first country in
and self-employed schemes.          the world to approve the
  Together, we are beating Covid.   Pfizer/Biontec vaccine and Suella at the Hampshire Vaccination Research
  Please note that I am on maternity leave until
                                    is one of the global lead-      Hub with Team Leader Professor Saul Faust and
September following the birth of my daughter. My
                                    ers in its roll-out of the      East Hampshire MP Damian Hinds.
office remains fully functional and I continue to
                                    vaccine.                                  also one of the leading Partnerships
serve Fareham residents through my Proxy Vote in
                                      I know I speak for many people          in the South East and the country,
Parliament and representation to Ministers in the
                                    in Fareham in paying tribute to the       issuing over 100,000 doses in one
usual manner.’                      front-line NHS staff and volun-           week alone.
        CONTACT SUELLA              teers who have helped to vaccinate          Community First are providing a
14 East Street, Fareham PO16 0BN    thousands   of  local people at sites     safe, accessible and Covid-secure
                                    like Fareham    Community    Hospital,    transport option for people in need.
Tel: 01329 233573
                                                                                For more information see www.
Email: Brook Lane Surgery, Portches-   
                                    ter Practice and Village Pharmacy.
Facebook:                                              transport-to-vaccinations.
                                    Hampshire and the Isle of Wight is

Win up to £25,000 on Fareham’s Community Lottery                                                                       11
WANT TO to help good causes and                                                                       26
                                                                                                                                 for Leisure and Community Councillor
be in with a chance of winning up to                                                                                             Sue Bell said: “I am pleased our Communi-
                                                                                       Raising                              47
£25,000?                                                                               money for                                 ty Lottery tickets are now available to buy
                                                                                       good causes
  Then buy a ticket for Fareham’s new                                                  in Fareham                                and would like to thank One Community
Community Lottery which is now live                                                                                    14        for their efforts in setting it up.
online with draws taking place every Sat-                                    Win cash
                                                                            prizes up to
                                                                                           For more information or
                                                                                           to buy a ticket visit
                                                                                                                                   “ With 55 good causes registered to
urday, having started on March 13.                                                                                               benefit from the scheme, every ticket
  Tickets are on sale at £1 each, of which                                                                                       purchased will contribute to the fantastic
40p will go to one of 55 local charities                      “This scheme will help provide vital                               work they do across our Borough.
that have registered to take part.                          support to good causes which have been                                 “I sincerely hope that Fareham residents
  When you buy a ticket, you can choose                     hard hit by the pandemic and it’s lovely to                          will show their support now that tickets
which charity you want to support.                          be able to offer a positive, simple way for                          are on sale.”
  Funding was awarded to set it up to                       them to increase their income and contin-                              Tickets can only be bought online, either
One Community, whose Chief Executive,                       ue to support people in every generation                             at or by visiting
Jean Roberts-Jones, said it had been made                   from our local area.”                                                Fareham Community Lottery facebook
possible through hard work by volunteers.                     Fareham Council’s Executive Member                                 page.

                                                          The French connection powers into UK homes
                                                            cember and has now moved to a 90-day                                 of CO2 from entering the atmosphere,
                                                            operational phase,                                                   equivalent to planting 50 million trees.”
                                                              Councillor Fred Birkett said: “In this                              The 127-mile connection from Nor-
                                                            phase they can transfer low carbon elec-                             mandy surfaces at Monks Hill Beach
                                                            tricity between the UK and France using                              south of Solent Airport at Daedalus and
ELECTRICITY is flowing between                              IFA2’s full capacity of 1000 megawatts –                             goes on to a large converter station
France and England as the massive                           enough to power a million British homes.                             north east of the airfield, from where
sub-Channel project powers up.                                “By importing low carbon electricity,                              11/2 miles of underground cables link it
  Interconnexion France-Angleterre 2                        they estimate that within one year, the                              to the National Grid at Chilling, near
(IFA2) was tested successfully in De-                       project will prevent 1.2 million tonnes                              Warsash.
                        Website:                                  Email:
 Published by Fareham NW Conservatives,14 East Street, Fareham PO16 0BN. Printed by Cedar Group, Unit 3 Triton Centre, Premier Way, Abbey Park Industrial Estate, Romsey SO51 9DJ
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