2019 Amway Corporate Social Responsibility - CREATING SOCIAL GOOD

Page created by Rebecca Hamilton
2019 Amway Corporate Social Responsibility - CREATING SOCIAL GOOD
2019 Amway Corporate Social Responsibility - CREATING SOCIAL GOOD
“With Amway’s long history and               At Amway, we believe in going
     expertise in health and nutrition,          beyond the traditional ways of
     we have the ability to create a             doing business.
     healthier world. It’s our absolute
                                                 Our goal is to combine our products, resources and operations
     responsibility to provide nutrients         with our values to benefit people and the world.
     that help children thrive,
     communities flourish and people
     around the world live happier,
     healthier, more fulfilling lives.”

                      – Milind Pant, Amway CEO
                                                    0 6 | E M P OW E R    1 4 | E N GAG E    20 | ENVIRONMENT
                                                      Healthier lives      Opportunities            A more
                                                                            for success        sustainable world

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2019 Amway Corporate Social Responsibility - CREATING SOCIAL GOOD
Strong global partnerships extend
                                                                             our reach.
                                                                             Amway is a global
                                                                             leader in areas that
                                                                             can benefit the world
                                                                             and we’re sharing
                                                                             our expertise with
                                                                             global organizations
                                                                             like the United Nations
                                                                             to do our part to
                                                                             help people and
                                                                             the planet.

    Amway Corporate
    Social Responsibility
    C R E AT I N G S O C I A L G O O D.

    We are incredibly proud of what we accomplished in 2019.
    Our Amway Business Owners (ABOs), affiliates, and employees fulfilled
    our corporate social responsibility (CSR) philosophy and helped people
    live better, healthier lives.

                                                                             For more information about
                                                                             the United Nations Sustainable
                                                                             Development Goals, visit:

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2019 Amway Corporate Social Responsibility - CREATING SOCIAL GOOD
                                                                                   The Power of 5 at work.
                                                                                   This global program is an outreach extension of our nutrition expertise and
                                                                                   an opportunity for people to get involved.

                                                                                           100% OF ALL                          1 DA I LY                1 5 V I TA M I N S
                                                                                           D O N AT I O N S                     DOSE OF                  AND NUTRIENTS
                                                                                           are used to provide                  NUTRILITE™               are included in each
                                                                                        NutriliteTM Little BitsTM               LIT TLE BITS™            sachet of NutriliteTM
                                                                                        micronutrient powder                                             Little BitsTM, which follows
                                                                                                                      mixed with food helps
                                                                                        to malnourished                                                  the recommendation of the
                                                                                                                      malnourished children get
                                                                                        children through                                                 World Health Organization.
                                                                                                                      the vitamins and nutrients
                                                                                        global humanitarian
                                                                                                                      they need to develop a healthy
                                                                                                                      brain and body.

                                                                                   2 5 + H U M A N I TA R I A N                                          5 YEARS OLD!
                                                                                   A N D G OV E R N M E N T                                                    The Power of 5
                                                                                   O R GA N I Z AT I O N S                                                     Campaign celebrated
                                                                                   partner with Amway to                                                       our fifth birthday in
                                                                                   distribute NutriliteTM                                                      2019 and is looking
    E M P OW E R                                                                   Little BitsTM and track the                                                 forward to many more.
                                                                                   growth of children in
                                                                                   our Power of 5 programs.

    Fighting childhood                         Helping malnourished
                                               children in:                                                           1 . 2 M I L L I O N B OX E S
    malnutrition with the                      Brazil               India                                             of NutriliteTM Little BitsTM –
                                                                                                                      each with a 30-day supply –
                                               China                Indonesia
    Power of 5 Campaign.                       Dominican Republic
                                               El Salvador
                                                                                                                      can be packaged each year
                                                                                                                      at Amway Headquarters in
                                                                                                                      Ada, Michigan.
                                               Guatemala            South Africa
    From anywhere in the world, you can help   Haiti                Vietnam
    malnourished children get the nutrients    Honduras             Zambia
    and vitamins needed for healthy growth
    and development, thanks to the
    Power of 5 Campaign.
                                                                                    To learn more and donate:

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2019 Amway Corporate Social Responsibility - CREATING SOCIAL GOOD
W H AT D O ES I T M E A N                        Introducing Opportunity International                   Health care professionals agree
    TO T U R N 5 ?                                                   As we begin our sixth year of the       Dr. Blanca Lidia Bonilla, coordinator of the health
                                                                     Power of 5 Campaign, we will be         unit of Horcones, works in the health establishment
                                                                     supported by a new global partner,      in the municipality of Yamaranguila, Honduras.
    For all children, age 5 is a turning                             Opportunity International,              She tells us there are many cases of children with
    point. If they can reach this                                    opportunity.org.                        malnutrition due to the local prevalence of a lack
                                                                                                             of food, poor preparation of food, and more. She
    milestone in good health, they’re                                                                        added that Nutrilite™ Little Bits™ has everything
                                                     They will:
    more likely to have a healthy,                                                                           necessary to help growth and development
                                                     • Join us in the fight against childhood malnutrition   because it is a complete vitamin supplement
    successful future.                                                                                       and it has good acceptance by the mothers.
                                                     • Oversee global fundraising
    In fact, this is such an important milestone,
                                                     • Facilitate our distribution programs in countries     The children who have been provided with the
    that one of the Sustainable Development goals
                                                       around the world                                      supplement show significant improvements.
    adopted by the United Nations is to reduce
                                                                                                             During appointments, she said, mothers tell
    under-5 mortality to at least as low as 25       • Help the campaign expand so we can do more            her they are happy because they notice a good
    per 1,000 live births in every country.           to help malnourished children and their families       change when they weigh their children and can
    According to the World Health Organization,      Opportunity International serves 10 million             see improvement in their children’s appetite.
    more than half of under-5 child deaths are due   hardworking families in 23 countries. To date,          In partnership with CARE.
    to diseases that are preventable and treatable   they have created or sustained more than 20 million
    through simple, affordable interventions.        jobs by giving entrepreneurs the tools they need
    For the Power of 5, this is great news.          to thrive. We are enthusiastic about how the
                                                     Power of 5 will grow with their help.

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2019 Amway Corporate Social Responsibility - CREATING SOCIAL GOOD
ABOUT CHILDHOOD                                    Overcoming nature’s challenges                         Healthy growth                                       School performance improvements
     MALNUTRITION                                       In 2019, Zambia experienced its worst drought          Juan Daniel, from Caserío Santa Rosa, Guatemala,     At the Thembifundo Day Care, an early childhood
                                                        in 40 years. To make matters worse, the cost of        participates in a Power of 5 program at the          education center in rural Mpumalanga, Zambia,
                                                        basic food staples has doubled in a single year’s      APEVIHS nutrition clinic. When he first arrived,     the 86 children in Grade R (the year before primary
     According to the World Health                      time. While more and more Zambians struggle            he was suffering from acute malnutrition. His        school) were struggling. Teachers became
     Organization, children deprived                    with food insecurity, the Family Preservation          parents were given bags of groceries to improve      concerned that most of the children would not
                                                        and Empowerment Program from the Alliance for          his health, as well as his family’s. Nutrilite™      progress to the next grade. Our on-the-ground
     of adequate nutrition during the                   Children Everywhere is providing food, Nutrilite™      Little Bits™ were also provided for Juan Daniel.     partner, Acorn Foundation offered help including
     first 1,000 days of life often have                Little Bits™, and job skills training as part of the   He is now in nutritional recovery and has a better   Nutrilite™ Little Bits™ and training for parents
                                                        Power of 5 Campaign. More than 400 children can        appetite, is more alert and active and his weight    and caregivers about nutrition, hygiene, and
     stunted growth, poor cognitive                     survive, thrive and grow thanks to our efforts here.   and height are more normal for his age.              sanitation. As a result, the children have responded
     development and low immunity                       In partnership with Alliance for Children              In partnership with Glasswing International.
                                                                                                                                                                    positively and gained weight, are learning more
                                                                                                                                                                    quickly and are now ready for the next grade.
     to disease.                                        Everywhere.
                                                                                                                                                                    In partnership with Acorn Foundation.
     Malnutrition affects school performance and
     studies have shown it often leads to lower
     earning potential as an adult. More than 150
     million children are unable to attain their full
     development potential because of stunting and
     micronutrient deficiency. Malnutrition is also
     responsible for the death of more than
     3.1 million children each year.

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2019 Amway Corporate Social Responsibility - CREATING SOCIAL GOOD
More progress in Vietnam                                                                                        Community health business                          Women’s empowerment
     Amway Vietnam supports in the Power of 5                                                                        model in India                                     Amway India successfully completed a two-
     Campaign at Cam Binh Kindergarten, Cam                                                                          As a trial project, Amway partnered with           year program to promote self-employment and
     Thuy District, Thanh Hoa Province. The campaign                                                                 Opportunity Internal to provide training, market   entrepreneurship among under-privileged women
     improves the nutrition knowledge of parents and                                                                 research and support to 200 community health       in Muzzaffarpur and Chapra in the states of
     caregivers and provides Nutrilite™ Little Bits™                                                                 facilitators (CHFs) in northern India from mid-    Bihar and Ambedkarnagar and Mirzapur in
     to help fight childhood malnutrition. In just four                                                              2017 to mid-2019. CHFs are women from poor         the state of Uttar Pradesh. Two hundred
     months, 10,384 Nutrilite Little Bits boxes were                                                                 rural areas who receive training so they can       underprivileged women were provided with
     distributed to benefit 2,587 malnourished                                                                       provide their underserved communities with         training on entrepreneurship skills and business
     children at six kindergartens.                                                                                  frontline health services, education about         fundamentals to enhance affordable healthcare
                                                                                                                     nutrition and sanitation, and access to            outreach in underserved rural areas.
     According to associate professor Nguyen Thi          Kindergarten programs
     Lam, former head of the National Institution of                                                                 inexpensive but often unavailable health           The participants earned 2,000 – 4,000 rupees
                                                          fight malnutrition                                         products like sanitary napkins.
     Nutrition, this is a meaningful program which                                                                                                                      each month and were able to increase their savings.
     will, together with medical agencies, contribute     In China, more than 50,000 children are fighting           The pilot has successfully completed training      They shared their knowledge about health and
     to reducing malnutrition and lack of micro-          malnutrition with help from the Amway Charity              of 215 women, reaching 200,000 people with         nutrition with 20,000 community members.
     nutrients for children under 5 in needy areas,       Foundation and the Power of 5 Campaign at 1,500            education and 15,000 households with products
     especially in mountainous areas of the North,        countryside Kindergartens in Qinghai, Gansu, ShanXi,                                                          In partnership with Healing Fields Foundation.
                                                                                                                     since commencing the distribution and sales for
     Central, and Western Highlands.                      Hunan, Hebei, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Guangxi,         a product basket generating health-related
                                                          Shan'Xi and Yunnan provinces. The program offers a         income for project participants.
     In partnership with the Vietnam National             daily supplement to children age three to five, and
     Institute of Nutrition, Ministry of Health.          provides curriculum for the children and teachers to       In partnership with Opportunity International
                                                          learn more about nutrition and health education. The       and Healing Fields Foundation.
                                                          areas covered by the project have achieved the 2020
                                                          target of the National Nutrition Plan ahead of schedule.
                                                          In partnership with Spring Sprouts Kitchens.
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2019 Amway Corporate Social Responsibility - CREATING SOCIAL GOOD
                                                                                   Amway engagement at work.

     E N GAG E

     Engaging Amway people
     for community success.
                                                                                   Gardens improve nutrition
     In keeping with our Founders Fundamentals, we encourage our Amway             Kids’ Food Basket provides healthy suppers       In 2019, we helped establish a 10-acre urban farm
                                                                                   to nearly 9,000 West Michigan children each      so Kids’ Food Basket could grow healthy, chemical-
     Business Owners and employees to support charities and organizations          weekday. These children live below the poverty   free produce. We’ve relied on the talent of our
     that mirror their passions and impact their local communities in a powerful   line and rely on breakfast and lunch to be       Nutrilite researchers and scientist to help Kids’
                                                                                   provided by their schools. Amway has long        Food Basket maximize the farm’s capabilities.
     way. And we’re consistently amazed at all the social good that comes of       been a partner of this non-profit organization
     their efforts.                                                                and our employees are frequent volunteers.

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2019 Amway Corporate Social Responsibility - CREATING SOCIAL GOOD
Remember HOPE, Amway Japan                               Dietary Ninja Summer Camp
                                                                                                               rebuilds communities                                     For two weekends in July, the summer camp titled
                                                                                                               In March 2011, Japan was rocked to the core when         “Dietary Ninja,” sponsored by the Amway Hope
                                                                                                               the Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami, and            Maker Charity Foundation in Taiwan, was held for
                                                                                                               nuclear disaster destroyed entire cities. In 2012,       the seventh consecutive year. The program was
                                                                                                               Amway Japan established Remember HOPE, a                 designed to inspire underprivileged children to
                                                                                                               corporate social responsibility effort aimed at          explore their potential and to echo the Power of 5
                                                                                                               supporting the rebuilding of community and               nutrition education program by providing these
                                                                                                               delivery of hope to residents in the disaster-affected   children related knowledge and entertainment.
                                                                                                               Tohoku region. Since then, Amway Japan has               A total of 228 children from disadvantaged
                                                                                                               partnered with local governments, NGOs, residents,       families participated with the help of 446
                                                                                                               and volunteers to build community facilities, or         passionate Amway volunteers.
                                                                                                               Amway Houses, where people can gather and
                                                                                                               reestablish kizuna or the sense of community.
     Building community playgrounds
                                                                                                                In 2019, the Amway Japan Foundation completed
     In 2019, 207 Amway employees transformed                                                                  the fifth Amway House in Rikuzentakata, Iwate
     two playgrounds, one in California and one in                                                             Prefecture. The largest Amway House to date, it
     Michigan, into new, kid-friendly play spaces                                                              was designed by world-renowned architect Kuma
     – and they did it in just six hours. It was the                                                           Kengo, who also designed the Tokyo 2020 Olympic
     17th year Amway partnered with national                                                                   stadium. Amway Japan is proud to support the
     non-profit KaBOOM! and we’ve built 22                                                                     city of Rikuzentakata’s vision of rebuilding itself as
     playgrounds in three separate states. During                                                              an intentionally inclusive community, welcoming
     that time, more than 2,400 volunteers have                                                                of diversity. The Amway House is an iconic
     logged 16,500 hours to reinvigorate local                                                                 presence in the heart of the new city. It features a
     neighborhoods.                                                                                            community gathering space, children’s day care
                                                                                                               center, café employing people with disabilities,
                                                       Happy Healthy Farm for Kids                             citizen’s consultation center, and tourist and local     Fighting childhood malnutrition
                                                                                                               product information center.
                                                       Amway Thailand is using their expertise to improve                                                               In cooperation with non-governmental agency,
                                                       children’s health by providing nutrition support for    To date, ABOs and employees have contributed             Un Kilo de Ayuda, Amway Mexico is providing Nutrilite™
                                                       thousands of local students while strengthening         nearly 55,000 volunteer hours and helped raise           Little Bits™ to 14,000 children in five Mexican states.
                                                       the awareness of nutritional and health value in        11.4 million US dollars for Remember HOPE.               They hosted two community visits – in July to the
                                                       schools and communities. Together with Border           In Amway Japan, there is a very high level of            state of Yucatan and in December to Estado de
                                                       Patrol Police, the ‘Happy Healthy Farm for Kids’        engagement – over 7,600 ABOs and 60 percent of           Mexico – to enable leaders, ABOs and a few members
                                                       project was initiated to solve an issue of children’s   employees contribute monthly. All are very proud         of the press to experience the work that is being
                                                       unhealthy consumption which is a priority in            of this uniquely impactful initiative, through which     done by Un Kilo de Ayuda and the effects and
                                                       Thailand. In 2019, 2,546 children, 80 teachers and      Amway Japan is helping people and communities            benefits to the community.
                                                       community leaders from 16 Border Patrol Police          live healthier, more empowered lives.
                                                       schools in Kanchanaburi and Ratchaburi provinces
                                                       benefitted from this project.
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2019 Amway Corporate Social Responsibility - CREATING SOCIAL GOOD
2020 goals update:
                                                                                We’ve been tracking sustainability initiatives across several areas since 2015.
                                                                                Here’s where we finished at the end of 2019. During 2020, we also will be
                                                                                assembling a cross-functional corporate sustainability team that will
                                                                                establish new initiatives.

                                                                                      R E D U CT I O N             R E CYC L I N G                          I N C R E AS E
                                                                                 I N TOTA L WAS T E                R AT E                                   A LT E R N AT I V E
                                                                                  Goal          Status              Goal           Status                   E N E R GY U S E
                                                                                 25%            27%                95%             95%                       Goal          Status
                                                                                                                                                            95%           95%

                                                                                  REDUCE                           TOTA L                                 REDUCE
                                                                                  WAT E R U SAG E                  E N E R GY U S E                       G R E E N H O U S E GAS
                                                                                  Goal          Status              Goal           Status                    Goal          Status
                                                                                 10%             1%                10%             23%                      25%           32%


                                                                                  LANDFILL                         2020 case studies:
     Global sustainability initiatives                                            FREE
                                                                                  Goal          Status
     for a healthier world.                                                      10%            33%
                                                                                                                   S O L I D WAS T E
                                                                                                                   R E CYC L I N G
                                                                                                                                                            WAT E R
                                                                                                                                                            C O N S E RVAT I O N
                                                                                                                                                            I N I T I AT I V E S
                                                                                  Landfill-free status has been    At Amway manufacturing
     Since the formulation of our first product in 1959, Amway has been           achieved at Buena Park,          facilities in India, all solid waste     Also in India, water conservation
     focused on sustainability. Continuous improvement efforts are furthering     California and in Ada,           is dried by solar techniques             initiatives have replenished
                                                                                  Michigan at the Nutritional      and sent to the cement                   water resources to over 4,000
     our commitment to reducing waste and water consumption, choosing             Spaulding Plant and the          industry to be used as furnace           villagers in the Dindigul district.
     renewal energy sources, and organic farming practices.                       Paper Product Plant. Our         fuel. This equates to over               From desilting of the supply
                                                                                  goal is to be landfill-free at   650,000 pounds of waste that             channel to construction of check
                                                                                  all manufacturing plants by      has not been sent to a landfill          and boulder dams, the project
     We want to recycle to the greatest extent possible and to reduce the         the end of 2020.                 and helps reduce our carbon              has not only helped in mitigating
                                                                                                                   footprint.                               water scarcity, but alsoenabled
     amount of waste created by operations. And we even have environmental                                                                                  rainwater storage and water
     goals for the companies who supply us products, so we can trace all of                                                                                 replenishment in the wells in
                                                                                                                                                            the region.
     our raw ingredients for Nutrilite™ supplements back to their roots.
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Results:                                                                                                    Packaging R&D examples of success:
     Sustainability at work.                                                                                     The Amway Packaging Research & Development (R&D) team has a
                                                                                                                 sustainability commitment to advocate, educate, and innovate, while
                                                                                                                 finding a balance that benefits customers, our company and the planet.
                                                                                                                 Where possible, the team is working to reduce, reuse, and recycle packaging;
                                                                                                                 utilize post-consumer resins (PCR); and evaluate bio-based resin alternatives.

                                                                                                                         86%                    Skincare carton liners have      Satinique™, Amway Home™
                                                                                                                   L ES S P L AS T I C            been removed in China          and protein powder bottles in
                                                                                                               (270,000+ pounds) is now used        SAV I N G OV E R               India are now made with
                                                                                                                 annually in Amway Home™             8 0,0 0 0 KG                 1 2 . 2 M E T R I C TO N S
                                                                                                                  All-Fabric Bleach powder            O F PA P E R                    L ES S P L AS T I C
                                                                                                                packaging after a change to              annually.                        annually.
                                                                                                                  a paperboard box with a
                                                                                                                       poly bag inside.

     Putting repurposed products to good use
     Amway partners with Good360, good360.org,               impacted by disasters or other challenging life
     to repurpose products that can be distributed to        circumstances who, without us, would struggle           REFILLABLE                 Corrugated cardboard cases         P O S T- C O N S U M E R
     people in need and has diverted more than 100           to find that hope.                                      PAC K AG ES,              are being R E U S E D in China   R ES I N S are recycled materials
     tons of product and packaging from landfills,                                                                like the G&H Nourish+™                                          and are used in several United
     as well as nearly 200 pallets.                          As the global leader in product philanthropy
                                                             and purposeful giving, Good360 partners with        Body Wash refill, eliminate                                    States produced G&H, Satinique™,
     Good360’s mission is to transform lives by              companies like Amway to source highly needed           thousands of pounds                                            and Amway Home™ bottles.
     providing hope, dignity, and a sense of renewed         goods and distribute them through a network of         of plastic each year.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Many Amway containers are
     possibility to individuals, families, and communities   diverse nonprofits that support people in need.
                                                                                                                                                        PVC shrink films           made from recycle-friendly
                                                                                                                                                        are being                 materials like PETE and HDPE.
                                                                                                                                                        E L I M I N AT E D
                                                                                                                                                        in India.

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                            Certified organic farms                                                    Tracing ingredients in Nutrilite™ products                            P U R E , SA F E
                            Because we believe in sustainable farming, Amway runs a global             In this global economy, products can come from anywhere in the        A N D E F F E CT I V E .
                            agribusiness operation with nearly 6,000 acres of organic farmland         world. That’s why Amway puts an emphasis on traceability when         We trace every ingredient
                            in the United States, Mexico, and Brazil that produces plants botanicals   sourcing the highest-quality botanicals for Nutrilite™ supplements.   in Nutrilite products.
                            for Nutrilite and Artistry products. We also partner with local farmers    We believe you have a right to know where your supplements come
     Certified organic      around the world who practice organic farming.                             from. This commitment involves a careful tracking of seeds, plants,
                                                                                                       farms, water and nutrients that far exceeds industry standards.       1   Chose the botanical
     farm locations:        We protect the soil health, minimize pollution, and ensure the             Whether our farms or a partner, we require all to meet our strict
                            availability of quality water. This plan relies on nature to manage        quality standards and conduct safety checks at every step in          2 Select the seed
     Ephrata, WA, U.S.      nature instead of having people use toxic chemicals. For example,          the process to ensure we can confidently stand behind all of our
     Jalisco, Mexico        we use local bees, earthworms and micro-organisms in the soil to                                                                                 3 Choose the farm
                                                                                                       products. For more information, visit nutrilitetraceability.com.
     Trout Lake, WA, U.S.   help protect and fertilize our plants, and trained falcons scare birds
     Ubajara, Brazil        away from crops at harvest time.                                                                                                                 4 Grow

                            These practices contribute to healthy land and water resources.                                                                                  5 Harvest
                            Our farms also document water and energy efficiency with audits,
                            reviews and long-term planning.                                                                                                                  6 Extract

                                                                                                                                                                             7 Manufacture

                                                                                                                                                                             8 Package

                                                                                                                                                                             9 You
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In 2020, we will do more.
With the beginning of a new decade, we are challenging
everyone to:

• Continue the fight against global     Amway gives us all a unique ability to
  malnutrition while empowering         leverage multiple resources to create
  people to improve their personal      social good. This can be anything
  and family health                     from nutritional expertise to products,
                                        or the one-of-a-kind communities we
• Create opportunities to engage        create through our global reach.
  in and improve our communities
                                        In 2020, we will use these resources
• Take action to improve the health     and be the change for a better world.
  of our environment

“We believe it is essential to be more than a corporation
 that simply makes or markets stuff. To remain viable,
 we know we must first improve the well-being of people
 around the world.”
                                           – Rich DeVos, Amway Co-founder

             For more information visit: www.AmwayGlobal.com
                                2020 Alticor Inc.
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