South Lanarkshire Council Recovery Planning August 2020 - St. Leonard's Primary School and Nursery

Page created by Keith Maldonado
South Lanarkshire Council Recovery Planning August 2020 - St. Leonard's Primary School and Nursery
South Lanarkshire Council: Recovery Planning

                                                 South Lanarkshire Council
                                               Recovery Planning August 2020

                             St. Leonard’s Primary School and Nursery
South Lanarkshire Council: Recovery Planning

                               Improvement Priority 1 - Promote the positive health and                                            How will we know we’ve been
                               wellbeing of children & young people, parents/carers and staff

            Quality Indicator                            Recovery Priority                         Key Recovery Tasks              Desired Outcomes and Impact
                                                                                                     (School specific)
 3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and          These have been generated as a series                                              This section should give a brief
 inclusion                                     of prompts/suggestions to assist             This section is for school-specific   indication of what success would look
      Wellbeing                               schools with the recovery planning           planning. What needs to be done in    like and how it will be measured.
      Fulfilment of Statutory Duties          process. They are based around               your specific context? Who will be
        Inclusion and Equality                current research and information             involved and when? Set SMART
                                               around recovery and National                 targets.

 Theme: Whole School Wellbeing                 Schools need to:                             Key Recovery Tasks (school            Desired Outcomes and Measures
 Rationale: School ethos is a                     Assess current position in terms of
 determinant in promoting social and               whole school wellbeing. Use                    A combination of the SLC             Quantitative/Qualitative data
 emotional wellbeing and mental                    authority guidance/toolkit or other             attachment strategy                   produced from Wellbeing
 health for everyone within the school             audit tools.                                    Readiness checklists,                 Checklists and survey will
 community.                                                                                        Emotion Works Recovery,               establish and ensure targeted
                                                  Plan a whole -school co-ordinated               pupil and staff surveys and           support for identified children
 A sense of Belongingness and                      approach to identifying need and for            Google forms will be used to
 Connectedness is always a                         planning appropriate, measured,                 assess initial school
 powerful support for children, young              responsive interventions to                     wellbeing.                           A positive attitude/confidence
 people, and adults, especially as a               identified issues on an ongoing                Enhanced transitions back to          on return in August will be
 buffer to adversity. This is mediated             basis. This should explicitly refer to          school for our children most          observed
 through Quality Relationships, and                the post COVID needs and context                at risk of finding this
 a range of Attachment Informed                    and also acknowledge that some                  challenging (June 2020)              Knowledge, understanding
 Practices.                                        children will have gained skills as            All staff engaged in                  and application of discussed
                                                   well as have needs.                             Attachment Strategy Webinar           approaches will be evident in
 Staff will have had a range of                                                                    (June 2020).                          practice
 experiences during this period and               Plan how best to promote an                                                          CLPL record will show impact
 will need a flexible and personalised             attachment -informed ethos and                 A lead attachment                     of webinar and of ongoing
                                                   environment that nurtures                       ambassador (DHT) will be              training along with staff
South Lanarkshire Council: Recovery Planning

 approach that emphasises the                      reconnection, transitions and              identified for the school in            feedback on inputs and
 ongoing importance of self-care.                  belonging within their unique              preparation for further                 implementation of approaches
                                                   context, based on the SLC                  training delivered by SLC and           outlined by lead ambassador
 It will be important to work out where            attachment strategy.                       as a point of contact to
 children and young people are in                                                             support staff, pupils and
 terms of their wellbeing through                 Focus upon a practical roll-out of         parents
 observation,      conversation,    and            SLC Attachment strategy including                                                 Confidence/motivation/attitude
 further assessment with planned                   ensuring staff are appropriately          The children identified as              of target group will increase
 interventions for some.                           trained.                                   requiring a nurturing                   Staff observation of children in
                                                                                              provision will still receive this       approach to tasks and how
                                                  Provide opportunities for Staff            input in line with current              settled they are within main
 Establishments, at all stages of this             Development which allow staff to           government guidance and                 classroom environment
 pandemic, have a critical role in                 focus on individual and collective         advice                                 PT as lead nurture practitioner
 remaining connected with families                 wellbeing needs of their children         Staff will be supported in              will support staff in ensuring
 and supporting learning and                       and young people, especially their         ensuring that nurturing                 nurturing ethos is evident
 wellbeing. Schools should engage                  most vulnerable.                           approaches are a central part           across the establishment.
 directly with parents and in a                                                               of our school ethos                     Observation and learning
 compassionate, personalised way to               Identify partners from beyond the                                                  conversation and further
 foster confidence.                                school that may be needed to help                                                  promotion of school values
                                                   with the recovery process e.g.
                                                   psychological services, third sector
                                                   agencies.                                 Specialist Support teacher             SST will work with identified
                                                                                              will be deployed to assist in           children and use the HWB
                                                  Work with parents and carers to            the Health and Wellbeing                toolkit to measure
                                                   raise awareness and understanding          across the school such as the           improvements in
                                                   of the importance of attachment and        Health and Wellbeing toolkit            confidence/motivation/attitude
                                                   of a recovery curriculum. Engage           and assisting with nurture              (dialogue with class teacher)
                                                   with stakeholders in the wider             provision
                                                   school community.                         Continue to produce high               Response from parents and
                                                                                              quality information which is            evidence of effective
                                                  Have overt plans in place to support       delivered at an appropriate             communication such as an
                                                   the wellbeing needs of staff which         time, to be shared with                 understanding of the policies
                                                   acknowledge that there will be             parents through social media            and procedures in place
                                                   many different circumstances and           and our school app.                     (observation and feedback)
                                                   concerns. Ensure communication
                                                   channels are clear and consider           Continue to support parental           Effective flow of information
                                                   how staff may both support and             communication and ensure                between school and home
                                                   help each other. Ensure there are          adequate support is given for           while complying with current
                                                   clear processes in place which             queries and concerns                    restrictions
                                                   support all personnel functions, and   
South Lanarkshire Council: Recovery Planning

                                                   which allow staff to be included and
                                                                                             Build on partnership working        Feedback and input from PTA
                                                                                              with Parent Council and PTA          and Parent Council as
                                                                                              to support the parent body           representatives of the wider
                                                                                              during this time                     parent body will ensure that
                                                                                                                                   we have an understanding of
                                                                                                                                   the needs/views of all

                                                                                             Liaise with Educational             Ed Psych will support school
                                                                                              Psychologist and other               with identified children and
                                                                                              partners as appropriate to           signpost parents to
                                                                                              support families/children            appropriate resources to
                                                                                                                                   assist at home. We will
                                                                                                                                   measure improvements in
                                                                                                                                   (dialogue with class

                                                                                             Consult with staff about their      The team dynamics and staff
                                                                                              “connectedness” and                  responses on Wellbeing
                                                                                              together develop                     survey and the engagement
                                                                                              opportunities to collaborate         and participation in the
                                                                                              and spend quality time with          opportunities provided
                                                                                              each other
                                                                                             Further develop staff               Staff attitude and response to
                                                                                              knowledge and                        dealing with distressed
                                                                                              implementation of PPRUDB             behaviour and the general
                                                                                              and deliver additional input         observations of behaviour in
                                                                                              as appropriate                       the school will be positive

 Theme: HWB CURRICULUM                         Schools need to:                              Ensure that HWB curriculum          Forward plans and feedback
                                                                                              plays a central role in the          from staff and pupils will
 Rationale: The approach to the                   Contextualise the ’Reconnection &          return to school and is              demonstrate a positive
 curriculum, learning and teaching is              Recovery’ guidance to develop a
South Lanarkshire Council: Recovery Planning

 a key part of ensuring recovery.                  recovery curriculum within a unique         responsive to the needs of          attitude to the return to school
 Effective delivery of a “recovery                 context.                                    the children in each class          and blended learning model
 curriculum” is underpinned by                                                                Continue to embed the
 recognition that all Behaviour is                                                             Emotion Works programme            Effective implementation and
 Communication.                                   Ensure Effective planning and               across the school to improve        improvement in the emotional
                                                   monitoring is in place to support the       the emotional literacy of our       literacy of the pupils and
 Reconnection with learning focusses               learning and teaching process in the        pupils                              increased knowledge from
 upon key themes of; supporting                    promotion of resilience and the                                                 staff. Led and monitored by
 engagement and motivation,                        support of mental, emotional, social,      Continue to use “Zippy’s            DHT.
 readiness to learn, connection to                 and physical wellbeing                      Friend’s” and “Apple’s             Pupils will show an ability to
 prior learning and metacognitive                                                              Friend’s” in P2-P4 classes to       discuss coping mechanisms
 approaches.                                                                                   support children in                 and these will be seen in
                                                  Enable opportunities for children           developing resilience and           practice by teachers and
 Involving children and young people               and young people’s voices to                coping strategies                   support staff (playtime)
 in decisions is part of a rights-based            influence decisions and ensure the         SLT to monitor the work in         Feedback from learning
 approach and acknowledged as best                 curriculum is responsive to needs.          each class and engage in            conversations with pupils will
 practice. It is strongly associated                                                           learning conversations with         provide clarity around
 with good outcomes, including                                                                 pupils regarding their return       attitudes, concerns and
 recovery from adversity.                                                                      to school                           ensure appropriate planning
                                                                                                                                   of next steps

                                                                                              Introduce the use of               Measures outlined in
                                                                                               HGIOURS Part 2 to ensure            HGIOURS and feedback
                                                                                               that children’s voices are          gained through discussion
                                                                                               being heard and they are            with a representative group of
                                                                                               playing a valued part in            pupils. This will be inform next
                                                                                               school self-evaluation. Use         steps and these will actioned
                                                                                               this information to create an       and evaluated.
                                                                                               action plan
South Lanarkshire Council: Recovery Planning

                                                                                                                                       How will we know we’ve
                                   Improvement Priority 2 - Planning for Equity                                                          been successful?

              Quality Indicator                             Recovery Priority                   Key Recovery Tasks (School             Desired Outcomes and
                                                                                                        specific)                              Impact
 2.4 Personalised Support                      These have been generated as a series of
   Universal Support                          prompts/suggestions to assist schools with the   This section is for school-specific   This section should give a
   Targeted Support                           recovery planning process. They are based        planning. What needs to be done in    brief indication of what
   Removal of barriers to learning            around current research and information          your specific context? Who will be    success would look like and
                                               around recovery and National Guidelines.         involved and when? Set SMART          how it will be measured.
 3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and                                                           targets.
   Wellbeing
   Fulfilment of Statutory Duties
   Inclusion and Equality

 3.2 Raising Attainment and Achievement
   Attainment in Literacy and Numeracy
   Attainment over time
   Overall quality of learners’
   Equity for all learners

 Theme: Re-identifying the poverty-            Schools need to:                                 Key Recovery Tasks (school            Desired Outcomes and Measures
 related attainment gap.                                                                        specific)
                                              Consider the experiences learners have had
 Rationale: To plan effectively to address     during the school closure period, drawing on           Through professional                 Data produced on
 the “gap” there needs to be a clear           for example:                                            dialogue and monitoring               Google Classroom and
 understanding of what the current “gap”       - Engagement data                                       SLT identify pupils who               knowledge gained
 is. Learners will have had a varied           - Home-school communication                             have not engaged in                   through professional
 experience during their home learning         - Home-learning submissions                             Google Classrooms.                    dialogue with staff,
 period, and won’t necessarily be at the       - Engagement at hubs                                    Consideration is given to             pupils and follow up
 same point in their learning when they left  Use a range of quantitative and qualitative             reasons for this and then             calls with parents.
 school in March. Some learners will be        measures to undertake a new “gap” analysis              systems put in place to               This will highlight
 further ahead; some at the same point;        for all pupils, which takes account of:                 ensure continuity of                  challenges with
South Lanarkshire Council: Recovery Planning

 with others showing limited progress if            -   Learners’ wellbeing                             learning for all. e.g.               engagement and
 any. Schools therefore, need to                    -   Attainment                                      chromebooks, paper packs             ensure appropriate
 reconsider their “gap” and re-assess to            -   Engagement                                      etc. (For blended learning           measures/supports are
 establish where the current gaps and               -   Participation                                   model)                               provided individually.
 barriers to learning are for their learners.                                                                                               Results of diagnostic
 This provides a clear foundation for           Take a balanced and staged approach to                 Diagnostic assessments               assessments along
 improvement and planning.                      assessment; remember learners are                       carried out for each class           with professional
                                                recovering and beginning to re-engage with              following a settling in period       judgement of staff will
                                                their learning, and that their wellbeing comes          using existing resources             be used to ensure
                                                first. Remember that some children may well             e.g. GL assessments,                 planning of next steps
                                                have gained skills/experiences as well as lost          Teejay assessments to                will lead to
                                                them.                                                   identify gaps                        achievement for all

                                                   Undertake a rigorous analysis of the pre and                                            Increased staff
                                                    post lockdown data with all relevant staff to      Benchmarks used by                   knowledge of
                                                    establish the school’s new “gap” position.          teachers to identify core            benchmarks and move
                                                    This will enable identification of                  learning and to address              towards curriculum
                                                    groups/learners/stages requiring targeted           filling in gaps in knowledge         being driven by these
                                                    additional support.                                                                      statements (ensures
                                                                                                                                             effective use of direct
                                                                                                                                             teaching time)
                                                                                                                                            Evaluations of all
                                                                                                       Reassess ASN in school               children with ASN and
                                                                                                        based on data gathered               their current
                                                                                                        and put appropriate                  ASPs/Staged
                                                                                                        interventions in place where         Intervention paperwork
                                                                                                        required. E.g. IDL, 5-minute         to reassess current
                                                                                                        box etc                              need and evaluation of
                                                                                                                                             the interventions and
                                                                                                                                             impact on attainment
                                                                                                                                             and achievement.
                                                                                                       Boxall profiles completed           Completed Boxall
                                                                                                        for children requiring input         profiles and evaluation
                                                                                                        from Nurture provision               of the development of
                                                                                                                                             outlined skills (nurture
                                                                                                                                             provision provided)
                                                                                                       Specialist support teacher          Attendance at drop-in
                                                                                                        to provide drop in sessions          sessions and feedback
                                                                                                        to offer advice and support          from staff on the
                                                                                                        to staff                             implementation and
South Lanarkshire Council: Recovery Planning

                                                                                                                                         impact of suggested
                                                                                                     Use CLPL time productively        Staff confidence and
 Theme: Planning to close the poverty-          Schools need to:                                      to address challenges              competency in
 related attainment gap and reduce                                                                    posed by current situation         providing learning
 learners’ barriers to learning.                 Consult with all stakeholders (learners,            and make use of local and          through the “blended
                                                  parents, staff, partners) when making               national resources                 learning” model and
 Rationale: As learners return to school,         decisions around the PEF/SAC funding                                                   evidence of sharing
 SAC/PEF plans need to be flexible and            during the recovery phase.                                                             best practice will be
 adaptable to meet the current needs of          Explore evidence based approaches through                                              positive
 learners as blended learning is                  EEF, National Improvement Hub, SLC HWB
 implemented. Whilst there will be parts of       recovery support document, etc. to inform          Use some time in school to        More effective use of
 the equity plans that are still relevant and     thinking.                                           teach children on effective        Google Classroom by
 can delivered, there will also be parts that    Engage in professional dialogue with staff to       use of Google classrooms           children in sharing
 are no longer relevant and therefore need        establish the best approaches to close the          and outline clear                  work and images and
 to be altered and adapted following the          poverty-related attainment gap. Ensure              expectations on                    increased levels of
 re-identifying of the gap, and the need to       agreed approaches provide additionality.            engagement and                     engagement
 take account of the new blended learning        Review staff training needs.                        participation. Use for
 taking place. Note, any changes, to             Review current partnership working.                 Homework.
 SAC/PEF plans must still adhere to the          Consider how you will measure and evidence
 guiding principles in which this funding         impact; plan this into home and school             Provide parental support in       Increased parental
 was intended.                                    approaches.                                         line with input delivered to       confidence in
                                                 Consider how blended learning will affect our       children so they are aware         supporting children at
                                                  most disadvantaged learners: what support           of effective use of the            home
                                                  can be delivered while learning at home and         google classroom. Consider
                                                  in-school? You may find the EEF covid-19            the use of videos as well as
                                                  resources helpful when considering this.            information documents to
                                                                                                      ensure that all parents have
                                                                                                      equal access to information
                                                                                                     Continue to explore creative
                                                                                                      means to involve children in      Continued
                                                                                                      Children’s University              engagement in CU and
                                                                                                      particularly during “blended       uptake of activities
                                                                                                      learning” to enhance               remotely. Observations
                                                                                                      participation, engagement          of motivation and
                                                                                                      and motivation while allow         participation and
                                                                                                      personalisation and choice         quantitative data
                                                                                                                                         produced on Aspire
South Lanarkshire Council: Recovery Planning

                                                                                                Identify learners who may           Review of support
                                                                                                 experience disadvantage              systems in place and a
                                                                                                 and in consultation with             centralised recording
                                                                                                 parents and carers ensure            system for what
                                                                                                 that any identified barriers         support is required
                                                                                                 can be overcome and                  where and how this
                                                                                                 correct support is put in            need is being met.
                                                                                                 place for this.

                                                                                                Review systems for                  Feedback from staff
                                                                                                 partnership working with             and parents will
                                                                                                 parents given the lack of            produce quantitative
                                                                                                 face to face meetings. Keep          and qualitative data
                                                                                                 this under constant review,          through use of Google
                                                                                                 adapting and changing the            forms. Data will be
                                                                                                 procedure to suit the needs          used to identify areas
                                                                                                 of the school while                  of strength and
                                                                                                 complying with government            development.
                                                                                                Regularly invite parents to
                                                                                                 feedback and make
                                                                                                 suggestions through the
                                                                                                 use of Google forms
                                                                                                Ensure that there is open           Effectiveness of
 Theme: Tracking and monitoring impact         Schools need to:                                  dialogue with parents                systems in place for
 of equity approaches.                                                                           regarding progress and that          raising concerns and
                                             Identify key measures, which will evidence         parents are alerted to               also addressing
 Rationale: To ensure maximum impact          impact for your approaches. Consider: when;        concerns quickly despite             concerns
 for learners, there needs to be rigorous,    how; by whom; bureaucracy.                         current restrictions
 regular tracking and monitoring of equity  Engage in dialogue with staff, pupils and          Regularly review practice           Close monitoring of
 approaches. This enables schools to          parents to discuss progress and analyse the        through professional                 pupil participation and
 understand what works well, and to build     evidence obtained from your key measures.          dialogue and consultation            engagement and
 on this, but also ensures approaches can     Use these to inform planning; alter plans          with pupils to address any           prompt and effective
 be changed, stopped or adapted quickly       promptly and accordingly if little/no impact       concerns (with particular            response to potential
 when there is little/no impact.              evidenced.                                         reference to difficulties with       issues in order to
                                            Consider points in planning section to find         access/resources at home)            overcome
                                              alternative approaches.                                                                 disadvantage
                                                                                                Ensure that CLPL is current         Staff knowledge and
                                                                                                 and that new approaches              understanding of
                                                                                                 and innovative ideas, both           current local and
South Lanarkshire Council: Recovery Planning

                                                                                                     locally and nationally, are          national guidelines and
                                                                                                     incorporated into practice           their implementation of
                                                                                                     where appropriate and then           this in practice will
                                                                                                     regularly reviewed                   increase
                                                                                                    Ensure that planning is
                                                                                                     responsive to the needs at          Review of forward
                                                                                                     any given time. Reduced              plans and moderation
                                                                                                     forward plans to be                  to ensure appropriate
                                                                                                     completed 4 weekly rather            pace and challenge for
                                                                                                     than termly to ensure that           all
                                                                                                     this is based on current
                                                                                                     guidelines with a focus of
                                                                                                     literacy, numeracy, HWB
                                                                                                     and RE.
                                                                                                    Review COTSD position               Effectiveness of the
 Theme: Cost of the School Day                 Schools need to:                                      statement and make                   school at adhering to
                                                                                                     necessary amendments in              position statement and
 Rationale: The coronavirus will have           Revisit Child Poverty Action Group Website          line with COVID pandemic             commitment to keeping
 affected families in different ways. Those     Read CPAG article on impacts of school              (consider new financial              this under constant
 who experienced poverty prior to the            closures.                                           situation of many families)          review to support
 epidemic were already pushed into              Revisit your CoSD Position Statement.                                                    families in the current
 unacceptable hardship, and may have             Consider how you can best eliminate                                                      climate
 been pushed deeper into poverty due to          charges for families.                              Ensure that parents are             Increased knowledge
 the effects of the coronavirus. There will     Consider how you will equip learners with the       fully aware of the COTSD             of position statement
 also be a number of families who are now        tools required to undertake home-learning.          position statement by                through parent body
 experiencing poverty who weren’t before.       Consider how our actions can inadvertently          sharing widely via school
 As a result, cost of the school day has         alienate families in poverty.                       app
 never been more important. We need to          Use knowledge/intelligence and sensitively         Ensure that due                     Evidence of low cost
 poverty-proof our approaches, particularly      engage with families as appropriate to              consideration is given to all        and free activities
 as we move towards a blended learning           understand any financial impacts.                   school activities and that           being organised within
 approach to ensure no learner misses out       Consider how you can sensitively support            these do not incur a                 the school
 due to financial constraints.                                                                       financial burden for families.
                                                 families by signposting them to financial
                                                 supports or by supporting them as a school         Ensure that parents have            Uptake of uniform from
                                                 community.                                          access to uniform if                 “swap shop” or items
                                                Consider staff training needs – ensure all          required                             provided by school to
                                                 staff are consistent in their approach to                                                those in need
                                                 poverty.                                           Consider the implications of
                                                                                                     no free breakfast club on           Staff awareness of
                                                                                                     some families and put                children who may need
                                                                                                     support in place to                  breakfast in the
South Lanarkshire Council: Recovery Planning

                                                Consider what changes will need to be made          overcome this when                  morning and procedure
                                                 to the school calendar in light of changes to       needed                              put in place to address
                                                 family income.                                                                          this need in a discrete

                                                                                                    Ensure that there is               Effective
                                                                                                     equitable access to learning        communication
                                                                                                     material at home and create         between “link” and
                                                                                                     a “link person” within the          family and positive,
                                                                                                     school who families can             confidential
                                                                                                     confidently liaise with if          relationship
                                                                                                     experiencing difficulties.          established. Evidence
                                                                                                     Share this information and          of parents knowing
                                                                                                     contact details widely via          they can approach link
                                                                                                     school app and twitter              person in confidence.
                                                                                                     feeds. (DHT)
                                                                                                    Ensure that staff are aware        Continued emphasis
                                                                                                     of the impact of poverty            on poverty and CLPL
                                                                                                     through CLPL and that they          records and SLT
                                                                                                     put support in place in their       observations. Quality
                                                                                                     own classrooms to                   of transfer of
                                                                                                     overcome this. Staff should         information between
                                                                                                     also be encouraged to seek          “link” and staff will be
                                                                                                     support from “link” person          regular and informative
                                                                                                     to ensure that all
                                                                                                     information is gathered and
                                                                                                     known by a central source
South Lanarkshire Council: Recovery Planning

                                                                                                                                       How will we know we’ve
                                Improvement Priority 3 - Continuity of Learning                                                          been successful?

 Quality Indicator                                           Recovery Priority                  Key Recovery Tasks (School            Desired Outcomes and
                                                                                                        specific)                     Impact
 2.2 Curriculum                                These have been generated as a series of
  Rationale and design                        prompts/suggestions to assist schools with the   This section is for school-specific
  Development of the curriculum               recovery planning process. They are based        planning. What needs to be done in    This section should give a
  Learning pathways                           around current research and information          your specific context? Who will be    brief indication of what
  Skills for learning, life and work          around recovery and National Guidelines,         involved and when? Set SMART          success would like and how it
                                               including the SLC Recovery Guidance              targets.                              will be measured.
 2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment         documentation.
  Learning and engagement                     Links are included where appropriate.
  Quality of teaching
  Effective use of assessment                 Please note - there are 2 Head Teacher
                                               consultative groups currently working with
  Planning, tracking and monitoring
                                               senior officers to produce Local Authority
                                               suggested recovery phase ‘curriculum
 3.2 Raising Attainment and Achievement
                                               models’ for both the Primary and
   Attainment in Literacy and Numeracy
                                               Secondary sectors. As soon as the
   Attainment over time                       recommended models have been assessed
   Overall quality of learners’               for operational practicalities (including
      achievements                             services such as cleaning, transport,
   Equity for all learners                    catering etc) they will be emailed to all
                                               Head Teachers.

 Theme: Learning In School                     Schools need to:                                 Key Recovery Tasks (school            Desired Outcomes and Measures
 The implementation of physical                 Consider your current position in terms of          RA in place – Aug 2020                Staff and pupil
 distancing will impact upon the capacity        staffing and pupil numbers. Use Local          Capacity exercise completed –All             understanding and
 for in-school learning within a specific        Authority and National Risk Assessment         areas in use adhere to social                compliance with Risk
 setting. For the first phase of re-opening,     advice and recovery planning guidance to       distancing                                   Assessment
 schools should assess the maximum               plan an in school curricular provision.                                                     documentation.
South Lanarkshire Council: Recovery Planning

 number of pupils they can safely                                                              Playground areas are zoned to               Continual evaluation
 accommodate at any one time while              Plan a whole school approach to how you will comply with social distancing                and review of
 maintaining a quality learning                  best utilise your learning spaces, taking     Socially distanced Breakout areas           procedures based on
 environment,                                    account of social distancing and the types of have been designated to each                staff and pupil
 Remaining in-school provision should be         learning episodes this will allow you to      class where required                        feedback
 distributed across all year groups to           deliver.
 ensure that every pupil benefits from in-
 school learning wherever possible              Consider if communal and social areas could
                                                 be repurposed to provide additional learning
                                                 space.                                               Literacy, Numeracy and             Evidence through
                                                                                                       HWB and RE are key                  learning conversations,
                                                 curriculum for teacher direct       work produced,
                                                 s-covid-19-re-opening-schools-guide/                  contact time with children          forward plans and
                                                                                                                                           professional dialogue
                                                                                                                                           of high-quality learning
 It would be naive of any Headteacher to  Assess which curricular areas you are able                                                      experiences in
 think that the child will pick up the           deliver and resource in school, both in terms                                             Numeracy, Literacy,
 Curriculum at exactly the same point at         of physical spaces and staff capacity.                                                    HWB and RE
 which they left it on the day their school                                                           Staff have established             Examples of sharing
 closed. Too much has happened. Listen                                                                 means of communicating              best practice and
 to what the children are saying. Look at       Consider how you will build opportunities for         via shared google                   building of capacity
 what the children are experiencing. None        staff to work collegiately to moderate and            classroom, group emails             amongst teaching staff
 of this follows the usual pattern of a          assess within this structure.
 school year with all of the annual cycle of                                                          Ensure that all attainment         Open lines of
 events. It feels like a period of true social  Consider planning for longer blocks of                information to identify gaps        communication and
 disorder. Compassionate Leadership is           learning over a longer-term timetable where           in learning is gathered,            evidence of strong and
 crucial at this time.” The Recovery             possible (ie for secondary – 3hrs of a face to        collated and evaluated and          supportive partnership
 Curriculum, Think Piece                         face learning of a subject once every 2               shared effectively after a          working
                                                 weeks)                                                short settling in period to
                                                                                                       ensure that the direct
                                                                                                       teaching matches the               Staff feedback on
                                                                                                       needs of the children               effectiveness of
                                                                                                                                           collating and sharing
                                                Review your school’s learning, teaching and          Ensure that effective               attainment data and
 Schools should consider the needs of            assessment processes. Your assessment                 handover information is             improved staff
 children and young people after a               guidelines will need to take account of the           given from previous                 confidence in
 prolonged period of remote learning and         different learning experiences pupils will have       teachers and takes account          identifying gaps and
 absence from school. It will be important       had during school closures, there should be           of the period of absence            next steps
 to promote reconnection and recovery            a clear focus on health and wellbeing and the         from school and the likely
 within the curriculum.                          use of high-quality formative assessment.             impact that this has had on
South Lanarkshire Council: Recovery Planning

                                                                                                        the learning of each child         Effective professional
                                                                                                        and potential barriers to           dialogue and
                                                                                                        learning (wellbeing)                knowledge of children
 Decisions need to be made about what  Consider how you will continually assess                                                            in class prior to August
 assessments will be used to re-assess the         learner progress and engagement to ensure                                                start date. Evidence of
 regulation, wellbeing and learning needs          appropriate support is being provide.                                                    the impact that this
 for each child. Very careful consideration                                                                                                 information has had on
 should be given to the use of summative                                                                                                    practice in preparing
 tests as a route to baseline pupils.             Consider what CLPL you will need to offer                                                for new class.
                                                   staff to allow them to deliver the recovery         Ensure that additional CLPL         Effective use of
 This will be a time to make even more             curriculum in school and how this will be            training is provided to staff       SHANNARI/Boxall and
 use of outdoor learning opportunities. In         facilitated.                                         in relation to Google               dialogue with ‘link’
 accessing a range of outdoor                                                                           Classroom. Allow time to            person to address
 experiences, learners can build upon and                                                               share ideas and best                barriers to learning and
 develop skills that attribute to their holistic  Subject leaders/specialists should consider          practice to make the most           gaps in leaning
 health and wellbeing.                             which areas of the curriculum are best suited        effective use on online
                                                   to home/online learning and which areas              learning platforms.                Evidence of effective
 It is clear from all of the recent research       require face to face learner/teacher                                                     and confident use of
 that core teaching delivered in person by         interaction. In school curriculum should focus                                           online learning
 teachers in schools is most impactful.            on the communication of complicated or new                                               platforms and
 However where this teaching time is               concepts, problem solving activities which                                               resources and
 reduced the technology should be viewed           might require specialist support and practical      Continue to use the                 feedback from staff
 as a way to enhance and consolidate the           or investigative work.                               benchmarks to identify core         and pupils in relation to
 core teaching vs replacing it.                                                                         areas of learning that can          this. Motivation,
                                                                                                        be consolidated at home.            participation and
 Whilst the adults begin preparation and  Identify how you will convey all information to              Give due thought and                engagement monitored
 decision making, consider how we               learners and to parents/carers and strategies           consideration to the nature         by class teachers and
 empower learners during this preparatory       to engage with them further on supporting               of this work. For example,          SLT
 period. Ensure as leaders you gather           learning in school.                                     would most parents have
 views learners in their recovery, along with                                                           the knowledge and ability to       Evidence of strong
 parents/carers .                              Consider how to take account of parental                support with this at home or        working knowledge of
                                                views and pupil voice when developing the               is this more specialised?           benchmarks and
                                                learning in your school.                                                                    confidence in
                                                                                                                                            professional judgments
                                                                                                                                            and professional
                                                                                                                                            dialogue surrounding
                                                                                                                                            these. Planning takes
                                                                                                                                            into account blended
                                                                                                                                            learning model with
                                                                                                                                            evidence of core
South Lanarkshire Council: Recovery Planning

                                                  Continue to ensure a strong        concepts being taught
                                                   transfer of information            during direct teaching
                                                   between home and school.           time with follow up
                                                   Home-school link diaries           activities conducted at
                                                   may be used in some cases          home.
                                                   to account for the lack of
                                                   face to face contact. Ensure      Parental feedback and
                                                   that parents are aware of          staff feedback on link
                                                   progress and achievement           between school and
                                                   through the use of                 home will be positive
                                                   individual message via             and provide
                                                   google classrooms, phone           opportunities to work in
                                                   calls and stickers.                partnership.

                                                  Regularly ask and act upon        Qualitative and
                                                   feedback given by pupils           quantitative data
                                                   and parents through the            produced in feedback
                                                   use of Google forms,               and used to inform
                                                   learner conversations and          next steps and
                                                   other means such as                evidence that this has
                                                   Parent Council. Use this to        impacted on future
                                                   inform current procedure           decisions
                                                   and practice.
                                                  Effective communication           Evidence of
                                                   with parents/learners via          correspondence
                                                   School App, online learning        across numerous
                                                   journals, google classrooms        platforms to ensure
                                                   and home learning activity         that information is seen
                                                   packs                              and accessible to all
South Lanarkshire Council: Recovery Planning

 Theme: Learning At Home                       Schools need to:

 Rationale:                                                                                             Home Learning will be            Evidence of continuity
                                                Consider how you will facilitate home                   planned for by class              of learning between
 A blended model of in-school and in-            learning given the staffing you have available          teacher(s).                       school and home
 home learning is reliant on consistent,         both within your establishment and across
 easy to use in-home learning materials          the locality. What will this look like at various                                        Staff given work that
 which are intended to support and               stages across the school.                              Staff have access to SLC          will have an impact on
 complement, but not replicate, in-school                                                                learning glow page and            school/nursery and
 learning. This includes consideration of       Can staff who are shielding work on                     help guides in relation to        benefit the children in
 the specific needs of learners with             developing and leading on online learning               digital learning. Staff are       our care
 additional support needs and other              opportunities?                                          accessing courses.
 families most in need of support.
                                                                                                                                          Evidence of effective
                                                                                                        Encourage families and            use of guides to
                                             Take account of the existing resources you                 staff to seek support if          improve and inform
 While recognising that in-home learning      have access to and how these can be used                   required through “link            practice and build
 takes many forms (including support from     to support learning at home.                               person” to centralise the         confidence in digital
 families) and is by no means all IT based,                                                              knowledge of the support          learning
 an approach to digital learning should be                                                               (DHT)                            Participation/Motivation
 implemented to mitigate negative impacts  Consider what CLPL you will need to offer                                                      /Engagement of
 on equity. This will specifically focus on   staff to allow them to deliver the recovery                                                  children and
 providing digital access for pupils who do   curriculum at home and how this will be                                                      enthusiasm and
 not have this at present.                    facilitated.                                                                                 effectiveness of staff in
                                                                                                                                           providing and setting
                                                Review and plan how you will deliver and set                                              appropriate home
                                                 work at home and how feedback will be given                                               learning tasks
                                                 to learners.
                                                                                                        Use Google Classrooms,
                                                Establish a baseline on the number of pupils            School App, Twitter and          Staff have the
                                                 and staff who have home access to ICT.                  email to keep parents up to       professional judgement
                                                                                                         date on all information           to recognise and
                                                Consider how to take account of pupil voice             required                          address concerns and
 Schools should consider how they track          in their learning at home.                                                                overcome barriers
 ongoing engagement in remote blended                                                                                                      (Child
 learning and support families where it is
                                                Identify how you will convey all information to                                           Protection/Poverty/AS
 clear this is an area of significant                                                                                                      N)
                                                 learners and to parents/carers and strategies
 difficulty.                                                                                                                              Evidence of security in
                                                 to engage with them further on supporting
                                                 learning at home.                                                                         asking for support and
                                                                                                                                           evidence of effective
South Lanarkshire Council: Recovery Planning

                                                                                              SLT, in collaboration with        allocation of resources
                                                Consider how you will measure and track       class teachers will monitor       to meet needs
                                                 engagement with home learning                 engagement with home
                                                                                               learning and discuss with        Effective
                                                                                               parents any                       communication is
                                                                                               concerns/challenges               apparent across
                                                                                               surrounding this                  numerous platforms
                                                                                                                                 and parental feedback
                                                                                                                                 suggests that parents
                                                                                                                                 are aware of
                                                                                                                                 procedures, systems
                                                                                                                                 and decisions and how
                                                                                                                                 to seek support when/if

                                                                                                                                Feedback from
                                                                                                                                 professional dialogue
                                                                                                                                 and learning
                                                                                                                                 conversations will
                                                                                                                                 identify any
                                                                                                                                 and enable
                                                                                                                                 measures/resources to
                                                                                                                                 be put in place to
                                                                                                                                 overcome these
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