Distance Learning Plan Template for School Districts - ASU ...

Page created by Richard Jennings
Distance Learning Plan Template for School Districts - ASU ...
Distance Learning Plan Template for School Districts
On June 24, 2020, Governor Ducey issued Executive Order 2020-41 Prioritizing Kids and Schools During COVID-19 regarding the reopening of
schools for school year 2020-2021. As part of the Executive Order, all public schools may submit a Distance Learning Plan (DLP) to receive the
flexibility to offer distance learning options for students without an approved Arizona Online Instruction (AOI) program for the 2020-2021 school
year. School districts are required to submit a DLP to the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) prior to implementing distance learning. School
districts may begin operating their DLP upon submission of the plan to ADE. Charter schools are required to use the template provided by the
Arizona State Board for Charter Schools (ASBCS) and must submit their DLP as specified in communications from ASBCS and each charter
holder’s assigned Education Program Manager.

School Districts may make revisions to improve their DLP at any time, but must submit those changes to the ADE within 10 business days of any
substantive revision. School districts should contact the ADE at EmergencyDL@azed.gov to revise their DLP.

A school district that has been approved to operate an AOI but plans to operate distance learning for students enrolled in a brick and mortar
school must submit a DLP prior to beginning operations. School districts are required to submit a DLP to be eligible for the Governor’s
Enrollment Stability Grant Program.

A school district that wishes to provide distance learning under Executive Order 2020-41 must create a DLP using this template, provided by the
ADE. School districts not utilizing the appropriate template will be required to revise and resubmit their plans. Plans not submitted in the
template must wait to begin DL instruction until the plan is submitted in the approved template. The template is a Word document that must be
completed in its entirety and submitted via email to EmergencyDL@azed.gov, as specified in communications from ADE.

In the sections found on pages 3-5, a school district will populate background information regarding school district and school information,
including basic information about each school district’s overall plan and intended number of instructional days.

Most areas of the DLP will be completed by breaking processes into discreet, sequential action steps that answer the questions of what, who,
when, and how. The action steps require the school district to name the action, indicate who is responsible for the action, provide the frequency
and/or timing of the action, and identify what evidence will exist to show that the step has been/is being completed. Areas should include
multiple action steps in order to demonstrate that the school district has a “detailed plan” to “provide substantive distance learning”, as
required by the Executive Order. An example of a set of action steps for an area is below:

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

The example above is not intended to demonstrate that these are specific action steps a school district should use, nor that this is the best or
most appropriate number of action steps. Rather, it is provided as guidance to show the manner in which the template is to be completed.

Other areas of the template will require the school district to check boxes to indicate specific tasks, strategies, or resources to be used for
different stakeholders included in the distance learning process.

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

School District Information
*School districts are only required to submit one DLP. If individual schools within a district are providing unique instructional programs, we encourage school
districts to incorporate that information into one DLP, as opposed to completing additional templates. Please contact EmergencyDL@azed.gov with any

 School District Name                          ASU Preparatory Academy                            School District Entity ID
 Representative authorized to submit the plan (This is the individual who will
 be contacted with questions about the plan)

 Representative Telephone Number

 Representative E-Mail Address

School Information
*In the chart, list the schools this plan applies to. Add rows as needed to account for all schools.

                                           School Name                                                      Entity ID                       CTDS
 ASU Preparatory Academy - Casa Grande High School
 ASU Preparatory Academy - Polytechnic Elementary School
 ASU Preparatory Academy - Polytechnic Middle School
 ASU Preparatory Academy - Polytechnic High School
 ASU Preparatory Academy - Phoenix Elementary School
 ASU Preparatory Academy - Phoenix Middle School
 ASU Preparatory Academy - Phoenix High School
 ASU Preparatory Academy - South Phoenix Primary
 ASU Preparatory Academy - South Phoenix Intermediate
 ASU Preparatory Academy - South Phoenix High School

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

Distance Learning Background Information
    a. Number of Instructional Days (3.b)

Each school district shall operate for the required 180 days of instruction pursuant to Executive Order 2020-41 (3.b). An exception to this
requirement may be granted by the ADE, if the school intended to switch to a different schedule for the 2020-2021 school year. If ADE previously
approved the school to operate on a calendar that was not 180 days, but met the number of hours equal to 180 days of instruction, this provision
is still met, and no action is required.

Please note, pursuant to Executive Order 2020-44 the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) shall conduct an analysis of the need to waive the
number of school days that schools are required to provide schooling and the impact of such a waiver by August 31, 2020.

 How many instructional days will the school district operate for School Year 2020-2021?                                   180 (except CG who
                                                                                                                           will have 144 days)
 How many instructional days did the school district operate for School Year 2019-2020?                                    180

    b. Distance Learning Option (3.b)

 Estimated Enrollment for FY 2021               3,341                    Start Date for Distance Learning     08/17/2020
                                                                      Estimated Number of Students
 Estimated Number of Students Participating                           Participating in Distance
                                                1,063                                                        3,341
 in Distance Learning for the Full Year                               Learning for a Portion of the
                                                ☐1. We intend to operate distance learning for the full year for all students.

                                                ☐2. We intend to operate distance learning until ________________ for all students.
 Please choose the option that indicates
 your proposed duration/plan for distance       ☐3. We intend to operate distance learning only until the Governor allows schools to fully
 learning:                                      reopen.

                                                ☐4. We intend to operate distance learning and use a hybrid approach once the Governor
                                                allows schools to fully reopen. Hybrid includes distance learning with students learning in the

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

                                                          classroom on some days, and from home on other days (i.e. half of the students attend
                                                          Mon/Wed and half of the students Tues/Thurs, half of the students come each week, etc.).

                                                          ☒5. Other (Please explain below)

 If you chose option 4 or 5 above, please provide a brief narrative explaining the details of the plan you will use:

 Students will begin their learning virtually from the beginning of the school year (August 17) through quarter one (Mid-October). We will continue to reassess if this date
 needs to be extended given the guidance from the Governor’s Office, ADE, CDC, and our Mitigation Plan using public health benchmarks. Once we resume in-person teaching
 and learning we will offer students the opportunity to participate in-person, hybrid, or continue in the virtual environment.

 Is the school district requiring students to do distance learning?                                                                                             Yes
 If students are required to do distance learning, is the school district providing a physical location for students to go                                      Yes
 during the same hours of the day AND the same days throughout the week as it did in the FY2020 school year prior to
 the school closure?

*In the case of a statewide closure or delay of in-person instruction, the requirement to provide a physical location available for students is waived under the
Executive Order 2020-41 until the State permits in-person instruction. If due to a COVID-19 outbreak and pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-787, the Arizona Department of
Health Services directs a school to close temporarily in order to appropriately sanitize the facility, the requirement to provide a physical location available for
students is waived.

Attendance Tracking (1.a.i, 1.i)
    •    Describe how the school district will track attendance for students attending remotely, whether full time or intermittently.
         The description must include the specific measures that will be used to determine whether a student participating in DL will be reported
         as present or absent on days when instruction does not take place in person. Attendance tracking may include methods such as:
                     ▪ Communication with their teachers via telephone, ZOOM, MS Teams, or other digital meeting software.
                     ▪ Student participation in a virtual meeting or classroom session (ZOOM, MS TEAMS, Google Meets, etc.)
                     ▪ Daily assignments completed and submitted by the student.
                     ▪ A parent attestation or documentation of time spent on educational activities.

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

The school district is advised that the ADE will continue to issue guidance on the topic of attendance, and should closely monitor updated
information related to these expectations. Current guidance can be found here: https://www.azed.gov/finance/school-finance-guidance-for-
                Action Step(s)                      Person(s) Responsible        Frequency and/or Timing        Evidence of Implementation

 1.   Students will participate in both        1.   Teacher                 1.     Daily                       1.   Attendance Records
      synchronous and asynchronous
      instruction each day. Track attendance   2.   Parents and Students    2.     Daily                       2.   Attendance Records
      through many methods, including,
          a. Log attendance through our
               student information system,
               Infinite Campus
          b. Learning Management
               System, Canvas, Assignment
               Completion through the
               following activities:
               i.    Canvas Assignment
              ii.    Canvas Discussion
              iii.   Canvas Assessment
              iv.    Canvas Lesson
       c. Teacher Communication
             i.    Zoom Meetings
            ii.    Voice calls through
                     Cisco Jabber and
                     Google Voice
              iii.   Email Conversations
              iv.    Google Suite - chat
                     features through
                     google slides, docs,
                     and sheets
       d. Live Lessons

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

               i.     Participation in live
                      lesson opportunities
                      through Zoom
       e. Blended Learning Applications
             i.    Completion of
                      assignments and
                      activities through web-
                      based applications,
                      such as but not limited
                      to: Nearpod, Google
                      Classroom, Canvas,
                      DreamBox, ALEKS,
2.    Parent Attestation: Parent and Student
      attestation through the class period
      check-in feature in our Student
      Information System, Infinite Campus

     a. Describe the efforts the school district will make to ensure all enrolled students are contacted and in communication on a regular basis.
              Action Step(s)                         Person(s) Responsible                   Frequency and/or Timing                Evidence of Implementation

                                                                                      All reports and strategies are a daily   All communication for absences will be
      1.   All virtual students must check-     1.   Students/Parents (trained with   occurrence to ensure students are        logged in our student information
           in through Infinite Campus                procedure on how to use or SIS   present for both in-person and virtual   system. For students that miss three or
           Portal by 8:25am each day                 Check-in feature)                instruction                              more consecutive absences, the extra
                                                                                                                               communication from site administration
      2.   All teachers must take               2.   All teachers trained on how to
                                                                                                                               will be logged in our student
           attendance for first period by            take attendance for students                                              information. The Home Visits from
           8:35am each day                           physically in-school and                                                  administration on the sixth and ninth
      3.   Office Staff/Administration               virtually in school                                                       consecutive absence will also be logged
           ensure all teachers have             3.   Office Staff/Administration                                               in our student information system.
           marked attendance                         ensure all teachers have taken
      4.   Office Staff sends blast email            attendance
           and robo call for students not       4.   Site Admin and Attendance
           present by 8:25 in the morning            Clerk/Receptionist
                                                5.   Office staff and Site admin

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

      5.   Beginning at 9:30am, office            6.   Site Admin and Office Staff
           staff and administration begin         7.   Additional call/email from
           calling each individual family              Admin to each student that
           that has not checked-in                     misses more than three
           virtually and showed physically             consecutive days of in-person
           on campus                                   or virtual instruction
      6.   Office Staff/Site Administration       8.   Site Admin will conduct a
           run consecutive absent report               home visit on the 6th
           each day                                    consecutive and 9th
      7.   Home Visit on 6th and 9th                   consecutive absence
           Consecutive Absence
      8.   Students will be dropped on
           their 10th consecutive
           unexcused absence

Teacher and Staff Expectations and Support (1.a.ii)
    a. Describe expectations of teachers and other staff working virtually.
               Action Step(s)                          Person(s) Responsible                  Frequency and/or Timing         Evidence of Implementation

 1. ASU Prep developed and approved a         1. Executive Director of Human Capital   1. March 2020                    1. Electronic delivery to employees.
 comprehensive ‘Telecommuting for             2. Executive Director of Human Capital   2. August 2020                   2. Electronic delivery of the Employee
 Immersion Employees Policy’ in March                                                                                   Resource Guide to all employees
 2020 that was issued electronically to all

 2. ASU Prep’s ‘Telecommuting for
 Immersion Employees Policy’ was
 approved by ASU Prep’s Executive
 Cabinet for formal inclusion in our
 Employee Resource Guide of policies for
 the 2020-2021 academic year.

    b. Describe commitments on delivery of employee support services including but not limited to:
          o Human resource policies and support for employees; and
          o Regular communication from the administration.

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

              Action Step(s)                          Person(s) Responsible                       Frequency and/or Timing                Evidence of Implementation

 1. Human Capital and Business Services      1. Executive Director of Human Capital    1. Daily                                    1. Continued execution on all of our day-
 continue to provide all normal services                                                                                           to-day responsibilities including benefits,
 to employees across ASU Prep, albeit in a   2. Managing Director, Head of             2. As needed when information is            payroll, purchasing and HR support.
 remote fashion.                             Immersion Schools, and Executive          provided relative to COVID-19 exposure
                                             Director of Human Capital                 on campus.                                  2. A COVID questionnaire has been
 2. Human Capital consults with our                                                                                                created for use by any employee who
 Executive Leadership Team regarding                                                                                               has potentially been exposed to COVID
 any potential COVID exposures to our                                                                                              and may be eligible for Emergency Sick
 sites, in conjunction with Maricopa                                                                                               Leave.
 County Public Health Disease Reporting.

    c. Describe how professional development will be provided to employees.
              Action Step(s)                          Person(s) Responsible                       Frequency and/or Timing                Evidence of Implementation

 Plan and execute Professional               Executive Director of School              New Teacher Training: Full Days from        Teacher Professional Development
 Development Sessions for New and            Improvement & Innovation and Site         July 22nd - July 24th                       Calendar – All Staff and New Staff
 Returning Teachers (Note: Professional      Principals
 Development will be 100% virtual and                                                  All Teacher Training: Full Days from July
 will be offered both synchronously and                                                27th to August 14th
 asynchronously. Teachers have access to
 a Canvas course where they can find all
 PD resources)
 List Specific Professional Development Topics That Will Be Covered
     ●    Safety/Return to Work Presentation
     ●    Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Instruction 2.0
     ●    Virtual Collaboration Strategies
     ●    Assessment Tool (Exact Path) Training
     ●    SEL PD Sessions: Student and Family Check Ins, Building Classroom Culture Virtually, RULER Framework for SEL
     ●    Optional: Achieve3000 Follow Up Session
     ●    English Language Learner Session (Offered by Grade Bands)
     ●    Digital Curriculum Trainings
     ●    Slack Training
     ●    Zoom Training
     ●    Basic Canvas Training
     ●    Optional Canvas Home Page Design
     ●    Using Digital Agendas to Structure Weekly and Daily Learning
     ●    Health/Safety/Model Overview
     ●    Using Clever and Lightspeed Orchestrator

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

     ●   Behavior Management
     ●   Norms, Routines, Procedures
     ●   Buncee App Training
     ●   Intro to Twitter/FB
     ●   Optional: Open Teacher Support Room (Offered for 6 hours a week)
     ●   The First 6 weeks: Strategies to Make you Successful from the Start
     ●   Achieve 3000 Training
     ●   Applications and Technology Exploration
     ●   Intro to PBL
     ●   Intro to Blended Personalized Learning
     ●   Choice Session (G-Suite, Screencasting, Why BPL, Article Discussion, Stories from the Field)
     ●   Edcamp (Teacher Led Choice Session)

Connectivity (1.a.iii)
Check the boxes below to indicate which was/will be used to ensure each student, teacher, and staff member has access to a device and internet
connectivity if the plan relies on online learning.

                                                                  Students         Teachers             Staff
 What was Used to Establish Need?
 Questionnaire                                           
 Personal Contact and Discussion                                                                        
 Needs Assessment-Available data
 Other: All staff were provided loaner devices. All                                                    
 students were provided the opportunity for a
 loaner device.
 What will be Used to Respond to Need?
 Loaner Device (laptop/tablet)                                                                         
 WIFI Hot Spot
 Supplemental Utility Support (Internet)
 Other: All staff were provided loaner devices. All                                                    
 students were provided the opportunity for a
 loaner device. We will assess access to the internet
 on a case by case basis.
 When will stakeholders have access to IT Support Availability?

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

 Traditional School Hours                                                                
 Extended Weekday Hours
 24/7 Support

Instructional Methods and Monitoring Learning (1.a.iii)
   a. In the tables below, list the methods that will be used to deliver instruction (i.e. Direct Instruction via Zoom, Independent Study, Project
      Based Learning via a menu of options), the content provider or program to be used (i.e. Edgenuity, Journeys, Saxon Math), and the
      Formative and Summative Assessment Strategies to be used, as well as the frequency of those assessments.

                             Instructional Methods, Content Delivery, and Monitoring Student Learning (Math)
                     Educational Delivery       Content Provider/Program         Formative Assessment         Summative Assessment
                       Methodologies                      Used                 Strategies and Frequency      Strategies and Frequency
 Kindergarten       •    Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs:       •       Teacher created            •   Teacher created
                         Zoom                               HMH Into Math,                     assessments (as needed         assessments, HMH Into
                    •    Asynchronous Instruction:          EngageNY                           usually multiple times a       Math/EngageNY
                         Canvas                         •   Adaptive Programs: Exact           week)                          Unit/Module
                    •    Methodologies: Direct              Path, Dreambox             •       Exact Path knowledge           Assessments,(At the end
                         Whole Group Instruction,                                              checks (as students            of each unit/module -
                         Direct Small Group                                                    complete 4 topics -            every 4-6 weeks)
                         Instruction, Playlists, Pre-                                          usually weekly)            •   Exact Path comprehensive
                         recorded videos (Flipped                                      •       Dreambox (at the end of        knowledge checks (every
                         Classroom), Thematic                                                  each topic - usually           semester)
                         Projects, Online content                                              multiple times a week)
                         assigned through adaptive
 1-3                •    Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs:       •       Teacher created            •   Teacher created
                         Zoom                               HMH Into Math,                     assessments (as needed         assessments, HMH Into
                    •    Asynchronous Instruction:          EngageNY                           usually multiple times a       Math/EngageNY
                         Canvas                         •   Adaptive Programs: Exact           week)                          Unit/Module
                    •    Methodologies: Direct              Path, Dreambox             •       Exact Path knowledge           Assessments, (At the end
                         Whole Group Instruction,                                              checks (as students            of each unit/module -
                         Direct Small Group                                                    complete 4 topics -            every 4-6 weeks)
                         Instruction, Playlists, Pre-                                          usually weekly)            •   Exact Path comprehensive
                         recorded videos (Flipped                                      •       Dreambox (at the end of        knowledge checks (every
                         Classroom), Thematic                                                  each topic - usually           semester)
                         Projects, Online content                                              multiple times a week)

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

                       assigned through adaptive
 4-6               •   Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs 4-     •   Teacher created            •   Teacher created
                       Zoom                               5th: HMH Into Math,            assessments (as needed         assessments, HMH Into
                   •   Asynchronous Instruction:          EngageNY                       usually multiple times a       Math/Open Up
                       Canvas                         •   Curriculum Programs 6th:       week)                          Resources/EngageNY
                   •   Methodologies: Direct              Open Up Resources,         •   Exact Path knowledge           Unit/Module
                       Whole Group Instruction,           EngageNY                       checks (as students            Assessments, (At the end
                       Direct Small Group             •   Adaptive Programs: Exact       complete 4 topics -            of each unit/module -
                       Instruction, Playlists, Pre-       Path, Dreambox                 usually weekly)                every 4-6 weeks)
                       recorded videos (Flipped                                      •   Dreambox (at the end of    •   Exact Path comprehensive
                       Classroom), Station                                               each topic - usually           knowledge checks (every
                       Rotation, Choice Boards,                                          multiple times a week)         semester)
                       Project-Based Learning,
                       Online content assigned
                       through adaptive
 7-8               •   Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs:       •   Teacher created            •   Teacher created
                       Zoom                               Open Up Resources,             assessments (as needed         assessments, Open Up
                   •   Asynchronous Instruction:          EngageNY                       usually multiple times a       Resources/EngageNY
                       Canvas                         •   Adaptive Programs: Exact       week)                          Unit/Module
                   •   Methodologies: Direct              Path, Dreambox             •   Exact Path knowledge           Assessments, (At the end
                       Whole Group Instruction,                                          checks (as students            of each unit/module -
                       Direct Small Group                                                complete 4 topics -            every 4-6 weeks)
                       Instruction, Playlists, Pre-                                      usually weekly)            •   Exact Path comprehensive
                       recorded videos (Flipped                                      •   Dreambox (at the end of        knowledge checks (every
                       Classroom), Station                                               each topic - usually           semester)
                       Rotation, Choice Boards,                                          multiple times a week)
                       Project-Based Learning,
                       Online content assigned
                       through adaptive
 9-12              •   Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs: ASU   •   Teacher created            •   Teacher created
                       Zoom                               Prep Digital Math              assessments (as needed         assessments, ASUP Digital
                   •   Asynchronous Instruction:          Content, Cambridge Math        usually multiple times a       Unit/Module Assessments
                       Canvas                         •   Adaptive Programs: Exact       week)                          (At the end of each
                   •   Methodologies: Direct              Path, ALEKS                •   Exact Path knowledge           unit/module - every 4-6
                       Whole Group Instruction,                                          checks (varies based on        weeks)
                       Direct Small Group                                                student level)             •   Exact Path and ALEKS
                       Instruction, Playlists, Pre-                                                                     comprehensive
                       recorded videos (Flipped                                                                         knowledge checks (every

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

                       Classroom), Station                                           •   ALEKS (at the end of each
                       Rotation, Choice Boards,                                          topic - usually multiple
                       Project-Based Learning,                                           times a week)
                       Online content assigned
                       through adaptive

                             Instructional Methods, Content Delivery, and Monitoring Student Learning (ELA)
                    Educational Delivery       Content Provider/Program         Formative Assessment                  Summative Assessment
                      Methodologies                      Used                 Strategies and Frequency               Strategies and Frequency
 Kindergarten      •   Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs:       •   Benchmark Advance            •   Teacher created
                       Zoom                               Benchmark Advance              formative assessments            assessments, Benchmark
                   •   Asynchronous Instruction:      •   Adaptive Programs: Exact       and Teacher created              Advance Unit/Module
                       Canvas                             Path                           assessments (as needed           Assessments, (At the end
                   •   Methodologies: Direct                                             usually multiple times a         of each unit/module -
                       Whole Group Instruction,                                          week)                            every 4-6 weeks)
                       Direct Small Group                                            •   Exact Path knowledge         •   Exact Path comprehensive
                       Instruction, Playlists, Pre-                                      checks (as students              knowledge checks (every
                       recorded videos (Flipped                                          complete 4 topics -              semester)
                       Classroom), Daily 5,                                              usually weekly)
                       Thematic Projects, Online
                       content assigned through
                       adaptive programs.
 1-3               •   Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs:       •   Benchmark Advance            •   Teacher created
                       Zoom                               Benchmark Advance              formative assessments            assessments, Benchmark
                   •   Asynchronous Instruction:      •   Adaptive Programs: Exact       and Teacher created              Advance Unit/Module
                       Canvas                             Path                           assessments (as needed           Assessments, (At the end
                   •   Methodologies: Direct                                             usually multiple times a         of each unit/module -
                       Whole Group Instruction,                                          week)                            every 4-6 weeks)
                       Direct Small Group                                            •   Exact Path knowledge         •   Exact Path comprehensive
                       Instruction, Playlists, Pre-                                      checks (as students              knowledge checks (every
                       recorded videos (Flipped                                          complete 4 topics -              semester)
                       Classroom), Daily 5,                                              usually weekly)
                       Thematic Projects, Online
                       content assigned through
                       adaptive programs.
 4-6               •   Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs:       •   Benchmark Advance            •   Teacher created
                       Zoom                               Benchmark Advance              formative assessments            assessments, Benchmark
                   •   Asynchronous Instruction:      •   Adaptive Programs: Exact       and Teacher created              Advance Unit/Module
                       Canvas                             Path                           assessments (as needed           Assessments, (At the end

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

                   •   Methodologies: Direct                                              usually multiple times a          of each unit/module -
                       Whole Group Instruction,                                           week)                             every 4-6 weeks)
                       Direct Small Group                                             •   Exact Path knowledge          •   Exact Path comprehensive
                       Instruction, Playlists, Pre-                                       checks (as students               knowledge checks (every
                       recorded videos (Flipped                                           complete 4 topics -               semester)
                       Classroom), Station                                                usually weekly)
                       Rotation, Choice Boards,
                       Project-Based Learning,
                       Online content assigned
                       through adaptive
 7-8               •   Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs: ASU    •   Teacher created               •   Teacher created
                       Zoom                               Prep Digital Content, and       assessments (as needed            assessments, Open Up
                   •   Asynchronous Instruction:          Teacher Created                 usually multiple times a          Resources/EngageNY
                       Canvas                         •   Adaptive Programs: Exact        week)                             Unit/Module
                   •   Methodologies: Direct              Path, Achieve3000           •   Exact Path knowledge              Assessments, (At the end
                       Whole Group Instruction,                                           checks (as students               of each unit/module -
                       Direct Small Group                                                 complete 4 topics -               every 4-6 weeks)
                       Instruction, Socratic                                              usually weekly)               •   Exact Path comprehensive
                       Seminars, Playlists, Pre-                                      •   Achieve3000 (at the end           knowledge checks (every
                       recorded videos (Flipped                                           of each lesson - usually 1-       semester)
                       Classroom), Station                                                2 times a week)
                       Rotation, Choice Boards,
                       Project-Based Learning,
                       Online content assigned
                       through adaptive
 9-12              •   Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs: ASU    •   Teacher created               •   Teacher created
                       Zoom                               Prep Digital Content,           assessments (as needed            assessments, ASUP Digital
                   •   Asynchronous Instruction:          Teacher Created, and            usually multiple times a          Unit/Module Assessments
                       Canvas                             Cambridge                       week)                             (At the end of each
                   •   Methodologies: Direct          •   Adaptive Programs: Exact    •   Exact Path knowledge              unit/module - every 4-6
                       Whole Group Instruction,           Path, Achieve3000               checks (varies based on           weeks)
                       Direct Small Group                                                 student level)                •   Exact Path and
                       Instruction, Socratic                                          •   Achieve3000 (at the end           Achieve3000
                       Seminars, Playlists, Pre-                                          of each lesson - usually 1-       comprehensive
                       recorded videos (Flipped                                           2 times a week)                   knowledge checks (every
                       Classroom), Station                                                                                  semester)
                       Rotation, Choice Boards,
                       Project-Based Learning,
                       Online content assigned

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

                       through adaptive

                           Instructional Methods, Content Delivery, and Monitoring Student Learning (Science)
                    Educational Delivery       Content Provider/Program         Formative Assessment           Summative Assessment
                      Methodologies                       Used                Strategies and Frequency        Strategies and Frequency
 Kindergarten      •   Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs:   •   Teacher created            •   Teacher created
                       Zoom                               Teacher Created and        assessments (as needed         assessments, (At the end
                   •   Asynchronous Instruction:          Discovery Science          usually multiple times a       of each unit/module -
                       Canvas                                                        week)                          every 4-6 weeks)
                   •   Methodologies: Direct
                       Whole Group Instruction,
                       Direct Small Group
                       Instruction, Playlists, Pre-
                       recorded videos (Flipped
                       Classroom), Thematic
                       Projects, Online content
                       assigned through adaptive
 1-3               •   Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs:   •   Teacher created            •   Teacher created
                       Zoom                               Teacher Created and        assessments (as needed         assessments, (At the end
                   •   Asynchronous Instruction:          Discovery Science          usually multiple times a       of each unit/module -
                       Canvas                                                        week)                          every 4-6 weeks)
                   •   Methodologies: Direct
                       Whole Group Instruction,
                       Direct Small Group
                       Instruction, Playlists, Pre-
                       recorded videos (Flipped
                       Classroom), Lab
                       Investigations, Thematic
                       Projects, Online content
                       assigned through adaptive
 4-6               •   Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs:   •   Teacher created            •   Teacher created
                       Zoom                               Teacher Created and        assessments (as needed         assessments, (At the end
                   •   Asynchronous Instruction:          Discovery Science          usually multiple times a       of each unit/module -
                       Canvas                                                        week)                          every 4-6 weeks)
                   •   Methodologies: Direct
                       Whole Group Instruction,
                       Direct Small Group

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

                       Instruction, Playlists, Pre-
                       recorded videos (Flipped
                       Classroom), Lab
                       Investigations, Station
                       Rotation, Choice Boards,
                       Project-Based Learning,
                       Online content assigned
                       through adaptive
 7-8               •   Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs:        •   ASUP Digital Program      •   Teacher created
                       Zoom                               Discovery Science, ASU          formatives and Teacher        assessments, ASUP Digital
                   •   Asynchronous Instruction:          Prep Digital Content, and       created assessments (as       Unit/Module Assessments
                       Canvas                             Teacher Created                 needed usually multiple       (At the end of each
                   •   Methodologies: Direct          •   Adaptive Programs:              times a week)                 unit/module - every 4-6
                       Whole Group Instruction,           Achieve3000                                                   weeks)
                       Direct Small Group
                       Instruction, Lab
                       Investigations, Playlists,
                       Pre-recorded videos
                       (Flipped Classroom),
                       Station Rotation, Choice
                       Boards, Project-Based
                       Learning, Online content
                       assigned through adaptive
 9-12              •   Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs: ASU    •   ASUP Digital Program      •   Teacher created
                       Zoom                               Prep Digital Content,           formatives and Teacher        assessments, ASUP Digital
                   •   Asynchronous Instruction:          Teacher Created, and            created assessments (as       Unit/Module Assessments
                       Canvas                             Cambridge                       needed usually multiple       (At the end of each
                   •   Methodologies: Direct          •   Adaptive Programs:              times a week)                 unit/module - every 4-6
                       Whole Group Instruction,           Achieve3000                                                   weeks)
                       Direct Small Group
                       Instruction, Lab
                       Investigations, Playlists,
                       Pre-recorded videos
                       (Flipped Classroom),
                       Station Rotation, Choice
                       Boards, Project-Based
                       Learning, Online content
                       assigned through adaptive

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

                     Instructional Methods, Content Delivery, and Monitoring Student Learning (Other Content Areas)
                    Educational Delivery        Content Provider/Program        Formative Assessment          Summative Assessment
                       Methodologies                      Used                 Strategies and Frequency      Strategies and Frequency
 Kindergarten      •   Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs:   •   Teacher created            •   Teacher created
                       Zoom                               Teacher Created            assessments (as needed         assessments, (At the end
                   •   Asynchronous Instruction:                                     usually multiple times a       of each unit/module -
                       Canvas                                                        week)                          every 4-6 weeks)
                   •   Methodologies: Direct
                       Whole Group Instruction,
                       Direct Small Group
                       Instruction, Playlists, Pre-
                       recorded videos (Flipped
                       Classroom), Thematic
                       Projects, Online content
                       assigned through adaptive
 1-3               •   Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs:   •   Teacher created            •   Teacher created
                       Zoom                               Teacher Created            assessments (as needed         assessments, (At the end
                   •   Asynchronous Instruction:                                     usually multiple times a       of each unit/module -
                       Canvas                                                        week)                          every 4-6 weeks)
                   •   Methodologies: Direct
                       Whole Group Instruction,
                       Direct Small Group
                       Instruction, Playlists, Pre-
                       recorded videos (Flipped
                       Classroom), Thematic
                       Projects, Online content
                       assigned through adaptive
 4-6               •   Synchronous Instruction:       •   Curriculum Programs:   •   Teacher created            •   Teacher created
                       Zoom                               Teacher Created            assessments (as needed         assessments, (At the end
                   •   Asynchronous Instruction:                                     usually multiple times a       of each unit/module -
                       Canvas                                                        week)                          every 4-6 weeks)
                   •   Methodologies: Direct
                       Whole Group Instruction,
                       Direct Small Group
                       Instruction, Playlists, Pre-
                       recorded videos (Flipped
                       Classroom), Station

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

                        Rotation, Choice Boards,
                        Project-Based Learning,
                        Online content assigned
                        through adaptive
 7-8                •   Synchronous Instruction:    •   Curriculum Programs: ASU   •   ASUP Digital Program      •   Teacher created
                        Zoom                            Prep Digital Content,          formatives and Teacher        assessments, ASUP Digital
                    •   Asynchronous Instruction:       Teacher Created                created assessments (as       Unit/Module Assessments
                        Canvas                      •   Adaptive Programs:             needed usually multiple       (At the end of each
                    •   Methodologies: Direct           Achieve3000 (for Social        times a week)                 unit/module - every 4-6
                        Whole Group Instruction,        Studies)                                                     weeks)
                        Direct Small Group
                        Instruction, Socratic
                        Seminars, Playlists, Pre-
                        recorded videos (Flipped
                        Classroom), Station
                        Rotation, Choice Boards,
                        Project-Based Learning,
                        Online content assigned
                        through adaptive
 9-12               •   Synchronous Instruction:    •   Curriculum Programs: ASU   •   ASUP Digital Program      •   Teacher created
                        Zoom                            Prep Digital Content,          formatives and Teacher        assessments, ASUP Digital
                    •   Asynchronous Instruction:       Teacher Created                created assessments (as       Unit/Module Assessments
                        Canvas                      •   Adaptive Programs:             needed usually multiple       (At the end of each
                    •   Methodologies: Direct           Achieve3000 (for Social        times a week)                 unit/module - every 4-6
                        Whole Group Instruction,        Studies)                                                     weeks)
                        Direct Small Group
                        Instruction, Socratic
                        Seminars, Playlists, Pre-
                        recorded videos (Flipped
                        Classroom), Station
                        Rotation, Choice Boards,
                        Project-Based Learning,
                        Online content assigned
                        through adaptive

            Instructional Methods, Remote Training and Monitoring Student Learning (CTEDs, in lieu of requirements outlined in
                                                        A.R.S. § 15-391(4)(d) )

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

                           Educational Delivery              Content Provider/Program                  Formative Assessment                  Summative Assessment
                             Methodologies                             Used                          Strategies and Frequency               Strategies and Frequency
  9-12               N/A                                    N/A                                     N/A                                   N/A

 Optional: Describe how the school will provide substantive distance learning (use if the school wishes to provide information in addition to the tables above)
 We are making sure we build a lot of structure, but also allow for flexibility. We have created extensive teacher training to support teachers to understand these systems and
 how to use them. We have built a Canvas course for all of our teachers that allows for asynchronous work in the summer, but also gives them easy access to all training and
 guidance documents in one place at any time. In addition, to ensure distance learning is meaningful and interactive, we have chosen to focus on training and technical
 support for these web applications: Buncee, Benchmark Universe (aligned to our K-6 ELA Curriculum), Lightspeed Orchestrator, Google Read and Write, Flipgrid, SeeSaw,
 EdPuzzle, Nearpod, Classcraft, Screencastify, Padlet, Pear Deck, NewsELA, Khan Academy and Kahoot. In addition, our teachers have access to the ASU Library Resources and
 ASUforYou resources.

Meeting the Needs of Students with Disabilities and English Learners.
    a. Describe how the school district will ensure access and meet the needs of students with disabilities.
In addition to action steps articulated in this document, all state/federal laws and IDEA assurances provided annually to the Department remain applicable
and in effect.

               Action Step                             Person(s) Responsible                       Frequency and/or Timing                  Evidence of Implementation

      1.   Review guidance from local,         1. Director of Special Education               1.    Periodic                               1.   Training of staff on latest
           state and federal agencies to       2. Special Education Service Providers         2.    According to the minutes                    guidance and provision of
           guide the provision of special      3. Special education teachers and                    identified in each students IEP             resources to special education
           education service in distance          general education teachers                  3.    Based on work assigned that                 staff.
           learning.                           4. Network staff and special                         requires collaboration                 2.   IEP progress reporting and
      2.   Telepractice service delivery          education teachers                          4.    As needed or requested by                   data collection
           for special education services      5. Special education teacher and                     parents                                3.   Data collection and work
           to include related services            paraeducator                                5.    Weekly or biweekly                          samples that show
      3.   Use of online tools and             6. MET or IEP team                             6.    According to annual MET/IEP                 collaborative work
           programs that facilitate                                                                 due dates                              4.   Phone logs and service minute
           collaborative work.                                                                                                                  documentation
      4.   Phone and Zoom support for                                                                                                      5.   Attendance in office hours
           students and parents to access                                                                                                  6.   Meeting attendance forms
           curriculum and materials
      5.   Special Education teachers and
           paraeducators hold office
           hours to provide help, pre-
           teach and re-teach strategies

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

      6.   Meetings are held on Zoom for
           IEP, MET, Progress or
 Process for Implementing Action Step
 Special Education services and adaptations are provided across all classes. Support and service will transition to the virtual environment with training, collaboration among
 staff, and tenacity. Teachers will adjust their schedule to offer office hours and technical support for parents. Digital tools that are introduced in the traditional school setting
 will transition to the digital environment. Meetings will stay on schedule with a transition to Zoom.

    b. Describe how the school district will ensure access and meet the needs of English learners.
               Action Step                             Person(s) Responsible                        Frequency and/or Timing                  Evidence of Implementation

      1.   During distance learning,          1.   Network Student Data Analyst,               1.     During the first 30 days of           1.   Tracker for provisional EL
           identification of new,                  School Assistant Principal and                     school for provisional                     screener results. Students will
           provisional EL Students will            Support Staff                                      identification. Within 30 days             be added to the school's EL
           be completed using OELAS           2.   Classroom Teacher                                  of return to in-person classes             student list. Results of AZELLA
           guidance. We will follow-up        3.   Classroom Teacher or Reading                       for AZELLA Placement.                      Placement after return to in-
           with an AZELLA Placement                Specialist                                  2.     Daily/Weekly                               person classes.
           exam upon return to in-            4.   Classroom Teachers, Reading                 3.     Daily/Weekly                          2.   Lesson plans in Canvas.
           person classes.                         Specialists, Assistant Principal,           4.     Quarterly                                  Student work in Canvas. CCRS
      2.   Integrated ELD instruction              Network Academic Team                       5.     As needed or requested by                  & ELP Standards identified in
           provided during full-class         5.   Network staff and School Support                   parents                                    Canvas.
           meetings and activities (via            teams                                                                                    3.   Documentation by
           Zoom and Canvas).                                                                                                                     teacher/specialist responsible
      3.   Targeted ELD instruction                                                                                                              for Targeted ELD instruction.
           provided during small-group                                                                                                      4.   Data Analysis Form and
           meetings and activities (via                                                                                                          Meeting Minutes
           Zoom and Canvas).                                                                                                                5.   Communication logs in
      4.   Planning and Data Meetings                                                                                                            Infinite Campus.
           for teachers of EL students to
           review student progress and
           adjust implementation of EL
           programs in a virtual
      5.   Phone and Zoom support for
           students and parents to
           access curriculum and
 Process for Implementing Action Step

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

 EL student services are provided across all classes, with a focus on those identified for integrated and targeted ELD. Support will be provided in the virtual environment
 with teacher and student training, collaboration among staff, and flexibility. Digital tools that are used in the traditional school setting will transition to the digital

Social and Emotional Learning Support for Students (1.a.v)
Check the boxes below to indicate which will be provided to students to support social emotional learning and how counseling services will be
provided for each grade band.
                                                                                        Kinder       1-3        4-5         6-8          9-12
                           Teacher Check-in                                                                                            
                           Packet of Social and Emotional Topics
    Social Emotional                                                                                                                   
                           Online Social Emotional videos
                           Parent Training                                                                                             
                           Other: Support to teachers                                                                                  
                                                                                                            Kinder           1-3            4-5             6-8           9-12
                                  In-Person                                                                                                                            
                                  Phone                                                                                                                                
   Counseling Services            Webcast                                                                                                                              
                                  Email/IM                                                                                                                             
                                  Other:                                                                                                                               

Provide a description of how the school district will provide social and emotional learning support to students using the methods identified in the
above charts.
                Action Step                             Person(s) Responsible                        Frequency and/or Timing                   Evidence of Implementation

      1.   Home Visits                             1.   (At least 2 staff) Counselor/SW,        1.    As needed                               1.   Steps taken by Person(s)
      2.   Phone and Zoom support to                    Principal, Dean                         2.    Ongoing                                      responsible to determine when
           students and families                   2.   Counselor/SW                            3.    Once a month                                 a home visit is needed,
      3.   Social-Emotional information            3.   Counselor/SW                            4.    Updated once a month                         typically a decision made after
           through email                           4.   Counselor/SW                                                                               a student has not participated
      4.   Shared Google Drive -                                                                                                                   in assignments and live Zoom
           resources and material for                                                                                                              sessions for a period of time.
           students/families and staff to                                                                                                     2.   Documentation of
           access for SEL learning                                                                                                                 conversation
                                                                                                                                              3.   Newsletter or personal email

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

                                                                                                                                  4.   New material uploaded
                                                                                                                                       throughout distance learning

Demonstrating Mastery of Academic Content (1.a.vi)
Describe how the school district will require students to demonstrate ongoing competency or mastery in grade level or advanced grade level
              Action Step(s)                       Person(s) Responsible                   Frequency and/or Timing                 Evidence of Implementation

 K-12 Math and ELA: Mastery                Executive Director of School             Weekly Usage                              Exact Path Dashboard
 assessments through Exact Path Testing    Improvement and Innovation:
 in Math and ELA give information about    Implementation and Training
 student progress on content assigned to   Teachers: Program Implementation
 them in their learning path, based on     Principal: Accountability
 gaps identified during
 baseline/benchmark testing.

 K-8 Math: Dreambox implementation         Executive Director of Immersion          Used weekly (3 lessons per week)          Dreambox Dashboard
 allows us to track personalized mastery   Academics Implementation and Training
 for students as they work through the     Teachers: Program Implementation
 adaptive math program.                    Principal: Accountability

 6-12 ELA: Achieve3000 implementation      Executive Director of School             Used weekly (1 lesson per week)           Achieve3000 Dashboard
 allows us to track personalized mastery   Improvement and Innovation:
 for students as they work through the     Implementation and Training
 adaptive ELA program.                     Teachers: Program Implementation
                                           Principal: Accountability

 9-12 Math: ALEKS implementation allows    Executive Director of Immersion          Used weekly (3 lessons per week)          ALEKS Dashboard
 us to track personalized mastery for      Academics: Implementation and Training
 students as they work through the         Teachers: Program Implementation
 adaptive math program.                    Principal: Accountability

 K-4 ELA: DIBELS implementation allows     Executive Director of Immersion          Usage depends on student level (~1 time   DIBELS Dashboard
 us to track personalized mastery for      Academics: Implementation and Training   a month progress monitoring)
 students as a part of the progress        Teachers: Program Implementation
 monitoring piece of the program.          Principal: Accountability

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

 K-12 ALL SUBJECT AREAS: Teachers use    Teachers: Assessment Implementation     Varies depending on current content, but    Teacher Canvas Courses
 standards-aligned formative and         Principal: Accountability               formative assessments occur weekly and      Teacher Gradebooks in Infinite Campus
 summative assessments that are                                                  summative occur every 4-6 weeks.
 provided by the adopted curricula or
 created by the teacher themselves to
 regularly monitor student progress on
 standards mastery.

Benchmark Assessments (1.a.vii)
In the tables below, list the assessments that will be used for benchmarking in grades K-12 in English language arts and mathematics (i.e. NWEA
MAP, Galileo, Fountas and Pinnell BAS, etc.), the manner in which the assessment will be given, and the proposed date(s) the assessment(s) will
be given. Career and Technical Education Districts should submit N/A.

                                                         Benchmark Assessments (Math)
                           Assessment(s) to be used (Name of   Plan for Assessment (online, in person,                      Proposed date(s) of assessments
                            Assessment and/or Assessment                at testing center, etc.)
 Kindergarten           Exact Path (from Edmentum)                   Online                                          August-September, December-Jan, May
                        Dreambox                                     Online                                          August-September (only baseline)
 1-3                    Exact Path (from Edmentum)                   Online                                          August-September, December-Jan, May
                        Dreambox                                     Online                                          August-September (only baseline)
                        3rd Only: Sample AzM2                        In Person or Online                             January - February
 4-6                    Exact Path (from Edmentum)                   Online                                          August-September, December-Jan, May
                        Dreambox                                     Online                                          August-September (only baseline)
                        Sample AzM2                                  In Person or Online                             January - February
 7-8                    Exact Path (from Edmentum)                   Online                                          August-September, December-Jan, May
                        Dreambox                                     Online                                          August-September (only baseline)
                        3rd Only: Sample AzM2                        In Person or Online                             January - February
 9-12                   Exact Path (from Edmentum)                   Online                                          August-September, December-Jan, May
                        ALEKS                                        Online                                          August-September, December-Jan, May
                        3rd Only: Sample AzM2                        In Person or Online                             January - February

                                                           Benchmark Assessments (ELA)
                           Assessment(s) to be used (Name of    Plan for Assessment (online, in person,                       Proposed date(s) of assessments
                            Assessment and/or Assessment                 at testing center, etc.)

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

  Kindergarten            Exact Path (from Edmentum)                           Online                                               August-September, December-Jan, May
                          DIBELS                                               Online or In Person                                  August-September, December-Jan, May
  1-3                     Exact Path (from Edmentum)                           Online                                               August-September, December-Jan, May
                          DIBELS                                               Online or In Person                                  August-September, December-Jan, May
                          3rd Only: Sample AzM2                                In Person or Online                                  January - February
  4-6                     Exact Path (from Edmentum)                           Online                                               August-September, December-Jan, May
                          4th Only: DIBELS                                     Online or In Person                                  August-September, December-Jan, May
                          6th Only: Achieve3000                                Online                                               August-September, December-Jan
                          Sample AzM2                                          In Person or Online                                  January - February
  7-8                     Exact Path (from Edmentum)                           Online                                               August-September, December-Jan, May
                          Achieve3000                                          Online                                               August-September, December-Jan
                          Sample AzM2                                          In Person or Online                                  January - February
  9-12                    Exact Path (from Edmentum)                           Online                                               August-September, December-Jan, May
                          Achieve3000                                          Online                                               August-September, December-Jan
                          Sample AzM2                                          In Person or Online                                  January - February

 Optional: Describe how the school district will administer benchmark assessments (use if the school district wishes to provide information in addition to
 the table above).
 ASU Prep Benchmark Policy:
 Our schools will administer the network-wide diagnostic benchmark assessments this August and September. The network will provide written instructions for teachers to post
 in their Canvas shell to navigate students to the benchmarks in Exact Path (and separately directions for DIBELS, Achieve3000, ALEKS and Dreambox). In order to increase test
 security, teachers may utilize Lightspeed Orchestrator or may require students to open Zoom and take the benchmark with their camera on.

 The purpose of this assessment is to collect data that will give us an overarching view of what students learned and retained from the previous year, in addition to identifying
 any gaps in knowledge. The story of the data will be much deeper than mastery levels on standards. We will be able to quickly identify our highest need students and dive into
 the circumstances surrounding why the student has not demonstrated success. It is our duty as a school community to continue to strive to find solutions to make this form of
 learning accessible to every single student in our network.

 Purpose & Intentions
     ● Collect data to use in planning high quality, personalized instruction for students
     ● Identify needs of struggling students to better prepare for intervention needs:
               ○ Challenges with content
               ○ Challenges with learning remotely
     ● We must do a deep dive into the data analysis of this benchmark and develop intentional action steps to improve the outcomes for all students.

     ● August 17 - September 4th: Benchmark Window
     ● September 8-11: Make up Window

Distance Learning Plan Template 2020-2021

 Testing Location
 Administer within Canvas (using network-provided text and link out to Exact Path)
      ● Student will automatically be generated a user account when they click on the Exact Path link)
      ● Academic Integrity Concerns
                ○ Students sign in to take the benchmark at a designated time
                ○ Utilize Lightspeed Orchestrator
 Students turn video on Zoom to take assessment

Additional Information (Optional)
 The school district may use this space to add any additional information it believes is key to the plan it has laid out in this document, or to highlight its
 efforts to provide a quality Distance Learning Plan to its students.
 In order to create a quality Distance Learning Plan, our team worked in close consultation with the ASUP Digital Leadership to construct an overall plan, and then divide into a
 series of committees to be sure we were considering all factors. Our Leadership Team initially held a series of meetings to discuss high level modeling including conversations
 around the best practices established by ASUP Digital, ADE Guidance, the models/options, and communication plan ideas.

 In May, we surveyed parents about their initial preference, and our June family newsletter included a short overview of next year’s options. The initial feedback from the
 parents mirrors the May survey results - strong desire for in-person options for next school year.

 We then split into 3 teams (Health and Safety, Logistics and Academics) and Team Leads from each team met weekly to discuss progress and then created a document to
 capture cross-collaborative items to ensure cohesion between teams. Additional cross-team items included creation of an initial timeline and stakeholder communication

 Health and Safety Team: Met daily to review and implement ADE Guidance. Team created recommendations for schools including recess, screening, food/nutrition,
 maintenance, transportation to name a few.

 Logistics Team: Team created a master scheduling plan built around the guidance on the balance of synchronous and asynchronous instruction from the ASUP Digital
 Academic Team to create a schedule that has a best practice balance of synchronous and asynchronous.
 Academic Team: This team, led by a member of the ASUP Digital Academic Team, built out a training plan for implementation of our Synchronous and Asynchronous Virtual
 instruction model.

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