January 16, 2022 5460 Mary Lake Road - Parishes Online

Page created by Albert Holt
January 16, 2022 5460 Mary Lake Road - Parishes Online
209 South Street               5460 Mary Lake Road
                                    Mail: 209 South Street
Waunakee, Wisconsin 53597
                                 Westport, Wisconsin 53597
    (608) 849 - 5121
                                     (608) 849 - 5121

                January 16, 2022

January 16, 2022 5460 Mary Lake Road - Parishes Online
Saturday, January 15                         5:00pm Ron (Rex) Endres                                  5:15pm Mary Martina Runde
                                             8:00pm Joseph Scanlon
Sunday, January 16                           8:00am Shirley & Neil Macaulay                           9:00am Fr. Gerald Vosen
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time                 10:30am People of the Parish
                                             1:00pm Special Intention                       Spanish

Monday, January 17                           8:00am Paul J. Wiesler                                   8:00am NO MASS
Martin Luther King Day
Saint Anthony, Abbot
Tuesday, January 18                          8:00am Lyle Meeker                                       8:00am Timmins/ McLauglin/Kirwin
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity                                                                           families
Wednesday, January 19                        8:00am Mary Ann Spahn                                    8:00am Rita Frank
Thursday, January 20                         8:00am Agnes Acker                                       8:00am For better Health:
Saint Fabian, Pope and Martyr                        Adoration in Chapel 9:00am-9:00pm                       Kim McNabb
Saint Sebastian, Martyr
Friday, January 21                           8:00am Leo Heimbecker                                    8:00am Pat Gorman
Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr
Saturday, January 22                         5:00pm For children who died before baptism              5:15pm Those who died in October
Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of    8:00pm Greater Respect for Life
Unborn Children
Sunday, January 23                           8:00am People of the Parish                              9:00am Rita Back
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time                 10:30am Bob Niesen
Saint Vincent, Deacon and Martyr
                                             1:00pm Regional Gathering Participants         Spanish
Saint Marianne Cope, Virgin

                                                                               Readings for the Week of
                                                                                  January 16, 2022
                    Haylee Havannah Reyes                                    Sunday:           Is 62:1-5; Ps 96:1-2, 2-3, 7-8, 9-10 [3];
                     Kimberli Mariella Reyes                                                   1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11
                   Francisco Gabriel Reyes, Jr.                              Monday:           1 Sm 15:16-23; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23;
                  Children of Francisco Gabriel Reyes                                          Mk 2:18-22
                  and Megan Nicole Gonzalez Reyes                            Tuesday:          1 Sm 16:1-13; Ps 89:20, 21-22, 27-28;
                                                                                               Mk 2:23-28
                                                                             Wednesday:        1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10;
                                                                                               Mk 3:1-6
             FIRST HOLY COMMUNION                                            Thursday:         1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7; Ps 56:2-3, 9-10a, 10b-11,
                                                                                               12-13; Mk 3:7-12
                                                                             Friday:           1 Sm 24:3-21; Ps 57:2, 3-4, 6 and 11;
                                        Melissa Gammon                                         Mk 3:13-19
                                     Francisco Gabriel Reyes                 Saturday:         2 Sm 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27; Ps 80:2-3, 5-7;
                                   Francisco Gabriel Reyes, Jr.                                Mk 3:20-21
                                          Haylee Reyes                       Next Sunday:      Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15;
                                         Kimberli Reyes                                        1 Cor 12:12-30 or 12:12-14, 27; Lk 1:1-4;
                                          Megan Reyes
                                           Mauro Solis
                                        Kelly Wiedenfeld

                                                                                                                  Please remember
                                                                                                               to keep in your prayers
Please take an opportunity to pray for religious vocations                                                       all those who have
by hosting the Traveling Chalice in your home for one                                                                recently died
week, display the chalice and pray for vocations each day.
                                                                                                                  and their families.
For more information or please call Ed Gilkes at 608-358-
5096 or email at edgilkes@gmail.com

January 16, 2022 5460 Mary Lake Road - Parishes Online
January 16, 2022 5460 Mary Lake Road - Parishes Online
                                                                            Con la fiesta de la Epifanía y el Bautismo del Señor se cierra el
                                                                            Tiempo de Navidad, que siempre es precedido por el Adviento.
                                                                            Ahora, comenzamos el Tiempo Ordinario. Serán siete domingos
                                                                            de este corto periodo, que termina el día anterior al Miércoles
                                                                            de Ceniza. La segunda etapa de este Tiempo es más larga, da
                                                                            comienzo después del domingo de Pentecostés y termina hasta
                                                                            el sábado antes del primer domingo de Adviento. ¿Para qué sir-
                                                                            ve a los cristianos este Tiempo Ordinario? ¿Qué nos pide la Litur-
                                                                            gia de este tiempo? Pues, es muy sencillo, nos pide meditar en el
                                                                            misterio de Cristo. En su invitación de participar en su Reino con
                                                                            alegría y compromiso verdadero. La Iglesia tiene diversidad de
                                                                            carismas, donde podemos entregarnos al servicio de los demás.
                                                                            Por ejemplo, hoy el Evangelio nos invita a participar junto con
God delights in you. How do you feel when you hear that? De-                María y Jesús en las bodas de Caná. Y es ahí en esa boda, donde
light usually comes with an exuberant flow of joy that seemingly            Jesús hace su primer milagro a petición de su Madre María. El
arises from one’s toes with the expression of great glee. Re-               diálogo de ambos viene a ser a causa de la falta de vino. Por lo
flecting upon the deep measure of joy God has in us can be a                tanto, los novios estaban en apuros por esta razón. Este relato
source of joy for ourselves. Delight is infectious. A very young            es muy profundo, el hecho de que Jesús participa en la boda,
brother and sister were playing on the beach when the all too               tiene como significado la boda de Dios con la humanidad, que
familiar ice cream truck made its daily rounds. The boy shook               más adelante será la Sangre de Jesús derramada para la salva-
with excitement and delight as he took his sister’s hand and ex-            ción de la humanidad. “Alegrémonos, regocijémonos démosle
claimed, “The ice cream man is here, isn’t it great!” As they ran           honor y gloria, porque han llegado las bodas del Corde-
off toward the truck, one could hear the girl reply, “Yeah, I can’t         ro” (Apocalipsis 19,7). También, el profeta en la primera lectura
wait!” The experience of a child’s delight in something so simple           lo pone claro: “No te llamaran más ‘Abandonada’, ni a tu tierra
as ice cream, lifts our spirits from our burdens and transports us          ‘Desolada’, sino que te llamaran ‘Mi Preferida’ y a tu tierra
to the lighter, more innocent side of life.                                 ‘Desposada’. Porque Yavé se complacerá en ti y tu tierra tendrá
                                                                            un esposo” (Isaías 62,4).
Life is not meant to be a burden. Believe it or not, God actually                                                                        ©LPi
wants us to be happy! In fact, the wedding feast at Cana shows
us that God even puts His blessing on our happiness. It is okay to
celebrate the wonder of ourselves and others. Life is good. It is
always interesting to note that Jesus saves the good wine until
last. You would think it would be the other way around. The su-
perb quality of Jesus’ wine points to the superior quality of life
we find in Christ. It is not a life of burdens but a life of wonder
and delight! In Christ, we are lifted from the superficial and mun-
dane to a life of purpose, hope, and love.
God is with us through the long haul, through the challenges and
sorrows as well as the successes and accomplishments. In spite
of the fact that we often wander from the path, God’s celebrato-
ry delight in us remains. As spouses are asked to remain faithful
to each other through whatever life brings, God remains faithful
too. This promise remains through this life and into the next. All
we have to do is take the advice of Jesus’ mother to heart when
she says, “Listen to him.” This wisdom saves us from foolishly
giving in to the illusion that we can make better wine than Jesus.

                                                             LIGHTER SIDE
Divine Delivery
A businessman ordered flowers to be sent to the opening of his friend’s new branch office. When the businessman got to the event, he
was shocked to see the flowers with the inscription “Rest in Peace.” He was so outraged that he stopped at the florist to complain.
“It could be worse,” the florist said, “Just think: Today someone was buried beneath a floral arrangement with the inscription
‘Congratulations on Your New Location!’”

January 16, 2022 5460 Mary Lake Road - Parishes Online
Saint John the Baptist                                                             Saint Mary of the Lake
                     SACRIFICIAL GIVING                                                             PARISH CONTRIBUTIONS
                    Week Ending January 7, 2022                                                         Week Ending January 7, 2022
   WeShare Online Giving ....................................... $ 9,143.00            WeShare Online Giving ........................................ $ 640.00
   Mail In Donations & Weekend Collection .......... $ 9,596.25                        Mail In Donations & Weekend Collection ........... $ 1,725.00

Thank You… to everyone for your continuing donations to our parishes. If you’d like to sign up for WeShare online giving, please go
to www.stjb.org and choose either the St. Mary of the Lake or St. John the Baptist WeShare link on the main page. If you have any
questions about the program or would like help setting up your account, please call our parish office at 608-849-5121 ext. 118

                                                                                              YOU ARE INVITED...
                                                                                                                   to a 3-night parish mission on
                                                                                                                 January 30, 31 & February 1
                                                                                                                   at St. John the Baptist Parish
                                                                                                                   with Bishop Donald J. Hying
                                                                                                                        presenting reflections
                                                                                                                  on the life-changing power of the
                                                                                                                      Gospel of Jesus Christ.

                                                                                              What is the core belief of our faith in the Lord
                                                                                                      and how do we live it out
                                                                                                 in the challenging world we are in?
                                                                                         Come to grow in your understanding of the Gospel and
                                                                                                        the call to be disciples.
                                                                                                    Come be refreshed in the healing and
                                                                                                          gentle love of God.

                                                                                            Each night begins with a Holy Hour at 6PM,
                                                                                                   followed by Bishop’s talk at 7PM,
                                                                                           with time for questions and discussion at the end.
                                                                                                    Keep these evenings open and
                                                                                                     INVITE YOUR FRIENDS!

                                                                                    The Waunakee Food Pantry has seen an
                                                                                    increase in food need since the pandemic.
                                                                                    If you come across someone who may need
                                                                                    some extra assistance in this area, please
                                                                                    refer those individuals to the pantry.

                                                                                    Also if there is an emergency food need you
                                                                                    are aware of, call the pantry and leave a
                                                                                    message. The pantry phones are checked on a daily basis. Open
                                                                                    pantry hours are listed on our website at https://
                                                                                    waunakeeweb.org/food-pantry/ You can also google Waunakee
                                                                                    Food Pantry to find that information. The website has a top 10
                                                                                    list of product that our pantry is low on. If anyone is interested in
                                                                                    donating, you can purchase some of that product and put it in
                                                                                    the drop box outside the pantry. There is a list and drop box at
                                                                                    Piggly Wiggly as well. Thank you!

January 16, 2022 5460 Mary Lake Road - Parishes Online
FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM                                                 CONGRATULATIONS ON CELEBRATING THE
      Eileen Daley (edaley@stjb.org) 608-849-5121 ext. 174                     SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION
  Maria Anderson (manderson@stjb.org) (Spanish) 608-239-1394                 JANUARY 9, 2022 WITH BISHOP HYING
                                                                          Preston Acker                      Aaron Morales Lezama
                                                                          Madeline Arce                      Diego Morales Plata
                                                                          Abigail Ballweg                    Nicholas Nelson
                                                                          Landon Ballweg                     Simone Nowinski
         FAITH FORMATION CLASSES                                          Ryan Bassett                       Elizabeth Olkowski
                 2021-2022                                                Clare Burcalow                     Kaden Olsen
All parish youth in Grades 1 - 10 are expected to attend religion         James Carson                       Noemi Onate
classes EVERY YEAR by enrolling in our Faith Formation Program            Taryn Carson                       Elaina Pokorny
or Catholic School. All Faith Formation classes are held at Saint         Lacinda DeWinter                   Carol Ramirez Mauricio
John the Baptist for both parishes. Please contact Eileen Daley           Cadence Drake                      Sophie Reed
with any question or concerns at: 849-5325 ext. 174 or email              Alyssa Elvert                      William Reis
edaley@stjb.org                                                           Alexis Endres                      Francisco Reyes
                                                                          Ava Endres                         Francisco Reyes, Jr.
                                                                          Lydia Endres                       Haylee Reyes
                                                                          Olivia Endres                      Kimberli Reyes
                                                                          Abby Fernandez-Romero              Megan Reyes
                                                                          Kaleb Frey                         Cole Reynolds
                                                                          Melissa Gammon                     Morgan Ripp
                                                                          Emma Gilding                       Romi Ripp*
                                                                          Nicholas Gonnering                 Irvine Ruiz Morales
                                                                          Ninfa Karely Gonzalez              Tatyana Ryan
                                                                          Lauren Gruenloh                    Lesli Sanchez Carranza
                                                                          Addison Janus                      Manuel Sanchez
                                                                          Janet Hernandez                    Hailey Schiffman
                                                                          Maria del Carmen Hilario Morales   Ryann Schwarz
                                                                          Marisa Kippley                     Mauro Solis
                                                                          Lindsey Kobza                      Caden Stewart
                                                                          Sophia Komosa                      Elizabeth Tinoco Guerrero
                                                                          Julia Koss                         Olivia Tinoco Boelsing
                                                                          Erik Lee                           Sophia Tinoco Boelsing
                                                                          Garett Lenzendorf                  Arlette Tlahoexfl Toxqui
                                                                          Anna Linnemanstons                 Daniel Tlahoexfl Toxqui
                                                                          Monserrat Lopez                    Maria Villagran
                                                                          Mary Lyons                         Kelly Wiedenfeld
                                                                          Genevieve Mallin                   Luke Wubbolding
                                                                          Lydia Meinholz                     Amireth Zaldivar Bello
                                                                          Cole Meyers                        Bethzy Zaldivar Garcia
                                                                          Braden Miller                      Andrew Zimmerman
                                                                                                                    *Saint Mary of the Lake

                                                                                THANK YOU…
                                                                            Bishop Hying, Msgr. Gunn,
                                                                              Fr. Vince, Fr. Joe Baker,
                                                                                    Deacon Norb
                                                                              Saint John the Baptist
                                                                                 Music Ministry
                                                                                  Altar Servers
                                                                            Faith Formation Catechists
                                                                              Saint John the Baptist
                                                                                   Parish Staff
                                                                              Parents and Sponsors

January 16, 2022 5460 Mary Lake Road - Parishes Online
Attention Men of St John the Baptist and
                                                                                                           St Mary of the Lake Parishes. Are you
                                                                                                           looking to deepen your relationship with
                                                                                                           God? Be a better husband? Become a
                                                                                                           more loving father? Build friendships
                                                                                                           with other like-minded men? And seek
          Men's Retreat Opportunity                                                                        to be the best man you can be? Then
                                                                                                           come join That Man is You!
When:     February 25-27, 2022
                                                                           We meet Thursday mornings at 6:00 AM in the Narthex at St Johns or
Where:    Redemptorist Retreat Center, Oconomowoc WI                       online using Zoom. The sessions will be from That Man is You – The
Theme:    "Healing in a Wounded World"                                     Fight of Faith. There is no charge for participating.
                                                                           For in person
For more information and registration:
                                                                                • Face masks are required along with social distancing
     https://www.redemptoristretreat.org or 262-567-6900
                                                                                • Breakfast will be served.
               or rrc@redemptoristretreat.org
                                                                                • Chairs and tables in the narthex will be disinfected before and
Questions:                                                                          after we meet.
Jim Tillman at jimbtillman@gmail.com or 608-358-7564                            • Park in the Northwest section of the parking lot near
                                                                                   south street.
                                                                                • Use the door to South Street for entry and exit to keep a barrier
  Oportunidad de retiro para hombres                                               between participants and the school kids.

Cuando:       25-27 de febrero de 2022.                                    For those on Zoom,
                                                                                • Let us know you plan to participate via Zoom so we can send you
Ubicación:    Redemptorist Retreat Center, Oconomowoc WI
                                                                                  a link
Tema:         "Curación en un mundo herido"                                     • Notify us by sending an E-mail message to:
Para más información e inscripciones:
                                                                                • You will also start at 6AM, listen to the emcee and interact with
     https://www.redemptoristretreat.org o 262-567-6900                           men in the Narthex.
               o rrc@redemptoristretreat.org                                    • You will watch the weekly video with the men in the Narthex
Preguntas:                                                                      • You will be broken out into small groups via Zoom after the
Jim Tillman at jimbtillman@gmail.com o 608-358-7564                               video & the men in the narthex will meet in small groups in
                                                                                • We will finish with a prayer together around 7:25 before we
St. John the Baptist and St. Mary of the Lake Council                              break.
of Catholic Women invite all women of our parishes
to attend the January 18th meeting at St. John the                         Week 14, Thursday Jan 20 – Put Your Sword its Sheath
Baptist in the St. Therese Room starting at                                   • Speaker: Mark Hartfiel
6:30. This new group will continue to plan and or-                             •   Word Became Flesh
ganize several future events with your help. Looking forward to                •   Battle Returns to The Garden
welcoming you as you share your interest in developing this new                •   The Cross Is the Rule
organization at St. John the Baptist and St. Mary of the Lake. For
                                                                               •   Intimate Friendship and Calvary
further information contact:
                                                                               •   Mission And Our Interior Life
Rosa.m.Ropers: rosa.m.ropers@gmail.com or Kathy Roelke                         •   Weapon of the Rosary
at: roelke@tds.net

                                                                           Culvers, Barnes & Noble, Bath & Body Works, Gap, Home Depot,
                                                                           Starbucks, Walgreen’s, Kwik Trip, Pick ’n Save, Piggly Wig-
                                                                           gly, Meffert’s, Neil’s Liquor, Rex’s Innkeeper, Olive Garden,
                                                                           Panera Bread, Pizza Hut, Amazon, Walmart, Target, Woodman’s,
                                                                           Subway, and many more.

                                                                           SCRIP is also available in the parish office M-F 8:00am-2:30pm
                                                                            Contact Kim Piazza @ 849-5121 x 136 for more information

January 16, 2022 5460 Mary Lake Road - Parishes Online
Mass Live Stream Schedule @ Saint John the Baptist
                                                                                 Saturday @ 5:00pm and Sunday @ 1:00pm (Spanish)
                                                                                                Go to www.stjb.org

          KC’s Holiday Raffle

The 31ST Annual Holiday Raffle has begun! Your lucky tickets are                      CALENDAR OF EVENTS
ready in the Narthex of the Church ready for pick up. Please help          Saturday, January 15
support the raffle that is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus               7:00am—Men’s Bible Study Group (Gathering Room)
Council 6371 and St. John’s Home & School. This is a great fund-             10:00am—First Penance Service for Faith Formation (Church)
raiser, with proceeds used to support numerous parish and
school needs.                                                              Sunday, January 16
                                                                              9:15am—Faith Formation Classes (School)
Tickets are $10 each, 3 for $25 or 5 for $40. Prizes include a
$1,500 Grand Prize and $750 First Prize.                                   Monday, January 17 NO SCHOOL
                                                                            10:00am—Saint John Piecemakers (Gathering Room)
The drawing will be held on January 20, 2022 (you need not be
present to win). These tickets are great gifts too-- so be sure to         Tuesday, January 18
buy early.                                                                    9:00am—Renew Prayer Group (Gathering Room)
                                                                              6:30pm—Council of Catholic Women (Saint Therese’s Room)
                                                                              6:30pm—WEB (Narthex)
                                                                              6:30pm—Faith Formation Classes (School)
                                                                           Wednesday, January 19
                                                                             7:00pm—Faith Formation Classes (School)
                                                                             7:00pm—Rosary (Chapel)
                                                                           Thursday, January 20
                                                                              9:00am—9:00pm—Eucharistic Adoration (Chapel)
                                                                              3:00pm—Bible Study (Saint Therese’s Room)
                                                                           Friday, January 21
                                                                               8:30am—Women of Grace (Gathering Room)
                                                                           Saturday, January 22
                                                                              7:00am—Men’s Bible Study Group (Gathering Room)
                                                                             10:00am—First Penance Service for Faith Formation (Church)
                                                                              1:00pm—Spanish Prep Classes (School)
                                                                           Sunday, January 23
                                                                              9:15am—Faith Formation Classes (School)
                                                                              1:00pm—Spanish Mass & Hispanic Regional Gathering (Church)

                                                                           The Knights of Columbus are holding
                                                                           a 5th Sunday Rosary at 7:30am on
                                                                           January 30 at St. John's before the
                                                                           8am mass. Please invite your friends
                                                                           and family to join us in prayer. If any Knight would like to lead a
                                                                           decade, please contact Ben Pike at Benjamin.A.Pike@gmail.com

                  Knights of Columbus                                                         Pancake Breakfast
                  Free Throw Contest
                                                                           The Knights of Columbus Council 6371 of Waunakee will be
                                                                           hosting a pancake breakfast on Sunday January 30, 2022. at
The Knights of Columbus will be hosting their annual Free Throw            Saint John’s School. Serving will be from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Contest on Sunday, January 30 at 12:30 in the St. John's School            The breakfast will feature pancakes, scrambled eggs, hash brown
Gym. The competition is open to all girls and boys 9-14 years              patties, sausage links, sliced ham, juice, coffee and milk. The
old. There is no cost. To pre-register, please email Erik Hayko            breakfast starts Catholic Schools Week at Saint John’s. Come for
at ehayko@tds.net or call at (608)692-3646. Walk in registra-              breakfast and stay for the Open House.Drive up carryout option
tions are welcome between 12:00-12:30. Hope to see you there.              will be available.

January 16, 2022 5460 Mary Lake Road - Parishes Online
Diocese of Madison OEC—
               WELCOME!                                                                     Marriage and Family—608 - 821 - 3000
 Santa made a stop at the Parish Library!
There are new books for readers of all ages.
                                                                                               Marriage Prep Weekend Retreats
                                                                                             Make the most of your marriage preparation!
For adults:                                                                            For dates and registration, go to www.madisondiocese.org/mp
Jerome Lejeune: A Man of Science and Conscience by Aude Dugast. Ignatius
Press. c2021. A pioneer of modern genetics, Dr. Lejeune discovered the chro-                  ESPANOL preparacion matrimonial
mosomal defect that causes Down’s Syndrome. He put his brilliance at the
service of these children. 921 LEJ
                                                                                             Spanish Real Life, Real Love Marriage Prep Session
                                                                                                Llame al 608 - 821 - 3000 para REGISTRARSE
Mother Thrice Admirable by Danielle Peters and John Larson, MIC. Marian
Press. c2019. An Introduction to the Mariology of Fr. Joseph Kentenich,
founder of the Schoenstatt Movement. 232.91 PET
                                                                                                               Prepare the way of the Lord, make
                                                                                                               straight his paths.” Sign up today to
Lord of the World by Robert Hugh Benson. Christian Classics. c2016. In this
dystopian novel, the author imagines a world where belief in God has been
                                                                                                               prepare your marriage to follow the
replaced by secular humanism. Only a small remnant of faithful remains. “I                                     Lord by attending one of the next VIRTU-
advise you to read it.”—Pope Francis FIC Ben                                          AL Worldwide Marriage Encounter Experience on January 8-9; IN
                                                                                      PERSON Experiences on February 11-13 in Madison, WI or April
                                                                                      22-24 in Brookfield, WI. Visit our website at - alifetimeoflove.org
For young adults:
The Virtue Chronicles series by Paul McCusker. Augustine Institute. c2021.
                                                                                      or call (888) 574-5653. Para un fin de semana en español por
Book #1: The Saintly Outlaw; Book #2: The Warrior Maiden; Book #3: The                favor llamen a Candelario y Emilia al 815-375-4250
Hidden Heroes. Featuring the time-travel journeys of Andrew Perry and Eve
Virtue, set in 12th-16th century England. YA FIC McC

For intermediate readers:
The Adventures of Loupio series by Jean-Francois Kieffer. Magnificat/
                                                                                      Are you struggling in your marriage? Retrouvaille is a weekend
Ignatius. c2021. Six volumes in graphic novel format. In the exciting days of         retreat offered to married couples to help re-establish communi-
chivalrous knights and wandering troubadours, a young orphaned poet and               cation and to gain new insights into themselves as individuals
musician named Loupio travels throughout Italy, experiencing many daring              and as a couple. The retreat provides tools to help couples with
adventures. Befriended by Francis of Assisi and accompanied by the wolf
Francis tamed, Loupio encounters dangers and challenges that help him and
                                                                                      communication, forgiveness, and trust. It teaches a dialogue
young readers learn lessons of faith, hope, and charity. JUV Fic KIE                  process of meaningful communication. For more information or
                                                                                      to register for a retreat, email: 2035@helpourmarriage.org or
                                                                                      call 414-502-7685.
Picture books:
David and Goliath written and illustrated by Tomie dePaola. Magnificat/
Ignatius. c2021. E 222.4 deP                                                                           Healing from Abortion
Noah and the Ark written and illustrated by Tomie dePaola. Magnificat/                       Healing from Abortion — One Weekend at a Time
Ignatius. c.2020. E 222.1 deP                                                         Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats - offer Hope and Healing for any per-
                                                                                      son, who has struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of
Board Book:
The Mass for Little Ones written and illustrated by Maite Roche. Magnificat/
                                                                                      abortion. Visit: www.madisondiocese.org/rachel
Ignatius. c2021. BB 264.36 ROC                                                                         Or www.madisondiocese.org/projectrachel

January 16, 2022 5460 Mary Lake Road - Parishes Online
Pastor, Rev. Monsignor James L. Gunn                                              Rev. Msgr. James L Gunn, Pastor
 Phone                                         (608) 849 - 5121 ext. 311
                                                                                    Rectory                                                     (608) 849 - 5121
 Email                                                 jgunn@stjb.org
                                                                                    Msgr. Gunn                                         (608) 849 - 5121 ext. 311
Parochial Vicar, Father Vincent Racanelli                                           Father Vincent Racanelli                           (608) 849 - 5121 ext. 303
 Phone                                       (608) 849 - 5121 ext. 303
 Email                                             vracanelli@stjb.org              Fax                                                         (608) 849 - 4122
                                                                                    Website                                                        www.stjb.org
Deacon, Norbert Brunner (Deacon Norb)
 Phone                                                608) 850 - 4669               Email                                                stmaryparish@stjb.org
 Email                                              nbrunner@tds.net
                                                                                          Parish Trustees—Theresa Alt and Janette Hermanson
Business Manager, Jackie Nerat
 Phone                                       (608) 849 - 5121 ext. 118
 Email                                                jnerat@stjb.org
                                                                                                              Sacramental Life
Administrative Assistant, Kim Piazza
 Phone                                         (608) 849 - 5121 ext. 136          Baptism, Baptismal Preparation Class, Weddings, Hospital Visits,
 Email                                                kpiazza@stjb.org             Home Ministry (Eucharist), Scrip: Call Parish Office—849-5121
Bulletin Editor
Phone                                         608) 849 - 5325 ext. 174
                                                                                            Anointing of the Sick:
Email                                          bulletineditor@stjb.org                                      Reconciliation:
School Principal, Liz Goldman                                                                      Saint John: Saturday 4:00pm and
Phone                                         608) 849 - 5325 ext. 220                        Mondays and Tuesdays following 8:00am Mass
Email                                              lgoldman@stjb.org                             Saint Mary: Saturdays at 4:30pm and
Fax                                                   (608) 849 - 5342                          Wednesdays following the 8:00am Mass
School Administrative Assistant, Beth Russell
                                                                                               Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction:
 Phone                                       (608) 849 - 5325 ext. 109
 Email                                              brussell@stjb.org
                                                                                              First Fridays of the Month 9:00am-10:00am
                                                                                      Thursdays 9:00am - 9:00pm—Saint John the Baptist Chapel
Coordinator of Evangelization & Catechesis, Eileen Daley
 Phone                                       (608) 849 - 5121 ext. 174
                                                                                  PRIEST VISITS—If you or a loved one is ill and need to speak to
 Email                                               edaley@stjb.org
                                                                                  a priest, please call the Rectory at 849 - 5121 for St. John’s or St.
 En Espanol Maria Anderson, Spanish Sacrament Prep Assistant                      Mary’s. It is also very helpful if you tell care staff that you are a
 Phone                                         (608) 239 - 1394 Cell              member of St. Mary of the Lake Parish or St. John the Baptist
 Email                                        manderson@stjb.org                  Parish.
Youth Minister, Karli Roessler
 Phone                                           (608) 843 - 9332 Cell                                                  Saint Michael the Archangel,
 Email                                             kroessler@stjb.org                                                        defend us in battle.
                                                                                                                 Be our protection against the wickedness
         Parish Trustees—Dan McCausland and Tim Ryan                                                                       and snares of the devil.
             Parish Council President—Bob Sachtjen                                                                May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
                                                                                                                            and do Thou, O Prince
         Parish Council Vice President—Dennis Hampton
                                                                                                                            of the Heavenly Host,
                                                                                                                        by the Divine Power of God,
                                                                                                                 cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits
                                                                                                                     who roam throughout the world
   Monday - Friday 8:00am - 3:00pm School Bldg. Entrance A                                                                seeking the ruin of souls.
Email                                        stjohnparish@stjb.org
Fax                                                (608) 849 - 5866                   DEEPEN YOUR FAITH
School & Preschool                                 (608) 849 - 5325                     WITH THE CATHOLIC HERALD

After Hours Emergency                        (608) 849 - 5121 ext. 3              Learn     more      about     your Catholic faith    by    reading
                                                                                  the Catholic Herald. If you do not subscribe but wish to receive
                                                                                  the Catholic Herald print or new e - Edition in your home, contact
                  If you need prayers for health issues, world                    your parish office.
                  peace, family issues, etc., or if you’d like to join
                  the Prayer Network, please            e-mail Jean
                  Elvekrog at jelvekrog@gmail.com if you prefer                                Bulletin Articles & Notices
                  to be notified of prayer requests by email OR
                                                                                    DEADLINE—Fridays @ 5:00pm—ONE WEEK AHEAD
                  call Doris Labarre 849-9692 if you prefer to re-
                  ceive a phone call with prayer requests.                              Submit emails to bulletineditor@stjb.org

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  Dr. Hamilton and Dr. Conger WELCOME New Patients! When New Patients are referred by an existing
patient, each receive a referral credit on their accounts! Please call our office to receive more information.
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                                   1000 Quinn Drive, Waunakee, WI 53597                                                        When you need assisted living
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                                                                      Winn Cress
                                                                                                                                Visit Sienna Crest’s home to feel the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  AT ST. VINCENT DE PAUL!
                                                                                                                                  coziness and caring for yourself.
           Tammy A. Reefe, Parish Member                                                                                                                                                                            Help those in need
           Financial Advisor
           (608) 850-6267 • Waunakee
           www.edwardjones.com                      Member SIPC
                                                                         Funeral Home                                         200 Cross Street, Waunakee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      in Dane County
                                                                          HARVEY WINN, Parish Member
       Rex’s Innkeeper                                                            849-4513                                              Robert J. Arntz, Architect
                                                                                                                                   Specializing in Custom Residential New Home,
                      Restaurant/Bar and Banquet Facility
                      Hwy. 113 N. Waunakee - 849-5011                                                                              Addition and Remodeling Projects Since 1995
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                            Carry-Outs Available
               Steak & Seafood • Friday Fish Fry • Nightly Specials
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Roofing & Siding, Inc.
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 Business 608-849-6770
 102 North Holiday Drive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PLASTERING, INC.
 Waunakee, WI 53597
                                               Kevin Acker
 www.premierbuildersinc.com                     Parish Member                                                                                                                                                   506 Dorn Drive • Waunakee

                                                                                                                                   VILLAGE MALL • 849-8500
                                                                                                                                             The UPS Store
                                                                                                                              Village Mall                                        849-2697
          Contact Vince Olson to place an ad today!                                                                                                                                                                                             Wally Jankowski
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Parish Member

          volson@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2529                                                                                                                                                                                   FRONT DISCHARGE TRUCKS
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www.donsmarine.com                                                                                                                                                              Bob Sachtjen
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                                                                                      Contact Vince Olson to place an ad today!
                                                                                      volson@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2529                                                                         Brian Soper, Parishioner

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  Matthew Karls, DDS • Sarah Karls, DDS                                                                                                   Call to schedule a tour today!
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               www.karlsfamilydentistry.com                                                                                          (608) 849-2322 (Waunakee)
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ken Wagner, President
 Members of the American Dental Association                                                                                         www.brightstarseniorliving.com                                   6989 Schneider Rd., Middleton, WI 53562
                        Parish Members                                                                         Independently Owned and Operated                                                      Ofc: 608-831-6355 • Cell: 608-516-7200

N 1223 US Hwy 51
Arlington, WI 53911
                                                    George C. Annen
                                                     (608) 846-3638
                                                                             DAN O’DONNELL CONSTRUCTION
                                                                                            Trim Carpenter
                                                                               Kitchen • Bath • Basement • Remodeling
                                                                                Licensed and Insured • Parish Member
                                                                               bkmdano@tds.net • 608-235-8154                                                                                                 David C. Knaack
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Parish Member • Financial Advisor
                                         Robert J. Sawicki, CPA              Septic Specialists & Evacating Inc.                                                                                   Phone: 608-252-5713 • dknaack@rwbaird.com
                            Investment Broker
                                Parishioner                                   From Soil Testing to Your Outdoor Plumbing Needs
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Shannon K. Davidson
 3602 Atwood Ave, Ste 3, Madison, WI 53714                                                  Ph: 608-849-8771                                                                                                     Financial Advisor
        www.innovativefinancialinc.com                                       Ken Meier 849-8535          Steven Crosby 849-8771
                                                                              MPRS 224144                        MPRS 227009                                                                      Phone: 608-252-5734 • sdavidson@rwbaird.com
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Securities and Advisory Services offered through Harbour Investments, Inc.            7361 Darlin Drive, Dane, WI 53529                                                                          One S Pinckney St. Suite 600, Madison, WI 53703

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                                                                                                                                                                                                   (608) 332.0667

                               For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com                                                 St. John the Baptist & St. Mary of the Lake, Waunakee, WI                                          A 4C 01-0555
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