Back to School Information Guide 2021

Page created by Tony Flores
Back to School Information Guide 2021
Back to School
             Information Guide

TAS Information Guide - 2021     Return to Main Menu   1
Back to School Information Guide 2021

  New Students - Yrs 6-11 Orientation..........3
  Returning Students - Year Start.....................4
  Student Admin Days............................................5
  Term Dates 2021.....................................................6
  House Coast Weekend........................................7
  Year 7 Orientation Camp...................................7

Junior School
  Important Information........................................8
  Important Dates......................................................8
  Junior School Contact List................................8
  Library and Sports.................................................8
  After School Hours Club.....................................8
  Daily Routine and Bell Times...........................9

Middle School
 Important Information........................................10
 Important Dates......................................................10
 Middle School Contact List..............................10
 Class Placements and Testing.........................10
 Daily Routine and Bell Times...........................11

Senior School
  Important Dates......................................................12

 Staff Contact List.....................................................13
 Prep Chart...................................................................15
 Communication at TAS.......................................16
 Pastoral Care Advisor System.........................17
 How to wear the uniform.................................18/19
 Absence or late arrival.........................................20
 Boarders Leave System (REACH)...................21
 Managing Technology........................................22/23
 Student Behavioural Expectations...............24/25
Back to School Information Guide 2021
New Middle and Senior School Orientation (Years 6 - 11)

  New Middle and Senior School Students Orientation (Years 6 - 11)
  Students should wear casual clothes on this day

                                                                            Middle School                                                             Senior School
                            Year 6          Year 7           Year 8                                  Year 9          Year 10          Year 11
                                                                               Parents                                                                   Parents
                                                                                         Lunch and Welcome
    12:00pm - 12:40pm                                                                       Gymnasium

                                                                                     Meet your advisor
    12:45pm - 1:00pm                                                              Homerooms/Advisor Rooms

                                            Information Session with Q&A                                  Laptop Distribution and Technology Information Session
    1:00pm - 2:00pm                              Yr 12 Study CentreYr Yr                                                       The Hub

                                                                                                    Cadet uniform distribution
    2:00pm - 2:30pm             Laptop Distribution and Technology Information Session                      Q store                   Information Session with Q&A
                                                      The Hub
                                                                                                   Information Session with Q&A             Yr 12 Study Centre
    2:30pm - 3:00pm                                                                                     Yr 12 Study Centre

                                                                                     Day Students depart
    3:00pm - 3:45pm                                                           Boarders check into Boarding Houses

    3:45pm - 4:00pm                                   New Boarders and parents meet with respective Head of House in house common room

                                                     Boarder parents welcome drinks (all boarder parents welcome - both new and returning)
    4:30pm - 5:30pm                                                          Undercover area (opposite the pool)

    5:30pm                                                          Parents depart, boarders attend dinner in the dining room

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Back to School Information Guide 2021
Returning Day & Boarding Students - Year Start Information

ALL STUDENTS - JUNIOR SCHOOL                                       ALL STUDENTS - MIDDLE & SENIOR SCHOOL
TRANSITION TO YEAR 5                                               YEARS 6 TO 12

THURSDAY 28 JANUARY, 2021                                          WEDNESDAY 27 JANUARY, 2021
Junior School Students wear summer uniform                         Students please wear casual clothes on this day

8.45am            Welcome Assembly to be held under the 		         2.00 - 8.00pm     All returning Boarders to Houses.
		                covered area in the Junior School.

                                                                   4.30 - 5.30pm     All Boarders and their families are invited for a
9.00am 		 Transition children and parents go to 		                 		                welcome drink in the Junior School covered way.
		        the Transition classroom, via the Transition
                                                                   THURSDAY 28 JANUARY, 2021
9.15am		          Junior School Morning Tea (K-5) with parents
		                in the grassed area adjacent to Junior School    All students (Years 6 to 12) are to wear formal uniform

                                                                   Please follow the schedule on Page 5.
9.30am		          Junior School Classes commence

School photos will be taken. Please ensure your child is wearing
the formal uniform on this day.

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Back to School Information Guide 2021
All Students - Student Admin Days

    Senior School Admin Day • Middle School ID Photos
    Junior School wear summer uniform. Middle and Senior School wear formal uniform.

    NB - Venues are subject to change        Junior School             Middle School                  Year 9                  Year 10                  Year 11                  Year 12
                                            Welcome Assembly                                     Senior School Q&A
                                                                           Welcome                                          Wellbeing                   Photos                    Photos
        Period 1      8:45am - 9:30am        and Morning Tea
                                                                          Middle School
                                                                                                      IT Q&A
                                                                                                                           PE Classroom                 Gym                      Gym
                                               Junior School                                      Memorial Hall
                                                                          Homeroom                Photos at 10am               Photos                 Wellbeing                Wellbeing
        Period 2      9:30am - 10:15am            Transition
                                                                          Middle School              Gym                      Gym                   Hoskins                 Hoskins
                                             commence at 9am
                                              Please go straight
                                                    to the
        Recess        10:15am - 10:35am          Transition                                                                   RECESS
                                                                             Photos                 Wellbeing                  IT Q&A                   IT Q&A
        Period 3      10:35am - 11:20am                                       Gym                 PE Classroom               Hoskins                 Hoskins
                                                                                                                                                                             Normal Classes

        Advisor       11:20am - 11:40am        Normal Classes                                                                 ADVISOR

        Period 4      11:40am - 12:25pm                                  Normal Classes
                                                                                                   Normal Classes         Normal Classes             Normal Classes          Normal Classes
       Period 5a      12:25pm- 1:10pm                           Lunch

       Period 5b      1:10pm - 1:45pm                                    Normal Classes                                                      Lunch

                      1:45pm - 2:15pm                                                                                        ASSEMBLY
        Period 6                               Normal Classes
                      2:15pm - 2:45pm                                                                   DAY HOUSE AND BOARDING HOUSE MEETINGS

        Period 7      2:45pm - 3:30pm                                                                                    SPORTS BRIEFING

        Junior and Middle School Admin Day
        Junior School wear formal uniform. Middle and Senior School wear summer uniform.

        NB - Venues are subject to change        Junior School                     Year 6                      Year 7                        Year 8                   Senior School
                                               Photos for Year 1 & 2             Wellbeing                   Academics                      IT Q&A
           Period 1     8:45am - 9:30am               Gym                       Homeroom                  Hoskins Centre               Memorial Hall
                                                                                                                                                                       Normal Classes

                                             Photos for Transition and            IT Q&A                     Wellbeing                      Academics
           Period 2     9:30am - 10:15am       Kindergarten  Gym               Homeroom                   Hoskins Centre                Memorial Hall
                                                                                                                                                                       Normal Classes

            Recess      10:15am - 10:35am                                                                       Recess

                                              Photos for Year 3, 4 & 5           Academics                    IT Q&A                        Wellbeing
           Period 3     10:35am - 11:20am             Gym                       Homeroom                 Hoskins Centre                 Memorial Hall
                                                                                                                                                                       Normal Classes

           Advisor      11:20am - 11:40am         Normal Classes                                                               Advisor

                                                 Normal Classes -
           Period 4     11:40am - 12:25pm       Transition to Year 4            Normal Classes              Normal Classes                Normal Classes               Normal Classes
                                             Year 5 IT Q&A The Hub

          Period 5a     12:25pm- 1:15pm                                                            Lunch                                                               Normal Classes

          Period 5b     1:15pm - 2:00pm           Normal Classes                Normal Classes              Normal Classes                Normal Classes                  Lunch

           Period 6     2:00pm - 2:45pm           Normal Classes                Normal Classes              Normal Classes                Normal Classes               Normal Classes

           Period 7     2:45pm - 3:30pm           Normal Classes                Normal Classes              Normal Classes                Normal Classes               Normal Classes

TAS Information Guide - 2021                                                                                                                         Return to Main Menu                      5
Back to School Information Guide 2021
Term Dates 2021
                                    2021 Term Dates
                 New Staff Induction              Thursday & Friday
                                                  21-22 January
  Term 1         Staff Day                        Monday 25 January              10 weeks

                 Australia Day Holiday            Tuesday 26 January

                 Staff Day / Boarders return      Wednesday 27 January

                 School resumes – Admin Day       Thursday 28 January
                 Term ends–classes conclude       Wednesday 31 March
                 Staff Day                        Thursday 1 April
                 Good Friday                      Friday 2 April

  Term 2         Staff Day / Boarders return      Monday 19 April                10 Weeks
                 Classes commence                 Tuesday 20 April

                 Anzac Day                        Sunday 25 April
                 Classes conclude                 Thursday 10 June
                 Staff Day                        Friday 11 June
                 Queen’s Birthday Long
                 Weekend (School closed)
                 Boarders Return                  Monday 14 June
                 Classes resume                   Tuesday 15 June
                 Term ends–classes conclude       Thursday 24 June
                 Staff Day                        Friday 25 June

  Term 3         Staff Day / Boarders return      Monday 19 July                 9 weeks
                 Classes commence                 Tuesday 20 July
                 Term ends–classes conclude       Thursday 16 September
                 Staff Day / Valedictory Day      Friday 17 September

  Term 4         Boarders return (no staff day)   Monday 4 October               9 weeks
                 Classes resume                   Tuesday 5 October
                 Term ends – classes conclude Wednesday 1 December
                 Speech Day                       Thursday 2 December

  VOB 10//8/20

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Back to School Information Guide 2021
House Coast Weekend

Every year in Term 1, the School organises a House weekend at the coast for all boarding and any interested day students from Year 8 and
above. In 2021 House Coast Weekend will depart Friday 29 January and return Sunday 31 January.

This weekend provides an opportunity for the students to get to know each other better, develop friendships and establish a sense of
cohesiveness within the houses.

There are a number of different groups which head to the coast;

 Group                             Years                         Boys or Girls    House                               Location
 Senior Boys Boarding              Years 9 to 12                 Boys             Abbott House                        Sawtell
                                   Years 9 to 12                 Boys             Croft House                         Emerald Beach
                                   Years 9 to 12                 Boys             Tyrrell House                       Sapphire Beach
 Middle School Boys Boarders       Year 6 and Year 8             Boys             White House                         Coffs Harbour
 Middle and Senior                 Year 6 and Year 8 to 12       Girls            Dangar House and                    Urunga
 Girls Boarding                                                                   Girls’ Boarding House
 Day Students                      Years 8 to 12                 Boys and Girls   Broughton, Green and Ross           Woolgoolga
 (optional attendance)                                                            Houses
 Orientation Camp                  Year 7                        Boys and Girls   All Year 7 - Day Students and       Bonville

Students board the buses at school at 4pm on Friday afternoon and return Sunday afternoon at approximately 4pm. For our boarding
students this is an important opportunity to meet and become acquainted with all the Residential Boarding House staff who will be
working with the students throughout the year. It also brings about a greater sense of community, particularly for new staff and students
and helps to alleviate potential homesickness amongst the students. While not compulsory for day students, it promises once again to be
a great weekend to make new friends and meet staff.

All students will need to pack and bring the following;

* Hat			                       * 2 x T-shirts		            * 2 x Shorts		         * Swimmers/Boardshorts
* Rashie			                    * Towel			                  * Sunscreen		          * 1 x Neat shirt and shorts/skirt
* Thongs		                     * Shoes			                  * Sleeping Bag		       * Personal Toiletries

All meals and entertainment are provided. However a small amount of pocket money may be taken. The cost of the trip is included in the
residential fees for boarders. Day students will have the cost charged to their account. The cost is expected to be approximately $200.

Normal school rules apply with regards to expected student behaviour.

Further details will be supplied closer to the date.

Year 7 Orientation Camp
In 2021 our Year 7 group will be attending an orientation camp at Coffs Coast Adventure Centre - Bonville.

Just as for the House Coast Weekend, the Year 7 group will depart Friday afternoon 29 January and return Sunday afternoon 31 January.

The purpose of the camp is to welcome Year 7 as a cohort to TAS and provide an opportunity for students to meet and bond with one
another through organised activities. The camp will also enable staff to get to know students and introduce the cultural expectations and
practices that are central to life here at The Armidale School.

Students will be participating in a number of physical activities including canoeing, giant swing, skywire and commando course. Evenings
will be spent playing night games and we will also have a big screen movie night.

The cost of the trip is included in the fees for all Year 7 students.

TAS Information Guide - 2021                                                                              Return to Main Menu              7
Back to School Information Guide 2021
Junior School (T-5) - Important Information

We welcome our new and returning families to TAS in 2021 and           JUNIOR SCHOOL CONTACT LIST
inform you of the start of term details. We are very pleased to have
such a large number of new enrolments and, as you will have            Head of Junior School
heard, it will be a very busy term.                                    Mr Ian Lloyd              		           6776 5817

                                                                       Assistant to Head of Junior School
Transition - Year 2
                                                                       Ms Sandra Lasker                       6776 5817
We wish to remind parents of children in Transition to Year 2 that
Learn to Swim lessons commence in the second week of Term 1,
from Monday 1 February, 2021. Sports training also commences           Class Teachers
for all children in the second week. Please ensure you are prepared
with the appropriate gear. All information in relation to sport        Transition 			                         Mrs Tania Ball
will be posted in our weekly newsletter TAS Talks. If you have any     				Mrs Anne Trenerry
questions, please contact Junior School Reception on 6776 5817.
                                                                       Kindergarten 			                       Mrs Anna O’Connor
                                                                       Year 1 				                            Mrs Christine Wright
                                                                       Year 2 				                            Mrs Tania Hardin
                                                                       Year 3				                             Mrs Lana Hawskford
Wednesday 27 January       Transition Information Evening for
			                        parents from 5.30pm - 6:30pm                Year 4				                             Mrs Veronica Waters
			Transition Classroom
                                                                       Year 5				                             Mrs Grania Fawcett

Thursday 28 January Junior School Welcome and Morning
			                 Tea from 8.45 am in the Junior School
			                 covered area. All classes commence                 LIBRARY AND SPORTS
			from 9.30am.                                                        Junior School students have library lessons in The Hub once a
                                                                       week at which time they may borrow and return books.
Friday 29 January		 School photos - please ensure your
			child is wearing formal uniform on 		                               After school sport training days vary. Students may wear sports
			this occasion.
                                                                       uniform on the day when they have after school sport (this does
                                                                       not apply to days when they have PE). The Junior School will
Friday 29 January		        Junior School Welcome BBQ at 5.30pm
                                                                       advise sports training days at the commencement of Term 1.
			                        Junior School covered area

Tuesday 2 February         Parent Information Evenings
			                        Years K, 2 & 4
                                                                       AFTER SCHOOL HOURS CLUB
			                        6.00 - 7.00pm in classrooms                 TAS Junior School offers Out of School Hours Club (OSHC) for our
                                                                       students and families.
Thursday 4 February        Parent Information Evening
			                        (Years 1, 3 & 5)                            The program combines active games with structured and
			                        6.00 - 7.00pm in classrooms                 unstructured play, quiet time and a healthy snack. This time is led
                                                                       by our carer, Ms Jacinta Coates, a qualified and highly experienced
Thursday 11 February       Junior School Swimming Carnival             provider. OSHC is located in the dedicated space at Junior School
                                                                       and all that is required is for interested parents, is to register their
Thursday 25 March          Junior School Athletics Carnival            child by contacting Mrs Sandra Lasker on or
                                                              Further details will be forwarded upon expression
Wednesday 31 March         End of Term - Classes conclude              of interest.

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Back to School Information Guide 2021
Junior School - Daily Routine and Bell Times


 8.15am		         Playground is supervised from this time
 8.45 am		        Period 1
 9.30 am		        Period 2
10.15 - 10.35am   Recess 1 - Tutti fruitti - supervised by the classroom teacher either in class or in the playground
10.35am		         Period 3
11.20 - 11.40am   Recess 2
11.40am		         Period 4
12.25pm		         Lunch for Transition - Year 5
 1.10pm		         Break
 1.15pm		         Period 5
 2.00pm		         Period 6
 2.45pm		         Period 7 (Wednesday afternoon - Junior School Assembly)
 3.20pm		         Transition concludes
 3.30pm		         Rest of Junior School classes conclude

TAS Information Guide - 2021                                                                              Return to Main Menu   9
Back to School Information Guide 2021
Middle School (Years 6 to 8) - Important Information

Welcome to you and your child to the 2021 school year at TAS.          MIDDLE SCHOOL CONTACT LIST
I do hope you are having a relaxing summer and enjoying the
holiday break. 2021 promises to be a busy year with much               Head of Middle School
excitement for the whole TAS community as we continue to
                                                                       Mr Mark Harrison                     6776 5819
embrace all the opportunities that TAS brings.

                                                                       Assistant to Head of Middle School
IMPORTANT DATES FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL                                      Mrs Robyn Frost			                   6776 5819
Thursday 28 January         Start of School term - Formal Uniform
Friday 29 January		 4pm all Boarders depart for Coast
                                                                       CLASS PLACEMENTS AND TESTING
			 Year 7 depart for Orientation Camp
                                                                       All Middle School students (Years 6 to 8) will be tested in
			 4pm Any interested Year 8 Day
                                                                       literacy and numeracy in the first weeks of term to determine
			 Students depart for House Coast
                                                                       the correct allocation and classes for each student. Students
                                                                       will initially be placed in classes at the beginning of Week 1
Saturday 30 January         House Coast Weekend                        but following the testing they may be allocated to a different
			                         Year 7 Orientation Camp Weekend            class. We ask that families understand the importance of this
Sunday 31 January 4pm students return from House 		                    process, which also takes into account previous school reports,
			               Coast Weekend and Year 7 Orientation                 enrolment interviews and TAS Junior School recommendations
			Camp Weekend                                                        (where applicable).
Thursday 11 February Middle School Parent Information
			Evening and Welcome BBQ.*
			Inter-House War Cry Competition

Friday 12 February Middle/Senior School
			Swimming Carnival

* This is an opportunity for parents to meet teachers, hear an
outline of the year’s programs and to ask any questions. This is not
an individual Parent/Teacher Interview.

Following the barbecue, all parents are invited to the TAS pool
to watch the inter-House War Cry Competition and the first few
races before the following day’s swimming carnival.

                                                                                                       Return to Main Menu               10
Middle & Senior Schools - Daily Routine and Bell Times


7.00 - 8.00 am    Boarders’ breakfast
		                (Inspection and Roll Call is by internal arrangement in Houses. All students must attend.)
 8.30am		         Staff Briefing in Common Room
 8.45am		         Period 1
 9.30am		         Period 2
10.15am		         Recess
10.35am		         Period 3
10.35am		         School Assembly (Tuesdays only) replaced by Activities briefings on the Tuesday prior to each Activities Day (see notes)
11.20am		         Advisor Group
11.40am		         Period 4
12.25pm		         Period 5 for Years 9-12
12.25pm		         Lunch for Transition - Year 8
 1.10pm		         Break
 1.15pm		         Period 5 for Years Transition - Year 8
 1.15pm		         Lunch for Years 9-12
 2.00pm		         Period 6
 2.45pm		         Period 7
 3.30pm		         Classes conclude
 3.45pm		         Sports practices
5.30 pm		         Boarders’ Roll Call - Middle School (in house)
 6.00pm		         Boarders’ Dinner
 6.30 - 7.50pm    Prep for Middle School Boarders
 7.00pm		         Roll Call - Senior Boarding Houses (in house - subject to change in Winter)
 7.00pm-9.00pm    Senior Boarders’ Prep (Prep times are subject to change)

•        Advisor Groups will take place from 11.20am and 11.40am each day Monday to Thursday inclusive
•        The Heads of House will call House Assemblies when required during these times
•        Prefects Assembly will take place on Fridays at 11.20 am
•        Senior & Middle School Assembly/Activities Briefings will be held on Tuesdays Period 3
•        Students are required to wear their school blazer for Tuesday’s School Assembly’s


Early morning routine same as weekdays up to and including Roll Call and inspection.
7.30am - 9.30am		         Breakfast (Dining Room)
12.30pm - 1.30pm          Lunch
6.00pm - 6.30pm		         Dinner


Chapel times are advertised each week by the Chaplain.
8.00am - 9.00am		          Breakfast in house
12.30pm - 1.00pm           Lunch - Dining Room
6.00pm - 6.30 pm		         Dinner - compulsory with rolls called

Individual House routines apply afterwards.

Please check weekly newsletter TAS Talks for details of Chapel Services.

TAS Information Guide - 2021                                                                           Return to Main Menu              11
Senior School (Years 9 to 12) - Important Information


Thursday 28 January    Start of School term - wear formal uniform
Friday 29 January		    4pm Depart for House Coast Weekend
Saturday 30 January    House Coast Weekend
Sunday 31 January      Return from House Coast Weekend
Thursday 11 February   Inter-House War Cry Competition
Friday 12 February     Middle/Senior School Swimming Carnival

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Staff Contact List


TAS Reception/Student Travel/Services   Mrs Veronica Lucas      02 6776 5800
Middle School Reception				             Mrs Robyn Frost		       02 6776 5819
Junior School Reception				             Mrs Sandra Lasker		     02 6776 5817
Secretary to Head of School				         Mrs Vickey O’Brien      02 6776 5806
Director of Development				             Ms Cressida Mort		      0417 271 835
Enrolments Registrar				                Mrs Jo Neilson		        02 6776 5824
Development/Enrolments Office		         Mrs Anna Gayner		       02 6776 5834
Development/Enrolments Office		         Mrs Emily Griffiths		   02 6776 5823
Deputy Head of School				               Mrs Seonia Wark		       02 6776 5806
Director of Studies				                 Mr Luke Polson		        02 6776 5806
Assistant Director of Studies				       Mrs Gillian Downes      02 6776 5806
Head of Middle School				               Mr Mark Harrison		      02 6776 5819
Head of Junior School				               Mr Ian Lloyd		          02 6776 5817
Director of Co-curricular				           Mr Huon Barrett		       0402 343 905
Co-curricular Assistant    		           Mrs Rachael Edmonds     02 6776 5820
Pastoral Care
Director of Pastoral Care				           Mr Adam Whalley		       0408 898 107
Chaplain					                           Rev Richard Newton      0429 157 905
School Counsellor				                   Mrs Alix Goudge		       0417 292 304
Medical Centre					                     Sister Jacki Fletcher   0428 152 291
ICT Service Delivery Manager		  Mr Ken Secker		      0447 092 142
IT Support		                 		 Ms Dom Riddell		     0414 410 729
Sports Centre					              Ms Sally Greenaway   02 6776 5804
Uniform and Book Shop				       Ms Fiona Van de Poel 02 6776 5900
Safety & Security								0428 624 363

Head of Day Houses				                  Mr Adam Whalley		       0408 898 107

Boarding Contacts
Director of Boarding         		         Mr David Drain		        0418 961 325
Abbott House
Head of House		 		 Mr Ben Cook		 0490 901 698
Duty Office								0439 041 627
Croft House
Head of House					 Mr Douglas Fawcett 0426 794 430
Duty Office								0439 026 748

Dangar House - Girls’ Middle School Boarding
Acting Head of House				                   Ms Julie Crozier		 0403 811 873
Duty Office								0418 264 705

Girls’ Boarding House
Acting Head of Girls’ Boarding		 Ms Emma Channon 0413 714 934		
Duty Office							                               6776 5866 /0410 952 648

Tyrrell House
Head of House					               Mr Chris Cook		 0424 095 582		
Duty Office								0439 041 606
White House - Boys’ Middle School Boarding
Head of House					                       Mr James Brauer		 0413 099 128
Duty Office							0439 041 330
TAS Information Guide - 2021                                                Return to Main Menu            13

Elected by students and staff in Term 3, the Prefect body represents and sets the ‘tone’ of the School. Prefectship is not a prize to reward
what a student has already achieved during their time at TAS, however is a call to assist our staff in maintaining the School’s standards in
all areas; supporting students in their own endeavours, and inspiring pride in the School through good example.

TAS Prefects for 2021:
Senior Prefects - 		        Rocco Louis & Hannah Neilson
Deputy Senior Prefects - Tom Forsythe & Hattie Oates
Prefects - 		               Louis Cannington		          Archie Chick
			Oliver Cook		Georgia Donoghue
			April Draney		Lily Etheridge
			Lachlan Galbraith		Hudson McAllister
			Eliza Ward		Tom Younghusband

House Captains and Vice Captains carry the responsibility for participation of students in inter-house competitions in a range of co-
curricular activities. These include sport for the Hickson Cup (primarily swimming and athletics but also a range of sports from time to
time), debating and public speaking (for the Clemson Cup), and creative arts (for the Cash Cup).

House Captains for 2021:
Abbott 		       Archer McDonald & Hattie Oates (C), Tom Forsythe (VC)
Broughton       Rohan Lawrence & Piyumi Ekanayake (C), Alex Hall & Hannah Neilson (VC)
Croft		         Sam Coombes & Keeley O’Connor (C), Isaiah Ruming (VC)
Girls Boarding Lily Etheridge (C), Delta Hawkins-Richardson (VC)
Green 		        Nick O’Neil & April Draney (C), Mehdi Ahsan & Isabella Gooch (VC)
Ross 		         Josiah Alcorn & Bronte Dagg (C), Archie Chick & Pippa Moss (VC)
Tyrrell 		      Tom Younghusband & Eliza Ward (C), Oliver Cook (VC)

The TAS SRC promotes student leadership and democracy by giving students from Middle and Senior School a voice on issues important
to them.
Comprising elected representatives from Years 9-12, along with the Middle School Head Monitors, the council meets on a regular basis to
discuss various aspects of the School and develop initiatives that boost student welfare and engagement.

SRC for 2021:

Year 12 - Keeley O’Connor & Zac Clarke

Year 11 - Emily Palfreyman & Ben Rowe

Year 10 - Emily Buntine & Fred Kearney

Year 9 - Bella Fernance & Lachlan Anderson

Aboriginal Representative - Oscar Ryan-Naylor

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Set Prep + Assignments + Study = Prep
                               ( this flowchart provides advice on how to use your prep time productively)

            Do I have any set prep?                     YES                       DO IT


            Did I take notes in class?                                  Read, summarise and learn
                                                        YES             them


                                                                       Read, (re-read) and
             Do I have a text book or                                  summarise the section
             handout?                                   YES
                                                                       from todays work. Pre-read
                                                                       for next lesson

             Can I practice any activities?             YES                     DO THEM


            Were there 5 key points from                               Write them down and learn
            the lesson?                                 YES                      them


            Do I have an assignment?                    YES                   WORK ON IT

                    NEXT SUBJECT
TAS Information Guide - 2021                                                       Return to Main Menu       15
Communication at TAS / Lunches

TAS Talks
TAS Talks is the TAS weekly newsletter and published in digital format every Wednesday. This publication is essential reading for students
and parents as it outlines the school’s activities in the week ahead and reflects on the achievements of the week that has been.

Website & Student/Parent Portals
The site contains all the information a student or parent needs to know about the school in easy to use Student and Parent Portals that
can be found at the top of the home page.

The TAS website address is

Student Portal
It is strongly recommended that all students familiarise themselves with the school information available on the student portal.
Academic information, CANVAS, Moodle, webmail and links to co-curricular activities and school policies are all easy to access and read.


Students from Year 3 and above may use the School Dining Room for lunch. The cost is $6.00 per lunch which is inclusive of morning tea.
Morning tea is delivered to the Junior School, Middle School, and the quadrangle whilst lunch is held in the Dining Room.

There is a wide range of pre-made salads, bread, fresh seasonal fruit and a hot meal option each day.

Students are provided with a student ID card which they present on entrance to the dining room- there is no need to pre-book. Charges
are then applied to the school account on a user pays - per term basis.

A School canteen is located in the foyer of the TAS Swim Centre. Students are able to purchase food from the canteen and Junior School
students can preorder (tuckshop style) in the morning, providing the correct cash with their order.

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Pastoral Care Advisor System

TAS believes that relationships built around understanding, empathy and support provide the framework that will best help students
develop academically, socially, and emotionally. The TAS Pastoral Care system fosters and promotes positive relationships between
students and staff with four key structures:

Advisors for Years 6-8 (Middle School)
In Middle School, homeroom teachers act as an advisor to students and are responsible for their pastoral care. From helping them develop
organisational skills to leading discussions on topical issues, Middle School advisors are committed to encouraging, supporting and
nurturing students through their early teenage years. Each Year 7 and 8 Middle School class has two advisors who are responsible for their

Advisors for Year 9
In Year 9 students are allocated to an Advisor group where there is a mix of boys/girls/day and boarding students. The focus of Year 9 is to
get to know others in your year group, mix with people who you may not know, all the while developing social skills. Reflecting their stage
of development where they are seeking more independence and an emerging sense of self, these boys and girls grow in the way they
interact with adults in a more personal setting through both structured and informal initiatives, including workshop sessions on positive
communication, career development and social relationships.

Advisors for Year 10-12
For Years 10-12, students are given the unique opportunity to choose a member of staff to be their Advisor for the remainder of their time
at TAS. This flexibility in arrangement foregrounds our recognition that a pastoral care system works best when students have a say in who
their advisor is.

Typical group sizes are 6-10 students, arranged in vertical year groups, and relationships of trust are formed through the three years the
students spend with their Advisor. That said, students may change advisors if the need evolves through their senior years – we want our
students and staff to feel the strongest degree of comfort at all times.

This very special relationship is one built on mutual respect and trust, with Advisors taking on a unique place in a student’s final years of
schooling, walking alongside them in their journey to adulthood. The Director of Pastoral Care Mr Adam Whalley can be contacted by
email on

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How to wear the uniform - the School’s expectations

The School expects its students to wear their full school uniform correctly and with pride and sets high standards for students in public. It
is our expectation that uniform and shoes will be clean and in good repair.

Boys hair should be combed and of an acceptable length (not over the collar, ears or eyes), with no artificial colouring.

Girls hair should be of a natural colour, clean, well kept and drawn away from the face. Shoulder length hair must be tied back. Hair
ribbons are optional, but if worn, must be either plain white (Years 11 and 12) or navy (Years T-10). Makeup is not to be worn to school,
other than a very light covering of tinted sunscreen or a light foundation.

•     Girls can wear small gold, silver or pearl stud earrings (approx 3mm in diameter) or sleepers. Earrings must only be located in the lobe
      of the ear and there is to be only one in each ear. However, girls may be asked to remove these during some sporting or co-curricular
      activities for health and safety reasons.
•     Watches can be worn.
•     No rings, wristbands or bracelets are to be worn, unless for medical purposes.
•     Necklaces are not to be worn, except for those that have religious significance. These should be discreetly tucked underneath the
•     No facial jewellery is permitted

During the school day students arriving or departing grounds must wear their blazer and hat unless instructed otherwise.

Summer uniform
Junior School Boys are to wear khaki shorts and shirt, long khaki socks, pulled up at all times and black lace-up shoes. A school tie must be
worn by Years 3, 4 and 5. This is optional for Years 2 and below. A blazer must be worn by Year 5 boys when required. For all younger years
a blazer is optional.

Middle and Senior School Boys are to wear khaki shorts and shirt, long khaki socks, pulled up at all times, black lace-up shoes, school tie
and navy blazer (Years 6-10) or striped senior blazer (Years 11 and 12). A school jumper may be worn with this uniform.

Girls are to wear school dress, short white socks (not ankle socks), black shoes and navy blazer (Years 5-10) or striped blazer (Years 11 and
12). The navy girls jumper may be worn with this dress depending on the weather.

Winter uniform
The school uniform comprises the striped senior blazer for students in Years 11 and 12 and navy school blazer for students in Years 5 to 10.

Transition boys and girls wear navy tracksuits pants with a white skivvy or polo shirt and the school navy jumper.

Boys from Kindergarten upwards wear a grey shirt, grey socks, grey trousers, school jumper and black lace-up shoes A school tie must be
worn by Years 3, 4 and 5. (optional for Years 2 and below). A blazer must be worn by Year 5 boys. For all younger years a blazer is optional.
For all formal occasions a white shirt is worn instead of the grey.

Girls in Kindergarten to Year 5 wear a grey dress, TAS long sleeved blouse, with grey stockings and navy blazer for Year 5.

Girls in Years 6-10 wear a grey skirt, TAS long sleeved blouse, black knee high socks or black stockings and navy blazer. Year 11 and 12 girls
wear the same winter uniform as their formal uniform. TAS grey trousers are optional in place of the skirt worn with black or grey socks.

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How to wear the uniform - the School’s expectations cont...

For formal occasions Junior School girls wear the appropriate uniform depending on the season.

For formal occasions in all terms, girls in Years 6 - 10 wear a white long sleeved blouse and skirt with the school tie, black stockings and
navy blazer. Year 11 and 12 girls wear a navy skirt, the white formal blouse, school tie, black stockings and the striped senior blazer. The
navy school jumper may be worn at all times depending on the weather.

Jumpers may be worn in addition to, but not instead of, blazers to and from school. All Middle and Senior school students are to wear
blazers and take their School Diaries to Assembly each Tuesday.

All Day Students should all possess and use a TAS schoolbag.

Hats and Caps
TAS caps should be worn by students in the playground during recess and lunchtimes.

Non-regulation hats/caps are not to be worn with school uniform or school sports clothing.

Caps should be worn for all outdoor summer sports and, where appropriate, some outdoor winter sports. All students are required to
wear a hat during recess and lunchtime.

Boarders travelling uniform
Boarders travelling to and from the school at vacation times may wear civvies; collared shirt, shorts or trousers with belt, covered
shoes. Thongs are not permitted.

Sports/PE uniform - All Students
All students will have a TAS sport polo shirt which should be worn with TAS blue shorts. This uniform may be worn when representing
the school in any external competitions unless specialist sport uniform is required. TAS regulation swimwear must be worn during all
school aquatic activities.

House polo-shirt
For any inter-house sporting activities, including the athletics championships, swimming championships and inter-house
competitions, students will wear their House polo shirt with TAS blue shorts.

TAS tracksuit - All Students
All students will have a TAS tracksuit which may be worn at training, at matches and when travelling to and from matches.

Personal Property
All items brought to school are at the students’ own risk and are not covered by any form of school insurance.

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Absence or late arrival

Daily Absence
If your child is to be absent from school for any reason, including arriving late or leaving early, please advise the appropriate Administration
Assistant (see below), explaining the reason for absence by phone or email.

Sickness in excess of four school days requires a doctor’s certificate detailing the nature of sickness and duration of sickness and may be
requested at the discretion of the Heads of each area of the school.

Students who need to sign in or out during the school day should do so at the appropriate reception area. This includes late arrival and
early departure to and from school.

Junior School:     Phone 6776 5817 or by email to
Middle School:     Phone 6776 5819 or by email to
Senior School:     Phone 6776 5800 or by email to

More information about absentees and extended leave can be found by visiting the school website.

Leave during academic time
Students are expected to attend school for the full period of the term. If, however, a family wishes to apply for leave for exceptional
circumstances, the Application for Exemption from School form ( found on the TAS website) MUST be completed by a parent and
permission sought from Head of Junior School, Head of Middle School or Deputy Head of School (as appropriate) prior to the leave being
taken (see contacts above).

Alternatively, if a family wishes to apply for leave for their child/children for the purpose of travel or holidays during term time exceeding
15 days, the Application for Extended Leave - Travel or Holiday form (found on the TAS website) MUST be completed by a parent and
permission sought respectively, as above.

If the leave is granted, an appropriate Certificate confirming permission will be issued.

Illness/Absence during the school day
Should a student become ill during school hours they are to go straight to the school’s Medical Centre where the sister can then take
appropriate action. The parents of day students will be contacted and boarders will be checked into the Medical Centre. Boarders must
not be in the boarding house if they are unwell.

Leave from Sport
Information regarding leave from sporting commitments, or wet weather policy, can be found on the school website. For school fixtures
use the TeamApp or contact the MIC directly through the TAS Reception on 6776 5800.

Middle and Senior School trainings will be determined by MICs at lunch time on day of training in accordance with weather and other
priority commitments.

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Boarders Leave System

The REACH System which connects families to the boarding houses to make requesting and granting of leave efficient, effective and

All parents and boarders will be provided with a username and password to access the portal called

Students are able to submit leave requests. Leave involving a host will need to be approved by parents and the host. This is a simple
process, enabled by email notifications generated by the system.

Heads of House will be responsible for granting leave.

If a request for leave involves missing school time, a separate request must be made approval by the Deputy Head of School. Please visit
the Absence, Illness and Leave section in the Parent Portal ( on the school website for more information.

All leave is subject to the boarders not being required for school activities, such as a team sport.

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Managing Technology

Mobile phones are not to be used by students from 8.30am to 3.30pm. At these times, phones should be switched off. If a parent needs
to make contact with a student, please contact Reception.

The school’s Anti-Bullying Policy applies to the use of mobile phones. The use of voice, data, photo facility or sms/email messaging to
bully, harass or offend another person is a serious school offence and falls within the school’s general protocols on bullying. Boarders may
use their phones in accordance with boarding house rules.

Students should also understand that their use of the internet is checked regularly and that they are responsible for everything that
happens using their password. The School’s Anti-Bullying Policy also applies to cyber bulling, which is a serious school offence and falls
within the school’s general protocols on bullying.

School laptop program
We have chosen an Apple Macintosh platform throughout the School. The Mac platform, together with a three-year leasing period which
keeps machines current, enables us to keep maintenance and network management costs at a minimum.

All machines are equipped with a broad suite of software including a range of creative tools such as Garageband (audio production),
iPhoto (image editing), iTunes (music and video management), iMovie (powerful video editing) as well as Microsoft Office, the entire
Adobe Creative Suite and other publishing and specialist software.

Introductory sessions for new Middle and Senior school students are held during their orientation on Wednesday 27 January, 2021.
These sessions cover familiarisation with the laptop as well as topics such as the rights and responsibilities of the user, email for students,
security, and internet use and protection.

The laptop levy for years 5–12 is currently $700 pa and covers the annual rental cost of the laptop, insurance, a protective case, unlimited
Google Drive storage for backup, the software suite and internet connection costs. It is compulsory for all students to participate in this

The laptops are leased for a period of three years, providing regular updating and the most cost-effective arrangement for the School.

All laptops are covered by a full warranty for faults and failures.

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Managing Technology cont...

Additionally, the school provides insurance for non-warrantable damage or loss with a $250 excess for each claim. Repair and replacement
costs of less than $250, including battery chargers, are the responsibility of parents.
Insurance claims and enquiries should be made through the IT Help Desk in the library, or by emailing

Edumate is The School’s student management system. Students will need to log into Edumate for Timetable information. Parent
communication will be through Edumate, or directly from teachers Gmail accounts.

Canvas is the School’s Learning Management System. Each course the student is enrolled in will appear on the students Dashboard and
will include Assessment information, resources, homework tasks, quizzes, and more.

Seesaw & iPads
The Junior School use iPads to create, reflect, collaborate, and share using digital portfolio software Seesaw. Seesaw allows family
members to use the app to keep up to date with their students learning.

TAS Information Guide - 2021                                                                             Return to Main Menu           23
Student Behavioural Expectations

Our foundations are based on ideals of mutual respect and responsibility and focused upon a culture of connectedness.

Responsibilities of the students
Each TAS student has the responsibility to be a courteous, caring and co-operative member of the school community by respecting the
rights of others. There should be no chewing of gum and no use of phones without permission from a teacher between 8:45am and

Students must, therefore, endeavour to:
•         Accept responsibility for their own behaviour and modifying inappropriate behaviour accordingly
•         Learn to the best of their ability and allow others to learn unhindered
•         Co-operate with others and learn to discuss without being disagreeable
•         Be punctual to class and care for all school property and equipment
•         Carry and properly maintain a school diary
•         Know the school rules and the consequences of not working within those rules
•         Contribute to the maintenance and care of the school environment
•         Behave in a manner that brings no discredit to the school.

Examples of appropriate behaviour:
•         Courtesy to other students, staff, visitors to the school and to the public
•         Punctuality at all school activities
•         Correctly wearing the school’s uniform
•         Co-operating with and supporting other students
•         Helping to maintain the cleanliness of classrooms, buildings and the school grounds
•         Caring for plants, trees and gardens within the school grounds
•         Speaking politely to other students, staff and visitors
•         Being honest.

Examples of inappropriate behaviour:
•    		   Preventing others from receiving the benefits of education e.g. disrupting class etc.
•         Bullying in any of its forms, particularly physical, emotional and verbal abuse of others, sexual harassment, racism
•         Cyber-bullying
•         Stealing, vandalism, borrowing without permission
•    		   Misbehaviour on school buses, public transport, at school functions or excursions or at sport
•    		   Misbehaviour in public places
•    		   The use, possession or supply of cigarettes, alcoholic beverage, or any illegal substances
•    		   Inappropriate language or behaviour
•    		   Disrespect for the property of others and of the school
•    		   Truanting, absenteeism from class
•    		   Disregarding school rules.

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Student Behavioural Expectations

1. The Armidale School believes very strongly that all members of the school community (students, staff, parents) have the right to
a safe, supportive and caring environment free from intimidation of any kind.

2. The school will not tolerate bullying or harassment in any form. Students are encouraged to support other students and to report
instances of bullying, understanding that no action will be taken without the victim’s consent.

3. Bullying is the deliberate intention to harm someone who does not have the power to stop it. Bullying may involve actions
to hurt, threaten or frighten another person either physically or psychologically. Bullying causes hurt and distress, is repeated, and
involves an imbalance of power.

4. Examples of bullying include Cyberbullying (misuse of social networks, inappropriate texting/images via mobile)

             Verbal 		             				                         Physical
             Name calling		             			                     Pushing/hitting others
             Teasing		             				                         Punching/shoving
             Mocking		                       		                 Hiding or moving property
             Racial/Sexual insults      			                     Kicking, shouting
             Demanding other students work for yourself         Intimidation
             Condone the harassment of others by                Harassment
             laughing or failing to act  			                    Behaviour causing fear for safety.

What to do to prevent bullying
If you are experiencing bullying behaviour, it is important to let an adult know. Keeping it to yourself unfortunately will not solve
the problem because the bully senses they can get away with behaving in this way, and the bullying behaviour may increase. If
confronting the person engaging in the bullying behaviour is not effective, or you are unable to address the behaviour directly with
the person, please speak with an adult you trust. You can also email and report this behaviour.

If you observe someone being bullied, you have a responsibility to talk with an adult so this behaviour can be addressed. It is the
responsibility of every member of the school community to prevent bullying.

Action that may be taken by the school
The School will do all it can to prevent bullying in all its forms, please keep in mind that we can only address behaviour we are aware
of, so please let a staff member know so incidents of bullying can be responded to. There are procedures and processes in place that
will be used depending on the type of bullying that has occurred. This can include the following:•

•           Discussion with Heads of House, Advisor and students involved
•           Discussion and counselling with Heads of House, Advisor or teacher and Director of Pastoral Care
•           Discussion and counselling with School Counsellor or external counsellor
•           Notification to parents and discussion with Deputy Head of School, Head of Middle School
•           Referral to the Head of School
•           Suspension
•           Expulsion

If you have concerns about the way you or someone else is being treated please contact

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Armidale NSW 2350                  acn 41 108 241 | cricos no 02285k

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