Guide to Secondary School - Printed in 2020 - Halton District ...

Page created by Jaime Gonzalez
Guide to Secondary School - Printed in 2020 - Halton District ...
Table of Contents

                                                         Table of Contents
                    Guide to Secondary School
                                       Printed in 2020
Guide to Secondary School - Printed in 2020 - Halton District ...
Abbey Park High School                 Iroquois Ridge High School
(905) 827-4101                         (905) 845-0012                  

Acton District High School             M.M. Robinson High School
(519) 853-2920                         (905) 335-5588                  

Aldershot High School                  Milton District High School
(905) 637-2383                         (905) 878-2839                  

Burlington Central High School         Nelson High School
(905) 634-7768                         (905) 637-3825                  

Craig Kielburger Secondary School      Oakville Trafalgar High School
(905) 878-0575                         (905) 845-2875                  

Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School   T.A. Blakelock High School
(905) 332-5235                         (905) 827-1158                  

Garth Webb Secondary School            White Oaks Secondary School
(905) 847-6875                         (905) 845-5200                  

Gary Allan High School                 Milton SW #1 High School
(905) 632-2944                         Opening Fall 2021

Georgetown District High School
(905) 877-6966
Guide to Secondary School - Printed in 2020 - Halton District ...
Table of Contents

                                                                                                                                    Table of Contents
                                                                                                                                    Table of Contents
Graduation Requirements                                                                                                   2-8
    Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)                                                                                 2
    Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC)/Certificate of Accomplishment                                               3
    Course Information                                                                                                    4-6
    Grade 9 EQAO Math and Grade 10 Literacy Requirement                                                                     7
    Community Involvement Hours                                                                                             8

Transition to Secondary School                                                                                           9-10
    Student Mentors                                                                                                         9
    Get Involved                                                                                                           10

Support Services Teams                                                                                                  11-12
    Support Services                                                                                                       11
    Glossary                                                                                                               12

Policies and Procedures                                                                                                 13-15
    Well-Being Team, Code of Conduct                                                                                       13
    Progressive Discipline, Student Transportation, Student Attendance                                                     14
    Assessment and Evaluation                                                                                              15

Pathways                                                                                                                16-17
   Apprenticeship, College                                                                                                 16
   Community, University, Work                                                                                             17

Regional Pathways Programs                                                                                              18-22
    Individual Pathways Plan, myBlueprint                                                                                  18
    Community Pathways, Dual Credit Program                                                                                19
    English as a Second Language (ESL) and English Literacy Development (ELD), French Immersion                            20
    International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), I-STEM, LEAP and Locally Developed                               21
    Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP), Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)                                       22

Additional Learning Opportunities                                                                                       23-25
    eLearning, Cooperative Education                                                                                       23
    Summer School & Night School                                                                                           24
    Gary Allan High School - Alternative and Adult Programs                                                                25

Websites                                                                                                                  26

Community Resources                                                                                                       27

Terms and Definitions                                                                                                   28-30

Halton Secondary Schools                                                                                                  31

What Do You Need To Graduate?                                                                                             32

The term parent is used throughout this document to refer to the legal guardian of any student under 18 years of age.
Guide to Secondary School - Printed in 2020 - Halton District ...
Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
               of Contents

                                 In order to earn an OSSD                                                  What Do You Need To Graduate?

                                 a student must:                                           18 compulsory credits
                                                                                           Students must earn the following compulsory credits to obtain the

                                 • earn 30 credits (18 compulsory                         Ontario Secondary School Diploma:
                                   credits and 12 elective credits)

                                                                                               4   credits in English
                                 • complete 40 community                                      3   credits in Mathematics
                                   involvement hours                                           2   credits in Science

                                 • successfully complete the                                  1   credit in Canadian History

                                   Ontario Secondary School                                    1   credit in Canadian Geography

                                   Literacy Requirement                                        1   credit in the Arts
                                                                                               1   credit in Health and Physical Education
                                 Compulsory Credits                                            1   credit in French as a second language
                                 Students must earn 18 compulsory                          0.5     credit in Career Studies
                                 credits. Compulsory credits                               0.5     credit in Civics
                                 are determined by the Ministry                            Plus one credit from each of the following groups:
                                 of Education.                                                 1    Group 1: an additional credit in English, or French as a second
                                                                                                    language, or a Native language, or a classical or an international
                                                                                                    language, or social sciences and the humanities or Canadian and
                                 Elective Credits                                                   world studies or guidance and career education or
                                 Students must earn 12 elective credits.                            cooperative education.
                                 Elective credits are determined by                            1    Group 2: an additional credit in health and physical education, or
                                 the student based on their pathway                                 the arts or business studies, or French as a second language, or
                                                                                                    cooperative education.
                                 plan and post-secondary destination
                                                                                               1    Group 3: an additional credit in science or technological education,
                                 in consultation with parents and with                              or French as a second language, or computer studies, or cooperative
                                 support from guidance counsellors.                                 education.

                                                                                           In addition to the above the students must complete:
                                                                                            12     elective credits
                                 for educational planning resources.                        40     hours of community involvement activities
                                                                                           Ontario Literacy Requirement OSSLT or OSSLC

                                                                            Secondary School Course Planner

                                    Grade 9 Courses                Grade 10 Courses            Grade 11 Courses             Grade 12 Courses            Additional Year
                                  • English                    • English                   • English                    • English                   •
                                  • Math                       • Math                      • Math                       •                           •
                                  • Science                    • Science                   •                            •                           •
                                  • Geography                  • History                   •                            •                           •
                                  • French                     • Civics & Career Studies   •                            •                           •
                                  • Physical Education*        •                           •                            •                           •
                                  • Technology/Business*       •                           •                            •                           •
                                  •  Arts*                    •                           •                            •                           •
                                 *options may vary by school
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Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) & Certificate

                                                                                                                   Graduation Requirements
of Accomplishment

The Ontario Secondary School Certificate                  Certificate of Accomplishment
The OSSC is granted to students who have earned           The Certificate of Accomplishment is granted
a minimum of 14 credits.                                  to students who have earned a maximum of
• 7 compulsory credits:                                  13 credits. This certificate may be a useful means
     - 2 credits in English                               of recognizing achievement for students who
     - 1 credit in Canadian Geography or                 plan to enter the workplace or other kinds of
        Canadian History                                  further training. Students who return to school to
     - 1 credit in Mathematics                            complete additional credit and non-credit courses
     - 1 credit in Science                                will have their transcript updated but will not be
     - 1 credit in Health and Physical Education         issued a new Certificate of Accomplishment.
     - 1 credit in the Arts or Technological Education
• 7 elective credits
• students are not required to complete:
     - 40 community involvement hours
     - Ontario Secondary School Literacy Requirement

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Course Information
Graduation Requirements

                                  In secondary, most courses run for a semester, one period a day to meet the 110-hour requirement.
                                  When you complete a 110-hour course, you earn 1.0 credit. Some courses are offered for half a semester
                                  (e.g. Careers, Civics) and have a 0.5 credit value and some courses (e.g. Cooperative Education) have a
                                  credit value of 2.0 and are two periods per day.

                                  You will need to select a course type for Grade 9 compulsory courses (English, French, Geography,
                                  Math and Science). Read the descriptions below to help decide which course type is best for you.

                                    Locally Developed (Essential) Courses “L”
                                    Locally Developed courses are designed to focus         Q: Can I take different types of courses (for
                                    on core knowledge and skills to meet individual         example, Applied Science and Academic English)?
                                    student needs. Grade 9 students in Essential            A: Yes! You are encouraged to take the type of course
                                    courses might:                                          in each subject area that best suits your interests, goals,
                              L     • learn by doing
                                    • benefit from additional reinforcement of concepts
                                                                                            and learning preferences.
                                                                                            Q: Can I change course types?
                                                                                            A: Yes! You can change types between Grade 9
                                    Applied Courses “P”
                                                                                            and 10. Students need to plan with their high school
                                    Applied courses focus on the essential concepts of
                                                                                            Guidance Counsellor.
                                    a subject and develop students’ knowledge and
                                    skills through practical applications of the subject.   Q: Is there somewhere I can go for help if I have
                                    Grade 9 students in Applied classes might:              questions about the courses I should take?
                                    • learn by doing                                        A: Yes! Your Grade 8 teacher can assist you with

                              P     • enjoy discussion
                                    • see connection to real-life
                                                                                            selecting courses. You may also attend high school
                                                                                            information sessions or call the high school’s Student
                                                                                            Services department for more information. Your parents/
                                    Academic Courses “D”                                    guardians can also be helpful in providing advice and
                                    Academic courses emphasize theory and                   assisting you with your planning.
                                    abstract thinking. Students who are in Grade 9          Q: I have an IEP (Individual Education Plan).
                                    Academic class might:                                   What support will I have in secondary school?
                                    • like to work independently                            A: Your IEP is part of your transition plan to

                              D     • enjoy understanding the “whys”
                                    • learn from a variety of sources
                                                                                            secondary school. Accommodations are available based
                                                                                            on the needs of each student. Connect with your
                                                                                            Learning Resource Teacher at your school to discuss
                                    Open Courses “O”                                        your needs in more detail.
                                    Open level courses are appropriate for all pathways     Q: I am learning English as an additional language.
                                    and students. These courses prepare students for        Can I take ESL courses?
                                    further study in the subject area. Generally, the       A: If you are a multilingual student who is learning
                                    optional courses (e.g. Visual Art, Business Studies,    English, your Grade 8 classroom or ESL/ELD teacher can
                              O     Drama, Music, etc.) are offered as Open courses.        assist you in selecting the appropriate ESL or ELD courses
                                                                                            based on your level of English language proficiency.

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Course Information

                                                                                                  Graduation Requirements
                                                                                                  Table of Contents
How to Decode a Course Code?
Every course in secondary school has a unique
course code. All courses have the first five
characters as mandated by the Ministry
of Education.

 Subject Codes: The first letter in the course     Course Codes: This letter identifies the
 denotes the subject area.                         course type.

 A   =    The Arts                                 Grade 9-12
 B   =    Business Studies                         D = Academic
 C   =    Canadian World Studies                   L = Locally Developed
 E   =    English                                  O = Open
 F   =    French as a Second Language              P = Applied
 G   =    Guidance and Career Education
 H   =    Humanities and Social Sciences           Grade 11-12
 L   =    International Languages                  C = College
 M   =    Mathematics                              E = Workplace
 N   =    First Nations, Métis and Inuit Studies   M = University/College
 P   =    Health and Physical Education            O = Open
 S   =    Sciences                                 U = University
 T   =    Technological Education

              ENG 1 P 1
                                                   This school indicator is used to
 This number identifies the grade:
                                                   distinguish course characteristics:
 1    =   Grade 9
                                                   1   =   Common Code
 2    =   Grade 10
                                                   4   =   French Immersion
 3    =   Grade 11
                                                   B   =   ALP/IB Program
 4    =   Grade 12
                                                   E   =   ESL
                                                   F   =   Female
                                                   M   =   Male

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Course Information
Graduation Requirements

                              Course Outline
                              A course outline is provided in each course at the start of the
                              semester. They are also available on
                              The course outline includes:
                              • course title, course code and course description
                              • course curriculum expectations, assessment and evaluation
                                information including the course’s achievement chart, academic
                                standards and learning skills

                                 Sample - Semestered Timetable                                   Sample - De-semestered Timetable
                                    Period               Schedule             What’s in               Period             Schedule
                              Period 1             MPM1D1-07                 a Timetable         Period 1a         MPM1D1-07
                              08:30 - 09:40        K. Nguyen                                     08:10 - 08:47     R. Sangha
                              Sem. 1                                        Course Code          Sem. 1
                              Term 1               123                                           Term 2            A219
                                                                                                 Period 1b         ENG1DB-04
                              Announcements                                                      08:48 - 09:24     B. Khan
                              09:45 - 09:50                                                      Sem. 1
                                                                               Period #          Term 2            A216
                              Period 2             FSF1P1-01                                     Period 2a         CGC1DB-09
                              09:55 - 11:10        M. Canton                 Class Time          09:28 - 10:08     K. Nguyen
                              Sem. 1                                                             Sem. 1
                              Term 1               211                                           Term 2            A128
                                                                           Room Number
                              Period 3                                                           Period 2b         CGC1DB-09
                              11:10 - 12:10        Lunch                                         10:07 - 10:43     N. Millar
                              Sem. 1                                          Semester           Sem. 1
                              Term 1                                                             Term 2            123
                              Period 4             CGC101-03             Semester Two would      Period 3          FSF1DB-02
                              12:10 - 13:25        D. Marceau               follow a similar     10:48 - 12:02     M. Canton
                              Sem. 1                                     schedule with three     Sem. 1
                              Term 1               205                                           Term 2            A128
                                                                           to four different
                              Period 5             MPM1D1-07                                     Period 4
                              13:30 - 14:45        K. Nguyen              courses depending
                                                                                                 12:07 - 13:21
                                                                           on whether the                          Lunch
                              Sem. 1                                                             Sem. 1
                              Term 1               123                   school is semestered    Term 2
                                                                          or de-semestered.      Period 5          ADA101-01
                                                                                                 13:28 - 14:40     T. Kim
                                                                                                 Sem. 1
                                                                                                 Term 2            T106

                              Course Changes
                              Students wishing to request a course change should consult their Guidance Counsellor. Parents of students
                              under the age of 18 must approve any course changes. Requests for course changes are subject to course
                              availability and class size considerations as approved by Guidance and/or Administration.

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Grade 9 EQAO Math & Grade 10 Literacy Requirement

                                                                                                                     Graduation Requirements
                                       The Grade 10 Literacy                 • S tudents with special
                                       Requirement:                             education needs may receive
                                       • Measures whether students             accommodations consistent
                                          are meeting the minimum               with regular classroom
                                          standard for literacy (reading        assessment practices and
                                          and writing) across all subjects      as specified in their IEP
                                          up to the end of Grade 9.             as permitted by EQAO.
                                       • Students write the Grade 10        • E nglish Language Learners
                                          Literacy Test (OSSLT) in the          may receive accommodations
                                          spring of Grade 10.                   as permitted by EQAO.
                                       • Successful completion of the       Support and Preparation
The Grade 9 EQAO                          OSSLT is a requirement for         for EQAO Math and OSSLT
Assessment of Mathematics:
                                          the Ontario Secondary School       • Students are provided with a
• Measures the math skills               Diploma (OSSD).                      wide range of support within
   students are expected to have                                               the classroom and outside class
                                       • There is support for students
   learned in Grade 9.                                                         time to ensure they are well
                                          who are not successful,
• Students working toward a              including an opportunity to          prepared for these evaluations.
   credit in Grade 9 Mathematics          rewrite the test or to take the    • T est materials and additional
   are required to take this test as      Ontario Secondary School              resources are available at
   part of their final evaluation.        Literacy Course (OSSLC).    

                             Please contact your Guidance Counsellor for more details.

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Community Involvement Hours
             of Contents

                               Did you know?                          How do I document                                  What is considered
                               Students entering Grade 9              my community                                       eligible community
                               must complete 40 community             involvement hours?                                 involvement activities?

                               involvement hours as one of the        Students must submit a signed                      See the table below for some

                               requirements for their Ontario         letter(s) from the supervisor                      examples of eligible community
                               Secondary School Diploma               (on letterhead) that includes the                  involvement activities.
                               (OSSD). Students may begin             number of hours completed, a
                               accumulating their 40 hours            description of the activity and the                      Visit
                               during the summer before they          name of the organization to their                       for more information
                               enter Grade 9.                         Guidance office.

                                  Eligible Community Involvement Activities               Ineligible Community Involvement Activities
                               An event/activity/program that is:                       An event/activity/program that is:
                                  • designed to be of benefit to the community            • during instructional/class time within the school
                                    (e.g., Ribfest, Santa Clause Parade)                    day (e.g., The Terry Fox Run during class time)
                                  • structured to promote tutoring, mentoring,            • assigned to paid work (e.g., part-time job)
                                    coaching and the purpose is to assist others          • required activities of a course where you earn
                                    (e.g., coaching a sibling’s soccer team)                a credit (e.g.,class project to collect food donation)
                                  • supporting the work of a global nature                • participating on school sports teams or clubs
                                    (e.g., Earth Day cleanup, tree planting)              • part of experiential learning opportunity during
                                  • contributing to the health and well-being of            the school day (e.g., Take Our Kids to
                                    any group, including school-based activities            Work Day, job shadowing, Cooperative Education)
                                    (e.g., volunteering at a nursing home or              • part of regular family responsibilities
                                    food bank)                                              (e.g., doing laundry, watching a sibling)
                                  • affiliated with a club, religious organization,
                                                                                          • court ordered community service program
                                    arts or cultural association, or political
                                    organization that seeks to make a positive
                                    contribution in the community
                                    (e.g., Girl Guides/Scouts, Rotary Club)

                                                                                                                         Where are 3 places
                                                                                                                         I could volunteer?
                                                                                                     V o l u n t e e r




Transition to Secondary School

                                                                                                                  Transition to Secondary Schools
                                                                                                                  Table of Contents
 Transition programs support        Student Mentors
 the successful transition from     Every secondary school has            sense of belonging
 Grade 8 to 9.                      student leaders to mentor and         in the school community.
 Every school provides              act as role models for incoming       These events may include
 comprehensive orientation for      Grade 9 students. These senior        tours, dances, or BBQs.
 students and their families that   student leaders play an integral      Student mentors stay
 may include:                       role in planning activities for       connected with Grade 9
                                    Grade 9 students as they begin        students throughout the year
 • guidance visits to all
    elementary feeder schools       their secondary school experience.    to support academic success
                                    Grade 9 students are grouped          and community building.
 • grade 8 Information
                                    with student leaders to familiarize   Every Grade 9 student is
    evening (parent and student)
                                    them with life at secondary school    encouraged to engage in
 • course selection workshops      through a variety of activities       the wide range of activities
                                    designed to develop a strong          that all secondary schools offer.
 • grade 8 visits/tours

 • orientation to secondary
    school with senior
    student mentors

 • grade 9 activities and
    events throughout the year

     Grade 9 students
     are grouped with
      student leaders
        to familiarize
     them with life at
    secondary school.

Get Involved - Athletics and Co-Curriculars
               Table of Contents

                                        Research shows that students who get involved
Transition to Secondary

                                        are more likely to succeed academically.
                                        There are more than 70 co-curricular activities,
                                        clubs and sports offered in Halton secondary
                                        schools. By getting involved, students explore
                                        their physical, creative, and social selves while
                                        meeting new people and trying new things.

                                                  T i p s
                                               1. Check with your school for a
                                                  list of co-curricular activities.

                                               2. If a club or team of interest
                                                   is not currently offered,
                                                   students can get involved
                                                   and get it started by speaking
                                                   to other students, student
                                                   council and/or teachers.

Support Services Team

                                                                                                                     Support Services Team
                                                                                                                     Table of Contents
                                                   Each secondary school has a Support Services team that
                                                   assists students in a variety of ways to ensure success
                                                   for all students. Support Services team includes, but is
                                                   not limited to; Administrators, Guidance Counsellors,
                                                   Special Education staff, English as a Second Language
                                                   staff, Student Success teacher, and Social Workers.
                                                   The following chart explains the role and responsibilities
                                                   each staff/team member plays.
                                                                Questions? The Guidance Office can help!
                                                                Counsellors are available by drop-in, email,
                                                                phone and by appointment.

Role             Responsibilities
Principal/       • develop and maintain effective education programs within the school
Vice-principal   • assist and problem-solve with students and parents/guardians
                 • ensure a safe and inclusive learning environment and facility
                 • provide professional development for staff
                 • support and encourage partnerships between the school and the community
Guidance         • support the academic, career, and personal development of all students
Counsellor       • connect students and their families with community resources
                 • facilitate Grade 8 to 9 transitions and complete new student registrations
                 • host pathway planning and information events
                 • support the transitions to postsecondary destinations
                 • track and monitor student achievement toward graduation
Special          • assist students with goal setting, self-advocacy, and developing learning skills
Education        • help students (those with an IEP) to understand their individual learner profile
staff              (e.g., strengths, needs, accommodations, modifications)
                 • work with classroom teachers to provide strategies/resources/diagnostic assessment
                   that will support student engagement, well-being, and/or achievement
English as a     • assist students with goal setting, self-advocacy, and the development of
Second             language acquisition
Language         • work with classroom teacher to provide accommodations (e.g., instructional strategies
teacher            and learning resources) that will support students’ language acquisition
                 • track and monitor student assessments (i.e., ELL Initial Assessment, Ongoing OLB
                   assessment or ELD OLLB assessment and the Orientation to School Life continuum)
                 • work with Youth Settlement Specialists to ensure newcomer families receive settlement
                   support and may arrange for interpretation for family communication
Student          • collaborate with all staff to ensure the success of all students
Success          • track and monitor students who are “at-risk” (e.g., credit accumulation,
Teacher            re-engagement, work with parents and the wider community)
                 • provide a variety of programs and resources to support success for all students
                  (e.g., credit recovery, study hall, learning strategies courses, peer tutoring, eLearning)
Social           • provide counselling for students and their families when the students consent to
Worker             sharing of information and services
                 • share information about services/programs particular to mental health & well-being
                 • act as attendance counsellors for the school that involve prolonged absences or a
                  significant amount of absences
Support Services Team - Glossary
          of Contents

                             Guidance Terms
                             Credit Counselling Summary: A student’s

                             Credit Counselling Summary lists all credits and marks.

                             It also shows how many credits are still needed to
                             graduate, how many community involvement hours
                             are submitted and whether the literacy requirement
                             (OSSLT) is complete. This is not an official transcript.
                             Ontario Student Record (OSR): This is the official
                             school record for a student. Every Ontario school keeps
                             an OSR for each student enrolled at the school.
                             The OSR contains achievement results, credits earned
                             and diploma requirements completed, and other important
                             information pertaining to the student’s education.
                             Ontario Student Transcript (OST): This is an official
                             and consistent summary of a student’s achievement in
                             Ontario secondary school credit courses. A current           Students and parents may examine
                             copy of the OST will be included within the Ontario              the contents of the OSR?
                             Student Record (OSR).

                             Special Education Terms
                             Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC): The IPRC is a committee of school board staff
                             who determine whether or not a student should be identified as exceptional (i.e., a pupil whose behavioural,
                             communicational, intellectual, physical, or multiple exceptionalities are such that they need placement in a
                             .       education program). Parents are invited and encouraged to attend the IPRC meeting.
                             Individual Education Plan (IEP): A written plan describing the special education program and/or services
                             required by a particular student, based on the student’s strengths and needs. The IEP may include a record
                             of the particular accommodations needed to help the student achieve their age-appropriate grade level
                             expectations, expectations that are modified from the age-appropriate grade level Ontario Curriculum, and/
                             or alternative expectations in areas not represented in the Ontario Curriculum.
                             School Resource Team: A formal team of school administrators, teachers and other regional staff. The teams
                             meet as a part of the problem solving pathway. Parents are invited to school resources team meetings and
                             are active partners in the process.
                             Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC): SEAC members are representatives of local associations
                             appointed by the Board, and, as such, attend monthly participatory meetings. This committee acts in an
                             advisory capacity to the Halton District School Board on policies and issues that affect Special Education.
                             Special Education Plan: The Halton District School Board Special Education Plan outlines the school board’s
                             framework for the delivery of special education programs and services in Halton. This plan has been written
                             in compliance with Ministry Standards.

                             For more information on Special Education, check out the Working Together Guide on
Policies and Procedures

                                                                                                                              Policies and Procedures
Every student has the right to learn in a safe, healthy and engaging environment. This core belief guides the
implementation of the Safe Schools Act, the Code of Conduct, and the development of policies to ensure our
schools are safe and supportive places to learn. A positive and inclusive school environment is essential for
students to succeed. Staff, students, parents and community partners have a part to play in making our
schools safe. Halton District School Board policies have been developed in accordance with provincial
legislation and Ministry of Education directives to ensure schools are safe and caring communities.
Information regarding bullying, prevention and intervention policies and the changes in legislation concerning
school safety can be found at

Well-Being School Team
Each school has a well-being team. Well-being is fundamental to overall student success. The team is
composed of students, parents, teachers, support staff, community partners, and the Principal. To learn more,
contact your Principal.

Code of Conduct for Safe, Caring and Inclusive Schools — A Shared Responsibility
When staff, students, and parents work together to keep      The parent’s role:
their school safe, it has a powerful impact on the culture   •u
                                                               nderstand your school’s Code of Conduct as well
and climate of the school. Each partner has an important      as the Board and provincial Code of Conduct
contribution to make.
                                                             • s how an active interest in your student’s school progress
The school’s role:
                                                             • talk with your student about how they can contribute to
• provide a climate free from distractions                     keeping their school a safe place
• teach and model positive behaviour and                    • a ssist your student in following the rules of
   good citizenship                                             positive behaviour
• teach acceptance of and respect for others                 • c ommunicate with your student’s school
• foster open, honest communication                          •b
                                                               e a positive role model for your student
• help students work to their full potential and develop
   their sense of self-worth
• provide bullying prevention programs, including
  bullying prevention throughout the curriculum in daily
  classroom teaching

The student’s role:
• practise honesty and integrity
• exercise self-control and self-discipline
• come to school prepared, on time, and ready to learn
• show respect for self and others
• treat others with kindness, dignity and respect
• show respect for school property

Policies and Procedures
Policies and Procedures

                                                                                                        on the carefully planned sequence
                                                                                                        of instruction.
                                                                                                        Parents should notify the school of
                                                                                                        any and all attendance concerns
                                                                                                        (lates and absences) through the
                                                                                                        Student Absence Reporting System
                                                                                                        SchoolMessenger. Upon arrival
                                                                                                        or departure from the school the
                                                                                                        student is to sign in/out at the
                                                                                                        main office.
                                                                                                        Early notification of planned
                                                                                                        absences is important. Vacations
                               Progressive Discipline                Student Transportation             should not be planned during
                                                                                                        final evaluations in January
                               Progressive Discipline is a whole     Busing is provided to students
                                                                                                        and June. Absences during this
                               school approach that uses a           who live beyond set distances
                                                                                                        final evaluation period may
                               continuum of interventions,           from their designated
                                                                                                        require documentation.
                               support and consequences              secondary school.
                               that include opportunities for                                           Parents are kept informed about
                                                                     Transportation information is
                               reinforcing positive behaviour                                           student attendance through
                                                                     available at
                               and helping students make good                                           automated notification systems
                                                                     Student Attendance                 by email or phone. Parents may
                               choices. The progressive discipline
                               approach includes:                    Students who attend school         also log in to the Online Student
                                                                     regularly are more successful      Information System at
                               • early and ongoing prevention
                                                                     than students who do not. (requires
                                 and intervention strategies
                                                                                                        birth date and student number)
                                                                     Regular school attendance and
                               • a ddressing inappropriate                                             to review their student’s
                                                                     punctuality is an expectation of
                                 behaviour                                                              attendance history. Parents are
                                                                     all students and an important
                                 pportunities for a student                                            also encouraged to review their
                                                                     component of strong learning
                                to learn from their choices                                             student’s attendance on report
                                                                     skills. Absent students miss out
                                                                                                        cards, progress reports and in
                                 arental awareness and
                                                                                                        dialogue with teachers.
                               • a shift from solely punitive
                                 to both corrective and
                                 supportive measures

                                For additional information on
                                HDSB policies and procedures
                                please visit

Assessment and Evaluation

                                                                                                                            Assessment and Evaluation
The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is for students to improve learning and reach their
full potential. Part of being successful in high school (and experiencing less stress) is knowing about how you will
be assessed and evaluated. Students will receive a percentage grade in each of the courses/subjects they take.

Assessment is the process of gathering, from a variety of sources, information that accurately reflects how well
a student is achieving the curriculum expectations in a subject or course.

Evaluation is the process of judging student learning on the basis of established criteria and assigning
a value. Evaluation is based on assessments of learning that provide data on student achievement at strategic
times throughout the grade/subject/course, often at the end of a period of learning.

Student Reports
Teachers provide regular feedback on student achievement. Formal reports are provided at both mid-semester
and semester-end. Parents are encouraged to communicate at any time with their student’s teachers and/or
guidance counsellor. Reporting focuses on two distinct aspects: the achievement of the curriculum
expectations and the learning skills.

Achievement Chart
This chart is a standard, province-wide guide used by teachers to make judgements about student work based
on clear performance standards in the area of knowledge and understanding, thinking, communication
and application.

Learning Skills
There are six Learning Skills and Work Habits - Responsibility, Organization, Independent Work, Collaboration,
Initiative, and Self-Regulation. These are not used to determine a student’s final grade. Learning Skills are
evaluated with the following letters.

            E                      G                          S                              N
         Excellent                Good                   Satisfactory               Needs Improvement

Final Grade
70% of the final grade is based on work that was evaluated during the term.
This portion of the grade reflects the student’s most consistent level of achievement
throughout the course although special consideration should be given to the                  30%
more recent evidence of achievement.
30% of the final grade is based on a final evaluation towards the end of the
course. Final evaluation may include a final performance task and/or final exam.

For further information on assessment and evaluation policies, refer to the Ministry of Education document - Grow-
ing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools, Grades 1 – 12, Ministry of Education, 2010

Table ofPathways

                         Pathways initiatives provide a wide range of course types, programs, and learning opportunities to prepare
                         students for success in secondary school and beyond. Secondary schools offer a variety of course types to meet
                         the needs of all learners. Each pathway includes different course types and may also include specialized regional
                         pathways programs. Pathways are flexible and may be combined and changed. As students begin to know
                         themselves as learners they have the opportunity to adjust pathway plans as they move through secondary
                         school, with the assistance of their Guidance Counsellor and parents. Most students’ secondary school experience
                         includes courses from a variety of course types. Pathways in secondary school prepare students for their chosen
                         post-secondary destination. The five destination Pathways are: Apprenticeship, Work, Community, University
                         and College.

                         Apprenticeship                                            Work

                         Apprenticeship is a practical way of learning and         Many careers require a high school diploma for
                         includes a combination of on-the-job training and         direct entry. These jobs usually include specific
                         classroom instruction. Apprentices are paid while         on-the-job training after you start. Opportunities exist
                         gaining work experience and wages increase with           in many economic sectors including Arts & Culture,
                         skill levels.                                             Construction, Business, Health & Wellness, Hospitality
                         Apprenticeship leads to a career and a Certificate of     & Tourism, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Landscaping,
                         Qualification in one of over 150 ‘apprenticeable’         etc. HDSB offers several “School to Work” Programs.
                         occupations in Ontario.                                   Some students who choose direct entry to work may
                         How long does Apprenticeship take?                        later pursue apprenticeship, college and/or university.
                         To become a certified tradesperson, an apprenticeship     Several programs in Halton provide opportunities for
                         usually lasts two to five years depending on the          students to meet initial requirements for entering
                         occupation. Apprentices work for the majority of this     specific industries, allowing them to make a
                         time, and attend in-school training, usually at a local   successful transition from school to the workplace.
                         community college. Apprentices pay a nominal fee          Consider the Work pathway if you…
                         to attend the in-school portion of their training.        • have developed practical workplace skills that
                         Consider Apprenticeship if you...                           have prepared you for a specific career without
                         • enjoy hands-on learning and have good                     needing to pursue college, university, or an
                           mechanical and spatial abilities                          apprenticeship first
                         • enjoy fixing things, assembling and                     • have been successful in workplace pathway
                           disassembling structures                                  courses and wish to explore workplace opportunities
                         • are able to solve problems, determine why               • want to gain workplace experience before
                           something does not work and how it can be                 continuing post-secondary education
                           done better                                             • have specific career goals in mind that allow you to
                         • are interested in a career that requires the              go directly to the workplace for on-the-job training
                           completion of an apprenticeship
                                                                                                                            Table of Contents
The Community Pathway Program                               University

The Community Pathway Program (CPP) is designed             Universities offer degree programs that are more
for students with special education needs who are           theoretical, in areas such as General Arts,
primarily accessing non-credit courses leading to a         Sciences and Business.
Certificate of Accomplishment or in some cases, an          University can lead to careers such as: teachers,
Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC).                engineers, doctors, accountants, computer
Students in this pathway may remain in school until         programmers, and lawyers.
June of the year in which the student turns 21 years
                                                            How long does University take?
of age.
                                                            Students in university obtain bachelor degrees,
Special Education staff, parents and community              master degrees, and doctorate degrees, ranging
support agencies work collaboratively to individually       from three to 10 years of study. Universities also
plan and prepare students for life in the community         offer continuing education and certificate
upon leaving secondary school.                              programs for specific occupations.
Options for this pathway could include, but are not         Consider University if you…
limited to: volunteer work, paid employment, and            • enjoy abstract concepts associated with
participation in recreational programs. Some may              course material
access specialized programs (CICE - Community               • enjoy academic and theoretical learning
Integration through Co-operative Education) offered         • enjoy independent learning
at a few Ontario colleges.                                  • have specific career goals that require a
This pathway leads to…                                        university degree
• Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC):
  Awarded to students who successfully complete a 		        College
  minimum of 14 credits, including 7 compulsory
  credits (2 credits in English, 1 credit in Math,          College programs provide an effective
  Canadian Geography or Canadian History, Science, 		       combination of real life applied skills and quality
  Health and Physical Education, Arts or Technological 		   theoretical education.
  Education), plus 7 optional credits.                      College programs give you the skills you need to
• Certificate of Accomplishment: Awarded to students        pursue a variety of careers such as: journalists,
  upon leaving school who have made progress in 		          police officers, dental hygienists, website technicians,
  completing individual personal and educational goals      paralegals and chemical technologists. Some programs
                                                            transfer over into University programs/credits.
                Community Pathway
                    Program                                 How long does College take?
                                                            College programs usually take one to three years
    Apprenticeship                      University          to complete. Colleges have certificate, diploma,
                                                            graduate certificate, applied degree, and some
                                                            joint college/university programs.
  Work                                          College
                                                            Consider College if you…
                                                            • find success in hands-on/applied curriculum
                                                            • enjoy smaller classes and the personal approach
                                                              to instruction
                                                            • have specific career goals that require a
                                                              college education
                                                            • are interested in developing technical and
                                                              occupational skills required for your chosen
            Destination Pathways
                                                              career area
Regional Pathways Programs
Regional Pathways Programs

                                  The Halton District School Board offers a variety of Pathways Programs for students. For more information
                                  about these programs, visit
                                  Individual Pathways Plan (IPP)
                                  Students develop their IPP through class activities, co-curriculars, experiential learning opportunities, and
                                  pathways planning tasks. The IPP is part of a student’s education and career/life planning, which is an
                                  ongoing, cyclical process that focuses on the following four questions:
                                  • Who am I?
                                  • What are my opportunities?
                                  • Who do I want to become?
                                  • What is my plan for achieving my goals?

                                  Students in HDSB use myBlueprint as their Individual Pathways Planning (IPP) tool for education and career/
                                  life planning. myBlueprint provides students with tools to explore their opportunities, plan their educational
                                  pathway, and document their learning. myBlueprint is a comprehensive IPP program that includes
                                  information on:
                                  • secondary course offerings                             • budgeting
                                  • postsecondary opportunities                            • resume writing
                                  • occupation planning                                    • portfolio planning
                                  • SHSM, OYAP, and Dual Credit                            • and more ...
                                    Regional Pathways Programs
                                                                                                            All HDSB students have an account.
                                                                                                            Students can use their HDSB login
                                                                                                            information to access myBlueprint.
                                                                                                            Families can also create an account
                                                                                                            where they can direclty link to
                                                                                                            their children’s/child’s account.
                                                                                                            For more information, visit

Regional Pathways Programs

                                                                                                                            Regional Pathways Programs
Community Pathways Program (CPP)
The Community Pathway Program is designed for students
with special education needs who are primarily accessing
non-credit courses leading to a Certificate of Accomplishment
or in some cases, an Ontario Secondary School Certificate
(OSSC). Students in this pathway may remain in school until
June of the year in which the student turns 21 years of age.
There are also two Certificates available to support students
with successful independent employment – the Employment
Skills Certificate (ESC) and the Community Skills Certificate (CSC).

Special Education staff, parents and community support agencies
work collaboratively to individually plan and prepare students for
life in the community upon leaving secondary school.
                                                                        Note: HDSB provides transportation for
                                                                        students that qualify for CPP

                                                                       Dual Credit Program
                                                                       Dual Credit programs are Ministry-approved
                                                                       programs that allow Grade 12 students to
                                                                       take college courses that count towards the
                                                                       OSSD and a post-secondary college diploma.
                                                                       HDSB has partnerships with Conestoga,
                                                                       Humber, Mohawk and Sheridan colleges as
                                                                       part of the provincial School College
                                                                       Work Initiative.
                                                                       Dual Credit programs run either in the
                                                                       secondary school or at the college, and
                                                                       allow students to reach ahead to their
                                                                       future education in the apprenticeship
                                                                       or college post-secondary pathways.
                                                                       Students interested in Dual Credit programs
                                                                       should meet with their guidance counsellor
                                                                       to discuss opportunities and to determine if
                                                                       they meet the student criteria to enroll.
                                                                       Note: Transportation for regional dual credit
                                                                       programs may be provided

Regional Pathways Programs
Regional Pathways Programs

                                                                                           English as a Second Language (ESL)
                                                                                           The English language proficiency of all multilingual
                                                                                           students will be assessed upon registration with the
                                                                                           Halton District School Board. The time needed to
                                                                                           complete the assessment will vary based on individual
                                                                                           student needs. The assessment will include:
                                                                                           • a structured interview to assess oral communication
                                                                                            skills (listening and speaking)
                                                                                           • an assessment of reading comprehension
                                                                                           • an assessment of student writing
                                                                                           • an assessment of mathematical knowledge and skills
                                  The assessment provides information about the type and the amount of support the student needs to develop
                                  English language skills to ensure success. In secondary schools, placement in courses will depend upon the
                                  results of the assessment, the student’s educational background, interests and pathway aspirations.
                                  ESL/ELD Centre Schools provide support for multilingual students from the early stages of learning English.
                                  These schools support both ESL and ELD programs and may also cluster multilingual students for compulsory
                                  courses such as History, Science, and Geography. All other HDSB schools support multilingual students later in
                                  their English language acquisition by offering ESL D and ESL E and/or offering targeted instructional support and
                                  accommodations within all courses and program areas.
                                                                                           Note: HDSB provides transportation for students who
                                                                                           live more than 3.2 km from their ESL secondary school.
                                  French Immersion
                                  The French Immersion Program is open to students who
                                  have completed the French Immersion program in a
                                  Halton elementary school or with principal permission
                                  for appropriate students from school boards outside
                                  Halton. Students in French Immersion must accumulate
                                  a total of 10 Immersion credits in order to receive a
                                  Certificate of Immersion Studies. The 10 Immersion
                                  credits include 4 French Language credits (Grade 9-12)
                                  and 6 additional courses in other subjects taught
                                  in French.
                                  The Extended French Program at Sir E. MacMillan PS has
                                  been discontinued. Students who are already enrolled
                                  in the program will continue at M.M. Robinson HS.
                                  Extended French students must accumulate a total of 7
                                                                                            Note: HDSB provides transportation for students
                                  extended French credits in order to receive a Certificate who live more than 3.2 km from their French
                                  of Extended French. The 7 extended credits include 4      Immersion secondary school
                                  French Language credits (Grade 9-12) and 3 additional
                                  courses in other subjects taught in French.
Regional Pathways Programs

                                                                                                                       Regional Pathways Programs
International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme
The IB Diploma Programme is a comprehensive two-year programme that takes
place in the last two years of secondary school (Grade 11 & 12). An IB Diploma
holder may also receive credit for courses at some universities.
The IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) is designed as an academically rigorous and
balanced programme of education with final examinations that prepare students
for success at university and life beyond. The programme has gained recognition
and respect from the world’s leading universities.
Students who succeed in earning the IB Diploma will at the same time earn the         Note: HDSB does not
Ontario Secondary School Diploma. All IB schools offer a cluster program              provide transportation
for Grade 9 and 10 students accepted to IBDP. This two-year programme is              for IB
designed to prepare students for the academic rigour and challenges of the
IB Diploma Programme.

The I-STEM regional program is an interdisciplinary, experiential,
competency-based and inquiry-based program focused on innovation.
Students work collaboratively and in partnership with post-secondary and
community partners to solve social, economic or environmental local and
global issues. Students entering the four- year I-STEM program will apply for
entry to begin the program in their Grade 9 year.

LEAP and Locally Developed
Locally Developed Programs are for students who:                                    Note: HDSB does not provide
                                                                                    transportation for I-STEM
• Require flexibility and support to meet graduation requirements
• Are several grade levels behind in literacy and numeracy skills
• Benefit from structure and organization
• Complete tasks and homework with assistance, support, and prompting
• Benefit from authentic, hands- on learning experiences
The LEAP Program is available to select Grade 8 students who are likely to attend
the Locally Developed Program. Grade 8 students in the LEAP Program have the
opportunity to earn four high school credits towards their OSSD.
The LEAP Program:
• Eases the transition to high school
• Improves confidence
• Builds literacy and numeracy skills
• Develops academic and social skills through project-based learning
Regional Pathways Programs
Regional Pathways

                                                                                    Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)
                                                                                  The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) is a specialized
                                                                                  program that allows Grade 11 and 12 students to
                                                                                  focus on knowledge and skills that are in a specific
                                                                                  economic sector and obtain certifications recognized
                                                                                  in those sectors. This SHSM diploma will allow a
                         Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)
                                                                                  student to experience a range of customized career-
                         The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)          focused learning opportunities which will give them
                         offers Ontario secondary school students the opportunity the opportunity to explore informed career decisions.
                         to get experience in any apprenticeable occupation       All students in the SHSM are prepared for success in
                         through the co-op program. Successful students can       the postsecondary destination of their choice, whether
                         begin to train as a registered apprentice while enrolled it be apprenticeship training, a college or university
                         in high school. OYAP allows a student to complete        program, or the workplace.
                         their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and
                                                                                  To earn a SHSM diploma, students will complete:
                         to gain apprenticeship training towards a certificate
                         of apprenticeship, which may lead to a journeyperson     • Bundle of credits: A defined bundle of credits
                         status. Through specialized cooperative education           consisting of eight to 10 Grade 11 and Grade 12
                         and appropriate in-school courses students can get          credits, including cooperative education credits
                         experience in an apprenticeship trade, and if they show  • Certification and training experiences:
                         the ability and drive they can start an apprenticeship      Sector-recognized certifications and/or
                         while still in high school. The OYAP programs are           training courses
                         designed for senior students in secondary school,
                                                                                  • Experiential learning and career exploration
                         usually Grade 12.
                                                                                     activities: Experiential learning and career
                         Concentrated OYAP helps prepare students for                exploration activities within the sector
                         apprenticeship by combining high school courses
                                                                                  • Reach ahead experiences: Learning experiences
                         with a cooperative education placement to provide
                                                                                     connected with the student’s postsecondary plans
                         the knowledge, skills and work experience to begin
                                                                                  • Sector-partnered experiences: Experiences in
                         an apprenticeship. Hours and skills accumulated in
                                                                                     which students engage with a sector partner to
                         OYAP may be applied to the student’s apprenticeship
                                                                                     explore sector-related content, skills, and knowledge
                         certification requirements.
                                                                                     involving either ICE (innovation, creativity, and
                         Visit                                 entrepreneurship), coding, or mathematical literacy
                                                                                     Visit and
                         to learn about specific OYAP
                                                                            to learn about specific
                         programs in HDSB.
                                                                                     SHSM programs in HDSB.
                         Note: Transportation for regional;
                         OYAP programs may be available                               Note: Transportation within a region for SHSM programs may
                         (eligibility requirements must be met)                       be available (eligibility requirements must be met)

Additional Learning Opportunities

                                                                                                                                 Additional Learning Opportunities
                                                                                                                                 Table of Contents
eLearning & Cooperative Education

Technology Enhanced                     semesters and at summer school.
Learning is growing in Halton           In an online course, students
and encompasses all learning            interact and learn with their
opportunities and instructional         teacher, classmates and electronic
strategies that incorporate             resources using any internet-
electronic and internet-                connected computer. eLearning
based resources.                        courses allow students to:
Blended Learning is a part of           • Earn the same credits in a
many classrooms and courses                different way.
at all secondary schools.               • Learn at a flexible time (no
It combines the more traditional           scheduled classes) and place.
classroom experience with a                                                        Guidance Counsellors and online
                                        •Access engaging, unique courses         teachers can assist students with
variety of internet-based resources
                                           unavailable in some high schools.       an exploration of online learning
and applications through the
D2L (Desire to Learn) learning          Students are encouraged to                 opportunities in Halton.
management system.                      evaluate their learning styles and         For more details on eLearning visit
                                        learning skills when considering a
eLearning courses are fully online
                                        course delivered online.
and available to students in both

                                             teachers work in partnership with         Co-op students have the
                                             the Halton Industry Education             opportunity to:
                                             Council (HIEC) to match                   • Experience hands-on learning
                                             students with appropriate Halton
                                                                                       • “Test-drive” career interest
                                             employment placements.
                                             Students are monitored and                • S ee the relevance of their
                                             assessed by the Cooperative                  classroom learning
                                             Education teacher and have                • E arn credits and develop
                                             regular performance appraisals               essential skills through
                                             by the placement supervisor                  workplace experience
                                             (employer). Most Co-op work
                                                                                         ain valuable work experience,
Cooperative Education                        placements are designed as
                                                                                        build a résumé to prepare for
                                             half-day programs.
Cooperative Education (Co-op)                                                           future employment and/or
allows students to earn secondary         • Students can apply up to two               post-secondary eduction
school credits while completing a            Co-op credits towards their               • Earn apprenticeship hours and/or
work placement. The integrated               compulsory course requirements,             be registered as an apprentice
Co-op course connects prior learning/        with no limit on earning                    while participating in an
credits and related work experience.         elective credits.                           apprenticeable trade through
The course begins with an in-school       • Co-op programs are appropriate              the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship
pre-placement learning plan to ready         for all post-secondary destinations         Program (OYAP). For more
students for the out-of-school work          including: apprenticeship, college,         information about OYAP, please
experience. Cooperative Education            community, university or work.              go to
Additional Learning Opportunities
Additional Learning Opportunities
                                         Summer School & Night School

                                         Summer School - Secondary (Credit)
                                         In July, some secondary schools are designated as sites for
                                         Summer School. Courses are available for students who wish to earn
                                         new credits or upgrade previous courses. Students may register for
                                         one full-credit course with the HDSB (including online courses).
                                         • Full-credit courses are four weeks in duration (110 hours of instruction).
                                            These courses are appropriate for new credit and/or for students who
                                            require additional learning/support to meet provincial standards.
                                         • Courses available: in class, online, co-op.
                                         • Reach ahead opportunity for Grade 8 students to take Grade 9 credit
                                           course over a four-week period prior to starting high school.
                                         • Two-week credit recovery is available for failed courses based
                                           on school referral. Summer School course offerings and registration
                                           forms are available from your school’s Guidance office in May and
                                         Summer School - Elementary (Non-Credit)
                                         • Elementary summer school programs are available to students in
                                           Grade 6-8 who are looking to build literacy and numeracy skills.
                                         • International and Indigenous Languages Elementary (JK-8) programs
                                           are available at select schools.
                                         Night School
                                         Night School offers full-credit courses for some Grade 11 and 12 courses
                                         at designated secondary schools each semester. Classes are scheduled
                                         two evenings per week. International Languages Credits are offered once
                                         per week from September - June (successful completion of pre-requisite).
                                         Night School course offerings and registration are available from the
                                         Guidance office in mid-September for Semester 1 courses and
                                         mid-February for Semester 2 courses. Course offerings and schedule
                                         information are also available at

                                         See your Guidance Counsellor for more information.

                                         Students who intend to register for summer school or night
                                         school with other school boards must inform their Guidance
                                         office. Students are required to provide official documentation
                                         to their Guidance office for all credits earned outside of the
                                         Halton District School Board.

Additional Learning Opportunities

                                                                                                                                                              Additional Learning Opportunities
Gary Allan High School – Adult, Alternative, and Continuing Education

Gary Allan High School (GAHS) serves learners of all ages at sites in Burlington, Georgetown,
Milton and Oakville. The wide range of courses and programs offered at GAHS are suitable for all
destination pathways.

Programs at a Glance
 Program           Location(s)        Age           Learner Profile                                      Start Dates
 Online+           Burlington         18 +          Fully online learning with ongoing                   Continuous enrolment
                   Halton Hills                     teacher support and direction in                     Sept. - March
                   Milton                           class or online.

 STEP              Burlington         16-20         Guided learning focusing on                          Intakes Sept.- Oct.
                   Halton Hills                     compulsory credits combined                          Jan. - April
                   Milton                           with an experiential learning                        Extended morning program
                   Oakville                         program.

 TREX              Burlington         16-20         Experiential learning program for                    Intakes Sept.- Oct.
                                                    youth interested in landscaping                      Jan. - April Extended
                                                    or construction.                                     morning program

 Literacy/         HDSB secondary     Grade 7-10    Students looking to develop their                    Sept. - June
 Numeracy          and elementary                   skills with literacy and numeracy
                   schools                          studies, including preparation for
 remedial                                           Grade 9 EQAO Math and Grade
 programs                                           10 OSSLT programs.

 Heads Up          Halton secondary   Incoming      Transition to high school program                    Three-day program in late
 Grade 9           schools            Grade 9       for students entering Grade 9.                       Aug.
                                      students      Students will be welcomed to
                                                    their school community through
                                                    literacy and numeracy activities.

 International     Burlington         JK- Grade 8   Elementary students interested                       Sept. - June
 and               Oakville                         in learning one of 25 offered                        (Friday night and
                   Milton                           languages.                                           Saturday morning)

* For Secondary Credits through Summer School and Night School (including International Languages)
  please see previous page.
                                                                                                                 tinuing Edu
                                                                                                              Con           c


To learn more, speak to your Guidance Counsellor or                                                                             Gary Allan High School
                                                                                           ult, A


                Pathway & Education Planning

                Area of Interest               Website(s)

                 Halton District     
                 School Board        

                 Ontario Ministry of 
                 Education Curriculum

                 Program Pathway     

                 Scholarships and    
                 Financial Assistance

                 Apprenticeship Pathway      

                 College Pathway             

                 Community Pathway   

                 University Pathway  

                 Work Pathway                 

You can also read