Many roads to success - The Saxon school system -
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Contents 03 Everyone counts! Good opportunities 20 Vocational college. for everyone at Saxony’s schools – On-campus training Foreword 21 Fachoberschule. The pathway to 04 The Saxon school system. accessing a university of applied science Types of schools (graphic) 22 Berufliches Gymnasium. School-leaving 07 Opportunities for everyone. examination upon completing secondary Schooling in Saxony school 08 Many roads to success. An overview 23 Dual qualification. Vocational certificate of the Saxon school system and admission to tertiary study 10 Primary school. A good start 24 Technical college. Continued vocational training 12 Secondary school. Learning for real life 25 School-leaving certificates for adults. 14 Grammar school. Preparing for The alternative educational pathway tertiary study 26 Continued education 16 Special-needs schools. Personalised assistance 27 Information and advice 18 Vocational school. Dual system
Everyone counts! Good opportunities for everyone at Saxony’s schools Dear students, parents and readers, There are many ways to achieve a successful education. Which qualification to obtain, and how to obtain it, is a decision each individual needs to make for themselves, taking into account their personal skills and interests. In order to make the right choice, it’s important to be famil- iar with the various options offered by our education system, and their potential outcomes. Although there are many roads to success, Saxony’s schooling structure is essentially very simple. It encompasses primary schools (Grundschulen), secondary schools (Oberschulen), grammar schools (Gymnasien), and vocational training schools (berufsbildende Schulen). Special-needs schools (Förderschulen) are also an important part of our education system. Students and parents are particularly entitled to access these institutions, which are able to dedicate maximum attention and focus to the students most in need of support and assistance. The Saxon education landscape is rounded off by alternative-pathway schools, where adults of © Ronald Bonns any age can catch up on general school qualifications. »Everyone counts!« is one of the guiding principles of Saxony’s education policy. It is mani- fested in our structured school system, which appropriately allows for and supports students’ varying aptitudes, talents and educational goals. The freedom to choose school types and compatibility with higher-qualifying courses are defining features here. Our schools enable even bilingually and multilingually raised pupils to achieve their own personal educational successes. By amending the Saxon Schooling Act, we have created new ways for all school participants to play a role. We have expanded the opportunities for student and parent involvement, and given schools greater creative scope, and therefore more responsibility, overall. The education recommendation factors in the parents’ primary right to decide on their children’s education pathway. The Saxon school system gives everyone an opportunity. And the »Bildungsmonitor« study has recently once again confirmed that social background is the least important variable in educa- tional success in Saxony compared to other German states. Our well structured school system enables everyone to obtain an education in a manner best suited to their needs. Regardless of the pathway chosen, this brochure will give you an overview, and help you make the right decision for your own or your children’s education. I wish you all the best with this, and, above all, happy studying! Christian Piwarz Saxon State Minister for Education and Culture Editorial | 03
The Saxon school system. Types of schools (graphic) (Simplified diagram, without the alternative pathway) YEARS OF SCHOOLING TECHNICAL COLLEGE TECHNICAL Technical-college COLLEGE qualification2,3 Employment FACHOBER- 14 SCHULE (specialised second Employment education institutio FACHOBER- 13 SCHULE (specialised secondary education institutions) FACHOBERSCHULE (specialised secondary VOCATIONAL SCHOOL education institutions) 12 Fachhochschulreife (entrance (Pre-vocational training year, preparat qualification to study at a basic vocational training yea university of applied science) dual system of vocational train Vocational qualification/Recognit 11 VOCATIONAL COLLEGE intermediate school-leaving certificat Vocational qualification/ Vocational preparative year Pre-course preparatory Realschulab- Recognition of intermediate measures run by the German Federal schluss school-leaving 10 Employment Agency Additional educational certificate possible pathways See Secondary school 9 Hauptschulab- SECONDARY schluss 8 SPECIAL-NEEDS SCHOOL Qualifications from all 7 general school types 6 5 4 SPECIAL-NEEDS SCHOOL 3 Qualifications from all general school types 2 1 Early-childho 04 | Graphic
General schools Vocational schools n Primary level n Vocational training n Middle school n Qualification for tertiary study n Upper secondary level n Advanced vocational training 1 Admission pursuant to Section 3 Depending on the vocational 17 of the Saxon Act on Uni qualification obtained UNIVERSITY 1 versity Freedom (SächsHSFG) (recognised trade or profession) 2 In the German Qualifications Framework (DQR), technical- TECHNICAL TECHNICAL college qualifications are COLLEGE COLLEGE deemed equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree (level 6 DQR) Employment Employment - ary ons) FACHOBER- SCHULE BERUFLICHES (specialised secondary education institutions) GYMNASIUM (upper secondary school offering academic FACHOBER- and vocational components) GRAMMAR SCHOOL Allgemeine Hochschulreife tory classes, SCHULE (secondary-school completion (specialised secondary Allgemeine Hochschulreife and university entrance ar, education institutions) (secondary-school completion and VOCATIONAL COLLEGE qualification) ning) Fachhochschulreife university entrance qualification) (entrance qualification tion of to study at a university te possible of applied science) SECONDARY SCHOOL with Realschulabschluss SCHOOL with Hauptschulabschluss GRAMMAR SCHOOL Orientation-based class levels PRIMARY SCHOOL od education and care Graphic | 05
Opportunities for everyone. Schooling in Saxony © Stephen Coburn | The Saxon school system gives everyone a This brochure outlines the various types of chance. In some cases, even a second. Because schools and educational pathways in Saxony. the pupils all have very different skills and After a brief overview, you’ll find detailed interests. Which is why Saxon schools offer chapters on each type of school. The first part different roads to success. The wide range of of the brochure provides information on the educational options takes into account the approaches, objectives and content of general individual students’ personal development, and schools (primary schools, secondary schools, creates the basis for lifelong learning. And this grammar schools, and special-needs schools), doesn’t just require expert knowledge. It’s also while the vocational training schools presented about getting one’s bearings in an increasingly in the second part unlock subsequent pathways, complex and rapidly changing world. particularly for secondary-school graduates. The general schools work with non-school Not only will you learn the theoretical bases partners to independently and actively develop of your recognised trade or profession, full-day school programmes. Full-day learning you’ll also have the opportunity to obtain is a way of making school modern and child Fachhochschulreife (entrance qualification to friendly, and combining it with various aspects a university of applied science) or the Abitur such as integration, inclusion, and personalised (school-leaving examination). A separate support for the individual. Some 87 percent of chapter is dedicated to special-needs schools, schools are already facing up to this challenge. where particular assistance is given to children and adolescents requiring special educational support over an extended period of time or who have a disability. The quality and effectiveness of schools have Further information is available in the Saxony has 1776 general schools, alter- today become a worldwide race – a race Saxony’s following brochures: native-pathway schools and vocational schools are also a part of with their variety of schools, with 478,000 students and 37,100 A good start courses, school-specific full-day programmes teachers. Primary schools in Saxony and projects, participation in competitions, and unique profiles. As such, each school has its own distinct identity. Fit for the future Secondary schools and grammar schools in Saxony Diversity as opportunity Special educational support in Saxony Career pathways Vocational schools in Saxony Opportunities for everyone | 07
Many roads to success. An overview of the Saxon school system Primary school p. 10 Secondary school p. 12 © Yuri Arcurs | Years 1 to 4 Years 5 to 9/10 In the first four years of school, children Secondary school (Oberschule) provides learn much more than just reading, writing general and vocational education, offering and arithmetic. Primary-school teachers as- lots of opportunities for encouraging stu- sist with the children’s individual learning dents’ individual performance and develop- development, and encourage them to enjoy ing their specific interests. This lays a solid learning and acquiring knowledge. In year basis for further vocational education. Stu- four, all children receive an education rec- dents can obtain the Hauptschulabschluss ommendation for a pathway leading either (lowest school-leaving qualification) or to secondary school or grammar school. qualifizierender Hauptschulabschluss (a Hauptschulabschluss with entrance quali- fication to a vocational school) at the end of year 9, and the Realschulabschluss (in- A good start termediate school-leaving certificate) at the Primary schools in Saxony end of year 10. Grammar school p. 14 Years 5 to 12 © reinerseiner | Grammar school (Gymnasium) ends in the Abitur school-leaving examination after eight years, enabling pupils to study at uni- versities or vocational academies. They can also undertake vocational training outside of university. To ensure the students are not pigeonholed into one type of school, years 5 and 6 act as orientation years, and students Special-needs schools p. 16 can also move from secondary schools to Years 1 to 9/10 grammar schools even after years 7 to 9. Eight different types of special-needs schools (Förderschulen) prepare children and In years 8 to 10, grammar schools offer adolescents to be as independent as possible various areas of specialisation, known as in the community and working world. school-specific profiles. Their parents can generally choose between inclusive teaching at a regular school and intensive, often temporary special educational support at a special-needs Fit for the future school. Secondary schools and grammar schools in Saxony Diversity as opportunity Special educational support in Saxony 08 | Many roads to success
© Yuri Arcurs | Vocational schools The various vocational training schools – vocational schools, voca- illnesses or special educational needs are, if possible, integrated into tional colleges, Fachoberschulen, Berufliche Gymnasien and technical standard training programmes with the help of special educational colleges – all come under the umbrella of Vocational Education Cen- support. In the case of particular requirements for vocational training, tres (Berufliche Schulzentren). Adolescents with disabilities, chronic classes geared around targeted areas of support can also be set up. Career pathways Fachoberschule p. 21 Vocational schools in Saxony The pathway to accessing a university of applied science Fachoberschulen (specialised secondary ed- ucation institutions) give adolescents and Vocational school p. 18 adults of all ages the chance to qualify for Dual system study at a university of applied science. This Classes at vocational schools are part of the qualification can be achieved after one or dual training system. Pupils learning one of two years of schooling, depending on the the almost 350 recognised trades/profes- student’s professional and life experience. sions in-house at a company/establishment The strong practical focus of the two-year will acquire the theoretical bases of their Fachoberschule course is, along with the future profession here. Vocational schools qualification to study at tertiary level, an also provide special services for adolescents important part of finding a career path at a with disabilities, chronic illnesses or special university of applied science, at a vocational educational needs. academy, or through a dual training system. Technical college p. 20 Berufliches Gymnasium p. 22 photo: Fotolia On-campus training Abitur examination after Technical colleges provide a pathway to a secondary school (Oberschule) vocational qualification recognised Ger- Berufliche Gymnasien (upper secondary many-wide through classroom lessons and schools offering academic & vocational Double qualification p. 23 work experience or vocational training. The components) build on from middle-school Vocational certificate and courses last for two to three years. certificates or successful vocational train- admission to tertiary study ing, and provide a three-year pathway to The following courses and educational the school-leaving examination (Abitur) that services, which provide both a qualifies pupils for university. vocational certificate and admission to tertiary study, are available in Saxony: Technical college p. 24 - Saxon dual system of vocational training Continued vocational training with Abitur (school-leaving & tertiary Specialists already holding vocational quali- esting medium-tier jobs between the level entrance examination) (DUBAS), fications, and who generally also have of skilled workers and university graduates. - Fachoberschule and shorter dual system professional experience, can earn an addi- Technical-college qualifications may also of vocational training (FOS+), tional qualification at a technical college. enable admission to a university. - Technical college with additional training Graduates will then have access to inter- and examination. Many roads to success | 09
Primary school. A good start © Tomasz Trojanowski | Primary school teaches children much more the children for the requirements of secondary Religion/Ethics than just reading, writing and arithmetic. It school and grammar school. Interdisciplinary From year 1 onwards, all children are offered also fosters their natural curiosity and thirst projects increasingly give them the opportunity the subject of Protestant or Catholic religion. for knowledge, as well as pride in their own to independently apply their learnings to com- Those who do not participate in religion classes abilities. The first four years of school lay the plex contexts. take ethics instead. foundations for independent working, and mo- tivate pupils for lifelong learning. They are thus Look what I can do! Recognising performances geared around both performance and the child. Children want to show what they can do, they Reading and writing The first two years of school constitute one want to be encouraged and supported. And A good command of language is the most im- phase, and every child can witness their own they want to be respected as personalities. portant requirement for success, and this must learning progress and abilities for themselves. be fostered right from early childhood. Learning That’s why no decisions regarding promotion to From kindergarten to school to read and write at school are two very closely the next year level are made after year 1. Grades interrelated activities. Right from the start, the are gradually introduced from year 2 onwards. The pre-school preparatory year at kindergarten children write short texts and stories, and be- This enables teachers to more accurately mon- and the school-starting phase constitute one come acquainted with children’s literature. itor learning progress and support children in a combined stage of education. more targeted manner. But the children them- To ensure every child can integrate properly General studies selves also want to know where they stand. into the new learning and living environment This subject focuses on the world, human co- Grades are a recognition of their performance, that is school, kindergartens and primary existence, encounters with plants and animals, and are designed to encourage and motivate. In schools co-operate closely with one another age-based discovery of and experience with addition to academic performances, they also during this phase. The Saxon curriculum pro- phenomena such as light and air, health, media, rate behaviour, tidiness, diligence and co-op- vides the content framework to individually and traffic. The topics are presented in such a eration. As such, both the child and his/her support children’s holistic development. And general, comprehensive manner that the chil- parents are able to know whether the child is the primary-school syllabuses tie in with this. dren are able to combine new knowledge with punctual, whether he/she adheres to specific things they have already learned. Experiments, rules, how he/she participates in class, and how Day-care/after-school-care placements for pri- excursions and off-campus learning thus be- determined and meticulous he/she can be when mary-school students are available, catering to come lasting learning experiences. working. market requirements. This involves a care con- tract being signed between the parents and the Mathematics Dialogue between schools and parents day-care facility. The co-ordinated collaboration Active exploratory learning, visual examples, between the primary school and day-care facili- and real-life topics make it easier for children An accessible channel for discussing a child’s ty ensures full-day education for children. to identify and practise mathematical elements. development is the hallmark of a good relation- And particular support is offered if children are ship between a school and parents. Parent eve- The child as the centre of focus indeed able to find their own solutions. nings are an opportunity for both parties to talk about lessons, class projects, and educational Classes in the first two years of school tie in Foreign languages issues, while consultations put the teachers with the children’s individual level of knowledge All children start taking two classes of English at the parents’ disposal to answer any specific and personal experiences. The focus is on un- a week as of year 3. Some schools enable an queries. The parents of the class also elect a par- derstanding things holistically. As the children additional foreign language to be learned right ent representative who raises the children’s and must also first learn how to learn, dedicated from year 1. parents’ interests on school committees. periods of practical exercises alternate with times of relaxation. Years 3 and 4 then prepare 10 | General schools
© pressmaster | What next? © Robert Kneschke | The transition to secondary school or grammar school is accompanied by educational counselling sessions. Consultations with parents address the child’s level of development, his/her potentials, and the parents’ wishes. At the start of the second semester of year 4, all pupils receive an educa- tion recommendation regarding the type of school best suited to the next phase of their education. Tips and info Detailed information on primary schools in Saxony can be found in this brochure: A good start Primary schools in Saxony General schools | 11
Secondary school. Learning for real life © bonnie jacobs | There are many pathways open to secondary- (Hauptschule or Realschule) the pupil will Foreign languages school students. Secondary school (Oberschule) follow. The primary focus here is on English classes, provides general and preparatory vocational which begin back in primary school, and are education. When choosing the right secondary Individual support continued for all pupils until secondary-school school, parents and children should first read completion. From year 6 onwards, a second, up on the respective curriculum, electives, Years 7 to 9/10 certificate-based foreign language can be foreign-language options, and any special As of year 7, students are prepared for the learned up to the end of year 10, after which services offered. Hauptschulabschluss or Realschulabschluss, it no longer has to be pursued at a grammar based on their individual performance school or berufliches Gymnasium. French and Qualifications requirements. Both courses teach the same Russian are generally offered, though some subjects, with lessons in German, mathematics, schools also offer Czech, Polish or Spanish, The educational pathways at secondary school English, physics and chemistry taking place in depending on requirements. Foreign languages are tailored to the pupils’ interests through a Hauptschule and Realschule groups or classes. can also be learned as part of study groups. wide range of electives. Secondary school caters Depending on performances, pupils may also to the children’s performance requirements switch between the courses. From year 7 Compulsory electives by offering individual, targeted support. The onwards, performance-oriented options are following qualifications can be obtained at a made available to accompany the pathway to Electives secondary school: the Berufliches Gymnasium or Fachoberschule. From year 5 onwards, the compulsory ❚ Hauptschulabschluss (lowest school-leaving subjects are joined by electives, which can qualification) or qualifizierender Hauptschu- Preparing for a career include targeted support depending on labschluss (a Hauptschulabschluss with en- A systematic and practical focus on vocations the pupils’ interests, abilities and needs. A trance qualification to a vocational school) and tertiary studies is the particular hallmark of second, certificate-based foreign language at the end of year 9, secondary school, and co-operations with the may be offered for particularly motivated ❚ Realschulabschluss (intermediate school- German Federal Employment Agency’s career students. In the final year, students are given leaving certificate) at the end of year 10. counsellors play a key role here. The common the opportunity to earn a »complex academic goal is for all students to become competent achievement« in an elective subject, whose After year 9, pupils attending inclusive classes enough to make the right career choice. grading is credited to a related subject. and receiving targeted learning support can Building on from the respective strengths and obtain a qualification in targeted learning weaknesses identified in year 7, the vocational Inclusive teaching support or, in some cases, a Hauptschulab- and study-oriented focus is »tailored« to each Students with special educational needs or a schluss or other qualification equivalent to one individual. From year 7 onward, the subject disability can be taught inclusively at secondary of these two aforementioned qualifications. encompassing business, engineering, home school if the parents request this and there are economics and social studies (known in Saxony provisions in place for inclusive teaching. Since Orientation as »WTH«) teaches students the practical the 2018/19 school year, this has also been foundations of economics. And one of its possible for students with special educational Years 5 and 6 primary objectives is to prepare students to needs in the target areas of learning and These two years familiarise pupils with the choose their career pathway. In addition to intellectual development, which are taught new requirements: They are exposed to new compulsory course content, it also includes with different learning objectives. subjects, practise new methods of learning, compulsory work experience, and projects with and test out their capabilities. They grow more companies, thereby providing ample options independent, and receive targeted support for identifying a career focus. based on their performance requirements. In year 6, a decision is made as to which course 12 | General schools
© Frank Grätz, Dresden What next? Vocational training can be undertaken after completing school. Anyone who has achieved a satis- factory Realschulabschluss can continue their schooling directly at a berufliches Gymnasium, with a view to sitting the school-leaving examination (Abitur) and qualifying for university entrance, or at a Fachoberschule, with a view to qualifying for entrance to a university of applied science. Around a third of students who have obtained their Realschulabschluss opt for this pathway. Provided a student has achieved adequate grades, he or she may switch from secondary school (Oberschule) to © Drbouz | grammar school (Gymnasium) after any school year. Detailed information on vocational education can be found from page 18 onwards, and in the Career pathways brochure. Tips and info Detailed information on secondary schools and grammar schools is available in this brochure: Fit for the future Secondary schools and grammar schools in Saxony General schools | 13
Grammar school. available at grammar schools. As many study groups are run in co-operation with companies, universities or the municipal government, Preparing for tertiary study students are constantly given the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the working world. Gymnasiale Oberstufe (equivalent to A-levels or senior high at a grammar school) Year 10 marks the start of preparations for the final run to the school-leaving examination (Abitur). Students tackle topics and complex learning content with increasing independence, because this phase places great emphasis on independent working. Students can also find out detailed information on structure, elective options and lesson formats in years 11 and 12. The road to the school-leaving examination Classes in the gymnasiale Oberstufe are taken The eight years of schooling at a grammar schools offer support lessons for advanced in two advanced-level subjects and a series of school (Gymnasium) is tailored to specifically or weaker students, free-choice activities, or basic-level subjects. The first advanced-level supporting academically gifted children and courses that teach learning techniques. From subject is either German or mathematics. The preparing them for university. Anyone wanting year 5 onwards, the new subjects of history, second can be history, physics or a continued to attend grammar school thus needs the geography, biology, and technology/computing foreign language; some grammar schools also relevant education recommendation from their are added. The English lessons which began offer art, chemistry or biology here. Grades primary school, or must be able to demonstrate in primary school are continued at grammar are replaced by a differentiated points-based the necessary talent and grades at secondary school. All pupils start learning a second foreign system ranging from 0 points (worst score) school. If a child has received an education language in year 6. Physics is also introduced to 15 points (best score). The primary focus recommendation for year 5 at a secondary during this year, and IT and chemistry follow is on preparing for scientific/academic work. school (Oberschule) but is enrolled by his/her suit in year 7. Students are taught different methods for parents at a grammar school (Gymnasium), the independently tackling complex tasks, finding parents are required to attend a consultation Fostering interdisciplinary thinking and suitable solutions, and consciously controlling at the grammar school. The result of a student work methods the personal learning process. They also have performance assessment, among other things, the opportunity to earn a »separate academic serves as the basis for this consultation. At The aim of the school-specific profile from year achievement« in a field of their choice. This may the end of the consultation, the parents will 8 onwards is to foster interdisciplinary thinking be included in the overall grading instead of an be given a recommendation regarding their and work methods. It unlocks various pathways oral Abitur examination. child’s future schooling at either a secondary into the wider world, and accommodates school or grammar school. But the decision is students’ aptitudes, interests and abilities. ultimately up to the parents. Every grammar school offers school-specific Each grammar school has its own specific profiles. profile, focusing on particular areas of specialisation. Two classes a week are dedicated to profile- related lessons. For students learning a third Gifted pupils have the opportunity to attend foreign language from year 8 onwards, this special grammar schools offering academic acts as a substitute for the school-specific extension from year 5 onwards. Those highly profile lessons. gifted in multiple fields can also choose to study at the Landesgymnasium Sankt Afra zu The respective profile may be geared around Meissen. This pathway requires an education social sciences, art, natural sciences or physical recommendation for a grammar school, as education. Concepts developed independently well as successfully making it through a special by the grammar schools are also offered as admission process. school-specific profiles whose classes pick up on regional and local elements, and help Initial orientation facilitate schooling in areas such as planning for career and tertiary-study planning, media As is the case at secondary schools studies, political studies, or education in (Oberschulen), years 5 and 6 at grammar sustainable development. schools also serve as orientation. Similar syllabuses make it possible to easily switch Study groups, competitions and work between the two types of schools. Most experience round off the study options 14 | General schools
© webdevel | What next? By earning Allgemeine Hochschulreife through the Abitur school-leaving examination, students become eligible to study at universities across Germany. They can also study abroad. © AVAVA | Tips and info Detailed information on secondary schools and grammar schools is available in this brochure: Fit for the future Secondary schools and grammar schools in Saxony General schools | 15
Special-needs schools. are based on the pupils’ individual learning progress. At the end of the occupational skills programme, having fulfilled the specific support Personalised assistance curriculum, pupils obtain a qualification in the specialised support area of intellectual development. Schools focused on supporting seeing These schools are split into a primary and secondary section, as well as classes simultaneously catering to special needs in the areas of learning or intellectual development. Blind and visually impaired children and adolescents are prepared for life in a predominantly vision-centred environment so that they can live their later lives in an active, socially integrated manner. Specific aids used here include computers with Braille script and voice output, screen-reading devices, and Saxony has two different but equivalent Schools focused on supporting language talking pocket calculators. pathways to support students with special educational needs: Lessons at special-needs These schools are for students with significantly Schools focused on supporting hearing schools, and inclusive classes at primary schools limited communication abilities. They generally and secondary schools, if certain requirements encompass years 1 to 4, and in exceptional cases These schools use special educational methods have been met. The parents’ right to choose is also years 5 and 6. They follow the primary- to help deaf or highly hearing-impaired given a high priority here. The child’s wellbeing school and secondary-school syllabuses, after children and adolescents build up language and is always the determining factor when selecting which the students continue their education at develop forms of communication. Pupils are the most suitable support facility. Teachers and other general schools. given the opportunity to learn sign language staff from the school supervisory board advise and fingerspelling in addition to spoken and the parents on the type of school and specific Schools focused on supporting learning written language. The aim of the training is school that will be able to cater to the child’s to enable them to cope with both academic special needs. These schools are for students who have and vocational learning processes, as well Saxony is committed to offering a wide range considerable difficulties with learning, as everyday life. Lessons follow the primary- of support facilities, and therefore also remains performing and perception. Open lesson school and secondary-school syllabuses. committed to special-needs schools. Many such formats, project-oriented teaching, individual Classes simultaneously providing support with schools only teach their students for a limited and group work enable the pupils’ specific learning or intellectual development can also be time in order to prepare them to study at other abilities, aptitudes and interests to be taken arranged. types of schools. As such the school provides into account. In addition to acquiring useful pupils with a supportive framework consisting knowledge, particular emphasis is also placed Schools focused on supporting physical and of small study groups, personalised special- on developing practical abilities and skills. motor development education support, teachers specifically trained Qualifications in the specialised support in the various support focus areas, and special area of learning can be obtained at Saxon These schools are for children and adolescents equipment. schools focused on this field. This requires who have physical or multiple disabilities. Special-needs schools also act as regional com- the pupil to achieve a grade of »pass« in all Depending on the special needs, syllabuses petence centres for special-education support subjects, or be able to make up for a grade are geared around those of general schools, by advising, diagnosing, and supporting inclu- of »poor«. If the relevant requirements have schools focused on supporting learning, or sive teaching at regular schools. been met, it is possible for the pupil to obtain schools focused on supporting intellectual a Hauptschulabschluss (lowest school-leaving development. Schools focused on supporting emotional qualification) or other qualification equivalent and social development to a Hauptschulabschluss. Hospital schools These schools are for students who are being Schools focused on supporting intellectual These schools are for sick children who regularly supported by special support measures as a development visit or spend extended periods in clinics, result of developmental disorders, traumatic hospitals or other health-treatment centres. The experiences, or sociocultural factors. This type These schools follow their own syllabus. In aim here is facilitate the pupils’ reintegration of school encompasses years 1 to 4, after which addition to general education in lower, middle into their last attended class. Lesson scope is the students usually continue their education and upper-school levels, this type of special- established in consultation with the doctor. at other general schools. In exceptional cases, needs school also provides basic vocational classes can be taken all the way up to year 10. education through an occupational skills They follow the primary-school and secondary- programme. Each level encompasses three years school syllabuses. of schooling. There are no grades. Assessments 16 | General schools
Saxony implements the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by ensuring pupils with special educational needs are prepared for integration into society and the working world both at special-needs schools and regular schools. Some 9,000 students are currently being taught inclusively at regular schools. © Muellek Josef | What next? Graduates from special-needs schools can also start vocational training or obtain qualifications entitling them to study at university. If this is not possible, preparatory courses for jobs involving an independent lifestyle or for employment in a sheltered workshop are offered, tailored to the students’ individual needs. Detailed information on vocational education can be found from page 18 onwards and in the Career pathways brochure. Counselling centres © Diloute | Many special-needs schools have counselling centres, providing parents and teachers from general schools with expert advice on issues relating to personalised support. Tips and info Detailed information on special educational support can be found in this brochure: Diversity as opportunity Special educational support in Saxony General schools | 17
Vocational school. Dual system photo: Fotolia Upon completion of secondary school (Ober- Opportunities for adolescents who have not schule), students are required to attend vo- secured apprenticeships cational school, generally for three years. The students sign a training contract in one of the Anyone who has left secondary school before approx. 320 recognised trades/professions. The completion can undertake a vocational prepara- dual system thus sees the training workplace and tive year, and anyone who, despite completing vocational school co-operate as equal partners. school, has still been unable to secure a training The workplace provides the adolescents with contract can commence their vocational train- practical training, while the vocational school’s ing through a basic vocational training year. task is to teach theory and expand on general Both forms of training satisfy the requirement education. Classes are held either in multi-week for attending vocational school. blocks or one to two days a week. The trainees, who have not yet obtained a Realschulabschluss Vocational preparative year (intermediate school-leaving certificate), can earn a middle-school certificate depending on Training strengths and interests their performances at the vocational school and During the vocational preparative year, ado- in the final examination. Vocational training lescents are familiarised with two professional through the dual system provides a solid basis fields, enabling them to identify their strengths for the pupil’s future professional development. and interests. This is designed to help them choose their career, and motivate them to Tips and info on choosing a career start an apprenticeship/training. Successful The school database graduates earn a Hauptschulabschluss (lowest provides an overview of the various vocation- school-leaving qualification). al-school profiles. The most important ports of call for anyone wanting to learn about recog- Basic vocational training year nised trades/professions are the career infor- mation centres (BiZ) at the local employment A good foundation agencies. The schools also provide support and The basic vocational training year provides full- advice in relation to career focuses. Various in- time basic vocational training for several relat- formation events such as the Saxon companies’ ed professions, such as in the fields of metal- Foto: Anja Unger open week also provide the students with good working or woodworking. Theory and practical insights into everyday professional operations. components are taught in addition to general education. Once the year is over, students can commence vocational training following the dual system. The completed basic vocational training year can be credited to this dual system format as an initial year of training. 18 | Vocational schools
103,000 trainees are taught by some 6,200 teachers at Saxony’s 250 vocational schools. photo: Benjamin Jenak Requirements A training contract is required in order to attend vocational school. What next? After completing vocational school, graduates can start working straight away, or obtain further qualifications: Technical college (qualifications for working professionals) Fachoberschule (qualification to study at a university of applied science) Berufliches Gymnasium (Abitur school-leaving examination) photo: Fotolia Night school (part-time study for the Abitur) Tips and info Detailed information on vocational schools can be found in this brochure: Career pathways Vocational schools in Saxony Vocational schools | 19
Vocational college. On-campus training © c-mone | Vocational colleges allow graduates from vocational training and demonstrating an dion-making, or stringed-instrument-making general schools to obtain a state-accredited appropriate level of performance. may be learned through a dual training system vocational qualification through a two to (see page 18) or at a vocational college. The three-year course. The school generally bears Professions in health and social welfare specialised training establishments are part of overall responsibility for the course. Saxony’s vocational colleges run vocational a vocational training centre, and are located in training courses regulated by state or federal Glashütte (for watch-making) and Klingenthal Vocational colleges predominantly specialise in laws, predominantly in the fields of health (for musical-instrument-building). health and social-welfare professions, though and social welfare. These courses can lead to it is also possible to undertake training in qualifications as: traditional trades such as watch-making or ❚ Nurse*, Requirements instrument-building. ❚ Nursing assistant, ❚ Carer for the elderly*, A Realschulabschluss is generally a pre-req- The training is split into theory and practice ❚ Social assistant, uisite for the training, while a suitable state components at the college, and practical ❚ Physiotherapist, of health is required for the health and car- training at a relevant institution, or work ❚ Occupational therapist, ing fields. In some cases, proof of a training experience at a company. This enables students ❚ Midwife, contract may also be mandatory. to acquire professional skills, gain initial ❚ Medical documentation assistant, professional experience, familiarise themselves ❚ Pharmaco-technical assistant with professional processes and the social What next? environment of training institutions, and apply *Known simply as nurse from 2020 onwards their skills and knowledge to real working Once a vocational qualification has been ob- situations. Students who have obtained a Traditional trades tained at a vocational college, graduates can Hauptschulabschluss can earn a middle-school Professions which have now become rarities, start working straight away. Those who have certificate after successfully completing the such as watch-making, violin-making, accor- subsequently gained professional experience have the opportunity to obtain qualifications as a clinical supervisor or undertake ad- vanced training at a technical college. Those wishing to study further can obtain Fach- hochschulreife (qualification to study at a university of applied science) at a Fachober- schule or complete the Abitur school-leaving examination at a berufliches Gymnasium. Tips and info Detailed information on vocational colleges can be found in this brochure: Career pathways photo: Fotolia Vocational schools in Saxony 20 | Vocational schools
Fachoberschule. The pathway to accessing a university of applied science © Sean Prior | As an important next step after obtaining an The subject areas intermediate school-leaving certificate at a sec- The following subject areas are offered at Requirements ondary school (Oberschule), the Fachoberschule Fachoberschulen: (specialised secondary education institution) ❚ Agriculture, biotechnology and environmen- A Realschulabschluss (intermediate school- provides a pathway to obtaining Fachhoch- tal technology, leaving certificate) is a pre-requisite for the schulreife, which serves as the basis for studying ❚ Design, two-year Fachoberschule course. at a university of applied science. The course en- ❚ Health and social welfare, The one-year course, meanwhile, requires compasses both general and specialised content. ❚ Engineering, a vocational qualification accredited under ❚ Business and administration. state or federal law, with at least two years The strong practical focus of the two-year of training or three years of relevant profes- Fachoberschule course is, along with the qual- The subject area chosen is not binding for fu- sional experience and a Realschulabschluss. ification to study at tertiary level, an important ture fields of study. part of finding a career path at a university of applied science, at a vocational academy, or Advantages at a glance What next? through a dual training system. NB: There is no age restriction for admission. ❚ No age limit Fachhochschulreife entitles the student to Fachhochschulreife can be obtained over two ❚ No admission restrictions study at universities (of applied science) or years of schooling (years 11 and 12) or one (e.g. specific grades required) vocational academies. Furthermore, stu- year of schooling (year 12), depending on the ❚ Short course duration dents can commence vocational training student’s professional and life experience. The ❚ High practical relevance and after completing the two-year course, or Fachoberschule thus gives a large number of professional focus take further vocational training at a tech- adolescents, as well as adults of all ages, the op- ❚ Wide range of applications nical college after completing the one-year portunity to qualify for study at a university of course. applied science. Tips and info Detailed information on vocational schools can be found in this brochure: Career pathways Vocational schools in Saxony and in the flyer Specialised secondary educa- tion institutions in Saxony. photo: Fotolia Vocational schools | 21
Berufliches Gymnasium. School-leaving exam- ination upon com‑ pleting secondary photo: Andreas Vieweg Requirements The training provided at berufliche Gym- nasien is primarily aimed to graduates from a secondary school (Oberschule) or equiv- alent general school, whose average Real- schulabschluss (intermediate school-leav- ing certificate) grade is better than 2.5. When starting year 11, students must not be over the age of 18, the exception being if they are able to prove they have completed vocational training, in which case they must not be over 21. What next? photo: Benjamin Jenak Students who have achieved allge- meine Hochschulreife through the Abitur school-leaving examination are eligible to study at universities across Germany. They Anyone who has successfully completed gen- The subject areas can also study abroad. eral school or vocational training can ob- tain allgemeine Hochschulreife (secondary ❚ Agriculture school-leaving certificate entitling entrance to ❚ Biotechnology Tips and info universities) at a berufliches Gymnasium (up- ❚ Nutritional science per secondary school offering academic and ❚ Health and social welfare Detailed information on berufliche Gym- vocational components). Unlike the general ❚ Information and communication technology nasien can be found in these brochures: Gymnasium (grammar school), the berufliches ❚ Engineering, with specialisations in structur- Gymnasium teaches career-specific content in al engineering, data-processing technology, Career pathways the chosen field, thereby uniquely familiarising electrical engineering and mechanical engi- Vocational schools pupils with the working world. neering in Saxony ❚ Economics The course runs for three years. The introductory The Abitur school-leaving phase in year 11 is a chance for pupils to The subject area chosen is not binding for fu- examination at berufliche balance out differing learning requirements. ture fields of study. For example, someone who Gymnasien During the qualification phase (years 12 and chooses »engineering specialising in structural Information on the senior- 13), classes are taught in advanced-level and engineering« can later study business admin- high Oberstufe basic-level subjects just as they are at general istration. grammar schools. Berufliche Gymnasien end with the Abitur school-leaving examination. 22 | Vocational schools
Dual qualification. Vocational certificate and admission to tertiary study via e-learning using Saxony’s central OPAL Schule online learning platform. Two qualifi- cations can be obtained over four years: Fach- hochschulreife and a certificate in a recognised dual-system trade/profession. Technical college with additional training and examination Fachhochschulreife can be obtained in all subject areas except the two-year agriculture course. photo: Fotolia The vocational education pathways include profession within four years. It is available in courses and services that prepare students for the following subject areas: vocational qualifications and for Fachhoch- ❚ Information and communication technology, schulreife (entrance qualification to a univer- ❚ Engineering, and sity of applied science) or allgemeine Hoch- ❚ Economics. schulreife (secondary school completion and university entrance qualification). Fachoberschule and abbreviated dual voca- tional training system Saxon dual vocational training system with Abitur school-leaving examination Tips and info Detailed information on the dual-qualifi- Students seeking to complete an abbreviated cation system can be found in this brochure: dual vocational training course after attending The dual-qualification pathway enables stu- a Fachoberschule can continue the practical Career pathways dents to obtain allgemeine Hochschulreife and component of their training in year 12. Part of Vocational schools a vocational certificate in a recognised trade/ the classroom-based lessons takes place here in Saxony 23 | Dual qualification
Technical college. Continued vocational training photo: Fotolia Requirements Technical colleges are open to specialists with vocational qualifications and profes- sional experience. What next? Graduates will then have access to inter- esting medium-tier jobs between the level of skilled workers and university gradu- ates. Anyone wanting to obtain additional qualifications can commence study at a university. Tips and info Detailed information on technical colleges is available in this brochure: Career pathways photo: Fotolia Vocational schools in Saxony Specialists already holding vocational qual- The course lasts for two or three years full- The subject areas ifications, and who generally also have pro- time, or up to four years part-time. The final fessional experience, can earn an additional examination encompasses a written, oral and, Technical colleges offer advanced training in qualification at a technical college. Technical if applicable, practical component. Technical engineering, business, social welfare and de- colleges build on their students’ professional colleges specialising in social-welfare pro- sign, while the agriculture-focused technical experience, and prepare the students for mid- fessions also require an additional practical colleges offer similar continued education in dle-level tasks and independent, responsible course to be taken, ending with a practical a variety of disciplines. roles. Fachhochschulreife (entrance qualifi- examination comprising a practical vocational cation to a university of applied science) can task and a case-study oral examination. Further information is available online in the also be obtained here. Saxon school database at: 24 | Vocational schools
School-leaving certificates for adults. The alternative educational pathway © Andres Rodriguez | Adults can also obtain general school-leaving schluss (intermediate school-leaving certificate) night grammar schools or full-time at colleges. certificates to unlock new career opportunities. through adult-focused approaches. Courses last Courses run for three to four years, depending Night schools offer courses for this. Classes for one or two years depending on the educa- on admission requirements. The subjects offered taken at colleges are done so on a full-time basis. tion objective. In some cases, students can apply are generally the same as those taught at for the BAföG higher-education grant for the general grammar schools. Similarly, two subjects Night secondary school second half of their training. Classes are gen- are taught at an advanced level, and other erally held at night at secondary schools (Ober- subjects at a basic level. Class loading is around Hauptschulabschluss and Realschulabschluss schulen). 23 hours a week at night grammar schools, and for adults around 32 hours a week at colleges. Students Participants are prepared for the Hauptschu- Night grammar school and college attending a college can generally apply for the labschluss (lowest level of school-leaving cer- BAföG higher-education grant for their entire tificate), qualifizierender Hauptschulabschluss Adults are able to earn Allgemeine Hoch- course, while those studying at a night grammar (a Hauptschulabschluss with entrance qualifi- schulreife (secondary-school completion and school may, in some cases, apply for it for the cation to a vocational school), or Realschulab- university entrance qualification) part-time at final eighteen months of the course. Requirements ❚ Night secondary schools are open to anyone who has completed compulsory schooling but has not yet achieved their desired certificate. ❚ Night grammar schools and colleges have the following pre-requisite: Completed vocational training or at least two years of work. Students must also be working professionally or be engaged in an activity equivalent to professional work (e.g. parental leave, military service or civil service). Unemployment certified by the employment agency will also be recognised. For the three-year course: Realschulabschluss For the four-year course: Hauptschulabschluss Additional Opportunities Certificates obtained from a night secondary school provide opportunities for further academic and vocational education and training. By earning Allgemeine Hochschulreife through the Abitur school-leaving examination, students become eligible to study at universities across Germany. They © Frank Grätz, Dresden can also study abroad. Tips and info Detailed information on night grammar schools and colleges can be found in this brochure: The Abitur school-leaving examination at night grammar schools and colleges Alternative educational pathway | 25
Continued education. Some 163,000 people attended the over © Frank Grätz, Dresden 15,300 courses run by Saxon adult- education centres in 2017. The most popular continued to be language courses. Lifelong learning schooling, vocational training, university education, and advanced general and vocational Education is not something that only happens at training into one flexible overarching system a certain time in one’s life; it’s a lifelong process: whose components build on from one another. A salesperson may complete a computing course at an adult-education centre; an additional Opportunities for everyone qualification may lay the foundations for the next stage of a career; a retired engineer may Numerous continued-education facilities across start studying art history. These are just three Saxony offer a wide range of programmes of many examples. Lifelong learning is the aimed at advanced vocational, general, cultural catchphrase for anyone wanting to keep up or political training. Services range from single on the job market, catch up on a vocational or night classes, to weekend seminars or excursions, school certificate, or simply develop personally. to multi-month general or vocational courses. Traditional educational pathways that end once schooling or university is complete often no longer suffice to meet the changing requirements of the working world. Lifelong learning integrates pre-school education, © Chris Schmidt | Further information (Saxon State Office for Political Education) 26 | Continued education
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