SHAMLEY GREEN PARISH MAGAZINE JANUARY 2021 - Website: Christmas in Church Page 5 Garden Club Award
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SHAMLEY GREEN PARISH MAGAZINE JANUARY 2021 Website: Christmas in Church Page 5 Garden Club Award Page 11 Cricket Club AGM Page 12
CHRIST CHURCH, SHAMLEY GREEN SUNDAY SERVICES 8.00 am Said Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) 10.00 am Sung Communion, and Sunday Club in term time for children; followed by coffee in the Jubilee Room On the First Sunday in the month services are as follows: 8.00am Said Holy Communion 10.00am Family Service (non-Eucharistic except at major festivals); no Sunday Club, all ages in church; followed by coffee in the Jubilee Room 6.30pm Evensong Please check centre pages and Christ Church News for this month’s services and for seasonal variations. If you require transport to get to and from any of the services this month, or indeed at any time of the year, please contact a Churchwarden (details inside back cover). You can also find full details on our website What’s On page. 950 HOUSEHOLDS do what you are doing now, every month. They read this magazine! If you run a business tell Shamley Green about it. Advertise in the area's most cost-effective magazine. Contact Karen for more information See details below CONTACT INFORMATION FOR THE PARISH MAGAZINE Editor: Christine King Tel: 537608 Email: Advertisements: Karen Anderton Tel: 894014 Email: Distribution: Ginny Wicks Tel: 894873 Email: The Disclaimers THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS MAGAZINE ARE THOSE OF THE CONTRIBUTORS AND NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OF THE EDITOR, THE VICAR, OR THE CORPORATE BODY OF THE CHURCH THE ADVERTISEMENTS INCLUDED IN THIS MAGAZINE ARE PAID FOR AND AS SUCH ARE NOT BEING RECOMMENDED BY BEING INCLUDED IN THIS MAGAZINE. PLEASE CHECK AS YOU WOULD ANY OTHER SUPPLIER.
Putting the ‘new’ into the New Year The other evening I was watching an old episode of MASH, where the company of the US mobile army hospital in the middle of the Korean war were joined by a British regiment for Christmas. They tell them about the Boxing Day tradition whereby the officers and other ranks switch places. It’s a tradition which continues to this day: in the Royal Navy, for example, the most junior rating is made captain and the officers serve Christmas dinner to the other ranks. This derives from an even more ancient tradition, dating back to the Middle Ages, the Feast of Fools within the twelve days of Christmas where junior clergy assumed the roles of their seniors; by the fifteenth century this developed into the tradition of the boy bishop when a choir boy was chosen by his peers to be bishop for a day. Then there is Twelfth Night, 5th January, the last night of Christmas before the season of Epiphany begins. From Tudor times to the late nineteenth century, this was as big a festival as Christmas Day and was the occasion for much feasting, merrymaking and mischief. Forget the sixpence in your Christmas pudding, the older tradition is that of a bean baked in a fruitcake eaten on Twelfth Night. Whoever got the bean would be the King of the feast, the Lord of Misrule and it could be a wild night in which the serving classes let off steam and pretty much anything went. The world was turned topsy-turvy. In a year when our world, and everyone’s individual corner of it, really has been turned upside down, perhaps these old traditions need a fresh airing. I’m not thinking so much of the rambunctious merrymaking but more of the rôle reversals which were such a feature. If life with COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is surely to value those whom we all too often take for granted and whose value is generally inadequately reflected in the terms and conditions of their employment: e.g. shopworkers, delivery drivers, cleaners, teaching assistants, hospital patient services assistants, and the umpteen folk who spend the whole day patiently answering our phone calls about every aspect of our lives. Much has been said about the need to recognise and support these essential workers as well as all those who work in health care, education, local government and voluntary services and the myriad freelance and self-employed people upon whom we rely for so much. I wonder… I would like to think that as we emerge from crisis into managing the virus in a way which means life can return to ‘normal’, some norms might change, the balance between the haves and have-nots might shift and where we place value in our society might look very different. However, not everyone appreciated the topsy-turvy traditions and not all of us are keen on relinquishing our status and sharing our power and comfort, even for a limited period of time. Or perhaps it depends on what one’s status is. It’s like the Magnificat (Mary the mother of Jesus’ song in Luke’s Gospel): the proud, mighty and rich are put down and the humble and meek are exalted. If you are one of the former, it might not be your favourite song. Yet Twelfth Night, the night of misrule (or should that be ‘just rule’?) reminds
us that the Saviour of the world, starts life in a stable, continues it as a refugee in a foreign land, spends the most significant part of his adulthood as an itinerant teacher and healer with a ragtag motley of followers and ends it in the company of criminals on a cross. Then he begins life again with an empty tomb and a spectacular outpouring of the divine Spirit. The first people to receive the news of this baby’s birth were an inexperienced young girl and her carpenter fiancé; the second were shepherds, marginalised and despised people in their society; the third were esoteric foreigners. And the first to encounter the risen Jesus and to spread the news was a woman. It is the joke in the Christmas cracker: God chooses what others look down upon to demonstrate his power. The Lord of Misrule’s reign traditionally came to an end at midnight and the topsy-turvy world was returned to normal. But Christ’s reign does not end when the Christmas decorations come down and topsy-turvy for him is the norm. Are we prepared to follow his lead and work to establish his kingdom where, he said, the first will be last and the last first? What this might mean for each of us in this New Year, as individuals and as a society, will take longer than just one night to work out. It will mean taking Mary’s song for our own and allowing God to shake things up in and around us. But imagine if we really did - if we really magnified the Lord by scattering the proud, lifting up the humble, filling the hungry with good things and remembering God’s mercy by helping the world he has created. Imagine - and dare. If you would like to discuss anything in this letter, or just to have a chat, do get in touch; I'd love to hear from you, Sally. The Revd. Sally Davies. (01483) 892030. *The Magnificat My soul doth magnify the Lord and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. COPY DATE FOR THE FEBRUARY ISSUE: SATURDAY 9th JANUARY to the Editor, please, by midnight. Email willingly accepted, to: IMPORTANT: CONTRIBUTORS PLEASE READ THE GUIDANCE AT THE BACK OF THE MAGAZINE 2 Shamley Green Parish Magazine January 2021
CHRIST CHURCH NEWS Thank you to all who helped make our Advent and Christmas worship so special in challenging times when we have had to rethink how we do everything: in particular our church warden cum cameraman and film producer Jonathan Jenner, together with his reduced but dedicated team of sidespeople, and Clare Stevens who has been producing some of the online services and updating our website and Facebook; Daphne Hamilton, the choir and Sarah McKenna; our clergy, readers and intercessors; Daphne Nunneley; John Page, Jeremy Clue and the Ball family who set up and decorated our beautiful Christmas tree (donated by Hilary and John Page); Annabelle Ball, Sue Willis, Jonathan Jenner, Joelle Tamraz and our Sunday Club and Wholly Youth members for the great filmed Nativity play and service and Diane Savage for the Christmas Trail. From the registers Funeral: we gave thanks for the life of Muriel Derry on 16th December. Donations to the church As with many other organizations, charities and businesses, our income has suffered during this time. A big thank you to all our donors who have continued to support us with regular and one-off donations. If you would like to join them, you can make one-off contributions via our website or direct to our Shamley Green PCC Donations Account: Acc. No. 30638712 Sort Code 60-06-19. If you would like to know how you can support our village church through regular donations by standing order, through a legacy or how to increase the value of your donation by Gift Aid, please contact one of the following: our Treasurer Tony Robinson (01483 229141;, our Legacy Officer Joelle Tamraz ( or our Planned Giving Officer Nick Russell-Davis (01483 890719; ,
CHRIST CHURCH DIARY OF EVENTS – JANUARY 2021 3 Sunday EPIPHANY tr. 10.00am Holy Communion 9 Saturday Magazine copy due by midnight 10 Sunday Baptism of Christ 10.00am Holy Communion 11 Monday 10.00am Home Group 17 Sunday Epiphany 2 10.00am Holy Communion 24 Sunday Epiphany 3 10.00am Holy Communion 25 Monday 10.00am Home Group 26 Tuesday 7.30pm Parochial Church Council 31 Sunday Candlemas: Presentation of Christ in the Temple tr. 10.00am Holy Communion FEBRUARY 7 Sunday 2nd before Lent 10.00am Holy Communion 4 Shamley Green Parish Magazine January 2021
COVID couldn’t cancel Christmas Advent and Christmas were very different this year, mostly because of all the things we couldn’t do, the people we weren’t allowed to see and the places we steered clear of. However, at Christ Church we decided to focus on what we could do and worked hard at a ‘home and away’ approach with services, recordings and even a concert in church, where our Advent wreath, Christmas crib and tree went up early to cheer up all who came in, and weekly services online together with two special services for Christmas and a recording of the concert. Diane Savage laid out a Christmas trail around the village and we wait to find out who put together the festive quotation and won the prizes. Year 5 came up from our church school WSG Primary to explore the use and meaning of symbols in our church, discovering in the process that not everything with wings is a bird, flowers are not just decoration and a lamb may be more than Sunday lunch. Meanwhile, every class came up over two days to record their Christmas services in church as we could not all go to school for their nativity plays or gather at St. John’s Wonersh for carols and readings as usual. Both children and staff appreciated the change of scene and the lovely atmosphere in our beautiful church. While we’ve really missed meeting with our new Parent, Baby and Toddler group, we’ve kept in touch via phone and email, with Gussie making regular deliveries of crafts and treats. And we were able to get together in church before Christmas, suitably distanced, to tell the Christmas story using our Posada figures (which could not go out around the parish in the usual way this year). Our Sunday Club and Wholly Youth group have also missed meeting but filmed their nativity play with great enthusiasm, excited to be back in church even for a short while, some of them writing their own prayers and recording
solos as well as painting on a beard, coming in on all fours to get in character as the donkey or sparkling like a star. We also retold the story at our ChristMessy Church with families after the schools broke up. Violinist Sarah McKenna and pianist Nao Maebayashi refreshed our spirits in the lead up to Christmas with a delightful concert of Romances by various composers and carols. It was wonderful to have live music again and they kindly permitted us to record the concert and put it online for those unable to attend. If you would like to access this lovely experience via Youtube , you can do so at . If you enjoyed the concert please donate via If you would like to engage the performers for you own concert please visit or email 6 Shamley Green Parish Magazine January 2021
Shamley Green History Society As you all know, our January 2021Social Lunch is cancelled, and it is doubtful whether our Annual General Meeting in February will take place, but we will keep members informed. In any case paid up membership will be extended until February 2022, as members have not had the benefit of the meetings that had been planned for 2020. We are hoping to reschedule many of them, and better news is just over the horizon with hopes for the new vaccine before too long. Meantime, best wishes from Chairman Michael and all the Committee, and hopes that 2021 will be happier and more trouble free for us all. Valerie Esplen. Children’s Society A big thank you to all of you who have been collecting your coins during what has been a very difficult time. Particularly difficult in this case, as many of us have not been using coins, but using card payments instead. In spite of all this, you have raised over £650.00 which is fantastic. The final check still has to be made at the time of writing, but it will be close to this amount. The past year has not been easy for children – they have missed out on schooling, missed out on seeing their friends, and some of them have been trapped in dangerous situations at home. Apparently our 15-year olds are the ‘saddest and least satisfied with their lives in Europe’ (The Children’s Society). Last year, thanks to the money raised, the Children’s Society was able to work directly with 11,513 young people, and also campaigned for changes that will improve life for over 4 million children. If you would like a box and do not have one, then please get in touch with me – every amount contributes towards helping the lives of children and will be gratefully received. Madeleine Mannix 01483 892343 Newcomers Party 2021 Our village church, Christ Church, holds a Newcomers Party on Shrove Tuesday every year in the Arbuthnot Hall. Representatives of the various village clubs, groups and societies gather over pancakes and wine to welcome those who have moved to Shamley Green and Rowly over the last year, providing an excellent platform to meet other villagers. This year’s party was due be held on Tuesday 16th February at 8pm in the Arbuthnot Hall, however, due to COVID, sadly we will be unable to go ahead. Our plan is to combine this year’s and next year’s Newcomers Party which will be on Shrove Tuesday 1 March 2022. Please let me know if you are new, or know someone else who is new to the village and would like an invitation to the next Newcomers Party. Alison Harding 893457
The Arbuthnot Hall is a thriving community facility in the centre of the village and is available for hire with main hall, stage, fully equipped kitchen bar / committee room and disabled access. Regular meetings: TUESDAY CIRCUITS 7.30 PM FRIDAY YOGA THERAPY SEASONAL - CRICKET CLUB Other functions include: Newcomers Supper SHADES pantomime Children’s activity afternoon – (Lordshill Playground) 200 Club Lunch Village Fete NSPCC Punch and Pate Luncheon Shamley Green History Society Conservative Jumble Sale ALSO private parties and other fund raising events. Should you wish to book your own function or to enquire about any of the above events, please call Ali Bull 01483 892254. Thank you. ARBUTHNOT HALL 200 CLUB DECEMBER DRAW WINNERS 1st Mr D Sen Upper House Lane nd Mrs J Stevens Nursery Hill 3rd Mr M Smith The Green 4th Mr D Ward Sweetwater Lane 10 Shamley Green Parish Magazine January 2021
Shamley Green Gardening Club Award Sadly this year the Annual Shamley Green Gardening Club Show, like so many events, had to be cancelled. Every year the RHS gives clubs a medal, the Banksian Medal, to be awarded to the most successful exhibitor at their show. In the absence of a candidate this year the SGGC committee decided to award the medal to someone who has supported the club from the outset, Margaret Foot. Margaret has consistently, cheerfully and quietly helped with all manner of club activities: and she also has the most beautiful garden! Thank you Margaret, this is well deserved. Linda Penny. Photo courtesy Gwen Ward Arbuthnot Hall Race Night It has been decided the Race Night that had been rescheduled for Saturday 16th January will unfortunately be postponed again, due to the uncertainty of vaccine completions and our area currently in Tier 2. When it is completely safe to arrange a date for this event, everyone will be notified. Arbuthnot Hall management Committee. Shamley Green Golf Society Programme 2021 NEWCOMERS & NEW MEMBERS WELCOME FRIDAY 30TH APRIL EFFINGHAM GC TH FRIDAY 25 JUNE CLANDON REGIS GC RD MONDAY 23 AUGUST BETCHWORTH PARK GC TH TUESDAY 28 SEPTEMBER COTTESMORE G & CC All meetings include coffee plus bacon roll, golf and lunch If you live in Shamley Green, or in neighbouring parishes you are very welcome to join our friendly society, which currently has nearly 50 members. The joining fee is £15 For further details please contact. Tony Hodgson at or 01483 898779
Call for Volunteers to assist with Toad Patrol on Woodhill Lane in January /February 2021 Shamley Green has one of the most impressive colonies of common toads in Surrey. However, contrary to the name, Common Toads are not so common these days and need our help. It is estimated that 20 tonnes of unlucky toads are killed on UK’s roads each breeding season, when the toads attempt to return to their breeding ponds. A group of villagers, each January pull on their warm coats, head torches and buckets and walk up and down Wood Hill Lane to pick up the toads and carry them across the road to the ponds before they are run over by passing traffic. We also document the numbers of toads, frogs and newts that we pick up, to monitor their numbers each year. If you would like to get involved with this important nature recovery project please call Chris Howard to discuss how you could get involved. Just an hour on dusk once a week is enough to make a difference. Oh…and you don’t have to pick up the toads if you don’t want to….you can just hold the bucket and torch and count. Contact: Chris Howard on 01483 894437 or email Shamley Green Cricket Club FOUNDED 1840 Annual General Meeting The Club’s AGM will be held on Thursday, 21st January 2021, at 7.30 pm. Due to the current uncertainties relating to public gatherings, and the need to send this notice in advance, it has been decided to hold the meeting via Zoom. The AGM has some formal procedures, including election of the committee for 2021, and approval of the accounts, but is also an opportunity to discuss the Club’s plans for the future. If you wish to attend, please contact Neil Harding (email below) and you will be sent a Zoom invitation. 12 Shamley Green Parish Magazine January 2021
Parents and families of Shamley Green and the surrounding area Are you considering childcare options for your child? We would like to offer a very warm welcome from Castle Nursery, Shamley Green. Castle Nursery and Pre-school are open and now enrolling new children. We have both part time and full time spaces available in our loving, stimulating and child-centred nursery. At Castle Nursery we offer a wide range of inspiring activities for the children. Over the last term the children participated in Nursery Rhyme week where they thoroughly enjoyed taking part in a variety of Nursery Rhyme themed activities including creative tuff trays for each Nursery Rhyme and action rhymes using puppets! Our children here at Castle Nursery thoroughly enjoyed the month of December when they were able to dive deep into the Christmas spirit. Children participated in a range of exciting Christmas activities such as Christmas mark making, Elf on the Shelf fun, Nativity plays, Christmas parties and many more to keep small minds stimulated. At Castle Nursery and Pre-School our caring home from home environment provides excellent opportunities for children aged from newborn to 5 years to play and learn throughout our individually designed areas. Our approach to childcare is simple; to provide a loving, nurturing and safe environment filled with warmth and promise where individual’s talents are encouraged to flourish and grow. We are holding an Open Day on Saturday 23rd January 2021 and we warmly invite you to come along to find out more about us and what we can offer. To book an appointment please call us on 01483 898811. If you are unavailable on this date please still get in touch to arrange an alternative date. We look forward to welcoming you for a look around Community Point is an information hub in the centre of Guildford where you can find out about all number of community activities, services and volunteering opportunities in the Guildford and Waverley area. If you’re not sure where to start or where to look, contact us and we’ll do our best to find the information you need. Ring 01483 565456 or email Our premises at 39 Castle Street in Guildford (just opposite Guildford Castle) are also open for appointments or drop ins from 10.30am–12.30pm Monday and Thursday.
14 Shamley Green Parish Magazine January 2021
SHAMLEY GREEN VILLAGE CARE It’s an organisation set up to provide transport (for example to hospitals, GP surgeries, chiropodists, shops) to any resident of Shamley Green Parish who is unable to drive themselves or use public transport easily. It calls on a small band of volunteers who give their services free. A donation is suggested to cover the mileage and parking costs. VILLAGE CARE WANTS YOU----- to get in touch if you have difficulties getting to the services you need. Penny Hodgson 898779 or Glynis Drummond 890475
Our village schools are setting a great example At both Wonersh and Shamley Green School and Longacre School the children spend valuable time outside exploring and appreciating nature. Most year groups are taken out for Forest School Learning once a week by a trained Forest School Leader like Moira Forde. Moira told me "whilst we use the woods to learn about the seasons, habitats, animals and plants (science), we are also just as likely to use the woods for other areas of the curriculum. So, we might use the leaves and acorns for art, or we might go looking for examples of 3D shapes (maths) or we might act out a story we’ve been studying in literacy”. At Longacre, Forest school leader Charlotte Thorpe tells me, each year group also has one ‘Empty Classroom Day' during the year when they have the entire day outside following their normal timetable of lessons. I was also excited to learn that both schools also have Eco Councils. At Longacre their Eco Council is called the Green Team. They are in the process of creating a Wilderness Zone in their woods and are focusing on becoming a single use plastic free school with a big push to recycling more of their waste. In October the Longacre Green Team hosted their very first Green Team car boot sale in order to think about the things we buy, use and then throw away. ‘We want to encourage people to pass on their unwanted things to someone who might want or need them and stop them going into landfill”. At WSG, the Eco Council is all about improving the site and encouraging good practice in terms of the environment. All the ideas come from the children and two elected delegates from each class attend regular meetings, deciding on a plan of action. They are currently working on litter management; as well as setting up a rota of litter pickers they aim to improve how they dispose of the litter they collect. They are encouraging better use of composting at the school, and hope to tackle the overuse of plastic. Plans for the future include look- ing at how good WSG is at providing homes for nature. It's great to hear about ways in which the school children in Shamley Green are learning about and thinking about nature and coming up with great ideas to protect the environment. Henrietta Griffiths Shamley Green Environment Group. 16 Shamley Green Parish Magazine January 2021
18 Shamley Green Parish Magazine January 2021
Please telephone any of us if you have a local issue you would like to Your councillors: discuss. Or contact the Parish Clerk Lisa Davison on 892601 or by Rod Weale 898006 email at Mike Band 892880 or visit the office in the Wonersh Sports Pavilion on Tuesday Chris Crouch 892231 mornings 1000-1200 – please call Chris Howard 894437 the clerk for an appointment on Anthony Shutes 890831 01483 892601. Ben Knight 07966269182 Or come to the Parish Council meeting on the second Thursday of Stephen Lavender 07966533951 each month (except August and Malcolm Sco( 07931542616 December) to raise your Natalie Walmsley-Beveridge concerns. 07951976950 Council Vacancy The Parish Council are currently seeking an experienced bookkeeper. Please get in touch with the Clerk if you would like to express an interest in this role. Community Room in Garden Close, available to hire through the Parish Council Residents of Shamley Green may have noticed that Waverley Borough Council have been investing in the community room in Garden Close. This is in preparation for Wonersh Parish Council taking over the lease in early 2020. The community room is currently home to a range of adult Art Classes, available three days of the week and monthly meetings of Time for Tea and the Women’s Institute. The Parish Council are keen to see greater use of this facility and other facilities within the Parish, reflecting the vibrant and friendly community we live within. We will be offering reduced rates for residents of Shamley Green and regular bookers. If you want to know more, or to book the space, just get in touch with the Clerk, 01483 892601, Please look out for details of our community room open evening to come and have a look at the venue. 20 Shamley Green Parish Magazine January 2021
The Jubilee Room and Church Hall Shamley Green A lovely rural setting within easy reach of Guildford For all your meeting and party requirements, • Fully Equipped Kitchens • Crockery, cutlery and suitable furniture available • Toilet Facilities • Jubilee Room has disabled access • Seating for 40-60 people and facilities (check individual venue for details) • Children’s parties in Church Hall only • Car parking • Church also available for Quiet Days To hire please contact Clare Stevens Tel: 01483 893211
New mowing patterns in 2021 = more biodiversity? Can we learn from the past? We’re very fortunate to have residents who have lived in Shamley Green for many decades, some all their lives. As the Parish Council is taking over the management of common land, previously administered by Waverley Borough Council, the Parish Council is keen to promote biodiversity in our village, increasing the variety of animals and plants. Before lockdown, an Environment Group was formed from interested villagers. It occurred to us that some residents might have a wealth of memories about different areas of the village, specifically how the common land looked in the past; for example were there areas which used to have more wild flowers? What plants thrived in different places but have now disappeared? Are there places which used to be left unmown but are now mown often? The first step is to collect as much information as possible before deciding on the next steps. As the Parish Council will be responsible for mowing common land it is an opportunity to reduce the frequency in some areas to allow native species to self seed which will hopefully encourage diversity of plants and wildlife. It may be that some return which have been absent for years. And we may decide to give nature a helping hand by planting a few trial patches of native species in the spring. But clearly the most important factor contributing to their success is having “right plant, right place” as conditions vary throughout the village. So any information from long-standing villagers would be much appreciated. Please do contact us - in the first instance Alison or Glynis -, tel 893457 or tel 890475. Of course, common land is used for a wide variety of purposes - the playground, cricket, picnics, paths across, fete car parking etc - and there are no plans to change this, just to add a bit more diversity for all to enjoy. Hedgehogs - We are also thinking about hedgehogs! When did you last see a hedgehog in Shamley Green? Please tell us where and when – email addresses above. Hedgehogs are very rare now and in 2020 officially joined the long UK list of species in danger of extinction, mostly due to human activity. Their numbers in rural areas have reduced by half in the past two decades. But some good news - there are still a few left in Shamley Green, some seen in summer 2020 near the Village Green. Hedgehogs commonly travel several miles each night looking for food and to find mates. Hence they need safe routes between gardens. If your boundaries are sealed perhaps make a few small openings to enable hedgehogs to wander in and out and help reverse the decline in numbers at least in our village. And maybe think about the chemicals you use: slug pellets are very bad for 22 Shamley Green Parish Magazine January 2021
hedgehogs but there are alternatives. The British Hedgehog Protection Society has a project - ‘Hedgehog Street’ in partnership with the People’s Trust for Endangered Species. They encourage gardeners to leave small 13cm square holes. So maybe consider connecting your garden with your neighbours and leave a few wild areas for hedgehogs to nest in – logs and leaf piles are good - and try to arrest the decline of our local population? Glynis Drummond
Time to Smile Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them. Drive carefully... It's not only cars that can be recalled by their Maker. If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague. Never buy a car you can't push. Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, then you won't have a leg to stand on. Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane. Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live. Happy New Year 24 Shamley Green Parish Magazine January 2021
Poppy Appeal 2020 Like everything else in our lives, there were numerous changes to plans in response to Covid-19 guidance. The Appeal is controlled by the Fundraising Regulator and the Charities Commission – the details of who can collect, where, when, how - are subject to their approval. But it was finally agreed we could have Poppies, a cash tin and e-payment available in the Village Shop (special thanks to Damian Whyte); and similar collections in the two schools. Many thanks to everyone who made a donation by whatever method. The cash counted on our behalf by RBL amounted to £2,398-17, including a very generous donation by Christ Church.Additional gifts from those who donated online directly; by website, SMS or QR code will not show in the Shamley Green total but were equally, gratefully received. By wearing a Poppy, you aren’t just remembering the fallen: you’re helping a new generation of Veterans, Service personnel and their families that need our support. Your donations really make a difference – thank you so much. Robin Oliphant Poppy Appeal Organiser for Shamley Green
POND MAINTENANCE AND CONSTRUCTION All aspects undertaken including complete draindown, cleaning and repairs to ponds of any size. To arrange a free estimate phone David Smithers 01483 374620 (eves) 07732 541057 (mob) . 26 Shamley Green Parish Magazine January 2021
Rowleys Centre for the Community Victoria Road, Cranleigh A friendly and welcoming atmosphere and a great place to meet up with friends, enjoy a meal or one of our ac1vi1es. You can also sign up to go on one of our popular day trips or breaks. There is no age limit at Rowley’s, we welcome everyone of all ages. Our regular visitors are from all around the Cranleigh district including Shamley Green but if you live a li(le further afield and would like to come along, there are no restric1ons. Phone us on 01483 277155 or Email:
SHAMLEY GREEN CHURCH HALL FOR HIRE Church Hall (formerly used by the Montessori pre-school) available for hire Monday to Saturday and Sunday afternoon for group classes, eg fitness, art, well-being, pre-school, toddler groups, crafts, hobbies or other activities. Hire of the Hall (12 x 6 sqm) includes kitchen, toilets and storage with parking available across the road. For enquiries, please contact the Lettings Secretary at Loxwood Landscapes Paul Gregson BSc Hons * Hard Landscaping * Soft Landscaping * Garden Design * Any project considered for friendly advice and a free and prompt quotation please call Paul on ℡ 01403 753204 / 07949 312402 or e-mail 28 Shamley Green Parish Magazine January 2021
Notes for Contributors All articles should be emailed to the editor at by the 9th of the previous month. if this is not possible please contact the editor, Christine King on 537608 , for individual negotiation. Articles should be submitted as follows: - In Arial font (easy to read) - Size 10pt for text and 14pt for heading - Justified both sides for text - Centred and bold title (mixed case) - Any tables should be discussed with the editor, as these do not always transfer to Publisher - Original MS Office documents preferred to ‘.pdf’s, which may distort when resized - Photographs in .jpeg format and should not exceed 2 megapixels You or the organisation you represent must hold the copyright to the image, i.e. you or they own it: unless told otherwise we will assume that you/they do so. Please include photos where possible to grab readers’ attention! Adverts Please contact Karen Anderton (details inside front page). Please email us ‘camera-ready’ adverts in .pdf, .jpeg or.doc format after agreeing fees with Karen. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH The main issue remains lack of reporting minor crimes, please help support our village and ensure you report issues and not ignore them. This can be done in confidence to Surrey Police on: 101 (the national non-emergency number) or As always in an EMERGENCY dial 999 IIIf you want to give information about a crime or criminal activity without giving your name you can call the independent charity: Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111
WHO’S WHO IN SHAMLEY GREEN VICAR Rev Sally Davies The Vicarage, Church Hill, Shamley Green, GU5 0UD (opposite church) 892030 CHURCHWARDEN Jonathan Jenner 898954 PASTORAL ASSISTANTS Penny Hodgson Josie Pitchforth pennyhodgson @ 898779 josiepitchforth @ 271595 PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL Honorary Secretary Honorary Treasurer Clare Stevens 893211 Tony Robinson 229141 Safeguarding Rep Gisela Redman ORGANIST/DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Daphne Hamilton 893033 LETTINGS SECRETARY SUNDAY CLUB Clare Stevens 893211 Annabelle Ball 898596 WHOLLY YOUTH Jonathan Jenner 898954 LEGACY OFFICER PLANNED GIVING OFFICER Joelle Tamraz 07825422344 Nick Russell-Davis 890719 CHURCH FLOWERS GOOD NEIGHBOURS SCHEME Daphne Nunneley 892905 Alison Harding 893457 PARISH WEBSITE PARISH MAGAZINE contacts and informa8on— See inside Front Cover VILLAGE CARE Penny Hodgson 898779 Glynis Drummond 890475 ARBUTHNOT HALL BADMINTON CLUB Alison Bull 892254 Julie Mar8n 894459 GOLF SOCIETY CRICKET CLUB Tony Hodgson 898779 David Harris 898908 FOUR VILLAGES WEDS. CLUB GARDENING CLUB Ginny Wicks 894873 Aurelle Tomkins 892114 GARDEN CLOSE COMMUNITY ROOM HISTORY SOCIETY Waverley Borough Council 523171 Michael Harding 892651 LORDSHILL PLAYGROUND MEALS ON WHEELS Sam Godwin 891847 Rowleys 277155 NSPCC SHADES Deborah Blake 892392 Jan Cornwell 892401 U3A (WONERSH/SHAMLEY GRN) VILLAGE ASSOCIATION Cilla Morris 892348 Eppy Anderson 890304 VILLAGE FETE W.I. Tim Harlow 894884 Ann Towers 278291 WONERSH AND SHAMLEY GREEN (C of E) PRIMARY SCHOOL Head: Tim Cheesman Office 892345 WONERSH PARISH COUNCIL WAVERLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL Councillor: Chris How- Clerk: Lisa Davison 892601 ard 894437 TRAIDCRAFT (FAIRTRADE) 07950 025137
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