www.stferdinandchurch.com - St Ferdinand Church

www.stferdinandchurch.com - St Ferdinand Church
www.stferdinandchurch.com - St Ferdinand Church
Page Two                                           Third Ordinary Sunday                              January 21, 2018

                   Mass Intentions                                            The sanctuary lamps
                                                                               this week are lit for:

                                                                                      + Daniel Vaccaro

Monday – January 22—Day of Prayer for the Legal                            We Welcome in Baptism
Protec on of Unborn Children
8:00 AM – Mass in English                                           Eli Julian Sanez son of Luis Antonio and Claudia
12:00 PM (Noon) – Mass in English                                  (Lameli) Sanez
7:00 PM – Mass in Polish

Tuesday- January 23, 2018                                                         Rest in Peace
8:00 AM – Mass in English
12:00 PM (Noon) – Mass in English
7:00 PM- Mass in Polish                                                     Please remember to pray for the souls of
                                                                               all our faithful departed, especially:
Wednesday- January 24—Memorial of St. Francis de Sales                                   Gerald Reilly
8:00 AM – Birthday blessings for Sr. Mariola Inda                                       Ronald Willsord
12:00 PM (Noon) – +Albin Bilinski rq. Wife                                               Robert Coley
7:00 PM- Mass in Polish                                                                  Kevin Har g

Thursday- January 25—Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul
8:00 AM – Mass in English
12:00 PM (Noon) – Troccro & Handschiegel Families rq. Family                           DEVOTIONS
7:00 PM- Mass in Polish/Chapel

Friday- January 26— Memorial of Saints Timothy and Titus                             EUCHARISTIC ADORATION -
8:00 AM – Mass in English                                                         Held each Thursday following the 8:00
12:00 PM (Noon) – Mass in English                                                 a.m. Mass un l 6:45p.m.
7:00 PM- Confirma on
                                                                                  DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET
Saturday-January 27, 2018
                                                                                  Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed in Eng-
7:00 AM- Mass in Polish
                                                                                  lish everyday from Monday to Friday
8:00 AM – Mass in English
                                                                  following 8:00 a.m. Mass. Please take a short break
5:00 PM – +Kathy Witschorik rq. Tom & Mary Bucaro
                                                                  from your busy life and join the ladies in prayers. On
                                                                  every Saturday right a er 8:00 a.m. Mass prayer to St.
Sunday – January 28, 2018—Furth Sunday on Ordinary Time
                                                                  Anne is being said. Please stop by the Church and offer
 7:00 AM- o zdrowie dla mnie i całej mojej rodziny, +Henryk
                                                                  to God at least a few moments of your me.
          +Kuta, Ewa i Jan Kabat, +Maria i Jan Budzioch oraz
          ich dzieci, +Franciszek Budzioch,
8:30 AM – +Daniel Vaccaro rq. A. Vaccaro and family
10:00 AM – Mass in English
10:15 AM – Dziękczynna za otrzymane łaski, prosząc o dalsze        Welcome to St. Ferdinand Parish
            Boże błogosławieństwo, zdrowie i opiekę N.M.P
            dla rodziny Szerba, + Genowefa Kostelicz, +Irena
            Marculis, +Marianna Szerba w 1-szą rocznicę          If you are new to our church or just visi ng, please stop and
            śmierci                                              introduce yourself. We are pleased to have you share in
12:30 PM – +Susan Kaleta                                         this celebra on of the Eucharist. If you do not have home,
3:00 PM – +Wacław Kaczmarczyk w 14-ą rocznicę smierci            or if your church is not home to you, we invite you to
5:00 PM – +Leisten, DDS Gerald rq. Rodriguez Family              become part of ourparish family. Please call or stop by our
7:00 PM – Mass in Polish                                         parish office to register 773-622-5900. We are glad you
                                                                 are here and hope you will join us.
www.stferdinandchurch.com - St Ferdinand Church
January 21, 2018                                         Third Ordinary Sunday                                 Page Three

            Remember in Prayer
As members of the parish faith community, it is our                                  Our Stewardship
responsibility to remember both in concrete and                                        of Treasure
spiritual ways those who cannot celebrate with us each
week because they are ill. Those who are sick in turn,
remember all of us daily in their prayers and in their sufferings.                    MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 2018
 Mary Ayello                          Dolly Aloisio
                                                                                           Envelopes:        $ 5,609
 Anthony R. Coco                      Michael Spano
 Violet Del Vecchio                   Judy Fahey                                            Loose:           $ 2,862
 Edward Waytula                       Lee Ready                                           Total:            $ 8,471
 Pat Ostrowski                        Jadwiga Glowacz
 William Keleher                      Petronella Latuszek
 Arlene Garcia                        Jack Fahey                                   Thank you for sharing your „TREASURE”
 Diana Krzyzanowski                   Jany Aloisio                                        with St. Ferdinand Parish
 Nick Paolino                         Margery Janz
 Jean Staniszewski                    Jody Panek
 Laura Schofield                      Chris ne Gross
                                                                                                BÓG ZAPŁAĆ!
 Calvin Upton                         Helen Szostak
 Julie D’Agos no                      Be y Hotcaveg                             PLEASE REMEMBER ST. FERDINAND PARISH
 Luna Family                          Mary Lynn Remijan                                    IN YOUR WILL.
 Brianna Jurczykowski                 Wiliam Remijan
 Michael F. Coco                      Arle e Prasteher
 Tish Vanoni                          Richard Wojcichowski
 Jodi Mack                            Frank De Marco
 Geraldine Mack                       Stefan Wiśniewski
 Agnes Coco                           Stanisław Cwieka
                                                                        Sincere THANK YOU to all who give
 Isabell Beyer                        John Brown
                                                                        their me to keep our church clean
 Deadra Kusek                         Marry Henning
 Stanley Podgorny                     Teri & Fred Bauer                 and to those who keep our altar linens
 Laverne Greco                        Elaine M. Budzisz                 cleaned and pressed. Thank you for
 Steve Johns                          Mary Ann Reynen                   your faithfulness. We are deeply
 Barbara Alderson                     Sco Paterson                      grateful for your me and talents given to our parish.
 Anna DeBold                          Joyce Petersen                    May God bless you abundantly!
 Kathleen Barr                        Mary Kay Masco
 Lesley Barr                          Nick Arnold
                                                                         We invite anyone able to help with the church cleaning.
 Mary Hal n                           Barbara McFarlin
                                      Frances Planthaber                     Please join us weekly on Mondays at 5:00 pm
 Virginia Starsiak
                                      Julia Swanson                               and Fridays at 10:00 am. Thank you!
 Veena Bhat
 Veronica Segovia                     Timothy McFarlin
 Frances Skrabacz                     Larry Wojtan
 Marion Watermann                     Jack Stansbeary
 Richard Behrendt                     Gloria Tello                               LITURGICAL MINISTRIES
 Joseph Biancalana Sr.                Janet Bose
 Joseph Biancalana                    Aleksandra Donohue             MASS TIME            LECTOR              EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS
 Grace Miceli                         Julia Ma ucci
 Dolly D’Agos no                      Laura Naggo                    SATURDAY, January 27, 2018
 Julia Szyelik                        Joel Rivera                    5:00 PM         J. Lohrmann               E. DeLeon, J. Caltagirone
 Jim Jezuit                           Eileen Mele
 George Keehn                         John Greco
 Donald Trainor                       Maria Toporek                  SUNDAY, January 28, 2018
 Maureen Keith                        Frances Planthaber
                                                                     8:30 AM       Sr. Janice                  T. Czosnyka, A. Vaccaro
       PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING                                 10:00 AM      Faculty/ Sch.     D. Akana, C. Re elle, L Hansen, M.
              IN THE MILITARY                                        (chapel)      Student                     Barnhart, J Jakubowska
                       SPC Jeffrey Foerster ;
                          SA Andrew Rios                             12:30 PM       J. Portenlanger                             S. Kass
                        SP4 Nicholas Whelan;
                                                                     5:00PM        C. Trujilio, L Perz          C. Trujilio, A. Cobleigh
www.stferdinandchurch.com - St Ferdinand Church
January 21, 2018                                               Third Ordinary Sunday                                 Page Four

   What are tax credit scholarships?
   Tax credit scholarships provide an Illinois state income tax     The applica on process with Empower Illinois will be
   credit (not just a deduc on, like with other charitable          completed online at www.empowerillinois.org. The
   contribu ons) to individuals and corpora ons that                applica on process will open January 31, 2018 at 12 p.m.
   contribute money to a non-profit Scholarship Gran ng             The applica on process with Big Shoulders Fund will be
   Organiza on (SGO). That SGO then awards scholarships to          completed online at www.bigshouldersfundsgo.org. The
   eligible students from low-income families.                      applica on process will open January 22, 2018 at 8 a.m.

   What is a Scholarship Gran ng Organiza on?                       Who is eligible to receive a scholarship?
   A Scholarship Gran ng Organiza on (SGO) is an                    Students from families with limited financial resources are
   independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organiza on that is             eligible to receive a tax credit scholarship.
   responsible for the following, among other things:               To be considered for a scholarship, students must be from
   • Receiving dona ons from individuals and corpora ons;           a household with income below 300 percent of the federal
   • Receiving and processing scholarship applica ons from          poverty level ($73,800 for family of four).
   students/families; and                                           However, prior to April 1, 2018 priority will be given to:
   • Distribu ng scholarships to eligible students/families in       Students from households that are below 185 percent
   accordance with the law.                                         of the federal poverty level ($45,510 for family of four).
   SGOs must determine whether students meet the income              Students who reside in a “focus district” Siblings of
   eligibility requirements to receive a scholarship and must       scholarship students.
   distribute scholarships to eligible students on a first-come,
   first-served basis. SGOs must honor restric ons placed on
                                                                    Beginning in 2019, priority will also be given to renewals of
   dona ons from individuals, if any.
                                                                    previous year scholarship recipients.
   When are the scholarships available?
                                                                    What age students are eligible for tax credit scholarships?
   Donors may make contribu ons beginning January 2, 2018
                                                                    Scholarships are available for eligible students in
   at 8 a.m. CT. The ini al scholarships will apply to the
                                                                    kindergarten through 12th grade.
   2018/19 school year, and the program will con nue for at
   least five years (based on the current law).
                                                                    More Informa on
   Families need to apply for tax credit scholarships through a
                                                                    If you would like more informa on, or to speak with
   SGO, which will manage this process, instead of the
                                                                    someone about applying for a scholarship tax credit, please
   Archdiocese or a school directly. There are several SGOs in
                                                                    contact the Office of Catholic Schools at 312.534.5200
   Illinois. The Archdiocese of Chicago is working with two
   SGOs: Empower Illinois and Big Shoulders Fund.
www.stferdinandchurch.com - St Ferdinand Church
Page Five                          Third Ordinary Sunday                                    January 21, 2018

            National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebra                   on of Catholic educa on in
            the United States. Catholic Schools Week begins on the last Sunday in January. This year, Catholic
            Schools Week will take place Sunday, January 28 through Saturday, February 3. Schools typically
            observe the annual celebra on week with Masses, open houses and other ac vi es for students,
            families, parishioners and community members. Through these events, schools focus on the value
            Catholic educa on provides to young people and its contribu ons to our Church, our communi es
            and our na on.

                           St. Ferdinand Students are
                           using technology in the
                           classrooms. Pictured here
                           are first graders working on
                           spelling and our upper-class
                           students working on the
                           math problem of the
                           day. St. Ferdinand School is
                           rich in technology. Please
                           a end our Open House on
                           Sunday, January 28th a er
                           10am Mass. You can see
                           our students in ac on; our
                           Open House will feature a
                           Math Expo. Each classroom
                           will feature displays of
                           student's work. We look
                           forward to seeing you

                                                                 Congratula ons to our first grade class. They
                                                                 have started checking out books from the
                                                                 library to take home! St.
                                                                 Ferdinand School offers a library
                                                                 class for all grades, pre-3 through
                                                                 eighth grade, once a week. The
                                                                 children were super excited to
                                                                 make their own
                                                                 selec ons. Happy Reading!
www.stferdinandchurch.com - St Ferdinand Church
Page Six                                              Third Ordinary Sunday                                 January 21, 2018

                                                                    St. Alphonsus Speed Da ng : Jan. 27, 6 p.m.; 152 singles, 38
                                                                    dates, 3 hours; for single Catholics ages 21-39; who want a
                                                                    night of quality conversa on, great dates, good food, with
                                                                    beer/wine included; $50, space is limited; sign up at
The Women of TV” : Feb. 17, 11 a.m.; entertaining and               www.stalphonsuschicago.org/speeddate; for informa on
retrospec ve look at the women of TV who shaped our                 contact stalspeeddate@gmail.com.
culture presented by the Chicago Archdiocesan Council of            Annual Sister Diane Kennedy Lecture and Dinner : Jan. 24,
Catholic Women at Drury Lane, Oak Brook; $50 for luncheon           5 p.m., Sr. Laurie Brink, OP, offers “Fire in My Bones: Biblical
and show; for ckets and more informa on, contact your               Founda ons of the Dominican Charism”; $30 for lecture and
parish CCW or the ACCW office at 312-534-8325 or                      dinner; Dominican University, Parmer Hall; 7900 W. Division
www.accwchicago.org; reserva on deadline is Feb. 6.                 Street, River Forest; call 708-714-9105.
Evening of Mourning/Evening of Healing : Jan. 29, 7 p.m., at        Aquinas Literacy Center : seeks volunteer tutors to teach
St. Raymond de Penafort Church, 301 S. I-Oka Ave., Mount            English to adult immigrants 90 minutes per week; next tutor
Prospect; tri-lingual service hosted by a mul -parish cluster;      training is Jan. 26, 6-9 p.m.; and Jan. 27, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.;
will include the sacrament of anoin ng and talk by Amy              register in advance and a end both days to begin tutoring;
Florian, author and teacher on grief studies; all are welcome,      for informa on or to register, contact the volunteer
especially those who have experienced loss and those who            coordinator at sabrina@aquinasliteracycenter.org or 773-
minister to the bereaved; hospitality follows the service.          927-0512.
“Eastern Europe Shines” : Feb. 11, 3 p.m.; presented by             Youth mentors : to work with Catholic Chari es mentoring
presented by Musica Lumina at St. John Brebeuf Church, 8307         program for children ages 9-12 in Lake County; open house
N. Harlem Ave., Niles; for informa on, call 847-966-8145 or         Jan. 25, 5:30-7 p.m. at Catholic Chari es, 671 S. Lewis Ave.,
visit www.sjbrebeuf.org                                             Waukegan; mentors must be posi ve role models, 21 or
S t. Viator Trivia Night :Feb. 10, 6:30-11:30 p.m. in the St.       older, who have reliable transporta on, can commit to at
Viator Parish Hall, under church at 4170 W. Addison St.; cash       least two hours a week for a year and can pass a thorough
prizes for first and second place; $25 per person; eight people     background check; to RSVP, call 847-782-4224 l
to a table; 21 or older; cash bar; BYO food and snacks; teams,
small groups and individuals welcome; trivia, cash bar, DJ and
dancing; for details contact Brian Downes at
bdownes@sbcglobal.net; proceeds benefit St. Viator eighth-
grade class trip.
Divorce support group : most Thursdays, 7:30 p.m., hosted
by the St.Giles Separated and Divorce Ministry; in the Dore
Parish Center Living Room; for informa on or to RSVP,
contact Chris Malagoli at 708-912-4378 or
cvmalagoli@yahoo.com or Olivia Molloy at 708-996-2482 or
Sip and Paint Party : Jan. 26, 6-9 p.m.; for adults 21 and over
at Resurrec on College Prep High School, 7500 W. Talco
Ave.; $35 includes ceramic plate, pain ng supples and
instruc on by Resurrec on art teacher Jen Salerno; cash bar
with beer, wine, so drinks, coffee and cocoa; register at
Finding Grace and Mercy in the Divorce Experience : Feb. 25,
10 a.m. (following 9 a.m. Mass) to 2:30 p.m.; at St. Martha
Parish and The Shrine of All Saints; 8523 Georgiana Ave.,
Morton Grove; open to anyone who is separated, in the
process of divorce, or divorced; people of all faiths and beliefs
welcome; directed by Mary Kelly, spiritual director and
professor of social and behavioral sciences at Na onal Louis
University; $20 includes lunch and all materials; email
stmarthachurch@yahoo.com for details.

www.stferdinandchurch.com - St Ferdinand Church
January 21, 2018                                        Third Ordinary Sunday                                    Page Seven

 What does it mean to have a Mass offered for someone?
 An individual may ask a priest to offer a Mass for several
                                                                                THIS WEEK
 reasons: in thanksgiving, for the intentions of another                AT ST. FERDINAND PARISH
 person or as is most common, for the repose of the soul of
 someone who has died for the souls in purgatory. One
 must never forget the infinite graces that flow from the
 Sacrifice of the Mass which benefit one’s soul. We find not           Monday — January 22, 2018
 only the origins of this practice dating to the early Church          10:00 AM — Friendship Club (Convent)
 but we also clearly recognize its importance. Offering Mass           6:00PM — Cub Scouts (Convent)
 for a special Intention is a long standing tradition in the           6:00PM — Troop #51 (JCT)
 Catholic Church. It is usually considered that special graces
 are obtained for whom the Mass is said.                               Tuesday —January 23, 2018
                                                                       1:00PM — Jr. Legion of Mary (convent)
 Given this understanding, we can add some specifics. When             5:00PM— Radosc (JCT)
 a priest offers Holy Mass, he has three intentions: First, to         6:00PM— Chicagowskie Slowiki (Chapel)
 offer the Mass reverently and validly in accord with the
 norms of the Church. Second, to offer the Mass in union               Wednesday — January 24, 2018
 with the whole Church and for the good of the whole                   5:00PM - Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena (Church)
 Church. Third, to offer the Mass for a particular intention,          5:30PM — Kropeczki (Convent)
 such as the repose of the soul of someone who has died.               6:00PM — Chicagowskie Slowiki (Chapel)
                                                                       6:00PM — Polonia Group Dance (JCT)
 Finally, a person may ask a priest to offer a Mass for a              6:30PM — Beat 2514 Mee ng (Canning Hall)
 particular intention; usually, a stipend is given to the priest       7:00PM — Cub Scouts (Convent)
 for offering the Mass, which thereby in justice creates an            Thursday — January 25, 2018
 obligation which must be satisfied.                                   2:30PM — Jr. Legion of Mary Adora on (Church)
                                                                       6:00PM — Girl Scouts (Convent )
 When we face the death of someone, even a person who is               6:00PM — Pack 3051 Commi ee Mee ng (Convent)
 not Catholic, to have a Mass offered for the repose of his
 soul and to offer our prayers are more beneficial and                 Friday — January 26, 2018
 comforting than any other sympathy card or bouquet of                 4:00PM — Confimra on Recep on (Cafeteria)
 flowers. To have a Mass offered on the occasion of a                  6:30PM — Pilgrim Virgin (Convent)
 birthday, anniversary or special need is appropriate,                 7:00PM— Confirma on w/Bp. John Manz (Church)
 beneficial and appreciated. If you wish to have a Mass said           Saturday — January 27, 2018
 for someone, please contact the Parish Office 773-622-                9:00AM — Knights of Columbus Contest (Gym)
 5900 ex. 225.                                                         1:00PM — Polish Scouts (Convent)
                                                                       3:00PM — Highlanders Club Dance (JCT)
 SANCTUARY LIGHTS                                                      6:00PM — AA Mee ng (Convent)
  For ages, the Catholic faithful follow the custom of ligh ng
                                                                       Sunday— January 28, 2018
 candles at churches and shrines as a glorious form of prayer
                                                                       10:00Am — Highlanders Club Mtg (JCT)
 and remembrance. The light from the candle's flame is a
                                                                       10:00AM — St. Ferdinand School Open House (School)
 powerful symbol of Christ, the Light of the world. You may
                                                                       12:30PM — Bap sm in English (Church)
 request to have the Sanctuary Lights lit for yourself, a loved
                                                                       4:00PM — Grupa Milosierdzia (JCT)
 one or in a special inten on for a week. Please call the
 Parish Office or stop by the sacristy.

                                                                       BULLETIN ARTICLES DEADLINE —
                                                                       The deadline for bulle n ar cles is 3:00 p.m. on the
                                                                       previous Friday preceding the Sunday of publica on.
                                                                       All ar cles can be can emailed to:
                                                                       bulle n@sain erdinand.org or drop it off at the office.
                                                                       Thank you!
www.stferdinandchurch.com - St Ferdinand Church
January 21, 2018                                               Third Ordinary Sunday                                  Page Eight

Archdiocese of Chicago Celebrates the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity during the Week
of January 18-25
Chicago, IL (January 18, 2018) – The Archdiocese of Chicago will join other Chris ans in ecumenical celebra ons during the
Interna onal Week of Prayer for Chris an Unity, beginning on Thursday, January 18, 2018. Started in 1908, the Week of Prayer
for Chris an Unity is celebrated around the world each year between the Feast of St. Peter’s Chair (January 18) and the Feast of
the Conversion of St. Paul (January 25). “During the Week of Prayer for Chris an Unity, I strongly encourage Catholics to pray in
solidarity and in abundance with our Chris an brothers and sisters,” said Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago. “It is in
shared faith and joint prayer that our communi es are made places of peace and hope for all.”

The Pon fical Council for Promo ng Chris an Unity and the World Council of Churches annually select ecumenical leaders from
various geographical regions to prepare the theme and text for the Week of Prayer. This year’s theme, “Your Right Hand, O Lord,
Glorious in Power,” from the Book of Exodus (15:6), signifies that God draws people together in the desire for Chris an unity.

“Each year, the Week of Prayer for Chris an Unity stands as an important reminder to Catholics and all Chris ans that we are
called to seek unity as followers of Jesus Christ,” said Very Rev. Thomas A. Baima, Vicar for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs
for the Archdiocese of Chicago. “My hope is that Chris ans in Chicago remain open to making the me this week to pray
together for the unity that Christ desires for his disciples.”

 St Nicholas Catholic Parish, Evanston                             Week of Prayer for Chris an Unity Taize Service
 Vespers for the Week of Prayer for Chris an Unity
                                                                   Saturday, January 27 at 7 p.m.
 Wednesday, January 24 at 7 p.m.                                   St. Dorothy Catholic Church, 450 E. 78th St., Chicago
 St. Gertrude Catholic Parish, Chicago                             Ecumenical Prayer Service for Unity

                           Please Make Your Gift to the 2018 Annual Catholic Appeal
                                             “Come, Follow Me”
The Annual Catholic Appeal is an annual fundraising campaign that supports the parishes, schools, ministries, programs and
agencies that serve the educa onal, physical and spiritual needs of the people of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Through Catholic
Relief Services, the Appeal also serves people around the world, regardless of religious affilia on, whose lives are devastated by
natural disasters, illnesses, wars and famine.
Faith is alive in parishes and schools, soup kitchens and counseling centers, on street corners and in churches. It’s lived through
                                                   people of all backgrounds, from every neighborhood. People everywhere come
                                                   together to support one another. It is in this spirit that the Appeal exists: to
                                                   bring support gi s, and build strong communi es through faith and your

                                                  Many families in our parish received already the Annual Catholic Appeal request
                                                  mailing from Cardinal Cupich. On behalf of those served by the ministries and
                                                  services funded by the ACA, we thank you for your gifts. Please return your
                                                  response as soon as possible.

                                                  The ACA offers a wonderful opportunity to answer Jesus’ call to “Come, Follow
                                                  Me.” In addition to providing for ministries and services throughout the
                                                  Archdiocese, the Appeal also funds services that are of great help to ministries
                                                  here in our Parish.

                                                  As we contemplate God’s many gifts to us, we should also reflect on our
                                                  gratitude for these gifts. Your financial support for the work of our Parish, our
                                                  Archdiocese, and the Church throughout the world is, in fact, one way to
                                                  express this gratitude. Please give generously to the 2018 Annual Catholic

                                                  When our parish reaches its goal of $ 32,112 in paid pledges, 100% of the
                                                  additional funds received will be returned to us for use in our Parish.
www.stferdinandchurch.com - St Ferdinand Church
January 21, 2018   Third Ordinary Sunday   Page Nine
www.stferdinandchurch.com - St Ferdinand Church
Page Ten                                    Third Ordinary Sunday                            January 21, 2018

 Znakiem obecności Eucharys i w tabernakulum jest
 wieczna lampka. Przypomina ona Chrystusa jako światłość
 wieczną, to jest szczęście w niebie razem z Chrystusem przez
 całą wieczność. Jej zadaniem jest dawanie wiernym znaku o
 obecności Najświętszego Sakramentu w tabernakulum.
 Wieczne lampki, które w naszym kościele znajduja się przy
 Tabernakulum można zamówić w biurze parafialnym i u
 siostry w zakrys i, w każdej intencji ( za żywych i za
 zmarłych oraz z róznorakich rocznic czy okazji). W
 zamówionej intencji płoną cały tydzień.

                                                                    Klub Podhalan i Milośników Tatr pod patronatem
                                                                          Matki Boskiej Ludźmierskiej zaprasza
                                                                              na Zabawę Karnawałową:

                                                                                do Sali Parafialnej JTC
 Eucharystia jest „źródłem i zarazem szczytem całego życia
 chrześcijańskiego”. To z niej płyną niezliczone łaski. Zgodnie
 ze starą tradycją Kościoła, owoce Mszy Świętej możemy
 aplikować w jakiejkolwiek godziwej intencji. Można je więc                     Bilety $25.00 od osoby
 ofiarowywać w intencjach żywych i zmarłych; w potrzebach
 własnych, Kościoła czy świata itp. Jedyny warunek jest ten,        Do tańca przygrywać będzie wspaniały zespół.
 aby intencja była godziwa. Nie można bowiem ofiarowywać             Bufet i kuchnia dobrze zaopatrzona, w czasie
 owoców Mszy Świętej w intencjach z natury swej złych, np.                   zabawy cenna loteria fantowa.
 życząc komuś czegoś złego. W praktyce duszpasterskiej                    Zapewniamy wspaniałą atmosferę!
 naszych parafii najczęstszym zwyczajem jest aplikowanie
 Mszy Świętych za zmarłych. W ostatnich jednak czasach,                Po więcej informacji i w sprawach biletów
 widać coraz mniejsze „zainteresowanie” wiernych tą formą               prosimy dzwonić pod numery telefonów:
 modlitwy wstawienniczej za zmarłych. W jaki bowiem                              Prezes: 773/ 715-7605
 sposób mogą ci, którzy odeszli już z tego świata, wypraszać                  V-ce prezes: 773/ 636-4695
 miłosierdzia Bożego. Składajmy jałmużnę za zmarłych,
 zamawiając intencję Mszy św. Odświeżmy w swojej pamięci                             Zapraszają:
 zapomnianą tradycję zamawiania mszy sw. za zmarłych.                   Prezes Tadeusz Kulasik wraz z Zarządem
 Zmarli nas bardzo potrzebują, a my potrzebujemy ich
 nieustannego wstawiennictwa. Każda modlitwa
 jest kluczem do Bożych łask, zarówno dla dusz czyśćcowych,
 jak i dla nas, przez ich orędownictwo u Boga.
January 21, 2018                  Third    Ordinary Sunday                                                        Page Eleven

                                                              DOROCZNA KWESTA KATOLICKA 2018
                                                                       „Pójdź za mną”

                                                   Wiele rodzin w naszej parafii wkrótce otrzyma list od Kardynała Cupicha
                                                       z prośbą o złożenie zobowiązania finansowego na rzecz Kwesty
                                                         Katolickiej. W imieniu tych, którzy korzystają z posług i usług
                                                     finansowanych przez Kwestę dziękujemy Państwu za Państwa dar.
                                                           Prosimy o jak najszybsze odesłanie Państwa odpowiedzi.

                                                   Doroczna Kwesta Katolicka stwarza wspaniałe możliwości odpowiedzenia na
                                                   wezwanie Jezusa „Pójdź za mną”.
                                                   Poza wspieraniem dzieł duszpasterskich i programów w całej Archidiecezji,
                                                   Kwesta Katolicka finansuje również posługi, które służą wielką pomocą
                                                   duszpasterstwu naszej parafii. Dzięki Kweście w naszej parafii będziemy
                                                   mogli jeszcze dokładniej zagospodarować naszą posejsję wokól kościoła.

                                                    Rozmyślając nad darami, które otrzymaliśmy od Boga, powinniśmy
                                                   równocześnie zastanawiać się nad okazaniem wdzięczność za otrzymane
                                                   dobro. Państwa finansowe wsparcie dzieł naszej parafii, archidiecezji i
                                                   Kościoła na świecie jest jednym ze sposobów wyrażenia tej wdzięczności.
                                                   Prosimy o hojne wsparcie Dorocznej Kwesty Katolickiej 2018.
                                                   Kiedy nasza parafia osiągnie kwotę docelową $32,112 w gotówce, to 100%
                                                   dodatkowo zebranych funduszy zostanie zwrócone do parafii na
                                                   zaspokojenie jej własnych potrzeb. Bóg zapłać!

Poradnia Zawodowa Zrzeszenia Amerykańsko Polskiego                  WSPÓLNOTA MIŁOSIERDZIA BOŻEGO
pragnie zaprosić na spotkanie informacyjne na temat:                ZAPRASZA
                                                                    w niedzielę 28 stycznia do udziału w Mszy św. o godz.
Zdobądź licencje elektryka oraz technika systemów                   3:00pm w intencji rozwoju kultu Bożęgo Miłosierdzia oraz
grzewczych i chłodzących                                            potrzebnych łask dla naszych parafian. Zebranie
                                                                    Wspólnoty odbędzie się w tym samym dniu po Mszy św. o
Prezentacji dokonają przedstawiciele szkól, oferujących te          godz. 4:00 pm w sali JCT.
programy i będą poruszać tematy:
                                                                    GODZINKI KU CZCI NIEPOKALANEGO POCZĘCIA
 Kursów: elektryka, technika systemów grzewczych i                Zapraszamy na modlitwę poranną Godzinki ku czci
chłodzących, konserwatora budynków i konserwatora                   Niepokalanego Poczęcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
przemysłowego PLC                                                   w każdą niedzielę w naszym kościele o godz. 6:30 rano,
 Zdobycia licencji dla miasta Chicago oraz przedmieść             oprócz drugiej niedzieli, a w każdą drugą niedzielę miesiąca
Perspektyw rynku pracy                                              o godz. 6:20 rano zapraszamy na modlitwę różańcową.

Spotkanie odbędzie się we wtorek, 23 stycznia, 2018                 KORONKA DO MIŁOSIERDZIA BOŻEGO
o godzinie 19:00 w Centrum Kopernikowskim przy 5216                 Pragniemy przypomnieć, że w każdą niedzielę
W. Lawrence.                                                        o godz. 2:30pm odmawiana jest Koronka do Bożego
                                                                    Miłosierdzia oraz w każdy dzień tygodnia o godz. 3:00pm
                     Po więcej informacji na temat                  przed obrazem Jezusa Miłosiernego w kościele.
                     spotkania można dzwonić pod numer
                     telefonu 773 282 1122 wew. 414                 SPRZĄTANIE KOŚCIOŁA
                                                                    Niech Pan Bóg obdarzy swoim błogosławieństwem i udzieli
                     Spotkanie sponsorowane jest przez              obfitych łask tym którzy troszczą się o nasz kościół.
                     the Chicago Cook Workforce                     Zapraszamy chętnych do współpracy, którym zależy na
                     Partnership oraz przez Fundację                pięknym i czystym naszym kościele w poniedziałki na godz.
                     Kopernikowską.                                 5:00 wieczorem i w piątki na godz. 10:00 rano
January 21, 2018   Third Ordinary Sunday   Page Twelve
January 21, 2018                                       Third Ordinary Sunday                                              Page Thirteen

THE DEMANDS OF DISCIPLESHIP                                          Belgium, a Catholic stronghold. Protestant reformers seized all
Today we encounter readings that already have a Lenten feel          the Catholic parishes in Holland and "de-Catholicized" them.
about them. Nineveh undergoes a forty-day fast, the psalmist         New laws forbade the celebra on of the Mass in public. St.
reminds us that God alone can show sinners the way, Paul             Nicholas Church was renamed "Old Church" by the new owners,
shows us how flee ng the things and events of this world are,        and the dispossessed Catholics got to work "hiding" St. Nicholas
and Jesus cries out "Repent!" before he calls his new followers.     Parish in the upper floors of this mansion. Other Catholics did
"Come a er me," Jesus says, but if we are to truly live out the      the same thing, but this is the only hidden church that survives
commands and demands of our discipleship through bap sm,             today. Sunday Mass is s ll celebrated here.
we must first know our need for conversion, our repentance,          It's a beau ful hideaway, with nothing spared in regard to
our need to believe in the gospel fully. Today's Gospel opens        marble, gilding, a pipe organ, and classic Dutch pain ng. A few
with the stark reminder of what befell John the Bap st for           steps away, the Old Church, begun in 1250, stands emp ed of
completely living out his voca on as the herald of Christ and the    the statues and carvings of its Catholic days, its windows
gospel: he was arrested, imprisoned, and martyred. Though few        replaced by plain glass. The new tenants gave up when it came
of us will experience consequences that extreme, we must all be      to the ceiling, which is s ll painted with saints, biblical scenes,
ready to risk some sort of rejec on as, heeding the call of Jesus,   and merchant ships. The Dutch reformers were tolerant sorts,
we live out the kingdom of God at hand, repent of our sins, and      and as long as the Catholics kept out of sight, they were out of
believe in the good news of salva on.                                mind. Catholicism was at last tolerated in Holland a er 1853,
                                                                     but in 1924 when the Interna onal Eucharis c Congress was
TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION                                         held in Amsterdam, processions of Catholics were s ll forbidden
One of the most unusual Catholic churches in the world is in         in the streets. Today, Roman Catholics are about 19 percent of
Amsterdam: Our Lord in the A c, or as the locals say, "Ons           the popula on, and there's no need for any of them to hide in
Lieve Heer op Solder." What looks like a beau ful narrow brick       the a c.
mansion alongside a canal is a clever disguise for a very well-
preserved seventeenth-century home and a secret church.              --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
During the Reforma on, the Netherlands was divided into
Protestant Holland and the Spanish Netherlands, now known as

                                                St. Ferdinand Parish
          Support Staff                                               Ladies of St. Anne: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio, President
Mrs. Zofia Mazurek, Administra ve Assistant                          Youth Group: Beata Bosak (773) 758-2123
Sr. Anna Gorska, Office Support                                        Knights of Columbus Mater Chris Council: Mr. Anthony Mangiaracina,
Ms. Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska, Bulle n Editor                        Grand Knight
Mr. Paul Kolodziej, Website Editor                                   Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary: Marcia Codak
                                                                     Legion of Mary: Miss Aurora Almeida — President
           Liturgical                                                Legion of Mary, Juniors: Mrs. Emma Camara, President
Bro. Dr. James Drangsholt, Director of Music/Liturgy,                Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club: Mrs. Dolores Schoewe
                          Lector & EM Coordinator                    Polish Altar Servers: Fr. Pawel Adamus, Moderator
Dcn. Irv Hotcaveg, Deacon Emeritus                                   English Altar Servers: Fr. Pawel Adamus, Moderator
Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Homebound Ministers of Care Scheduler             Children Ministry/Ziarno: Sr. Anna Gorska, Mrs. Krystyna Purta
                                                                     Polish Club of the Good Shepherd: Mr. Andrzej Parada, President
         Parish Council                                              Polish Rosary Group: Mrs. Helena Lesak, President
Mrs. Sophie Kass—President, Stanley Mastalerz, Anthony               Polish School Parents Assn.: Mrs. Marta Robak, President
Mangiaracina, Peter Holod, Denise Akana, MaryAnn Barnhart, Joyce     Radość: Ms. Marzena Kulesza, Music Teacher
McGiniss, Elizabeth Kata, Maria Gal, Br. James Drangsholt, Tony      Kropeczki: Sr. Anna Gorska, Fr. Pawel Adamus
Powers, Carmelo Trujillo, Mark Duce, John Caltagirone, Jane          Lednica Group: Ms. Jola Wasko
                                                                     Polonia Ensemble: Ms. Anna Krysinski 847-529-2555
                                                                     MOP: Mrs.Marta Robak 847-312-6144
                                                                     St. Ferdinand Athle c: Ms. Linda Ward
         Parish Finance Commi ee                                     St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club: Mr. Tadeusz Kulasik, President
Mr. Tom Bucaro-Chairperson, Edith Anaya, Mrs. MaryAnn Barnhart,      St. Ferdinand School Board: Mrs. MaryAnn Barnhart, Chairperson
Mr. Gene Szaben, Greg Ramel, ExOfficio Members: Mr. Mar n              St. Vincent DePaul Society: Mr. Michael McGinniss, President
Wojtulewicz-Parish Accountant, Denise Akana                          The Associa on of Apostles of the Divine Mercy: Fr. Zdzislaw (Jason)
                                                                     Torba, Moderator
          Parish Organiza ons and Prayer Groups                      Ushers Club: Mr. Peter Holod, President
Boy Scout: Mr. Vince Clemente, Coordinator                           Pro-Life Coordinators: Tony Mangiaracina, Helena Lesak
Girl Scout: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss, Coordinator                        Chapel Choir – Conductor Julie Tupiak 773-742-2611
Fish Fry: Mrs.Mary Ellen Leavy, Coordinator                          Word of Life — Dito Camara 773-344-8514
Friendship Club                                                      Holy Spirit Missionary Associa on: Sr. Elwira Dziuk
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000639 St Ferdinand Church (A)                                                             www.jspaluch.com                                               For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
St. Ferdinand Parish
Phone: (773) 622-5900                                                              www.stferdinandchurch.com
Rev. Zdzisław (Jason) Torba, Pastor                        St. Ferdinand School: 773 622-3022
Rev. Pawel Adamus, Associate Pastor                        Ms. Denise Akana—Principal
Rev. Albert Judy, OP — PT Associate Pastor
Br. James Drangsholt, OSF — In Residence                   Religious Education Office: 773 622-3022 ex. 303
                                                                                       Mrs. Beata Bosak
                  MASS TIMES                               St. Ferdinand Polish Saturday School: 773-945-0505
ENGLISH                                POLISH                                          Mrs. Halina Zurawski—Principal

Weekdays                          W ciągu tygodnia         Christian OutReach (COR): 773 622-9732
8:00 AM & 12:00 Noon                    7:00 PM                     Mr. Michael McGinniss, Director
                                                           Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773 889-7979
Saturdays                              Sobota                       Sr. Mariola Inda, Sr. Anna Gorska
8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Anticipated)      7:00 AM
Sundays                                Niedziela           For Children: a pr e-Baptism class is required for Baptism of the
8:30 AM                                7:00 AM             first child. Classes are held in English on the first Wednesday of each
10:00 AM (Chapel)                      10:15 AM            month at 7:30PM in the Church, and in Polish on the last Tuesday of
12:30 PM                               3:00 PM             each month at 7:30PM in the Church. Following registration, the
5:00 PM                                7:00 PM             sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in English on the second Saturday
                                                           each month at 6:00PM and on the fourth Sunday of the month at the
   RECONCILIATION / SAKRAMENT SPOWIEDZI                    12:30PM Mass. The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in Polish on
                                                           the first Saturday of the month at 6:00PM and on the third Sunday of
      Monday—Saturday / od poniedziałku do soboty          the month at the 3:00PM Mass. Please call the rectory to register at
                     6:30 PM — 7:00 PM                     773/622-5900.
                      Saturday / Sobota                    For Adults: Classes ar e taught thr ough the Rite of Chr istian Initi-
                     8:30 AM — 9:00 AM                     ation Program (RCIA) on Sunday mornings at 10:00AM. Please call
    First Friday of the month / Pierwszy piątek miesiąca   Stan Mastalerz, the RCIA Director at 773/865-4151 for more infor-
                     6:00 PM —7:30 PM                      mation.
                                                           MARRIAGES:            Must be arranged at least four months prior to the
                                                                                 ceremony. Please call the rectory.
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