St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
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Parish Information MASS SCHEDULE PARISH OFFICE Saturday 5:00pm 1201 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074 Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:15am Phone: 847-358-6999; Fax: 847-934-4919; 1:30pm (Polish) Parish Office Hours: Weekday 6:30am (Communion Service Mon thru Thu 9am—8pm, Fri 9am—5pm, Sat 9am—Noon on Tue, Thu, Fri) 8:00am (Including Saturday) Rev. Kris Janczak, Pastor Rev. Marcin Zasada, Associate Pastor RECONCILIATION Deacon John Breit, Business Manager Saturdays 8:30am—9:30am Deacon Tom Dunne, Minister of Care ____________________________ Jeff Walczynski, High School Youth Dir. Jeanne Slatkay, Music Director NEW PARISHIONERS: All are welcome! Stop by the Parish Office to register and learn Suzie Walczynski, Bulle n Editor/Outreach more about our Parish. Sheila O’Shea, Admin. Assistant Ann Duffey, Admin. Assistant BAPTISM: Parents are required to a end a Bap sm Prepara on class preferably before STV SCHOOL the baby is born to avoid babysi ng concerns. 1141 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074 Bap sms are celebrated on most Sundays Phone: 847-358-2110; FAX: 847-776-1435; following the 11:15am Mass. Call the Parish Office for more informa on. Upcoming Mary Brinkman, Principal Bap sm Prep Class: Jan 9, Jan 21 & Feb 10. Stephanie Hardy, Assistant Principal Alex Kmiotek, Admin. Assistant MARRIAGE: Arrangements for the celebra on of marriage should be made at least six (6) months prior to your planned RELIGIOUS EDUCATION wedding date. Call Deacon Tom Dunne for 1141 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074 more informa on. Phone: 847-358-2386; BECOMING A CATHOLIC: Our RCIA (Rite Owen Walsh, Religious Ed Director of Chris an Ini a on of Adults) Process is for Lisa Lechowicz, Religious Ed Asst. Director adults who were never bap zed in any faith, who were bap zed in another Chris an faith __________________________________________________ but wish to become Catholic or who were bap zed Catholics but never received the Sacraments of Confirma on and Eucharist. Priests Pastoral Council Contact the Parish Office for more info. Bro- Rev. Kris Janczak, Pastor Pam Maloney, Co-Chairperson chures available in the Gathering Area kiosk. Rev. Marcin Zasada, Assoc. Pastor Barb Howell, Co-Chairperson Msgr. John Canary, Weekend Assoc. Deacon John Breit COMMUNION FOR HOMEBOUND: Rev. Tom Rzepiela, Pastor Emeritus Lexine Cramm Ministers of Care are available to bring Rev. Ray Yadron, Pastor Emeritus Ann Johnson Communion to the homebound. Contact Norbert Krogstad Deacon Tom Dunne for informa on. Permanent Deacons Steve Lundell Deacon John Breit Gay Sladky PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Call the Parish Office to add your name to the sick list. Due Deacon Mark Duffey Rev. Marcin Zasada to pa ent privacy (HIPAA Law,) only the ailing Deacon Tom Dunne person, or in case of their incapacita on, the Deacon Bill Karstenson person delegated for the medical care, can Deacon Len Marturano add their name to the sick list. Deacon Rich Willer PRAYERS FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL: Bulle n deadlines: Ar cles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publica on date. Call the Parish Office to add a name of some- one serving in the military, so our faith com- munity can pray for their safety and service. If you need a hearing device, please ask an usher. 2
From Our Pastor Dear Friends, There is the story of three li le boys, five and six year olds, who played the role of the three Kings at their Kindergarten Na vity Play. They came marching in before the manger with paper hats and each carrying one box. The first boy laid his box before the baby Jesus and announced, “I have brought you gold.” The second laid his box down and announced, “I have brought you myrrh.” Now the third boy came down. He remembered he had to put his box down but forgot his line. So, he announced, “Frank sent this.” The wise men came from the East. They were pagan astrologers called to the manger, called to faith. Their journey is our journey, the journey of people throughout the world and throughout history being called to the manger, being called to faith. The Epiphany is the celebra on of our being included in the Mystery of Jesus Christ; not just included, more than included. It is the celebra on of our being equal to the very people chosen to be the physical ancestors of the human nature of our Lord. And this was certainly difficult for the Jewish people of the first century to under- stand. They normally referred to those who were not Jews, the Gen les, as dogs. It was confusing for them to think that God would consider the Gen les their equals. The Jews were the chosen people. But the Epiphany tells us that this was always God’s plan. He never intended to be the God for only one por on of mankind. Even more, all people would be co-heirs of the Grace of Christ. It was difficult for Jewish Chris ans to buy into the message of the Epiphany. It is also difficult for many of us. We tend to see life through our own limited frames of reference. When we envision the birth of the Lord, we tend to see Him in the viewpoint of our own frame of reference. Therefore, most of the pictures of Mary and Jesus are of a fair skinned girl and a bouncing, blue eyed baby. But Jesus and Mary were not Europeans. Mary and Jesus were Semi c, people of that area of the world where the three races merge. I o en think that God placed the Chosen People there as a message that all the people He created were to be the Chosen people. Sadly, this is a message that is s ll secret. There is a certain arrogance that many Catholics have that is evident when they look down on people who are not from their culture. The Epiphany tells us that African Catholics are as Catholic as Asian Catholics and all Catholics. It also tells our brothers and sisters across the ocean that American Catholics are as Catholic as European Catholics. St. Paul says that this was a secret hidden for all ages, this coming of the Lord for everyone. It is up to us to reveal the secret. We do this by trea ng others with respect, par cularly those who are different from us in externals, but the same as us in what ma ers, their union with Jesus Christ. The word Epiphany means a showing or manifesta on of the Lord. He was first shown to the wise men, astrologers whose faith guided them to Bethlehem. We need to show Him to all people seeking the spiritual body where they can be one with God. Happy feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord! Fr. Kris Image by Fr. Kris Janczak 3
Parish Events PARISH CALENDAR Sunday, January 5 9:40am Children's Liturgy MRD 2:45pm STV School Athle cs RAC • MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION Thank you! 7:00pm Volleyball—POLISH RAC Monday, January 6 6:00pm STV School Athle cs RAC 7:00pm K of C Planning Mee ng MRA Tuesday, January 7 • GOLDEN VILLANOVANS Wednesday, January 8 at 1pm. Mee ng in 1:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry MRD MRA & B—"Pizza and a Happy New Year!" RSVP by Monday, January 6 to 2:30pm STV School Athle cs RAC the Parish Office 847-358-6999. 7:00pm Family School Assoc Mtg School 7:00pm Polish Choir Rehearsal Church • MARCH FOR LIFE Saturday, January 11 (Page 6) 7:00pm Men's Basketball RAC • PADS SIGN-UP & SUPPLY COLLECTION Next weekend ( Page 5) Wednesday, January 8 • FREE THROW CONTEST January 12 (Page 6) 1:00pm Golden Villanovans MRA & B 2:30pm STV School Athle cs RAC • STV SCRIPTURE STUDY—WINTER SESSIONS (See below) 4:00pm VOICES Drop-in RAC/TR • MEN'S RETREAT January 17—19, 2020 (Page 6) 6:00pm Eucharis c Adora on Church 6:30pm Women's Club Bunco MRA & B • MEMORIAL MASS & CANDLELIGHT SERVICE Saturday, January 18 7:00pm Bible Study / CRHP 2011 MRC (Page 8) 8:00pm A.A. (Closed Mee ng) MR4 • COUPLES BAGS TOURNAMENT January 18, 2020 (Page 5) Thursday, January 9 7:00pm English Choir Rehearsal Church • BABY SUPPLY DRIVE Weekend of January 18 /19 (Page 8) 7:00pm GIFT Session MRA & D Friday, January 10 9:00am STV Scripture Study MRA—D 2020 CALENDARS AVAILABLE Saturday, January 11 Please take home a 2020 calendar compliments of Smith-Corcoran Funeral 8:00am STV School Athle cs RAC Home. These Catholic appointment edi on calendars are available in both 8:45am STV Scripture Study MRB 9:00am Morning Bible Study MRC English and Polish at all the Church exits. Be sure to add all the upcoming 6:00pm CFM Mee ng RAC STV events so you don't miss out! Sunday, January 12 9:15am Religious Ed Classes School 9:40am Children's Liturgy MRD STVSS - WINTER OFFERINGS 2020 12:00pm Free Throw Contest RAC STV Scripture Study (STVSS) will begin again in January. 2:45pm STV School Athle cs RAC Take a look at what we will be offering: 7:00pm Volleyball—POLISH RAC ____________________________ ♦ Romans: The Gospel of Salva on (An 8-week study)—Cost: $30 • Friday mornings from 9:30-11:15am, beginning January 10, 2020 AND • Tuesday evenings from 7-8:45pm, beginning January 14, 2020 ♦ Wisdom: God's Vision for Life (An 8-week study)—Cost: $22 • Saturday mornings from 8:45-10:30am, beginning January 11, 2020 ♦ Ephesians: Discover Your Inheritance (An 8-week study)—Cost: $29 • Monday evenings from 7-8:45pm, beginning January 13, 2020 ALL ARE WELCOME & ENCOURAGED TO JOIN US! To register: Contact Nancy Hulsebosch at or 847-757-5630 Scholarships available. 4
Parish News PADS SIGN-UP AND SUPPLY COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND—FOR FEBRUARY THRU APRIL PADS SIGN-UP Sign-up for February through April, 2020 for the Christ Lutheran Church / STV PADS site at 41 South Catechist Corner Rohlwing Road, will be held in the Gathering Area Ge ng to know our Catechists NEXT WEEKEND, January 11/12, a er all Masses. We are especially asking you to consider working one of the overnight shi s some me during the Kathy Spano season. Volunteering even once or twice would Teaches: really help us. 5th Grade Years Taught: We also need many volunteers to bring food to the site on Sunday evenings 20+ and to assist with serving dinners to our guests. We serve a hot meal in the Why Volunteer? evening, breakfast in the morning, and prepare lunches for the following day. Ini ally as part of my Please stop at the sign-up table for more informa on. mystagogy stage a er my RCIA ini a on. If you haven’t signed up to help at PADS this season, we ask that you consider There was a need for a catechist in volunteering. We thank all of you who have served the homeless in the past my daughter's 6th grade class. It was and hope that you will again sign up for the remainder of this year’s PADS fun, educa onal and spiritually season. upli ing. I keep returning, sharing faith ideas with those who are the COLLECTION FOR PADS SUPPLIES future of our Church. We will also be collec ng supplies for the PADS shelter next weekend In the Hobbies: Gathering Area. We are in need of the following items which may be placed in I enjoy cra s, reading and playing the PADS collec on bin: word games/puzzles on my phone. • Single-serve cereal boxes • Paper towels Fun fact: • Regular and decaf ground • Bath ssue I worked downtown the year Pope coffee • An -bacterial wipes John Paul had Mass in Grant Park. • Powdered creamer • 13 gallon trash bags Being a Non-Catholic at the me, I • Sugar packets • Heavy-duty 45 gallon trash didn't a end. People were nicer to • 12-oz paper bowls bags each other that day! It was amazing. • 12-oz plas c cold cups • GFS gi cards in any amount • Styrofoam cups (place in envelope marked PADS • Plas c forks, knives, spoons and drop off at Parish Office) Jen Schoffstall • Dinner napkins Teaches: 5th Grade Need more informa on? Call the Parish Ofice at 847-358-6999. Years Taught: 3 years, but taught years ago, too Why Volunteer? COUPLES BAGS TOURNAMENT It helps me grow The 13th Annual St. Thomas of Villanova Couples Bags closer to God! Tournament will be held in the Rowley Ac vity Center Hobbies: on Saturday, January 18th, 2020 a er the 5:00pm Mass. Reading, running & baking All engaged and married couples are welcome. Watch the Fun fact: bulle n for further details. See you there! If you would like to help with this I met my husband in High School. event, please call the Parish Office at 847-358-6999. 5
Parish News 2020 MARCH FOR LIFE Saturday, January 11 Reserve your seat for easy travel to and from the March for Life Chicago. $10 per person Encountering Jesus in Our Everyday Lives 17 years old and under are FREE! Men’s Weekend of Reflec on To place your reserva on and January 17-19, 2020 see a full list of events, visit: www.NorthWestFamiliesforLife. • 11:00 am - Meet in St. Theresa's parking lot—455 N Benton, Pala ne. • 11:15 am - Leave for Chicago. • 1:00 pm - Rally and March for Life Chicago begins in Daly Plaza. • 3:00 pm - Board bus to return to St. Theresa. • 4:00 pm - Return to St. Theresa. Prayer, Presenta ons, Discussion, & Quiet Time JOSEPH & MARY RETREAT HOUSE on the beau ful & peaceful grounds of Mundelein Seminary! Retreat Leader: Deacon Mark Duffey Kickoff: Dinner Fri. 1/17 at 6pm; Final Whistle: Mass Sun. 1/19 at 11am A re: Casual – wear your favorite team gear! Contact email All meals professionally prepared, including a tailgate-style lunch on Saturday! for more info. Registra on/Ques ons: 847-566-6060 or jcummings@josephandmaryretreat. $250 for the full weekend 6
Parish News NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION Have you made your New Year's resolu ons? As you think about your goals for 2020, consider living out the highest priority God has given you. Jesus’ last request for his followers was: Therefore, go and make disciples of all the na ons, bap zing them in the name MASS INTENTION of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” (Ma hew 28:20). OPENINGS Our 2020 8:00am Mass inten ons God's mission for us is to help others get connected to God. If you’re not have many openings. Although the ac vely engaged in your mission, consider that as one of your top New Year’s most common Mass inten on is in Resolu ons. And St. Thomas of Villanova has so many ac ve Ministries for memory of someone who has died, you and your family to fulfill that mission. Take a look and think about the a “special inten on” Mass can be talents God has bestowed on you. Where can you use those gi s? offered for many reasons, such as: • 6:30am Communion Service • Marriage Ministry Birthday • A.A. (Alcoholics Anonymous) • Ministry of Care Anniversary • Altar Servers • Ministry of Praise Special requests (like illness, • Appalachia Service Project • Outreach Programs surgery, military deployment, • Art & Environment • P.A.D.S. life difficul es, thanksgiving for • Bap sm Prepara on • Parish Pastoral Council prayers answered, etc.) • Bereavement Ministry • Peace & Jus ce Commi ee To have a Mass offered on these • Bible Study • Polish Rosary Group occasions can be more appreciated • Choir • Prayer Chain and unique than flowers, money or • Chris an Family Movement (CFM) • Prayer Shawls gi s. If you wish to have a Mass • Come As You Are (Small Groups) • RCIA (Rite of Chris an Ini a on) celebrated for someone alive or • Cursillo / Ultreya • Religious Educa on deceased, stop in the Parish Office • Eucharis c Ministers • Respect Life Team or call 847-358-6999. The • Evangeliza on Team • Rosary Group • Family School Associa on • Sacristans suggested offering is $10.00. • Finance Commi ee • School Board A card with the date of the Mass • GIFT (previously SPRED) • STV Scripture Study can be provided, if you wish. • Golden Villanovans (Seniors) • Ushers ___________________________ • Greeters • Vaca on Bible School • Hospitality / Kitchen Team • Wedding Coordinators PRAYER EXPERIENCE • Knights of Columbus • Women's Club The Sisters of the Living Word • Lectors • Youth Ministry invite you to join them for • Children's Liturgy of the Word • "_________" (Fill in your new idea!) “Walking with God: An Explana on of the Labyrinth,” a prayer Pray about it! Then, call the Parish Office at 847-358-6999 to find out more experience with Sr. Barbara Mass, about any of these Ministries. God's mission needs you! SLW, on Wednesday, January 15, 2020, from 10–11:30am or 2020 LENTEN PARISH MISSION 7–8:30pm at the Living Word Mark your new 2020 calendar today because Rev. Center, 800 North Fernandez Thomas McCarthy, O.S.A. will be with us for three Avenue, Arlington Heights. nights—Sunday through Tuesday, March 15, 16 & 17, RSVP by January 10, 2020 to 2020. We'll meet in the Church at 7pm each night to or visit hear "What Does It Mean to Be Catholic?" Stay a er the Mission for hospitality and community sharing in the Gathering Area. More info soon...! 7
Stewardship 2019 FISCAL YEAR SUNDAY SACRIFICIAL GIVING PARISH CHRISTMAS GIFT Date Weekend On-Line Weekly Over / Under Thank you for your Collec on Giving Total Budget: $21,400.00 special SACRIFICIAL Dec 1 $ 19,844.30 $ 1,343.00 $ 21,187.30 ($ 212.70) Christmas gi to your Dec 8 $ 17,608.91 $ 3,143.00 $ 20,751.91 ($ 648.09) Parish Family. Dec 15 $ 14,559.00 $ 1,623.00 $16,182.00 ($ 5,218.00) Forgot your Christmas gi ? Dec 22 Not available at me of publica on. We s ll gratefully accept your Dec 29 Not available at me of publica on. Christmas gi un l Monday, January 6, 2020. Christmas checks dated YTD Totals December 31, 2019 can s ll be included in your 2019 charitable YTD Budget $ 513,600.00 dona ons. Thank you! YTD Actual $ 488,643.90 - Your Finance Committee Over / (Under) ($ 24,956.10) __________________ ON-LINE GIVING GiveCentral ONLINE GIVING is a convenient way for St. Thomas of Villanova to receive your SSG support, as well as other giving PLEASE DONATE TO THE ILLINOIS TAX CREDIT opportuni es. It is a secure online SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM BY FEBRUARY 29, 2020 system with payment op ons from direct debit (ACH) to all major credit St. Thomas of Villanova School welcomed twenty new students for the 2019-2020 cards: Visa, MasterCard, American school year under the Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship Program, thanks to generous Express and Discover. You can do- donors. As we con nue to grow our enrollment, a terrific opportunity is available to nate to these funds: help us provide a quality, Catholic educa on to families who might not otherwise • Sunday Giving afford it. • Sharing / Ministry of Care A group of generous donors have agreed to pool resources and offer a 2-for-1 match- • “To Teach Who Christ Is” ing gi program to schools run by the Archdiocese of Chicago. For every dollar desig- How to sign up: nated to St. Thomas of Villanova School through Empower Illinois between Decem- 1. Go to ber 1, 2019 and February 29, 2020, St. Thomas will receive two dollars in matching funds for need based scholarships for the 2020-2021 school year. The dona ons are 2. Click “FIND YOUR CHARITY” capped at $50,000 per school. This equates to $150,000 of scholarships. 3. Type St. Thomas of Villanova in the search box and click on our picture. Donors can receive a 75% Illinois state income tax credit for dona ng to needs 4. Choose the fund you want, entering based scholarships through the Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship Program. Any donors the frequency, date range and dollar who donate a er December 31, 2019 will receive this tax credit on their 2020 taxes. amount, then click “ADD TO MY GIFT BASKET.” You can provide a St. Thomas of Villanova School educa on to children from low- 5. You may click “CHECKOUT” at any income families while also receiving a state tax credit for yourself. It’s a Win-Win me, or add more dona ons. situa on. Visit or to learn more 6. Click “CONTINUE,” then “COMPLETE or contact the school. PROFILE” to register. 7. Complete the registra on form, The Illinois Invest in Kids Act provides for scholarship giving that is different from then click “REGISTER AND charitable giving to FRIENDS of St. Thomas of Villanova School or to the Parish. Please CONFIRM GIFT.” visit the archdiocese website to learn why and to access a step-by-step guide to the 8. You’re registered! You will program. You must designate St. Thomas of Villanova School and donate through receive a confirma on email from GiveCentral. Empower Illinois to benefit our school. 9
STV School News From the Principal’s Desk Congratula ons to the winners of last months School lo ery. No ce that we had the special $500 drawings— just in me for Christmas! STV SCHOOL LOTTERY DECEMBER WINNERS ♦ $25 Karen Regan —Sold by Colin Regan ♦ $25 Chris Bargowski —Sold by Kyle Bargowski ♦ $50 Nick Jahnke —Sold by Madeline Jahnke ♦ $50 Scianna Family —Sold by the Scianna Family ♦ $100 Bob Newell —Sold by Cate Morris ♦ $200 Larry Reed —Sold thru the bulle n AND… The two holiday prize winners of $500 each are: ...drum roll… ♦ $500 Noel Pawlak —Sold by Audry Pawlak ♦ $500 Stephen Newell —Sold by Cate Morris We are con nuing to look for: • Lunch Helper(s) to heat up the lunches and hand them out to the students. This is a 1.5—2 hour a day PAID posi on. • A er Care needs subs tutes when our assigned supervisors Mark Your Calendar cannot make it. Get paid to play CATHOLIC games and read stories with our Students. SCHOOLS Please call the school, for more WEEK informa on at 847-358-2110. January 26 God Bless, thru Mary Brinkman February 1 10
Just for Kids LITURGY SCHEDULE for JANUARY 11 / 12 SATURDAY 5:00 PM SUNDAY 7:30 AM SUNDAY 9:30 AM SUNDAY 11:15 AM SUNDAY 1:30 PM PRESIDER TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA DEACON Deacon Bill Karstenson Deacon Mark Duffey Deacon John Breit Deacon Tom Dunne HOMILY TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA LECTORS Mark Long, Sr. Bonnie Fennig Randy Schappert Greg Crider Theresa Mitchell Rob Dix Tom Dalton Jennifer Hestrup MINISTERS OF Louis Akins Ann Duffey Donna Breit Karen Barre COMMUNION Mary Bragiel Karen Flasch Kris Bartolameolli Brodie Bertrand Larry Coco Jim Hajost Dave Haen Donna Casey Marian DeGroot Sarah Rauen Jean Haen Bob Haas Dan DeGroot Gay Sladky Mary Haig Lynn Haas Jim Dunne Bob Slanicky Leo Herz Barbara Hedrich Corinne Greico Lori Smithe Barb Howell Nancy Hulsebosch Gene Lazich Rita Snyder Sue Kadowaki Laura Klotz Vito Manola Bob Stanek Cindy Kane Marva Layne Margo Stanek Alice Wi SERVERS Jacob Korney Joseph Reiswig Ka e Seligmann Bill Shoults Kara Rady Emily Smithe Ma hew Sloan Heidi Swerkun Colin Regan Thomas Smithe Savannah Apolinar Anika Tsau MUSICIANS CHOIR CHOIR, Walsh CHORALE GREETERS M Sylvia Schaffer Don & Geri Ulmer Marilyn Marturano Basil & Carol Romaniszak G Lynn Haas Karen Froelich Barb Murphy & Bev Dalton Earl & Carol Schaffnit N Bob & Nancy Bachmann Tom & Marianne Greener Theresa Naran c Roberto & Sharon Zapata 11
Our Weekly Prayers FOR OUR SICK MASS INTENTIONS MaryAnn Acton David Hicks Elayne Maruska Jane Samojla Barbara Amato Barbara Kerlin Baby Benjamin Mauro Shirley Serena Monday, January 6 Baby Aubrey Mary King Brunilda Melendez Virgilio So o 8:00am Ray & Irene McNamee Richard Barnes Roswitha Kist Joanne Moser Kris na Sromek Alex Bingham Mary Alice Kobler Paul Moser Richard Steelman Tuesday, January 7 Carmen Cline Susan Kordell Jeff Moskala JoAnn Swanson 6:30am Communion Service Jason Dean Frank Koss Lana Murley Robert Szo 8:00am Ken Doruff Mary Depies James LaCapra Baby David Paprocki Sharon Tadsen Wednesday, January 8 Jeanne Formanski Louis LaCapra Amie Parisi Jack Treanor Parker Forseth Mary Margaret Lazich Larry Peterson Alfreda Wasilewska 8:00am Mary Alice Acton Steve Fortunski John Lenz Emily Piscitelli Susan Wilberding David Sladky Bill Gerl Harold Lewis Jean Pope Deacon Rich Willer Thursday, January 9 Phil Gerould Ron Magnuson Brad Rohrssen Fr. Ray Yadron 6:30am Communion Service Grace Gorska Alexa Rae Mang Rosalyn Rubino Charmaine Zuchel 8:00am All Who Are Sick Edward Grygowski Bob Maruska Dick Samojla Erin Zwadoo Friday, January 10 6:30am Communion Service 8:00am All Military Personnel IN SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY Saturday, January 11 Lord, bless the men and women of our military as they answer the call to serve our na on and 8:00am For the Sanc ty of Human Life defend our freedom. Protect and heal them-- body, soul, mind and spirit--especially those in 5:00pm For Andy Ma jevic, Casey Flack, harm's way. Most of all let them know your love; that you are with them, and that you will AJ Sales & All Seminarians never forsake or abandon them. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen. Sunday, January 12 U.S. Air Force • CWO2 Timothy O’Cain U.S. Navy 7:30am All Living & Deceased Parishioners • MSGT Dan Fialek • CPT James Ruetsche, Ranger • LTJG Jeremy Adams 9:30am Boshko Dobrich • MSGT Ma hew Grelck • LCDR Kevin Brandwein Victoria Fink • Lt Col Ross A. Mol U.S. Coast Guard • CMDR John-Paul Falardeau • SrA Joshua Olszak • LT Kevin O’Brien • CAPT Jason Haen 11:15am Carol Heart • MAJ Ma hew Walz • PO3 Caleb Harrington Marie Kay U.S. Marine Corps • PO2 David Holley U.S. Army • LCpl Nicholas G. Dean • LT Quinn Daniel Kilpatrick 1:30pm Mass—POLISH • Lt. Col Bernade e O'Shea • WO2 Thomas Grygowski • AP James Steininger Bland • SGT Cameron Miller _________________________________ • SSGT Brian J. Dankowski • SGT Kyle Rich And all those serving in the • SPC Jack Davis • CAPT Jake Schlenbecker Middle East. • SSG Christopher M. Fedrick DAILY READINGS Mon: 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, OUR SEMINARIANS 10-12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Pray for all Seminarians as they con nue their priestly forma on, especially: Tue: 1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Mk 6:34-44 Casey Flack, Andy Ma jevic and AJ Sales Wed: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13; Mk 6:45-52 Thu: 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Ps 72:1-2, 14, ROSE OF LIFE 15bc, 17; Lk 4:14-22a Fri: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; In Loving Memory of Lk 5:12-16 MARGARET PETTINGER, A Loving Mother Sat: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; And Jn 3:22-30 BERNARD W. MURRAY, A Special Cousin Sun: Is 42:1-4, 6-7; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10; Acts 10:34-38; Mt 3:13-17 FOR OUR DEPARTED, REST IN PEACE Rita Siemer Mother of Anne Fisher 12
Informacje po polsku (Polish Information) II NIEDZIELA PO NARODZENIU PAŃSKIM – Człowiek posłany przez Boga Miłość Boga jest pokorna. Ten, który stworzył wszystko mocą swego słowa, zapragnął być blisko człowieka. I by człowiek mógł spot- kać Boga, przyjął ludzkie ciało, zamieszkał wśród nas. Co więcej, nie tylko stał się człowiekiem, lecz potrzebował też innych ludzi, by włączyli się w Jego zbawcze dzieło. Pierwszym wśród nich był Jan Chrzciciel – człowiek posłany przez Boga. Bóg stał się człowiekiem, bym potrafił odkryć w sobie podobieństwo do Boga, a przez to stał się posłany… UROCZYSTOŚĆ OBJAWIENIE PAŃSKIEGO – 6. Stycznia – Wędrówka wiary Czym jest uroczystość Objawienia Pańskiego, można lepiej zrozumieć, wczytując się w Ewangelię o mędrcach z dalekiej krainy. Przybywają oni do nowo narodzonego Jezusa i rozpoznają w Nim króla, Mesjasza. Prowadzeni przez gwiazdę stają się pot- wierdzeniem prawdy, że w ludzkim sercu ukryte jest pragnienie poznania Boga. To właśnie w tych tajemniczych trzech wędrowcach mogą odnaleźć się ci, którzy wciąż szukają… Wiara to przecież droga, a my po niej idziemy. Kto uczciwie szuka Boga, z pewnością w końcu Go znajdzie… Objawienie Pańskie – święto tych, którzy poszukują i idą w ciemności INTENCJE MSZALNE I REJESTRACJA Intencje mszalne można zamówić po Mszy św. w nas pytań niż odpowiedzi. Staramy się niedzielnej w pokoju marszałków lub zakrys i. wierzyć, choć nie mamy żadnej pewności. MSZE ŚW. W JĘZ. POLSKIM— Niedziela: 1:30pm; Staramy się iść do przodu, choć tyle razy Pierwszy Piątek miesiąca: spowiedź od 5:30, Msza gubimy drogę. Czasem tracimy sens, a św. o godz. 7:30pm; jednak cały czas wierzymy, że to wszystko Pierwsza Sobota miesiąca: nie jest bez sensu. Nabożeństwo ‘Pierwszych 5. Sobót’ i Czujemy się jednym z nich, będących w Msza św. o godz. 7:30pm; drodze. Wiemy, że tylu ludzi obok nas Trzeci Piątek miesiąca: Nabożeństwo do idzie podobnie przez życie. Staramy się Bożego Miłosierdzia i Msza św. o godz. dzielić nadzieją, że warto iść do przodu, 7:30pm. mimo wszystko i wierzyć mimo wszystko. SAKRAMENT CHRZTU ŚW. To święto tych, którzy poszukują. Tych, Coś wewnętrznie nas przekonuje do tej Sakrament Chrztu Św. w jęz. polskim jest udzielany którzy wyruszają w drogę, nie wiedząc, nadziei, jak Abrahama, który wyruszył w w każdą niedzielę miesiąca po Mszy św. w języku czy dotrą do celu. Tych, którzy idą, choć drogę i ‘wbrew nadziei uwierzył nadziei’. polskim—prosimy o wcześniejszy kontakt z ks. nie wiedzą, czy idą we właściwym Marcinem. Często nie jesteśmy w stanie dać ludziom kierunku. Tych, którzy podejmują ryzyko, gotowych odpowiedzi, których by oczeki- bez gwarancji sukcesu. Tych, którzy wali, ale możemy im powiedzieć: Cho- wierzą, choć nie mają pewności. dźmy dalej, w tej naszej ciemności, nie- Nie wiemy, skąd wyruszyli i jak długo po- pewności, niezrozumieniu, może w końcu dróżowali. Nie byli przecież nawet Go zobaczymy w tej naszej drodze. Może Żydami, którzy wierzyliby w Boga Jahwe. w końcu się objawi. A może jeszcze Dotarły do nich jakieś przepowiednie i musimy iść dalej, dłużej. Nie wiemy, kiedy pojawiła się gwiazda na niebie, wy- naprawdę nie wiemy, ale idziemy. Jeszcze ruszyli za nią. Szli tygodnie, miesiące, a idziemy. może lata, wpatrując się w gwiazdę. Bo Jak śpiewa Bono w piosence ‘I S ll Have- mało jest gwiazd na niebie? Równie do- n’t Found What I’m Looking For’: brze mogli się pomylić. Wspiąłem się na najwyższe góry. Biegłem SAKRAMENT MAŁŻEŃSTWA Pewnie kiedy wyruszali, wielu mówiło im, przez pola. Tylko po to, by z Tobą być (…) Prosimy o kontakt z biurem parafialnym że to szaleństwo. Mieli rację, to było Biegłem, czołgałem się. Wdrapałem się na przynajmniej 6. miesięcy przed planowanym ślubem w celu ustalenia daty ślubu i spotkania się szaleństwo. Żadnej gwarancji, że to jest ściany tego miasta, ściany tego miasta. z księdzem. prawdziwy znak, który ich gdzieś zaprow- Tylko po to, by z Tobą być (…) Wierzę w SAKRAMENT POKUTY adzi. Jeśli szli długo, to musiały ich nacho- nadejście Królestwa. Wtedy wszystkie Niedziela 12:45pm- 1:15pm. dzić wątpliwości, czy jest sens iść dalej. kolory w jedność złączą się. Złączą się w RÓŻA RÓŻAŃCOWA Spotkania w drugą niedzielę miesiąca po Mszy św. Szli w nocy, pośród ciemności, bo gwiazdy jedność. Ale tak, nadal biegnę. Ale wciąż Serdecznie zapraszamy do wspólnej modlitwy świecą w nocy. nie odnalazłem tego, czego szukam. różańcowej w każdą niedzielę przed Mszą św. Trzej Królowie są ludźmi nadziei i wiele z Idziemy, tak jak szli oni – Trzej Królowie, o godz. 1:00 pm. nimi nas łączy. Poruszamy się tylko w w ciemno, w nieznane. Może to jest KONTAKT Z KANCELARIĄ Poniedziałek—Czwartek: 9:00 am—8:00pm ciemności, w jakiejś duchowej nocy. Im właśnie wiara… Piątek: 9:00 am—5:00 pm dłużej idziemy za Bogiem, tym więcej jest Sobota: 9:00 am—12:00 pm 13
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