Prayer - JANUARY - APRIL 2019 - The Salvation Army

Prayer - JANUARY - APRIL 2019 - The Salvation Army

Prayer - JANUARY - APRIL 2019 - The Salvation Army
Greetings, Prayer Matters readers,

Welcome to this ‘new look’ January–April 2019 edition of Prayer Matters.
This is the time of year when we look back in gratitude, thanking God for
his faithful provision, and forward in joy and anticipation of all that is to

This edition of Prayer Matters includes a January focus week on this year’s
Vision and Commitment theme, ‘Living Fruitfully as Disciples’, and to help
us deepen our spiritual lives, 47 days of Lent reflections written by the
Secretary for Spiritual Life Development, Lieut-Colonel Jayne Roberts.

New Prayer Network Strategy
We’ve been doing a bit of looking forward in the Prayer Network too, in a
revision of the prayer strategy for our territory, as it’s a fair few years since
it was last done. During 2018, we gathered a group of people representing
THQ, divisions, corps, prayer centres and Prayer Network team members
for a Vision and Strategy Day. We spent time listening to God, sharing
feedback and ideas and we have also consulted widely with many others.

There will be more in due course on the revised Territorial Prayer Strategy,
but for now I share with you our new Prayer Network strapline, which
we feel reflects the essence of the strategy and what we sense God is
saying to us – Prayer Network: calling, connecting and releasing dynamic,
Kingdom building prayer.

We hope that you like our new Prayer Matters cover, which also reflects
the ideas of the new strapline. We hope to continue to evolve the
publication with changes to the inside in the next edition.

Other Prayer Network news
Encounter – Prayer Gathering Weekend: 25–27 January 2019, The Hayes,

The theme for the weekend is ‘Moving Forward in Prayer and Mission’
and we invite you to join with us for an exciting weekend of encounter
with God through worship, teaching, workshops and prayer. Our keynote
speaker is Major Mark Herbert who will teach from Romans 8, and we
are delighted that our territorial leaders, Commissioners Anthony and Gill
Cotterill, will join us on Saturday evening and Sunday.

Last year we had a wonderfully powerful Encounter weekend and we
are looking forward expectantly to all that the Lord has in store for us
this year. On the inside front cover you will see the poster page giving
further details. If you haven’t booked yet and want to come, please do
so as quickly as possible now, as places are filling fast – last year we were

One Thing Prayer School DVD series
This is an excellent resource to help your corps, discipleship or prayer
groups and individuals develop their prayer lives. Discussion-based, barely
any preparation needed, just provide the tea and cake, plug in the DVD,
pause at the discussion points and you’re good to go!

See inside back cover for an overview of the whole series and note that
the first two seasons can be downloaded free along with the workbook
from our website. Every UKI corps was sent free copies of the DVD and
further copies can be purchased from SP&S online shop. Unfortunately
we have had a number of setbacks in the production of the third and final
DVD, but anticipate that it will be released by April 2019 – Season 3, ‘One
Thing for the World – moving out in prayer’.

In closing, once again, my grateful thanks to all who have contributed to
this edition of Prayer Matters bringing a variety of styles and richness to
our prayers – it is greatly appreciated. Thanks also to Stephanie Chagas-Bijl
(Resource Hub, THQ) who has collated and edited this issue.

Last and by no means least, thank you for your partnership in prayer
though the SA Prayer Network. I pray that you will find this resource
helpful in keeping you connected in prayer and deeper in relationship with
the Lord.

God bless you all in this vital Kingdom-building mission of prayer.

Captain Pauline Milner,
SA Prayer Network Co-ordinator
Bible quotations from the New International Version (2011) unless otherwise stated.

‘Fruitful’ Focus
Tuesday 1 January
This year’s focus as a territory is that we would be effective in mission – or, to
simplify, that we would live fruitfully as Christ’s disciples. In the parable of the vine
(John 15:1-17) Jesus commands us to bear fruit. Think about what this ‘fruit’ means
for you, and ask God to be with you as you bear fruit in his name at the start of this

Wednesday 2 January
For a vine to be fruitful, it needs to be pruned, cut back so that healthy fruit can
grow. Pray about your own life, asking that God will prune in you whatever he needs
to, so that you can be even more fruitful in that which he has called you to do.

Thursday 3 January
We can only be fruitful disciples if we are connected to the source of all life – Jesus.
Pray that you (and your corps/centre) will become deliberate in staying connected
to Jesus. Ask God to help you make prayer and Bible study part of your everyday

Friday 4 January
To be effective disciples, we must learn how to love, as Jesus has loved us. Ask God
for a love that is genuinely rooted in him – a love that doesn’t just support others,
but shows the world a glimpse of who Jesus is.

Saturday 5 January
Pray that The Salvation Army in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland will be a
fruitful and effective church. Pray that our leaders, under God the Gardener’s hand,
will not be afraid to cut out that which is not bearing fruit and prune other parts so
they become more fruitful.

Sunday 6 January
O Lord, how wonderful you are! Creator of all things, Gardener of our lives, we offer
up ourselves to you today. Prune back the parts of us that do not bear fruit. We want
to be fruit-bearers for you. Work in us and through us so that everyone may know
your great love. O Lord, how wonderful you are! Amen.
Creative Prayer Focus
Captain Lee Raggett (Corps Officer, Stratford)

Monday 7 January – ‘The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us…’
(John 1:14)
Wasn’t it just yesterday that tinsel-decked trees sat glimmering full of hope? Today,
they are discarded – trash. Brittle brown branches with the odd stubborn bauble
clinging in hope that it isn’t really over – because it isn’t over! Take away the
trimmings and the tree, and that beautiful God-baby is still Immanuel. Take a left-
over gift tag, write a message of hope on it, then go out in search of a hopeless place,
a discarded tree, a park bench and tie your tag around it.

Tuesday 8 January – ‘The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness...’ (John 1:5 MSG)
Who hasn’t known the depth of winters and the darkest of days? But in the middle
of the darkness came the brightest of lights. And in the middle of the depths of ink-
stained heavy days the light is still there. Even in grief and loneliness, mental torment
and physical pain, that light is still there. Light a candle and allow your eyes to take in
the beauty of the gentle light. Take some pens and paper and draw the light that you
see. When you’ve finished, place the drawing somewhere that reminds you of God’s

Wednesday 9 January – ‘…give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for
you in Christ Jesus.’ (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
How can we find beauty in the ordinary? Does beauty dwell in the mundane acts?
Is it there in the relentlessly repetitive tasks of life? Can we pause in the middle of
our long ‘to do’ list and give thanks for the work we have been blessed with? Can we
really give thanks in every situation? Take your journal or some paper and write out
today’s verse. Be mindful of each activity you do throughout the day, giving thanks
in each task. At the end of the day go back to the Bible verse and find three ordinary,
everyday occurrences to record in gratitude to the One who gave you the grace of

Thursday 10 January – ‘We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and
secure…’ (Hebrews 6:19)
In the middle of the cold of winter, can little glimmers of hope be found? The
snowdrop defiantly bursting through the frosted ground? The joy on the face of a
small child? The hot steam dancing on a freshly made mug of tea? The elderly couple
holding hands as if they were still 18? Take a camera and go for a walk and capture
any signs of new life, signs of hope. Ask God to open your eyes to the hope that is all
around you. Maybe print off some of those photos and put them in a place to remind
you of hope on the days when your soul forgets.

Friday 11 January – ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’
(Genesis 1:1)
We are born to create. But how many of us believe that creativity is out of our reach?
Today, make space to connect with your own creativity. Paint, write, dance, sing, run,
or bake. Spend time just looking at God’s creativity – don’t be limited, do whatever
your heart is longing to do. Creativity isn’t about perfection, but it’s an honest
connection with the One who has been creating since the beginning of time.

Saturday 12 January – ‘Tomorrow is to be a day of sabbath rest, a holy sabbath to
the Lord.’ (Exodus 16:23)
There is creativity to be found in the preparation for the Sabbath day – the baking
of bread, the cleaning, the making of food. There is joy in the lighting of a candle at
sundown and the hope of the day to come. How do you prepare for Sabbath? What
can you do to prepare for the hours to come that will help you to focus on deep rest
and the One who created this amazing gift?

Sunday 13 January – ‘…so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.’
(Genesis 2:2)
Selah. Pause. Rest. Listen. Be. Let go and know that he is God. Know that he won’t
lay anything ill-fitting on you. Take a break from the active creativity of the last few
days, but notice how God’s creativity is all around you – even in the things that don’t
feel that special. Know that there is creativity in the rest, in the listening and in simply
being today.

Divisional Prayer Focus – West Scotland
Captain Sara Duffy (Divisional Prayer Co-ordinator)

Monday 14 January
West Scotland Division is no different from other divisions in the country for having
charity shops that provide a service for those in need of clothes or household goods
at prices they can afford, especially in this economic climate. Pray for the staff and
volunteers at all our stores, and that as the public enter the shops they will also
receive more than material possessions.

Tuesday 15 January
Many locations in the division see homeless people and needy families come through
their doors every day. It is an opportunity to listen to people’s stories and do what is
possible to help them. Pray for those who lack so much of life’s necessities and give
thanks to God for his daily provision in our lives.
Wednesday 16 January
Pray for the centres, service users, staff and chaplains of the Lifehouses around the
division. Pray for the good days, when it is possible to tell people about Jesus and
see them turn their life around, and also for the bad days, which may involve a death
through drugs or alcohol or even a suicide.

Thursday 17 January
Voices of Hope is the choir made up of service users and staff from the Lifehouses,
service centres and corps in Scotland, bringing people together to have fun singing
songs of faith, hope and love. It’s a time when people can forget their troubles and
literally join together in one song. Pray that as people raise their voices to praise
God, they can also thank him for the gift of message through song.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – Only Justice
(Prayers used with permission from Churches Together in Britain and Ireland)

Friday 18 January – ‘Let justice roll down like waters.’ (Amos 5:24 NRSV)
The churches of Indonesia, from whom this year’s prayer material comes, speak out
of a context of ethnic and religious diversity. This year we are reminded that our
prayer for unity is offered up amidst injustice and that Christian disunity is in so many
ways related to the divisions in our world. God of all, in all that we do, may we know
your grace and mercy and offer healing and justice in your name. Amen.

Saturday 19 January – ‘Let your word be “Yes, Yes” or “No, No”.’ (Matthew 5:37
God of justice, grant me the wisdom to see right from wrong. Let my heart be guided
by honesty and my lips speak truth. In times of doubt, cloak me in courage the colour
of trust. Birth in me the passion for unity and peace so that I may be a good news
bearer for all. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Sunday 20 January – ‘The Lord is gracious and merciful…to all.’ (Psalm 145:8,9
God of all humanity, your Son was born into a line of men and women, ordinary and
extraordinary. Some of them were remembered for their great deeds, others more
for their sins. Give us an open heart to share your unbounded love, and to embrace
all who experience discrimination. This prayer we make in your holy name. Amen.

Monday 21 January – ‘Be content with what you have.’ (Hebrews 13:5 NRSV)
God of the seasons, whether in bountiful harvest, or when there is no yield for what
we have sown; let us be content, that your grace is sufficient. Help us to have the
generosity of spirit, to share what we have with those who have not. Amen.
Tuesday 22 January – ‘…to bring good news to the poor.’ (Luke 4:18 NRSV)
God, the bringer of good news, forgive our lust for power and free us from the
temptation to oppress others. Instil in us the determination to see your good news
made real in us and those around us, as we share in the mission of your Son Jesus
to fulfil your promise of freedom from poverty and oppression. Amen.

Wednesday 23 January – ‘The Lord of hosts is his name.’ (Jeremiah 10:16 NRSV)
Loving God, by whose breath all things came to be, we thank you for the world which
manifests your glory, diversity and beauty. Grant us the wisdom to walk gently upon
the earth and to share together your good news with all creation. Amen.

Thursday 24 January – ‘Woman, great is your faith!’ (Matthew 15:28 NRSV)
Gracious God, you are the source of human dignity. As we strive for a Church which
unites all humanity, grant us the courage to reject all forms of violence against
women and to celebrate the gifts that women bring to the Church. This we pray
through Jesus Christ our Lord, in whom all may find their true worth and calling.

Friday 25 January – ‘The Lord is my light and my salvation.’ (Psalm 27:1 NRSV)
God our hope, we praise you for your loving kindness. Uphold us when we are about
to give up, show us your light when all around seems dark. Transform our lives that
we may bring hope to others. Help us to live united in our diversity as a witness to
your communion, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Prayer Gathering Focus: Moving Forward in Prayer and
Captain Pauline Milner (Prayer Network Co-ordinator)

Saturday 26 January
Moving Forward in Prayer and Mission is the theme for this weekend’s Prayer
Network’s Prayer Gathering. Pray for Major Mark Herbert who will teach from
Romans 8 on the work of the Holy Spirit in empowering prayer and mission. Pray for
the seminar leaders as they focus on growing in prayer, leading in prayer and spiritual

Sunday 27 January
Pray for territorial leaders Commissioners Anthony and Gill Cotterill as they share
their heart for prayer in our territory. As delegates return to family, corps and places
of work, pray that they go changed, renewed, encouraged, having encountered the
living God, empowered by his Spirit for prayer and mission in the communities where
they live.
Self-Denial Focus
Christine Thomas (Annual and Self-Denial Appeals Officer, THQ)

Monday 28 January
Lord, we pray for the work of The Salvation Army around the globe. We unite as one
Army, together in our fight for justice, equality and peace. There are so many different
cultures, but we all come together in our love for you, our service to you and to honour
and glorify you. Amen.

Tuesday 29 January
Lord Jesus, although issues and priorities will vary from continent to continent, we
pray for The Salvation Army that ‘One Army, with One Mission and One Message’ will
be paramount. Our aim throughout the world is to save souls, grow saints and serve
suffering humanity. Let that be so! Amen.

Wednesday 30 January
Heavenly Father, we pray for our officers in the United Kingdom and Ireland and
personnel working overseas. May they each feel our thoughts, support and prayers
surrounding them and lifting them up to you. We pray for their protection and good
health. Bless them, Father, in all they endeavour to do today in your name. Amen.

Thursday 31 January
Lord, at this time of self-denial, let us look at all we have. May we consider our sacrificial
gift to you, so that others may be blessed. You have given us so much. Let us give what
we have back to you to use for the extension of your Kingdom here on earth. Amen.

Friday 1 February
‘The greatness of a man’s power is the measure of his surrender’ (General William
Booth). As we consider what we can give financially, may we invite God into our hearts
and also look again at our service to him. Pray that the Lord will use us and make a
difference through all we surrender to him.

Saturday 2 February
‘Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny
themselves and take up their cross and follow me”’ (Matthew 16:24). Lord, give us the
grace to deny ourselves – to take up our cross daily – and follow you. Amen.
Sunday 3 February
Use the words of this song as your prayer:

         ‘Help us build a loving… caring… sharing… peaceful… happy world,
         A new and better loving world;
         Lay the foundation on Jesus Christ our Lord,
         And help us build a loving world.’ (Keith Banks, SASB 1001)

Scripture Focus – Titus 2:1-15
Major Peter Mylechreest (Chaplain, THQ)

Monday 4 February – The older men (vv1-2)
In the TV programme One Foot in the Grave, Victor Meldrew depicts an older man
who is grumpy, resistant to change and heedless of what others think. But that
is not how Paul envisions maturity. He calls seniors to demonstrate their faith by
showing love and patience, and self-restraint in their dealings with others. Pray
for older men, particularly those experiencing physical limitations and a sense of

Tuesday 5 February – The older women (v3)
Hyacinth Bucket, whose name she insists is pronounced ‘bouquet’ in the TV
programme Keeping up Appearances, typifies an older woman who, seeking
acceptance, is not averse to pretence or even slandering others in the process. But
Paul writes that such behaviour is contrary to living a holy life. Pray for older women,
that they may be true models of goodness and that their sharing of news never
deteriorates into malicious gossip.

Wednesday 6 February – The younger women (vv4-5)
Devoted to her husband, Betty is the long-suffering young wife of Frank Spencer
in the TV programme Some Mothers Do ’ave ’em. Paul would have applauded her
approach to the chaos her husband causes. Paul instructs young women to be loyal
and supportive, and willing to adapt to their husbands. Please pray for younger
women to be home-lovers, kind-hearted and a good advertisement for the Christian

Thursday 7 February – The younger men (vv6-8)
Paul would have been horrified at the behaviour of Gary and Tony in the TV
programme Men Behaving Badly. These beer-guzzling flatmates revelled in a second
childhood and mindless talk about women. Paul calls for young men to be known
for their integrity, dignity and speech and to be beyond criticism in every situation.
Please pray for young men, that they may live disciplined lives for Christ.
Friday 8 February – Those under authority (vv9-10)
Everyone is at some point supervised, directed, commanded or guided by someone
else. Fortunately, the slavery of Paul’s time has been eliminated, though financial
bondage, human trafficking and involuntary servitude still exist. However, as
followers of Jesus we are to be willing servants of Christ. We are to be completely
loyal and trustworthy. Please pray that all of us will be a living testimonial to the
attractiveness of the teaching of our Saviour.

Saturday 9 February – For us all (vv11-14)
Paul, having outlined the appropriate responses for different groups of followers
of Jesus, now gives the reason why and how we are motivated. Our very being
is redeemed and changed by the miracle of the Incarnation. Christ dynamically
affects our inner heart, our attitudes and ambitions; whilst our outward life and
deportment, our actions and reactions reflect his teaching. Please pray that we will
continue to live Christ-inspired lives.

Sunday 10 February – Teach, encourage and correct (v15)
Few people like being told off or corrected, but for us to grow in understanding and
ability it is sometime necessary. If instruction is given in an encouraging way we are
more likely to amend our ways. Paul explains that these two aspects of teaching, –
building up and reprimand – are important and not to be dismissed or denigrated.
Please pray for those whose task it is both to inspire and to discipline Christians.

Enabling Mission Focus
The Enabling Mission team looks to support and resource all across the territory in
ministry and mission. As you go through this week, pray not only for each member
of the team and their individual ministry, but also for the Give to Grow advisers,
pioneer and Natural Church Development coaches, sports advocates and all who
connect with the team.

Monday 11 February – Sports Ministry (Rob Moye)
Pray for the brand-new release of Athlos 2, the second in a series of sport and
fitness discipleship resources. The material enables people to connect with each
other and explore everyday searching questions about life using the sporting
stories in this resource to trigger thoughts and conversations.

Tuesday 12 February – Pioneering Fresh Expressions (Majors Andrew and Andrea
Pray for all who are involved in pioneering Fresh Expressions of The Salvation Army.
Lord, as we seek to reimagine and reclaim our inheritance to break new ground
and reach new people with the gospel, give us eyes to see the possibilities, ears to
hear the Spirit’s promptings and a passionate bold heart to respond.
Wednesday 13 February – Godly Play (Andrea Harrison)
Almighty God, we thank you for the gift of Godly Play that gives anyone and
everyone, regardless of age and ability, an opportunity to meet with you. We rejoice
in the testimonies that demonstrate how Godly Play has played a part in people
giving their life to you and growing in their understanding of you. Guide us in this
work of spiritual accompaniment, helping us never to underestimate its value.

Thursday 14 February – Intercultural Mission (Major Jonny Smith)
Revelation 7 gives a wonderful vision of people from all around the world bowing
and worshipping God. In March, the third intercultural mission conference will take
place. Pray for a spirit of openness and honesty as together delegates consider
exciting ways in which they, and the territory, can become more diverse.

Friday 15 February – Natural Church Development (Major Noel Wright)
We are God’s ‘fellow workers’ (1 Corinthians 3:9), and as we work with him and for
him, note from Mark 4:26-29 our need to be patient (v28), to know our place in
God’s harvest (vv26b,27) and to believe in the promise of his harvest (v29). Pray that
working with God and for him, we each will prove to be fruitful ‘fellow workers’.

Saturday 16 February – Generous Discipleship (Denise Wilkinson)
When Paul wrote to the Corinthians (2 Corinthians 8 and 9) he reminded them that
when they reflected the same generous nature that God had shown to them, God
would shower them with limitless blessings. Give thanks to God for his continuing
care and provision for us – our time, skills, abilities and money – which in turn allows
us to share the many God-given blessings with those that we come into contact with.

Sunday 17 February – Whole Life Discipleship (Major Noel Wright)
‘Life’s a peach, not an orange.’ Why? No segments! The whole of life reigned over
by the Spirit – that’s the challenge and the fulfilment of ‘whole life discipleship’.
‘Whatever you do, do all for the glory of God’ (1 Corinthians 10:31). Pray that God’s
people might live each day, wherever they are, whatever they do, whoever they
connect with, for the glory of God. Pray that our corps and centres become effective
in equipping and enabling God’s people for living out their faith in the arena of their
every day.

Scripture Focus
Tendayi Mafemera (Southwark Corps)

Monday 18 February – Weeping and Joy
‘…weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.’ (Psalm 30:5)
We go through many trials and tribulations that cause us to weep and believe that
joy may never come. It can be the loss of a loved one, job or health. But the Lord
promises that weeping won’t be our portion for ever; joy will always come. Father,
thank you that whatever causes me to weep, it is for a season. Thank you that the
season of joy is always there, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday 19 February – Repentance
‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins.’
(1 John 1:9)
Jesus Christ paid the price for all our sin; that is why God is faithful to forgive us
when we repent. We repent out of conviction and the power of the Holy Spirit within
us. Heavenly Father, I repent of all my sin, trusting and believing your faithfulness to
forgive me in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

Wednesday 20 February – Sin
‘...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.’ (Romans 3:23)
Father, I know that I am a sinner and fall short of your glory. Help me not to sin
against you. Give me the strength to say no to temptations that do not please you, in
Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thursday 21 February – Giving
‘A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.’
(Proverbs 11:25)
Giving should be a lifestyle for any Christian. The gift can be small or big, but God
looks at the heart and if the giver is cheerful. The Lord also promises to give seed to
a sower. So if your heart is willing to give and you have nothing, the Lord will provide.
Thank you, Father, for prospering and refreshing us when we give, in Jesus’ name.

Friday 22 February – Love
‘Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.’
(Ephesians 4:2)
‘Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them’ (1 John 4:16). God himself
showed us the importance of love by allowing his only son Jesus to die for us. We are
who we are because of that love. Thank you, Father, for your constant love. In Jesus’
name. Amen.

Saturday 23 February – Leaders
‘Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.’ (James 3:18)
Our corporate, political and spiritual leaders need our prayers for them to execute
their duties well. Lord, we ask that you would provide our leaders with qualities of
purity, sincerity, love, understanding and wisdom. Bring about great and positive
change in our communities, organisations, nations and churches through them.
Sunday 24 February – Praise
‘Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him
and praise his name.’ (Psalm 100:4)
Scripture tell us that the Lord dwells in the worship of his children. We must praise
God for all the good things that he does for us. Father, every morning, every
afternoon, every evening and at all times, I pray that I can find time to praise,
worship and bless you, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Helping-Hand Focus
Hayley Still (International Development, THQ)

Monday 25 February
The theme of this year’s Helping-Hand Appeal (run in partnership between Family
Ministries and International Development) is Community Shares. When a community
shares, it can thrive. Pray for corps and centres around the territory raising funds
throughout 2019 to share what they have, and in doing so, to stand alongside
international communities as they overcome poverty.

Tuesday 26 February
In the slums of Nairobi, Kenya, every day is a struggle for survival. It is harsh. It is
squalid. It is unfair. It is neglected – but it is not hopeless. Pray for The Salvation Army
as it works and walks alongside these communities, supporting them to start self-
help groups.

Wednesday 27 February
Through community self-help groups in Kenya, members regularly contribute small
amounts of money to build up a communal fund. Pray for each person linked to
this project and that as they take loans from this shared pot to start or grow their
businesses, they may work together to rise up out of poverty.

Thursday 28 February
Kibera slum in Nairobi is one of the largest in the world, and the challenges people face
there are extensive. It is overcrowded and dangerous. Pray for Kibera Mamas, who
work in the midst of the chaos, providing safety and solace to women, teaching them
to make bead animals which are sold, and the profit shared amongst them.

Friday 1 March
‘Being in the group is good because you feel like you’re with your family.’ (Caroline
Mwamko, Self-Help Group, Dandora). Members of self-help groups are able to
save money together as well as receive training in a variety of topics from business
management to marketing. Pray for them as they also come together to talk and
share life with one another. Through these groups, in these seemingly desperate
surroundings, community is flourishing.

Saturday 2 March
In community, life can be about more than mere survival. Pray for the people living
in the slums of Nairobi, for The Salvation Army’s ministry in these places, and that all
would not only experience life outside of material poverty but also experience life in
all its fullness.

Sunday 3 March
‘How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!’ (Psalm
133:1). Thank God today for the community of people you have around you that help
you to flourish and thrive. Ask God to help you to also be the answer to someone
else’s prayer.

Pre-Lent Focus
Monday 4 March
As we begin the journey of Lent in a couple of days’ time, we can consciously begin
to shape what and how we may want it to look like. Spend time in silence, waiting
on God and asking him: Lord, what am I going to be desiring during Lent? What do
you want to teach me? What do I need to strip away from my life so that my focus is
solely yours?

Tuesday 5 March
Today is traditionally known as Shrove Tuesday, which comes from the word shrive
meaning to hear someone’s acknowledgment of their sins. Pray that as we look
towards Lent, we may enter this time knowing that God is with us, he sees us and
forgives us of our sins.
Lent Focus
Lieut-Colonel Jayne Roberts (Secretary for Spiritual Life Development)

Today marks the beginning of Lent which originally meant ‘holy spring’, a time of
repentance, reflection and rededicating ourselves to God. Starting today and for
the next five weeks you are invited to pray with Scripture, to meditate on God’s
word and seek to apply the daily text personally. Palm Sunday 14 April is the
beginning of Holy Week and verses from John’s Gospel will be the prayer focus.

Wednesday 6 March
‘Come back to the Lord your God. He is kind and full of mercy: he is patient and
keeps his promise; he is always ready to forgive and not punish’ (Joel 2:13 GNT).
Lord, today I return to you wholeheartedly and ask forgiveness for my sins.
Strengthen me as I embark on my Lenten journey of repentance and prayer. I praise
you for your mercy and kindness. Amen.

Thursday 7 March
‘But if we confess our sins to God, he will keep his promise and do what is right: he
will forgive us our sins and purify us from all our wrongdoing’ (1 John 1:9 GNT). Take
time to pray through this verse, which brings a personal challenge to confess our
sins. Thank God for his grace in keeping his promise to forgive and cleanse.

Friday 8 March
‘Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me’ (Psalm
51:10). This sounds like a spiritual heart transplant! Consider what would need to
change for God to create a pure heart in you.

Saturday 9 March
‘Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me’ (Psalm
51:10). Continue to reflect on and pray the Psalmist’s prayer asking God to renew a
steadfast spirit within you. Thank him for his work in your life as he fulfils his word.

Sunday 10 March
‘Return to the Lord, and let this prayer be your offering to him: ‘Forgive all our sins
and accept our prayer, and we will praise you as we have promised’ (Hosea 14:2
GNT). Be encouraged today that your prayer is an offering to God and a process that
leads to praise in a covenant relationship with him.
Monday 11 March
‘Return to the Lord, and let this prayer be your offering to him: “Forgive all our sins
and accept our prayer, and we will praise you as we have promised”’ (Hosea 14:2
GNT). Take time today to remember promises that you have made to God and praise
him for the people who have influenced your spiritual journey thus far.

Tuesday 12 March
‘Help us, God our Saviour, for the glory of your name; deliver us and forgive our
sins for your name’s sake’ (Psalm 79:9). As these days on the theme of repentance
conclude, embrace God’s forgiveness and love. How might your life reflect the glory
of his name at this season of new beginnings?

Wednesday 13 March
‘Then the Spirit led Jesus into the desert to be tempted by the Devil’ (Matthew 4:1
GNT). Here the focus is on Jesus at the beginning of his ministry when he was led
into the desert for 40 days. It is incredible to think that the purpose of this desert
experience was to face temptation! Ask God to show you what you can learn about
yourself as you consider this theme.

Thursday 14 March
‘After spending forty days and nights without food, Jesus was hungry’ (Matthew 4:2
GNT). In the wilderness, Jesus fasted, intentionally going without food in order to
give himself to prayer, seeking his Father’s will. Pray about what kind of fasting you
could implement during this Lent season.

Friday 15 March
‘Then the Devil came to him and said, “If you are God’s Son, order these stones to
turn into bread”’ (Matthew 4:3 GNT). Jesus endured the subtle temptations both to
assert his identity and to satisfy his hunger. Explore in prayer the temptations you
may face and ask God to equip you to triumph over them, as Jesus did.

Saturday 16 March
‘Jesus answered, “The scripture says, ‘Human beings cannot live on bread alone, but
need every word that God speaks’”’ (Matthew 4:4 GNT). Spend time today asking
God to help you identify what you need to satisfy your spiritual hunger. Also let us
pray for others this day that are facing physical and spiritual hunger.
Sunday 17 March
‘Then the Devil took Jesus to Jerusalem, the Holy City, set him on the highest point
of the Temple, and said to him, “If you are God’s Son, throw yourself down…”’
(Matthew 4:5,6 GNT). We may not readily identify with this temptation, yet the
response of Jesus in this situation – ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test’ (v7) –
challenges us to seek a deeper understanding of God’s will in everyday life.

Monday 18 March
‘Then the Devil took Jesus to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms
of the world in all their greatness. “All this I will give you,” the Devil said, “if you
kneel down and worship me”’ (Matthew 4:8,9 GNT). Here is the temptation to
compromise, to take the easy way, to turn aside from obedience to God. Reflect on
what represents the ‘kingdoms of the world’ for you and ask God for grace to follow
him wholeheartedly.

Tuesday 19 March
‘Jesus answered, “Go away, Satan! The scripture says, ‘Worship the Lord your God
and serve only him!’”’ (Matthew 4:10 GNT). Jesus responds to each temptation with
Scripture and overcomes the tempter’s suggestions and lies. Ask the Lord today to
equip you through his word to follow the example of Jesus.

Wednesday 20 March
‘When shall I come unto the healing waters? Lifting my heart, I cry to thee my prayer.
Spirit of peace, my Comforter and healer, In whom my springs are found, let my soul
meet thee there’ (SASB 742 v1). The theme of healing brings opportunity for comfort
and hope on this journey. As you reflect on these beautiful words of Albert Orsborn,
pray for a deeper experience of God’s peace and healing. There may be others for
whom you also want to pray today.

Thursday 21 March
‘Wash from my hands the dust of earthly striving…’ (SASB 742 v2). What does ‘the dust
of earthly striving’ represent for you? Pray today that God will bless you in the work of
your hands that is necessary to provide for your material needs. Continue to pray for
cleansing and inner healing.

Friday 22 March
‘…Take from my mind the stress of secret fear’ (SASB 742 v2). Stress, fear and anxiety
are so prevalent, and God’s people are not immune from them. This may prompt
personal reflection and also prayer for others for whom you are concerned in this
Saturday 23 March
‘Cleanse thou the wounds from all but thee far hidden, And when the waters flow
let my healing appear’ (SASB 742 v2). These lines may prompt painful memories and
unresolved issues. Come to God in the assurance that he knows all that is hidden from
others – and offers healing grace.

Sunday 24 March
‘But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the
punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed’
(Isaiah 53:5). Isaiah powerfully reminds us of the source of our healing when he writes
of the Suffering Servant, later identified as Christ. Thank God for his Son, who through
enduring pain and disgrace brought us peace.

Monday 25 March
‘Christ himself carried our sins in his body to the cross, so that we might die to sin and
live for righteousness. It is by his wounds that you have been healed’ (1 Peter 2: 24
GNT). Today brings further opportunity to reflect in prayer on the amazing sacrifice of
Christ our Saviour. Make this prayer personal – my sins… so that I might die to sin… by
his wounds I have been healed.

Tuesday 26 March
 ‘Already we have some experience of the love of God flooding through our hearts by
the Holy Spirit given to us’ (Romans 5:5 Phillips). As this week of praying through the
theme of healing concludes, consider the wonderful truth that God’s healing love can
be felt. Lord, may we experience your love flooding through our hearts in these days.

Wednesday 27 March
‘God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes
in him may not die but have eternal life’ (John 3:16 GNT). Lent is a time for thinking
about God’s love. It can be expressed and experienced so simply and yet rewards a
lifetime’s thought and study. Pray that you may have opportunities to share the good
news of God’s love for his world.

Thursday 28 March
‘The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave
himself for me’ (Galatians 2:20). It wasn’t easy for Jesus to die – but he was willing.
God the Father and Jesus the Son gave himself. Allow this theme of willing sacrifice to
inspire your prayer.
Friday 29 March
‘Those who are led by God’s Spirit are God’s children. For the Spirit that God has given
you does not make you slaves and cause you to be afraid…’ (Romans 8:14,15 GNT).
God’s love is shown not only through sacrificial giving, but also through the gift of his
indwelling Spirit by whom we become his dearly loved children. Let our prayers today
reflect our gratitude to God.

Saturday 30 March
‘Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who
loves the father loves his child as well…’ (1 John 5:1). Heavenly Father, thank you that
through Jesus you put your love into action. Reveal to us the ways in which we can
express your love to others. Amen.

Sunday 31 March
‘Everyone who loves the father loves his child as well. This is how we know that we
love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands’ (1 John 5:1,2).
God’s gift of transforming love is evidenced through our love and obedience to him.
Take time today to pray about any challenges that this word touches on in your life.

Monday 1 April
‘In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not
burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world’ (1 John 5:3,4). We
conclude our meditations on this theme with a simple yet profound statement, also
a great encouragement. Claim the assurance of your faith in God’s love to be an

Tuesday 2 April
 ‘Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money,
come, buy and eat!’ (Isaiah 55:1). Come! As we explore some divine imperatives or
invitations from God this week, allow him to deepen your understanding of his word.
Come! Are you thirsty and hungry for God? Express your longings in prayer.

Wednesday 3 April
‘Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare’
(Isaiah 55:2). Eat! You may take this as a literal instruction about your eating habits –
our relationship with God informs every part of life, physical and spiritual. Thank God
for daily bread that is both material and spiritual.
Thursday 4 April
‘Give ear and come to me; listen, that you may live’ (Isaiah 55:3). Listen! Lord, I pray
that any blockages to listening to God and receiving his life-giving word will be cleared
away. Amen.

Friday 5 April
‘See, I have made him a witness to the peoples, a ruler and commander of the peoples’
(Isaiah 55:4). See! God’s faithful covenant love is expressed through his people, even
to our generation. Pray about the witness that you make each day and anyone who
you particularly long to share God’s love.

Saturday 6 April
‘Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near’ (Isaiah 55:6). Seek!
Seek for deeper understanding of this invitation. Pray to experience God’s constant
presence and continue with prayers for others.

Sunday 7 April
‘Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near’ (Isaiah 55:6). Call!
Is there anything that is impeding your experience of God’s nearness? Ask him to draw
you closer to him as you devote time to prayer.

Monday 8 April
‘You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace’ (Isaiah 55:12). Go! This verse is often
read as an expression of future promise when God’s word finds ultimate fulfilment. Yet
let us dare to ask that this wonderful promise of God may be our daily experience now.

As we come to the final week of Lent before moving into Holy Week we can imagine
Jesus and his disciples travelling to Jerusalem. Jesus is fully aware of what lay before
him, and accompanied by his closest companions who are struggling to make sense of
what their Lord has told them.

Tuesday 9 April
‘I will bring them back to live in Jerusalem; they will be my people, and I will be faithful
and righteous to them as their God’ (Zechariah 8:8). The prophet Zechariah focuses
on Jerusalem as a symbol of God dwelling together with his devoted people, united in
love and service to him. Praise God that this is our present and future hope, through
the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Wednesday 10 April
‘And many peoples and powerful nations will come to Jerusalem to seek the Lord
Almighty and to entreat him’ (Zechariah 8:22). May this verse serve as a prompt to
pray today for the peoples and nations of our world and their struggles and needs.

Thursday 11 April
‘From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem
and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of
the law…’ (Matthew 16:21). Jesus explains to his disciples what is involved in choosing
to walk with him. Let us reflect today on our discipleship and reaffirm our commitment
to follow Christ.

Friday 12 April
‘We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief
priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death’ (Matthew 20:18).
‘We are going,’ says Jesus to his followers. Pray for grace and strength to continue your
journey with Jesus, with eyes opened to his truth and a trustful heart.

Saturday 13 April
‘Coming up to them at that very moment, she [Anna] gave thanks to God and spoke
about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem’ (Luke
2:38). Words from the prophetess Anna over the infant Jesus find a poignant echo
in this Lenten season. The redemption of Jerusalem and the whole world beyond is
possible through this child. Give thanks!

Sunday 14 April – Palm Sunday
‘Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, as it is written: ‘Do not be afraid, Daughter
Zion; see, your king is coming, seated on a donkey’s colt’. (John 12:14). Jesus entered
Jerusalem as a humble pilgrim. Did anyone in the city recognise that this was the
fulfilment of Zechariah’s ancient prophecy? May our hearts be full of praise today for
our humble Lord.

 15 April
‘The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Very truly I tell you, unless a
grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies,
it produces many seeds’ (John 12:23,24). Jesus continues to teach his disciples, even in
his final days. May we pray for a willingness to commit our lives to the Lord, whatever
it may cost, that we may be fruitful disciples.
Tuesday 16 April
‘And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself’ (John 12:32).
Jesus said this to show the kind of death he was going to die. These words have been
fulfilled through the years. The Cross of Calvary has changed the world. Pray that
during this Holy Week the witness of Christ’s followers will continue to bring people
to Jesus.

Wednesday 17 April
‘It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him
to leave this world and go to the Father’ (John 13:1). Take time today to think about
the love expressed here by Jesus for ‘his own’, his disciples. How might this prompt
you to express love to those closest to you in actions and attitudes?

Thursday 18 April – Maundy Thursday
‘Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater
than the one who sent him’ (John 13:16,17). Jesus shares precious truths about being
a servant and being a messenger. Let us pray that we may not only know but also do
these things and enjoy the blessings promised by our Lord.

Friday 19 April – Good Friday
‘When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his
head and gave up his spirit’ (John 19:30). On this day Jesus was crucified on the cross
of Calvary. From the moment he said ‘It is finished’ our salvation was assured. Thank
you, Jesus, for your amazing love!

Saturday 20 April
‘Later, Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. Now Joseph was a
disciple of Jesus, but secretly because he feared the Jewish leaders’ (John 19:38).
May this verse today inspire prayers for followers of Christ who, even in our day and
age, must be secret disciples in lands where Christians are oppressed and persecuted
for their faith. May God grant his strength and protection.

Sunday 21 April – Easter Day
‘Finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw
and believed’ (John 20:8). On this Easter Day may we be found rejoicing with those
who have not seen the risen Christ but who nevertheless believe. Let us thank God
for the blessings received during our Lenten journey. He is risen! Hallelujah!
Scripture Focus – Psalm 63
Major Tanya Dooley (Support Officer, Retired Officers Unit THQ)

Monday 22 April – ‘You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you.’ (v1a)
What do we seek after? What takes our full attention? What or who do we live for?
God desires us to seek him. He longs to spend time with us. He wants to be our
priority. Lord, forgive us for chasing the things of this world. Help us to earnestly
seek you daily. Amen.

Tuesday 23 April – ‘I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you…’ (v1b)
Have you ever been really thirsty, especially on a hot day? All you can think of is
having a cold glass of water. How thirsty are you for God? Do you truly long for
him? Is he your soul’s desire? Ask Jesus, the Living Water, to quench your thirst

Wednesday 24 April – ‘I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power
and your glory.’ (v2)
In David’s day, the sanctuary was in Jerusalem. Today we are the sanctuary, with
God’s glory living in us (Romans 8:11). Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and
holy, tried and true. With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living sanctuary for you (by Randy
Scruggs). Amen.

Thursday 25 April – ‘Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify
you.’ (v3)
God’s love is amazing! His love saves, sustains and redeems us. God’s love is
everlasting; he will never stop loving us. Write a list of how God’s love has made a
difference in your life. Take time to praise him for these things.

Friday 26 April – ‘I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up
my hands.’ (v4)
God is worthy of our praise! Lifting hands in praise is an act of surrender and
acknowledgement that he is God and we’re not. This may feel uncomfortable, but
lift your hands in praise and surrender yourself to God again today.

Saturday 27 April – ‘I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods…’ (v5a)
Do you have a specific food you crave from time to time? Do you feel a sense of
satisfaction after you eat it? God wants us to crave for him. He is the Bread of Life.
Only he can satisfy our deepest need. Lord, I want you. Nothing else matters. You
alone can satisfy my heart. Amen.
Sunday 28 April – ‘…with singing lips my mouth will praise you.’ (v5b)
As an Army we love to sing. What a wonderful way to praise the Lord! Sing this
doxology as a prayer of praise: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him,
all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and
Holy Ghost. Amen.

Monday 29 April – ‘On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches
of the night.’ (v6)
Isn’t it horrible when we have a night of insomnia, rolling from side to side just trying
to get a bit of sleep? We can count sheep, but we can also take this time to be with
God, praying for ourselves and for others. Lord, help me to remember that even in
moments of sleeplessness you are with me. Help me to use this time to be with you.

Tuesday 30 April – ‘Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.’
So often the Bible talks about us sheltering under God’s wings. It’s a beautiful
analogy of us being hidden and protected from external elements. Praise God for his
love and safety and rest under his care today.

The Salvation Army, SA Prayer Network,
     101 Newington Causeway, London, SE1 6BN
     020 7369 4539

The Salvation Army is a Church and registered Charity in England and Wales
(214779), Scotland (SC009359) and the Republic of Ireland (CHY6399)
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