Valentine's Week Issue! - magazine FEBRUARY 11, 2008

Valentine's Week Issue! - magazine FEBRUARY 11, 2008



Valentine’s Week Issue!
FEBRUARY 11, 2008       Volume 8, No. 8
 FIRST                                                                 dolls and dolphins
                                                                       shira bender
                                                                       Shira thinks about the ultimate
                                                                       expression of unrequited love.

                                                                       Erica Tobin
                                                                       Erica braves mass transit for purely
                                                                       – well, almost purely - unselfish

                                        8       photo spotlight: hug fairy
                                                shelby prindaville

                                        9       It’s a branded world out there
                                                michael field
                                                Michael goes to war against ads and tries to survive in our brand-name culture.

                                    12          Review: in rainbows
                                                steve waye
                                                Steve listens as Radiohead breaks down musical and marketing boundaries.

                                    12          Comic: glass Half Empty
                                                Dan Markowitz

                                    14          photo spotlight: bath at night
                                                Michael sall

                                    16          crossword: valentine’s day
                                                The editors

                                                cover Cartoon: yue wu

   Contact                                      Contributors
                                                Editor-in-Chief: Michael Sall • Editors: Tim Potens, Benny Laitman, Erica Tobin, Dan Deutsch • Chief Design
                                                Editor: Charlie Isaacs • Chief Art Editor: Dan Markowitz • Webmaster: Tim Potens • Business Manager: Anna
           FIRST CALL, Kelly Writer’s House     Tolmach • Distribution Manager: Valeria Tsygankova • Treasurer: Rachael Hutchinson • Features Manager: Kathy
     3805 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104   Wang • Recruitment Manager: Rivka Fogel • Marketing Manager: Jun Park • Artists: Dan Markowitz, Yue Wu
             Columnists: Shira Bender, Erica Tobin • Writers: Michael Field, Steve Waye
                     Photographers: Shelby Prindaville, Michael Sall • Layout Artists: Valeria Tsygankova

2 FIRST CALL    February 11, 2008
Dear Lovers and Haters,
     Welcome to the first First Call
                                           no pink or red clothing items in sight,
                                           don’t stress. But don’t call one of those       EDITORIAL
Valentine’s Week issue. Now, most
of my FC team here would fall into
                                           lame depressed people hotlines either.
                                           (If there was a jkjkjkjkjk smiley face,                          POLICY
the second half of my addressees: the      I would be inserting one here.) Read
snarly haters who believe that the         First Call instead and listen to some       F irst C all is the undergraduate
glass is half empty and the sun won’t      Radiohead (see Steve’s review). It is       magazine of the U niversity of
come up tomorrow. That is, in fact,        okay if no one else loves you, because      P ennsylvania published every
the reason behind our issue title: Val-    we do. And we are better than every-
entine’s Week.                             one else anyway.                            other M onday . O ur mission
     As it seems, most of the First Call        So now that we have poured our         is to provide members of the
team believes that Valentine’s Day         hearts out to you, read on. Don’t leave     community an open forum for
has become way overblown and far           us unrequited in our lovin’. We are a
too big of a deal. Too C-O-M-M-E-          fun-loving bunch of writers - not so        expressing ideas and opinions .
R-C-I-A-L. Too much branding (see          much of a Romeo-and-Juliet-killed-          T o this end , we , the editors of
Michael’s article). They say it’s not a    themselves crowd. It’s not like read-
day anymore; it’s a week. An expen-        ing us is hard work. Our articles rock,
                                                                                       F irst C all , are committed to a
sive week. A stressful week. A useless     and you know it.                            policy of not censoring opin -
week. Speaking in extremely vague               And in this issue we tackle new,       ions . A rticles are provided by
electoral terms, the majority of the       modern, racy issues. Like interspe-
                                                                                       regular columnists and writ -
FC team hates Valentine’s Day. They        cies relationships (see Shira’s article).
really hate it.                            Seriously, no one else on campus will       ers . T hey are chosen for pub -
     But, they aren’t here to introduce    teach you about that. Maybe the Bio         lication based on the quality
you to Valentine’s Day — I am. You         Department, but they definitely won’t
might be on a suicide watch list if they   be as entertaining. You might even          of writing , and , in the case of
were. So we, the real lovers of Valen-     sleep through their version.                commentaries , the quality of
tine’s Day, aren’t going to talk about          If Valentine’s Day was like Christ-    argumentation .      O utside of the
all of those “we hate Hallmark” cynics.    mas, not reading First Call would leave
Instead, we will chat about Valentine’s    you with lots of coal in your stocking.     editorial and other editorial
Day’s fabulosity. Yes, fabulosity.         Maybe we can work something out             content , no article represents
     On Valentine’s Day, everyone can      with Godiva. “You’ve been naughty,
wear pink and red from head to toe.        now you get coal in your chocolates.”
                                                                                       the opinion of       F irst C all ,   its
How many other days can you do that        Eww. As I have already established,         editorial board , or individual
without looking like an Easter Bunny?      we here at FC are real lovers. Don’t        members of    F irst C all other
Okay, you might still look like an Eas-    make us go all doom and gloom be-
                                                                                       than the author . N o content
ter Bunny, but people can’t poke fun       cause we have to punish you.
at you for it. If they do, send them my                                                in F irst C all unlessotherwise
way. I’m tough, you know. (See the         Lots of lovin’ from the glass-half-full     stated represents the official
SEPTA article inside this issue.)          side of FC,
     If you are miserable and alone in         Erica Tobin                             position   of       the   administra -
your room because there are absolutely         Editor                                  tion , faculty , or student body
                                                                                       at large of the       U niversity     of

                a l l i s m                                                            P ennsylvania .

   fir     st c                 There are 3 things
                         First Call will never joke
                 about: the Underground Railroad,                                                                supported by
                                                                                                                 the kelly
                   Terrorists, and Michael Jordan.                                                                writers

                                                                                              FIRST CALL    February 11, 2008 3
4 FIRST CALL   February 11, 2008
                                                                       DOLPHINS  How to make your
                                                                                           Or not.

                                        S          haron and Cindy are in love.
Sharon is a 43–year-old Jewish millionaire from London. Cindy is a 35-year-old resort performer from Eilat, Israel.
They had a 15-year romance before getting married in 2005, during which time Sharon often traveled to Israel to visit
her sweetheart, according to the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth.
    Oh, and Cindy is a dolphin.
    At the wedding ceremony, Cindy’s trainers threw her some mackerel, after which Sharon herself jumped into the
water to swim with her new husband. Sharon says she is not a pervert. In fact, she claims to be “the happiest girl on
earth”. Only time will tell if Cindy is in fact the happiest Delphinidae.
    Interspecies marriages. Kind of makes you wonder what the whole institution of marriage is really about. There are
many in this country who would say that Sharon and Cindy are just as “married” as any gay or lesbian couple would say
                                                                                        FIRST CALL   February 11, 2008 5
of themselves. There are those who         humans who have sex for fun? Adds           stories, and things get a bit more...
would say that they are just as “mar-      a whole other sick layer to this story,     intense. Take Terry and Lucy for in-
ried” as any man and woman could           doesn’t it?                                 stance: “I have had my Lucy (shes a
be. If marriage is strictly a legal con-        The patrons of www.marryyour-          yellow lab) for 3 years. She is the best
tract, then it’s up to your government certainly believe that love is      thing that ever happened to me. We
whether you are in fact bound ‘till        all you need. The site itself has a kind    love going for long walks and fetch-
death. If it’s a spiritual thing, then     of joking quality to it: the front page     ing the bone. I was married until
maybe your local deity has to call the     reads, “So you’ve found your partner        Lucy came along. My wife met my
shots. And if it’s just about “love” in    for life, only thing is - he’s an animal.   needs, but she was nothing compared
all its pink, red, chocolaty, mushy        Not just that he leaves hair in the         to my little Lucy.” I don’t even want
glory, then Sharon and Cindy will in-      bath and has abominable table man-          to think about what kind of “needs”
deed be swimming side by side for all      ners, but that really he’s an animal,       little Lucy was meeting better than
of eternity.                               i.e. with feathers, scales or whatnot.”     his wife could.
     And did you know that dolphins             But then you get to the section             And then there’s Jacob and Sally

are the only mammals other than            where people can post their own love        McMan: “I went to Petco around a
                                                                                       year ago when I was looking through
                                                                                       the hamster section. I’ve always
                                                                                       wanted a hamster, I didn’t know I’d
                                                                                       be finding the love of my life. Jacob
                                                                                       was in the wheel, working out. He’s
                   I’m not just                                                        a strong little guy; very buff and has
                                                                                       a great body. I’d given up on men.
                                                                                       No one ever loved me! And I loved

                   writing to                                                          so much! But no man ever said he
                                                                                       loved me or cared for me or told me
                                                                                       I was amazing... So when I gave up
                                                                                       on men, I became lonely and bought

                   judge these                                                         Jacob. Jacob is a grey hamster. ..We
                                                                                       have fallen in love and I am about to
                                                                                       propose soon. He has given me love

                   people, al-                                                         no man could ever give! I know he
                                                                                       can’t say it, but I know he wants to,
                                                                                       he thinks I’m beautiful and amaz-
                                                                                       ing! He loves me, and boy do I love

                   though I do                                                         him!”

                                                                                            Well, at least he’s got a great

                                                                                            But these people have found

                   have my own                                                         happiness, right? Isn’t that all that
                                                                                       really matters in this cold hard rat
                                                                                       race of ours? To find a warm beating

                   qualms with                                                         heart to sleep next to at night?
                                                                                            Actually, scratch that. There are
                                                                                       those who don’t even need the beat-
                                                                                       ing heart thing – they have found

                   using ani-                                                          love in inanimate objects, a phenom-
                                                                                       enon that was recently investigated
                                                                                       in a BBC documentary, “Love Me,
                                                                                       Love My Doll.” The movie follows
                   mals for…                                                           the lives of a group of men who have
                                                                                       fallen in love with their $10,000.00
                                                                                       life-size “real dolls.” The dolls are

                   untoward                                                            made to the buyers’ specifications,
                                                                                       from eye color to cup size to down-
                                                                                       there hair color and consistency.
                                                                                       At first you might think of them as

                   purposes.                                                           glorified sex toys, but after watching
                                                                                       these men literally groom, change,
                                                                                       bathe, and cook for their dolls, I’ve
                                                                                       started to question the whole unre-
 6 FIRST CALL   February 11, 2008
quited love thing. I mean, if it really
hurts that much to be in love with
someone who doesn’t love you back,
then how do these men get by? Their
women don’t even have a pulse.
                                                         At first you
     When it comes down to it, most
people believe that love must go
both ways. If you love someone who
doesn’t love you back, then you are
                                                     might think of
someone to be pitied and hopefully
empowered to leave the relation-
ship. And if you love someone who
                                                      them as glori-
can’t love you back, like your pet or
your doll, then you are immediately
labeled as a bit off-kilter, if not certi-
fiably insane.
                                                   fied sex toys, but
     But I’m not just writing to judge
these people, although I do have
my own qualms with using animals
for...untoward purposes. Rather, my
                                                    after watching
point is to consider their actions in
terms of what it really means to be
happily in love. Can a relationship
                                                 these men literal-
really ever be truly happy if it is a
completely selfish existence? Let’s
say I love my cat, and I convince my-
self that my cat loves me back. Then,
                                                  ly groom, change,
haven’t I done this entirely for my
own pleasure? I may believe that my
cat is also gaining from the relation-
ship (beyond his food and scratchy
                                                    bathe, and cook
post thing), but unless I truly am
clinically insane, I have to know and
understand deep down that my cat
                                                for their dolls, I’ve
does not and cannot love me the way
that human beings love one another.
     That’s nothing against cats - they
just don’t have the upper brain func-
                                                   started to ques-
tion. And if you’re one of those be-
lievers in cat souls, then fine, use the
doll example instead. A doll cannot                  tion the whole
love. Simple as that. A man in a re-
lationship with a doll is in it entirely
for his own happiness. And maybe
he’s actually happier than the man
in a relationship with a live woman
who doesn’t love him back – at least
this way he doesn’t have to deal with
feelings of inadequacy. But really,
                                                    love thing.
they all say it right there in the docu-
mentary that they are happier with
their dolls than they’ve ever been           good a day (editor’s note: week) as   I guess this is all just a roundabout
with real women. They are happier            any to recognize how lucky we are     way of saying: don’t take people for
to not have to actually give anything        to love people who have their own     granted. Because the next time your
of themselves to another person. Or          agendas and lives and hopes and       pet is giving you that sexy “I want
so they say. I don’t buy it.                 dreams. They don’t exist for our      you” look, he’s probably just asking
     If these people can teach us any-       pleasure; they’re not our dolls and   for food. And that’s it. FC
thing, it’s to appreciate the human-         dolphins. We’re just lucky enough
ity of the people we love. I know that       to have bumped into them, to get to      Shira Bender is a senior in the College.
sounds cliché, but Valentine’s is as         know them, and to be close to them.       You can write to her at shiratb@sas.

                                                                                           FIRST CALL     February 11, 2008 7
photo spotlight:
                                     Hug Fairy,
                                   Shelby Prindaville

                                          Shelby Prindaville is a senior in the College. You can write to her at shelbyp@sas.

8 FIRST CALL   February 11, 2008
It’s A Branded World Out There
                           Surviving the Advertising Onslaught
                                                 Michael Field

I  was browsing newsstands the other
   day looking to supplement my fix of
The New York Times, Sports Illustrat-
                                          Ford’s next adventure as the in-over-
                                          his-head professor and archeologist.
                                               I bought the magazine and head-
                                                                                       zine was filled with failed attempts at
                                                                                       political humor and essays on spoiled,
                                                                                       wealthy, European royalty.
ed, and the final issue of Y: The Last    ed home, my journey for nighttime                 It was then that I came to a grim
Man when my eyes happened across          reading successful. I settled in and,        realization. Vanity Fair isn’t about
a glorious sight. The February issue of   with a madman’s fervor, began to dive        the articles, but rather the hundreds
Vanity Fair sported a cover adorned       into the magazine.                           of pages of advertisements. To get
by Harrison Ford wearing a classic fe-         Slowly, page by page, my enthu-         to the articles in the magazine I was
dora hat, brown leather jacket, and a     siasm lessened. It wasn’t until page         forced to flip through page after page
bullwhip.                                 58 that I found the first article, a less-   of designer ads flouting pictures of
     The cover loudly proclaimed,         than-satisfying letter from the editor.      half-dressed celebrities sporting ei-
“INDY’S BACK!” and I immediately          The real first article of the magazine       ther ball gowns or underwear.
picked it up. After growing up on a       did not begin until page 96. While                You might think I’m being a bit
steady supply of Star Wars and Indi-      the Indiana Jones article was satisfy-       over the top here, but let me take you
ana Jones, I was ready for Harrison       ing, albeit brief, the rest of the maga-     on a little walk through the beginning
                                                                                               FIRST CALL   February 11, 2008 9
of this magazine. When you open it         stead of majoring in Cinema Studies       being about wasn’t my experience with
up you are immediately assaulted by        I had to switch to Wharton - no, to a     Vanity Fair, which I’ll never repeat,
ads for Emporio Armani, Estée Laud-        dual-degree program. It would be a        but rather a brand-name lifestyle. It
er, Gucci, Christian Dior, Saks Fifth      dual degree of Political Science and      has permeated our society so deeply
Avenue, Louis Vuitton, and Prada.          Business. With a minor in Legal Stud-     that it has become impossible to es-
It continues unhindered like this for      ies. Then, when I make six-figures        cape. In 1997, over 200 billion dollars
more than 20 pages before you finally      my first year out of an Ivy League law    were spent on advertising. It is be-
come across the table of contents. The     school, I can return to King of Prus-     cause of this that now, when you buy a
barrage of ads then continues in the       sia and spend the four-thousand dol-      shirt with a Nike swoosh or a Lacoste
vain hope that one of them will rise       lars needed to buy that one coat that I   alligator on it, you are not only buying
above the rest and convince you to         didn’t even like that much.               a piece of clothing but also a lifestyle.
spend absurd amounts of money on                But you don’t even need to travel    We are all living it now. That’s why
perfume or clothing.                       all the way to King of Prussia to come    we’re at Penn, why your neighbor is
     Reading this issue of Vanity Fair     to the same conclusion that I did. A      in Wharton, and why you are going to
reminded me of a similar experience        trip down Walnut St. will suffice. In     law school.
last semester. I had just attended a       the course of a simple afternoon, one          It is with this in mind that I urge
panel run by Career Services entitled      could easily spend hundreds of dollars    you: fight against brands. Ignore the
“Major In What You Love.” After the        after stops in Starbucks, Gap, Barnes     advertisements, the slow movement of
panel I was psyched for my Cinema          & Noble, and American Apparel on          your hand being drawn to your wallet,
Studies major, which would allow me        the way to or from classes.               and the smug Wharton student who
to be happy the rest of my life even if         The saddest part of all of this is   lives in the dorm room next to yours.
I was waiting tables in L.A. hoping        that even in a piece deriding the abun-   Major in what you love and get your
someone would discover my over-            dance of advertising and brand labels     medium-wage job regardless of what
looked screenplays.                        in every aspect of our lives at Penn,     post-undergraduate education any-
     Then I took a trip to King of Prus-   I still couldn’t help but drop brand      one else thinks you should get.
sia mall.                                  names left and right throughout the            Either that or go to law school.
     It was somewhere between La-          article. I make fun of Vanity Fair for    After all, that’s my plan. FC
coste and Burberry (so around Cart-        front-loading the magazine with ads,
ier, Tiffany’s, Armani Exchange, and       while at the same time I name drop
Hugo Boss) that I realized I couldn’t      brands all through my first sentence.      Michael Field is a freshman in the College.
live that sort of life to be happy. In-         I guess what this article ended up      You can write to him at fieldmb@sas.

     I love the beach,
      but I wish I was
       at First Call...
     Come to our
     next meeting,
     Feb. 12th at 8pm
     in the Harnwell
     (HRE) upper lobby.

10 FIRST CALL   February 11, 2008
                           super exceptional people take A-Train
                               Erica Tobin: To-Bin Or Not To-Bin
I   might seem tough. I might seem
    like the kind of person who picks
fights and makes people shake in their
                                           is underground. If you ask me, all
                                           things underground are sketchy. Ex-
                                           cept the Underground Railroad. But,
                                                                                      than ten dollar cab rides. I’m also
                                                                                      saving my life; the locked cab doors
                                                                                      convinced me of that fact.
boots with one icy glare. I might seem     let’s ignore that exception to the rule.        Most importantly, though, I am
so tough that you’d imagine people               Before taking SEPTA, I had seen      saving the world! (Insert goofy high
cross to the other side of the street      lots of creeps. The difference now         five here.) That’s right. I am keeping
when they see me. (Well, that is, if       with SEPTA was that I wasn’t locked        the air clean with my newfound love
pink lip gloss and pastel sweaters re-     in a vehicle with those creeps. So, I      of mass transit. At least this was my
ally freak you out.) But I’ll let you in   braced myself for my first real SEPTA      initial grandiose belief. So I checked
on a little secret: I actually                                                                    the facts.
have an inner wimp.                                                                                    As it turns out, the
      This inner wimp has                                                                         Environmental Protection
been taking a real hold of                                                                        Agency estimates that traf-
one particular aspect of my                                                                       fic jams alone waste nine
life lately. Here’s a clue:                                                                       billion gallons of gas a year.
it’s not a bird or a plane…                                                                       I’m a gas-saving commuter
it’s SEPTA. A girl can only                                                                       now. WOOT! Further-
walk so far when she is                                                                           more, the UrbanPlanet In-
wearing five inch heels.                                                                          stitute estimates that every
      I’ll be the first to admit                                                                  one dollar invested in pub-
that I thoroughly enjoy our                                                                       lic transportation projects
“Penn Bubble.” Not to slap                                                                        generates between four
too much praise on our su-                                                                        and nine dollars in local
per campus, but all of the                                                                        economic activity. So, you
essentials are here. Star-                                                                        see, I’m investing in our
bucks? We have two, or                                                                            City of Brotherly Love and
three. Breakfast? Au Bon                                                                          avoiding crazy locked-door
Pain muffins rock my world.                                                                       drives when I take SEPTA.
Real food, with a little less                                                                          I understand the urge
sugar? Check. Clothing                                                                            to stay within the comfy
stores? I didn’t leave the                                                                        confines of our “Penn Bub-
“Bubble” until recently, and                                                                      ble” as much as anyone.
I haven’t had to run any er-                                                                      And those of you who al-
rands naked yet. Speaking                                                                         ready take SEPTA have my
of running… Pottruck Gym,                                                                         permission to laugh at me
people!                                                                                           (even though I am now of-
      Well, this semester I found myself   trip. I headed over to Fresh Grocer        ficially tough because I use SEPTA).
going downtown more and more of-           and bought my tokens - cash only.               But, if you don’t already take
ten. I also found my cab drivers be-       Looking back, it seems so simple. I        SEPTA, I suggest that you try it out.
coming increasingly weird. (Red eyes,      buy tokens all the time now. At that       You’ll feel so accomplished. You’ll fi-
scary radio, and locked doors. There       time, however, I was sure that I was       nally be able to tell the SEPTA survey
were no real issues, but I felt like my    about to die. I could see the newspa-      people on Locust Walk that you do use
luck was bound to run out eventually.)     per headlines: “Student SEPTA Ride         SEPTA. You will sleep like a baby at
I thought about SEPTA. I know most         Takes Turn for the Worst.”                 night because you know you are sav-
Penn kids don’t think safety and then           I trembled the whole way to the       ing Mother Earth. And (chances are)
immediately think of SEPTA, but            subway station. Then, I used a token.      you won’t end up being the material
trust me. If you met my cabdrivers,        I waited for the subway. I made it         for that dreaded headline on the front
you too would suddenly think “SEP-         down to Center City alive and in one       page of the Inquirer.
TA = safety.”                              piece. It was fabbuloousss.                     Fingers crossed. FC
      There is only one problem. My             I am a SEPTA junkie now, and
past experiences with SEPTA have also      I’m okay with it. I’m saving my pen-           Erica Tobin is a junior in the College.
included creepy people. Plus, SEPTA        nies; SEPTA tokens cost much less              You can write to her at ericamt@sas.

                                                                                               FIRST CALL     February 11, 2008 11
REVIEW: In rainbows
     The Defining Work of a Band That Will Define Our Generation
                                                           Steven Waye
A    s a rule, few events arouse ex-
     citement within the hipster
community. It’s cool not to care,
unless it means caring about
something that has no right being
cool. Like androgyny. And soccer.
With this in mind, the frenzied
flocking of the indie masses to
the internet this past October to
get their ears on In Rainbows,
Radiohead’s most recent offer-
ing of sonic wizardry, was truly
an event worth taking note of.
It was a virtual Woodstock of
sorts for a 21st century audi-
ence, with hippies and hal-
lucinogens being replaced
by hipsters and hard-drives,
and the crashing of InRain- speaking just as
loudly as Arlo Guthrie’s
now-famous proclama-
tion “The New York State
Thruway’s closed, man.”
     Yet at this point
in their career, Radio-
head can no longer be
dismissed simply as the
darling of a niche group of scenest-
ers. The rousing commercial success               mass appeal is
of Radiohead’s outside-the-industry               such that they have become
release is clear evidence of much more            an embodiment of the independent
than a sporadic burst of enthusiasm by            ethos: become universally adored
an alternative audience. Radiohead’s              by selling out to no one but your-

       Dan Markowitz is a freshman in Engineering. You can write to him at idaniel@seas and visit his website at

12 FIRST CALL    February 11, 2008
self. The band’s airplay has stretched     with all the great inconsistencies of             ENTRY LEVEL HR POSITIONS
far beyond grungy coffeehouses and         life by treating them exactly as they                  @ GOLDMAN SACHS
dusty basements. The estimated pro-        are, joyful and melancholy and beau-       Advantage Human Resources is seeking
liferation (1.2 million downloads the      tiful and confusing and wildly celebra-    candidates for entry level HR positions at
                                                                                      Goldman Sachs. The individual who fills
day after its release, according to a      tory all at once. Greenwood’s versatile    this position will be employed full-time report) of their        guitar work perfectly supports Yorke’s     by Advantage Human Resourcing, and
                                                                                      assigned to work with Advantage clients.
free-of-charge internet release sup-       falsetto as he strains at the edges of a   Your assignment will be at Goldman
ports this claim. I’ve made Radio-         universally human feeling of existen-      Sachs. In that capacity, available positions
head devotees of Classic Rock junk-        tial angst, and the ensuing tension is     include:
ies, hardcore aficionados, and Justin      enough to make the listener simulta-              ● Campus/Diversity Recruiting
Timberlake fans alike. And it’s not as     neously renounce life completely and              ● Training Coordinators
if Radiohead were exactly hurting for      fall in love with it all over again.       If interested, please email resume to
popular or financial success before In                                       with “HR-GS” in the
Rainbows, their seventh full-length                       Track 1:                    subject line
release. Despite their artistic mean-      15 Step – Thom and the boys come
derings, they have enjoyed a wide base     back kickin’ on the opening track, an
of support ever since the release of the   open invitation to the manic dance
critically acclaimed OK Computer in        party running through Yorke’s head.
1997. So what is it about Radiohead,
despite the band’s decidedly pioneer-                    Best line:
ing sound, that allows them to achieve     “You used to be alright, what hap-
such widespread adulation?                 pened? Did the cat get your tongue,
     In reference to the lyrical content
on the new album, frontman Thom
Yorke says, “It’s about that anonymous
                                           did your string come undone, one by
                                           one?”                                              Submit
fear thing, sitting in traffic, think-                     Track 2:
ing, ‘I’m sure I’m supposed to be do-
ing something else.’” The sometimes
dreamy, sometimes danceable beats
                                           Bodysnatchers – Greenwood lets
                                           loose on the guitar as he hasn’t done
                                           since OK Computer’s “Electioneering”.
that serve as a backdrop for Yorke’s       In the worst of the great 20th century
lyrical musings about paranoia, sub-       poet Fred Durst, makes you wanna
urban entrapment and romantic disil-       “break stuff ”.
lusionment recreate the sort of lyrical
tension that The Beatles often per-
fected. It takes a truly gifted lyricist
to write a sing-along about arson or
                                                          Best line:
                                           “Do the lights go out for you? Because
                                           the lights go out for me.”
heroin addiction, and like John Len-
non before him, Thom Yorke manages
to reconcile dark imagery with beauti-
ful melody more adroitly than any of
his peers. In Rainbows exhibits what
                                                          Track 3:
                                           Nude – Lush, soaring, pop ballad.
                                           The kind of song Chris Martin dreams
                                           about writing. Their best work since
is easily Yorke’s best work since OK
Computer. Without denying the bleak
mechanical brilliance of their output
                                           “How to Disappear Completely”.

                                                        Best Line:
from the Kid A/Amnesiac era, the band
occasionally got too bogged down in
their experimentation with dub and
                                           “You paint yourself white and fill in
                                           the noise, but there’ll be something
electronica and churned out material
that was at times too inhuman to con-
nect with the listener. Yorke’s haunt-
ing wail is one of the band’s greatest
                                                           Track 4:
                                           Weird Fishes/Arpeggi – Opens as a
                                           minimalistic fingerpicking tune, tak-
assets, and when paired with Jonny         ing the listener on a full tour through
Greenwood’s soaring string arrange-        Yorke’s weird ocean, full of rippling
ments and biting guitars, the results      starts and stops.
are stunning. In Rainbows sees Ra-
diohead laying down their synthetic                      Best Line:
drum kits and vox modulators, admit-       “Turn me on to phantoms I follow to
ting that each new album does not          the edge of the earth, and fall off. Ev-
have to be a complete reinvention in       erybody leaves, if they get the chance,
order to be a masterpiece. They deal       and this is my chance.”
                                                                                              FIRST CALL    February 11, 2008 13
photo spotlight:
                                    bath at night
                                      michael sall

                                        Michael Sall is a junior in the College and Wharton. You can write to him at sallms@sas.

14 FIRST CALL   February 11, 2008
Track 5:                                 Best Line:
All I Need – Crunchy synth bass line       “I don’t wanna be your friend, I just               First, I studied art history.
throbs over top of a thin layer of war-    wanna be your lover, no matter how it               Now, I manage operations.
bling strings.    The quintessential       ends, no matter how it starts.                      At McMaster-Carr, we welcome all academic back-
Radiohead atmosphere piece. What                                                               grounds. In fact, many of our successful managers were
happens when the self-deceiving sub-                     Track 9:                              led by curiosity to study such non-business fields as abstract
                                                                                               math, biology, or political science. Others pursued degrees
urbanite from “No Surprises” starts        Jigsaw Falling Into Place – Their                   in fields like accounting, computer science, or industrial
being desperately honest with him-         most straightforward rock song since                engineering. Regardless of their majors, their intelligence,
                                                                                               creativity, and passion for details enable them to thrive here.
self.                                      The Bends. It’s refreshing to hear
                                                                                               Our customers know us as a one-stop shop for indus-
                                           Radiohead sounding like an actual                   trial widgets of all types and sizes. Our employees know
            Best Line:                     band instead of a cohort of manic de-               us as a unique business run like no other. We develop
“I’m an animal, trapped in your hot        pressive computers. Maintains the                   our own catalog and engage in intensive market research.
                                                                                               We write our own software systems in-house. We run our
car.”                                      tension and edge of the rest of the                 operations with passion and precision. We rely on our own
                                           album without the usual dramatics.                  expertise for continual process improvement.
             Track 6:                                                                          Do you want to continue learning in a vibrant setting?
                                                                                               Our management development career path will give you
Faust Arp – Sticky sweet string bal-                      Best Line:                           the opportunity to learn all aspects of our unique business,
lad masks Yorke’s spoken-word ex-          “The walls abandon shape, you’ve got                from catalog development and market research to finance,
haustion. Mostly filler, the eye of the    a cheshire cat grin. All blurring into              software development, and product distribution. This cross-
                                                                                               functional exposure will allow you to build the knowledge
storm.                                     one, this place is on a mission.”                   and experience that is critical to becoming a leader in our
               Best Line:                                 Track 10:                            We will be coming to campus to interview for this unique role.
                                                                                               Opportunities exist at each of our locations:
“It’s what you feel now, what you ought    Videotape – More subdued than one                           • Atlanta, GA • Chicago, IL • Cleveland, OH
to, what you ought to. Reasonable          expects from a Radiohead closer, Yorke                            • Los Angeles, CA • Princeton, NJ
and sensible, dead from the neck up,       sounds restrained in both his lyrical
because I’m stuffed, stuffed, stuffed.”    droning and his tired, repetitive piano
                                           playing. An elegy of sorts, as close to  
                Track 7:                   “at peace” as we’ve ever heard from the                Resume Submission Deadline:
                                                                                                        February 13, 2008
Reckoner – Every now and then these        band, and we get the sense that Yorke                 Info Session: February 21, 2008
guys write something that makes me         is almost (gasp!) happy as the album              Campus Interviews: February 22, 2008
wanna just start dancing for joy, and      rolls away into the distance to the
I just don’t give a shit what Yorke is     rhythm of a firing squad drum beat.
wailing about.                             A perfect ending to a masterpiece. U Penn 2.25x4.5.indd 1                      1/25/2008 11:54:01 AM

             Best Line:                                  Best Line:
“Because we separate, it ripples our       “No matter what happens now I won’t
reflection.”                               be afraid, because I know today has
                                           been the most perfect day I’ve ever
               Track 8:                    seen.” FC
House of Cards – A dreamy, punch-
drunk ode to the moment. Opening
lyrics sound kind of like they belong in
a Rod Stewart song. And I mean that         Steven Waye is a sophomore in the College.
in the very best way possible.             You can write to him at

                                                                                              EARN MASTERS IN INTERNATIONAL
Re-introducing:                                                                                  STUDIES WHILE LIVING AND
                                                                                               WORKING IN CHINA FOR A YEAR!

                                                                                                    FIND OUT MORE!

   First Blog
                                                                                                                  OR Contact:
                                                                                                         Faith McKinney                                                Telephone: 800-229-1200 x1150

                                                                                                         FIRST CALL            February 11, 2008 15
spreading some love
1. Faith Hill song: “Caught up in the
___, the slow and steady rush”
5. Title of song: “Killing me softly
with his ___”
11. Title of Marvin Gaye song: “We’re
all sensitive people”
12. Whitney Houston song: “I will
always love you... you are my ___”
13. Meg Ryan can’t sleep, so much
fucking rain.
14. Adam’s love. What guy wouldn’t
love a woman made of ribs? Mmmm...
15. Ross FINALLY got together with
her in the end.
17. Movie      heartthrob     +    UN
Ambassador = Lots of kids
18. She was too good for the Beast.
19. Scientology couple. Also, strangely
enough, a kind of housepet-gone-
23. Title of Sade song: “He’s loved in
seven languages”
24. William Shakespeare’s “star-
crossed lovers”
25. The Beatles thought all they
needed was love, until she broke up
the band.
26. Bonnie’s partner-in-crime
DOWN                                      6. She actually married a tobacco        10. Title of NSync song: “Keeping
2. Best-selling aphrodisiac on V-day,     baron, not John Smith. Hey, money        your faith when it’s gone”
besides Viagra, which comes in a close    talks.                                   16. Elvis song: ____ Hotel
second.                                   7. Affleck couple name: both times       20. Marge’s hairless counterpart
3. These are forever (and fresh from      8. Meg Ryan has an orgasm (in this       21. Ken’s plasticized playmate
the De Beers mine in Rhodesia).           movie - not in real life, of course).    22. Bert’s “partner” (Yes, we mean it
4. Celine Dion song: “Love can touch      9. Title of BSB song: “There you were,   like that.)
us one time and last for a ___”           wild and free”
 Visit our online home at
         and post your comments. So we feel popular.
16 FIRST CALL   February 11, 2008
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