Page created by Harold Barnett
A Monthly Bulletin of Defence Research
                        nEWSLETTER                      and Development Organisation
                                                                            ISSN: 0971-4391

www.drdo.gov.in                FEBRUARY   2019   |    volume     39     |      issue     2

     DRDO Showcased Indigenous Defence
     technologies in Republic Day Parade

Tot >> p06                                               Sports round-up>> p16
Events>> p7                                                    Drdo series >> p18
Hrd activities >> p14                                                 Visits >> p20
DRDO Newsletter

                                                                 FEBRUARY 2019
                                                                 Volume 39 | Issue 2
                                                                 ISSN: 0971-4391

Cover story                                                                            04
DRDO Showcased Indigenous Defence Technologies in Republic Day Parade

Innovation                                                                             05
ToT                                                                                    06

2   FEBRUARY 2019                          www.drdo.gov.in
DRDO newsletter

              EVENTS                                                               07       Personnel news                                              17
              HRD ACTIVITIES                                                       14       DRDO SERIES                                                18
              SPORTS ROUND-UP                                                      16       infra development                                           20

                                                                                            Visits                                                     20

                                                           39th Year of Publication

Editor-in-Chief: Dr Alka Suri                                                                           Website: https://www.drdo.gov.in/drdo/pub/
Managing Editor: B Nityanand
Editor: Manoj Kumar
                                                                                                        Please mail your feedback at:
Editorial Assistance: Biak Tangpua                                                                      director@desidoc.drdo.in
Multimedia: RK Bhatnagar
Printing: SK Gupta, Hans Kumar                                                                          Contact: 011-23902403; 23902474
Distribution: Tapesh Sinha, RP Singh                                                                    Fax: 011-23819151

Local Correspondents
Ahmednagar: Lt Col. AK Singh, Vehicles Research & Development Establishment (VRDE); Ambernath: Dr Susan Titus, Naval Materials Research Laboratory (NMRL);
Chandipur: Shri Santosh Munda, Integrated Test Range (ITR); Bengaluru: Shri Subbukutti S, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE); Smt MR Bhuvaneswari,
Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS); Smt Faheema AGJ, Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (CAIR); Ms Tripty Rani Bose, Centre for Military Airworthiness &
Certification (CEMILAC); Smt Josephine Nirmala M, Defence Avionics Research Establishment (DARE); Shri Kiran G, Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE); Shri
Venkatesh Prabhu, Electronics & Radar Development Establishment (LRDE); Dr Vishal Kesari, Microwave Tube Research & Development Centre (MTRDC); Chandigarh:
Dr HS Gusain, Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment (SASE); Dr Prince Sharma, Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory (TBRL); Chennai: Shri PD Jayaram,
Combat Vehicles Research & Development Establishment (CVRDE); Dehradun: Shri Abhai Mishra, Defence Electronics Applications Laboratory (DEAL); Shri JP Singh,
Instruments Research & Development Establishment (IRDE); Delhi: Shri Ashutosh Bhatnagar, Centre for Personnel Talent Management (CEPTAM); Dr Dipti Prasad,
Defence Institute of Physiology & Allied Sciences (DIPAS); Dr Dolly Bansal, Defence Institute of Psychological Research (DIPR); Shri Navin Soni, Institute of Nuclear
Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS); Shri Anurag Pathak, Institute for Systems Studies & Analyses (ISSA); Dr Indu Gupta, Laser Science & Technology Centre (LASTEC);
Ms Noopur Shrotriya, Scientific Analysis Group (SAG); Dr Rupesh Kumar Chaubey, Solid State Physics Laboratory (SSPL); Gwalior: Shri RK Srivastava, Defence R&D
Establishment (DRDE); Haldwani: Dr Atul Grover, Defence Institute of Bio-Energy Research (DIBER); Hyderabad: Shri Hemant Kumar, Advanced Systems Laboratory
(ASL); Shri Pramod K Jha, Centre for Advanced Systems (CAS); Dr JK Rai, Advanced Numerical Research & Analysis Group (ANURAG); Ms Bidisha Lahiri, Centre for High
Energy Systems & Sciences (CHESS); Shri ARC Murthy, Defence Electronics Research Laboratory (DLRL); Dr Manoj Kumar Jain, Defence Metallurgical Research
 Laboratory (DMRL); Dr K Nageswara Rao, Defence Research & Development Laboratory (DRDL); Shri Lalith Shankar, Research Centre Imarat (RCI); Jagdalpur:
Dr Gaurav Agnihotri, SF Complex (SFC); Jodhpur: Shri Ravindra Kumar, Defence Laboratory (DL); Kanpur: Shri AK Singh, Defence Materials & Stores Research &
Development Establishment (DMSRDE); Kochi: Smt MM Letha, Naval Physical & Oceanographic Laboratory (NPOL); Leh: Dr Dorjey Angchok, Defence Institute of High
Altitude Research (DIHAR); Mussoorie: Dr Gopa B Choudhury, Institute of Technology Management (ITM); Mysuru: Dr M Palmurugan and Shri NV Nagraj, Defence
Food Research Laboratory (DFRL); Pune: Dr (Mrs) JA Kanetkar, Armament Research and Development Establishment (ARDE); Dr Vijay Pattar, Defence Institute of
Advanced Technology (DIAT); Shri AM Devale, High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL); Shri SS Arole, Research & Development Establishment (Engrs)
[R&DE (E)]; Tezpur: Dr Jayshree Das, Defence Research Laboratory (DRL);
Visakhapatnam: Dr (Mrs) V Vijaya Sudha, Naval Science & Technological Laboratory (NSTL)

                                                                         www.drdo.gov.in                                                   FEBRUARY 2019           3
Cover story

DRDO Showcased Indigenous Defence
technologies in Republic Day Parade
       RDO displayed indigenously       Armoured Recovery and Repair           procurement of ARRV. These would
       designed     and    developed    Vehicle (Arjun ARRV). Armoured         be manufactured by M/s BEML.
       Medium range Surface-to-         recovery and repair vehicles ensure        Besides, the Air Force Tableau
Air Missile (MRSAM), Akash, in the      efficient and speedy repair and        titled ‘Indian Air Force Encouraging
Republic Day Parade 2019. MRSAM         recovery operations during combat.     Indigenization’ showcased        the
is an Air and Missile Defence (AMD)     Arjun AARV has been developed to       scaled-down models of the aircraft,
system intended for the protection      meet the needs of Arjun MBT regiment   radar and missile system developed
of own territories and ground forces    for recovery and repair functions of   indigenously. The models displayed
against attacks by enemy aircraft and   Arjun MBT. The indigenous system       included Light Combat Aircraft, Low-
guided weapons.                         is comparable with contemporary        Level Light Weight Radar, and Akash
    DRDO also showcased Arjun           ARVs. The DAC has approved the         Missile System.

4    FEBRUARY 2019                                  www.drdo.gov.in
Innovation                                                               DRDO newsletter

ANURAG & RIC build Indigenous Radiation
Fault Tolerant Platform for Aerial on-
board Computer Applications
        dvanced Numerical Research          based on the RISC architecture             technology has become an indispensable
        and Analysis Group (ANURAG),        suitable for multi-tasking applications.   part of any control computer for land
        Hyderabad, and Research and         The     ABACUS        architecture   has   and aerial applications. Added to
Innovation Centre (RIC), Chennai            been converted in to fault tolerant        the fact the effect of radiation is now
have designed, developed, integrated        architecture by incorporating Triple       prevalent even at ground level due to
and validated indigenous ABACUS             Modular Redundancy (TMR) and Single        reduction in transistor feature size
processor-based       Radiation    Fault    Error Correction and Double Error          dimension, the technology is in demand
Tolerant and Secure Platform (FTSP)         Detection (SEC-DED) techniques. The        for the commercial, automobile,
for various DRDO aerial on-board            processor is supported by a compiler       medical, nuclear, banking applications
computer applications. The primary          tool chain and Integrated Development      and many more.
objective of the research was to evolve a   Environment (IDE).                            The hardware optimization for
computing platform, which can mitigate          The fault tolerant computing           specific application, environmental
the effects/faults generated due to         platform in FPGA with real-time sensors    qualification, radiation testing and
cosmic radiation. This research paves       used in aerial vehicle with 1553B, AHRS,   certification would be planned based on
way to addresses the denial of radiation    GPS, pressure sensor, RF link, etc., was   the application mapping and the trial
hardened technology products for            developed by RIC Chennai.                  results, by user labs.
strategic applications, which primarily         The     strong      potential    and      A patent has been filed on “Method
fall under the export control category      demonstrated capability led the user       and a System for Simulating Single
and are expensive.                          labs to initiate application mapping       Event Upsets in Digital Logics in Design
    The fault tolerant computing            to gain the reliability advantage,         Stage” through Directorate of ER&IPR
platform is based on ANURAG’s               using the fault tolerant hardware for      DRDO HQ.
ABACUS processor­—a 32-bit processor        various applications. The fault tolerant

                                                      www.drdo.gov.in                                     FEBRUARY 2019      5

    Successful Flight Test of LRSAM
          hip launched Long Range                                                       Industries (IAI), Israel for the Indian
          Surface-to-Air Missile (LRSAM)                                                Navy.
          was successfully test fired from                                                  Raksha Mantri Smt Nirmala
    INS Chennai against an incoming                                                     Sitharaman congratulated DRDO,
    aerial target flying at low altitude                                                Indian Navy and associated team
    on 24 January 2019. The missile                                                     members. India achieves a significant
    destroyed the target with a direct                                                  milestone with successful flight test of
    hit. All the mission objectives were                                                LRSAM on board INS Chennai. The
    successfully met.                                                                   missile directly hit a low flying aerial
        LRSAM has been jointly developed                                                target, said the twitter handle of Smt
    by DRDO, and M/s Israel Aerospace                                                   Nirmala Sitharaman.

NSTL transfers technologies for MIST
and Mareech
         aval Science and Technological
         Laboratory             (NSTL),
         Vishakapatnam,      transferred
technology for Mist Based Infra Red
Suppression       Technology     (MIST)
System to M/s Decimin Control
Systems Pvt Ltd, Pune. NSTL also
transferred technology for Maareech
Anti Torpedo Decoy System to M/s
BEL, Bangalore. Secretary DDR&D and
Chairman, DRDO Dr G Satheesh Reddy
was present during the event.
    The exhaust gas from main
propulsion gas turbine engines of ships
provides a very high thermal (infrared)
signature which is used by the IR
seekers in the missile homing systems
for passive detection. Water mist
injection is used to reduce the infrared
signature by reducing the exhaust gas
temperature. NSTL has designed Mist
based Infrared Suppression Technology        system has been developed to meter         the regular decoys used for diverting
(MIST) in which sea water at ambient         the quantity of sea water to prevent       incoming enemy underwater torpedoes.
temperature is injected into the hot         corrosion due to excess un-evaporated      The technology is useful for counter
exhaust gas as very fine mist to absorb      sea water being deposited at other parts   measuring torpedoes. The system has
a large amount of heat because of latent     of the ship.                               been inducted into the Indian Navy.
heat vaporization. A dedicated control           Mareech, is an advanced version of

6       FEBRUARY 2019                                      www.drdo.gov.in
Events                                                                    DRDO newsletter

DRDO organised Workshop on Fire Safety
Technologies and Services
        r Subhash Bhamre, Raksha Rajya      State Fire Services and users on the        said that products and technologies
        Mantri inaugurated a workshop       use of risk evaluation, mitigation and      developed by DRDO can be introduced
        on ‘Fire Safety Technologies and    elimination of fire related accidents       into the State Fire Services.
Services’, at Prof. Kothari Auditorium,     and use of technologies developed by            Dr Chitra Rajagopal, DGl (SAM)
DRDO Bhavan on 21 January 2019. Fire        DRDO. An exhibition of products and         DRDO, welcomed the delegates and
Adviser, Ministry of Home Affairs Shri      technologies developed by CFEES was         said that to enhance the fire fighting
DK Shami also attended the function.        also organized on the occasion.             efficiency, the fire services has to
Secretary Department of Defence R&D             Dr G Satheesh Reddy in his address      be well equipped with state-of-the-
& Chairman DRDO Dr G Satheesh               said that the technologies and products     art technologies and equipment.
Reddy was present on the occasion.          developed by DRDO are finding               She further said DRDO can play an
    Dr Subhash Bhamre in his inaugural      application not only in defence sector      important role by sensitizing on latest
address congratulated DRDO for              but also have spin-offs for civilian        fire safety technologies and products
organizing the workshop and said that       sectors. He further said that we need       developed by CFEES for the Armed
the best way to minimize the risk of        to look for opportunities and gear up       Forces.
fire is to understand potential threats     the capacity for indigenous fire safety         The inaugural session of the
and put in place preventive measures.       products and services in India.             workshop was followed by technical
Dr Bhamre added that technologies               Shri DK Shami in his speech             presentations, panel discussions and
developed by Centre for Fire, Explosive     highlighted the need for formation          product demonstrations. A large
and Environment Safety (CFEES) can          of core group for short and long term       number of delegates including Directors
have applications for civil sectors also,   roadmap for R&D and test facilities         Generals, Directors of the State Fire
and needs to be exploited to the fullest.   in the areas of fire safety, and low cost   Services and Fire Chiefs of many States
    The workshop was organized by           impact technology for fire safety to        and Union Territories attended the
CFEES, with an aim to sensitize the         be developed by DRDO. He further            workshop.

                                                       www.drdo.gov.in                                     FEBRUARY 2019     7

         aval Science and Technological     participated in the meet and exchanged         and hoped that the participants would
         Laboratory             (NSTL),     views and ideas on the subject.                benefit immensely from the interaction.
         Visakhapatnam,       organized         Speaking on the occasion, Dr OR                The Chief Guest Prof. G Nageswara
the NSTL-Academia Meet 2019 (NAM            Nandagopan, OS and Director NSTL,              Rao, Vice Chancellor of Andhra
2019) on 19 January 2019. With the          described the academic institutes              University, commended the initiative,
theme “Artificial Intelligence (AI) for     as fountain heads of innovation and            calling it ‘timely and apt’, and exhorted
Naval Systems”, NAM 2019 provided           expressed hope that NAM 2019 would             researchers to give their creative best
the ideal platform for deliberation         help bridge the gap between academia           towards development of ‘best in class
and discussion on the topic and its         and R&D institutes and bring out a             naval systems’.
application to defence systems, with        roadmap for futuristic research in AI-
                                                                                               The keynote address was delivered
specific emphasis on naval systems.         enabled naval systems.
                                                                                           by Dr Anil Kumar Agarwal, Director
A number of researchers and faculty             The Distinguished Guest at NAM
                                                                                           ER&IPR, DRDO, followed by expert
from 18 Universities, technologists         2019, Dr Samir V Kamath, DS and
                                                                                           talks on various topics of contemporary
and system developers of six labs of        Director General (NS&M), DRDO,
the DRDO, viz., NSTL, Naval Materials       recalled the contributions of academia         and futuristic relevance by Technology
Research Laboratory, Centre for             the world over in fostering a spirit of        Directors of NSTL, and Professors
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics,       enquiry and harnessing innovation              from Universities. Shri G Ravi Kumar,
Naval       Physical     Oceanographic      and creativity to meet social and              Technology       Director    NSTL    and
Laboratory, Defence Materials Research      technological needs of the society at          Chairman NAM 2019, a large number of
Laboratory and Defence Electronics          large. He opined that AI would play a          researchers, scientists and academicians
Application      Laboratory      actively   major role in the battlefield of the future,   participated in NAM 2019.

8     FEBRUARY 2019                                        www.drdo.gov.in
Events                                                                    DRDO newsletter

Exhibitor of the Year Award for DRDO at
106th Indian Science Congress
        RDO         pavilion     received   was delivered by Dr G Satheesh Reddy.       systems; Radars; Night Vision Devices;
        ‘Exhibitor of the Year Award’ at        Director General (Naval Systems         Bullet Proof Jackets and Helmets;
        106th Indian Science Congress       and Materials) Dr Samir V Kamat and         Micro Wave Power Module; Integrated
held at Lovely Professional University      Director General (Life Sciences) Dr AK      and Multi-Function Sight. Life Sciences
(LPU), Phagwara, Punjab. The pavilion       Singh delivered lectures on ‘Materials      Products included: Portable Chemical
narrated the saga of self-reliance &        Technologies for Future Defence             Agent Detector; Individual Underwater
national pride with the ‘Make in India’     Systems’ and ‘Evolving Landscape in         Breathing Apparatus for T-90 tank
spirit was a big attraction among people,   Life Sciences’, respectively. Director      crew; Bukhari; Alocal Cream; and
especially students visiting the pavilion   General (Production Coordination &          Ready-to-Eat Packaged Foods, etc.
and getting opportunity to interact with    Services Interaction) Dr S Guruprasad           DRDO pavilion also had a dedicated
DRDO scientists.                            was also present.                           stall on Technology Development
    The DRDO Pavilion at the mega               DRDO’s outdoor exhibits included        Fund (TDF) Scheme for promoting
science expo was inaugurated on             surface-to-air missile system Akash;        public/private industries especially
January 03, 2019 by the Governor of         model of BrahMos missile; remotely          MSMEs so as to create an eco-system
Punjab Shri VP Singh Badnore and            operated vehicle Daksh; heavy weight        for enhancing cutting edge technology
Union Science and Technology Minister       torpedo Varunastra; Laser Ordnance          capability for defence application. The
Dr Harsh Vardhan. They took keen            Disposal System (LORDS); and Vehicle        pavilion also provided information on
interest in DRDO products and               Mounted Dazzler, etc. Indoor exhibits       ‘Kalam’s vision: Dare to Dream’ the pan
technologies      displayed.   Secretary,   of DRDO included: models of various         India online contest for engaging young
Department of Defence R&D and               missile systems like Prithvi, Astra, Nag,   minds in emerging technologies namely
Chairman DRDO Dr G Satheesh Reddy           HELINA and LRSAM; Rustom UAV;               Artificial intelligence, Cyber security,
was present during the inaugural            MBT Arjun Mk1A; Armoured Engineer           Robotics, Autonomous Systems, etc.
function. Later in the day, a special       Recce Vehicle; 155mm Advanced Towed         The objective is to unearth disruptive
address on the present and future           Artillery Gun System; PINAKA Multi          ideas and concepts in emerging
technologies in defence systems and         Barrel Rocket Launcher; Plastic Bullet;     technologies identified by DRDO for
opportunities for the young researchers     Multi-Mode Hand Grenades; SONAR             enhancing defence capabilities.

                                                       www.drdo.gov.in                                     FEBRUARY 2019      9

        irectorate of Rajbhasha and            21 December 2018 at Dr Bhagavantham            Prof. Guleria enriched the audience
        OM, DRDO HQ, and Defence               Auditorium, Metcalfe House, Delhi.          with his ideas and thoughts. He talked
        Scientific    Information and          Shri Hari Babu Srivastava, OS and           about how to stay healthy in present day
Documentation Centre (DESIDOC),                Director LASTEC, Dr Alka Suri,              polluted environment. He spoke about
Delhi, jointly organised DRDO Diamond          Director, DESIDOC, and Dr Rajeev Vij,       the impact of lifestyle and technology
Jubilee Oration by Prof. Randeep               Associate Director, DESIDOC, were           developments on sleep          disorders.
Guleria, Director, AIIMS, Delhi, on            present on the occasion.                    Dr Vij, proposed the vote of thanks.

Talk on Pursuit of Happiness
      aser Science and Technology
      Centre       (LASTEC),          Delhi,
      organized a lecture on “Pursuit
of Happiness” through physical-mental
well being by Shri Deepak Sharma,
Professional Life Coach, on 21 December
2018 at Circular Hall, Metcalfe House.
    Deepak Sharma motivated people by
stressing upon the importance of how
to keep themselves happy and stress
free. He mentioned that it could also be
achieved by just a little bit of laughing in
our daily lives. Importance of yoga for
physical fitness was discussed and some
simple yoga exercises were practiced.
For mental health, the importance of
meditation with sufiana meditation
practical was carried out.
    He also told about the importance          early in the morning and sleeping early         The lecture ended with a huge smile
of Ayurveda, in our daily life. He also        at night along with details of right time   on everyone’s face and lots of questions
explained the benefits of getting up           to eat food.                                to the orator.

10    FEBRUARY 2019                                          www.drdo.gov.in
Events                                                                    DRDO newsletter

ASL, Hyderabad

      ystems Analysis, Quality and
      Reliability (SQR) Vertical, Office
      of DG (MSS), celebrated World
Quality Day on 15 December 2018 at
Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL),
Hyderabad. Shri MSR Prasad, DS and
DG (MSS), graced the occasion as the
Chief Guest. Dr M Manickavasagan,
OS and Director, SQR, exhorted
employees of missile complex to follow
“Quality Centric Development”           in
letter and spirit. DG (MSS) in his
address, emphasized the need of quality
to maintain credibility of products
and suggested that quality should be
perceived as a way of life. Shri Dasarath    Two distinguished Speakers, Shri Amol      Development Programme and its
Ram Yadav, DS and Director, DRDL,            K Chakraborty, former Director, DRDL,      evolution as a lethal weapon in India’s
Shri BHVS Narayana Murthy, DS and            and Vice Admiral (Retd) NN Kumar,          weaponry. He explained how the missile
Director, RCI, and Dr MRM Babu,              PVSM, AVSM, ASM and Executive              program evolved as a joint venture
DS and Director, ASL, addressed the          Director    (Production),     BrahMos      between Russia & India followed by
gathering.                                   Aerospace, graced the occasion.            the materials used in the missile.
    R Adm Sanjay Mishra, DG, NAI,               Shri Chakraborty outlined the           He emphasized DMRL’s immense
in his keynote address highlighted the       philosophy and practices in quality with   contributions towards indigenization of
challenges in implementation of quality      a talk on World Quality Movement.          aluminium materials. Shri PRV Ramana
policy. He suggested that quality should     He elaborated evolution of Quality in      Murthy, Sc ‘F’, Head, Reliability and
not be considered as a check point but       DRDO’s missile programmes. Vice            Quality Assurance Group, proposed the
should be implemented as a package of        Admiral (Retd) NN Kumar delivered          vote of thanks.
resilience, integrity and trust to improve   his lecture on BrahMos Missile
effectiveness of quality agencies. Invited
talks on Identification of Counterfeit
Components by Capt Satyanarayana
SP, IN (Retd), and Implementation
of Quality in Management by Shri R
Vasu, Vice President, Brakes India Pvt.
Ltd provided an opportunity to the
participants to interact with industry
experts. Shri S Giridhar Rao, PD A1&A2
proposed the vote of thanks.

DMRL, Hyderabad

      he World Quality Day was
      observed in Defence Metallurgical
      Research Laboratory (DMRL),
Hyderabad at Tamahankar Auditorium.
Dr AK Mukhopadhyay, OS & Associate
Director and Head, Aeronautical
Materials Division, chaired the occasion.

                                                       www.drdo.gov.in                                     FEBRUARY 2019    11

Lab Raising Day
CAIR, Bengaluru

       enter for Artificial Intelligence
       and Robotics (CAIR) celebrated
       its Lab Raising Day and Karnataka
Rajyotsava Day with a lot of enthusiasm
and gaiety on 22nd December
2018. Dr S Kamath, DG (MCC) and
Dr G Athithan, former DG, MCC Cluster,
were the Chief guest and the Guest of
Honour, respectively. The function
was attended by many dignitaries
including Director’s from various labs,
representatives from development
partners and retired scientists of CAIR.
The function started with welcome
address by Smt Manimozhi Theodore,
Director, CAIR. Chief Guest and the
Guest of Honour complemented the
efforts of CAIR put in the area of AI,                            Inaugural session of CAIR Raising Day
Robotics, Command and Control and           meritorious employees. Sports activities   Shri BHVS Narayana Murty, Director,
Cyber Security. DRDO lab-level awards       were organized to celebrate the Raising    RCI, and Shri AK Checker, former
were distributed to the meritorious         Day and prizes were distributed to the     Director, ITR, were present as the Guest
employees for the year 2017. The            winners. The day ended with a colourful    of Honour, and the Chief Speaker,
function concluded with technical           cultural programme.                        respectively. Shri MK Srivastava,
exhibition and lunch.                                                                  Chairman, Raising Day Committee,
                                            ITR, Chandipur
DFRL, Mysuru                                                                           briefed about the events conducted to
                                                                                       celebrate the Raising Day.

                                               ntegrated Test Range, Chandipur,

        efence Food Research Laboratory                                                    Dr BK Das, Director, ITR, highlighted
                                               observed its 36th Lab Raising Day       the achievements of ITR during the year
        (DFRL) celebrated its 58th             on 16 December 2018. Shri MSR
        Raising Day with grandeur                                                      2018 and appreciated the efforts of the
                                            Prasad, Director General (MSS), DRDO,      employees in realising the goals. He
on 28 December 2018. Chief Guest,
Dr VC Padaki, Raja Ramanna Fellow and       was the Chief Guest of the function.       articulated special appreciation towards
former Director, DEBEL, Bengaluru,
inaugurated the event. Dr GK Sharma,
Sc ‘G’, welcomed the dignitaries, retired
personal and staff of DFRL.
    Dr Anil Dutt Semwal, Director,
DFRL, spoke about the R&D
achievements of DFRL in the year 2018
and requested the staff to strive hard
to make landmarks in their area of
research work.
    Dr VC Padaki, appreciated DFRL for
its yeomen service to the Armed forces
and to civilian population during natural
disasters. Various DRDO Laboratory-
level Awards, Cash Awards, Foundation
Day Awards, Rolling Trophies and Best
Research Paper Award were distributed
by the Chief Guest and Director to the                            Inauguration of DFRL Lab Raising Day

12    FEBRUARY 2019                                       www.drdo.gov.in
Events                                                                 DRDO newsletter

                                                                                     achievements during the year 2018 was
                                                                                     NPOL, Kochi

                                                                                             aval Physical Oceanographic
                                                                                             Laboratory (NPOL), Kochi,
                                                                                             celebrated its 66th Annual Day
                                                                                     on 15 December 2018 at its Thrikkakara
                                                                                     Campus. Dr Samir V Kamat, Director
                                                                                     General (NS&M), DRDO, was the Chief
                                                                                     Guest for the event. Shri M Gopakumar,
                                                                                     Sc ‘G’ and Chairman NPOL Annual Day
                                                                                     Organising Committee, welcomed the
                                                                                     gathering and presented an overview
                                                                                     of the function. Shri S Kedarnath
                                                                                     Shenoy, Director, NPOL, presented the
                    Inaugural function of ITR Lab Raising Day                        achievements of the laboratory.
the children who participated during       excellent services in various fields.         In his inaugural address, Dr Kamat
various events and showcased their         The function ended with a cultural        lauded NPOL for successful delivery
talents, and appreciated employees,        programme performed by the employees      of a steady stream of underwater
their family members and members of        and their family members.                 surveillance systems to the Indian Navy.
                                                                                     The Chairman and Secretary of Works
ITR Cultural and Environmental Club,
                                           LRDE, Bengaluru                           Committee and General Secretaries of
Ladies Wing, for organising various
                                                                                     NPOL’s Civilian Employees union and

societal missions.
                                                  lectronics      and       Radar    NPOL’s R&D Employees union also
    Shri BHVS Narayan Murty lauded
                                                  Development       Establishment    spoke on the occasion. The employees
the growth of ITR in terms of technology
                                                  (LRDE), Bengaluru, celebrated      who made outstanding contributions
and      infrastructure    development.
                                           its Lab Raising Day with great            were honoured with various awards
Shri AK Checker appreciated the                                                      by the Chief Guest. Prizes were also
transformation of ITR in terms of          enthusiasm on 1 January 2019. Shri SS
                                           Nagaraj, OS and Director, presided over   distributed to the winners of sports
various developmental activities. Shri                                               competitions. A technical exhibition,
MSR Prasad highlighted his association     the function and spoke on achievements
                                                                                     was organized for the family members
with the range and appreciated ITR’s       of LRDE in 2018 and goals for 2019. He
                                                                                     of NPOL employees.
journey as a world class test range.       presented Lab-Level DRDO Awards
                                                                                         A dance ensemble by ‘Dharani
    Hindi Magazine ‘Arohi’ was released    and Cash Awards to the employees and      School of Performing Arts’ and Sand
on the occasion and meritorious            presented Educational Awards to the       Art by Shri Udayan Edappal were other
employees were awarded for their           meritorious students. A video on LRDE     highlights of the event.

       Award distribution at LRDE Lab Raising Day                       Inauguration of NPOL Lab Raising Day

                                                     www.drdo.gov.in                                    FEBRUARY 2019     13
HRD Activities

1st National Workshop on Explosive
       he first National Workshop on             Shri Atul Chandra Kulkarni, Addl.      by the Chief Guest. Various explosive
       Explosives Detection was held         DGP and Chief ATS, Maharashtra, the        detector units were exhibited during the
       on 14 and 15 December 2018 at         Chief Guest, inaugurated the workshop.     workshop by HEMRL, Laser Science
the High Energy Materials Research           In his address, he highlighted the need    and Technology Centre (LASTEC),
Laboratory (HEMRL), Pune, with               of detection of explosives as the use of   IIT Bombay and the private firms;
the basic objective to bring all the         explosives and improvised explosives       M/s MSPL, M/s Vehant Technology.
stakeholders on a common platform to         devices (IEDs) are being increasingly          Lt Gen Michael Mathews, VSM,
discuss the challenges faced by the users,   used for the destruction activities all    Commandant CME; Shri Jamal Khan,
need for the continuous up gradation of      over the globe. A souvenir comprising      Director, NBDC, NSG; Col. Madhu
the detection technologies, and to have      abstracts was released by the Chief        Nair, CME, and Shri Dherendra Verma,
better understanding for the researchers     Guest.                                     IIM, Talegaon, delivered talks in the
to innovate newer sensors, materials             The Guest of Honour, Shri PK           plenary session and shared their views
for effective and efficient detection of     Mehta, DS and DG (ACE), deliberated        from user’s perspective regarding
trace and bulk explosives. A total of        on the need to deal with the two-fold      difficult scenarios faced by the security
200 delegates from different DRDO            threats of terrorism and insurgency to     agencies and the need for indigenous
labs, Army, Navy, CRPF, NSG, Bureau          ensure homeland security.                  development of various explosive
of Police Research, Maharashtra State            Dr Umapathy, Director, IISER,          detectors.
Police, Telangana Police, Academic           Bhopal, in his keynote address,                In the technical sessions spread over
Institutes, and Industry attended the        emphasized on the concerted efforts to     two days, 13 speakers delivered talks on
workshop.                                    bring out detection devices based on the   various explosive detection technologies
    Shri KPS Murthy, Director, HEMRL,        requirement of security agencies and       and the advances made in these area.
delivered the welcome address and            also to form a roadmap for research in         A     road    map     for   futuristic
stressed on the need of equipping            this area.                                 development of detection technologies
security agencies with updated explosive         During the inaugural function,         was discussed in the concluding session.
detection technologies. He also brought      an Optronic-based hand-held trace          Shri DK Kankane, Sc ‘G’, was the
out that significant research work being     explosive    detector    OPX-Revilator     convener and Shri Bikash Ghose, Sc ‘F’,
carried out by DRDO in this field.           developed by HEMRL was released            was the co-convener of the workshop.

                                        Release of Workshop Souvenir by the Chief Guests

14    FEBRUARY 2019                                        www.drdo.gov.in
HRD Activities                                                       DRDO newsletter

Joint Steering Committee Meeting
       Joint Screening Committee and
       a Joint Working Group meeting
       was held at ADTeC, ATLA, Japan,
to discuss and finalize Project Plans.
Smt Manimozhi Theodore, Director,
Centre for Artificial Intelligence
and Robotics (CAIR), Head Project
Screening Committee, and Toshiya
Mizuta, Director, ADTeC, signed Project
Plan and Project Security Instructions.
Both sides agreed for further research
cooperation between India and Japan.
   Sartaj Singh, Project Officer; Sumit
Veerawal and Shine P Sunny, Members,
Project Working Group, and Atul Rane,
DIC, DRDO HQ, were present during
the occasion.

 Workshops on RTI                                                                  Hindi
       ight to Information (RTI)
       Cell, DRDO HQ, organized
                                          the benefit of CPIOs/CAPIOs, Admin
                                          Officers, Grievance Cell Officer and     Workshop
       three RTI Workshops in Pune,       other officials.
                                                                                           one-day Hindi Workshop was
 Hyderabad and Bengaluru regions for
                                                                                           organized on 11 December
                                                                                           2018 at Centre for Artificial
                                                                                   Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR),
                                                                                   Bengaluru, wherein 25 officer/
                                                                                   staff from various Divisions of
                                                                                   CAIR participated. Dr Shyam
                                                                                   Singh, Assistant Director, National
                                                                                   Assessment      and      Accreditation
                                                                                   Council, Bengaluru, delivered a
                                                                                   lecture on “Effective Implementation
                                                                                   of Official Language.” Interactive and
                                                                                   practice session was held to facilitate
                                                                                   staff for effective implementation
                                                                                   of Official Language and meet the
                                                                                   targets prescribed by Department of
                                                                                   Official Language.

                                             READERS’ FEEDBACK
        Your feedback is important to us as it gives scope for improvement and serve the Organisation in a better way.
     Please send your suggestions to:
     The Editor
     DRDO Newsletter
     DESIDOC, Metcalfe House
     Delhi-11 0054

                                                   www.drdo.gov.in                                     FEBRUARY 2019     15
HRD Activities

DRDO Users’ Workshop conducted at
       efence Research Laboratory
       (DRL),      Tezpur,     conducted
       DRDO-Users Workshop on 1
December 2018 at Tawang, Arunachal
Pradesh, under the ongoing DRDO TD
Programme Arunodaya. Dr SK Dwivedi,
Director, DRL, in his welcome address
spoke about the Arunodaya programme
and how the programme is helping in
addressing the day-to-day problems
faced by the soldiers in the inhospitable
terrain of the region through DRDO
developed products and technologies.
    The Chief Guest, Brig Zubeen
Bhatnagar, Cdr, 190 Mtn Bde,
appreciated the initiatives taken
by DRDO Life Sciences Labs under
Arunodaya programme to serve the
troops stationed in high altitude areas.
Talks on Overview of DRDO and DRL;          Mitigation and Mushroom Cultivation;       from different Units participated in the
Greenhouse and its Management;              and Vermi-composting at High Altitude      workshop. Dr BJ Gogoi, Sc ‘E’, DRL,
Human Waste Management at High              were delivered by the DRL scientists.      coordinated the event.
Altitude;    Transborder     Bio-threat;    Fifty-five Army Officers, JCO’s and OR’s

Sports Round-up
CAIR, Bengaluru                             2018-19. Dr BK Das, OS and Director        Chandipur, won the Trophy with a win
                                            ITR, inaugurated the tournament. Nine      over ITR. Dr Das presented Trophies

      entre for Artificial Intelligence     teams participated in the tournament       and medals to both Winners and the
      and Robotics (CAIR), Bengaluru,       from Central Zone. Proof and               Runners up team and announced the
      organized DRDO South Zone             Experimental Establishment (PXE),          Central Zone Football Team.
throw Ball tournament during 5-7
December 2018. CAIR, ADE, DARE,
CVRDE and LRDE participated in
the tournament. Smt Manimozhi
Theodore, Director, CAIR, inaugurated
the tournament. CAIR, Bengaluru
emerged as champions whereas LRDE,
Bengaluru was the runner-up in the

ITR, Chandipur

     ntegrated Test Range (ITR),
     Chandipur, organised the DRDO
     Central Zone Football Tournament

16     FEBRUARY 2019                                      www.drdo.gov.in
Personnel news                                                             DRDO newsletter

Personnel news
Appointment                                  for the development of novel innovative     Awards
                                             food processing technologies such as
Director, DFRL                               cold shock dehydration technologies         AFSTI –Fellow Award
                                             for instantiation of foods, Infra Red and
                   Dr      Anil     Dutt                                                    Dr Gopal Kumar Sharma, Sc ‘G’,
                                             Microwave processing technologies and
                   Semwal, Sc ‘G’, has                                                   DFRL, Mysuru, was conferred Fellow
                                             combination processing technologies
                                                                                         of Association of Food Scientists
                   been        appointed     for development of Jiffy food products.
                                                                                         and Technologists (India)” award
                   Director,     Defence         As a propagator of self-reliance,
                                                                                         in recognition of his multifaceted
                   Food         Research     he     has     successfully     motivated
                                                                                         contribution   to    Food    Science
                   Laboratory (DFRL),        entrepreneurs and industries for            Technology at 8th International Food
                   DRDO,         Mysuru.     adoption of modern food processing          Convention held at CSIR-Central
                   Dr Semwal obtained        technologies developed by DFRL,             Food Technological Research Institute
his MSc in Chemistry from Hemvati            which resulted in transfer of more          (CFTRI), Mysuru, on 12 December
Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University,          than 321 technologies to 214 industries     2018.
Uttarakhand and Doctorate from               for production and supply of safe and
University     of    Mysore,     Mysuru,     nutritious food products to civilian
Karnataka in Chemistry.                      population. He also contributed to the
    He started his career as Sc ‘B’ in       nation during OP Vijay, OP Sahayata,
DFRL in the year 1987 and actively           National Disaster Relief Operations
contributed     in    development       of   (Uttarakhand, Jammu and Kashmir,
protective packaging systems for             Chennai, Kerala and Karnataka) and
transportation of edible oil in tin and      Antarctica Mission by supplying large
enhancing shelf stability of refined and     quantities of processed food for the
blended edible oils for their induction      needy people within a short period of
in Services. His studies on factors          time.                                       Low Cost Technology
influencing lipid peroxidation and their         He has published more than              Development Award
control mechanism, to enhance shelf life     130 Research papers in National/                Shri Dev Kumar Yadav, Sc ‘D’, and
of processed foods and development of        International journals and presented        Smt Neera, Sc ‘D’, of DFRL, were awarded
Ready-to-Eat (RTE) foods using various       170 papers in National/International        ‘Low Cost Technology Development
processing technologies resulted in          Conferences. He has 11 patents on           Award’ for their technology of Modular
the development of more than 100             food processing technologies. He is         Silo—a customized storage solution for
nutritious energy dense food products        the recipient of various awards such as     perishable food products at extreme low
for the Armed Forces.                        NN Mohan Memorial Award, Kejriwal           temperature, by Association of Food
    Dr Semwal has made significant           Award, Technology Group Award               Scientists and Technologist of India,
contributions towards the development        (DRDO), Scientist of the Year Award         Mysuru, on 12 December 2018 during
of various operational rations such as       (DRDO-Lab Level), Best Research             8th International Food Convention.
emergency flying ration, survival ration,    paper Award, etc. He is Vice-Chairman
Meals Ready-to-Eat (MRE) ration,             and life member of the Association
MBT ration, submarine crew ration and        of Food Scientists and Technologists
comp-pack ration and their induction         (AFSTI), India and life member of
to services as well indigenization of low    Indian Science Congress Association,
cost food processing equipment such          Founder Member of Afro Asian Food
as automatic chapati making machine,         Scientist and Technologists Institutions
bar making machine, etc., to meet            (AAFOSTI) and Principal member of
the requirement of Armed Forces and          Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for
Paramilitary Forces. He is instrumental      Food Grains and Starches.

                                                        www.drdo.gov.in                                     FEBRUARY 2019     17

DRDO Harnessing Science for Peace &
Chapter 4: marching forward
The article is 35th in the Series of extracts of the monograph, “Defence Research & Development Organisation:
1958-1982”, by Shri RP Shenoy, former Director of Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE).

AERONAUTICS                                   cause of indigenous development of          Establishments of Weapons at Jabalpur
                                              the light combat aircraft. He informed      and of Armaments at Khadki in
Light Combat Aircraft                         the Prime Minister that preliminary         September 1958. PEE, Balasore was
    By 1980, it was evident that aircraft     design configuration studies based on a     also set up at the same time as ARDE but
industry in the country was maintained        number of available engines including       Explosives Research and Development
by importing technologies and products        the indigenous GTX of GTRE, were            Laboratory (later renamed as HEMRL)
for manufacture. The best talents in          completed. The light combat aircraft        as a full-fledged laboratory came into
the field of aeronautics in the country       as envisaged by the Committee of            being in 1963 though its antecedents
were looking for challenges outside           Internal Experts would be a highly          can be traced as far back as 1908 to the
our borders and with the induction            manoeuvrable high speed lightweight         Chemical Examiner’s Office in Nainital.
of Jaguar and MiG-23 aircraft in the          multi-mission aircraft powered by
Indian Air Force fleet there was scope        an advanced technology engine with          Armament Research
for indigenous development in only            adequate growth potential. It would         & Development
one class of military aircraft namely the     incorporate design provisions to adopt      Establishment
light combat fighter aircraft to replace      advanced technologies like fly-by- wire,        In the early years, ARDE was located
the ageing fleet of Ajeets.                   modern avionics and weapon systems.         within the campus of the Ammunition
    Since the Indian Air Force indicated      The aircraft would be initially developed
                                                                                          Factory, Khadki with rudimentary
that they would need the new light            around a proven engine which would be
                                                                                          facilities for R&D. Even though the
combat fighter aircraft in the 1990, in his   replaced by the indigenous GTX variant
                                                                                          ordnance factories (OFs) had been
capacity as Scientific Adviser, Dr Raja       when the latter would be available. The
                                              estimated cost and the time frame were      in the business of manufacturing
Ramanna, took the lead in February
                                              also indicated but with a remark that       ammunition for the Indian Armed
1980 by communicating to the Prime
Minister of India that he was forming an      a realistic estimate would be possible      Forces since the early days of the British
internal group of scientists to conduct       only after further discussions with         empire, the drawings and designs of
a detailed study of the various aspects       aircraft designers from abroad and          their products were of British origin.
of the light combat aircraft and related      subsequent studies. The note concluded      A primitive manufacturing base
engine development programmes. The            with a draft paper for approval of the      was available for conventional high
study would also include the assessment       Cabinet Committee for Political Affairs     explosive projectiles at the time of
of the resources and technologies             (CCPA) of the proposed plan of action.      Independence. The TDE personnel
from within the country. Further, the         It specifically mentioned that the          were entrusted with the inspection of
report would bring out the technology         country had taken no major aircraft         finished product, which included proof
areas for which input from abroad             development programme for the last two      firing, defect investigations, as well as
would be necessary. He concluded his          decades and since vast advancements in      substitution of imported raw materials
communication with the information            the field have taken place, input from      with those of Indian origin without
that DRDO was examining a joint               abroad on selected areas of technology      altering the original specifications
proposal from two companies namely            would be necessary. The seeds of the        issued out of the UK. In the period
an aircraft manufacturer and an aero          LCA programme which would be taken          1958-69, the development efforts were
engine manufacturer for a combined            up a few years later were sown.             reverse engineering of ammunition
feasibility study with DRDO on the
                                                                                          and warheads in production, to
aircraft and the engine development           ARMAMENTS                                   reduce the dependency on imports.
    Nearly 18 months later, Dr Ramanna,          The Armaments group of laboratories      A large number of small projects with
in his second communication to the            comprise of ARDE, HEMRL, PEE                limited scope were undertaken to
Prime Minister, detailed the progress         and TBRL. ARDE was formed out of            graduate from import substitution of
that had taken place in advancing the         the erstwhile Technical Development         materials and components to that of

18    FEBRUARY 2019                                         www.drdo.gov.in
DRDO SERIES                                                                   DRDO newsletter

import substitution of ammunition               though it was not an ab-initio project.      in service for nearly 25 years.
and warheads. Through this time-                It was based on initial design carried           The 1962 Chinese conflict also
consuming and laborious process, the            out for the British Army by Canadian         highlighted the inadequacy of the
knowledge base was built and expertise          Armament         R&D      Establishment      Lee Enfield bolt action rifle as an
was acquired for design and building up         (CARDE). While the original contract         infantry weapon. The Army’s decision
of test facilities. In the case of weapons, a   for development between UK and               to replace it with self-loading rifle on
modest production base for production           Canada was cancelled, the sketches           a priority basis triggered ARDE to
of howitzers, mortars and small arms            and drawings of the incomplete design        develop jointly with ordnance factories
existed at the time of Independence but         were passed on to DRDO who pursued           the 7.62 mm self-loading rifle which
the technological base was practically          it to the logical conclusion, namely         came to be known as the Ishapore
absent.                                         development of the Mk I version, which       rifle. Ammunition for the rifle was
    The period 1958-62 was a period             met the basic requirements laid down         also developed simultaneously. The
of transition for change of mind set            in the GSQR by the Army. This was            gamut of activities ranging from design,
from inspection activities to design            manufactured at the ordnance factories       development, trials and establishing
and development and organising                  to equip the mountain divisions of           bulk production were completed in the
the laboratory with recruitment of              the Army. Based on the experience            shortest possible time as a result of high
personnel and establishing basic                gained by the DGOF during technology         degree of coordination between ARDE
facilities. The progress was slow due           transfer and production of the Mk I, a       and the OFs. More than one million
to the marginal design capability at            Gun Development Team (GDT) was               rifles have been produced and these
system’s level, little or no access to          constituted in July 1964 for further         have been put to good use during the
knowledge bases available abroad with           improvements at the Gun Carriage             1965 and 1971 conflicts with Pakistan.
respect to armaments development and            Factory, Jabalpur, which was the nodal           In the areas of ammunition and
poor infrastructure in both defence and         factory for the final assembly of that       warheads, the contributions of ARDE
non- defence industrial sectors of the          equipment. This was the first-ever           were, non-detectable antitank mine,
country. However, with the concluding           interdisciplinary team with specialists      tracer ammunition for 7.62 mm
of several projects for ToT and license         drawn       from    DRDO,      Ordnance      calibre weapons, 105 mm antitank
production of complete equipment from           Factories, Directorate General of            ammunition, smoke ammunition for
overseas sources in the early 1960s,            Inspection (DGI) and the Users—in fact       mortars, drill mines for the Navy, drill
notably the 40 mm L-70 Air Defence              GDT was headed by a veteran Gunner           and practice version of antitank and
Gun, 81 and 120 mm Mortars and later            Officer—to minimise the lead-time            anti-personnel      mines,    indigenous
the battle tank Vijayanta, including            and for seamless technology transfer.        propellants for light and heavy mortars,
its 105 mm Gun and Ammunition, the              We were ahead of the global trend by         ammunition for defeating armour for
tempo of activities of the laboratories         at least two decades in implementing         different types of gun, air-to-air and
in the Armaments Group picked up                concurrent engineering, and cross-           air-to-ground rockets. Most of these
mainly because these were involved              functional team concepts and it bears        development activities where aimed
in the evaluation and later technology          testimony to the readiness of DRDO to        to reduce our dependence on import
absorption.                                     try novel methods for speeding up the        from abroad for our Armed Forces.
    The first challenge to the scientists       development process. The Mk II had           These were not simple substitutions but
of ARDE in the field of Conventional            to be designed for towing by a vehicle       also required the study of high energy
Armament Technology came in the                 and it was required to be disassembled       materials, the interaction between
wake of the 1962 Chinese Operations,            and carried on mule backs without            gun and the projectile, the ballistics of
especially when Indian Army was                 difficulty. The design and development       projectiles with shape explosive charge
faced with an acute need for modern             included among other activities,             and so on. In addition, incorporation
replacement for its mostly World War            complete new design of carriage and          of maintainability, durability and
II vintage weapons and equipment. The           the recoil system, new types of muzzle       reliability required the designer to
need for the development of a mountain          brakes, breech and firing mechanism          relate technology at the design stage to
gun and that of the self-loading rifle          and design of accessories for pack           operations so as to build the confidence
became inescapable. The development             role. It was successfully developed and      of the User. The experience gained
of the mountain gun, the 75/24 Pack             the first prototype was user tried in        and the knowledge base built in this
Howitzer, with an investment of about           November 1965 and was accepted for           period enabled ARDE to take up more
Rs 70 lakh, was a major activity ranging        introduction into the Services. As part of   sophisticated projects in the succeeding
from the development of the weapon,             the development process, special range       decades.
different types of ammunition, as well          and instrumentation facilities were
as the preparation of the range tables. It      also established for full-scale range,
was the first venture of ARDE into large-       accuracy as well as for endurance trials.
                                                                                                                   To be continued...
calibre weapon development, even                The 75/24 Pack Howitzer would remain

                                                           www.drdo.gov.in                                       FEBRUARY 2019     19
Infrastructure development

Dr G Satheesh Reddy inaugurates High
Definition Video Conferencing System
    A     High      Definition    Video
Conferencing System was inaugurated
by Dr G Satheesh Reddy, Secretary
DDR&D and Chairman, DRDO,
at      Institute     of     Technology
Management (ITM) through Video
Conferencing from DRDO HQ on 20
December 2018. Secretary DDR&D
interacted with the course participants
of Advance Work Study, one of the flag
ship course of ITM. The participants
from Indian Armed Forces, DGQA,
DGOF and DRDO shared their
experience and feedback about the
course. Dr Reddy appreciated ITM for
installing the system.                           Inauguration of HD Video Conferencing System by Dr G Satheesh Reddy

    Lt Gen YK Joshi, AVSM, VrC, SM,
GOC 14 Corps visited Defence Institute
of High Altitude Research (DIHAR),
Leh, on 16 January 2018. He was
briefed about the various R&D activities
and services being extended by DIHAR
to the troops of 14 Corps. He also visited
the experimental fields of DIHAR. He
congratulated DIHAR for the yeomen
services being provided to the Army and
the people of Ladakh.                                                  Lt Gen YK Joshi at DIHAR

LRDE, Bengaluru
   Air Marshal B Suresh, AVSM, VM,
Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief,
Southern Air Command, IAF visited
Electronics and Radar Development
Establishment (LRDE) on 18 December
2018. Shri Nagaraj, OS and Director,
LRDE, appraised him the activities of
LRDE. Shri P Radhakrishna, OS and
Associate Director, made presentation
on the Radars developed by LRDE
and future projects. Air Marshal B
Suresh also witnessed the AESAR and
ASLESHA Mk-II radars in operation.
                                                        Air Marshal B Suresh being briefed about LRDE activities

                                      Published by DESIDOC, Metcalfe House, Delhi-110 054
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