The Economic Impact of the Creative Industries in the Americas

Page created by Joe May
The Economic Impact of the Creative Industries in the Americas

of the
in the
A report prepared by   for
The Economic Impact of the Creative Industries in the Americas
The aim of this research is to         2
assess and demonstrate the
economic contribution and potential
of the creative and cultural
industries in the countries of
the Americas and 10 benchmark
countries. This report provides an
overview of the availability of data
and makes recommendations on
how to improve the measurement
of this important sector.
The Economic Impact of the Creative Industries in the Americas
Executive summary                                                                                                       3

          The creative and cultural                   The creative industries are set   1
industries1 constitute one of the           to become an increasingly important         Reference to the “creative industries”
fastest-growing sectors globally. The       contributor to GDP growth across the        in this report is meant to encompass
sector is forecast to play a bigger role    region. In the two largest economies        both creative and cultural industries.
in coming years. If the countries of the    of the hemisphere, Brazil and the           The term “creative industries” has
Americas2 are to achieve a balanced,        United States, the creative industries      different meanings and uses throughout
high-growth economy, it is vital that       are estimated to account for over           the world; for purposes of this report,
the key strengths of businesses in          10% of GDP. To place this in context,       the term covers the following sectors:
the creative sector are nurtured.           11% of GDP in the US is roughly             Advertising; Art Crafts; Audio-Visual
Accordingly, the Organization of            equivalent to the size of the entire        / Film; Cultural Heritage; Design;
American States, the Inter-American         US manufacturing sector or about            Entertainment Software, including
Development Bank and the British            one-fifth of the world’s manufactures.      Video Games; Fashion; Music;
Council have commissioned Oxford            In other countries in the region the        Publishing; Performing Arts; and Visual
Economics to undertake this research        GDP contribution of the sector is           Arts.
to better showcase the economic             estimated to be smaller between 2%
impact and potential of creative            to 7% in Argentina, Mexico, and Peru,       2
industries across the Americas and in       highlighting the scope for catch up and     Reference to the “countries in the
comparison with selected benchmark          illustrating the high growth potential of   Americas” in this report refers to the
countries around the globe. The report      the sector. With regard to growth the       OAS member states (or the non-
highlights the need to further develop      sector is showing significant promise,      benchmark countries) listed on p. 8.
common statistical frameworks to            with data highlighting that the sector
support evidence-based policy-making        is accounting for a growing share of
that enables the sector to continue         national GDP in countries such as
to flourish and contribute to growth,       Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay,
employment, and development.                and the United States.

          The creative industries                     The sector can provide new
represent untapped economic potential,      employment opportunities. The creative
and make a positive contribution to the     sector is a major source of dynamism
innovation economy and other sectors        for the economies of the Americas,
of the economy through supply chain         growing rapidly with the potential to
effects. If the Americas are to continue    generate creativity, innovation and
to increase competitiveness in this         enterprise across a wide range of
changing global environment, they need      activities. The sector is already an
to put in place the right conditions for    important provider of employment
creativity and innovation to prosper in a   in some economies, accounting for
new entrepreneurial culture. There is a     between 5 to 11% of employment in
lot of untapped potential in the cultural   Canada, Colombia, Mexico and Trinidad
and creative industries to create growth    and Tobago, with employment forecast
and jobs. Many recent studies have          to continue to grow in the sector.
shown that the creative industries
represent highly innovative companies
with a great economic potential and are
one of the most dynamic sectors in the
The Economic Impact of the Creative Industries in the Americas

          A global market for creative       Trends in cultural consumption and                     Common definitions and
goods and services is growing rapidly        infrastructure provide the context           methodologies are necessary. Efforts
and outperforming other exportable           for future development. As shown             in this direction will lead to a more
sectors. The sector is also becoming         in changing advertising distribution         fluid and effective exchange of
increasingly international, with both        patterns, the soaring consumption            ideas across the Americas, helping
creative goods and creative services         of videogames, the continual                 overcome the challenge of producing
traded in international markets,             disappearance of newspapers,                 statistics for a sector where there
highlighted by growth in global creative     and wider access to the Internet,            is rapid technological and market
exports at over 10% per annum for            successful business models are in            change. The search for a minimum
much of the past decade. The Americas        constant evolution. If the Americas are      common ground is underway, albeit
account for approximately $87 billion of     to continue to increase their global         far from consolidated. This could be
world creative exports, approximately        competitiveness and harness the              achieved by adopting an internationally
14% of the world total. It is worth          dividends of nurturing their creative        recognised statistical framework such
highlighting that the region accounts        economies, policy interventions need to      as UNESCO’s published framework
for almost two-fifths of global ‘personal,   take into account the fluid dynamics of      for cultural statistics using detailed
cultural and recreational services’          modern creative businesses.                  International Standard Industrial
(which includes audio-visual services)                                                    Classification (ISIC) and International
exports and over one quarter of global                Market intelligence for             Standard Classification of Occupations
‘visual arts’ exports illustrating its       growing sectors is important to enable       (ISCO) codes, or developing a new
position as a world leader.                  ‘evidence-based’ policymaking. There         agreed definition for the region using
                                             is an evident lack of knowledge              ISIC and ISCO codes common to all
           Creative industries have          base on the economic impact of the           countries as a base.
continued to perform well during the         creative industries both nationally
recent global recession. Resilience to       and internationally. This research has       Governments are currently reliant
the crisis is also evident in the exports    signposted the available evidence to         upon non-economic data to provide
of creative services; they have grown        demonstrate economic contribution and        intelligence in many countries. Very
at 4.3% per annum since the global           potential; further research is required to   few countries in the world publish
recession began in 2008. As a rapidly        better understand the economic impact        reliable, continuous, comparable data
growing international market, this           of the sector. An enhanced evidence          of the creative industries. Infrastructure
presents an opportunity for countries        base could be used to argue in favour        and creative consumption variables
that are engaged in international trade      of measures, policies or initiatives that    are used as proxies. Information on
of creative goods and services. The          would help to encourage growth in the        the cultural infrastructure within a
sector’s resilience and the evidence         creative industries.                         country can be valuable information
that it is an important provider of                                                       for policymakers in the absence of the
employment opportunities is all the                   Estimating the contribution         availability of GDP and employment in
more interesting because creative            of culture to the economy across             numbers. Cultural atlases, like those
sectors have a higher percentage of          the Americas poses challenges. The           of Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador,
youth employment than the rest of the        lack of an agreed framework for              Jamaica, Mexico and Peru are good
economy, at a time of record high youth      researchers to follow leads to widely        examples of this.
unemployment in both developed and           varying estimates on the scale of the
developing countries.                        sector. Due to the dynamic and diverse
                                             nature of the sector, it often does
                                             not align well with official statistical
                                             measurement frameworks, which tend
                                             to use Standard Industrial Classification
                                             (SIC) codes or Standard Occupational
                                             Classification (SOC) codes.
The Economic Impact of the Creative Industries in the Americas

         Addressing data gaps and             in partnership with other countries
leveraging existing sources. There            and international organizations
are a number of useful data providers         working in this field, to ensure that
publishing information relating to the        the accounts are produced using the
creative industries, but with limited         same methodology and definition of the
country coverage of the smaller states        sector to enable accurate comparisons
in the Americas. There is an opportunity      among countries.
to open dialogue with existing data
providers to scope the potential for                   Ensuring best practices in
additional countries to be added to           statistical methods should also apply
improve their data coverage, and help         to the creative industries. Experiences
national statistics institutes to measure     such as cultural atlases and satellite
better the creative sector.                   accounts of culture must be shared
                                              and developed across the Americas
          Cultural satellite accounts         cooperatively. This will encourage and
are providing invaluable information          help smaller countries to catch up
for policy makers and represent               and coordinate better in the common
a comprehensive model for the                 development of a hemispheric creative
measurement of the economic                   economy.
contribution of national cultural
statistics. The cultural satellite account              Ensuring stakeholder buy-
is an economic information system             in: Developing the creative economy
for cultural products and the activities      should not and cannot be undertaken
that create them. The development             merely by public initiative. Implementing
of cultural accounts is an extremely          new processes to improve
positive recent development in the            measurement will require investment
statistical measurement of the sector,        and expertise from partners in industry
and can be an informative tool for            and civil society. With the sector
governments to draw upon to enable            becoming an increasingly important
evidence based policy making for              driver of growth, a commitment across
the creative and cultural industries.         the board will be essential to effectively
Argentina, Canada, Chile, and                 develop the required evidence-based
Colombia already produce cultural             policy.
satellite accounts. Brazil, Costa Rica,
the United States and Uruguay have
made advanced progress towards
the development of their satellite
accounts, while Bolivia, Ecuador and
Peru are currently in the initial stages of
developing their own, respectively. The
expansion in the number of countries
producing satellite accounts is hugely
important and will provide enhanced
market intelligence on the evolution of
the sector, identifying growth markets
within the sector. It should be noted that
governments should not undertake the
development of their satellite accounts
in isolation, and the development of
satellite accounts should be undertaken
The Economic Impact of the Creative Industries in the Americas
The economic impact of the creative industries                                                                          6

Introduction                                          An increasing number of
                                            governments across the globe are
                                                                                        cultural industries is a cross-cutting
                                                                                        issue that covers several areas of
                                            identifying the creative industries         focus for the OAS, including culture,
The creative economy has become             as a priority sector in their national      competitiveness, innovation, trade,
a topical issue of the international        development strategies, and expressing      tourism and facilitating the participation
economic and development agenda             the need to build capacity to better        of small and medium-sized enterprises
during this decade, calling for informed    measure the economic impact of              in domestic and international markets.
policy responses in both developed          these activities to inform their policy     One priority mandated in the area
and developing countries. The               responses.                                  of culture specifically, is to support
sector has outperformed many other                    With its growing importance in    “member states in their efforts to build
traditional growth sectors during the       the global economy there is a need for      capacity to measure the social and
recession, increasing its economic          better understanding of the dynamics        economic impact of cultural activity,
performance and providing employment        and needs of the creative economy. In       and to gather, analyze and disseminate
opportunities during a period of slow       this context, improved and up-to-date       information on culture through the
global economic growth.                     regional and national mappings of           exchange of information and practice in
                                            economic indicators related to creative     cultural information systems.” National
         In recent years countless          activity are critically important to help   systems, such as satellite accounts,
academic publications and reports           shape policy to help increase economic      and up-to-date information on the
have discussed the role of innovation,      growth through culture.                     economic contribution of the cultural
culture or creativity in development                                                    and creative sectors, are critical to
processes. The EU highlights that                    The creative industries are        develop common indicators, the data
cultural and creative industries breathe    particularly important in the countries     infrastructure, and the institutional and
new life into declining local economies     of the Americas. The Organization           human capacity to inform the design
and spawn new economic activities,          of American States (OAS) with the           of public policies, implement programs
thereby creating new sustainable jobs       Inter-American Development Bank             to increase economic growth, and
and making the regions and cities of        (IDB) and the British Council (BC)          promote development through culture
Europe more attractive.3 The OECD           have collaboratively commissioned           and innovation. Additionally the OAS
also stresses the role of the cultural      Oxford Economics to conduct a study         is focused on “promoting intercultural
and creative industries as a lever for      on the economic impact of the creative      dialogue, creativity, and artistic
social and personal development. Such       industries in the Americas.                 expression and enhancing awareness
industries generate economic growth                                                     and respect for cultural and linguistic
and constitute the core of the definition            Each organisation has a            diversity.” For more information about
of “global competitiveness.”4 The sector    specific rationale and interest in the      the work of the OAS, visit
also has notable supply chain linkages,     creative industries sector in the region:
purchasing materials from other                                                                   IDB: The IDB is the main
sectors and thus contributing to their                OAS: The Organization of          source of multilateral financing in
growth. Notably the creative sector         American States is the main political,      Latin America and the Caribbean. It
has strong supply chain linkages with       juridical, and social governmental          provides solutions to development
other creative sectors which has high       forum in the Hemisphere. It carries         challenges and support in the key
‘within sector’ multiplier effects which    out the essential purposes for which        areas of the region. Through its Cultural
contribute to rapid growth.5                it was established on the basis of four     Center, the IDB supports collaborative
                                            mutually reinforcing pillars: democracy,    and innovative initiatives for the
                                            human rights, multidimensional security     advancement of culture and creativity
                                            and integral development. The principal     as agents of social and economic
                                            goal of the OAS with respect to             development in the region. The work
                                            development is                              of the Cultural Center as regards the
                                                                                        cultural and creative economy focuses
                                            to support member states in their           on three interdependent areas: 1)
                                            efforts to reduce poverty and               collection, analysis and dissemination
                                            inequity. The issue of creative and         of statistics; 2) identification and
The Economic Impact of the Creative Industries in the Americas

promotion of concepts and best             responses to encourage growth, and           3
practices; and the 3) multidisciplinary    demonstrable economic impacts are            European Commission (2010): Green
generation of innovative ideas to          essential to secure both public and          paper. Unlocking the potential of
stimulate political engagement. For        private finance.                             cultural and creative industries.
more information on the IDB Cultural
Center, visit                 This report forms one of           4
                                           the outputs of the research project,         OECD (2005): Culture and Local
          British Council: The British     alongside 45 excel data files and 7          Development.
Council is the UK’s international          country summary dashboards. The
organisation for cultural relations        excel files provide a centralized location   5
and educational opportunities and is       where all data relating to the creative      NESTA (2008) Creating innovation:
represented in 110 countries worldwide.    industries that is currently published       Do the creative industries support
The Creative Economy Unit was              are housed, providing a one stop shop        innovation in the wider economy?
established in 1999 as part its Arts       for all data relating to the sector and
Department to work with UK and             highlighting areas where there are           6
international creative industries and      data gaps. The dashboards showcase           These countries were selected based
cultural policy-makers to co-create        the available data to demonstrate the        on factors such as the quality and
programmes that empower local              economic impact of the sector in Brazil,     availability of data.
creative talent, boost cultural policy,    Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico,
improve infrastructure development         Peru, and Trinidad & Tobago.
and increase international connections.
By helping to shape thinking amongst
policy-makers while also building
entrepreneurial and leadership capacity,
the British Council aims to encourage
collaborative change across sectors
and increase collaborations between
cultural production, enterprise and
digital technology, accelerating growth
in R&D and new business models in
culture. For more information about the
work of the British Council, visit www.

         The three organisations are
committed to working together on a
collaborative basis to help encourage
the development of the creative
industries, with the first stage of
this process being to ensure timely,
accurate and policy-relevant statistics
are available for the sector in today’s
increasingly complex and rapidly
changing social, political and economic
environments. The availability of data
is extremely important, notably to
help develop evidence based policy.
For example, it is important that
governments are able to track the
evolution of the sector and adapt policy
The Economic Impact of the Creative Industries in the Americas
The economic impact of the creative industries                           8

Objectives and                             Costa Rica        United States of
scope of the                               Dominica          America
research                                   Dominican         Uruguay
                                           Republic          Venezuela
         The key objective of this
research is to assess and demonstrate      Ecuador
the economic contribution and potential
of the creative and cultural industries    El Salvador       Benchmark
in the countries of the Americas and
10 additional benchmark countries,         Grenada           countries
including the effect of these industries
on economic growth, jobs, and              Guatemala         China
investment, through the assembling of
country and industry datasets in excel     Guyana            Italy
                                           Haiti             Jordan
        The countries included in this
research are listed below.                 Honduras          Malaysia
                                           Jamaica           Mauritius
Countries in                               Mexico            Philippines
the Americas                               Nicaragua         South Africa
Antigua &                                  Panama            South Korea
Barbuda                                    Paraguay          Spain
Argentina                                  Peru              United Kingdom
Bahamas                                    Saint Kitts &
Barbados                                   Nevis
Belize                                     Saint Lucia
Bolivia                                    Saint Vincent &
Brazil                                     the Grenadines
Canada                                     Suriname
Chile                                      Trinidad &
Colombia                                   Tobago
The Economic Impact of the Creative Industries in the Americas

In this report, Oxford Economics has                 Ideally the best data to provide
concentrated on collecting all available   insight into the sector relates to
data and statistics that fall under a      employment, GDP and trade. However,
number of key headings common              in a number of countries this level of
across most definitions of creative        detail is unavailable or unquantifiable.
industries.                                We have also collected any data
                                           available relating to either creative
                                           consumption or creative infrastructure.

Advertising                                Figure 1.1 below summarises the types
                                           of data we have collected as part of this

Art Crafts                                 research project.

Audio-Visual /
Performing Arts
Video Games
Visual Arts
The Economic Impact of the Creative Industries in the Americas
Figure 1.1                                                                10
Creative industries data collection

       — Number of cinemas
       — Number of film
          distribution companies
                                                       — Creative Goods
       — Number of libraries
       — Number of museums          Trade                 imports and exports
                                                       — Creative services
                                                          imports and exports

                                   Scale of         Employment
 Infrastructure                    Creative         / GDP

  — Video game
  — Advertising sales
                                                 — Limited data at the
  — Music sales
  — Film box office sales          Cultural         required level of detail
                                                 — Dependent upon
                                   Consumption      national studies

         Oxford Economics has                         Following the meeting, Oxford
collected data using national public        Economics contacted all CIC official
and private data sources, as well as        representatives for assistance in
international bodies including the          collecting national statistics, which
United Nations Conference on Trade          opened a constructive dialogue with
and Development (UNCTAD), the World         member states and provided access
Intellectual Property Organization          to additional data not publically
(WIPO), and the United Nations              available being shared with Oxford
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural       Economics and reflected in this report.
Organization (UNESCO).                      Oxford Economics also undertook a
                                            large consultation exercise with the
                                            statistical authorities in each member
           The Inter-American               state, discussing data availability with
Committee on Culture (CIC) invited          statistical experts in each country and
Oxford Economics to present the             providing them with data spreadsheets
initial findings of this study during the   to verify the quality of the results and
Committee’s fifth regular meeting held      ensure that no available data relating to
at OAS headquarters in Washington,          the sector were missing in the report. 9
DC on March 22, 2013. Oxford
Economics set out for the CIC the           7
objectives and outputs of the study         Barbados, United States, Canada,
and provided an overview of the data        Costa Rica, Dominican Republic,
availability on creative industries in      Paraguay, Colombia, Chile, and
the countries of the Americas and           Guatemala made statements during
benchmark countries. The presentation       the meeting; the Andean Community
highlighted the importance of improving     (CAN) sent a note, reporting on the
measurement and data coverage               recent resolution adopted by its
to identify niche growth markets, to        member states committing them to
track the evolution of the sector, and      establish national cultural satellite
to support policy officials in fostering    accounts.
a trading environment that helps the
creative sector to continue to grow.        8
Representatives of UNESCO’s Regional        The Report of the Fifth Regular
Center for the Promotion of Books           Meeting of the Inter-American
in Latin America and the Caribbean          Committee on Culture (CIC) (CIDI/CIC/
(CERLALC) and the Convenio                  doc.8/13) and other CIC documents,
Andrés Bello (CAB) or Andrés Bello          including the presentation by Oxford
Convention commented on ongoing             Economics, can be found in Documents
efforts toward the harmonization of         of the V Regular Meeting of the CIC at
culture accounts in the region, as
did several representatives7 among          SEDI/Educaci%C3%B3nyCultura/
the 27 member state delegations in          Cultura/Comisi%C3%B3nInterameri
attendance. The CIC welcomed this           canadeCultura/Reunionesplenarias/
research initiative commissioned by the     VReuni%C3%B3nOrdinaria/
three institutions. Member states were      tabid/1950/Default.
invited to offer further comments and       aspx?language=en-us
assist in the data collection. 8
                                            See “Acknowledgements” at the end of
                                            this report.
Layout of this report                              12

The remainder of this      Appendix 3
report is structured       UNESCO review of labour
as follows                 force surveys

 efining the creative
D                          Appendix 4
industries                 Global creative trade

 vailability of data on
A                           ppendix 5
the creative industries    WIPO copyright industries

Conclusions and            Appendix 6
recommendations            Data matrix of data
 ppendix 1
DCMS creative industries   Appendix 7
definition                 Country Summary
 ppendix 2
UNESCO cultural            Appendix 8
industries proposal        Excel Country Data Files


the creative
Diversity of terms used for the creative economy 14

          The term creative industries                  Another common term used
has different meanings and uses                to describe the sector is the copyright
throughout the world. In its broadest          industries, which lies at the heart of the
sense it is used to refer to all the           definition used by WIPO. The copyright-
industries that generate copyright,            based industries are defined as those
patents and trademarks. In other               industries in which copyright plays an
contexts it is used to refer only to such      identifiable role in creating tradable
industries that produce creative and           private economic (property) rights and
artistic content.                              income from use of these economic
         Possibly the most accepted
definition at an international level is that            The copyright industries
of the Department of Culture, Media            include a number of sectors such as
and Sport (DCMS) in the UK. According          music, which is common across most
to the DCMS, creative industries are           accepted definitions (see table below).
those that “have their origin in creativity,   However, the copyright industries only
individual skills and talent and have          include fashion and architecture as
the potential to create wealth and             partial copyright industries, whereas
employment through the generation              the DCMS definition of creative
and exploitation of intellectual               industries includes both these sectors.
          According to UNESCO, the             DCMS (2001), Creative Industries
term “cultural industry” applies to those      Mapping Document 2001 (2 ed.),
industries that combine the creation,          London, UK: Department of Culture,
production and marketing of content            Media and Sport.
that is by nature cultural and intangible.
Content is protected by intellectual
property rights and can take the form of
goods and services.

          Although cultural and creative
industries are considered to be one
and the same in some of the reviewed
texts, in others cultural industries are
shown as a sub-group of the creative

         The CAB also distinguishes
between cultural activities and cultural
goods. The cultural field comprises
cultural activities (museums, libraries
and festivals, which make up a part
of heritage) and cultural goods
(publishing, music, film, etc.).
Table 1.2                                                                                                            15
Classification systems for the creative
industries from different models

  UK DCMS model                  Symbiotic texts model            Concentric circles model         WIPO copyright model

  Advertising                    Core cultural industries         Core creative arts               Core copyright industries
  Architecture                   Advertising                      Literature                       Advertising
  Art and antiques market        Film                             Music                            Collecting societies Film and
  Crafts                         Internet                         Performing arts                  video
  Design                         Music                            Visual arts                      Music
  Fashion                        Publishing                       Other core cultural industries   Performing arts
  Film and video                 Television and radio             Film                             Publishing
  Music                          Video and computer games         Museums and libraries            Software
  Performing arts                Peripheral cultural industries   Wider cultural industries        Television and radio
  Publishing                     Creative arts                    Heritage services                Visual and graphic art
  Software                       Borderline cultural industries   Publishing                       Interdependent copyright
  Television and radio           Consumer electronics             Sound recording                  industries
  Video and consumer games       Fashion                          Television and radio             Blank recording material
                                 Software                         Video and computer games         Consumer electronics
                                 Sport                            Related industries               Musical instruments
                                                                  Advertising                      Paper
                                                                  Architecture                     Photocopiers
                                                                  Design                           Photographic equipment
                                                                  Fashion                          Partial copyright industries
  Source: United Nations (2008), Creative                                                          Architecture
  Economy Report 2008 : The Challenge                                                              Clothing
  of Assessing the Creative Economy:                                                               Footwear design
  towards informed Policy-making                                                                   Fashion
                                                                                                   Household goods

             It is this diversity of the
  definitions that makes comparisons
  difficult, both within countries and
  internationally. For example, in
  Brazil the national statistics agency
  (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e
  Estatística) has estimated employment
  at approximately 1.8 % of total
  employment, whereas UNESCO and
  UNCTAD estimate 3.8 % and 0.95%
  of total employment respectively (see
  table below) . The lack of an agreed
  framework for researchers to follow
  leads to widely varying estimates on
  the scale of the sector.
Table 1.3                                                                                                                 16
Formal employment according to different
creative methodologies by regions

Methodology                  Brazil              South East          State of            Metropolitan          Municipality
                                                 region              Sao Paulo           region of             Sao Paulo
                                                                                         Sao Paulo

                             Number       %      Number       %      Number       %      Number         %      Number         %

Formal Employment            41,207,548   100    21,098,135   100    12,079,131   100    6,722,364      100    4 ,621,085     100

Firjan                       6,635 ,379   16.1   21,098,135   16.4   2,029,607    16.8   1,164 ,805     17.3   805,505        17.4

DCMS                         2,281,527    5.5    3,465,671    5.5    684 ,659     5.7    380,450        5.7    295 ,451       6.4

UNESCO                       1,527,721    3.8    1,150,067    4.4    511,362      4.2    316,637        4.7    237,537        5.1

Fundap                       753,178      1.8    927,307      2.2    296,231      2.5    215,982        3.2    140,499        3.0

IBGE                         751,539      1.8    464 ,927     2.2    279,049      2.3    183,490        2.7    134 ,969       2.9

OIC                          729,053      1.7    437,395      2.1    277,694      2.3    210,544        3.1    151,194        3.3

UNCTAD                       390,454      0.9    468,788      1.1    136,536      1.1    103,482        1.5    81,195         1.8

Source: Firjan, Department of Culture
Media and Sport (DCMS), UNESCO,
Fundap, Instituto Brasileiro de
Geografia e Estatística, Observatorio
de Industrias Creativas (OIC) and

        The lesson to be learned is
that comparisons can only be made
when using a consistent methodology,
comparing results from different
studies using different methodologies
can lead to inaccurate conclusions
being drawn.
Differences in definitions across countries   17

           Often where countries are
  using a similar term for the sector, they
  use a different sector definition. This
  is not only an issue for the Americas,
  but applies to all economies across the

           For example the UK includes
  fashion in its definition of the creative
  industries, but France does not; and
  France includes architecture in its
  definition of the cultural industries,
  whereas Spain does not (see Table 1.4
  below) .
Table 1.4                                                                                                              18
Comparison of four countries: definitions
of the creative/cultural industries

                                             UK                    Germany              Spain                France

Term Used                                    Creative industries   Culture & creative   Culture industries   Cultural sector

                                             ×                     ×                                         ×
Audio-visual (film, TV, radio)
                                             ×                     ×                    ×                    ×
Performing arts
                                             ×                     ×                    ×                    ×
                                                                                        ×                    ×
                                             ×                     ×
Art market / visual arts
                                             ×                     ×                    ×                    ×
                                             ×                     ×                    ×                    ×
Software / multimedia
                                             ×                     ×
Museums / cultural heritage
                                                                                        ×                    ×
                                             ×                     ×                    ×                    ×
                                             ×                     ×
Source: British Council (2010) Mapping
the creative industries: A Toolkit

Therefore, even when comparing
internationally if different countries are
using the same terminology it may not
be an accurate comparison.
What data are required to enable                                                           19
accurate benchmarking?

  Due to the dynamic and diverse                      However, the creative
  nature of the sector, it often does        industries require a much more granular
  not align well with official statistics    level of data to produce employment
  measurement frameworks which               and GDP estimates. For example, the
  tend to use Standard International         DCMS definition used in the UK is
  Classification (SIC) codes or Standard     perhaps the most widely used definition
  Occupational Classification (SOC)          of the creative industries. The UK
  codes. Statistical systems of industrial   definition requires 4 digit level SIC
  classification struggle to keep pace       data to estimate employment (refer to
  with the rate of industrial change. They   Appendix 1), and for some industries
  provide the most detailed coverage for     only a portion of very detailed sectors
  traditional areas of the economy, such     are classified as ‘creative’.
  as primary and extractive industries,
  and manufacturing. Consequently, in                 Measuring creative
  general, the service sector is poorly      employment is equally difficult (i.e. also
  covered and the classifications are        including persons employed in creative
  particularly weak for areas in which       occupations outside the creative
  there is rapid technological and market    industries sector) . UNESCO proposed a
  change; both types of change generate      global study on measuring employment
  difficulties.                              in the ‘cultural industries’ in 2011, which
                                             faced similar problems of requiring
           Accuracy in benchmarking can      granular data (refer to Appendix 2 for
  only be achieved if there is confidence    its proposed definition) .
  that the data providers have used
  the same industry definitions and are                This level of granularity is
  working from a consistent methodology.     difficult to obtain. Some advanced
                                             economies where statistical authorities
            For a researcher, the best       have large budgets are able to produce
  method to ensure accurate comparisons      data to this level of detail (e.g. UK, US,
  is to build up a database using raw        Australia, EU economies, Canada etc.) .
  statistics from official sources.          However, in most cases developing or
                                             emerging markets will not be able to
           Using raw data for sector         produce data to the required level of
  comparisons is usually relatively          detail to enable researchers to estimate
  straightforward, and data can be drawn     the size of the creative industries.
  largely from central sources such as
  the International Labour Organization               Many cross-economy
  (ILO) to enable comparisons of broad       business surveys also have insufficient
  sectors such as retail, construction,      coverage of micro-enterprises and sole
  agriculture, manufacturing etc.            traders, which are disproportionately
                                             represented in the cultural sector.

                                                      There are two main sources
                                             of employment data, ‘labour force and
                                             household employment surveys’ and
                                             ‘population censuses’. There are both
                                             positive and negative aspects to these
                                             data (refer to table below) .
Table 1.5                                                                                                              20
Overview of key data types

Data Type                              Positive                                     Negative

Labour force and                       —A significant number of countries          —S
                                                                                      mall size of their samples in some
household surveys                         carry them out                             countries (e.g. sample size is often too
                                       — T hey are done especially for capturing    small to produce results at granular
                                          employment phenomena                       sectoral level that are statistically
                                       — M any of them have consistent              significant)
                                          standardized ILO concepts                 —L
                                                                                      ow levels of occupation and activity
                                       — T hey are done on a regular basis,         classification coding in some countries
                                          monthly or annually in most regions       —C
                                                                                      oncepts used vary among some
                                          around the world                           countries
                                       — Disaggregated coding systems

Population censuses                    — T hey are done by an overwhelming         —   T
                                                                                          hey are usually done once every
                                           majority of countries                         ten years
                                       — T hey have information on employment       —   T
                                                                                          hey employ different methodologies
                                           obtained from their well sized sample         and ways of applying samples
                                       — T hey register both activities and
                                       — S ome countries carry out inter-census
                                           procedures in which estimations projected
                                           for the subsequent years can be found

         Therefore, even if these data
are available, there are considerable
barriers such as timeliness and use of
consistent methodologies. Our review
of data availability highlighted that very
few of the countries in the Americas
published data at the level required
to make estimates of the economic
contribution of the creative industries
sector, as highlighted in Table 1.6
Table 1.6                                                                                              21
Review of the availability of employment statistics

                           1 Digit   2 Digit   3/4 Digit                                 1 Digit   2 Digit   3/4 Dig

  DigitAntigua & Barbuda
                                     ×         ×           Nicaragua
                                                                                                   ×         ×
                                               ×           Panama
                                                                                                   ×         ×
                                     ×         ×           Paraguay
                                                                                                   ×         ×
                                     ×         ×           Peru
                                                                                         ×         ×         ×
                           ×         ×         ×           St Kitts & Nevis
                                                                                                   ×         ×
                                     ×         ×           St Lucia
                                                                                         ×         ×         ×
                           ×         ×         ×           St Vincent & the Grenadines
                                                                                         ×         ×         ×
                                               ×           Suriname
                                                                                         ×         ×         ×
                                     ×         ×           Trinidad & Tobago
                                                                                         ×         ×         ×
                           ×         ×         ×           United States

  Costa Rica
                                               ×           Uruguay
                                                                                         ×         ×         ×
                           ×         ×         ×           Venezuela
                                                                                         ×         ×         ×
  Dominican Rep.
                                     ×         ×           Benchmark Countries

                                     ×         ×           China
                                                                                                   ×         ×
  El Salvador
                                               ×           Malaysia
                                                                                                   ×         ×
                           ×         ×         ×           Italy

                                     ×         ×           Jordan
                                                                                                   ×         ×
                                     ×         ×           Mauritius
                                                                                                   ×         ×
                                     ×         ×           Phillippines
                                                                                         ×         ×         ×
                                     ×         ×           South Africa

                                     ×         ×           South Korea
                                                                                                   ×         ×
                                               ×           Spain


          While there appear to be                  In the United States, GDP for
relatively few countries producing          the copyright industries increased from
data to 3 and 4 digit levels, it may        4.9% in 2002 to 11.1% in 2011.
be possible to access this level of
data through special requests and                    In Argentina, the creative
consultation with the relevant national     industries increased their share of
statistical authorities. It is also worth   national GDP from 2.5% to 3.8%
noting that in its proposal for a study     between 2004 and 2011.12.
to estimate global employment in the
cultural industries, UNESCO found very               While the GDP estimates
few countries that were producing data      above may not be technically
to the level of granularity needed (see     comparable due to differing
Appendix 3).                                methodologies and definitions used,
                                            they do nonetheless provide an
         With regard to GDP data,           indication of the increasing importance
even in advanced economies it is            of the creative and cultural sector in
often difficult to source GDP data          terms of GDP contribution in many of
at the required level to estimate the       the countries across the Americas.
GDP impact of the creative industries.
Some countries run regular business                   Due to the difficulties
surveys (such as the Annual Business        in estimating both output and
Inquiry in the UK), although it is only     employment, it is best to turn to the
in exceptional cases where the data         availability of other data and other
from these surveys is of the required       analyses conducted by third party
granularity to enable robust estimation     research organisations to provide
of creative industries GDP. It would be     additional insight into the economic
highly unlikely that information would      impact of the creative industries. Using
be available at the required level of       raw data to produce international
detail on a consistent basis across         estimates of creative industries is
countries.                                  beyond the remit of this study, and
                                            would require a large scale research
With regard to GDP, the main source         programme.
of information on the economic impact
of the sector is from commissioned          11
research projects aimed at estimating       Please refer to the country dashboard
the size of the sector which are            for Brazil which accompanies this
available for some of the countries in      report for further information.
the Americas. For example:
         In Brazil the copyright            Please refer to the country data files
industries were estimated to account        which accompany this report for further
for 6.7% of GDP in 1998, compared           information.
to 11.1% for the copyright industries in

of data on
the creative
Satellite accounts                                                                                                   24

          Although it is difficult to                                                   − to establish the magnitude of cultural
get data from national accounts at a                                                       activity and compare it with the

disaggregated level to estimate creative                                                   national economy;
industries output, some governments

                                           of satellite
have recognised the importance of the                                                   − to come up with instruments that
sector as a key contributor to economic                                                    contribute to all decision-making

                                           accounts in
growth and have commissioned a                                                             processes, and the definition and
satellite account. A number of countries                                                   evaluation of cultural policies;

in the Americas have produced a
satellite account measuring the sector,                                                 − to identify in the main framework
including Chile and Colombia.                                                              the set of cultural activities and
                                           In Colombia, the cultural satellite             implement the measurement
         The cultural satellite account    account (CSC) has been developed                mechanisms of the national accounts
is an economic information system          by the DANE (national statistics                system;
for cultural products and the activities   office) and the Ministry of Culture
that create them. The account has as a     from late 2002, with the support of          − to make available to the community
frame of reference the United Nation’s     the Convenio Andrés Bello (CAB) and             (business organizations, creators,
System of National Accounts. Its main      the National Copyright Office at the            academia, etc.) reliable information
objective is to produce information that   Ministry of Interior. This concept has          on cultural activities;
will make possible economic analysis       been introduced within the financial
and evaluation of cultural activities in   accounting systems with the goal of          − to achieve an economic
the country and to facilitate public and   "expanding the analytical capacity of           measurement of culture that allows
private decision-making in the cultural    national accounts in a flexible manner,         international and inter-sectoral
sector.                                    without overloading or distorting the           comparisons;
                                           central system."
                                                                                        − to provide information to identify the
                                           In the CSC system, the cultural sector          strengths and weaknesses of the
                                           is "defined in a practical way, based on        various cultural activities from their
                                           the guidelines adopted and developed            economic dimension;
                                           by the economy and culture project of
                                           the CAB. This does not only include          − to enrich the economic analysis of
                                           activities such as arts, folklore or            culture with non-monetary indicators.
                                           tangible and intangible heritage, but
                                           also other activities from which much
                                           of the cultural processes flow, such
                                           as television, radio, advertising, film or
                                           publication of books, magazines and

                                           This broad spectrum of activities is
                                           known as the cultural industries. The
                                           aim of the cultural statistics was:

Colombia’s cultural satellite account provides
information on value added, employment, cultural
infrastructure and consumption in the following
sub-sectors of the cultural sector:
— Audio-visuals
— Books
— Cultural Areas
— Libraries
— Magazines
— Movies
— Music
— Newspapers
— Publishing
— Radio
— Television
— Videogames
— Videos

By way of summary the table below provides
GDP in the cultural sector in Colombia at a
broad sub-sector level:
Table 1.7                                         26
Value added in cultural industries in Colombia
2001 and 2007 (millions of pesos, current prices)

Sector                                                            2001                            2007

Publishing and printing                                           649,659                         1,227,984

Radio, television and cable program transmission                  176,640                         384 ,523

Advertising, photography and research and development             941,210                         2,674 ,860

Recreational activities, cultural and recreational services       1,334 ,863                      2,909,772

Museums                                                           16,998                          40,128

Artistic education                                                99,686                          156,525

Government                                                        179,636                         288,893

Total cultural industries                                         3,433,692                       7,680,724

% of total GDP                                                    1.6 %                           1.8 %

         The data illustrate that the                   The development of cultural      undertaken in partnership with other
scale of the cultural sector in Colombia     accounts is an extremely positive           countries in the region and international
has more than doubled in size13 over         recent development in the statistical       organizations working in this field to
the six year time period for which data      measurement of the sector. Argentina,       ensure that the accounts are produced
are available. The sector has only           Colombia, Chile and Canada15 already        using the same methodology and
marginally increased its share of total      produce cultural satellite accounts.        definition of the sector to enable
GDP as the economy as a whole has            Brazil, Costa Rica, the United States       accurate comparisons among countries.
experienced strong growth over the           and Uruguay have made advanced
period in question.                          progress towards the development of a       13
                                             cultural satellite accounts, and Bolivia,   In current prices.
          Although there are some            Ecuador and Peru are currently in the
other countries that have produced           initial stages of developing a cultural     14
cultural satellite accounts, international   satellite account. The expansion in the     Heritage; Archives and Libraries;
comparisons can still be problematic.        number of countries producing satellite     Books and Press; Visual Arts;
For example, in the cultural satellite       accounts is hugely important and will       Performing Arts; Audio-visuals and
account of Spain, one of the benchmark       provide enhanced market intelligence        Multimedia; and Interdisciplinary.
countries in this study, a slightly          on the evolution of the sector, highlight
different set of sub-sectors14 is used       growth markets within the sector and        15
making comparisons at detailed               be an informative tool for governments      Canada does not technically produce a
levels difficult. Therefore, although in     to draw upon to enable evidence based       cultural account, however it does have
Spain the cultural sector is recorded        policy making for the creative and          the most complete cultural statistical
in its satellite account in 2007 as          cultural industries.                        framework in the hemisphere and,
representing 2.9% of GDP, this is not                                                    arguably, the world.
directly comparable to the 1.8% figure                 It should be noted that
recorded in Colombia due to the slightly     governments should not undertake the
different definitions of the cultural        development of their satellite accounts
sector that have been used.                  in isolation, and the development
                                             of satellite accounts should be
Trade information                                                                       27

          Other than satellite accounts,             Creative exports (goods and
trade information is the best source of     services) from the countries in the
statistics from a central source relating   Americas account for 2.2% of all their
to the creative industries.16 UNCTAD        exports of goods and services. Their
provides detailed estimates of imports      creative goods exports account for
and exports for most countries across       approximately 1.6% of all the goods
the globe. As this comes from a central     exports from the Americas, and their
source using the same methodology all       creative services exports account
data are directly comparable.               for 4.6% of all their services exports.
                                            Creative exports from the countries
         The available statistics           in the Americas are comprised of
highlight some interesting trends for       56% creative goods and 44% creative
the global creative industries:             services (refer to table below).

$646 billion of exports (in 2011),          16 Although it is one of the best sources
growing at an average annual rate of        of data with regard to the creative
10.8 per cent between 2002 and 2011;        industries, the trade information
                                            does have some gaps where trade
2.5% of world export of goods (in 2011);    in particular goods or services is of
                                            a small volume; the measurement
and                                         of trade in services is difficult and
                                            methods to improve data measurement
34.4% of world export of services           of intangibles are constantly being
(in 2011).                                  reviewed.

         The countries in the Americas      16
account for $87 billion of world creative   Although it is one of the best sources
exports, approximately 14% of global        of data with regard to the creative
creative exports.                           industries, the trade information
                                            does have some gaps where trade
                                            in particular goods or services is of
                                            a small volume; the measurement
                                            of trade in services is difficult and
                                            methods to improve data measurement
                                            of intangibles are constantly being
Table 1.8                                                                                                            28
Exports from countries in the Americas
of all creative industries (goods and services),
by subgroup, 2002, 2008 and 2011

                   Value in     % of         % total   Value in     % of         % total   Value in     % of         % total
                   $ millions   creative     exports   $ millions   creative     exports   $ millions   creative     exports
                                industries                          industries                          industries

All Creative       49706        100 %        2.9%      87860        100 %        2.6 %     87600        100 %        2.2%

All Creative       49706        64%          2.4%      54261        62%          2.0 %     49453        56 %         1.6 %

Arts crafts        2111         4%           0.2%      2447         3%           0.1%      2055         2%           0.1%

Visual arts        3404         7%           0.3%      9337         11%          0.3%      8218         9%           0.3%

Performing         648          1%           0.0 %     —            —            —         —            —            —
arts goods

Publishing         9421         19%          0.7%      11331        13%          0.4%      9412         11%          0.3%

Audiovisual        209          0%           0.0 %     394          0%           0.0 %     271          0%           0.0 %

Design goods       12676        26 %         1.0 %     20725        24%          0.8 %     21724        25%          0.7%

New media          3327         7%           0.3%      10027        11%          0.4%      7772         9%           0.3%

All Creative       17909        36 %         4.7%      33600        38 %         4.6 %     38147        44%          4.6 %

Advertising and    512          1%           0.1%      1466         2%           0.2%      2021         2%           0.2%
related services

Architecture and 4297           9%           1.1%      11029        13%          1.5%      12760        15%          1.5%
related services

Research and       1641         3%           0.4%      4031         5%           0.6 %     5180         6%           0.6 %
Personal, cultural 11459        23%          3.0 %     17073        19%          2.3%      18186        21%          2.2%
and recreational

Source: UNCTAD
Oxford Economics Note: Creative goods are expressed as a
% of total goods exports, creative services are expressed as a % of total
services exports and total creative industries are expressed as a % of
all exports of goods and services.
Trade information                                                                    29

Creative exports in the countries in        17
the Americas have grown by 6.5%             The benchmark group of countries
per annum between 2002-11. This is          are comprised of China, Italy, Jordan,
slower than the growth achieved by the      Malaysia, Mauritius, the Philippines,
benchmark group17 of countries, which,      South Africa, South Korea, Spain, and
driven by China, has grown at 11.3% per     the United Kingdom.

         The leading creative export
categories include design goods
($21.7 billion), personal, cultural and
recreational services ($18.2 billion),
architecture and related services
($12.8 billion) and visual arts goods
($8.2 billion). In order to put these
trade figures into context in the wider
economic environment, it is interesting
to note that:

— The value of exports of design goods
   from the Americas is comparable to
   the value of remittances to Mexico in

— The value of personal, cultural and
   recreational services exports from
   the Americas was greater than the
   size of the economy of Honduras in

— The value of architecture and related
   services exports from the Americas
   is approximately three times the value
   of the Foreign Direct Investment
   received by the Caribbean countries

— The value of visual arts goods
   exports from the Americas is
   comparable to the value of coffee
   exports from Brazil.
Figure 1.9                                                                                                                                    30
     Creative goods exports index (2002=100)


Creative goods exports (2002 = 100)



                                                                                    Countries in the Americas











                                                                                                                       Source: UNCTAD

    Figure 1.10
    Creative services exports index (2002=100)

                                         300                                                                           Growth in the countries in the Americas
                                                                                                                       has been fast in new media and visual
                                                                                                                       arts goods, and has achieved double
                                         250                                                                           digit per annum growth in architecture
Creative services exports (2002 = 100)

                                                                                                                       and related services, research and
                                                                                                                       development services, and advertising
                                                                                                                       and related services, over the 2002-11
                                         200                                                                           time period for which data is available.

                                                                                    Countries in the Americas




                                                                                                                       Source: UNCTAD







Figure 1.11                                    31
Creative goods exports growth rate (2002-2011)

Creative Goods exports - % growth rate 2002-11

Arts crafts goods
                                                                       Countries in the Americas

Publishing goods

Audiovisual goods

Design goods

New Media goods

Visual Arts goods

2002-2011 (% growth p.a.)          -10 %           0%    10 %      20 %                    Source: UNCTAD

Figure 1.12
Creative services exports growth rate (2002-2011)

Creative service exports - % growth rate 2002-11

Personal, cultural and recreational services                           Countries in the Americas

Architecture and related services

Research and development services

Advertising and related services

2002-2011 (% growth p.a.)                          0%   10 %    20 %
                                                                                           Source: UNCTAD
Data from other central providers                                                                                                                                                                                                 32

         The UNCTAD data provide
more granular information than has
                                             Figure 1.13
been presented in this report (e.g.
design can be split out by architecture,     Creative exports as a %
fashion, glass wear, interiors, jewellery,
and toys; new media can be split into
recorded media and video games;
                                             of total exports (2011)
and visual arts can be split into
antiques, paintings, photography and
                                             5.0 %
         The data are also available
on a country by country basis, and           4.5%
can also provide analysis of bi-lateral
creative trade flows. The chart below        4.0 %
ranks the countries in the Americas for
which data are available, highlighting
that Barbados and Canada have the
greatest creative export intensity
while countries such as Paraguay and         3.0 %
Ecuador rank towards the lower end of
the scale. The important point from this     2.5%
is that each country in the region is at a
different level in the development of its    2.0 %
creative industries sector, highlighting
that some countries which currently          1.5%
have a small creative sector have
potential for growth of the sector to        1.0 %
catch up with leading countries.
        The UNCTAD creative goods
and services databank is a very useful
resource to provide insight into trade in    0.0 %
the creative industries.


                                                                                  El Salvador

                                                                                                                                                                                           Costa Rica
                                                                                                Dominican Republic


Please refer to the country data files
which accompany this report for further
Other data providers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             33

          There are other data providers
that provide specialist information
                                             Figure 1.14
with regard to the creative industries
ranging from economic studies to the         GDP impact of copyright industries
statistics included in cultural yearbooks.


         Through its creative mapping
research programme, WIPO seeks to
                                             12%                                                                                                                  Copyright industries (% of GDP)
quantify the economic contribution of
the copyright-based industries to value
added output (GDP), foreign trade                                                  WIPO Countries in the Americas                                                                                                                                                                                                Benchmark countries
(exports and imports) and employment.        10 %

         WIPO’s definition of the
‘copyright industries’ is based on 4 digit
ISIC data, and sourced from labour           8%
force surveys, household surveys,
business surveys, trade records and
company accounts. Using data at this         6%
level and estimating outputs represents
a hugely ambitious and large scale
research programme.
         A number of the countries
included in the WIPO research
programme are among the countries in
the Americas and benchmark countries
included in this study. A summary of the
results for all countries is included in
Appendix 5 of this report.                   0%
                                                    USA (2011)
                                                                 St Lucia (2012)
                                                                                   St Kitts & Nevis (2012)
                                                                                                             Panama (2009)
                                                                                                                             St Vincent & the Grenadines (2012)

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Trinidad & Tobago (2011)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mexico (2006)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Grenada (2012)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Colombia (2008)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Peru (2009)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Malaysia (2008)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Phillipines (2006)
                                                                                                                                                                  Canada (2004)
                                                                                                                                                                                  Jamaica (2007)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Dominica (2012)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 South Korea (2012)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      China (2009)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            South Africa (2011)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Jordan (2012)

        The charts below summarise
the economic contribution of the
copyright industries for the countries
in the Americas and the benchmark
countries for which data is available.

                                               Source: UNCTAD
                                               Note: 2010 data is used where 2011 data has not yet been published

        Of the countries in the
Americas, the copyright industries
                                            Figure 1.15
account for the largest proportion of
GDP in the United States, and the           Employment impact of
greatest proportion of employment in
                                            copyright industries
        It is worth highlighting that
in the USA the copyright industries
account for 11.10% of GDP and only                                                                                          Copyright industries (% of Employment)
8.19% of employment, whereas in
Mexico the copyright industries account
for 4.77% of GDP and 11.01% of                                                    WIPO Countries in the Americas                                                                                                                                                                                                  Benchmark countries
employment. This highlights the higher      10 %
value added activity in the USA in the
copyright industries relative to Mexico,
where productivity in the United States
is much higher.                             8%

UNESCO                                      6%

          Publishes a range of statistics
relating to the creative industries,
largely relating to film and TV and         4%
media. The charts below highlight two
of the main data variables available
through UNESCO’s statistical database,
illustrating number of cinemas and
number of daily newspaper titles.

                                                   USA (2011)
                                                                St Lucia (2012)
                                                                                  St Kitts & Nevis (2012)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Mexico (2006)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Grenada (2012)
                                                                                                            Panama (2009)
                                                                                                                            St Vincent and the Grenadines (2012)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Colombia (2008)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Peru (2009)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Malaysia (2008)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Phillipines (2006)
                                                                                                                                                                   Canada (2004)
                                                                                                                                                                                   Jamaica (2007)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Trinidad & Tobago (2011)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dominica (2012)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  South Korea (2012)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       China (2009)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             South Africa (2011)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Jordan (2012)

                                                    Source: WIPO
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