Gum Tips - BUSHFIRE Learn more WILD KOALA - Koala Hospital

Page created by Maurice Robinson
Gum Tips - BUSHFIRE Learn more WILD KOALA - Koala Hospital
Gum Tips
                        March 2020

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Gum Tips - BUSHFIRE Learn more WILD KOALA - Koala Hospital
Where does one start? Australia           those who remain alive and are             and koalas consequently cannot
has been in the grip of the worst         struggling to survive. We weep for         get enough water. Koalas are then
drought in recorded history with          them all.                                  forced to go to ground seeking
rivers literally stopping flowing,                                                   water which of course is often hard
                                          For the wild koalas of New South
dams drying out, eucalypts                                                           to find. This is why we often see
                                          Wales (NSW) the impact of
dying and so many species of                                                         footage of koalas chasing people
                                          bushfires and drought has had
wildlife dying of starvation and                                                     on bicycles. They can smell the
                                          a major impact on the overall
dehydration. And then along came                                                     water in the drink bottles and the
                                          population. Well over 30% of
the bushfires.                                                                       fear of humans is overridden by
                                          identified koala habitat in NSW
                                                                                     the need for water.
The only way to describe these            has been wiped out in bushfires
bushfires is hell on earth.               so far. The overall loss is still to be    In recent times, one of the common
Armageddon. It has been horrific,         estimated. Nonetheless it is likely        causes of admission to care has
terrifying and so heartbreaking.          that approximately 2,000 koalas            been extremely dehydrated and
From October 2019 through to              may have died.                             starving koalas particularly into
January 2020, it felt like the whole                                                 facilities in western NSW. The same
                                          The drought affecting Australia and
country was on fire with every                                                       problem is reflected in all other
                                          particularly NSW, which has been
news media outlet showing footage                                                    species such as kangaroos, flying
                                          occurring for a number of years
that was just unbelievable.                                                          foxes (bats) and even birds who are
                                          has certainly had a major impact
                                                                                     also suffering just the same.
From a wildlife perspective and of        on koala populations particularly
course from a koala perspective,          on the tablelands and western              So all our koalas and other wildlife
the impact on our unique and              plains regions of the state.               were already struggling with
beautiful wildlife is still largely                                                  drought – and the bushfires were
                                          Koalas obtain the majority of
unknown. It is likely some species                                                   just the last straw.
                                          their daily water needs from the
have been wiped out completely.           eucalypt leaves themselves, and            When the bushfires first hit our
We despair for so many millions           when severe drought occurs, even           region, they were of such high
of animals who have perished and          the eucalypts struggle to survive          intensity and so big they created

   Front cover images show some of our bushfire victims.
   Clockwise from top left: LINR Samantha and Joey, LINR Anwen, Ruins Way Baz, Nabiac Austin, LINR Paul.
   Anwen, Baz, Austin and Paul were all burnt in bushfires; at time of print they continue to recover at the Koala
   Samantha and Joey did not suffer burns but were left homeless by the bushfires. They are two of many koalas being
   cared for at the Hospital until their bushland homes regenerate enough to sustain them.

                                             GUM TIPS | MARCH 2020 | P2
Gum Tips - BUSHFIRE Learn more WILD KOALA - Koala Hospital
their own weather! The skies                           seemed like there was a conveyor                         future is one of permanent pain
looked like an atomic bomb had                         belt of koala patients coming                            and suffering.
hit, and the smoke was so thick it                     through the doors!
                                                                                                                Every animal is precious to us in
was almost dark in the middle of                                                                                more ways than one.
                                                       Sadly not all the koala patients who
the day.
                                                       came into the hospital survived                          We must also appreciate that
Our search and rescue teams                            their ordeal. It is likely their                         we still had and still have all our
started to prepare. All of our                         systems were so compromised                              normal patients being admitted
team are fully qualified with Rural                    from the drought, that suffering                         during this time. Koalas were still
Fire Service, have all the correct                     burns as well was just too much                          coming in being hit by cars and
fire gear and are experienced in                       for some. We also had to make                            suffering from diseases, etc.
undertaking this gruelling, hot                        the decision to euthanase a few
                                                                                                                We have also taken burns patients
difficult job. Once the teams were                     of them as their injuries were too
                                                                                                                from other locations in NSW as well
allowed in, the search work began.                     severe. Everyone will remember
                                                                                                                so the hospital is still at capacity.
                                                       the haunting footage of the koala
Burnt koalas began to be brought                                                                                We have had to resort to building
                                                       running into the active fire and the
into the hospital for assessment                                                                                off site enclosures on private land
                                                       kind lady who ripped off her shirt
and treatment. We were also                                                                                     to accommodate all the patients!
                                                       and captured him from the flames.
treating kangaroos, possums, and                                                                                We will be keeping the burns
                                                       That koala was Ellenborough Lewis
turtles.                                                                                                        patients here until at least next
                                                       and his burns injuries were such
We had so many burnt patients                          that even with the best burns                            winter. Their injuries should have
coming in, we decided to set up                        treatment available for koalas                           healed well by then, plus hopefully
a second examination table and                         he would have suffered a life of                         the vegetation on the firegrounds
anaesthetic machine and we had                         pain. The Koala Hospital is first                        will have returned.
two teams of qualified/experienced                     and foremost an animal welfare                           We have had some magnificent
burns staff treating koalas on both                    organisation and we will never                           rain in NSW but not enough to
tables at the same time. It almost                     keep an animal alive if we feel the                      break the drought.


   Report by Clinical Director, Cheyne Flanagan................. 2 Providing water to wildlife.................................................12
   Report by President, Sue Ashton....................................... 5 Impact of recent bushfires….............................................14
   The koala burns ward (bushfire victims).......................... 6 Trees for life.........................................................................16
   Fires drive new era for Koala Hospital.............................. 8 Koala Smart.........................................................................17
   Wild koala breeding program...........................................10 Young voices........................................................................18
   Brand new Koala Hospital…..............................................11 Extraordinary generosity...................................................19

Erratum: We apologise for an error in December 2019 Gum Tips. On page 8, the image captioned Young Rose can be quite active! should have
been credited ‘Image courtesy of Port News’.

                                                          GUM TIPS | MARCH 2020 | P3
Gum Tips - BUSHFIRE Learn more WILD KOALA - Koala Hospital
We are all so proud of our
volunteers. Everyone has worked
really hard, longer hours and more
days. Many of our volunteers
have been working in a number of
different jobs and the workload is
still very high. What a great team
we have.
The response worldwide to
Australia’s catastrophic bushfires
has been overwhelming. The
outpouring of support both in
donations, supplies and offers
of help has and continues to be
We will be able to do incredible
projects with the donations. We
will be commencing a wild koala
breeding programme and we
will buy land for conservation
purposes. We are determined
that we will not lose this much
loved icon of Australia. We will
endeavour to protect and manage
these conservation lands using
knowledge that will come out
of the current situation. The big
bonus is all the other plants and
animals that live in the same
                                             A new arrival, just rescued from a fireground, is assessed in the clinic
environment as koalas will be                at the Koala Hospital.
protected as well.
We thank all of you for your
amazing support.

   Our annual free koala food tree distribution is scheduled to start again mid March. This is a great
   opportunity for local landholders, residents and organisations to help with renewal of vital habitat. Tube
   stock trees will be provided by Forestry Corporation of NSW and will be available for collection from the
   Port Macquarie Koala Hospital. Information is available about how to plant and manage the trees for
   This year, we anticipate up to 35,000 trees will be made available for collection across these species:
   Eucalyptus robusta (Swamp Mahogany)             Eucalyptus tereticornis (Forest Red Gum)
   Eucalyptus punctata (Grey Gum)		                Eucalyptus microcorys (Tallowwood)
   To make a reservation for 40 or more trees, email or call 02 6584 1522.
   For smaller plantings, simply call to check stock is available on the day you plan to arrive.

                                         GUM TIPS | MARCH 2020 | P4
Gum Tips - BUSHFIRE Learn more WILD KOALA - Koala Hospital
In what will be remembered by           Hospital could share its knowledge        works was launched in Port
most as the worst summer in             and experience in the search and          Macquarie in February, before
Australia’s recent history, the         rescue of wildlife.                       moving to the Wentworth Gallery in
bush fires have brought about                                                     Sydney.
                                        Australia Day – the Premier
a huge volume of work for the           of NSW recognised people and              In March – As part of the United
Port Macquarie Koala Hospital           organisations that contributed            Nations (UN) World Wildlife Day
which has seen many of our 150          during the bush fires that ravaged        2020, the Koala Hospital’s Clinical
volunteers working extra shifts,        NSW from late 2019. A photo of
and doing extra jobs, just to keep                                                Director, Cheyne Flanagan, is
                                        three of our people was projected
the hospital going. My thanks                                                     presenting at the UN Paley Center
                                        onto the sails of the Sydney Opera
to the many people who have                                                       in New York, at the ‘Wild Ideas
                                        House on Australia Day night. The
volunteered time to help the Koala                                                2020’ a think-tank for nature and
                                        photo represented everyone at the
Hospital.                                                                         community. The theme for the
                                        Koala Hospital and the plantations
                                                                                  event is 'Global Warning: Wildlife vs
In addition to an increased ‘in-        and was well deserved recognition
                                        of our hard working volunteers and        Wildfire'. Cheyne's presentation will
house’ workload, our volunteers
                                        staff.                                    cover the recent Australian wildlife
have been busy helping others
                                                                                  emergency in which an estimated
and being recognised for the            In February – a NSW Government
                                                                                  one billion animals have been
outstanding job they all do.            Parliamentary Inquiry looking into
                                                                                  killed by the bushfires. Dr Rebecca
January - Search and Rescue             koala populations and habitat in
                                                                                  Montague-Drake, Koala Ecologist
– three of our volunteers, and          New South Wales, held a session in
                                                                                  for the local Koala Recovery
honorary member, Pete the Port          Port Macquarie. The Koala Hospital
                                                                                  Program will also be presenting at
Tree Fella, spent 10 days searching     was invited to give evidence in
                                        December 2019 and again in                the event, along with Nick Boyle
for wildlife in fire ravaged areas in
                                        February 2020.                            from Taronga Zoo.
Cooma, southern NSW. The team
also trained people from local and      An international artist, Russ Ronat,      We have a lot happening at the
international wildlife organisations    who paints endangered wildlife,           Port Macquarie Koala Hospital and
in capture and search techniques.       painted pictures of some of the           I look forward to updating you on
We are very proud of this team          Port Macquarie Koala Hospital             more activities in the next issue of
and that the Port Macquarie Koala       koalas. An exhibition of the art          Gum Tips.

          Snap Port Macquarie
          1/106 Horton Sreet Port Macquarie
          P: (02) 6583 7544

          Snap Port Macquarie are proud print sponsors of Gum Tips Quarterly Magazine

                                           GUM TIPS | MARCH 2020 | P5
Gum Tips - BUSHFIRE Learn more WILD KOALA - Koala Hospital
                                                                                           not prepared to risk their health
                                                                                           any further. This system worked
                                                                                           really well. After two weeks, as
                                                                                           their burns injuries improved we
                                                                                           extended the bandage changing
                                                                                           to every 4-5 days. It was a great
                                                                                           day when we decided that they
                                                                                           no longer required bandaging
                                                                                           and therefore no anaesthesia or
                                                                                           stressful handling.
                                                                                           Our burns team are quick and
                                                                                           efficient. Our system was to first
                                                                                           quietly anaesthetise the koala,
                                                                                           then whilst one staff member
                                                                                           monitored the anaesthesia, four
A bushfire victim receives vital fluids on admission to the Koala Hospital.                staff were given a limb/foot/section
                                                                                           each to work on, the wounds were
In both the veterinary and the                day, they were then placed under
                                                                                           checked, photographed, bathed,
human medical world, there are                a general anaesthetic and their
                                                                                           debrided (dead tissue removed),
many different opinions and                   burns injuries were treated and              burns cream thickly applied, then
treatment plans for treating                  bandaged. As koalas (like most               the burns were bandaged to allow
burns. We are no different at the             wildlife) don’t cope well with lots          movement of digits. All burns
Koala Hospital. We prefer simple              of anaesthesia, we found it best             sites were also gently massaged
straightforward methods that work             to only do bandage changes every             with burns cream to reduce the
well and efficiently.                         three days. Obviously every day              effects of contracture which
As firegrounds are still very                 would be the ideal but we were               can be a major issue in burns
dangerous places after the main
fire has gone through, it is often
days before it is safe for search
teams to go in (burning trees and
limbs can fall). Consequently, in
most cases rescued koalas’ burns
have cooled by the time they are
captured, so the initial attention
must be focused on dealing with
extremely dehydrated burnt
animals that are also in pain.
During recent the fires, all of the
admitted burns patients were
only given fluids for the first 24
hours, plus pain relief and quality
nutrition. Once they were well
hydrated, often the following                 LINR Anwen in the early stages of her recovery.

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Gum Tips - BUSHFIRE Learn more WILD KOALA - Koala Hospital
patients. This whole procedure
took approximately 15 minutes.
The anaesthesia was turned off
and the koala was given fresh
oxygen for 10 minutes. Having a
burns team to treat all the patients
made it so much quicker and better
for each individual koala. As we
had so many patients, this system
allowed two burns teams working
on different koalas on different
examination tables at the same
time – hence the conveyor belt feel
about the whole exercise!
We were given the loan of a laser
whose job is to accelerate healing.
We were quite impressed with this
laser and have now bought one.         The Koala Hospital burns team in action.

In the early days a number of the
                                       severe tissue damage that usually          got over a previous infection, prior
burns patients wouldn’t move
                                       emerges weeks later and in rare            to the fires, but the overwhelming
off the floor of the units, so they    cases months later and can be slow         demands on the body, caused a
spent their days asleep on blankets    to heal.                                   poor immune response and the
with a canopy of fresh eucalypt
                                       Not all of our admitted bushfire           disease re-emerged.
branches sitting in a bucket
beside them. What 5 star service –     koalas survived. Some were so              The future for these burns
breakfast in bed!                      compromised they died very early           patients? It is likely that some
                                       on, in spite of our best efforts.          of the koalas will be able to be
Eventually they began to climb         Some we made the decision to
                                                                                  returned to their point of capture
which indicated that progress was      put to sleep as their injuries would
happening.                                                                        once the vegetation has returned
                                       have resulted in a life of permanent
                                                                                  and they are fully healed. This
Even though burns do result from       pain.
                                                                                  could occur as early as mid June/
direct flame such as burns to the      Some burnt koalas also arrived             July. Others may take longer
hands, feet and faces, the majority    with the bacterial disease                 and some will remain with us
are from radiant burns which do        chlamydiosis (wet bottom or                permanently.
not actually touch the skin, but       diseased eyes) so had to be
the heat is so intense that burns      treated for both burns and                 At time of print we are thankful
occur (like opening a very hot oven    disease. Weeks after admission             that there has been heavy rain
door). Koalas can be admitted with     chlamydia emerged with some                in parts of the country and the
singeing of the fur – which appears    burns patients who had arrived             fire danger has receded to some
as brownish black shortened fur.       clinically clear of the disease. It is     extent. However, so far the inland
These radiant burns can hide           likely in these cases, the koala had       drought has not been broken.

                                         GUM TIPS | MARCH 2020 | P7
Gum Tips - BUSHFIRE Learn more WILD KOALA - Koala Hospital
                                          Innes Nature Reserve and              the tragic consequences for our
                                          Conservation Area, State Forests      unique environment and wildlife,
                                          at Ballengarra and Bellangry,         widely-loved around the world.
                                          Kindee, Ellenborough, and Crowdy
                                          Bay and Werrikimbe National           This is the busiest
                                          Parks. The devastation of our
                                                                                period in our history.
                                          local genetically-diverse koala
                                          population was widely publicised
                                          by the media, and the public were     Our volunteers
                                          quick to understand the potential
                                          impact for koalas in the whole        In addition to the increased clinical
                                          country. The rescue and treatment     activity and koala care, we are
                                          of koalas burnt or affected by fire   managing unprecedented levels
                                          was of paramount importance,          of generosity from businesses
                                          but at the same time media            and organisations as well as the
                                          interest, donations and adoptions,    public. The Hospital has never
Scat detection dog, Taylor, lays down     Hospital visitor numbers,             in its history experienced this
indicating to her handler, Ryan Tate,     telephone calls and email activity    concentration of interest from
that she has found a koala on the                                               the public, and the media. The
                                          all moved quickly to a new level
                                          and continued to accelerate.          genuine care and generous
The animals are                           Later in December and January,
                                                                                actions of so many people from

always our first and                      the horrific fires grew in size and
                                          intensity across huge areas of New
foremost priority.                        South Wales, Victoria, Kangaroo
                                          Island in South Australia, and
Since the local fire at Lake Innes        the Australian Capital Territory.
                                          Public desire to help precious
Nature Reserve started in October
                                          wildlife in whatever way possible
2019, the Port Macquarie Koala
                                          has resulted in even more
Hospital has experienced the
                                          generous giving by people not
busiest period in its history. Whilst
                                          only in Australia but around
we have in the past managed big
                                          the whole world. The fact that
increases in koala admissions
                                          news is now delivered real-time
from previous fire events, the
                                          and globally, means that people
extent of the fires locally, as well as
                                          literally everywhere know about
nationally means we have moved
                                          the catastrophic fires, the human
into a different era.
                                          impact, the incredible work of
                                                                                Volunteer, Jackie Moody, has taken on
Firstly, the local fires impacted         Australian volunteers especially      many extra shifts over the bushfire
huge areas including Lake                 the volunteer firefighters, and       period. Koala care in ICU is her specialty!

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Gum Tips - BUSHFIRE Learn more WILD KOALA - Koala Hospital
injured koalas high in the canopy.     true now, in the face of such
                                        Ryan Tate with his enthusiastic and    overwhelming recent events.
                                        reliable scat detection dog, Taylor,   The original mission of the Koala
                                        accelerated the pace at which          Hospital remains: to rescue sick
                                        search and rescue teams could          and injured koalas, to rehabilitate
                                        confidently check firegrounds.         and wherever possible, release
                                        Ryan and Taylor were successful        them back to the wild. Koala
                                        at locating many koalas within         Conservation Australia, which
                                        the firegrounds and enabling the       manages the Koala Hospital, has
                                        teams to track where koalas had        the wider mission to protect and
                                        recently been. Our search teams        conserve habitat, to increase
                                        also worked in the Taree/Manning/      knowledge and understanding
                                        Forster region for several weeks       of the species and to work
                                        just prior to Christmas. At the time   collaboratively to ensure their
                                        of print, we have a search team        survival into the future.

Volunteer, Margaret Richardson, has
                                        working in the Snowy Mountains
been working hard in the offices and    region near Cooma where active
administration area.                    fires are still occurring.

all over the world has been a huge      Many koala care volunteers are
encouragement to volunteers as          doing extra shifts multiple days
we have all stepped up to take on       each week to cope with extra
so much more.                           patient care. Some are stepping
                                        up to do shifts to answer the
Media visits have become part
                                        busy telephone lines, answer
of daily life, with film crews and
                                        emails, and to process the
reporters wanting to tell the world
                                        increased donations and sales of
not only what we are doing here at                                             Volunteers, Peggy Eather and Elysia
                                        merchandise. Wild Koala Adoptions
the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital,                                             Marai, are important members of the
                                        are particularly popular and can be
but also the much wider story                                                  Sunday morning koala care team.
                                        purchased online; processing and
of the suffering and destruction
                                        mailing out adoption packages has
of wildlife across huge areas of
                                        become a major part of backroom
eastern and southern Australia.
                                        work at the Hospital.
Our search and rescue teams, all
                                        And all the while, the regular
trained and accredited with New
                                        work of the Hospital carries on,
South Wales Rural Fire Service,
                                        with usual numbers of koalas still
covered around six thousand
                                        coming into our care at this time
acres of firegrounds over the initial
                                        of year for more common reasons
five-week period. Peter Berecry
                                        such as sickness and traumatic
(Port Tree Fella) has been providing
                                        encounters with cars and dogs.
ongoing, invaluable support with
                                                                               Volunteer, Graham Harrington,
his elevated work platform on           Every koala has always been            distributes the Hospital donation boxes
crawler tracks, helping us to rescue    precious but this is even more         at the beginning of the day.

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Gum Tips - BUSHFIRE Learn more WILD KOALA - Koala Hospital
Due to the overwhelming               Australian Museum's Wildlife
generosity of the public, we are      Genomics Centre, Taronga Zoo,
delighted to say that our long-       Billabong Wildlife Park, and Save
term goal of a breeding facility is   Our Species (SOS), a program
now a reality for the near future.    of the NSW Department
                                      of Planning, Industry and
The facility is currently in the
early planning phase and we
anticipate that part of it will       The breeding program will
be housed at the new Koala            follow rigorous scientific
Hospital complex.                     methodology with koalas only
                                      being mated with animals of
We are aiming at three separate
                                      similar provenance eg: Port
breeding facilities, the main one
                                      Macquarie koalas with Port
housing a research laboratory
                                      Macquarie koalas, Moree with
and other infrastructure. The
                                      Moree. The offspring of these
other two facilities will be lower
                                      unions will be released back
key, located independently
                                      into selected pre surveyed sites,
of the main complex and will
                                      and with the ultimate goal of
house some of our resting
                                      reversing the decline of the
breeding animals and koalas
                                      koala.                               Wild koala, Port Macquarie. (Image courtesy of
from other areas of the state. In
light of the recent catastrophic      Of course this all must go hand      Colin Campbell)

fires, having three separate          in hand with major changes
facilities is a good insurance        to how koala habitat and
policy.                               conservation of land is managed
                                      into the future.
The Hospital will be partnering
with a number of key                  We have a long journey ahead of
stakeholders including the            us to get this off the ground, but
University of Sydney, the             it is an exciting one!

                                          GUM TIPS | MARCH 2020 | P10
In early October 2019, Koala                                                                                                                     • Lifts to access an aerial walkway                                                                                                                                       to more closely experience the
Conservation Australia (KCA) was                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           world from a koala’s view – from
                                                                                                                                                 • A walkway through the trees
awarded a five million dollar grant                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the tree tops, looking down on the
from the NSW State Government.                                                                                                                   • A new clinic                                                                                                                                                            world.
This is a great honour and carries                                                                                                               • A new administration area                                                                                                                                               An expanded museum, theatrette
with it a lot of responsibility.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           and education spaces will help
                                                                                                                                                 • Indigenous story telling space
The grant is to be used exclusively                                                                                                                including indigenous food                                                                                                                                               make the many training sessions
to redevelop the Port Macquarie                                                                                                                    garden                                                                                                                                                                  conducted at the Koala Hospital
Koala Hospital. The project will                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           each year for school children,
                                                                                                                                                 • Education nature walk                                                                                                                                                   wildlife care organisations, TAFE
provide a world class, nature-based
tourism attraction in regional NSW.                                                                                                             A small project management                                                                                                                                                 and university students, a better
This attraction will be unique to                                                                                                               committee has finalised the                                                                                                                                                experience with access to learning
the north coast area of NSW and                                                                                                                 many supporting documents                                                                                                                                                  materials and real koalas, all at one
Australia.                                                                                                                                      and processes required for                                                                                                                                                 location.
                                                                                                                                                such a large project. Plans for                                                                                                                                            A special area in the
The main features of the Koala
                                                                                                                                                procurement, asset management,                                                                                                                                             redevelopment, an indigenous
Hospital’s redevelopment are:
                                                                                                                                                risk management, governance,                                                                                                                                               story telling space and food
      • New rehabilitation and                                                                                                                  cash flow and a comprehensive                                                                                                                                              garden, has been put aside for the
        permanent resident koala yards                                                                                                          timeline, have been finalised and                                                                                                                                          local people, the Birpai, to learn
      • Training, research and                                                                                                                  form part of a funding deed, the                                                                                                                                           more about their history, customs
        education spaces                                                                                                                        contract the KCA has entered into                                                                                                                                          and special relationship with the
                                                                                                                                                with the government for delivery of                                                                                                                                        land and wildlife.
      • A retail shop
                                                                                                                                                the project.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           By September 2020, an architect
      • Koala museum and theatrette
                                                                                                                                                Many of the new features, koala                                                                                                                                            and builder will have been
      • Interpretive signage and                                                                                                                yards in the tree canopy and an                                                                                                                                            appointed and work on the
        ground level walkway                                                                                                                    aerial walkway, will enable visitors                                                                                                                                       redevelopment will begin.

                                                                                                                                                             ARRIVAL                                                                                                                                                                                        SECTION
KOALA HOSPITAL PORT MACQUARIE                                                                                                                                              KOALA HOSPITAL PORT MACQUARIE
18 September, 2018   P:\2018\18900_Submissions\JP18_68_PortMacquaireKoalaHospital_Commercial\Graphics\180907_KoalaHospital_Designconcept.indd                          3   18 September, 2018   P:\2018\18900_Submissions\JP18_68_PortMacquaireKoalaHospital_Commercial\Graphics\180907_KoalaHospital_Designconcept.indd                                              5

Design concepts for the new Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, by Allen Jack + Cottier, Architects

                                                                                                                                                 GUM TIPS | MARCH 2020 | P11
In November 2019 the Koala               as we can. Once built, the wildlife
Hospital set up a GoFundMe®              drinking stations are deployed to
page on Facebook with a goal to          areas ravaged by fire and drought.
raise $25,000 to provide wildlife        Wildlife drinking stations have
drinking stations in the Mid North       been of interest to the Koala
Coast areas affected by recent           Hospital for a while, and different
bushfires. People responded              designs from across the country
quickly and generously, knowing          had already been assessed by the
that our local koalas and their          Hospital last year. Our favourite
habitat were being decimated.            design was one which enabled
Now, owing to the relentless and         different species to access water
catastrophic fire season which           at different levels, minimising
took hold across the country             risk from predators. It had been
throughout December and into             designed by Greg Buck who
January, donations have continued        works with Gwydir Landcare.
to rise higher and higher.               The Hospital’s volunteer Habitat
                                         Coordinator, Steve Withnall, made
The wildlife drinking                    contact and we are very grateful
                                                                               Wildlife drinking station installed in dead
stations are deployed                    to Greg for agreeing to the Koala
                                                                               and blackened bush, Blue Mountains,
                                         Hospital using his design to make     NSW, January 2020. Note the elevated
to areas ravaged by                      the drinking stations here on the     water reservoir platform for use by birds
fire and drought.                        Mid North Coast. Using a sample       and arboreal animals such as koalas,
                                                                               and the low level water bowl for use
                                         model from Greg, Steve set to work    by ground dwellers. Image courtesy of
                                         to simplify and modify the station,   KDVideo for Science for Wildlife.
                                         and sought local professional
                                         guidance. Advice from Mid Coast       4WD Centre (Port Macquarie),
                                         Irrigation in Wauchope and MR         Midcoast Irrigation (Wauchope),
                                         Welding in Port Macquarie enabled
                                                                               Bunnings (Port Macquarie),
                                         us to develop a model which
                                                                               Midcoast Trailers (Taree), Miedecke
                                         could be made at moderate cost,
                                                                               Ford (Port Macquarie), Horsley
                                         deployed quickly and which would
                                         be comparatively easy to monitor      Warehouse (Goulburn) and Tracy
                                         and maintain.                         Dignum.
Volunteers, Jeremy Bear and Nic Snell,                                         We also thank volunteers who
                                         In order to move quickly on
complete an installation in Crowdy Bay
National Park, NSW.                      this ambitious project, many          are working on the building
                                         businesses and individuals have       and deployment of the drinking
With so much public support and          provided equipment, advice and        stations including Jeremy Bear,
in the face of the environmental         services freely or at reduced cost.   Nic Snell, Darryl Clift, Dave Baker,
                                         These include:                        Teresa Cochrane, Chris Clay and
crisis, Hospital volunteers have
been working hard to build as            Philmac, Matt Reichert Mobile         our Habitat Coordinator, Steve
many stations as we can, as quickly      Welding (Port Macquarie), Midcoast    Withnall.

                                          GUM TIPS | MARCH 2020 | P12
Koala Hospital is providing
drinking stations to other
areas and sharing our
knowledge and experience.

At present up to 10 stations are being built
each week. More than thirty have already
been deployed in various locations - with
agreements in place with landowners and land
managers to monitor water levels, any damage
and to maintain and repair them.

These areas include:
 • Lake Innes Nature Reserve
 • Bellangry                                          Wildlife camera captures a koala exploring one of the new
 • Rosewood                                           drinking stations near Inverell, New South Wales.

 • Crowdy Bay National Park
 • Harrington
 • Lismore
 • Blue Mountains
 • Inverell
 • Bingara/Moree

Many more drinking stations are due to be
installed in the Mid North Coast, northern
NSW, and the Blue Mountains. Wildlife
cameras are an exciting addition enabling the
collection of information about their use by
                                                      Truck and trailer loaded up with drinking stations ready for
animals and birds.                                    deployment.
We have received many calls from wildlife
organisations and land management groups
across the country, interested in learning
more about our drinking stations and how
they could be provided in their areas. We aim
to host workshops in the future where our
knowledge and experience can be shared.
Dr Kellie Leigh of Science for Wildlife recently
wrote, ‘We are delighted to receive emergency
support from Port Macquarie Koala Hospital,
for our Blue Mountains Koala Project. The
supplied water stations are being used as a
model and scaled out in the hope of helping
survivors from at least 3 koala populations in
the region’.

                                         GUM TIPS | MARCH 2020 | P13
..on koalas and their habitat in the Port
Macquarie-Hastings Local Government Area
A snapshot by Rebecca                   and a small riparian corridor at         focus on some of the high carrying
                                        the northern end of the park, the        capacity areas affected, such
Montague-Drake,                         vast majority of this NPWS estate        as Lake Innes. This will provide
Koala Ecologist for                     was impacted- see Fig. 1. This area      knowledge about koala persistence
                                                                                 at the site and landscape levels
the Hastings-Macleay                    has previously been described
                                        by BioLink (2012) as the ‘engine         and how this relates to fire severity
Koala Recovery                          room’ of the Port Macquarie koala        (flame height and the amount of
Partnership                             population and has been described        canopy scorch). The study will also
                                        as ‘being of national significance’.     investigate ‘mesic refuge areas’.
                                        The rich red krazozem soils of           Such areas are typically along
The recent bushfires in Australia       this area, coupled with good soil        permanent or ephemeral creek
are estimated to have impacted          moisture levels and an abundance         lines, in gullies or on south-facing
around 1 billion animals and            of koala food trees facilitated a high   slopes and typically support more
around 25% of all koala habitat         carrying-capacity for koalas.            rainforest species (which are
in New South Wales. Sobering                                                     typically less flammable than those
                                        Similarly, the Ellenborough
statistics indeed. In the Hastings-                                              found in dry eucalypt forests).
                                        area, which was also burnt, was
Macleay region, the figures are                                                  While these cooler, wetter sites
                                        another high carrying capacity
equally grim.                                                                    may not be considered ‘typical’
                                        area for koalas. Areas around
                                                                                 koala habitat, the importance
The Koala Recovery Partnership          Crowdy Bay National Park were            of such refuge areas for koalas
undertook an analysis of losses of      also severely burnt. This region         during hot days, droughts or fires
koala habitat in the Port Macquarie-    supports the genetically unique          is gaining recognition among
Hastings Local Government Area          Dunbogan population, which               scientists. This study will examine
(LGA). The analysis revealed that a     is already a relatively small            which local vegetation types may
(conservative) estimate of 50,000       population. Extremely large              act as mesic refuge sites and
hectares of koala habitat has           areas in the Kempsey and Port            whether, during a major fire event,
been burnt. While the figure alone      Macquarie hinterland were also           they facilitated koala survival.
sounds dire, the reality of what this   severely burnt. Koalas occurred at       The study will work alongside a
represents is even more sobering.       low-moderate densities in many           much larger long-term monitoring
For instance, this figure equates       of these hinterland areas and            program for koalas which is being
to 35% of all the koala habitat in      hence across the entirety of the         conducted through the Hastings-
the Port Macquarie-Hastings LGA         burnt area, countless koalas were        Macleay.
having been affected. Perhaps even      impacted. Together these various
                                                                                 The Koala Recovery Partnership is
worse, it has impacted 41% of the       populations were important
                                                                                 also working on other initiatives
‘best’ koala habitat (“Primary” or      components of the genetic diversity
                                                                                 to support post-fire recovery,
“Secondary A” habitat). This habitat    and resilience of koalas in the
                                                                                 including the preparation of a
has a higher carrying capacity for      Hastings-Macleay.
                                                                                 detailed Koala Habitat Map to
koalas (hence were areas of higher
                                        The Koala Recovery Partnership is        guide species’ selection for people
                                        now working with the Department          wishing to replant koala habitat.
One such area of high-carrying          of Planning, Industry and                They have also been sharing their
capacity affected by the fires was      Environment’s Saving Our Species         knowledge about the fire impacts
the Lake Innes Nature Reserve           program to undertake a detailed          on koalas and the relevant actions
and State Conservation Area. With       monitoring program of koalas             needed with various government
the exception of the lake itself,       in relation to the fire, with a key      representatives.

                                         GUM TIPS | MARCH 2020 | P14
Fig.1: The approximate
                                                                       extent of the fire in the Port
                                                                       Macquarie-Hastings LGA (as
                                                                       one example of a Council
                                                                       region impacted by fires)
    Extent of Fires Nov 2019_191119
    Koala Habitat Burnt in PMHC
                                                                       and the extent of koala
                                                                       habitat burnt.

The koala is a ‘flagship’             species’ during the recent bushfire     endangered giant dragonfly. Given
                                      crisis.                                 that invertebrates often tend to
and ‘umbrella’ species.                                                       not be the recipients of the general
                                      While it may seem narrow-
Why is this important?                minded to seemingly focus on
                                                                              public’s conservation attention, it
                                                                              is clear that helping protect koala
                                      one ‘flagship’ species, when so
                                                                              habitat can not only protect large
                                      many have been impacted, it
Australia’s koala has certainly                                               areas, but also those of some
                                      does help people to focus and
become something of an                                                        lesser-known or appreciated
                                      think about the root cause of
international fixture in the media                                            species.
                                      issues and the flow-on impacts.
since Australia’s fires, with mixed
                                      It can engender social pressures        Having adequate knowledge
measures of heart-breaking and
                                      to initiate change and of course,       about species’ biology and ecology
heart-warming stories appearing in
                                      stimulate flows in investment           can really help to ensure that
newsfeeds on a daily basis.           into species conservation. When         the greatest gain can be made
However we all know that the koala    such investment is used wisely,         of attention or investment given
was just one of countless animal      and when social pressures result        to ‘flagship’ species, to not only
and plant species impacted by the     in meaningful policy changes or         protect these precious and much-
fires. Indeed some of the species     changes in negative-consumerism         loved animals, but also to ensure
impacted may have now become          behaviour, this not only protects       the best conservation outcomes
extinct, and some may never have      the ‘flagship species’ but can result   for all those other lesser-known
even been known to science.           in meaningful changes for other         animals.
                                      species too. This is particularly the
In conservation biology, a flagship                                           The Hastings-Macleay Koala
                                      case where the ‘flagship’ species
species is a species chosen to                                                Recovery Partnership is proudly
                                      is also an ‘umbrella species’. An
raise support for biodiversity                                                funded by the NSW Government’s
                                      umbrella species has been defined
                                                                              Saving Our Species Program, the
conservation in a given place or      as “a wide-ranging species whose
                                                                              Port Macquarie Koala Hospital and
social context. They tend to be       requirements include those of
                                                                              hosted by the Mid North Coast Joint
widely recognised and charismatic     many other species”. In some
species. The koala was recognised     environments, koalas can have
as one of the world’s top five        home ranges in excess of 100
recognisable species by the World     hectares. They occupy the same
Wildlife Fund and hence it is         habitats as numerous other highly-
perhaps no surprise that it has       threatened species, such as the
become an inadvertent ‘flagship       endangered swift parrot or the

                                       GUM TIPS | MARCH 2020 | P15
The Koala Hospital continues to
work on habitat conservation and
renewal, even more vital following
the catastrophic bushfire season.
We now operate two major
plantations of koala food trees                      Paul Goss, manager of Moripo Research Plantation.
which are already starting to take
pressure off wild koala habitat,            Last year (2019), work began at           Correctional Centre to create
and we continue to work with local          the Moripo Research Plantation,           bush corridor
organisations, landholders and              located to the west of Wauchope.          Inmates at the Mid North Coast
residents on planting and renewal           The first 500 new trees are               Correctional Centre near Kempsey
of habitat.                                 responding well to the planting           have recently begun a project to
Our plantations                             and nurturing system, with our            plant thousands of eucalyptus
                                            aim being to create low canopy            trees over 14 hectares of the
Maria River Road Plantation is
                                            food trees for ease of management         centre’s land. Over the next 6
situated on the north shore of Port
                                            and harvesting by the Hospital.           years it is anticipated that at least
Macquarie. Originally established in
                                            Moripo is a demonstration site and        6,000 seedling trees will be planted
2015, it now comprises 5,000 young
                                                                                      and nurtured, creating a bush
trees, with Swamp Mahogany trees            research station for koala nutrition
                                                                                      corridor for koalas, sugar gliders
already providing leaf regularly            and tree management.
                                                                                      and native birds. Once established,
for Koala Hospital patients. Forest
                                            Further major plantings are               the trees may also be harvested to
Red Gum and Tallowwood are
                                            planned for late March at both            provide food to koala sanctuaries
becoming more established and
                                            Maria River and Moripo. The               in the area. Inmates will have
will soon become regular items
                                            Koala Hospital is delighted to say        the opportunity to learn about
on the menu at the Hospital.
                                            that Matt Kilby, from ACT-based           horticulture and the environment,
Hard-working volunteers at the
                                            company, Global Land Repair,              assisting them to find work when
plantation are regularly rewarded
                                            has agreed once more to provide           they leave the centre.
by visits from native animals. Latest
sightings include echidnas, a family        valuable on-site assistance at this       The NSW Department of
of ospreys, goannas drinking from           time. We are grateful to Matt for his     Communities and Justice and the
the dam.                                    continued advice and services.            Port Macquarie Koala Hospital have
                                                                                      collaborated on the project, sharing
                                                                                      knowledge about how trees can be
                                                                                      planted and managed to minimise
                                                                                      water consumption and increase
                                                                                      survival rates. Trees have been
                                                                                      donated by Forestry Corporation
                                                                                      of NSW, Landcare, Kempsey Shire
                                                                                      Council and Billabong Zoo.

                                                                           The Koala Hospital's free koala food tree
                                                                           distribution is starting in March. This is a
                                                                           great opportunity for local landholders,
                                                                           residents and organisations to help with
                                                                           renewal of vital habitat. See page 4 for
Entrance to the developing bush corridor. Image courtesy of Mid North      more information.
Coast Correctional Centre, Kempsey.

                                              GUM TIPS | MARCH 2020 | P16
The inspirational Koala Smart               practical modifications for homes         Wales current curriculum, and it
program is gaining momentum.                and technological applications.           is anticipated that schools from
Introduced in 2019, Koala Smart             The Koala Smart website explains,         across the state will participate.
is a Lions project which motivates          ‘Some will be further assessed by         Teachers will be able to use
primary and secondary children              conservation and planning experts         new resources including video
(government and non-government              for practical application with            and slide presentations, current
schools) to engage with the                 assistance from the Lions Club.’          environmental facts and statistics
problem of koala decline and                The standard of submissions was           as well as direct links to other
develop initiatives that can be             so high that additional prizes, such      online tools and information. Once
applied in the real world, in their         as a ‘Behind the scenes at the Koala      their planning has commenced,
local communities.                          Hospital’ experience were included        teachers will be able to access
                                            by the judges.                            NSW Saving Our Species officers
Students develop real-                      2019 First Prizes went to North
                                                                                      for advice on project content and
                                                                                      direction. Projects will be evaluated
world initiatives to                        Haven Public School and Kempsey
                                                                                      by environment and education
                                            Adventist Secondary School. North
help drive change.                          Haven’s ‘Thinking outside the
                                                                                      professionals with the goal of
                                                                                      applying practical ideas in the real
                                            box’ included the creation of a
                                            ‘hero koala’ around whom a new
Koala Smart recognises the
                                            television show would be designed         More information is available at
creativity of youth and the power                                           , or email
                                            to educate children about koalas
of young people to make change              and the environment in general. 
happen. Koala Smart project work            Kempsey Adventist School’s project
nurtures collaboration, critical                                                      Schools are invited to submit their
                                            was an app which would alert the
                                                                                      expressions of interest for Koala
thinking and problem-solving skills.        Koala Hospital in real time to koalas
                                                                                      Smart 2020 as soon as possible.
Koala Smart 2019 was introduced             in distress. Whilst a similar app was
                                                                                      Closing date for sign up this year is
by Tacking Point Lions Club and             already being explored by the NSW
                                                                                      9 April.
attracted 25 schools in the Port            government, the new ideas and
                                                                                      Koala Smart is a joint initiative with
Macquarie Hastings and Kempsey              features proposed by the Kempsey          Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, NSW
Shire Council areas. Projects               students may now be integrated.           Department of Planning, Industry and
                                                                                      Environment (Saving Our Species) and
included creative expressions,              This year Koala Smart 2020 will be        the Hastings-Macleay Koala Recovery
community education programs,               aligned more closely to New South         Partnership.

Volunteers, Mick Feeney and Anne Walsh      Creativity in poetry and visual art, St   Traffic-calming project, Kendall Public
help Port Macquarie Public School           Joseph’s Primary School, Laurieton        School
students enjoy their prize, ‘Behind the
scenes at the Koala Hospital’. Image
courtesy of Port Macquarie Public School.

                                              GUM TIPS | MARCH 2020 | P17
In Gum Tips we often highlight              how much they want to help. Their
how much children and young                 emotion is raw and their support is
people are stepping up to show              palpable.
they care about our environment             Space doesn’t permit us to
and wildlife. For many years their          individually list here the thousands
generous and decisive actions to            of messages and actions by
help the Port Macquarie Koala               young people: they include cards,
Hospital have illustrated their deep        artwork, poems, stories, donations,
concerns.                                   adoptions, visits, creative
Recently, with drought and                  fundraising events, thoughtful gifts
bushfires taking such a ghastly             in kind.
toll on our precious animals and            The images below illustrate just
birds, young people from all over           a tiny fraction of the amazing
Australia and the world have                support we have received from the
                                                                                   Children from Crazy Maze OOSHC present
responded quickly to let us know            young.
                                                                                   the funds they raised to Cheyne Flanagan.

   Donated artwork brightens the walls of the clinic at the Koala Hospital.

                                              GUM TIPS | MARCH 2020 | P18
An elderly lady phones to fund ‘one              the Hospital to keep koala carers,
of those wonderful wildlife drinking             search and rescue teams, hard-
stations’, a seven year old fills the            working backroom volunteers well-
donation box at the Hospital with                nourished and cared for.
the pocket money he’s been saving
                                                 The phones are red hot, emails
for months, a pensioner contacts
                                                 and online orders pour in, media
us every two weeks to donate what
                                                 and television crews are a regular
he can, koala adoption packages
                                                 sight at the Hospital. In its 45-
and merchandise are posted
                                                 year history the Koala Hospital
to purchasers across the world
                                                 has never experienced this
including Asia, Europe, Africa,
                                                 unprecedented level of generosity
North and South America.
                                                 and interest.
The devastating bushfire season
                                                 The Hospital values and thanks
since November last year has
brought an intense media and                     every single person or organisation
social media focus to Australia                  who is helping us. Thank you for
like never before, and across the                each and every one of these acts
country and the world people are                 of generosity and kindness. They
showing they care deeply about                   prove just how many people of all
Australian wildlife.                             ages, from all countries and walks
                                                 of life really, really care.
The Koala Hospital in Port
Macquarie has been overwhelmed                   You can read in this edition of Gum
by support. Donations, adoptions                 Tips, how the money so generously
and merchandise sales have ‘gone                 given is being used by the Koala
through the roof’ but support has                Hospital to help koalas now and
also arrived in kind: medical and                into the future. To all those who
therapeutic supplies for koalas,                 have given in many different
new volunteers offering their time,              ways, be assured that your care,
businesses and organisations                     compassion and action is helping
offering help, and thousands of                  the Koala Hospital as we work
messages of encouragement and                    through this difficult time, and will
support. Food and thoughtful                     continue to help us as we plan and
treats are brought regularly to                  work for the survival of the species.

GUM TIPS is the official newsletter of Koala Conservation Australia      Disclaimer Koala Conservation Australia Inc. and the Management
Inc. and is published quarterly.                                         Committee do not accept any liability for the results of any actions taken
Editor: Becky Harrington                                                 or not taken, on the basis of information given or discussed with groups
Contributors: Cheyne Flanagan, Sue Ashton, Rebecca Montague-             or other organised events, meetings and/or for information provided
Drake, Becky Harrington                                                  by speakers or for any information published for or on behalf of the
Photography (unless individually credited): Scott Castle, Gaby Rivett,   organisation, its organs and officers.
Sue Ashton, Becky Harrington, Carole Grant AFIAP, FAPS, Cheyne
Flanagan, Steve Withnall, Peter Berecry

                                                   GUM TIPS | MARCH 2020 | P19
Koala Emergency Rescue Line -
         Phone (02) 6584 1522
         If you sight a koala in distress - call our
         Rescue Line 24 hours a day / 7 days a week
         E:        koalahospital
         General Enquiries: 02 6584 1522

      k Y ou
T han
                            …to everyone who is supporting our work
                            through donations, adoptions, gifts,
                            sponsorship, your visits and your good wishes.

                   Koala Conservation Australia Inc.
       ABN 74 060 854 479 | PO Box 236, Port Macquarie NSW 2444
          Licensed to rehabilitate and release sick, injured and
            orphaned native fauna under Licence No. 10044
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