Page created by Barry Valdez

                                      NUTRITION AND
                                       WEIGHT LOSS


WINTER 2020                               OSTEOFITNESS™

WELLNESS                                   QIGONG
                                           AND TAI CHI

CLASSES                                     SELF-DEFENSE

FOR MIND AND BODY                           MINDFULNESS

Now offering private integrative
treatments including Acupuncture,            PARKINSON’S
Massage & Muscular Therapy,
Rolfing, Shiatsu, Tui Na and more!          SENIOR FITNESS
See page 19 for more information.




                                        DATING 101

                                      PRIVATE INTEGRATIVE

                                    AND MUCH MORE…
ISSUE                                      The Steinberg Wellness Center for Mind and Body is home
         10 EXERCISE/
                                           to a wide range of classes and programs designed to
            FOR SPECIAL                    keep you and your family healthy. There is something for
            CONDITIONS                     everyone, whether you’re looking to get fit, reduce stress
                                           or gain control of your health naturally.
          11 INFANT &
             CHILD CARE                    Drop-in Classes
                                           Some classes are ongoing; you can join at any time. Classes that do not
          11 KIDS & TEENS                  allow drop-ins are indicated. Before attending a drop-in session, please
                                           call 978-287-3777 to check if class is being held.
         12 NATURAL
         13 NUTRITION AND                  Some insurance plans provide fitness and wellness reimbursement
            WEIGHT LOSS                    benefits. Contact your insurance provider for more information.

         14 PREGNANCY &                    Discount
            CHILDBIRTH                     We offer a 10% discount to those 65 or older for some classes (exclusions
                                           apply as noted). No discount for one-day programs.
         15 SELF-HELP/
                                           Payment and Refund Policy
                                           • Preregistration and payment required 48 hours in advance of the class.
         17 SPORTS                           If paying by check, please make it payable to Emerson Hospital.
            PERFORMANCE                    • Because our classes are supported totally by fees, refunds are not given.
                                           • No discount, transfer, refund or credit if student is unable to attend
         18 STRESS                           all classes.
                                           • No make-up classes.
         19 PRIVATE
            INTEGRATIVE                    Cancellation Policy
            TREATMENTS                     The Steinberg Wellness Center reserves the right to cancel any program
                                           due to low enrollment or inclement weather. You will be notified if a class
                                           is cancelled.

                                           Contact us at EmersonWellness@emersonhosp.org or 978-287-3777.
                                           Patti Salvatore, Director

                                           For complete class descriptions or to register, visit
         Classes are held at               EmersonWellness.org
         310 Baker Ave, unless
         otherwise noted.                  Times and dates subject to change. Please check the website
                                           for up-to-date schedules and cancellations.
         Emerson Hospital is an approved
         provider of Continuing Nursing
         Education by ANA-MA, an
         accredited approver by the
         American Nurses Credentialing
         Center’s Commission on
For more info or to register, visit EmersonWellness.org or call 978-287-3777                  3

FITNESS/                                   NEW CardioFitness plus                     Gentle Pilates with Yoga
MOVEMENT                                   Stretch for Seniors:                       This class uses Pilates exercises to
                                           Movement for Body and Brain                engage your core, which helps to
                                                                                      support the spine and to strengthen
Aston® Kinetics Fitness                    Aerobic exercise increases blood
                                                                                      the muscles in your body and
                                           flow to the brain, producing neurons
for Living                                 that control memory and thinking,
                                                                                      stabilize the joints surrounded by
It’s not what you do, but how                                                         those muscles. And by including
                                           believed to help buffer against the
you do it!                                                                            basic yoga stretches and poses, we
                                           effects of dementia. Class includes
                                                                                      focus on stretching and lengthening
How we use our body and approach           a 30-minute low impact aerobic
                                                                                      the muscles to help you achieve
our activities shapes our posture          workout, and will start and end with
                                                                                      better overall flexibility. A great class
and can influence how well our body        total body flexibility exercises to
                                                                                      for beginners or for people who
functions overall. Misaligned body         condition and protect against injury.
                                                                                      want to move at a slower pace than a
segments are often put on hold and         Instructor: Susanne Liebich, Certified,
                                                                                      regular Pilates or yoga class and learn
create tightness and discomfort in         Nia® Black Belt, STOTT PILATES®
                                                                                      better body awareness throughout
other areas of our body, preventing        • Thursdays, 9:15–10:15 am                 the moves. Space is limited. Bring
us from moving in ways that we               begins February 6 and March 19           yoga mat. Instructor: Lori Seymour,
want to. Aston Kinetics, a specialized                                                SCW Certified Pilates, Yoga, Personal
                                           • $99 for a 5-week session
system of exercise and movement                                                       Trainer
education, teaches exercises to
                                                                                      • Tuesdays, 5:30–6:30 pm
release holding patterns of tension,       Dance Fitness                                begins January 14 and March 3
improve postural alignment and             Get fit, lose weight, strengthen
build strength and flexibility. Learn a    and condition, de-stress and have          • $130 for a 6-week session;
fitness routine that recycles gravity      fun! Based on Nia® Technique, this           $24 drop-in
to work with you to create evenly          fitness class blends different forms of
balanced tone throughout your body.        dance, tai chi, taekwondo and yoga
Learn how to apply this new way            to provide a full-body workout that
of moving to everyday activities for       will leave you feeling energized. For
increased overall fitness as you move      all levels. Instructor: Susanne Liebich,
through your day. Wear clothing            Certified Nia Black Belt, STOTT
that is comfortable to move in while       PILATES®
sitting, lying and standing. Bring
a bath towel, bed pillow and yoga          • Thursdays, 4:30–5:30 pm
mat. Instructor: Shirley Lynch, MS,          begins January 16 and March 5
OT, CLMT, Certified Aston Kinetics         • $99 for a 6-week session;
practitioner                                 $19 drop-in
• Wednesdays, 5:30–6:30 pm
  begins January 22
• $115 for a 7-week session;
  no drop-ins

NEW To learn more about Aston
Kinetics, attend a FREE lecture –
• Wednesday, January 15
  5:30–6:30 pm
• Free; registration required

    c Essentrics®                                                As            Osteofitness™
                                                               seen on         This evidence-based class targets
                                                                               osteoporosis naturally by building
    Developed by Miranda Esmonde-White, author of                 PBS          bone through progressive strength
    Forever Painless and Aging Backwards, and creator of
    the long-running PBS fitness show, Classical Stretch.                      training at osteoporotic sites. Learn
                                                                               to improve balance and mobility,
    A diverse music playlist accompanies each routine creating
                                                                               prevent falls, reduce pain and
    a fun, positive environment. You’ll leave feeling rebalanced, elongated    correct posture. Program is modeled
    and strong! Classes are done in bare feet or sticky socks. Wear            after Tufts University research and
    comfortable clothing; bring yoga mat and large towel. Instructors:         includes joint-friendly moves advised
    Severina Gates, Advanced Certified Level 4 Essentrics, featured on         by the Arthritis FoundationSM. Each
    PBS with Miranda Esmonde-White, and Leah Whitehouse, Certified             session includes a lecture on bone
    Level I Essentrics                                                         nutrition by a registered dietitian,
                                                                               bone density consults, a lecture on
    Essentrics Restore,                                                        the skeletal frame and a “reservation”
                                                                               at the Calcium Café to sample
    Release & Rebalance                                                        delicious, bone-healthy food. Class
    A full-body exercise program                                               meets twice a week. Bring exercise
    designed to help you slowly build                                          mat, All Pro 5-lb pair leg cuffs and
    strength, flexibility and mobility,                                        water. Instructor: Beverley Ikier,
    and reawaken the power of your                                             Board Certified Muscular Therapist
    650 muscles. Designed for those                                            and Bodyworker, Senior Fitness
    new or returning to exercise,                                              Specialist
    have slightly limited mobility,
    stiffness and chronic aches and       Essentrics Stretch & Tone            FREE Introductory Lecture
    pains. Ideal for athletes looking     A unique full-body workout           and Orientation
    to stretch, and for all ages and      that strengthens and lengthens       • Wednesday, 1:45–2:45 pm
    abilities looking for a gentle,       your muscles simultaneously            January 8 or February 26
    slow-tempo class. Involves some       for a lean, toned and flexible
    floor work.                                                                • Registration required
                                          body, resulting in longer, leaner,
    • Mondays, 10:30–11:30 am             stronger muscles without using       Osteofitness Program
      begins January 13 and               weights. A moderately-paced          Choose one of the following:
      February 24                         class, ideal for beginners or non-
                                                                               • Tuesdays, 1:45–2:45 pm and
    • Tuesdays, 10:30–11:30 am            beginners who are active, healthy
                                                                                 Thursdays, 2:45–3:45 pm
      begins January 14 and               and fully mobile.
                                                                                 begins January 14 and March 10
      February 25                         • Mondays, 11:45 am–12:45 pm
    • Thursdays, 12:00–1:00 pm              begins January 13 and
                                            February 24                        • Mondays and Thursdays
      begins January 16 and
                                                                                 12:00–1:00 pm
      February 27                         • Tuesdays, 11:45 am–12:45 pm
                                                                                 begins January 13 and March 9
    • $99 for a 5-week session              begins January 14 and
                                            February 25                         or
      $22 drop-in
                                          • Thursdays, 1:15–2:15 pm            • Mondays and Thursdays
                                            begins January 16 and                4:30–5:30 pm;
                                            February 27                          begins January 13 and March 9
    The precise movements                                                      • $352 for an 8-week, 16-class
                                          NEW Saturday Class
    of Essentrics motivates a                                                    session; not eligible for discounts
                                          • Saturdays, 11:30 am–12:30 pm
    mind-body connection,                   begins January 25 and
    resulting in a leaner,                  February 29
    more flexible body.                   • $99 for a 5-week session;
                                            $22 drop-in
    — Sarah J., student, Essentrics
For more info or to register, visit EmersonWellness.org or call 978-287-3777               5

c Qigong
Qigong Beginner &                              Qigong for Seniors                       Qigong/Tai Chi Combination
Intermediate/Advanced                          The gentle, fluid movements of           A combination of qigong and tai
Qigong (pronounced chee gong)                  qigong train the mind to direct the      chi exercises that includes the
integrates gentle physical postures,           body’s energy, or chi, to any part       therapeutic 36 qigong form that
breathing techniques and focused               of the body, helping to improve          works the whole body-mind, basic
intentions to reduce stress,                   balance and blood pressure, build        stances, the 8 form (a primitive
strengthen and stretch the body,               strength, increase range of motion       tai chi form), tai chi elements, tai
build stamina and increase vitality            and flexibility, enhance endurance       chi walking and more. Promote
and mental clarity. Instructor:                and reduce stress. Instructor: Carolyn   health and healing through breath
Ming Wu, PhD                                   McDonald, Certified Qigong               awareness, mindful concentration,
                                               • Thursdays, 10:45 am–11:45 am           stances and gentle rhythmic
• Wednesdays, 10:30–11:30 am                                                            movement. This workout helps to
  begins January 8 and March 11                  begins February 6 and March 26
                                                                                        improve circulation, hydrate tissues
• $128 for an 8-week session;                  • $99 for a 6-week session;              and joints and strengthen tissues and
  $18 drop-in                                    $19 drop-in                            bones. Appropriate for all ages and
                                                                                        abilities. Instructor: Pam Vlahakis,
                                                                                        Certified Qigong, Tai Chi
I wish my doctors had told me I was diagnosed with                                      • Wednesdays, 4:15–5:15 pm
osteoporosis at 40. I tried various medicines and watched                                 begins January 8 and February 26
my bone density improve a little and then decline. But since                            • $99 for a 6-week session;
taking the Osteofitness class for over a year, my bone density                            $19 drop-in
increased significantly, and I’m much stronger. I wish I knew
about this class 20 years ago, but it’s never too late!
— Margo M., student, Osteofitness       (Class information on page 4)

c Self-Defense                                 Seirenkai Jujitsu                        Self-Defense Seminar
                                               Instructors from The Concord             Teen & Adults
                                               Academy of Self-Defense: Len and
Self-Defense for Adults,                       Johanna Glazer, 5th Degree Black
                                                                                        Taught by fifth-degree black belt
Teens & Children                                                                        instructors, this unique seminar
                                               Belts, Seirenkai Karate and 4th
                                                                                        for teens and adults focuses on
Learn practical and effective physical         Degree Black Belts, Seirenkai Jujitsu
                                                                                        hands-on self-defense techniques,
and verbal techniques for self-                • Begins Sunday, January 12              strategies and tips for staying safe.
defense in these ongoing Japanese
                                               • Youth jujitsu                          The class is appropriate for those
martial arts classes. For returning
                                                 (elementary to middle school)          who are starting to become more
students, each session builds on
                                                 2:00–3:00 pm                           independent, including teens who
the prior one; beginners can start at
                                                                                        are walking, biking or driving places
any session. Instructors are from the          • High school to adult jujitsu
                                                                                        on their own. During the seminar,
Concord Self-Defense Academy.                    3:30–5:00 pm
                                                                                        instructors will teach techniques and
• $160 for a 10–week session                   Seirenkai Karate                         strategies to keep participants safe
• $270 for both jujitsu and karate             (middle school to adult)                 and demonstrate ways to escape
  (for returning students only)                Instructor: Stephen Lisauskas,           from common attacks, while helping
                                               fifth-degree black belt, Seirenkai       to build confidence. Instructors: Len
                                               Karate and Seirenkai Jujitsu             and Johanna Glazer of the Concord
• 20% discount for additional                                                           Self-Defense Academy
  family members                               • Begins Thursday, January 16
                                                 7:30–9:00 pm                           • Wednesday, March 18
Attend one trial class with no                                                            7:30–9:30 pm
commitment; call for details.
                                                                                        • $47; not eligible for discounts

    NEW Strategies for Returning to Health & Fitness Over 60                          best for you at your unique age,
    When is the best time to plant a tree? Twenty years ago. When is the              state of health and circumstances.
    second-best time to plant a tree? NOW!                                            Create a Personalized Nutrition
                                                                                      Plan from Total Well Coach Simple
    Whatever your age or physical            learn how to lower the barriers to       Healthy Eating Template and build
    condition, NOW is the time to start      entry into new physical activities and   your toolbox of strategies and helpful
    making small, consistent, persistent     create small and consistent changes      apps, books and podcasts to support
    changes to create and maintain           in nutrition and mindset that will       your health goals. Instructor: Joyce
    fitness and health over 60. You will     give you exponential improvement in      Strong, RN, BSN, Performance and
                                             your health and quality of life. Learn   Functional Nutrition Coach, Weight
                                             effective life-style strategies for      Loss Expert, Strength & Conditioning
                                             improving health and fitness at any      Specialist
                                             age; how to evaluate processed           • Saturday, January 25, 12:00–2:00 pm
                                             foods, read food labels and decide
                                                                                      • $49; not eligible for discounts
                                             what to and what not to eat; the
                                             fundamentals of healthy nutrition        BONUS! All participants can receive
                                             for people over 60; why body fat         a free 30-minute Discovery Call and
                                             percentage is a better measure           a free InBody Body Composition
                                             than total weight when setting your      Analysis — $125 total value. The
                                             weight goal; and what exercise is        Discovery call is an opportunity to
                                                                                      identify and get clear on health and
                                                                                      wellness goals and identify the top
                                                                                      3 things to help you take action to
    c Tai Chi                                                                         create a strong, joyous life.

    Tai chi, an ancient Chinese martial      Beginner (Long Form)
    art, achieves therapeutic benefits,      Instructor: Nonny Levy, LICSW,
    such as pain relief, and improves        Certified Tai Chi
    balance, posture, breathing, mood,       • Wednesdays, 10:45–11:45 am
    concentration, energy and overall          begins January 8 and February 26
                                             Advanced Beginner (Long Form)
    Beginner (Short Form)                    Instructor: Nonny Levy, LICSW,
    Instructor: Ming Wu, PhD                 Certified Tai Chi                        NEW Private Tai Chi
    • Thursdays, 6:45–7:45 pm                • Wednesdays, 12:00–1:00 pm
      begins January 9 and March 12                                                   Classes Now Available
                                               begins January 8 and February 26
                                                                                      Private one-on-one Tai Chi training
    Beginner (Short Form)                    • $99 for a 6-week session;              provides you with the opportunity to
    Instructor: Sining Zhan                    $19 drop-in                            work at a slower or more accelerated
    • Thursdays, 12:30–1:30 pm                                                        pace, allowing the instructor to fine-
                                                                                      tune the technique, depending on
      begins January 30 and March 26         NEW Tai Chi for Seniors                  your ability and interest. Personal
    Intermediate/Advanced                    Learn a modified version of the          questions and specific issues can
    (Long Form)                              Yang style short form, 18 positions      also be addressed. Instructor: Nonny
    Instructor: Ming Wu, PhD                 that can be managed by anyone.           Levy, LICSW, Certified Tai Chi
                                             The philosophy is to enjoy the
    • Wednesdays, 9:30–10:30 am              movements and reach the relaxed          • For an appointment, call
      begins January 8 and March 11          point where it becomes a form of           978-287-3777.
    • Thursdays, 5:45–6:45 pm                meditation. Instructor: Judith Welsh,
      begins January 9 and March 12          Certified Tai Chi, Qigong                Qigong/Tai Chi Combination
    • $128 for an 8-week session;            • Tuesdays, 1:00–2:00 pm                 See Qigong on page 5
      $18 drop-in                              begins January 21 and March 3
                                             • $99 for a 6-week session;
                                               $19 drop-in
For more info or to register, visit EmersonWellness.org or call 978-287-3777                 7

Strength, Balance &                            c Yoga
Flexibility for Seniors
Based on Healing Motion for Life™,             Chair Yoga                               meditation/relaxation that activates
this class focuses on conditioning             Many of us find it difficult to get on   our parasympathetic nervous
the core and balance by learning how           and off the floor but that doesn’t       system to reduce stress hormones
to move the body in a healthy way to           have to keep you from doing yoga.        and induce feelings of calm, clarity
strengthen, avoid injury and reinforce         In fact, almost all yoga poses           and vitality. You must be able to lie
proper movement principles.                    can be done seated or standing           on your back and on your stomach
Combines yoga, Pilates, martial arts           while using a chair. And they can        (with the support and cushioning
and breath work to achieve overall             be just as challenging as those          of blankets and bolsters, if
health and wellness and improved               on the mat and equally beneficial        needed). All props are provided;
mobility. Bring yoga mat. Instructor:          to body, mind and spirit. This           mats available, if you don’t own
Susanne Liebich, Certified, Nia®               class is intended for anyone with        one. Please arrive 15 minutes early.
Black Belt, Stott Pilates®                     limited mobility, recovering from        Instructor: Laraine Lippincott, CYT,
• Wednesdays, 1:30–2:30 pm                     surgery, or weight challenges. Bring     featured on Chronicle
  begins January 15 and February 26            yoga mat. Instructor: Susan              • Saturday, 1:30–4:00 pm
• $99 for a 5-week session;                    Chormann, CYT                              January 18, February 8 or
  $22 drop-in                                  • Mondays, 1:15 –2:30 pm                   March 21
                                                 begins January 20 and March 9          • $47; not eligible for discounts
Strength & Conditioning                        • $99 for a 6-week session;
                                                 $19 drop-in                            Hip Mobility Yoga Workshop
for Seniors
As we age, muscles and bones                                                            There are 22 muscles that cross
naturally weaken, but strength                 Gentle Yoga                              over the hip joint at different angles
is vital to our ability to function.           (as seen on Chronicle)                   and in multiple directions. Besides
Whether your goal is to climb stairs,                                                   being uncomfortable, tightness
                                               For the new student of yoga and for
walk better or get out of your chair,                                                   in these muscles can throw off
                                               those with a tight body, stiffness,
this class will safely increase your                                                    your posture and show up as
                                               injury or recovery from illness or
strength, balance and flexibility                                                       pain elsewhere in the body. These
                                               surgery. Bring yoga mat. Instructor:
regardless of your current physical                                                     troubles can be progressive, or
                                               Laraine Lippincott, CYT, featured
abilities. Instructor: Kristin Wood, PT                                                 reversible, depending on whether
                                               on Chronicle
                                                                                        you do something about them or
• Wednesdays, 2:00–3:00 pm                     • Fridays, 9:30–10:45 am                 not. In this workshop, discover
  begins January 15 and March 18                 begins February 7 and March 20         a series of yoga stretches and
• $135 for an 8-week session;                  • $99 for a 6-week session;              unique strengthening moves
  $20 drop-in                                    no drop-ins                            designed to help you “open” your
• Classes held at The Mill Works,                                                       hips by loosening tight muscles
  Westford                                                                              and building strength. For all ages
                                               Gentle Energy Balancing                  and abilities but does involve lying
                                               Yoga Workshop                            on the floor and some kneeling.
                                               Learn a gentle and simple yoga           Bring yoga mat. Instructor: John
                                               practice that optimizes energy           Calabria, CYT
                                               systems of the body as we activate       • Saturday, February 1
                                               the seven chakras. Chakras are             1:00–2:30 pm
                                               energy centers that run along            • $37; not eligible for discounts
                                               the spine, and we will gain a
                                               greater understanding of how
                                               to optimize these powerhouses
                                               physically, emotionally, spiritually
                                               and energetically as we explore the
                                               basic characteristics and functions
                                               of each chakra. The workshop
                                               ends with a deep, healing-guided

    There is something so simple and heartfelt and healing                                NEW Shake Your Soul® Yoga
    about your approach to yoga. Every week, I look forward                               This yoga dance is a movement
                                                                                          practice designed to relax your
    to John’s class… It’s one of the best things I do all week to                         nervous system and energize
    take care of myself.                                                                  your body –a great cardiovascular
                                                                                          workout. You will move to world
    — Ellen, student, Peaceful, Mindful Yoga with John                                   music as you connect to your own
                                                                                          sense of how your body wants to
                                                                                          move. A playful, fun and joyous
                                                                                          experience! Wear comfortable
                                                                                          clothing. Instructor: Molly Delehey,
    Neck & Shoulder Mobility                   matters and live in a lighter, more        Certified Shake Your Soul
    Yoga Workshop                              joyful way. Modifications are taught;      • Sundays, 10:30–11:30 am
                                               some do more, some do less, so               begins February 2
    Do you find yourself hunched over
                                               truly, all are welcome. Instructor:
    your phone, computer or desk?                                                         • $80 for a 5-week session;
                                               John Calabria, CYT
    Do you feel tight, sore, experience                                                     $17 drop-in
    limited mobility, headaches or TMJ?        • Sundays, 12:00–1:15 pm
                                                 begins January 19 and March 1            To learn more, attend a FREE class –
    Upper body neck and shoulder
    tension can be so chronic that it          • $99 for a 6-week session;                • Sunday, January 19, 10:30–11:30 am
    starts to feel normal. Learn unique          $19 drop-in                              • Free; registration required
    and memorable stretches to
    relieve neck and shoulder pain and
    tightness, and immunize yourself           NEW Restorative Yoga                       NEW Walking Tall Yoga
    from that hunched over posture.            & Massage                                  Do you want to look younger and
    We’ll also explore breath work to          Indulge in deep relaxation with this       even grow by as much as two
    melt tension and bring about a calm        delicious combination of massage           inches? Help reverse the patterns of
    and peaceful heart. You’ll leave with      and restorative yoga. This special         postural aging while building bones,
    a good sense of that great posture         90-minute class is designed to             stretching and strengthening muscles
    that lives within us all and how to        release tension, turn off the body’s       and tendons, and lengthening and
    find it through your daily life. For all   stress response, and restore body,         strengthening the spine. Simple yet
    ages and abilities. Bring yoga mat.        mind and spirit to a peaceful and          thorough, all exercises are done lying
    Instructor: John Calabria, CYT             healthy state. Done mostly lying           on our backs, stomachs and sides.
    • Saturday, March 28, 1:00–2:30 pm         down, Susan will guide you through         Bolsters and blankets are used for
                                               a series of simple restorative yoga        support, as needed, to modify the
    • $37; not eligible for discounts                                                     postures and make you comfortable.
                                               poses that use blankets, bolsters
                                               and soft yoga blocks to allows tight       Learn yoga deep breathing and
    NEW Peaceful, Mindful Yoga                 muscles to release and the nervous         some simple mantras while doing
                                               system to relax. The addition              the stretches and postures. The
    with John                                                                             workshop ends with a deep and
                                               of gentle pressure by massage
    We’re not that hard-fast-workout                                                      restorative relaxation. Includes a
                                               therapist, Brianne, will further
    yoga, rather, yoga as it once was—                                                    handout detailing exercises and
                                               nourish your entire being, leaving you
    unrushed movement through                                                             postures you can practice at home.
                                               feeling fantastically refreshed, relaxed
    peaceful postures with a steady                                                       Instructor: Laraine Lippincott, CYT,
                                               and well-cared for. Space is limited.
    calming breath. In time, students                                                     featured on Chronicle
                                               Bring a yoga mat.  Instructors:
    shed stress, extra pounds, drop
                                               Susan Chormann, CYT; Brianne               • Saturday, 1:30–4:00 pm
    medications, strengthen muscle
                                               Krupsaw, LMT                                 January 11, February 15 and
    and bones, sleep better, regulate
                                               • Tuesday, January 28, February 11 or        March 7
    blood pressure, make headaches
    history and more. More of an                 March 10, 7:00–8:30 pm                   • $47; not eligible for discounts
    experience than a class, people            • $50; not eligible for discounts
    leave with a lasting sense of well-
    being, unique tools and techniques
    that can help dissolve stress and
    keep their focus on what really
For more info or to register, visit EmersonWellness.org or call 978-287-3777                9

Yoga & Meditation                          Yoga for Boomers & Seniors                Yoga for Healthy Aging
Improve flexibility and strength           Designed for students 55+, this           Wind down after a busy day
while relieving stress and tension.        class offers a well-rounded, safe         with accessible, low-impact yoga
Includes Ayurvedic healing                 yoga practice designed to promote         stretches. Learn to free yourself of
meditation techniques. Not for             optimum physical, mental and              tension with special yoga breathing
expectant mothers. Bring yoga mat.         emotional health. By modifying            and meditation techniques. Yoga
Instructor: Pam Vlahakis, CYT              postures for each student’s needs         postures combined with therapeutic
• Wednesdays, 5:30–6:45 pm                 and moving at a slow and mindful          breathing not only relieves stress
  begins January 8 and February 26         pace, this class can help improve         and tension from body and mind,
                                           balance, reverse rounding of the          but are weight-bearing and helpful
• $99 for a 6-week session;                upper back, regain lost height, relieve   in strengthening bones and
  $19 drop-in                              pain and stiffness, lower blood           raising resting metabolic rate for
                                           pressure, strengthen immunity, and        weight loss. Each class ends with a
NEW Yoga for Bone Safety                   enhance overall mental clarity, energy    luxurious restorative pose. Suitable
                                           and joy. Bring yoga mat. Instructor:      for everyone, from the inflexible
Workshop                                   Susan Chormann, CYT                       office worker to the weekend warrior
If you have been diagnosed with                                                      athlete looking to stretch, and for
low bone density, osteopenia or            NEW Evening Class Added                   anyone needing to alleviate stress or
osteoporosis and would like to know        • Tuesdays, 10:30–11:45 am or             anxiety. Bring yoga mat. Instructor:
how to adapt poses to keep your              5:30–6:45 pm                            Laraine Lippincott, CYT, featured
body safe and promote bone and               begins January 14 and March 3           on Chronicle
joint health, this workshop is for you!
                                           • $99 for a 6-week session;               • Mondays, 5:45–7:00 pm
Learn to strengthen your upper back
                                             $19 drop-in                               begins February 3 and March 23
to support good posture; open and
elongate your spine for healthy spinal                                               • $99 for a 6-week session;
discs; discover how to safely perform      Yoga for Building Bones                     no drop-ins
forward folds and twists; care for
                                           New research shows that in addition
your wrists and neck; mobilize,
strengthen and protect your hips; and
                                           to yoga’s many other health benefits,     NEW Private Yoga Classes
                                           it also improves bone density in the      Looking for a customized program to
learn techniques you can use in any
                                           spine, hips and femur. Strengthen         support your individual health issues,
yoga class or in your home practice.
                                           your skeleton with seven standing         injuries or emotional concerns?
Bring yoga mat. Instructor: Susan
                                           poses, along with postures on             Want to know how to modify yoga
Chormann, CYT
                                           all fours, seated and lying down;         poses commonly taught in a general
• Sunday, 10:00–11:30 am                   covers the basics so that your            yoga class? New to yoga and want to
  January 26 and March 8                   yoga experience is comfortable,           learn the basics before joining class?
• $50; not eligible for discounts          beneficial and therapeutic. You           One-on-one instruction combines
                                           will not only build your bones, but       appropriate postures, sequences
                                           you will build strength, flexibility,     and breathing techniques in an
                                           enhance immunity, calm the mind,          individualized practice for people of
                                           and enliven and deepen the breath.        all ages and levels. Specialties include
                                           No prior yoga experience required.        cancer recovery, concussion healing,
                                           Bring yoga mat. Instructor: Laraine       arthritis and osteoporosis. Instructor:
                                           Lippincott, CYT, featured on              Susan Chormann, CYT
                                                                                     • For an appointment, call
                                           • Wednesdays, 9:00–10:15 am                 978-287-3777.
                                             begins February 5 and March 25
                                           • Saturdays, 9:45–11:00 am
                                             begins February 8
                                           • $99 for a 6-week session;
                                             no drop-ins

     EXERCISE/                                c Parkinson’s Disease and Movement
     PROGRAMS                                    Disorders Programs
     CONDITIONS                               Fitness for Parkinson’s               Parkinson’s Movement:
                                              Includes stretching, core             Dance for PD®
                                              strengthening and balance training    Healing Movement to Music for
     Aphasia Conversation Group               customized to the needs and levels    Parkinson’s & Movement-Related
     An opportunity for those with            of the class. Instructors: Samantha   Disorders
     aphasia to work on communication         Indigaro, PT, DPT; Elizabeth
     skills in a fun and supportive group                                           Based on the acclaimed Dance
                                              Chausee, PT, DPT
     environment. Instructor: Brenda                                                for PD program, this class uses
     Lovette, MS, CCC-SLP                     Intermediate                          various dance techniques to
                                                                                    improve balance, flexibility,
     • Mondays, 10:30–11:30 am                • Mondays, 3:00–4:00 pm               movement range and rhythm.
       January 13, 27, February 10, 24,         begins January 6 and February 24    Instructor: Susanne Liebich,
       March 9 and 23                         • $120 for a 6-week, 6-class          Certified Dance for PD
     • $100 for 6 sessions                      session; $25 drop-in;               • Thursdays, 10:30–11:40 am
     • Classes held at 310 Baker Avenue,        not eligible for discounts            begins January 9 and February 27
       Suite 160, Clough Family Center for    Advanced                              • $140 for a 7-week session;
       Rehabilitative and Sports Therapies                                            $22 drop-in
                                              • Mondays and Wednesdays
     • For more information or to register,     2:30–3:30 pm                         Caregivers are welcome to
       call 978-287-8246.                       begins January 6 and February 24     accompany student for free.
                                              • $240 for a 6-week, 12-class
     Be Strong Cancer Exercise                  session; $25 drop-in;
     Program                                    not eligible for discounts
     This personalized fitness program is
     designed for those who are currently
     or have previously undergone
     oncology treatment and wish to
     improve their stamina and strength
     in an encouraging and guided
     environment. Instructors: Be Strong
     Cancer Care Team
     • Program held at Clough Family
       Center for Rehabilitative and Sports
     • Concord: Tuesdays and Thursdays,
       12:00–1:00 pm
     • Westford: Mondays and
       Wednesdays, 11:30 am–12:30 pm
     • $250 for a 16-class session
     • For more information or to register,
       call 978-287-8200 (Concord);
       978-589-6850 (Westford)
For more info or to register, visit EmersonWellness.org or call 978-287-3777             11

Movement to Music                          INFANT &                                Children’s Seirenkai Jujitsu
Enrichment Workshops                       CHILD CARE                              (Grades 1–5)
for Parkinson’s                            The following Infant & Child Care       See Self-Defense for Adults, Teens &
Free workshops to individuals              classes are held at the main hospital   Children on page 5
with Parkinson’s and their                 campus. For more information,
caregivers, funded by the                  location and to register, visit         GirlPower! Be Who You Are™
Dance for Parkinson’s Family               EmersonWellness.org.
Foundation                                                                         An Empowerment Workshop for
                                           Infant Care                             Mothers & Daughters 8–12
                                           Infant CPR Anytime®                     Mothers and daughters are
NEW Ballroom Workshop                                                              invited to learn about each other
for Parkinson’s                            Soon to be Grandparents                 through activities designed to build
Are you aware ballroom dancing                                                     confidence, self-advocacy and self-
can improve your focus and                                                         care. Girls and moms will find new
open new neuropathways in your                                                     ways to connect to each other and
brain? Join champion ballroom                                                      find community with other mothers
dancers for a workshop teaching                                                    and their daughters. Instructor:
elementary waltz, tango and                                                        Susanne Liebich, Founder, Creative
foxtrot steps to be followed with                                                  Director; Certified Nia Black Belt,
a demonstration on the art of                                                      STOTT PILATES®
ballroom. Instructors: Krisztian                                                   • Saturday, February 29
Timar, Maggie Toth                                                                   1:00–5:00 pm
• Saturday, February 8                                                             • $120 for mother/daughter pair,
  1:30–3:30 pm                                                                       includes program, supplies, snacks;
• Free; registration required                                                        not eligible for discounts

                                                                                   GirlPower! Be Who You Are™
                                                                                   An Empowerment Workshop
Save       Violin                                                                  for Girls 11–14
 the       Performance                                                             In its 12th year, GirlPower! Has
Date!      by Vanderbilt                                                           been guiding girls to find their
                                           KIDS & TEENS                            unique voices through movement,
                                                                                   discussion, journaling, art and nature.
Emeritus Chris Teal &                                                              Activities are designed to build
Dance for PD® Workshop                     Babysitting Training (10–15)            confidence, self-advocacy and self-
                                           One-day class covers everything         care. Girls will find ways to connect
• Friday, April 3, 1:30–3:30 pm
                                           you need to know to be a great          with new friends and discover
• Free; registration required              babysitter! A certificate is awarded    more about themselves. Instructor:
                                           upon completion. Bring lunch, snack     Susanne Liebich, Founder, Creative
                                           and baby-sized doll or stuffed animal   Director; Certified Nia® Black Belt,
                                           to learn diapering. Instructor: Jeri    STOTT PILATES®
                                           Ravis, RN                               • Friday, February 28, 3:30–5:30 pm
                                           • Saturday, 9:00 am–1:00 pm             • $49 includes program, supplies;
                                             January 25, February 29, March 28       not eligible for discounts
                                             or April 25
                                           • $55; not eligible for discounts

     NATURAL                                  BONUS! All participants can receive         Tong Ren Therapy
     THERAPIES                                a free 30-minute Discovery Call and
                                              a free InBody Body Composition
                                                                                          Tong Ren is based on a belief that
                                                                                          disease is due to blockages in the
                                              Analysis — $125 total value. The            body’s natural flow of chi and seeks
     NEW Acupressure & Cupping                Discovery call is an opportunity to         to remove these blockages, restoring
     Learn to Reduce Pain & Release           identify and get clear on health and        the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
     Stress at Home                           wellness goals and identify the top         By using a small magnetic hammer,
                                              3 things to help you take action to         learn how to administer Tong Ren
     Recent studies reveal acupressure not    create a strong, joyous life.
     only improves lower back pain and                                                    therapy to heal the body. Instructor:
     fatigue, but is long-lasting. Discover                                               Ming Wu, PhD
     how these ancient techniques based       How to Detox in 10 Days                     • Thursdays, 4:45–5:45 pm
     on Traditional Chinese Medicine have     Discover all you need to know to              begins January 9 or March 12
     a positive impact on overall wellness.   cleanse all systems in your body,           • $128 for an 8-week session;
     Learn practical hands-on techniques      remove cravings, strengthen your              $18 drop-in
     you can use each day to help you         immune system, sleep better,
     reduce pain and release feelings         alleviate joint pain and re-boot for
     of anxiety and depression while          weight loss. No fasting or deprivation
     increasing feelings of relaxation.       required. Includes one on-site                                         Now
     Easy to learn and self-administer!       meeting, 10-day email/phone support
     Wear comfortable clothing.                                                              Facial                 Offering
                                              and all the materials you need for a
     Instructor: Vivien Zhang, Licensed       successful detox. Instructor: Linda            Rejuvenating
     Acupuncturist, Certified Herbalist       Leland, Cofounder, And Then She
     • Saturday, March 14                     Shines, Certified Holistic Coach
       1:00–2:30 pm                           • Thursday, February 13                        The Steinberg Wellness
     • $37                                      6:30–8:00 pm                                 Center is excited to offer
                                                                                             facial acupuncture, a natural
                                              • $47; not eligible for discounts              alternative to Botox. This
     The CBD Craze: Facts &                                                                  treatment works from the
     Common Misconceptions                    Reiki Training Classes                         outside in, providing a
                                                                                             beautiful, glowing complexion
     about CBD Products                       Discover this hands-on energy                  by encouraging your body to
     The mention of cannabidiol (CBD)         therapy used to encourage relaxation,          produce more collagen – the
     oil, which contains CBD extracts from    manage pain, provide comfort and               layer of skin that makes your
     the cannabis plant, is bound to grab     promote overall wellness. Learn to             complexion appear firm,
     your attention and unsolicited advice    give Reiki to yourself, others and pets.       plump and youthful. Because
     about the risks and benefits from        Receive Reiki practitioner certification.      facial acupuncture helps to
     friends and self-proclaimed experts.     Five contact hours for nursing for             bring collagen to your face, it
     This two-hour lecture explores the       each full day of attendance. Bring             works as a natural anti-aging
     common CBD oil misconceptions            lunch for each day. Instructor: Libby          treatment. Fine needles break
     and arms you with the facts to make      Barnett, MSW, Reiki Master                     the skin’s barrier and triggers
     decisions about whether to use CBD                                                      the body’s natural healing
                                              Reiki Level I Training
     oil, what kind of CBD is best, what                                                     response. With all the little
     dosage you need and a reasonable         • Saturday, March 14,                          microtrauma, the body needs
     price to pay. Instructor: Joyce            9:00 am–3:00 pm                              to repair with protein, and that
     Strong, RN, BSN, Performance and         • $145                                         protein is collagen. Practitioner:
     Functional Nutrition Coach, Weight                                                      Vivien Zhang, Licensed
     Loss Expert, Strength & Conditioning     Reiki Level II Training                        Acupuncturist, Certified
     Specialist                               • Sunday, March 15, 9:00 am–3:00 pm            Herbalist
     • Saturday, February 1                   • $160                                         For more information or
       12:00–2:00 pm                                                                         to make an appointment,
     • $49; not eligible for discounts        Reiki Level I & II Training Package            call 978-287-3777, or email
                                              • $285                                         us at EmersonWellness@
                                              Reiki classes not eligible for discounts
For more info or to register, visit EmersonWellness.org or call 978-287-3777              13


 The following programs are               NEW Diabetes Prevention                maintain optimal health and fitness
 offered by instructor Joyce              Clinic: Four-Week Group                to enhance your body’s resilience
 Strong, RN, BSN, Performance                                                    and capacity to heal; how to address
 and Functional Nutrition Coach,
                                          Intensive                              the root causes for inflammation
 Weight Loss Expert, Strength             This workshop is for those who         and what you can do to prevent or
 & Conditioning Specialist.               need additional ongoing support        heal from it; how specific nutritional
 All programs include:                    to get on track. Learn effective       supplementation can help
                                          life-style strategies for mitigating   accelerate healing, and more.
 • FREE 30-minute Discovery               your risk for diabetes, why body
   Call and a free InBody Body            fat percentage is a better measure     • Saturday, February 15
   Composition Analysis—a $125            than total weight when setting your      12:00–2:00 pm
   total value. The Discovery call is     weight goal, how carbohydrates,        • $49; not eligible for discounts
   an opportunity to identify and get     fats and protein affect your blood
   clear on health and wellness goals     sugar differently; how to evaluate
   and identify the top 3 things to       processed foods, read food labels      NEW Keto Curious?
   help you take action to create a       and decide what and what not to        What’s Ketosis and is a
   strong, joyous life.                   eat, how exercise impacts diabetes     Ketogenic Diet Right for Me?
 • Personalized Nutrition Plan from       and how to address the root causes     Ketosis is a natural process in
   Total Well Coach Simple Healthy        for diabetes and what you can do to    which the body converts stored
   Eating Template.                       prevent or heal from it.               fat to fuel for your brain and body.
 • Toolbox of strategies and helpful      • Saturdays, 10:30 am–12:00 pm         There are many possible therapeutic
   apps, books and podcasts to              begins February 29                   applications for adapting a
   support your health goals.             • $197 for a 4-week session;           ketogenic diet including weight
 Space is limited; not eligible for         not eligible for discounts           loss, type 2 diabetes, metabolic
 discounts                                                                       syndrome and other inflammatory
                                                                                 and neurological conditions. Some
                                          NEW Healing After                      say a ketogenic diet can even help
 NEW Diabetes Prevention                  Concussion with Nutrition              with longevity! A state of ketosis
 Lecture                                                                         can be achieved in many ways and
                                          Make Your Brain More Resilient
                                                                                 this class helps you sort through
 This lecture is for those who are        Through Nutrition and
                                                                                 the noise. Understanding the basic
 prediabetic, have Type 2 diabetes,       Supplementation
                                                                                 biology of ketosis will give you
 have a family history of diabetes        Healing from concussion can be a       the foundational knowledge and
 or are overweight. Learn effective       long journey made easier through       tools you need to help you decide
 life-style strategies to mitigate your   supporting reduction of the initial    if keto is right for you. Learn how
 risk for diabetes; how to evaluate       inflammatory response in the brain     to personalize your keto plan to
 processed foods, read food labels        and body through food and natural      fit with your lifestyle and to meet
 and decide what and what not to          supplements. When it comes to          your specific health goals, how
 eat; how carbohydrates, fats and         nutrition and supplementation          carbohydrates, fats and proteins
 proteins affect your blood sugar         one size does not fit all, even more   affect your metabolism in different
 in different ways; why body fat          important when you have suffered       ways, how body fat percentage is
 percentage is a better measure           a concussion. As an initial step       a better measure than total weight
 than total weight when setting           to support the work you must do        when setting your weight goals
 your weight goal; and the powerful       with your concussion practitioners,    and more.
 impact of sleep, stress and exercise     we want to “put out the fire” in
 on diabetes.                             your brain and gut, that is, reduce    • Saturday, February 22
                                          inflammation to optimize the             12:30–2:30 pm
 • Saturday, February 22
   10:30 am–12:30 pm                      healing process. Learn effective       • $49; not eligible for discounts
                                          life-style strategies for reducing
 • $49; not eligible for discounts
                                          symptoms of concussion; how to

                                                                                  NEW Conscious Eating
     NEW Preventing &                       carbohydrates, fats and protein       21‑Day Challenge
     Healing Autoimmune                     affect your blood sugar in            Do you have digestive issues that
                                            different ways; why body fat          limit you from eating some of the
     Disease Through Nutrition              percentage is a better measure        foods you love? Discover how to
     Discover effective life-style          than total weight when setting        enjoy delicious foods and not feel
     strategies for mitigating your         your weight goal and more.            restricted while boosting your
     risk for and symptoms of                                                     health. Learn how cooking gluten
     autoimmune disease. Learn why          • Saturday, February 29
                                                                                  free, lactose free and limiting sugar
     body fat percentage is a better          12:00–2:00 pm
                                                                                  is healthy and delicious. Sample
     measure than total weight when         • $49; not eligible for discounts     yummy organic and non-GMO
     setting your weight goal; how to                                             dishes including Veggie Curry, Shoyu
     evaluate processed foods; read                                               Sauce, Artichoke Tahini Dip and even
     food labels and decide what            NEW Weight Loss Series:               dessert! Take home easy recipes with
     to and what not to eat; how            How to Fix a Broken                   variations and share resources. The
     to address the root causes for         Metabolism                            class meets once in person and then
     autoimmune disease and what            With so many different diets          three times on a group phone line for
     you can do to prevent or heal          and exercise regimens in the          accountability and tips. This is not a
     from it; and how sleep and stress      media it’s hard to know what          cleanse or diet, although you may feel
     powerfully impacts autoimmune          direction to take to lose weight.     better and lose weight, depending
     disease.                               In this four-week weight-loss         on your goals and intentions. Join
     • Saturday, February 22                series discover how to unlock the     us and become more conscious
       2:30–4:30 pm                         mystery to transform your body        about your food choices. Instructor:
                                            and fix your metabolism. Learn        Clare Harlow, MSW, Career and
     • $49; not eligible for discounts                                            Life Coaching
                                            effective life-style strategies for
                                            sustaining your ideal weight,         • Friday, February 21
     NEW Weight Loss in the                 why body fat percentage is a            10:30 am–12:00 pm
     Menopause Years                        better measure than total weight      • $59; not eligible for discounts
                                            when setting your weight-loss
     Weight loss and maintaining your
                                            goal; how to evaluate processed
     optimal weight is easier than
     you think during perimenopause
                                            foods, read food labels and           Exercise & Weight Loss
                                            decide what to and what not           Prevention Program for those
     and menopause. Although
                                            to eat; how exercise impacts
     weight gain is common at
                                            weight loss and weight gain;          at Risk for Heart Disease or
     perimenopause and menopause,                                                 Type 2 Diabetes
                                            how intermittent fasting and
     it is not normal or healthy.
                                            time-restricted feeding, when         • Wednesdays, 5:00–7:00 pm
     Creating effective life-style
                                            done properly, can boost your           begins January 22
     strategies for mitigating weight
                                            metabolism and extend your life;
     gain at menopause and other                                                  • $400 for a 12-week session
                                            how to understand and evaluate
     menopausal symptoms small,                                                   • For more information, call Cardiac
                                            different types of diets including
     consistent habits and developing                                               Rehabilitation at 978-287-3732.
                                            keto, paleo, low carb, OMAD,
     a growth mindset may be all you
                                            carnivore, carb cycling, packaged
     need to find your new healthy
                                            plans and more. For ages 15
     normal. Learn how effective
                                            and up. Space is limited.
                                                                                  NEW Functional Medicine
     life-style strategies for mitigating                                         Solution to Weight Loss
     weight gain at menopause and           • Saturdays, 10:30 am–12:00 pm
                                              begins January 25                   Losing weight and maintaining
     other menopausal symptoms;
                                                                                  the weight loss can be a major
     how to evaluate processed              • $197 for a 4-week session;          challenge. For decades, we’ve been
     foods, read food labels and              not eligible for discounts          led to believe that weight loss is as
     decide what and what not to
                                                                                  simple as calories in - calories out,
     eat; how carbohydrates, fats
                                                                                  and all we need is more willpower.
     and protein affect your blood
                                                                                  We’re much more complex than
     sugar in different ways; how
                                                                                  simple math! Weight loss, especially
                                                                                  permanent weight loss, has to take
For more info or to register, visit EmersonWellness.org or call 978-287-3777               15

                                                                                     Aston® Kinetics:
                                                                                     Toning the Abdomen &
                                                                                     Pelvic Floor Workshop
                                                                                     In this 2-hour workshop, learn
                                                                                     new and effective ways of toning
                                                                                     abdominal and pelvic floor muscles
                                                                                     for increased postural support. Aston
                                                                                     Kinetics, a specialized system of
                                                                                     exercise and movement education,
                                                                                     teaches exercises that release held
                                                                                     muscle tension, improve postural
                                                                                     alignment and build strength and
                                                                                     flexibility. The Aston fitness sequence
                                                                                     develops core support in a more
into account the multiple factors          Overcoming Sugar Addiction                neutral alignment, avoiding the
that lead to weight gain, including                                                  “toning in” or reinforcement of poor
                                           Do you constantly crave sweets and        postural and movement habits.
hormones, nutrients, food quality,         have low energy? Discover how sugar
stress, toxicity, sleep, self-care,                                                  Learn to recycle gravity to work
                                           is negatively affecting your health and   with you to create balanced muscle
mindset, preferences and habits.           how to gain control of your cravings
The list may seem long, but the                                                      tone in your legs, abdomen and
                                           without depriving yourself. Instructor:   pelvic floor, and learn to bring these
solution is pretty simple. Functional      Linda Leland, Cofounder, And Then
Medicine, a methodology developed                                                    changes to walking for continued
                                           She Shines, Certified Holistic Coach      benefit throughout your day. Wear
by physicians that focuses on the
interconnectedness of the systems          • Thursday, February 27                   comfortable clothing. Bring a bath
in the body to address the root              6:30–8:00 pm                            towel, bed pillow and yoga mat.
causes of health challenges, provides      • $37; not eligible for discounts         Instructor: Shirley Lynch, MS, OT,
effective solutions for increasing                                                   CLMT, Certified Aston Kinetics
metabolism and losing weight                                                         practitioner
naturally and permanently — and                                                      • Sunday, February 2, 1:00–3:00 pm
getting healthier in the process. After                                              • $49; not eligible for discounts
the workshop, you’ll receive a recipe
eBook, audio and video that will           PREGNANCY &
ensure success in your weight loss         CHILDBIRTH                                NEW Couples Massage
efforts. Instructors: Lisa Mair, MS,                                                 Learn how to give a great massage!
Food Science and Nutrition, Certified      NOTE: The following prenatal
                                           childbirth classes are held at            Massage feels good. It helps us
Holistic Health Coach, Functional
                                           the main hospital campus. For             relax, decompress, manage pain.
Medicine Coach; Charlotte Ott,
                                           more information, location and to         It can help build a stronger bond,
Certified Holistic Health Coach,
                                           register, visit EmersonWellness.org.      as massage increases levels of
Functional Medicine Coach and
                                                                                     oxytocin, the love hormone. Come
Natural Food Chef
                                           Breastfeeding                             for a fantastic, fun night in a G-rated
• Wednesday, January 29                                                              group environment. Use professional
  6:30–8:30 pm                             Prenatal Childbirth                       techniques that are easy on your
• $60; not eligible for discounts                                                    hands. Practice massage on the
                                           Sibling Preparation for                   back, neck, shoulders and face. Get
                                           Children 2½–3½ and 4–6                    personalized attention to ensure
How to Detox in 10 Days                                                              you are getting each stroke right.
                                           Tour                                      We will work on chairs and the floor.
See Natural Therapies on page 12

     Bring a yoga or other mat (two if           Online Dating 101
     you have them, for more cushion),           Healthy, happy relationships are a
     a sheet, lightweight blanket, shorts        huge part of personal wellness, and in
     and a loose-fitting t-shirt. Massage        today’s world, 35% of all relationships
     lotion will be provided. For ages           begin online. While it’s an incredible
     18 and older. Instructor: Brianne           opportunity, many singles hesitate to try
     Krupsaw, CYT                                online dating and many have tried for
     • Friday, 7:00–9:00 pm;                     years without positive results. Whether
     • January 31 or March 13                    you’re new to it or have been struggling,
                                                 the #1 mistake singles make when
     • $150/couple; not eligible for             going online is posting a boring,
       discounts                                 ineffective profile. Using Match.com
     • Must attend as a pair. While it’s         as a template, this 2-hour workshop
       often couples who attend, friends         helps you create an amazing, thoughtful
       and family members are always             and eye-catching profile. By the end              Neely Steinberg has
       welcome to participate.                   of the workshop, you’ll have the tools            been coaching women
     If interested in hosting a private          and knowledge to jumpstart your new               for more than 8 years
     couples massage event at the Wellness       online dating journey! All participants           on how to be the CEO
     Center, please call 978-287-3777            will get access to the instructor’s online        and enTREPreneur of
                                                 dating profile questionnaire to help              their love lives. Neely
                                                 facilitate profile creation. Participants         has worked with
     Freedom From Smoking®                       are encouraged to write their profile             hundreds of women of
     Learn about medicines that can help         two weeks following the class and email           all backgrounds and
     you stop smoking, lifestyle changes         it to the instructor for brief feedback.          from all over the world.
     that make quitting easier, managing         Designed for women of all backgrounds,            She has been featured
     stress, avoiding weight gain and            ages 25–65. Instructor: Neely Steinberg,          in countless media
     how to stay smoke free for good.            EdM, dating coach, image consultant               outlets, given seminars
     Instructor: Claire Rindenello, RRT          and founder of The Love TREP©.                    for Match.com and
                                                 • Saturday, February 8, 1:00–2:30 pm              hosted fashion shows
     • Mondays, 6:00–7:30 pm
                                                                                                   for Neiman Marcus and
       begins March 9                              or
                                                                                                   Macy’s. She is married
     • $100 for 8 sessions                       • Saturday, March 7, 1:00–2:30 pm                 to the love of her life
     • Held at the main hospital campus,         • $75; not eligible for discounts                 (whom she met on
       Lovejoy Conference Room                                                                     Match) and has two

     Gentle Yoga Energy Balancing
     See Yoga on page 7
                                             Preparing for Your Total Hip               Preparing for Your Total Knee
                                             Replacement                                Replacement
     Hip Mobility Yoga Workshop              This free class provides information       This free class provides information
     See Yoga on page 7                      to prepare for surgery, cope               to prepare for surgery, cope
                                             with hospitalization and plan for          with hospitalization and plan for
                                             rehabilitation services after you          rehabilitation services after you
     Neck & Shoulder Mobility                leave the hospital. Class is held at       leave the hospital. Class is held at
     Yoga Workshop                           the hospital.                              the hospital.
     See Yoga on page 8                      • Wednesdays, 1:00–3:00 pm                 • Wednesdays, 9:00–11:00 am
                                               January 8, February 5, March 4 and         January 8, February 5, March 4 and
                                               April 1                                    April 1
                                             • Held at the main hospital campus,        • Held at the main hospital campus,
                                               Cheney A/B Conference Room                 Cheney A/B Conference Room
                                             • Free; registration required              • Free; registration required
For more info or to register, visit EmersonWellness.org or call 978-287-3777              17

NEW Restorative Yoga                       Instructor: Fran Spayne MA,               SPORTS
& Massage                                  Holistic Therapist and Mind-Body
                                           Wellness Expert
See Self-Help/Support/Learning on
page 8                                     • Thursday, February 20
                                             10:00 am–12:30 pm                       Comprehensive Baseline
                                           • $37; not eligible for discounts         Concussion Testing
NEW Speaking from the Body                                                           Baseline testing is recommended for
Discover how to become more                                                          anyone who frequently participates
confident when speaking in                 Ultimate Hand Workshop                    in activities where there is a risk of
public and in your personal life.          This 4-week workshop provides an          concussion.
Learn to project your ideas with           understanding of arthritis, addresses
expressiveness and commitment with                                                   • $75 per athlete
                                           the frustration of chronic pain,
movement, breath, improvisation            offers techniques to reduce pain and      • For more information or to
and theatre games as tools to free up      improve function, and provides a            schedule an appointment, call
fear, feel self-assured and experience     home-care routine for your hands to         978-287-8200.
the embodiment of words. Explore           improve the quality of your life. Space
the power of story and how we are          is limited. Instructor: Beverley Ikier,
hard-wired to tell it. You will also                                                 Injury Prevention
                                           Board Certified Muscular Therapist
practice presenting your written           and Bodyworker, Senior Fitness            Assessments
work, or work from another source, in      Specialist                                The following assessments
a safe environment. Join us for some                                                 conducted by physical therapy staff
                                           • Wednesdays, 5:00–6:00 pm
“serious play” in this three-hour                                                    are designed to prevent injury and
                                             begins January 22, February 19
workshop to connect with yourself                                                    minimize risk.
                                             or March 18
through voice and movement.                                                          • Dance
Instructor: Sarah Ford Terrey              • $240 for a 4-week session;
                                             not eligible for discounts              • Running
• Saturday, March 21
  10:00 am–1:00 pm                                                                   • Total Athlete
• $49; not eligible for discounts          NEW Walking Tall Yoga                     • $100 per 1-hour assessment
                                           Workshop                                  • Held at Emerson Hospital Health
                                           See Yoga on page 8                          Center or at The Mill Works,
The Mind-Body Influence                                                                Westford
Discover your Body’s Innate Ability
                                                                                     • For more information or to
for Self-Repair                            NEW Yoga for Bone Safety                    schedule an appointment, call
Whether you want to augment your           Workshop                                    978-589-6850.
medical treatment or improve your          See Yoga on page 9
body’s innate ability to repair itself,
you will learn how to create wellness
(or how illness could be created) with
simple self-healing mechanisms we
all possess. Scientific research has       My daughter and I continue to take Yoga for Healthy
established the connection between
your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and       Aging. We both would love to take the class more often
environment to your health. In this        as we feel so good when we leave. Having a better
workshop, learn simple, everyday
mind-body techniques and explore           understanding of the yoga practice has helped me deal
environmental improvements you             with the stresses of life and tune into my own well-being.
can make to promote wellness.
You will leave feeling empowered           —Cindy P., student, Yoga for Healthy Aging
                                              (Class information on page 9)
to take control of your own health
and wellness. The instructor will be
speaking about her own personal
journey from illness to wellness.  

     STRESS                                    I’m now able to confront workplace challenges with greater
     MANAGEMENT                                insight. I bring a more objective perspective to the issues I
                                               face and attribute this to no longer being habitually drawn
     Day of Mindfulness                        into counterproductive streams of emotion and thought.
     In this day-long retreat, we will avail   As a result, the people and problems I encounter are now
     of the practice of mindfulness to         addressed with a deeper wisdom and understanding.
     help us find the habitual ways we go
     into stress reactions, understand         — Paul V., student, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
     why we do this and then transform
     these habits into more life-affirming
     patterns. Wear comfortable clothes;
     bring yoga mat, lunch and a journal.
     Instructor: Patricia Howard, MBSR         Mindfulness-Based Stress                Stress Management and
     facilitator                               Reduction (MBSR)                        Resiliency Training (SMART)
     • Saturday, January 18                    A highly-effective eight-week program   Developed by the Benson-Henry
       9:00 am–3:00 pm                         developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Learn      Institute for Mind Body Medicine at
     • $130; not eligible for discounts        how to develop your own practice of     Massachusetts General Hospital, the
                                               centering, grounding and living life    SMART program helps participants
                                               in the present moment, and discover     achieve greater quality of life and an
     Deepening Your Mindfulness                how to transform your fear-based        enhanced sense of well-being. The
     Practice & More                           reactions and habits into responses.    program teaches self-care practices
     In this program you will cultivate        The practice of mindfulness has         that help buffer daily stress, making
     a daily meditation practice, gain         an extremely healing effect on          participants less emotionally and
     a deeper understanding of where           all human aspects—physical,             physically vulnerable to it. Because
     your stress reactions come from           emotional, mental and spiritual. Wear   many of the physical symptoms
     and be given many tools to assist         comfortable clothes and bring yoga      we experience are exacerbated by
     in transforming them. You will            mat. Instructor: Patricia Howard,       stress, using adaptive strategies to
     experience your chakra system             MBSR facilitator                        buffer that stress can reduce those
     (energy centers in the body),                                                     symptoms. Prior to the start of the
                                               FREE Introductory Lecture:              program each student has a one-on-
     understand why they get blocked
     and explore opening each chakra           • Sunday, January 12, 9:00–10:30 am     one appointment with the instructor
     through sound and movement. Later          or                                     to establish personal goals, followed
     in the program we will experience                                                 by an 8-week course, learning how
                                               • Tuesday, January 14, 9:00–10:30 am    to shift thought patterns to increase
     the power of Forgiveness and
     receive Group Healings. Whether           • Free; registration required           resiliency and engage in a variety of
     you have meditated before or                                                      meditation techniques to elicit the
                                               Program:                                relaxation response. The importance
     want to start, this program will
     empower you and get you into a            •	Sundays, 9:00–11:00 am               of healthy eating, restorative
     daily routine of meditation practice.        begins January 19                    sleep, physical activity and social
     Wear comfortable clothes and                                                      connectedness will also be covered.
     bring yoga mat. Instructor: Patricia                                              Space is limited. Instructors: Amanda
                                               • Tuesdays, 9:00–11:00 am               McLain, MD, Certified SMART
     Howard, MBSR facilitator
                                                 begins January 21
     • Sundays, 11:15 am–1:15 pm                                                       • Thursdays, 9:30–11:30 am
                                                Plus all day Saturday                    begins January 30
       begins January 12
                                                March 7, 9:00 am–3:00 pm
     • $450 for a 9-week session,                                                      • $450 for an 8-week session,
                                               • $540 for an 8-week session plus         includes materials; not eligible
       plus CDs; not eligible for discounts
                                                 $45 for required course materials/      for discounts
                                                 CD set; not eligible for discounts

                                                                                       To learn more about the SMART
                                                                                       program, attend a FREE informational
                                                                                       lecture on Thursday, January 16,
                                                                                       10:30–11:30 am.
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