MAY/JUNE 2021 To Help You Pray for the Persecuted Church - - Barnabas Fund

Page created by Rodney Deleon
MAY/JUNE 2021 To Help You Pray for the Persecuted Church - - Barnabas Fund

                                  To Help You Pray

                  MAY/JUNE 2021
                                                       BARNABAS AID - AN AGENCY FOR THE PERSECUTED CHURCH

                                  for the Persecuted
                                                       BRINGING HOPE TO SUFFERING CHRISTIANS
                                                                       May/June 2021 1
MAY/JUNE 2021 To Help You Pray for the Persecuted Church - - Barnabas Fund
Thank you for your prayers for our           in heaven. Thank You for their courage
                  persecuted brothers and sisters in           and faith, as they made their decision
                  Christ, which make such a difference to      to follow Your Son knowing that it was
                  them. We sometimes have to change or         likely to bring down persecution on
                  omit their names for security reasons,       them from the authorities, whether local
                  and we have only limited space to share      or national. May they be encouraged
                  their stories. But the Lord knows the        and strengthened to stand firm by
                  people and places we are praying about.      knowing that He Himself was hated and
                  Please do not feel limited by the specific   persecuted by the authorities of His day.
                  prayer requests, but pray as you feel led.   We ask it in Jesus’ mighty Name.
                  On each Sunday we have provided a set
                  prayer; please feel free to use these in     MONDAY 3 Thousands of Christian
                  their current form, to adapt them as you     villagers fled military bombardment
                  prefer, or to use the information they       in Karen state, Myanmar (Burma),
                  contain to frame your own prayers.           on February 1, the same day that the
                                                               country’s leader, Aung San Suu Kyi,
                                                               was ousted in a military coup. This
                  May                                          incident followed many similar ones
                                                               from December 2020 onward, as the
                  SATURDAY 1 Today new laws come               army tried to clear land for new roads
                  into effect in China to establish a          and military installations. Pray for our
May/June 2021 2

                  database listing all those authorized        brothers and sisters, trying to survive
                  by the communist state to engage in          in the mountainous jungle after the
                  religious activities, whether leading        army shelled their homes in Papun and
                  worship, teaching or studying religion.      Nyaunglebin districts, that they will
                  The law, which applies to all religions,     not be downcast or disturbed but will
                  states that religious organizations          put their hope in God their Savior and
                  must conduct formal assessments              praise Him (Psalm 42:11).
                  of their leaders and apply “rewards
                  and punishments,” which will also            TUESDAY 4 The military government
                  be recorded in the database. The             ruling Myanmar (Burma) from
                  authorities can insist that a religious      1962 to 2011 frequently attacked the
                  organization cancel the religious            villages of ethnic minorities, including
                  qualifications of an individual, thus        the mainly Christian Chin and Kachin
                  depriving that person of the right to        as well as the Karen. Those who did
                  engage in religious activities. Pray that    not escape were killed or captured. At
                  Chinese Christians will have wisdom          least 100,000 displaced Kachin still
                  from above as they learn to live with        live in camps. Even during Myanmar’s
                  these new regulations and that the           ten years of “democracy”, the military
                  message of the gospel will continue to       retained 25% of parliamentary seats
                  be proclaimed.                               and some key government positions.
                                                               Their ruthless and deadly response to
                  SUNDAY 2 Heavenly Father, we praise          popular protests after the February
                  You for the growing church in China and      coup suggests that anti-Christian
                  rejoice to know that we have so many         violence (which never completely
                  new brothers and sisters, even though        stopped under Aung San Suu Ki)
                  we may never meet them until we are          will probably rise again. Ask King
MAY/JUNE 2021 To Help You Pray for the Persecuted Church - - Barnabas Fund
Jesus, who came gentle and riding
on a donkey, to proclaim peace to
Myanmar (Zechariah 9:9-10).

WEDNESDAY 5 On Sunday, March 7,
the OLF Shene, a fringe group of the
Oromo Liberation Front, attacked a
church service in Horo Guduru Welega
zone, western Ethiopia. Armed men
surrounded the church building,
gathered the worshipers together and
removed their mobile phones so they        Barnabas sent funds for food, water,
could not call the authorities for help.   bedding, medicine and trauma counseling
They killed two church ministers on        for displaced Christians in Tigray.
the spot, then took the 22 members
of the congregation to a nearby forest     FRIDAY 7 Praise God! Seventy
and killed them. “Christians are living    Christians (43 men and 27 women)
in utter fear day in and day out,” said    were released from three prisons
a Barnabas Aid contact. Pray that the      in Eritrea in late January and early
God of all comfort will console and        February. Some had been in prison
strengthen the grieving loved ones of      a few months, others for up to 12

                                                                                        May/June 2021 3
these martyrs.                             years. Several hundred more believers
                                           remain in prison, mostly without
THURSDAY 6 Since November 2020,            trial or sentencing. Pray to the Lord
hundreds of Christian civilians            Jesus, sent to proclaim freedom to
have been killed in Tigray region,         the prisoners, that those released will
northern Ethiopia, by troops from          recover from their ordeal and those
the massive army of Marxist Eritrea,       still held will be released at the time He
a country with a long track record         chooses (Luke 4:18-21).
of persecuting Christians. “Torture,
killing, atrocities and overall            SATURDAY 8 A Christian couple with
deteriorating situation in Tigray          their newborn baby and two other
region became day-to-day events,”          Christian women (one from Ethiopia)
emailed a church leader from Tigray        were arrested in Somaliland on
to Barnabas Aid, after four months         suspicion of “spreading Christianity”.
of the Eritrean violence. “Forced          The arrests came four months after
removals and displacements, rape,          another Christian couple were
human rights violations and abuses         arrested in Somaliland for being
are another face of the situation.”        “apostates and evangelists spreading
According to Amnesty International,        Christianity”; they were later released
it could amount to a crime against         and deported. Local Christians
humanity. The survivors of the             requested prayers for those arrested
slaughter and scorched-earth policy        that they will experience God’s
were in desperate need of food. Pray       closeness and strength and will soon
for an end to the terrible violence        be released; for the whole of the tiny
and for practical aid to reach all         Christian community in Somaliland,
those in need.                             who are feeling very vulnerable; and
MAY/JUNE 2021 To Help You Pray for the Persecuted Church - - Barnabas Fund
for the church leadership to have             emanating from a secular government,
                  wisdom to know how to respond.                will result in blessing for the Rwandan
                                                                church as its leaders become better
                  SUNDAY 9 O Lord Jesus, we pray for            equipped for their spiritual tasks.
                  Christians in Somalia, one of the most
                  dangerous places in the world to follow       WEDNESDAY 12 At this writing, the
                  You. Give courage and endurance to            Commonwealth Heads of Government
                  Somali Christians, who face the real          Meeting (CHOGM) is scheduled to take
                  possibility of being murdered for their       place in the Rwandan capital, Kigali,
                  decision to commit their lives to You.        in the week beginning June 21. The
                  Help them to live by faith, not by sight,     biennial meeting should have been in
                  as they fix their eyes on the eternal. Keep   June 2020 but was postponed due to
                  them from fear and fill them with Your        the pandemic, so it is three years since
                  peace and with an unwavering faith and        the last CHOGM. The theme will be
                  hope. Remind them that although they          “Delivering a Common Future.” Please
                  will have trouble in this world, You have     pray that Barnabas Aid’s campaign to
                  already overcome the world (John 16:33;       end the killing of Christians in northern
                  2 Corinthians 4:17-18; 5:7).                  Nigeria will gain attention at CHOGM
                                                                and action to bring the slaughter to an
                  MONDAY 10 Many Muslims ran for                end, for unless things change, they have
                  election to be mayors or members              no future at all.
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                  of parliament at Uganda’s elections
                  earlier this year. Although Muslims           THURSDAY 13 Praise God for answered
                  are only about 15% of the population,         prayer and the safe release of Pastor
                  they won five of the 10 constituencies        Bulus Yakuru, who had been abducted
                  in the capital, Kampala, as well as           by Boko Haram militants from
                  Lord Mayor of Kampala and three of            a Christian village in Nigeria on
                  the five Division Mayors of Kampala.          Christmas Eve 2020. Pastor Bulus was
                  They did not do so well, however, in          freed on March 3, the day on which
                  other cities, even though there were          Boko Haram had said they would
                  many Muslim candidates running.               kill him if their demands were not
                  Pray that Uganda’s Christian majority         met. Pray for the protection of many
                  will be active and alert in governing         Christians and other innocent civilians
                  their country and will guide it               still held by Boko Haram; the Lord
                  according to biblical principles.             knows each by name, though we do not.

                  TUESDAY 11 The Rwandan government
                  has ordered that every religious leader
                  in the country must have a bachelor’s
                  degree in theology. This applies not
                  only to pastors of local congregations
                  but also to leaders of faith-based
                  organizations. At present, many
                  Christian leaders in Rwanda do not
                  have theological qualifications. Many
                  church leaders have now started to            Leah Sharibu is now 18 and still held
                  study for degrees. Pray that this rule,       captive by Boko Haram.
MAY/JUNE 2021 To Help You Pray for the Persecuted Church - - Barnabas Fund
FRIDAY 14 Today is the 18th birthday          that convert churches will be given legal
of Leah Sharibu, who has been held            status and that individual converts will no
captive by Boko Haram militants in            longer be stigmatized and rejected. We
Nigeria since he was kidnapped at the         pray this in Jesus’ Name.
age of 14. Many other girls at her school
in Dapchi were seized in the same raid        MONDAY 17 A 43-year-old Algerian
but have been released. It is believed        Christian, father of four young
that Leah’s ordeal continues because          children, was sentenced in January
she refuses to convert to Islam. Leah         to five years in prison for sharing a
has had two babies, after being forcibly      caricature of Muhammad on social
married to a Boko Haram commander.            media. It was the maximum sentence
Pray that she will continue strong in the     possible for blasphemy under Algerian
Lord and be comforted by the love of          law. Not long before that, two other
her children. Pray also for many other        Algerian Christians were convicted of
Christians and innocent civilians held        blasphemy but received shorter prison
by Boko Haram; the Lord knows each            sentences. All are appealing against
by name, though we do not.                    the verdicts. Pray that their appeals
                                              will be successful and that the Lord
SATURDAY 15 Nigerian pastor Michael           Jesus will bless them with peace, joy
Samson was beaten unconscious by a            and hope, for however long He wills
group of around 20 youths who burst           that they remain in jail.

                                                                                            May/June 2021 5
into his home in Kogi state on March 1
as he was sleeping. Earlier that day he       TUESDAY 18 Three Middle Eastern
had refused to allow them to use his          Patriarchs and the Middle East Council
church building to hold a traditional         of Churches have sent a joint letter to
Nigerian animist ceremony called              U.S. President Joe Biden urging him to
a “Masquerade.” The “Masquerade”              lift America’s economic sanctions on
rituals can include sexual acts and           Syria, so as to avoid a humanitarian
animal sacrifice or even human                catastrophe. The letter, dated January
sacrifice. Pray for the full recovery of      21 (the day after President Biden’s
Pastor Michael; at this writing he is in a    inauguration), pointed out that 10 years
hospital in critical condition.               ago Syria had been “a breadbasket of
                                              the region” but now half the Syrian
SUNDAY 16 Heavenly Father, we pray for        population was in a situation of hunger.
Tunisia, a country in turmoil as its people   Pray that this Christian intervention
protest that the Arab Spring, which           on behalf of the whole population of
began in their country 10 years ago,          a desperately suffering country will
has not brought the good governance           result in change for good. Pray also
they hoped for. We lift to you the small      that Christians will be recognized as
and vulnerable Christian community,           bringers of peace, health and wholeness
remembering especially expatriates            in this fragile and fractured region.
from African countries and indigenous
Tunisian converts from Islam. As              WEDNESDAY 19 Iraqi Christians and
Tunisian Muslims call for more justice        Iraqi Muslims are working together to
and freedom for society in general, we        rebuild two churches and a mosque
ask that Your children also may be given      in Mosul, the city occupied by Islamic
greater rights to follow Your Son freely,     State (IS) militants from 2014-2017,
parts of which still lie in ruins. Their    interest in “A” and allow him to live
                  time in power was a reign of terror         out his Christian faith without further
                  for Christians, who fled their homes        harassment. Praise God there has been
                  and mostly have not dared to return         no attempt to have him executed for
                  because of the anti-Christian hostility     apostasy, which is possible as sharia
                  IS created among local Mosul Muslims.       (Islamic law) is the primary source of
                  Pray that this project will help rebuild    law in Saudi Arabia.
                  the relationship between Muslims and
                  Christians in Mosul at the same time        SATURDAY 22 A church building in
                  as the places of worship are rebuilt.       Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab
                                                              Emirates (UAE), used to be shared by
                  THURSDAY 20 Grand Ayatollah Ali             67 different Christian congregations, as
                  al-Sistani, the foremost leader of Shia     migrant workers from many countries
                  Islam in Iraq, issued a statement in        worshiped the Lord Jesus in their own
                  March, affirming that Christians            languages and their own ways. Then
                  should “live like all Iraqis, in security   the UAE authorities introduced a rule
                  and peace and with full constitutional      that leaders must have appropriate
                  rights”. The statement also referred to     theological qualifications. The result
                  the “role that the religious authority      was that 63 of the congregations are
                  plays in protecting them, and others        no longer able to meet. Pray that these
                  who have also suffered injustice and        Christian migrant workers, most of
May/June 2021 6

                  harm in the events of past years”. Pray     them very poor and vulnerable, living
                  that Iraqi Christians will be treated as    and working in terrible conditions, will
                  equals with the Muslim majority in          be sustained spiritually.
                  Iraq, and not relegated to the status of
                  what Islamic law calls dhimmi – that is,    SUNDAY 23 O God, we thank You for
                  protected but subjugated.                   giving us Your Holy Spirit, the Spirit of
                                                              truth, to guide us into all truth, to be
                  FRIDAY 21 Pray for “A”, an Arab convert     our Counselor and Comforter, making
                  from Islam to Christianity who has          us strong, steadfast and bold. Help us
                  lived all his life in Saudi Arabia.         to hear His voice and respond to His
                  At this writing he was facing court         promptings. We ask this for ourselves
                  hearings on two charges: (1) trying         and for our persecuted brothers and
                  to convert Muslims, and (2) alleged         sisters, especially those who may have
                  financial misconduct. The first related     no access to Christian teaching or even
                  to a conversation in a restaurant when      to Your Word, or who may face enemies
                  he allegedly talked about his own           deliberately trying to destroy their faith
                  conversion. The second related to           in your Son. May Your Spirit give them all
                  help he gave his sister, also a convert     that they need. We pray in the Name of
                  from Islam to Christianity, to enable       Christ (John 15:26; 16:13).
                  her and her children to leave Saudi
                  Arabia. He has already spent time in        MONDAY 24 Nurgas is one of 400
                  prison and suffered flogging. If he is      Pakistani Christian widows whom
                  imprisoned again, his wife and son will     Barnabas Aid assists with monthly
                  be vulnerable to attack by his sister’s     food parcels. She works as a sweeper,
                  husband, who has threatened them.           a despised and low-paid job, and used
                  Pray that the Saudi authorities will lose   to worry greatly how she could pay
for the family’s basic needs. Then she     from such a respected person will
heard the Bible verse “Cast all your       change the attitudes of many Muslims
anxiety on him because he cares            in Pakistan so that they view Christians
for you” (1 Peter 5:7) and stopped         as equals instead of despising them.
worrying. Once, while cleaning the         WEDNESDAY 26 A Muslim has
road, she stepped on a nail. Nurgas        complained to the police in Lahore,
has diabetes and the wound failed to       Pakistan, that two Christians
heal – until her pastor prayed. “I am      approached him and some Muslim
thankful to God for this miracle in        friends of his in a park, gave them a
my life,” says Nurgas. Praise God for      Christian booklet called “Water of
the shining faith of Nurgas despite        Life” and talked to them about the
so many afflictions. Pray that all         Christian faith. He claimed that the
the widows in the feeding program          Christians made derogatory remarks
will be filled with the peace of God       about the Quran and Muhammad,
that transcends understanding              which are offenses under Section 295
(Philippians 4:7).                         of the Pakistan Penal Code, punishable
                                           respectively with life in prison and
                                           death by hanging. Pray for the accused
                                           Christians, Haroon Ayub Masih and
                                           Salamat Mansha Masih, that no charges
                                           will be pressed against them and no

                                                                                      May/June 2021 7
                                           violence inflicted on them.

                                           THURSDAY 27 Praise God that
                                           Pakistani Muslims spoke out in
                                           defense of Tabitha Nazir Gill, a
                                           Christian nurse who was accused
Nurgas and her daughter Arooj (9).         of “blasphemy” and assaulted at the
Nurgas hopes that Arooj will not have      maternity hospital where she has
to be a sweeper like her mother but        worked for nine years. Tabitha, who
become a doctor.                           is also a gospel singer, was slapped
                                           and then reportedly tied up with
TUESDAY 25 Last year Pakistan’s            ropes, forced to submit a written
Prime Minister Imran Khan appointed        apology and left in a locked room until
a Special Assistant on Religious           police arrived. One of the Muslims
Harmony and Middle East. He is Tahir       condemning the attack was a staff
Ashrafi, a respected Muslim scholar        nurse who said Tabitha was a good,
who chairs the council of Pakistan’s       kind girl and “We [Muslims] are
ulema (Islamic religious teachers).        the majority and should work with
Given his position, it was significant     others. We leave religion behind in
when Ashrafi affirmed that the non-        nursing, The Hippocratic Oath is to
Muslim minorities in Pakistan are “not     serve humanity. Christian nurses
second-class citizens.” According to       are witnesses of love.” The police
sharia, non-Muslims living under Islam     initially dismissed the “blasphemy”
should not have the same rights and        accusation as a misunderstanding, but
freedoms as the Muslim population and      later registered a case against Tabitha
are of less value. Pray that a statement   under Section 295-C of the Pakistan
Penal Code. Tabitha is now in hiding,     were found guilty by the courts in
                  fearing that she will be murdered by      June 2020 of various “crimes” related
                  zealous Muslims – pray that the Lord      to sharing their Christian faith.
                  will protect her and her family.          Pray that Lydia, who has serious
                  FRIDAY 28 On February 27, Iranian         health problems, will be restored to
                  convert to Christianity Ebrahim Firouzi   Maryam’s loving care and that Sam,
                  (34) was released from prison on bail,    Sasan and Habib will be given grace
                  but the charges against him were          to endure their period in prison.
                  not dropped. He had been jailed on
                  February 8, accused of “propaganda        SUNDAY 30 We lift to You today, O Triune
                  against the Islamic Republic in favor     God, all isolated believers who have
                  of hostile groups” and “insulting the     no opportunity for fellowship, whether
                  sacred” in relation to his claims of      they are secret believers who have left
                  harassment by the Iranian intelligence    another religion to follow Christ, converts
                  service. He had started a hunger strike   whose unbelieving families will not let
                  in protest against the new charges and    them meet with other Christians, those
                  the new imprisonment, which followed      punished by the authorities with a ban on
                  years in prison and internal exile on     meeting other Christians, those in prison
                  other charges related to his Christian    for their faith, or those too poor to have
                  faith. The day before appearing in        the resources to meet digitally with other
                  court, Ebrahim had sent a message:        Christians during coronavirus lockdown.
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                  “I ask Christians to pray not for my      We ask that Your loving presence will be
                  acquittal but for the great name of God   very real to them. In the Name of our Lord
                  to be glorified, for which I will be in   and Savior Jesus Christ, we pray.
                  the court tomorrow.” Please pray with
                  Ebrahim that the Lord Jesus will be
                  glorified in his situation.

                  SATURDAY 29 Three Iranian
                  Christian men, who had been found
                  guilty in June 2020 of “organization
                  of house churches and promotion
                  of Christianity, which are clear
                  examples of propaganda against the
                  state,” appealed against the one-year
                  prison sentences they were awarded.
                  These sentences were harsher
                  than those awarded to four other
                  Christians who had been arrested
                  with them in Bushehr in 2019. Earlier
                  this year their appeal was rejected,
                  and at this writing, the men were
                  waiting to be summoned to prison to
                  begin their sentences. One of them
                  is Sam Khosravi, whose adopted
                  toddler Lydia was removed from him        Mozambican Christians flee from
                  and his wife, Maryam, after they          Islamist violence in the Far North region.
MONDAY 31 “The land of fear.” This         Muslims from taking control of
is the name given nowadays to the          most businesses and a process of
Far North region of Mozambique, a          “soft Islamization” from developing.
Muslim-majority area in a Christian-       Pray that Christians will not be
majority country. One of the most          discouraged even though evangelism
savage Islamist terrorist groups in        is illegal, meeting for worship is illegal
the world causes this fear, targeting      (except in large churches that have
Christians, moderate Muslims, the          been able to get registration), and
government and anyone else who             Christian literature is censored.
disagrees with them. Their hallmark
is cutting their victims into pieces       THURSDAY 3 During Uzbekistan’s
and their aim is to impose sharia          strict Covid-19 lockdown last year,
across the whole nation. Pray that our     four pastors organized the Christians
brothers and sisters will rest in God’s    into 24 groups for a round-the-clock
perfect love that casts out fear (1 John   prayer chain, everyone praying for an
4:18) and that the God of love will melt   hour in their own home. Through these
the hearts of the men of violence.         prayers God revealed to the pastors
                                           who was in greatest need. When a grant
                                           from Barnabas for food aid arrived,
June                                       the pastors were able to ensure that it
                                           went to the neediest Christians. Many

                                                                                        May/June 2021 9
TUESDAY 1 Praise God that the              people who did not even have bread in
church is growing in Central Asia, as      the house prayed, and soon afterward,
Muslims turn to Christ. But they often     fellow Christians brought them food
face severe persecution from their         parcels. In one family, only the wife was
Muslim relatives. A young woman            a Christian. Her Muslim husband asked
who decided to follow Jesus started        her to pray to her God for bread, and
going to church. When her husband          food arrived that very day. As a result,
discovered, he began to beat her           the husband and all the rest of family
severely. Then he threw her out of the     believed in Christ. Praise God for the
home with their two small children,        way in which He has glorified Himself.
not even letting her take spare clothes.
She went to her parents, but her father    FRIDAY 4 An elderly Uzbek Christian
threw her out and sent her back to         woman died during lockdown last
her husband. The husband kept the          year. After a few days, the pastor and
children and threw his wife out again.     his wife tried to visit the bereaved
Pray that the Son of Man, who had          family, who were all Muslims except
nowhere to lay His head, will protect      for one Christian daughter. The roads
and keep our sister (Matthew 8:20).        were blocked, and no one was allowed
                                           out, but the pastor knew he had to
WEDNESDAY 2 Lift up in prayer              go. They prayed and drove off. God
the Christians of Kazakhstan,              miraculously enabled them to travel
where a law passed a decade ago            without being stopped anywhere.
– apparently intended to prevent           They drank tea with the relatives and
religious extremism – has made life        spoke of Christ our Savior. All her
very difficult for Christians but does     children and grandchildren gave their
not seem to have stopped radical           lives to Christ. When lockdown was
lifted, there were three or four new       SUNDAY 6 Dear Lord Jesus, be with our
                   home churches and 21 converts to be        brothers and sisters in Turkmenistan
                   baptized. The pastor continues to be       today, where registered churches are so
                   invited every day to Muslim families       few that most Christians are breaking the
                   where one or two family members have       law when they gather for worship, even
                   become Christians. By the end of each      in a private home, and Bibles are hardly
                   visit, several more have come to the       ever allowed to be imported. We praise
                   Lord. Pray for continued fruitfulness      and thank You for the great joy of the
                   of the pastor’s ministry and for the new   Christians, for their burning desire for
                   believers to grow in faith.                Your Word and their deep longing to grow
                                                              in faith. Comfort those who have been
                   SATURDAY 5 According to its                rejected by their family or lost their job
                   constitution, Kyrgyzstan is a              because they decided to follow You, and
                   secular state, but the authorities         guide them by Your Holy Spirit.
                   have announced plans for Islam to
                   have a more influential role. They         MONDAY 7 Since early this year,
                   want to introduce the study of both        Christians in China have noticed that
                   Islam and Orthodox Christianity in         it has become almost impossible to
                   schools, with an emphasis on teaching      buy Bibles and Christian books via
                   children “Islamic values,” as this is, China’s largest online
                   considered the national tradition. The     retailer. Most had already been
May/June 2021 10

                   new president wants to tackle what         removed from sale on Amazon and
                   he calls “sects,” particularly Baptist since the Chinese authorities
                   Christians and the extreme Islamist        first began blocking online sales of
                   group Hizb ut-Tahrir. Pray that the new    Bibles in April 2018. Now independent
                   constitution being prepared will retain    merchants using Taobao are being
                   the secular status of the nation, and      forced to withdraw Christian books
                   that the peaceful teachings of Christ      from sale. In those physical bookshops
                   will not be linked with the violent        that are still selling Bibles, customers
                   views of Hizb ut-Tahrir.                   are now required to give their names
                                                              and contact details. Anyone buying
                                                              more than one Bible is considered to
                                                              be acting very suspiciously. Praise God
                                                              that His Word will accomplish what
                                                              He desires and achieve the purpose
                                                              for which He sent it, no matter what
                                                              earthly powers may try to do
                                                              (Isaiah 55:11).

                                                              TUESDAY 8 Pastor Alimujiang Yimiti,
                                                              a Uyghur convert from Islam, has
                                                              now served exactly 12 years of his 15-
                                                              year prison sentence in China, which
                                                              began on June 8, 2009. He is being
                                                              held in Xinjiang No. 3 prison, where
                                                              inmates are reported to be made to
                                                              wear headphones playing communist
                   Baptism of a convert from Islam in
propaganda all day every day, which        FRIDAY 11 Indonesia, the most
they must memorize and repeat. But         populous Muslim country in the
Alimujiang is thankful to God for          world, has appointed a Christian
sending him to that prison, so he can      as its new National Police Chief. It
share the gospel and live it out. Pray     is the first time a non-Muslim has
for physical, mental and spiritual         held the post for nearly 50 years, and
strength and that Alimujiang’s life        Indonesian Christians have been
and words will impact prisoners and        greatly encouraged by the news.
prison guards alike.                       Pray that Listyo Sigit Prabowo will
                                           know the Lord’s enabling in his new
WEDNESDAY 9 Xinjiang No. 3 prison          responsibilities and that Christ will be
in China (see previous) is known           glorified. Listyo has said that he wants
for frequently preventing relatives        to bring a “more humane approach” to
visiting the prisoners. A time came        law enforcement.
when Alimujiang’s wife, Gulinuer,
and their two sons, Nijat and Ynam,        SATURDAY 12 The Indonesian
were forbidden to visit Alimujiang         government has disbanded the
because they were “uncooperative,”         Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) by a
meaning they refused to deny Christ.       decree issued in December 2020. The
Gulinuer discovered that she herself       hardline Islamist group began in 1998
was being followed and monitored by        as a vigilante group to enforce Islamic

                                                                                         May/June 2021 11
security officials. Meanwhile, during      moral codes. It opposed the growth of
her husband’s long imprisonment,           Christianity in Indonesia and forced
she has been encouraged by her             a number of churches to close. Join
mother committing her life to Christ       Christians in Indonesia in thanking
and in her older son doing well in his     the Lord for this development,
studies. Pray for this bereft family       and pray for a restoration of the
that the joy of the Lord will be their     harmonious and respectful relations
strength and that He will grant them       that used to exist between the various
a faith that does not fail.                religions.

THURSDAY 10 Many of our brothers           SUNDAY 13 O Lord, we thank You that the
and sisters are suffering terribly in      church in Egypt has survived for 2,000
North Korea, which remains the worst       years despite much persecution and
place in the world to be a Christian.      many martyrdoms. We thank You, too,
We do not know their names, but            for the attitude of senior people in the
God does. Pray for them, especially        current Egyptian government and all they
those enduring beatings, grotesque         are doing to affirm and help Christians,
torture or the brutal prison labor         and enable them to worship freely and
camps in which prisoners often die         live their lives in safety. Please cause
from the combination of desperately        their example to spread from the top of
meager food and heavy physical             society down to the grassroots, so that all
work. Ask that He will be their rest,      hostility and violence toward Christians
their hope, their rock, their salvation,   will cease. Pray that Christians will be a
their fortress and their refuge as they    blessing to Egyptian society as their lives
depend on Him and pour out their           reflect the Lord Jesus Christ, in whose
hearts to Him (Psalm 62:5-8).              Name we pray.
MONDAY 14 The Old Testament in             total of 3.75 Christians who perished
                   Moroccan Arabic (Darija), is due to be     for their faith. Pray that Barnabas
                   completed by the middle of this year.      Aid’s campaign for the wider official
                   (The New Testament was published in        recognition by governments of this
                   2012.) Pray that Moroccan Christians       terrible incident as genocide will help
                   will soon be able to read the whole        safeguard Christian minorities in the
                   of God’s Word in a familiar and            21st century.
                   easy language. As converts from
                   Islam, their existence is not officially   WEDNESDAY 16 “I would cut off
                   recognized, but if they keep their         the heads of 20 Armenians. Yes,
                   gatherings discreet, the authorities do    and I wouldn’t feel bad about it.”
                   not harass them. Give thanks for this      This was the answer given by an
                   measure of freedom in a country that       Azerbaijani woman in Turkey, in a
                   is almost 100% Muslim, and pray that       random street interview conducted
                   the government will recognize their        by a Turkish YouTube channel. The
                   existence and grant them full religious    question had been: “What would
                   liberty.                                   you do if you knew you would not
                                                              be punished for doing it?” Pray that
                                                              the Lord will take away the hatred
                                                              of so many Azerbaijani Muslims
                                                              toward the Armenian Christian
May/June 2021 12

                                                              people. Azerbaijan won a short war
                                                              against Armenia last year, by which
                                                              they gained substantial territory in
                                                              the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh,
                                                              whose inhabitants were Armenian.
                                                              After this a number of threats were
                                                              made toward Armenia itself. Pray
                                                              that Azerbaijani desires and plans to
                                                              conquer Armenia may not succeed
                                                              (Psalm 140:8).

                                                              THURSDAY 17 Michael Feulner
                                                              from Germany has been ordered to
                                                              leave Turkey on the grounds that
                   Sayfo Memorial on Straight Street,         he is a “threat to national security.”
                   Damascus .                                 Michael first went to Turkey in 1999
                                                              as a relief worker after a devastating
                   TUESDAY 15 Today is the annual day of      earthquake in the northwest, but
                   commemoration by Syriac Christians         since 2003 he has been pastoring
                   of the genocide of Christian minorities    a church in Yalova. In the last two
                   under the Ottoman Empire. They call        years approximately 70 foreign
                   it the Sayfo (meaning “sword”). An         Christians have been expelled for the
                   estimated quarter of a million Syriac      same reason, even a church leader
                   Christians died in the genocide, which     who is married to a Turkish citizen.
                   peaked in 1915, alongside Armenians,       Praise God that He is in control
                   Assyrians and Greeks, making a             and pray that those He wants to
serve Him in Turkey in 2021 will be     You will move their hearts, whether
allowed to remain.                      they know You or not, as you moved
                                        the heart of King Cyrus of Persia long
FRIDAY 18 The Dutch Parliament          ago, so that our persecuted brothers
has passed a motion (146 in favor, 3    and sisters may live peaceful and quiet
against) calling on its government to   lives in all godliness and holiness.
recognize the Armenian Genocide         We ask in Jesus’ Name (Ezra 1:1
of a century ago. In another motion     John 19:11; 1 Timothy 2:1-3).
they called for the release and
repatriation of Armenian prisoners      MONDAY 21 On March 11, the
of war still being held by Azerbaijan   Scottish Parliament passed into law
after a short war in September and      the Hate Crime and Public Order
October of last year. Pray that the     (Scotland) Bill, making it a crime to
Netherlands will officially recognize   intentionally stir up hatred of certain
the Armenian Genocide, and that         categories of people. Many Scottish
Barnabas Aid’s petition to the U.S.,    Christians had expressed great
United Kingdom, Australian and          concern that the bill threatened free
New Zealand governments to do the       speech (e.g. the freedom to disagree
same will be effective.                 with those who disagree with the
                                        Bible) and evangelism (e.g. calling
SATURDAY 19 A proposed new law          to repentance). They are thankful

                                                                                     May/June 2021 13
in Denmark would require religious      for last-minute amendments to
organizations to submit translations    protect religious debate and the
of sermons and talks to be given        freedom to proclaim Christ as the
in languages other than Danish so       only Way to salvation. A section
that they can be approved by the        that could have criminalized the
government. Apparently aimed at         Bible as “inflammatory material”
curbing extremist Islamic preaching     has been removed. However, private
in Arabic, the law will also apply to   conversations in the home could still
churches, including those worshiping    be counted as criminal. Pray that the
in Faroese and Greenlandic, even        Lord will preserve in Scotland the
though the Faroe Islands and            freedom for Christians to practice
Greenland are part of the Kingdom       and share their faith.
of Denmark. Pray that the Folketing
(Danish parliament) will have           TUESDAY 22 Christians in Bangladesh
wisdom to know how to preserve          are only 1% of the population and many
religious liberty while preventing      are very poor and needy. Those in
violent extremism.                      rural areas are at risk of violent attack,
                                        but probably the most vulnerable of
SUNDAY 20 O God our Savior, we          all are the few hundred Rohingya
intercede today for all those in        Christians, converts from Islam, who
authority in every country of Your      live among three-quarters of a million
world, especially those in power        Rohingya Muslims, all of them refugees
where Your people suffer injustice or   from Myanmar (Burma). Pray that
violence. We know that, like Pilate,    Bangladeshi Christians will dwell in the
they only have their power because      shelter of the Most High and find refuge
You have allowed it, and we pray that   under His wings (Psalm 91:1,4).
WEDNESDAY 23 Article 14 (1) e of the          anti-conversion regulations into a
                   Sri Lankan constitution states that           permanent part of its state law. Nine
                   every citizen is entitled to “the freedom,    of India’s 29 states have some kind
                   either by himself or in association           of legislation banning conversion by
                   with others, and either in public or in       fraud, force or allurement in place.
                   private, to manifest his religion or belief   Laws of this kind are easily misused
                   in worship, observance, practice and          to make false accusations against
                   teaching.” This important aspect of           Christians engaged in valid evangelism.
                   religious liberty is now at risk, as there    Thank the Lord that the federal Indian
                   are calls by Buddhist leaders for Article     government stated in February that
                   14 to be amended “in a way so as to           it had no plans for a national anti-
                   stop unethical conversions.” The phrase       conversion law. Pray for full religious
                   “unethical conversions” is often used by      liberty in every state of India, so that
                   Sri Lankan non-Christians who cannot          all Indian citizens will have freedom
                   believe that anyone would become              to choose and change their religion,
                   a Christian unless they had been              according to their conscience.
                   coerced or given money, educational
                   opportunities or other advantages. Pray       SATURDAY 26 Telangana is one of
                   that this part of Article 14 will not be      the Indian states that does not have
                   altered in the new constitution, which        an anti-conversion law. Yet Pastor
                   is currently being drafted, and that          Chandra Mouli was accused of
May/June 2021 14

                   there will be a recognition at all levels     carrying out religious conversions
                   of Sri Lankan society that people from        and violently attacked while visiting
                   any background might choose to follow         a church member near Hyderabad
                   Christ of their own free will.                who had requested prayer for
                                                                 a sick relative. The assault was
                   THURSDAY 24 A church building in              carried out by two workers for
                   Nepalgunj, Nepal, was demolished              the Hindu nationalist BJP party,
                   by the government after it took               which governs Telangana. Rather
                   mandatory possession of the church’s          unusually, the police rescued the
                   land and the surrounding area,                pastor and arrested his attackers.
                   including a Hindu temple, in order to         This resulted in hundreds of BJP
                   build a school. The congregation had          members gathering outside the police
                   requested that their church building          station to protest that the police
                   be saved from destruction, but the            were favoring the pastor. Pray that
                   demolition went ahead, while the              Indian Christians will not be fearful,
                   Hindu temple was left intact. The             as increasingly, any kind of visible
                   church’s congregation of around 20            Christian activity is being seen as
                   families is now holding services in           suspicious in BJP-ruled states.
                   the open air, and the pastor requests
                   prayer that they will be able to              SUNDAY 27 O Lord, we thank You for
                   construct a new building. The church          brave Indian evangelists and church
                   was established in 2006 to minister           planters taking the gospel to remote
                   to a slum area of the city.                   and hostile parts of the subcontinent,
                                                                 despite much opposition. We ask that
                   FRIDAY 25 The Indian state of Madhya          they will not be fearful or dismayed,
                   Pradesh has made its temporary                and will know Your presence with them
to strengthen and help them as You        my personal spiritual life as well as to
uphold them with Your righteous right     my churches.” Pray for him and all the
hand. We thank You, too, for all those    other recipients, that the books will
who hear their message and put their      help them and their congregations to
faith in Your Son Jesus as Lord and       grow in the knowledge of God and
Savior. May those who have chosen to      please the Lord in every way
follow Christ be strong in Him and able   (Colossians 1:10).
to face any persecution that may come.
We ask this in His Name (Isaiah 41:10).

MONDAY 28 An Indian pastor and his
congregation, including women and
children, were severely beaten by a
mob of Hindu extremists during the
Sunday worship service on January
31. About eight of the extremists
burst into the church meeting room
at Harohalli, Karnataka state, while
around 30 waited outside to prevent
any Christians from escaping. Pastor
Subhash Hanok, a convert from

                                                                                     May/June 2021 15
Hinduism, was so badly injured
that he could not walk, but he said
afterward, “I have dedicated my
life to die for the Lord. This doesn’t    Anil receiving his pack of books
affect me.” Pray that his words of        and booklets.
faith and courage may give strength
to his congregation and other Indian      WEDNESDAY 30 Recent statistics
Christians suffering similar attacks.     show that there are over 2 million
                                          untrained church leaders in the
TUESDAY 29 Barnabas has provided          global South. Especially in places
packs of Christian books and booklets     where the church is a persecuted
in Hindi for 250 grassroots pastors,      minority but growing, many new
evangelists, church elders and “Bible     Christians find themselves in
women” who are ministering in rural       leadership roles as soon as six
and tribal regions of India, in hostile   months after their own salvation.
environments, with few resources          The Shepherd’s Academy has been
and little training. “I am very           developed by Barnabas Aid to
thankful to God, who has provided         provide quality, relevant training
these spiritual books,” said Anil. “I     for grass-roots ministry by distance
will study them properly and teach        education. The first students started
my congregations. I believe that these    this month, linked to a variety
books are the treasures of my life. I     of Christian institutions in nine
could not buy such expensive books,       countries. Please pray that their
but God made this provision for us so     studies will equip them to be more
that I could receive these books free.    effective in the Christian service in
These books will be very fruitful for     which they are already engaged.
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