Page created by Jamie Patel
                               Spring 2019

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Also from
                                                              What is everything made of?                                                 John M. Frame:

                                                              Do I have free will? Can I
                                                              know the world? Does God exist?
                                                              How shall I live? What are
                                                              my rights? How can I be saved?
    God’s Word
                                                                                                                                          NATURE’S CASE
                                                                                                                                          FOR GOD
                                                                                                                                          A BRIEF BIBLICAL

    Changes Things                                                                                                                        ARGUMENT

                                                                                                                                          John M. Frame
                                                                          WE ARE ALL
    About Lexham Press                                                                                                                    “This is an eye-opening book that ... is
                                                                          PHILOSOPHERS                                                    clear, insightful, wise, and relentlessly
    Lexham Press seeks to increase biblical                                                                                               faithful to Scripture.”
    literacy, thoughtful Christian reflection, and                         A CHRISTIAN                                                    —Wayne Grudem, distinguished

    faithful Christian action around the world.                            INTRODUCTION TO SEVEN                                          research professor of theology and biblical
                                                                                                                                          studies, Phoenix Seminary
    We’re committed to excellence through                                  FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS                                          RELIGION / Christian Theology / Apologetics
    visionary, faithful, and fruitful Christian                                                                                           978-1-6835-9132-0, Softcover (5×7),
    publishing in service of the church.                                   John M. Frame                                                  136 pages, $7.99

    A part of Faithlife Corporation (the makers
                                                                           Everyone is a philosopher, and how we live
    of Logos Bible Software), we’re working to                             reveals what we most deeply believe. In We
    help the church grow in the light of the Bible.                        Are All Philosophers, John M. Frame takes seven
                                                                           major questions of philosophy and compares
                                                                           the Bible’s answers with common philosophical
    Ordering Information                                                   ones. We Are All Philosophers carries all the
    See our entire catalog at LexhamPress.com                              marks of John Frame’s books: He appeals to
                                                                           Scripture frequently and carefully. He writes
    To request a review copy, please visit                                 elegantly and simply, a byproduct of having
    LexhamPress.com/review-request                                         mastered the complicated philosophical
                                                                           topics he surveys.
    Our books are available to retail customers and chain
    stores through Baker & Taylor Publisher Services or
    your Noble Marketing sales representative.                             AUTHOR                                                        CONSIDERED
                                                                           Dr. John M. Frame is the retired J. D. Trimble
    orders@btpubservices.com                                                                                                             A GUIDE FOR SKEPTICS
                                                                           Chair of Systematic Theology and Philosophy
    t. 1.800.266.5564 | f. 419.281.6883                                                                                                  AND SEEKERS
                                                                           at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando
    Lexham Press is a part of Faithlife Corporation.
                                                                           and is the author of many books, including                    John M. Frame
                                                                           Salvation Belongs to the Lord, A History of
    Reach us at customerservice@lexhampress.com.                                                                                         “An illuminating example of how
                                                                           Western Philosophy and Theology and the
                                                                                                                                         presuppositional apologetics looks in
    Unless otherwise noted, Lexham possesses worldwide                     four-volume Theology of Lordship series.
                                                                                                                                         the actual practice of trying to persuade
    rights to all titles. All prices are subject to change                 Forthcoming September 2019                                    an unbeliever.” —Vern Poythress,
    without notice.                                                        RELIGION / Christian Theology / General                       professor of New Testament and biblical
                                                                           978-1-6835-9310-2, Hardback (5×7),                            interpretation, Westminster Theological
    1313 Commercial Street, Bellingham, WA, 98225, USA.                                                                                  Seminary
                                                                           224 pages, $15.99
                                                                                                                                         RELIGION / Christian Theology / Apologetics
        @LexhamPress          /LexhamPress    @Lexham.Press                                                                              978-1-6835-9086-6, Softcover (5×8),
                                                                                                                                         160 pages, $15.99
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“A splendid book that brings together
    biblical exegesis, theological
    reflection, and cultural                                                                                                                                                        Grow
    analysis—all for the sake
    of the church.”                                                                                                                                                                 in the
    —Trevin Wax, Director for
    Bibles and Reference at LifeWay
    Christian Resources

                                                                                                                                                                                    the church
                                                           HEARERS AND DOERS
                                                           A PASTOR’S GUIDE TO
                                                           MAKING DISCIPLES THROUGH
                                                           SCRIPTURE AND DOCTRINE
                                                           Kevin Vanhoozer
                                                           The foundation of discipleship is sound,
                                                           scriptual doctrine.                                           IN SEASON AND OUT                                          AUTHOR
                                                                                                                                                                                    David A. deSilva (PhD, Emory University) is
                                                           In Hearers and Doers, Kevin Vanhoozer makes the
                                                                                                                         SERMONS FOR THE                                            Trustees’ Distinguished Professor of New Testament
                                                           case that pastors, as pastor-theologians, ought               CHRISTIAN YEAR                                             and Greek at Ashland Theological Seminary in
                                                                                                                                                                                    Ohio. He is ordained in the Florida Conference
                                                           to interpret Scripture theologically to articulate
                                                           doctrine and help cultivate disciples. Scriptural             David A. deSilva                                           of the United Methodist Church and has written
                                                                                                                                                                                    numerous books, including An Introduction to the
                                                           doctrine is vital to the life of the church, and local
                                                                                                                                                                                    New Testament; Honor, Patronage, Kinship and Purity;
                                                           pastor-theologians should be the ones delivering it           In Season and Out makes for excellent devotional
                                                                                                                                                                                    and Sacramental Life: Spiritual Formation through the
                                                           to their communities.                                         reading that will feed saints both in front of and
                                                                                                                                                                                    Book of Common Prayer.
                                                                                                                         behind the pulpit. Beginning with Advent and
                                                           With arresting prose and striking metaphors,                  moving through the church year, David deSilva              Forthcoming September 2019
                                                           Vanhoozer addresses the most pressing problems in             brings his years of experience as a biblical scholar to    RELIGION / Sermons / Christian
                                                           the modern church with one answer: teach sound,               the church in the form of sermons delivered to his         978-1-6835-9291-4, Softcover (5x8), 256 pages, $16.99
                                                           scriptural doctrine to make disciples.                        home congregation throughout the church year, now
                                                                                                                         adapted into a thoughtful and inspiring collection of
    Forthcoming May 2019                                   AUTHOR                                                        reflections.
    RELIGION / Christian Theology / Discipleship           Kevin J. Vanhoozer (PhD, Cambridge University)
    978-1-6835-9134-4, Hardback (5x8), 296 pages, $19.99   is Research Professor of Systematic Theology                  These reflections, which draw on readings from the
                                                           at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is the             Revised Common Lectionary and are written with
                                                           author of several books, including Faith Speaking             Dr. deSilva’s characteristic warmth and wisdom, will
                                                           Understanding: Performing the Drama of Doctrine and           inform and inspire your understanding of Scripture.
                                                           Biblical Authority after Babel: Retrieving the Solas in the
                                                           Spirit of Mere Protestant Christianity, both Christianity
                                                           Today Theology Books of the Year (2015, 2017). He is
                                                           married and has two daughters.

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“Pastoral theology                            THE CARE OF SOULS
                                                  CULTIVATING A                                                       STUDIES IN HISTORIC
    at its best. Every                            PASTOR’S HEART                                                      AND SYSTEMATIC
    pastor, and everyone                          Harold L. Senkbeil                                                  THEOLOGY
                                                                                                                      Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology
    who wants to be a                             Pastors care for a soul in the way a doctor cares for a
                                                  body. In a time when many churches have lost sight
                                                                                                                      is a peer-reviewed series of contemporary
                                                                                                                      monographs exploring key figures, themes, and
    pastor, should read                           of the real purpose of the church, The Care of Souls
                                                  invites a new generation of pastors to form the godly               issues in historical and systematic theology
                                                  habits and practical wisdom needed to minister                      from an evangelical perspective.

    this book.”                                   to the hearts and souls of those in their care.

                                                  Harold Senkbeil helps remind pastors of the
    —Timothy George, founding dean,               essential calling of the ministry: preaching and
    Beeson Divinity School, Samford University;   living out the Word of God while orienting others in
    general editor, Reformation Commentary        the same direction. He offers practical and fruitful
    on Scripture                                  advice—born out of his five decades as a pastor—                                           CHRIST IS YOURS                                                   GOD OF
                                                  that will benefit both new pastors and those with
                                                                                                                                             THE ASSURANCE OF
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ALL COMFORT
                                                  years in the pulpit.
                                                                                                                                             SALVATION IN THE                                                  THE TRINITARIAN
                                                                                                                                             PURITAN THEOLOGY                                                  RESPONSE TO THE HORRORS
                                                  Drawing on a lifetime of pastoral experience, The                                                                                                            OF THIS WORLD
                                                                                                                                             OF WILLIAM GOUGE
                                                  Care of Souls is a beautifully written treasury of
                                                  proven wisdom that pastors will find themselves
                                                  turning to again and again.
                                                                                                                                             Eric Rivera                                                       Scott Harrower
                                                  Harold L. Senkbeil is an executive director of
                                                                                                               Maintaining hope in Christ for the weary soul. In the              How does God respond to trauma in a world full of
                                                  Doxology: The Lutheran Center for Spiritual Care
                                                                                                               face of trials and tribulations, persevering in the faith          horrors? Beyond their physical and emotional toll,
                                                  and Counsel. His pastoral experience of nearly five
                                                                                                               can be a difficult task. For Puritan pastor-theologian             the horrors of this world raise difficult theological
                                                  decades includes parish ministry, the seminary
                                                                                                               William Gouge, this question was of critical importance            and existential questions. Where is God in the
                                                  classroom, and parachurch leadership. He is author
                                                                                                               for those he shepherded. His theology of assurance                 darkest moments of the human experience? Is there
                                                  of numerous books, including Dying to Live: The
                                                                                                               during the difficult seasons in life provided direction            any hope for recovery from the trauma generated
                                                  Power of Forgiveness and Sanctification: Christ in Action.
                                                                                                               and help to weary souls.                                           by these horrors? There are no easy answers to
                                                                                                                                                                                  these questions.
                                                  Forthcoming June 2019                                        In Christ Is Yours, Eric Rivera explores Gouge’s theology,
                                                  RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Pastoral Resources           revealing a man who cared deeply about the truths of               In God of All Comfort, Scott Harrower addresses these
                                                  978-1-6835-9301-0, Hardback (6x9), 320 pages, $21.99         Scripture and the spiritual lives of his community. His            questions head on. Using the Gospel of Matthew as
                                                                                                               theology was focused on the promises of God found                  a backdrop, he argues for a Trinitarian approach to
                                                                                                               in Scripture while staying grounded in the realities of            horrors, showing how God—in his triune nature—
                                                                                                               life. This message of perseverance and hope is just as             reveals himself to those who have experienced
                                                                                                               necessary for Christ-followers today as it was then.               trauma. He explores the many ways God relates
                                                                                                               Written for academics and pastors alike, Rivera brings             restoratively with humanity, showing how God’s light
                                                                                                               this important theology to a modern audience.                      shines through the darkness of trauma.

                                                                                                               RELIGION / Christian Theology / History                            RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Counseling & Recovery
                                                                                                               978-1-5779-9247-1, Softcover (6x9), 224 pages, $23.99              978-1-5779-9247-1, Softcover (6x9), 272 pages, $23.99

                                                                                                               See more titles in this series at LexhamPress.com/SHST

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LEARNING BIBLICAL                                                                                  BIBLICAL GREEK
    HEBREW                                                                                             MADE SIMPLE
    READING FOR COMPREHENSION:                                                                         ALL THE BASICS
    AN INTRODUCTORY GRAMMAR                                                                            IN ONE SEMESTER
    Karl V. Kutz &                                                                                     H. Daniel Zacharias
    Rebekah L. Josberger                                                                               A Greek grammar for the modern age.
    What’s the best way to learn a new language? By                                                    Biblical Greek Made Simple is a one-semester
    approaching it not as a series of facts to memorize but as                                         textbook that teaches the basics of biblical
    something alive, with a personality you can get to know                                            Greek. Designed with the modern student and
    and tendencies you can begin to predict. Designed for                                              curriculum in mind, this grammar introduces
    long-term retention, Learning Biblical Hebrew focuses on                                           all the essential elements of biblical Greek
    helping students understand how the language works and                                             while also utilizing the tools and features
    providing a solid grounding in Hebrew through extensive                                            of Logos Bible Software to help retain and
    reading in the biblical text. The companion Learning Biblical                                      enhance knowledge of Greek. Daniel Zacharias
    Hebrew Workbook provides the essential reading practice                                            provides a solid overview of the entire biblical
    that makes the study of Biblical Hebrew come alive.                                                Greek system while challenging students
                                                                                                       to understand how this ancient language is
    AUTHORS                                                                                            relevant to meaning and translation.
    Karl V. Kutz (PhD, University of Wisconsin–Madison) is
    professor and chair of biblical languages at Multnomah                                             AUTHOR
    University in Portland, OR. For over two decades his                                               H. Daniel Zacharias (PhD, University of
    teaching and mentoring of students in the language and                                             Aberdeen / Highland Theological College) is
    literature of the Hebrew Bible has cultivated students’                                            assistant professor of New Testament studies
    passion for the biblical text, shaped and transformed                                              at Acadia Divinity College. He resides in
    their lives, and led to the establishment of an outstanding                                        Nova Scotia with his wife, Maria, and their
    program for the study of the Hebrew Bible.                                                         four children.

                                                                                                       RELIGION / Biblical Reference / Language Study
    Rebekah L. Josberger (PhD, Southern Baptist Theological
                                                                                                       978-1-6835-9100-9, Hardback (7x9),
    Seminary) is associate professor of Hebrew and Old
    Testament at Multnomah Biblical Seminary in Portland,
                                                                                                       360 pages, $28.99
    OR. Since coming to Multnomah in 2009, she has focused
    on developing a solid Hebrew program that enables and
    encourages students to learn Hebrew well enough to use                                             Unique Trim Size
    it for personal growth and ministry long after they leave
                                                                                                       7” x 9” page size gives the text room to
    seminary. She teaches Old Testament with a focus toward
                                                                                                       breathe and added space in the margins.
    biblical theology and continues research related to Torah.

    RELIGION / Biblical Reference / Language Study
                                                                                                       Color Interior
    978-1-6835-9084-2, Hardback (7x9),
    528 pages, $39.99                                                                                  Colored headers organize the text while
                                                                                                       in-line highlights draw attention to the
                                                                                                       most important pieces of information.

    LEARNING BIBLICAL                                                                                  Easy to Read
                                                                                                       Single-column text format is sized
    HEBREW WORKBOOK                                                                                    for easy readability.
    WITH EXERCISES                                                                                     Tables and Diagrams
                                                                                                       Full-width tables and diagrams
    Karl V. Kutz &                                                                                     communicate complex information.
    Rebekah L. Josberger
    RELIGION / Biblical Reference / Language Study
    978-1-6835-9244-0, Paperback (8.5x11),
                                                                                                       See more original language resources at
    256 pages, $19.99

8                                                                   Email: Orders@LexhamPress.com | Phone: 1-800-875-6467 | LexhamPress.com               9
“A winsome,                                                                                                      “This book is
                                                                                                                                                                                a tremendous
                                                                                                                                                                                resource for helping
                                                              and edifying
                                                                                                                                                                                our coworkers to
                                                              introduction                                                                                                      think rightly—
                                                              to the story                                                                                                      that is, biblically—
                                                              of Christian                                                                                                      about the
                                                              mission.”                                                                                                         missionary task.”
                                                              —Nathan A. Finn, Provost and Dean                                                                                 —John Ong, President, Malaysia Baptist
                                                              of the University Faculty, North                                                                                  Theological Seminary
                                                              Greenville University

                                                                                                                      WORLD MISSION                                              enterprises. Finally, they treat current issues
     CHRISTIAN MISSION                                       God to the ends of the earth while also describing                                                                  in world missions from the perspective of the
                                                             the cultural context they encountered. Smither           THEOLOGY, STRATEGY,                                        sufficiency of Scripture.
     A CONSISE                                               highlights the continuity and development across
                                                                                                                      AND CURRENT ISSUES
     GLOBAL HISTORY                                          thousands of years of global mission.                                                                               AUTHORS
                                                                                                                      Edited by Scott N. Callaham                                Will Brooks (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological
     Edward L. Smither                                       AUTHOR                                                                                                              Seminary) teaches at two seminaries in Asia. He is
                                                             Edward L. Smither (PhD, University of Wales-Trinity      and Will Brooks                                            author of Love Lost for the Cause of Christ.
                                                             Saint David; PhD, University of Pretoria) is professor
     A deeper understanding of the grand history of
                                                             of intercultural studies and history of global                                                                      Scott N. Callaham (PhD, Southwestern Baptist
     mission leads to a faithful expression of God’s                                                                  World missions needs a fully biblical ethos. It must
                                                             Christianity and dean of the College of Intercultural                                                               Theological Seminary) is lecturer in Hebrew and
     mission today. From the beginning, God’s mission                                                                 be thoroughly—not just foundationally—biblical,
                                                             Studies at Columbia International University. He                                                                    Old Testament at Baptist Theological Seminary
     has been carried out by people sent around the                                                                   a needed correction even among the sincerest
                                                             spent fourteen years in intercultural ministry in                                                                   Singapore. He is author of Modality and the Biblical
     world. From Abraham to Jesus, the thread that                                                                    missionaries. World Mission is a series of essays
                                                             North Africa, France, and the USA. His previous                                                                     Hebrew Infinitive Absolute.
     weaves its way throughout Scripture is a God who                                                                 aimed at reforming popular approaches to missions.
                                                             books include Missionary Monks, Mission in the Early
     sends his people across the world, proclaiming                                                                                                                              Forthcoming June 2019
                                                             Church, and Augustine as Mentor.
     his kingdom. As the world has evolved, Christian                                                                 In the first set of essays, contributors develop a         RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Missions
     mission continues to be a foundational tradition in     RELIGION / Christian Church / History
                                                                                                                      biblical theology of world missions from both the          978-1-6835-9303-4, Softcover (6x9), 376 pages, $24.99
     the church.                                             978-1-6835-9240-2, Hardback (6x9), 384 pages, $26.99     Old and New Testaments, arguing that the theology
                                                                                                                      of each must stand in the foreground of missions,
     In this one-volume textbook, Edward Smither                                                                      not recede into the background. In the second, they
     weaves together a comprehensive history of                                                                       unfold the Great Commission in sequence, detailing
     Christian mission, from the apostles to the modern                                                               how it determines the biblical strategy of all mission
     church. In each era, he focuses on the people sent by

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     The Lived Theology series explores aspects of Christian
     doctrine through the eyes of the men and women
     who practiced it. Interweaving the contributions of
     notable individuals alongside their overshadowed
     contemporaries, we gain a much deeper understanding
     and appreciation of their work and the broad tapestry
     of Christian history. These books illuminate the vital
     contributions made by these figures throughout the
     history of the church.

                                            ENGAGING THE WORLD                                                         LOVING GOD AND NEIGHBOR
                                            WITH ABRAHAM KUYPER                                                        WITH SAMUEL PEARCE
                                            Michael R. Wagenman                                                        Michael A. G. Haykin & Jerry Slate
                                            Christ declares “Mine!” over every square inch of creation. In his well-   The love of God and neighbor is the heart of the Christian faith.
                                            known quote, Abraham Kuyper expressed the defining characteristic          Forgotten saint Samuel Pearce teaches us how to live a life faithful
                                            of his public theology: Jesus’ sovereignty extends over all things. He     to the greatest commandment.
                                            believed Christians should engage the whole world in all of its various    Pearce was a Baptist pastor known in eighteenth-century England
                                            spheres. But what does that comprehensive calling practically look like    for his moving preaching and strong, pious character. In his short life,
                                            for us today?                                                              he supported believers in his own parish as well as in the many cities
                                            In Engaging the World with Abraham Kuyper, Michael Wagenman                where he preached and helped send missionaries. Yet his personal faith,
                                            explores the practical application of Kuyper’s public theology.            founded on the “holy love” of God, formed his most compelling witness
                                            Using Kuyper’s own life as an example, he shows us how the gospel          to the world. In Loving God and Neighbor with Samuel Pearce, readers will
                                            can permeate all aspects of society: our identity, public discourse,       learn from his example what it looks like to love God and neighbor in
                                            education, the church, politics. Ultimately, this means engaging the       good times as well as challenging and seemingly mundane ones.
                                            world with perceptive truth that’s mindful of the dynamics at work in
                                            our time and place.                                                        Forthcoming August 2019
                                                                                                                       RELIGION / Christian Church / History
                                            Forthcoming August 2019
                                                                                                                       978-1-6835-9269-3, Softcover (5x8), 128 pages, $12.99
                                            RELIGION / Christian Theology / General
                                            978-1-6835-9242-6, Softcover (5x8), 112 pages, $12.99

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Are the moral
                                                                                                                                                                         commands in the
     COLLECTED                                                                                                                                                           Bible universally
     WORKS IN                                                                                                                                                            true for all time,
     THEOLOGY                                                                                                                                                            or do some need
     Abraham Kuyper
                                                                                                                                                                         to be adapted
     At the Intersection of Faith and Culture.
     In English for the First Time.
                                                                                                                                                                         for our modern

                                                                                                                MORAL QUESTIONS
                                                                                                                OF THE BIBLE
                                                                                                                TIMELESS TRUTH
                                                                                                                IN A CHANGING WORLD
                                          COMMON                                            PRO REGE            David Instone-Brewer
                                          GRACE                                             VOLUME 3                                                                              SCRIPTURE
                                          VOLUME 2                                                              Scripture contains lots of guidance on ethical issues,
                                                                                                                including statements about polygamy, slavery,
                                                                                                                                                                                  IN CONTEXT
                                                                                                                divorce, sex, and things that sound strange to our                The Scripture in Context series is driven
                                                                                                                modern ears. Even Christians, who believe the Bible               by the conviction that there is nothing as
                                                                                                                is God’s word, disagree on whether women should                   exciting, direct, provocative, and spiritually
                                                                                                                wear head coverings, whether Christians can ever                  enlightening as the Bible when we read it as
                                                                                                                lie, whether women should preach, and whether                     it was meant to be read. Each book in the
           Common Grace is often considered Kuyper’s         Abraham Kuyper believed that Jesus is King         Christians should drink alcohol. How can we resolve               series dives into the ancient cultural context
           crowning work, an exploration of how God          of all creation, making it absurd to distinguish   these issues and figure out how to apply the Bible
                                                                                                                                                                                  behind Bible passages, examining the effect
           expresses grace even to the unsaved. The second   between Christian life inside and outside the      to our lives?
                                                                                                                                                                                  this context had on what the Bible writers
           volume explores the impact and implications of    church. In the third volume of Pro Rege, he                                                                          were saying and how we should understand
                                                                                                                David Instone-Brewer helps answer this question
           this aspect of Reformed theology.                 extends his analysis of Christ’s kingship and
                                                                                                                by showing how the Bible’s moral commands were                    their words today. When we read the Bible in
                                                             rule to areas of society not encompassed by the
           Forthcoming April 2019                                                                               understood in their ancient cultural context. The                 light of its context, it is anything but boring.
                                                             family and the church—specifically, culture and
           RELIGION / Christian Theology / General                                                              more we understand what God and the biblical                      Instead, God’s word can speak to us as
                                                             the arts, civil society, and government.
           978-1-5779-9669-9, Hardback (7×10),                                                                  authors intended to communicate to the original                   powerfully as it did to those who first read it.
           856 pages, $54.99                                                                                    audience, the better we will be able to make sense of
                                                             Forthcoming July 2019
                                                                                                                how to apply those commands today.
                                                             RELIGION / Christian Theology / General
                                                             978-1-5779-9672-9, Hardback (7×10),
                                                                                                                Forthcoming September 2019
                                                             576 pages, $49.99
           See more titles in this series at                                                                    RELIGION / Christian Living / Social Issues

           AbrahamKuyper.com                                                                                    978-1-6835-9295-2, Softcover (5×8), 208 pages, $14.99
14                                                                                                                                                                  Email: Orders@LexhamPress.com | Phone: 1-800-875-6467 | LexhamPress.com   15
Ask for the                                             EVANGELICAL EXEGETICAL
                                                                                                                      COMMENTARY SERIES
                                                              ancient paths,                                          The Evangelical Exegetical Commentary series incorporates the latest in critical biblical scholarship, yet each
                                                                                                                      volume is written from a distinctly evangelical perspective. The authors explore the context and meaning of each
                                                                                                                      biblical book while showing the value and truth of the texts in ancient times and today. These commentaries

                                                              ask where the                                           present historical and literary insights for understanding the text within the Bible’s larger story and applying it to
                                                                                                                      everyday life. Edited by H. Wayne House (general editor), William D. Barrick (Old Testament editor), and W. Hall
                                                                                                                      Harris III and Andrew W. Pitts (New Testament editors).

                                                              good way is,
                                                              and walk in it.
                                                              –Jeremiah 6:16

     WALKING THE                                              and serious students of the Bible will find this
                                                              volume indispensable for understanding Jeremiah’s
     ANCIENT PATHS                                            message and how to apply it today.
                                                                                                                      PHILIPPIANS                                       JUDE                                             EPHESIANS
     A COMMENTARY                                             AUTHORS                                                 1:1-2:18 (VOL. 1),
     ON JEREMIAH                                                                                                                                                        Herbert W. Bateman IV                            S. M. Baugh
                                                              Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., is the Colman M. Mockler
                                                              Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Old
                                                                                                                      2:19-4:23 (VOL. 2)
                                                                                                                                                                        “Bateman’s carefully researched treatment        “Every page reflects years of exacting
     Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.,                                   Testament and former president of Gordon-
                                                                                                                      Mark J. Keown                                      includes a number of valuable sections           study of primary sources … coupled
                                                              Conwell Theological Seminary (South Hamilton,
     with Tiberius Rata                                       Massachusetts). Previously he served as professor       “With a full introduction and a careful,
                                                                                                                                                                         on each passage, such as text-critical           with a profound commitment to biblical
                                                                                                                                                                         notes, structural outline, detailed exegesis,    theology. This does not mean that he
                                                              of Old Testament and vice president for education        detailed exegesis, Mark Keown takes us
     In Walking the Ancient Paths, distinguished Old                                                                                                                     and comments on biblical theology and            fails to study the letter itself; far from
                                                              at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Deerfield,       through a profitable journey through one
     Testament scholar Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., draws           Illinois). He is a popular evangelical scholar who                                                         application to life. Highly recommended          it. The excellent scholarship comes in
                                                                                                                       of Paul’s little jewels of a letter. For those
     on a lifetime of study to illuminate the book of         has written numerous books on the Old Testament                                                            for a fresh look at the Epistle of Jude—         readable prose, making this a thoroughly
                                                                                                                       who teach and preach Philippians this
     Jeremiah for a contemporary audience. Following an       and regularly teaches at conferences and churches                                                          and at the broader world of an important         interesting and stimulating work. This
                                                                                                                       volume will be a necessary and worthy
     introduction that surveys the historical and literary    around the world.                                                                                          part of the early church!” —Buist Fanning,       is now unquestionably the best technical
     background of Jeremiah along with its theological                                                                 companion.” —Darrell L. Bock, senior
                                                                                                                                                                         senior professor emeritus of New                 commentary on Ephesians.”
     emphases, this commentary examines each verse of         Tiberius Rata is associate dean of the School of         research professor of New Testament
                                                                                                                                                                         Testament studies, Dallas Theological           —D. A. Carson, research professor of
     the text, explaining its meaning and significance.       Ministry Studies and professor of Old Testament          studies, Dallas Theological Seminary
                                                                                                                                                                         Seminary                                         New Testament, Trinity Evangelical
                                                              studies at Grace Theological Seminary (Winona
                                                                                                                      RELIGION / Biblical Commentary / New Testament    RELIGION / Biblical Commentary / New Testament    Divinity School
     Each section is followed by insights that guide the      Lake, Indiana). He holds a PhD in Old Testament
                                                              from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.               Philippians 1:1–2:18: 978-1-5779-9744-3,          978-1-6835-9052-1, Hardback (6×9),               RELIGION / Biblical Commentary / New Testament
     reader in applying the text to their everyday life.
                                                                                                                      Hardback (6×9), 584 pages, $39.99                 512 pages, $39.99                                978-1-5779-9656-9, Hardback (6×9),
     Bibliographies in each section provide resources
                                                              Forthcoming June 2019
     for further study, and most textual and linguistic                                                               Philippians 2:19–4:23: 978-1-6835-9026-2,                                                          672 pages, $45.99
                                                              RELIGION / Biblical Commentary / Old Testament
     matters are discussed in footnotes. Pastors, scholars,                                                           Hardback (6×9), 600 pages, $35.99
                                                              978-1-6835-9267-9, Softcover (6x9), 872 pages, $49.99

                                                                                                                      See more titles in this series at LexhamPress.com/EEC
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“A worthy
                                                                                                                                                                                       guide to these
     OSBORNE                                                                                                                                                                           crucial first
     COMMENTARIES                                                                                                                                                                      five books
     Grant R. Osborne
                                                                                                                                                                                       of the New
                                                                                                                                                                                       —Darrell Bock, Senior Research
        The Osborne New Testament Commentaries,                    complexity. Osborne brings out the riches
                                                                                                                                                                                       Professor of New Testament Studies,
        by respected professor and author Grant R.                 of each New Testament book, making them
                                                                                                                                                                                       Dallas Theological Seminary
        Osborne, give a straightforward explanation                accessible for today’s pastors as well as all who
        of the New Testament in its context, avoiding              consider themselves students of Scripture.
        either oversimplification or technical

                                                                                                                                                                                       concludes with three chapters that explore the key
                                ACTS                                                                                         DISCOVERING THE                                           theme of the kingdom of God, including its Old
                                                                                                                                                                                       Testament background, the place of miracles, and an
                                VERSE BY VERSE                                                                               NEW TESTAMENT                                             examination of Jesus’ parables.
                                Following his account of Jesus’ life and ministry in his Gospel, Luke recounts the
                                formation of the early church in Acts. And while the apostles appear to be at the center
                                                                                                                             AN INTRODUCTION TO ITS                                    Ideal for college or seminary students, the volumes
                                of this narrative, all of their work is done through the presence and guidance of the Holy   BACKGROUND, THEOLOGY,                                     provide numerous maps and charts as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                       discussion questions for each chapter and a focus
                                Spirit. In every chapter in Acts, we see Spirit-empowered apostles sharing the gospel        AND THEMES                                                on real-life relevance and application. Forthcoming
                                reality of the risen Christ to the ends of the earth.
                                                                                                                                                                                       volumes will focus on Paul’s Letters (Vol. 2) and the
                                RELIGION / Biblical Commentary / New Testament                                               Volume I: The Gospels & Acts                              General Epistles and Revelation (Vol. 3).
                                978-1-6835-9274-7, Softcover (5.5x8.5), 560 pages, $22.99
                                                                                                                             Mark J. Keown                                             AUTHOR
                                                                                                                                                                                       Mark J. Keown (ThD, Laidlaw College) is a senior
                                                                                                                                                                                       lecturer in New Testament at Laidlaw College in
                                                                                                                             Discovering the New Testament is a new and
                                                                                                                                                                                       Auckland, NZ, and is the author of Congregational
                                JAMES                                                                                        comprehensive introduction to the New Testament
                                                                                                                                                                                       Evangelism in Philippians as well as numerous essays
                                                                                                                             in three volumes, reflecting current research and
                                VERSE BY VERSE                                                                               scholarship in New Testament studies. Each volume
                                                                                                                                                                                       and journal articles. He is also an ordained minister
                                                                                                                                                                                       and served at Greenlane Presbyterian Church from
                                James is the Proverbs of the New Testament—but written as a letter, reflecting the           provides a thorough discussion of background issues
                                new covenant of Christ. It advises believers facing cultural challenges in the diaspora      as well as treating theological themes and practical
                                how to approach practical issues like trials and suffering, the proper use of the tongue,    application.
                                                                                                                                                                                       RELIGION / Biblical Studies / New Testament
                                and poverty and wealth from a worldview shaped by Christ. Stated simply, it teaches                                                                    978-1-6835-9232-7, Hardback (6×9), 656 pages, $49.99
                                                                                                                             The first volume, on the Gospels and Acts, covers
                                believers about living life in God’s world by God’s rules.
                                                                                                                             Jewish and Greco-Roman backgrounds, critical
                                Forthcoming July 2019                                                                        methodologies, and the Synoptic problem and
                                RELIGION / Biblical Commentary / New Testament / General                                     surveys each of the four Gospels and Acts. It
                                978-1-6835-9293-8, Softcover (5.5x8.5), 296 pages, $19.99

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“This distinctive
                                                                and clearly-focused
                                                                commentary is
                                                                replete with solid                                         SERIES
                                                                information about                                          The Methods of Scholars,
                                                                                                                           Distilled for Pastors
                                                                the geographical and                                       and Students.

                                                                archaeological contexts
                                                                of the Gospels.”
                                                                —David A. deSilva, Trustees’
                                                                Distinguished Professor of New
                                                                Testament and Greek, Ashland
                                                                Theological Seminary

     2019 CHRISTIANITY TODAY                                    identified and its geographical history retold. This
                                                                commentary will not only place you in the sandals
     BOOK AWARD WINNER                                          of the disciples as they traveled throughout Israel
                                                                with Jesus, but it will explain the significance of         Exegesis takes time that many pastors don’t have and knowledge of context and
                                                                the geographic details to the biblical text and your
                                                                                                                            language that many Bible students have yet to master. The Lexham Methods series
     LEXHAM                                                     life today. With more than fifty Gospel stories
                                                                expounded from this important angle, you’re bound           gives pastors and students a toolbox to understand Scripture in all its depth and to
     GEOGRAPHIC                                                 to take away something new.                                 present that meaning to others.

     COMMENTARY                                                 EDITOR

                                                                Dr. Barry J. Beitzel is professor emeritus of Old
                                                                Testament and Semitic languages at Trinity

     Edited by Barry J. Beitzel
                                                                Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, IL. He
                                                                holds a PhD in ancient Near Eastern studies from
                                                                                                                                                                  TEXTUAL CRITICISM
                                                                Dropsie University in Philadelphia. He obtained a                                                 OF THE BIBLE
     The Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Gospels            postdoctorate in ancient Near Eastern geography
                                                                from the Université de Liège, Belgium, and has
     delivers fresh insight by paying attention to
     an often-overlooked component of the Gospel                engaged in postdoctoral archaeological work through
                                                                                                                                                                  Amy Anderson & Wendy Widder
     stories—their geographic setting. Written by a             UCLA in eastern Syria. Dr. Beitzel is the author of
                                                                The New Moody Atlas of the Bible. His publications on                                             Textual Criticism of the Bible provides a starting point for the study
     team of scholars with on-the-ground experience in
                                                                Near Eastern geography have appeared in a variety of                                              of both Old and New Testament textual criticism. In this book,
     Palestine, the Geographic Commentary lets you see
                                                                monographs and journals, from Biblical Archaeology                                                you will be introduced to the world of biblical manuscripts and
     the land through the eyes of the disciples as Jesus
                                                                Review and The Bulletin of the American Schools of                                                learn how scholars analyze and evaluate textual data to bring us
     uses the surrounding landscape as the backdrop for
                                                                Oriental Research to Iraq: The British Institute for the                                          copies of the Bible in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek that can be
     his teaching. Each article addresses a particular story,
                                                                Study of Iraq.                                                                                    used for translating the Bible into modern languages.
     event, or subject across the Gospels.
                                                                                                                                                                  RELIGION / Biblical Criticism & Interpretation / General
     You’ll see why it was so miraculous that the disciples     RELIGION / Biblical Studies / History & Culture
                                                                                                                                                                  978-1-5779-9663-7, Softcover (6×9), 264 pages, $24.99
     caught such a horde of fish on the second cast at          978-1-6835-9044-6, Hardback (6×9), 600 pages, $39.99
     Jesus’ bidding (hint: it’s more than the number).
     And you’ll appreciate the significance of Peter’s
     declaration of “you are the Christ, the Son of the
     living God” when the location of this exchange is
                                                                                                                            See more titles in this series at LexhamPress.com/Methods
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“Brilliant,                                                                                                                  “Essential
                                                              creative, wide-
                                                                                                                                                                                           reading for
                                                              insightful,                                                                                                                  the novice and
                                                              readable,                                                                                                                    the veteran
                                                              challenging,                                                                                                                 teacher of
                                                              and filled with                                                                                                              preachers.”
                                                              wisdom.”                                                                                                                     —Abraham Kuruvilla, Senior
                                                              —David S. Dockery, President,                                                                                                Research Professor of Preaching
                                                              Trinity International University                                                                                             and Pastoral Ministries, Dallas
                                                                                                                                                                                           Theological Seminary

                                                                                                                                                                                            practices. The book enables those who teach
     REFLECT                                                  AUTHOR
                                                                                                                                                                                            preaching to holistically prepare to teach this subject
                                                              Thaddeus J. Williams (PhD, Vrije Universiteit
                                                                                                                                                                                            to groups, conference gatherings, and classes in
                                                              Amsterdam) serves as assistant professor of
     BECOMING YOURSELF BY                                                                                                                                                                   Bible colleges and seminaries.
                                                              theology at Biola University in La Mirada, CA. He
                                                              has also taught literature at Saddleback College,
     PERSON IN HISTORY                                        jurisprudence at Trinity Law School, philosophy at                A GUIDE TO                                                  Scott M. Gibson (DPhil, University of Oxford)
                                                              L’Abri Fellowships in Switzerland and Holland, and
                                                                                                                                TEACHING HOMILETICS                                         holds the David E. Garland Chair of Preaching and
     Thaddeus J. Williams                                     ethics for Blackstone Legal Fellowship and Federalist
                                                              Society in Washington, DC.
                                                                                                                                                                                            is the director of the PhD in Preaching Program at

     What if we worshiped Jesus? Not the imaginary                                                                              Edited by Scott M. Gibson                                   Baylor University/Truett Seminary (Waco, TX). He
                                                                                                                                                                                            is cofounder of the Evangelical Homiletics Society
                                                              RELIGION / Christian Theology / Christology
     Jesus invented by televangelism, consumerism,                                                                                                                                          and the author or coauthor of several books on
                                                              978-1-6835-9138-2, Softcover (6×9), 256 pages, $19.99             There is a difference between knowing how to
     fundamentalism, mysticism, or some political ism                                                                                                                                       preaching.
     but the actual Jesus we meet in the New Testament?                                                                         preach and knowing how to communicate that
     How can he, unlike any other object of worship,                                                                            knowledge to others. Drawing from the wells of              RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Preaching
     enlarge our intellects, our emotions, our actions, our                                                                     pedagogy and theology, Training Preachers shows             978-1-6835-9206-8, Softcover (6x9), 224 pages, $19.99
     relationships, our imaginations, our whole selves?                                                                         teachers of homiletics how to educate preachers to
                                                                                         REFLECT GUIDE
                                                                                                                                skillfully and effectively present God’s word to their
     Drawing from science, literature, art, theology,                                    A PERSONAL AND                         congregations.
     history, music, philosophy, pop culture, and more,                                  SMALL GROUP GUIDE
     Thaddeus J. Williams paints a fresh and inspiring                                   FOR MIRRORING JESUS                    Training Preachers presents the classroom-tested
     vision of how we become most truly ourselves by                                                                            insights of several seasoned homiletics professors
                                                                                         Thaddeus J. Williams
     mirroring the Greatest Person in history.                                                                                  whose goal is to share their knowledge with preaching
                                                                                                                                instructors ranging from novices to veterans. Expertly
     With the new study guide, REFLECT is the ideal                                      RELIGION / Christian Theology          edited by Scott M. Gibson, this is a textbook on
     resource for digging deeper into how we can better                                  / Christology, 978-1-6835-9281-5,
                                                                                                                                teaching preaching that is informed by Christian
     reflect Christ in every area of our lives.                                          Softcover (5.5×8.5), 80 pages, $8.99
                                                                                                                                theology as well as cutting-edge pedagogical

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Are the                                                                                                              Think
                                                             world’s                                                                                                              theologically
                                                             great                                                                                                                about the
                                                             religions                                                                                                            problem
                                                                                                                                                                                  of evil and
                                                             all the same?                                                                                                        ability to answer
                                                                                                                                                                                  its challenges.

     CHRISTIANITY                                            indirectly engaging our pluralist world will find their
                                                             ideas enriched by this short yet powerful book.
                                                                                                                       WORLDVIEWS & THE                                           AUTHOR
                                                                                                                                                                                  Ronnie Campbell (PhD, Liberty University) is
     AND PLURALISM                                                                                                     PROBLEM OF EVIL                                            associate professor at Liberty University’s
                                                                                                                                                                                  Rawlings School of Divinity. He is the author of
                                                             AUTHORS                                                   A COMPARATIVE APPROACH                                     For Love of God: An Invitation to Theology.
     Ron Dart & J. I. Packer                                 Ron Dart (PhD, McMaster University) is associate
                                                             professor of political science at the University of       Ronnie P. Campbell, Jr.                                    Forthcoming August 2019
     Christianity and Pluralism is a collection of concise   Fraser Valley (Abbotsford, BC). He is author of                                                                      RELIGION / Christian Theology / General
     yet thoughtful essays by J. I. Packer and Ron           numerous books, including The Marks of the Church                                                                    978-1-6835-9305-8, Softcover (6x9), 352 pages, $22.99
                                                                                                                       Most attempts at answering the problem of evil
     Dart interacting with and responding to the four        and Renewal and The North American High Tory              either present a straightforward account of the
     traditional models used to answer the existence         Tradition.                                                truth claims of Christianity or defend a minimalist
     of multiple faiths (exclusive, inclusive, pluralist,                                                              concept of God. This book is different. Inside, you’ll
     and syncretist) but focusing particularly on that       J. I. Packer (PhD, Oxford University) is Board of
                                                                                                                       examine four worldviews’ responses to the problem
     form of syncretism that claims that all faiths find     Governors’ Professor of Theology at Regent College
                                                                                                                       of evil. Then, you’ll hear the author’s argument
     commonality through their mystical traditions.          (Vancouver, BC). He is author of many books,
                                                                                                                       that Christian theism makes better sense of the
                                                             including Knowing God, Affirming the Apostles’ Creed,
                                                                                                                       phenomenon of evil in the world—equipping you to
     Written in response to key events in the history of     and Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility.
                                                                                                                       reach an informed conclusion.
     the Anglican church, Packer and Dart’s analysis gives   Forthcoming July 2019
     us a perennially relevant model for how the church      RELIGION / Christian Theology / Ecclesiology
                                                                                                                       This book’s unique approach—integrating worldviews
     ought to respond to our own pluralistic culture with    978-1-6835-9287-7, Softcover (5x8), 72 pages, $8.99       with apologetics with theology—will give you a better
     integrity and kindness—and how to uphold the                                                                      understanding of the debate surrounding the problem
     distinctiveness of the gospel. Christians directly or                                                             of evil, in both philosophy and theology.

24                                                                                                                                                                         Email: Orders@LexhamPress.com | Phone: 1-800-875-6467 | LexhamPress.com   25
An                                                                                                                “Careful,
                                                              introduction                                                                                                      compassionate,
                                                              to the                                                                                                            and faithful, this
                                                              complex                                                                                                           new volume from
                                                              history of                                                                                                        Alan Branch
                                                              the theology                                                                                                      is required

                                                              of the                                                                                                            reading.”
                                                                                                                                                                                —C. Ben Mitchell, Graves

                                                              Holy Spirit.                                                                                                      Professor of Moral Philosophy,
                                                                                                                                                                                Union University

                                                                                                                                                                                  The book ends with two practical chapters for
     THE PROGRESSIVE                                          opens the windows on Scripture and tradition
                                                              in ways which allow others to see what is going
                                                                                                                       AFFIRMING                                                  families and churches, giving you guiding principles
                                                                                                                                                                                  for how to address this issue in a loving, Christ-
     MYSTERY                                                  on. Taking its place among other introductions to        GOD’S IMAGE                                                honoring way.
                                                              pneumatology, this study is a readable and reliable
     TRACING THE ELUSIVE                                      guide to what is often considered the elusive Holy       ADDRESSING THE                                             AUTHOR
     SPIRIT IN SCRIPTURE                                      Spirit of God.                                           TRANSGENDER QUESTION                                       J. Alan Branch is professor of Christian ethics at
     AND TRADITION                                                                                                     WITH SCIENCE                                               Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in
                                                              AUTHOR                                                                                                              Kansas City, MO. He has also served as a pastor and
                                                              Myk Habets is dean of faculty, head of Carey             AND SCRIPTURE                                              a chaplain in the US Army Reserves. He is the author
     Myk Habets                                               Graduate School, and lecturer in systematic theology                                                                of Born This Way? Homosexuality, Science, and the
                                                              at Carey Baptist College in Auckland, New Zealand.       J. Alan Branch                                             Scriptures.
     Myk Habets carefully explores the progressively          Among his many publications are Third Article
     revealed identity and mission of the Holy Spirit as      Theology, Theology in Transposition, The Anointed Son,   What is a knowledgeable, faithfully biblical response      Forthcoming June 2019
     revealed throughout Scripture and then interpreted       and The Spirit of Truth.                                 to transgenderism? In Affirming God’s Image, J. Alan       RELIGION / Sexuality & Gender Studies
     by the church. As a work of biblical theology, the                                                                Branch takes a fair, respectful, and factual tone in       978-1-6835-9276-1, Softcover (5x8), 200 pages, $16.99
     focus of parts 1 and 2 is on how the identity of         Forthcoming May 2019                                     addressing this complex issue through a biblical lens.
     the Spirit has been revealed, understood, and            RELIGION / Christian Theology / Pneumatology             You’ll learn:
     interpreted throughout the sweep of Scripture.           978-1-6835-9278-5, Softcover (6x9), 240 pages, $17.99
     As a contribution to historical theology, the focus in                                                            •• Scientific research around the transgender
     parts 3 and 4 is on the ways in which the orthodox                                                                   experience
     understanding of the mission of the Holy Spirit has                                                               •• An overview of the history of transgenderism
     developed. This study offers graduate students the                                                                •• Important terminology surrounding gender issues
     ideal entrance into the study of pneumatology as it                                                               •• Why people pursue gender reassignment surgery
                                                                                                                          and what happens after
                                                                                                                       •• How to navigate conversations around this topic

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       DOGMATICS                                                                                                        LEXHAM
       Geerhardus Vos                                                                                                   CLASSICS
       Now Complete: The Foundational
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                                                                                                                        We are greatly blessed to live in a time when many riches from the past are made available to us. Books that
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                                                                                                                        Lexham Classics are new print editions of out-of-print classic theological works from throughout Christian history.
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     “Like books, people can become ‘classics.’ Great in         VOLUME 1                                               The Lexham Classics series brings the best of our Christian heritage to modern readers.
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      Not yet a classic, Vos’s never-before-published Reformed   RELIGION / Christian Theology / Systematic
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                                                                                                                                              THEOLOGICAL                                                  INTRODUCTION TO
      discovered.” —Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen
                                                                 VOLUME 2                                                                     INSTITUTES                                                   DOGMATIC THEOLOGY
      Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics,
      Westminster Seminary California
                                                                 ANTHROPOLOGY                                                                 2 VOLUME SET                                                 E. A. Litton
                                                                 RELIGION / Christian Theology / Systematic
     Geerhardus Vos was a significant player in the              978-1-5779-9584-5, Hardback (6×9), 176 pages, $29.95                         Richard Watson                                               RELIGION / Christian Theology /
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     development of Reformed thought, yet his                                                                                                 RELIGION / Christian Theology
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                                                                 VOLUME 4                                                                      UNBELIEF AND                                                PLAIN THEOLOGY
     Vos’s strong grounding in scholarship and biblical                                                                                        REVOLUTION                                                  FOR PLAIN PEOPLE
     theology makes Reformed Dogmatics unique, bringing          SOTERIOLOGY
     a fresh perspective to systematic theology. His             RELIGION / Christian Theology / Systematic                                    Guillaume Groen van                                         Charles Octavius Boothe
     work is further distinguished by its question-and-          978-1-5779-9667-5, Hardback (6×9), 272 pages, $34.95                          Prinsterer                                                  RELIGION / Christian Theology
     answer format, making it accessible and practical for                                                                                     RELIGION / Sermons / Christian,                             / Systematic, 978-1-6835-9034-7,
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     modern era in five, beautifully designed hardback           THE MEANS OF GRACE,
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What does                                                                         HONEY FROM
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                                                              the Bible
                                                                                                                                                YOUNG KUYPER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ben Myers
                                                                                                                                                Abraham Kuyper
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        “Myers shows as much as he tells,
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                                                              really say                                                                          one of the most significant Protestant
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                                                              about God’s
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                                                                                                                      Baptist Theological Seminary
                                                                                                                                                                                              RELIGION / Christianity / Catechisms
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                                                                                                                      978-1-6835-9234-1, Hardback (7x10), 600 pages, $39.99

                                                                                                                                                   HONORING                                                               THE RIGHTEOUS AND
                                                                                                                                                   THE SON                                                                MERCIFUL JUDGE
                                                                                                                                                   JESUS IN EARLIEST                                                      THE DAY OF THE LORD IN THE
                                                                                                                                                   CHRISTIAN DEVOTIONAL                                                   LIFE AND THEOLOGY OF PAUL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Matthew D. Aernie &
                                                                                                                                                   Larry W. Hurtado                                                       Donald E. Hartley
                                                                                                                                                 “Larry Hurtado here distills his                                         “Aernie and Hartley have tackled a
                                                                                                                                                 thirty-plus years of careful and                                         complicated and very important topic.
                                                                                                                                                 important study of the early                                             Their study of Paul’s theology through
     ANGELS                                                   Heiser’s study is grounded in the terms the Bible
                                                              itself uses to describe members of God’s heavenly
                                                                                                                      Christians’ response to and engagement with Jesus into bite-           the lens of the Day of the Lord is fresh, exciting, and insightful.”
                                                                                                                      sized form.”                                                           —Craig A. Evans, John Bisagno Distinguished Professor of
                                                              host. He examines the terms in their biblical context
     Michael S. Heiser                                        while drawing on insights from the wider context of
                                                                                                                      —Steve Walton, Associate Research Fellow, Trinity College,             Christian Origins, Houston Baptist University
                                                                                                                      Bristol, UK
                                                              the ancient Near Eastern world.                                                                                                RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Paul’s Letters
     We all have some preconceptions about angels from                                                                RELIGION / Biblical Studies / History & Culture                        978-1-6835-9102-3, Softcover (6x9), 232 pages, $21.99
     movies, television shows, and other media, but            AUTHOR                                                 978-1-6835-9096-5, Softcover (5×8), 160 pages, $15.99
     you might be surprised to know that a lot of those        Michael S. Heiser is academic editor for Logos
     notions aren’t based on anything from the Bible. If       Bible Software, Bible Study Magazine, and Faithlife
     you read Luke 1:26–38 and imagine the angel Gabriel       Study Bible. He is the coeditor of Old Testament
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