JULY/AUGUST 2021 barnabasfund.org - To help you pray for the persecuted Church - Barnabas Fund

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JULY/AUGUST 2021 barnabasfund.org - To help you pray for the persecuted Church - Barnabas Fund
                                 pray for the
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                                                BARNABAS FUND - AID AGENCY FOR THE PERSECUTED CHURCH

                                                BRINGING HOPE TO SUFFERING CHRISTIANS
JULY/AUGUST 2021 barnabasfund.org - To help you pray for the persecuted Church - Barnabas Fund
Thank you for your prayers for our            released, as were all 39 students, mainly
                     persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ,    Christians, abducted from a College of
                     which make such a difference to them. We      Forestry earlier in March. But in April,
                     sometimes have to change or omit their        when a group of Anglican Christians
                     names for security reasons, and we have       in their church bus were attacked, the
                     only limited space to share their stories.    Christian driver was shot dead, and
                     But the Lord knows the people and places      four passengers were injured. Another
                     we are praying about. Please do not feel      Christian died when a Baptist church
                     limited by the specific prayer requests,      was attacked during the Sunday morning
                     but pray as you feel led. On each Sunday      service on 25 April. “Glory be to Jesus.
                     we have provided a set prayer; please feel    We pray for lasting peace in all troubled
                     free to use these in their current form, to   regions of the country, in Jesus’ Name,”
                     adapt them as you prefer, or to use the       said the pastor of the eight from the
                     information they contain to frame your        Redeemed Christian Church of God after
                     own prayers.                                  their release. Add your prayers to his.

                     THURSDAY 1 “They were going round
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                     houses targeting Christians, NGO
                     workers and those educated in Western
                     schools,” said a resident of Geidam in
                     Yobe State, north-east Nigeria. Two
                     Christians and two Muslim school-
                     teachers were selected to be killed in
                     this way by militants from Islamic State
                     West Africa Province (ISWAP) who              Forestry college students held at gunpoint
                     took control of the town on 23 April.
                     The ISWAP militants dropped leaflets          SATURDAY 3 An early morning service
                     saying, “We are fighting unbelievers;         had just finished on 30 March in Aye-
                     Christians and any other person or            Tuwar village, Benue State, Nigeria, when
                     group going against the teaching of Islam     gunmen entered and enquired where the
                     even if they are Muslims.” Pray that          senior minister could be found. Within
                     Nigerian Christians may have grace to         seconds they had shot him dead, along
                     love their enemies and pray for those who     with three of the congregation. They also
                     persecute them (Matthew 5:44).                set fire to houses in the village. Pray for
                                                                   those who will go to church tomorrow
                     FRIDAY 2 Kaduna State, Nigeria, has seen      uncertain whether they will return
                     a spate of anti-Christian violence. Eight     home afterwards or whether they will go
                     Christians on an evangelistic mission         straight to their heavenly Home.
                     on 26 March were abducted by bandits,
                     who stopped their minibus, which had          SUNDAY 4 Lord Jesus Christ, we bring
                     “The Redeemed Christian Church of             before You our brothers and sisters in
                     God” painted on its side. They were later     Pakistan and ask You to fill them with
JULY/AUGUST 2021 barnabasfund.org - To help you pray for the persecuted Church - Barnabas Fund
courage. We pray that You will guide         WEDNESDAY 7 Maryam and Newish,
them into all truth by the power of          two Christian nurses in Faisalabad,
Your Spirit in the face of that country’s    Pakistan, were accused in early April
harsh “blasphemy” laws. We ask               of “blasphemy” by a Muslim colleague
that legislators and judges will apply       who had a grudge against them. While
fairness when cases of “blasphemy”           cleaning a cupboard, one of them had
are set before them. Help Your people        removed a sticker with Quranic verses
to communicate the truth respectfully        on it and given it to the head nurse for
but boldly when You call on them to          safekeeping. It was the head nurse who
do so and empower them to be Your            accused them of desecrating the Quran,
messengers in showing their friends          for which there is a mandatory sentence
and neighbours Your uniqueness and           of life imprisonment according to the
deity. (Matthew 10:19-20)                    Pakistan Penal Code. An angry mob
                                             of Muslims gathered, and one stabbed
MONDAY 5 Pakistani Christian Samina          Maryam with a knife. The two nurses
and her 13-year-old daughter Shakina         were arrested. Pray that the accusations
both worked as domestic servants but in      against them will be rejected and they
two different homes. They would travel       will be set free.
to and from work together. After work on
19 February, Samina called at Shakina’s      THURSDAY 8 Later in April a further three

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workplace to collect her but found her       Pakistani Christian nurses were accused
daughter was not there. A Muslim man         of “blasphemy” by Muslim colleagues,
had abducted Shakina and the next            this time at a psychiatric hospital in
day he married her, after forcing her to     Lahore. The accusation was to do with
convert to Islam and change her name to      a non-blasphemous social media post
Shazia. Pray that the police will find and   about the Pakistani government, which
rescue Shakina, that she will remain true    Sakina shared and Jessica and Tressa
in her heart to Christ’s Name, and that      “liked”. All three are now in hiding, in fear
the only new name she is given will be       for their lives. Pray for their protection,
what the Lord Himself gives to those who     remembering also nurse Tabitha, who
overcome (Revelation 2:13,17).               has been in hiding since January when
                                             she was falsely accused of “blasphemy”
TUESDAY 6 Nabeel Masih was only 16           by colleagues at the maternity hospital
when he was charged with “blasphemy”.        in Karachi where she worked. Ask for
He was the youngest person ever to be        all four women that the Lord will be
accused under Pakistan’s notorious law.      their hiding-place, protecting them from
Nabeel, a Christian who has always           trouble and surrounding them with songs
maintained his innocence of the charges,     of deliverance (Psalm 32:7).
spent over four years in prison until he
was released on bail in March. Pray that     FRIDAY 9 The European Parliament has
the Lord who sustains the humble and         called for the abolition of Pakistan’s
binds up our wounds will heal Nabeel         “blasphemy” law. With mandatory life
of all the trauma he has endured (Psalm      imprisonment or death sentences, and
147:3,6). Pray that he will be acquitted     no penalty for false accusation, the law is
when he finally faces trial.                 easily abused. Christians are especially
JULY/AUGUST 2021 barnabasfund.org - To help you pray for the persecuted Church - Barnabas Fund
vulnerable because the lower courts         You for the growth of Your Church in
                     tend to give more weight to the word of     that land despite the restraints placed
                     a Muslim accuser than the words of a        on believers by a repressive regime.
                     Christian accused. So strongly do some      Thank You for those who continue to
                     Pakistani Muslims feel about anything       serve You in their homeland although
                     they perceive as disrespectful to their     being repeatedly pressed to leave. For
                     prophet that they will attack whole         those subject to a harsh cycle of being
                     Christian communities if an individual      released and re-arrested, we ask You
                     Christian is accused of “blasphemy”         to strengthen their faith and that they
                     and threaten anyone who suggests the        may know in their hearts that You cause
                     law should be amended. All this has         all things to work together for good for
                     developed in barely a generation. Lift up   those who love You. (Romans 8:28)
                     to God a situation that seems impossible
                     for humans to resolve and ask Him to act    MONDAY 12 Four Christian converts
                     in power (Luke 18:27).                      from Islam were arrested by Iranian
                                                                 intelligence agents who raided their
                     SATURDAY 10 Praise God for an               individual homes or business premises
                     increasing openness to the Gospel           in Dezful, south-west Iran, on 19 April.
                     amongst Afghan Muslims. But Afghan          Two days later they were released. The
                     believers active in outreach continue       following day another 10 to 15 Dezful
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                     to face hostility, including curses         converts were arrested and released
                     and death threats. Some results are         the same day, after being forced to
                     anxiety, fear and problems sleeping.        sign agreements that they would not
                     One Afghan evangelist commented:            associate with other Christians. Such
                     “Many of the shaming techniques             arrests and such agreements (often
                     aim to undermine our identity and           with hidden wording that renounces the
                     exclude us from the community, from         Christian faith) are a common method
                     being Afghan. That really stings.” But      of harassment by the authorities and
                     hardest of all are the calls they receive   appear to be part of a government
                     from devout and peaceable Muslims,          strategy to wear down converts
                     earnestly and lovingly trying to win        psychologically so that they either
                     the evangelists back to Islam. “Pray        emigrate or return to Islam. Pray that the
                     for courage when we are discouraged         Lord will keep our brothers in perfect
                     and for strength to persevere in this       peace, their minds steadfast, as they
                     hard calling,” said one evangelist.         trust in Him (Isaiah 26:3).
                     Another asked: “Join us in praying
                     God’s blessing over those who curse us      TUESDAY 13 Homayoun (62), who has
                     and ask that those who are presently        Parkinson’s Disease, is currently serving
                     enemies of the Gospel will encounter        a two-year jail sentence in Iran for being
                     Jesus’ love and become His followers.”      a member of a house church (Farsi-
                                                                 speaking churches composed mainly of
                     SUNDAY 11 Our loving Lord Jesus, we         converts from Islam). His wife Sara (42)
                     stand with our brothers and sisters         is serving an eight-year sentence because
                     in Iran, asking that You will sustain       she was not only a member but also
                     them in the trials they face. We praise     active in organising the house church.
JULY/AUGUST 2021 barnabasfund.org - To help you pray for the persecuted Church - Barnabas Fund
Pray that the Lord will sustain them,        soon released. Lao Christians had been
remembering especially Homayoun’s            praying for him throughout. “We’re very
health. When they come out of prison         excited that he’s still alive … He may have
various other punishments await them,        been sick and frail in prison, but he’ll be
including a two-year ban on membership       very happy to be able to serve God again,”
of any social group. They have appealed      said one. Pray that Lao Christians will
for a re-trial; pray that this appeal will   be encouraged by seeing their faithful
be successful and the re-trial will acquit   prayers answered.
them of any wrongdoing.

WEDNESDAY 14 Three Iranian Christian
men, all converts from Islam, were found
guilty on various charges related to their
Christian activities last year and given
prison sentences. In Iran, prison does not
start immediately, but one is summoned
later, perhaps many months after the
sentence was announced, to come to
prison and start serving the sentence.
Sasan, Habib and Pooriya, however, did

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not wait to be summoned but presented
themselves at prison and asked if they       Pastor Sithon Thippavong
could start their sentences. All three are
now out of prison; the two with one-year     FRIDAY 16 Continue to lift to the Lord
sentences were given furlough and the        our brothers and sisters suffering for His
third was let off the last 39 days of his    sake in North Korea. Horrifying reports
much shorter sentence. Thank the Lord        of what they are forced to endure for
that their time in prison was shortened,     Christ’s sake emerge from time to time
and pray that they may rejoice to have       from this secretive communist state with
suffered for the Name of Christ, as the      its religion-like ideology of juche (self-
apostles did after they had been jailed      reliance). But North Korean Christians
and flogged (Acts 5:41).                     rely on their God, not on themselves, and
                                             trust in the Name of the Lord, fearing
THURSDAY 15 A pastor in Laos was             only Him. Pray that He will be their
released from prison on 9 April, three       light as they walk in the darkness of 21st
days after being convicted of “creating      century North Korea (Isaiah 50:10).
disorder” and “disrupting unity”. Pastor
Sithon had been arrested about 13            SATURDAY 17 Rural pastors in China
months earlier for conducting church         face many challenges. Most have no
services without permission. At the time     theological training and live on such
of his arrest he had refused to sign a       a low income that educating their
document renouncing his Christian faith.     children is a struggle and even putting
He was awarded a one-year sentence           a roof over their heads can be difficult.
on 6 April but, having already been          They face hostility from the majority
detained for longer than that, he was        society and live with the constant
possibility of having their church           the whole Bible. Pray that the Tajik
                     meetings disrupted or being arrested,        government officials will continue to look
                     fined or worse. These pressures cause        kindly on the Christians and facilitate the
                     such stress and exhaustion that some         distribution of God’s Word.
                     leave their ministries. Pray that these
                     weary pastors will fix their thoughts        TUESDAY 20 Please continue to pray for
                     on Jesus, hold on to the courage and         a young Christian mother in Central
                     hope with which they started (Hebrews        Asia, a convert from Islam, who has been
                     3:1,6) and remember that “there              thrown out by her husband and also by
                     remains a Sabbath rest for the people        her father. After a while her husband
                     of God. For the one who enters God’s         told her to come back home but, when
                     rest also rests from his own work”           she did, he mocked her and threw her
                     (Hebrews 4:9-10 EHV).                        out again. Now she lives with her father,
                                                                  who constantly presses her to deny Christ
                     SUNDAY 18 We thank You, Lord, for the        but does not beat her as her husband
                     growth of Your Church in China. Thank        did when he discovered she was going
                     You for the courage and faithfulness of      to church. Christians in the capital city
                     our brothers and sisters in the face of      invited her to live there but she decided to
                     persecution and repressive controls.         remain at her father’s house in the village,
                     We lift to You those Christian leaders       praying and believing that her husband
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                     who refuse to compromise on the              will change. Pray with our courageous
                     supremacy of Your law despite the            sister that all her family will come to faith
                     temptation of gaining relative security      in the Lord Jesus.
                     this way. As surveillance increases
                     and the monitoring of church activities      WEDNESDAY 21 Muslim-background
                     intensifies, we pray that You will assure    believers in Turkmenistan rejoiced when
                     Your people that their lives are in Your     the authorities gave them permission
                     hands and nothing escapes Your notice.       to meet again for worship in their
                     We ask this in the Name of our Lord          five registered church buildings, of
                     Jesus Christ. (Psalm 139:7)                  course with Covid precautions. They
                                                                  asked believers across the world to
                     MONDAY 19 Covid-19 unexpectedly              thank the Lord with them. Pray that
                     delayed the timetable for producing          further church buildings will be
                     a modern translation of the New              granted registration, as just five for all
                     Testament in the Tajik language, but         the evangelicals in the country is not
                     Christians in Tajikistan saw many            enough. Praise God for the Christians’
                     blessings arising from the delay. For        spirit of thankfulness, living as they
                     it allowed them, through respect and         do in a poor and very strict country
                     perseverance, to develop good relations      where it has now been made illegal to
                     with government officials. Not only do       queue outside the shops selling state-
                     they now have the necessary permits          subsidised food. The subsidised food is
                     but also they trust that the relationships   more affordable, but there is not enough
                     they have developed will be helpful in       for everyone who needs it. Sometimes
                     the future when they hope, God willing,      shoppers are obliged to buy other goods
                     to translate the Old Testament and print     as well, e.g. portraits of the president.
Pray that the Christians’ hope, peace        FRIDAY 23 Praise God for the Christian
and joy in such circumstances will be a      presence in Chechnya, a strongly Islamic
powerful witness to the majority society.    Russian republic with a reputation for
                                             Islamist violence. Earlier this year a
THURSDAY 22 Tatarstan, now a republic        church in the capital Grozny (which
in the Russian Federation, has been          means “terrifying” in Russian) celebrated
dominated by Islam for more than             its 135th anniversary. The Chechen
a millennium. Tatarstan’s Christian          people used to have their own pagan
community find that their main               religion, focusing on the worship of trees,
challenges come from Islamist terrorist      especially pear trees, but converted
groups, not from the authorities.            to Islam between the 16th and 19th
The security situation has improved          centuries. Sufism is followed by many,
since 2014 when many Islamists left          which is a mystical type of Islam focusing
to fight in Syria and the authorities        on the quest for a personal relationship
clamped down on those who remained.          with Allah. Pray that many Chechen
However, the authorities warn that a         Muslims will find the fulfilment of their
second generation of Islamist militants      desires in Jesus Christ.
is expected to emerge – the home-
schooled children of Wahhabi Muslim          SATURDAY 24 Thank you for your prayers
parents, who have been taught to             for “A”, a Christian convert from Islam

                                                                                           July/August 2021 7
separate themselves from mainstream          who was facing court charges in Saudi
society and follow a strict and intolerant   Arabia. He has been acquitted of the
form of Islam. Pray that these Muslim        charge of financial misconduct as no
youngsters may not grow up to hate           evidence was offered to support the
non-Muslims or believe it right to attack    accusation. But A still faces charges of
them; ask that each will have a personal     trying to convert Muslims to Christianity
encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ.        and of helping his sister (who has also
                                             become a Christian) to flee the country
                                             against the wishes of her family. Ask that
                                             the Holy Spirit will be A’s advocate to
                                             stand with him, help him and bring him
                                             justice (John 14:16).

                                             SUNDAY 25 Heavenly Father, we praise
                                             You for those turning to You from
                                             other religious backgrounds across
                                             the world. Thank You that many are
                                             experiencing for the first time the joy
                                             of sins forgiven and the comfort of
                                             knowing You as a loving Father. We
                                             pray that they will know Your presence
                                             in whatever difficulties they face,
Baptisms at a church in Chechnya             particularly those ostracised or even
[Image: Russian Union of Evangelical         banished from their families as a result
Christians-Baptists]                         of trusting You. Help them to realise
that You richly reward those who give         themselves facing difficulties because of
                     up even close family ties to follow Your      Muslim officials. They ask prayer that
                     Son and our Saviour Jesus Christ, in          Church leaders will respond with a wise
                     Whose Name we ask. (Matthew 19:29)            and unified strategy to counteract the
                                                                   Islamists’ agenda.
                     MONDAY 26 Thank the Lord for answered
                     prayer, as two of the four Christians         THURSDAY 29 The Burundian government
                     arrested in Somaliland in January have        has been reaching out to many Arab
                     been released (and were then deported).       countries, building diplomatic relations
                     Continue to pray for the other two, now       with them in the hope of relieving the
                     charged with apostasy from Islam,             financial difficulties facing Burundi. As a
                     propagating Christianity and other            result, mosques, Islamic health centres,
                     offences, remembering also their baby         an Islamic university and many Muslim
                     who was taken into detention with them.       organisations have been established
                     Four more Christians, also converts from      in this country which is about 90%
                     Islam, were arrested in February and face     Christian, with Muslims estimated at
                     various charges related to their Christian    less than 3%. Please pray that Burundian
                     faith and activities. Somali Christians ask   Christians will be active, wise and
                     prayer that the detainees will know God’s     loving to ensure that the Christian faith
                     presence and His strength, that their         continues to be freely proclaimed in
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                     lawyer will have wisdom and boldness,         their country.
                     and that they will be released soon.
                                                                   FRIDAY 30 After launching a major
                     TUESDAY 27 Many Ugandan churches              attack on the town of Palma in northern
                     refuse to have anything to do with            Mozambique on 24 March, Islamic State
                     Christians from a Muslim background,          (IS, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh) boasted on its
                     presumably because they are fearful of        internet news site of killing at least 55
                     Islamist threats. Often these converts        people including Christians, Mozambican
                     have also been rejected by their Muslim       soldiers and “crusaders” (meaning
                     relatives and have no one else. Their lives   Westerners). The brutal IS-linked
                     may be in severe danger. Some have been       terrorist group operating in northern
                     permanently injured by violent attacks.       Mozambique leaves horribly mutilated
                     Pray that more Ugandan churches will          bodies. Pray that these terrorists who
                     be willing to risk their own safety to help   think they are pleasing Allah with their
                     their persecuted brothers and sisters.        violence will meet the living God, the
                                                                   Prince of Peace, and learn to follow Him.
                     WEDNESDAY 28 Ugandan Muslims
                     occupy many strategic positions in            SATURDAY 31 Chad’s President Idriss
                     security, politics, law and media, despite    Déby died on 20 April from wounds
                     the country having a large Christian          sustained in a battle between the
                     majority. Some Ugandan Christians             Chadian army and Islamist terrorists.
                     fear that Christian values are being          He had led Chad for three decades and
                     systematically undermined by some             his armed forces were considered one
                     of the Muslims in senior positions.           of the most effective in the region for
                     Christian converts from Islam often find      dealing with militant Islamists. At the
time of writing, Chadian Christians are       the sure presence of Jesus with them
very concerned that Islamist insurgents       always, no matter what happens to them
may seize political power. Pray that the      (Matthew 28:18-20).
Lord’s hand will be over Chad, and that
the new leadership (currently Déby’s          TUESDAY 3 A devastating second wave
son Mahamat) will govern with wisdom          of Covid-19 began surging across India
and justice, ensuring the protection of       in mid-March and was still increasing
the Christian community, who have             in early May. Amongst the hundreds
been suffering at the hands of both           of thousands of deaths are many
Muslims and followers of traditional          church leaders and ministry leaders.
African religions.                            Ask the Lord to raise up others to
                                              take their places, anointing them with
                                              the necessary gifts and giving them
August                                        strength to handle their challenging
                                              task. Frightened congregations, many
SUNDAY 1 O Jesus, our Good Shepherd,          without income and many sick or
we thank You for your loving care             dying, need pastoral care. Ministries of
for Christian children. We pray that          all kinds need wise leaders to keep the
children growing up in cultures               Lord’s work going. We may not know in
where they are disadvantaged and              detail what the needs are today, but our

                                                                                          July/August 2021 9
despised will know the security of Your       Father knows what our Indian brothers
protection. Please provide for their          and sisters need before we ask Him
educational needs and confound the            (Matthew 6:8).
plans of those who seek to disrupt or
limit their schooling. Fill them with
perseverance and resilience as they
encounter difficulties. May they know
from a young age the wisdom that You
withhold from the wise and learned,
and treasure it throughout their lives.
(Matthew 11:25)

MONDAY 2 The VHP, a hard-line Hindu
group in India, has sent to the authorities
in Madhya Pradesh state a list of 56
Indian Christian missionaries whom
the VHP alleges to be using methods
that are illegal in Madhya Pradesh, that
is, fraud, force or allurement. Christian
missionaries engaged in valid evangelism
are often falsely accused of using such
techniques, which are punishable under
law in nine of India’s states. Pray that
those working to make disciples of Christ     Distribution of food aid from Barnabas to
across the vast nation of India will know     Covid-affected Christians in India
WEDNESDAY 4 By early May Nepal was            prison. The 22 freed on 11 April had
                      struggling to contain an explosion of         been held only a few weeks after being
                      Covid-19 cases as bad as, if not worse        arrested at a prayer meeting. The 14
                      than neighbouring India’s. Transport and      released from a prison on Dahlak Island
                      logistics are difficult in this mountainous   on 27 April had been imprisoned for four
                      country, and the health system is weaker,     years. At the time of writing there are
                      with fewer doctors per capita than India.     thought to be at least 129 Christians still
                      “Christians who are Covid patients don’t      in prison in Eritrea. With God’s help, let
                      get good care in the hospital; they are       us pray them free!
                      discriminated against,” wrote a Nepalese
                      Christian to Barnabas Fund, adding that       SATURDAY 7 Amongst the Eritrean
                      a wave of persecution against Christians      Christians released in the last amazing
                      had coincided with the start of the second    year was Twen Theodoros (37) who had
                      Covid wave in Nepal. He reported that         been in prison for 16 years. She survived
                      more than 15,000 churches were closed,        the very harsh Wi’a prison, where a
                      leaving thousands of pastors penniless        meningitis outbreak killed hundreds of
                      alongside countless daily-wage earners        prisoners including about 50 Christians.
                      who had lost their work. Many Christians      She survived time in a shipping
                      had died and burial places were               container. She survived a labour camp,
                      becoming an issue, with the government        with hard work and inadequate food.
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                      refusing to give land for this in the         All the time she led and cared for other
                      capital Kathmandu. Ask the Father of          women prisoners, sometimes even taking
                      compassion to have mercy on Nepal and         their punishment beatings for them.
                      especially the beleaguered Christians         When she fell sick she was allowed to
                      (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).                        go home to her family. Instead of taking
                                                                    the opportunity to flee the country, she
                      THURSDAY 5 “Persecution of Christians in      reported back to the prison again after
                      Nepal is increasing. Evangelists, pastors,    her medical treatment was complete.
                      Christian workers have been arrested          Now free, Twen has again refused to
                      with false allegation. Street evangelists     consider escaping and is determined to
                      have been beaten badly. Christian             stay in Eritrea. Pray that the Lord will
                      workers/missionaries’ activities have         continue to use our brave sister for His
                      been closely tracked and monitored. Hate      purposes and glory.
                      messages against Nepalese Christians
                      have been spreading through social            SUNDAY 8 Lord Jesus Christ, we
                      media. Conversion is criminalised.” This      remember our brothers and sisters
                      summary of the situation of Christians        suffering imprisonment in Your Name
                      in Nepal was sent to Barnabas Fund by a       around the world. We ask for vision to
                      senior church leader. Pray that Christians    intercede for them as if we were suffering
                      will not give way to fear, but will stand     alongside them. May the joy of the Lord
                      firm in the Lord and focus on “Christ         be their strength in these days of trial. We
                      Jesus our hope” (1 Timothy 1:1).              pray that they will be able to draw comfort
                                                                    from the fact that the Word of God is not
                      FRIDAY 6 Praise God that more Eritrean        chained. Please empower them by Your
                      Christians have been released from            Spirit to speak boldly and graciously to
their persecutors. May their testimony       Armenian, Assyrian, Syriac and Greek
carry conviction that leads others to        Christians under the Ottoman Empire
Christ. (2 Timothy 2:9; Hebrews 13:3)        in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
                                             Days before Biden’s statement, Jewish
MONDAY 9 An American Christian               leaders in Australia called on the
living in the Turkish Republic of            governments of Australia and Israel to
Northern Cyprus has been charged             recognise the genocide. Barnabas Fund
with illegal importation, after being        has run petitions this year, asking the
found in possession of 35 Bibles, 178        governments of Australia, New Zealand
New Testaments and two boxes of              and the UK to recognise the genocide.
John’s Gospel, all in Farsi or Arabic.       Pray that other world leaders will follow
Ryan Keating denied the charges and          Mr Biden’s example, for such recognition
was released on bail to await his court      would help to prevent future massacres
case; pray that he will be acquitted.        of vulnerable Christian minorities.
Pray that the Good News that God so
loved the world that He gave His one
and only Son that whoever believes in
Him shall not perish but have eternal
life (John 3:16) may be made known
in Northern Cyprus to people of all

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languages and backgrounds, despite
the efforts of the authorities.

TUESDAY 10 Thank the Lord for a ruling
by a US federal judge that a university
Christian Union in Michigan can be
allowed to insist that its leaders are
professing Christians. Wayne State
University had argued that the Christian
Union’s policy was discriminatory,
but the judge said that other student        This Armenian church building in
groups were allowed to set restrictions      Mekhaven, Nagorno-Karabakh, was
on leadership or membership, so the          demolished by Azerbaijani forces after the
university itself had been discriminatory    end of last year’s war [Image: BBC]
to expect a Christian group to appoint
non-Christians to leadership positions.      THURSDAY 12 The Armenian Christians
Pray that this ruling will set a precedent   of Nagorno-Karabakh have been
for other universities.                      described as “God-fearing, gentle,
                                             friendly and hospitable people”. Much
WEDNESDAY 11 Praise God that on 24           of the enclave in which they live was
April US President Biden recognised          seized by Muslim-majority Azerbaijan
the Armenian Genocide, as the US             last year and many Armenian civilians
Congress had in 2019. But many other         were tortured and abused, with several
governments have not yet recognised          dying in captivity. Nagorno-Karabakh
as genocide the deaths of 3.75 million       is full of spiritual significance to
Armenians, the world’s first Christian      SUNDAY 15 O Lord, Ruler of the Nations,
                      nation. It has many ancient churches        we pray that You will direct those
                      and other historic Christian sites,         in positions of authority, whether
                      but these are being vandalised and          internationally, nationally or locally. May
                      destroyed in the areas now controlled       they rule with justice and compassion and
                      by Azerbaijan. Ask that, if it is the       with an awareness of their responsibility
                      Lord’s will, He will bring an end to this   before God. Guide rulers and lawmakers
                      persecution which Armenians have            to be just in their dealings with those who
                      suffered so long.                           seek to follow You. We pray that You will
                                                                  lead more of Your people into positions
                      FRIDAY 13 Last year saw an                  of authority to influence society for good.
                      encouraging number of Muslims in            Please enable those who know You to
                      Mauritania committing their lives to        resist any temptation to support policies
                      the Lord. Much suffering was caused         that run contrary to Your Word. May they
                      by Covid-19 in this impoverished            pursue Your purposes with an undivided
                      country which is 90% Sahara desert,         heart. We ask in Jesus’ Name. (Micah 6:8;
                      but Christians were active in helping       Romans 13:1-5)
                      the neediest, which softened some
                      hearts towards Christianity. As             MONDAY 16 Morocco is a country of
                      lockdown obliged people to use social       contrasts. The constitution and law
July/August 2021 12

                      media more, it seems that more were         favour Islam (Christian evangelism is
                      reading Gospel messages. Please pray        illegal), the population is almost 100%
                      for the new Christians that they will be    Muslim, but there is usually little official
                      protected from persecution whether          anti-Christian persecution. The attitude
                      by family and community or by the           of the local wali (governor) largely
                      authorities, and that they will grow in     determines the treatment of Christians,
                      the knowledge and love of the Lord.         and in remote rural areas Christians are
                                                                  more vulnerable than in the cities. While
                      SATURDAY 14 “Every Muslim guilty of         Moroccan Christians are virtually all
                      the crime of apostasy, whether by word      first generation converts from Islam with
                      or action, will be invited to repent over   their children/grandchildren and keep
                      a period of three days. If he does not      a very low profile, there is the remnant
                      repent within this time limit, he is to     of a historic Jewish community dating
                      be condemned to death as an apostate        back at least 1,700 years who are active
                      and his property will be confiscated by     in business, politics and culture. (There
                      the Treasury.” This is a translation of     are at present roughly equal numbers of
                      Article 306 of the Mauritanian Penal        Moroccan Jews and Moroccan Christians
                      Code. Although there have been no           in the country.) Pray that Christians will
                      known executions in Mauritania for          be as accepted by the Muslim majority
                      any crime since 1987, the possibility       and be as free to function as the Jewish
                      of being executed still exists for every    community are.
                      Muslim who becomes a Christian.
                      Mauritanian Christians ask prayer that      TUESDAY 17 Moroccan believers meet
                      their country will “develop in a more       discreetly in small fellowships in people’s
                      tolerant and open way”.                     homes. Because the home is considered
the domain of the “woman of the house”,       claiming to be searching for leaders of
women are prominent in the Moroccan           the protests against the military coup
Church and active in many ministries.         in February. Despite a very thorough
Pray that our sisters may be equipped         search, the soldiers apparently found
and guided in all their service for the       no one and nothing. The previous
Lord. When Moroccan Christians                month security forces had conducted a
encounter hostility and persecution, it is    midnight search at Kachin Theological
usually from their own relatives or local     College and Seminary. They had also
community; pray that they will stand          broken into a Kachin church in Shan
firm and not waver in their faith.            State and detained ten people for two
                                              days. Pray that our righteous Lord, who
WEDNESDAY 18 The Algerian Church              loves justice, will guide those in power in
“grows where it can in the cracks of a        Myanmar so that there may be peace and
closed society”, say Algerian Christians as   freedom for all (Psalm 11:7).
they describe how they have to adapt to
pressures, harassment and persecution.        SATURDAY 21 Myanmar fighter jets
They ask prayer for their churches to be      launched air strikes on a Karen village on
granted legal registration and that those     27 March, killing at least three people and
church buildings which the authorities        injuring eight. Day Pu No village is in an
have forcibly closed be allowed to re-        area with a large Christian population.

                                                                                            July/August 2021 13
open. The Covid crisis seemed to have         A second bombing raid the next day on
a positive impact on their evangelistic       villages and a displacement camp forced
efforts, as the Muslim majority thought       3,000 Karen people to flee across the
more than before about death and the          border to Thailand. A majority of the
hereafter. Pray for more Algerians to put     Karen ethnic group of Myanmar are
their faith in the Lord Jesus, and that       Christians and they have lived with violent
Algerian church leaders will be sensitive     persecution from the Buddhist ethnic-
to the leading of the Holy Spirit in their    Burman majority for three generations.
tumultuous country.                           Pray that they may be encouraged
                                              by remembering that their “light and
THURSDAY 19 A group of villages in            momentary troubles” are achieving for
Myanmar’s Kachin State were targeted          them “an eternal glory that far outweighs
by the Myanmar armed forces in early          them all” (2 Corinthians 4:17).
May. Repeated bombardment over
several days destroyed many houses,           SUNDAY 22 Heavenly Father, we lift up
killed two people, injured ten and caused     to You our brothers and sisters who
thousands to flee, leaving behind all their   are victims of conflict throughout the
possessions. An estimated 95% of Kachin       world. We ask You to comfort those who
people are Christians. Pray that their        mourn the loss of loved ones. Please
faith in the Lord will sustain them amidst    remind them that You see all injustice
the many afflictions they face.               and there will be a day when they will be
                                              vindicated. We pray that those who have
FRIDAY 20 On 3 April the Myanmar              fled their homes because of violence will
army raided three church buildings            know the loving protection and provision
in Mohnyin Township, Kachin State,            of the God of all comfort. Cause them
to draw strength from the One who             Pray that the Christians of Biak will be
                      endured all manner of evil so that we         able to continue to support themselves
                      might taste the riches of His love. We        from the land they have lived on for
                      pray in the Name of our Lord and Saviour      centuries. Indonesia has also approached
                      Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 1:3)             Japan, South Korea, China and India
                                                                    as potential investors in Biak, which is
                      MONDAY 23 Nineteen people were injured        ideally suited for a space project, being
                      when husband and wife suicide bombers         situated almost on the equator and
                      blew themselves up outside a church in        having plentiful nickel and copper.
                      Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, on
                      28 March. A security guard had managed
                      to stop the couple entering the church,
                      where the congregation were celebrating
                      Palm Sunday. Thank the Lord that no
                      one (except the bombers) died and pray
                      that the injured will fully recover.

                      TUESDAY 24 Many Indonesian Christians
                      see a pattern of deliberate systematic
                      government neglect of Christian parts
July/August 2021 14

                      of the country, which have had minimal
                      resources provided for them, thus
                      leaving the people in poverty. East Nusa
                      Tenggara and Papua, for example, are
                      very under-developed. This pattern of
                      discriminatory neglect amounts to a type
                      of persecution that has been going on for     A Christian boy on Biak, who has just been
                      decades. Pray that the current President,     swimming [Image: Alamy]
                      Joko Widodo, who has done much to
                      support Christians, will also put right       THURSDAY 26 Five Islamist terrorists,
                      this long-term injustice.                     armed with swords, killed four
                                                                    Indonesian Christians as they worked
                      WEDNESDAY 25 Indonesia has offered            in a coffee plantation in Poso, Central
                      one of its small islands to businessman       Sulawesi, on 11 May. A fifth managed
                      Elon Musk as a site for the launchpad of      to escape the attack. The perpetrators
                      his SpaceX project, which aims to put         were recognised as members of the East
                      humans on the moon. Biak Island, off          Indonesia Mujahideen, a group loyal
                      the coast of Papua, has a population of       to Islamic State but which only has ten
                      about 100,000 people, mainly Christians.      known members and seems to operate
                      They are very concerned about this            only in Central Sulawesi. Ask the Lord
                      threat to their traditional livelihoods of    to send His angelic hosts to protect His
                      fishing in the sea and hunting/gathering      people in Indonesia.
                      in the tropical rainforest. Relocation is
                      not an option in a culture where each         FRIDAY 27 Official scrutiny of the small
                      family has its traditional hereditary land.   Christian community in Tunisia tends to
come in waves. In recent years they find       perseverance in times of trial and wisdom
themselves more often questioned by            to communicate Your truth faithfully.
the authorities, more restricted in their      Empower them to handle Your Word
comings and goings, and facing more            accurately so that Your suffering people
difficulties in finding landlords willing to   are built up in their relationship with You.
rent out premises for Christian meetings.      We pray that church leaders will know
At the same time Tunisian society as a         Your grace in times of discouragement
whole has grown more open since the            and ask that their families will experience
Arab Spring ten years ago, the justice         Your protection. We pray this in the Name
system is more independent and fair,           of our Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Timothy 2:15)
there have been two democratic elections
and there is gradual economic growth.          MONDAY 30 The tiny Church of national
Pray that the changes in Tunisian society      believers in Libya is believed to have
may extend to give greater freedom and         doubled in size in 2020 as more Libyan
acceptance to Christians.                      Muslims committed their lives to Christ.
                                               This seems to have been partly because
SATURDAY 28 Although Tunisia has many          of Covid-19 and partly because of tribal
expatriate Christians from Africa and the      feuding and other violent conflict, which
West, the number of Tunisian believers         together caused people to ask deep
is only a few thousand, almost all             spiritual questions. Praise God for all

                                                                                              July/August 2021 15
converts from Islam and their children.        who decided to make Christ their Refuge
The second generation believers tend to        and Rock in a time of danger. Pray that
be bolder and less secretive about their       they will grow in their new faith.
faith than their parents. Pray that the
Church will be blessed by the courage of       TUESDAY 31 Thank the Lord for
the children together with the maturity        answered prayers about Egypt, where
and experience of their parents who have       Christians say that their situation is
suffered much for Christ. Thank the            now better than anyone can remember
Lord that, after opposition and delays,        before. Humanly speaking, this is due
a “Bible House” bookshop has opened            to the efforts of President al-Sisi, who
in downtown Tunis. Pray with Tunisian          is quick to support them verbally and
Christians for well established groups of      practically whenever anti-Christian
national believers in each of the country’s    incidents occur. Although there have
24 provinces. At present such groups           been a few kidnappings of Christians,
exist in only nine or ten provinces, while     the government has exerted itself to
in other provinces the believers are           get the hostages released. Al-Azhar
scattered in very small groups not linked      University now controls most of the
to other Christians.                           mosques so that the extremist Muslim
                                               Brotherhood has become much less
SUNDAY 29 Heavenly Father, we remember         influential. Pray that the whole Muslim
those called to leadership of Your church.     community of Egypt will follow their
We intercede for faithful pastors and          president’s lead in treating the Christian
evangelists that they may exercise their       minority as respected equals. Ask that
God-given gifts to cause Your Kingdom          Islamist extremists seeking his life will
to be extended. Please grant them              not succeed in their plans.
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                      Front Cover: Mozambican Christian woman receiving food aid
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