St. Michael Parish, 14327 Highland Ave., Orland Park, IL 60462, 708-349-0903 -

Page created by Ryan Alexander
St. Michael Parish, 14327 Highland Ave., Orland Park, IL 60462, 708-349-0903 -
St. Michael Parish, 14327 Highland Ave., Orland Park, IL 60462, 708-349-0903
St. Michael Parish, 14327 Highland Ave., Orland Park, IL 60462, 708-349-0903 -
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                       February 23, 2020

        The scriptures this weekend remind us that as disciples of Jesus we are to act a certain way. Christians
are called to go one-step further or to go the extra mile. Jesus uses the Mosaic Law and tells his followers that
they are to do more. The Mosaic Law stated, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” This was a
commonly held belief as it placed a limit on revenge. Jesus calls us to go one-step further and offer no
resistance – in other words, do not take revenge on another. This teaching is hard. An eye for an eye and a
tooth for a tooth seems reasonable -- it seems fair. Yet Jesus tells us that we must be different. We are not to
do the bare minimum but we are to do more. We are to be merciful and not seek retaliation nor revenge. Jesus
reminds us that we are all the children of God and we are to love each other. Perhaps today we can reflect on
what it means to be a baptized child of God. We are called to love others because we have been so loved by
Ash Wednesday
        This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. We are marked or signed with ashes to remind us of who we are,
sinners, and like the barren branches, we anticipate the coming spring – the coming of new life. Lent is a time
to acknowledge our need for repentance and turning back to the Lord. Lent is not just a time “to give up”
something, but a time of decision – deciding for conversion and returning to God. During Lent, we are called
to purify ourselves through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the traditional disciplines of prayer, fasting,
and almsgiving. St. Michael will be offering several opportunities to renew and strengthen our faith during
Lent. You will have an opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, pray the Stations of the Cross,
and attend our Parish Mission.
                                Our schedule for Ash Wednesday is as follows:
                                                  6:30 AM – Mass
                                                  8:00 AM – Mass
                                          10:00AM – Word / Ash Service
                                             Noon – Word / Ash Service
                                           4:00PM – Word / Ash Service
                                             6:00PM – Mass in Spanish
                                                  7:30 PM – Mass
 At the Ash / Word services, the scriptures readings will be proclaimed and ashes will be distributed after the
                    reflection. At our Masses, ashes will be distributed after the homily.
Lenten Regulations
        Catholics 14 years and older are to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all
the Fridays of Lent. In addition, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast. Catholics over 18 but not
yet 59 are to eat only one full meal. Two smaller meals are permitted as necessary to maintain strength
according to one’s needs. Fasting is an ancient disciple in the Church and together with almsgiving and prayer
will help us prepare to celebrate Easter.
Stations of the Cross
        The Stations of the Cross has been and continues to be a traditional devotion during the Lenten Season.
The Stations of the Cross are generally prayed on Fridays in remembrance of Good Friday. The Stations of the
Cross is a form of prayer, a devotion that allows us to walk the Way of the Cross with Jesus – helping us to
understand what he did for us. Every Catholic Church in the world has the Stations of the Cross on their walls.
These are not just pretty pictures, paintings, or statutes – they are meant to help us understand that Jesus
suffered greatly for us and to lead us deeper into prayer. If you have not noticed our stations, I invite you to
look at the side walls of the Church – these stations tell the story of Christ’s love, his suffering and his death.
Please check the bulletin for details about the times for the Stations of the Cross.
        I strongly urge you not to ignore these next forty days of Lent, but to make the most out of them. Use
the various opportunities for prayer to deepen your relationship with Christ. Each year God gives us this time
for our renewal and conversion. What is more important than your soul? May we rise from the ashes of sin
and come alive with the fire of faith given to us at Pentecost!
In Christ’s love, Fr. Frank
St. Michael Parish, 14327 Highland Ave., Orland Park, IL 60462, 708-349-0903 -
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                                    February 23, 2020
             7th Sunday of Ordinary Time                                                   One of the toughest jobs parents and
                  February 23, 2020                                                    teachers have is to make sure that everyone
    Today’s readings reflect on our communal identity as                               is getting along at home or in the
disciples. Before we begin Lent together in a few days, we take                        classroom. I think we can all agree that
time to appreciate what God has done by giving us our family of                        when people in our lives get along, we feel
faith. In Leviticus, God tells Moses to “speak to the whole        good  and  there is happiness all around us. When people are
Israelite community” and give them instructions for living in      arguing, we feel nervous or maybe even scared. Take a
love. Moses passes along the message—to each and every             minute and think about the times where you were in a
believer—that God’s people must strive together for holiness.      situation and you felt like everyone around you was angry or
Saint Paul echoes this message, insisting that we are indeed       upset? How did you feel during this time? Were you sad,
God’s holy children. As temples of the Spirit, we belong to        nervous and confused? Now think about the times when
Christ and to one another. This mutual belonging is a blessing     everyone was happy. Like a birthday party or celebration.
and a challenge. In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus sets a high bar for    How did you feel? Did you feel good, excited and
Christian community: his followers must love not only those        happy? We all know that Jesus spoke about loving one
who are easy to love, but also the people who upset us.            another. Jesus knew that God wanted us to get along because
Together, let us ask God to give us this kind of love.             it makes us feel good and it is the right thing to do. We hear
    Today’s first reading concludes in classic Levitical style: “I in the first reading (Leviticus) that God spoke to Moses and
am the LORD.” Over and over again, the book of Leviticus           said, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Neighbor
punctuates its paragraphs with that simple statement: “I am the
                                                                   does not necessarily mean the person that lives in the house
LORD.” Relentlessly repeating that phrase, the word of God
reminds us that God is the LORD—and we are not. We did not
                                                                   next door. Neighbor means any person in need of help or
construct the world; we did not create ourselves. Remembering      kindness. Neighbor means that we are kind to the every day
our status as mere creatures comes as a shock to us at times,      people we all come into contact with. He wants us ALL to get
especially when we flex and pose as masters of our own tiny        along; no matter what. He wants us to be holy, like Him –
universes. On the other hand, knowing we are “merely” God’s        and in order to do that, we need to try our best to get along.
beloved children can free us. When we accept that God is the       People getting along strengthens communities, schools and
source and summit of all wisdom, we approach life with a           homes. It is hard to be kind to someone who is mean to us. It
growing stillness, an openness to God’s powerful action in the     happens to all of us, and God knows. That is why God sent
world.                                                             Jesus. To help us to really understand how important it is to
    Our openness to God’s powerful action helps us understand      get along. The Gospel reading (Matthew) can be very hard
Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel, when he demands that we            for some people to understand. Jesus says if someone hits us
become “perfect.” Most of us shudder at the thought of having      on the cheek, we should allow them to hit us on the other
to be perfect. The idea of achieving perfection seems              cheek. He goes on to say that if someone steals from us, we
impossible, frankly. But, just before despair sets in, we recall   should give them the other things they didn’t steal. I know
that we are merely creatures. If God wants us to be “holy” and     this sounds bizarre but not only did Jesus say it, He proved it.
“perfect,” as today’s readings emphasize, then God will provide    Many people were cruel to Jesus or to others. And sometimes
all we need to chip away at our imperfections. If we nurse a       that upset him inside. They beat him and hung him on a
hateful grudge against someone and cannot imagine being free       cross, but He did not hit them back. He did his best to show
of the resentment, God can help. If we harm our own bodies         us that peace was the answer. When people were cruel to
through bad habits, the holy Spirit can strengthen our resolve
                                                                   Jesus, he prayed for them to his Father. When people hit him,
and transform our daily behavior. If we long for advantage over
others, if we are disgusted by the thought of loving “unworthy”
                                                                   he accepted it. But here is WHY. He was sent directly from
people, if we overwhelmingly prefer comfort and stability over     Heaven, by God our Father, to show us how to act and how to
the wildness of lavish generosity—Jesus Christ, King of glory,     speak the truth. He wanted this truth and peace for us! Jesus
can convert our timid hearts. These transformations take time,     did stand up to many bullies; there are many stories in the
patience, and prayer. Sitting quietly to reflect over today’s      Bible that show how he did that by telling the truth and not
readings is an excellent kind of prayer, and an inspiring way to   hurting back. Now, remember this – because it is very
begin.                                                             important. We do not want anyone to accept a bully. You
                                                                   need to report it whenever someone is mean, steals or hits
                                                                   you. Absolutely. However, do it peacefully and with God’s
                   Readings for the Week                           grace. Do not react with anger. Choose your words kindly.
                                                                   When you choose to use kind words instead of hateful words
                         February 23 , 2020                        or when you choose to be peaceful instead of angry, your
                                                                   soul will be at peace. When you choose to act like Jesus, you
 Sunday:            Lv 19: 1-2, 17-18; 1 Cor 3: 16-23; Mt 5: 38-48 show others that you believe in the words of God. You will
 Monday:            Jas 3:13-18; Mk 9: 14-29                       also feel proud of yourself! When you react in peace, you
 Tuesday:           Jas 4: 1-10; Mk 9: 30-37                       become proud because you have the Light of Jesus in you!
 Ash Wednesday: Jl 2: 12-18; 2 Cor 5: 20—6:2; Mt 6: 1-6, 16-18 Your mind and heart will be clear of anger or fear! When you
                                                                   know that you have done what is right and true, you can’t be
 Thursday:          Dt. 30: 15-20; Lk 9: 22-25                     disappointed in yourself! Peace and love will always win. Let
 Friday:            Is 58: 1-9a; Mt 9: 14-15                       us pray: Jesus, sometimes it is hard to love people that are
 Saturday:          Is 58: 9b-14; Lk 5: 27-32                      mean to me. Help me to react with peace, pray for them and
 Sunday:            Gn 2: 7-9; 3: 1-7; Rom 5: 12-19; Mt 4: 1-11    get help from someone. Amen
                                                                     To comment on these reflections, email:
St. Michael Parish, 14327 Highland Ave., Orland Park, IL 60462, 708-349-0903 -
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                            February 23, 2020
      This year our Lenten theme will be:                                                   ASH
          Give Us Your Living Water
          and Heal Our Brokenness
Each week we will attempt to make a connection                                        February 26, 2020
between the message of the Sunday scriptures and
the brokenness in our lives and world and ask Jesus
to overcome the things that break us apart as                           Ashes will be distributed during
individuals and as a community. He is the living                            the following services:
water who can wash away and smooth out the bad                                  6:30 AM Mass
and fill our thirst for hope, joy and all that is good.                         8:00 AM Mass
                                                                   10:00 AM Prayer Service (school & parish)
Week One       Washing Away Temptation and Evil                      Noon Prayer Service (school & parish)
Week Two       Washing Away Darkness and Fear                               4:00 PM Prayer Service
Week Three     Washing Away Prejudice and Injustice                         6:00 PM Spanish Mass
Week Four      Washing Away Blindness and Ignorance                              7:30 PM Mass
Week Five      Washing Away Death and Despair
Palm Sunday    Washing Away Rejection and Doubt                                     STATIONS
On Ash Wednesday we will be distributing                                             OF THE
pieces of broken clay to everyone. All of us                                          CROSS
have things in our life that are broken or cause
brokenness. Maybe it is temptation, evil,
darkness, fear, prejudice, injustice, blindness,                      Stations of the Cross will be prayed
ignorance, death, despair, rejection or doubt.                            at the following times in Lent
Maybe it is something else. We will invite you                   Feb 28, Mar 6 & 13, at 3:00 & 7:00 pm in English
                                                                             and at 6:00 pm in Spanish
to take home your piece of clay on Ash                          Mar 20 and Apr 3 – 3 PM-Eng, 6 PM-Span, No 7 PM
Wednesday and reflect on your own brokenness/                     Mar 27 –Taize stations at 6 PM only –Bi-lingual
divisions. Then write down on the piece of clay,                       to take advantage of the evening light
your particular brokenness, and bring it back to
Church next Sunday —or anytime during Lent—                                   LENTEN REGULATIONS
and place your brokenness, anonymously, in one                1. Everyone 14 years of age or over is bound to abstain
                                                              from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of
of the containers in front of the altar or in the
Narthex, giving it to Jesus. (or you may choose               2. Everyone 18 years of age and under 59 years of age is
to keep the piece of clay to pray over) These                 bound to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
pieces will remain in our environment                         3. On these two days of fast and abstinence, only one full
throughout Lent and we will pray for ourselves                meatless meal is allowed. Two other meatless meals,
and for one another, asking Jesus’ living water to            sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according
wash over us and heal us.                                     to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal
                                                              another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted
                                                              on these two days, but liquids, including milk and fruit
                                                              juices are allowed. When health or ability to work
                                                              would be seriously affected, the law does not oblige.
                                                              4. To disregard completely the law of fast and
                                                              abstinence is seriously sinful.
                                                              5. Lent is the principal season of penance in the Church
                                                              year. All of the faithful are strongly urged to develop and
                                                              follow a program of voluntary self-denial (in addition to
                                                              following the Lenten regulations), serious prayer, and a
                                                              performance of works of charity and mercy.

St. Michael Parish, 14327 Highland Ave., Orland Park, IL 60462, 708-349-0903 -
Voice of Saint Michael                 February 23, 2020

        3 DAY

                             at 7 PM

St. Michael Parish, 14327 Highland Ave., Orland Park, IL 60462, 708-349-0903 -
Voice of Saint Michael                                                              February 23, 2020

       LENT RECONCILIATION                                          Lenten Crosses
                                                        During the season of Lent we are once again
                                                reminded of our need to commit ourselves to prayer,
March 7           9:15 AM         Saturday      fasting and almsgiving. These are the practices
March 16          6:45 PM         Monday        which have always been a part of our Lenten
March 17          5:45 PM         Tuesday       experience, and these are the practices which
                                                prompt us to consider personal change and renewal
March 24 12:15 PM                 Tuesday       in our lives.
March 24          7:00 PM         Tuesday               The Social Concerns Ministry will place
March 27 12:15 PM                 Friday        crosses  with requests from our sharing parish, St.
                                                Vincent DePaul, and other local charities in the
We come together to be healed of the            Narthex beginning on Ash Wednesday. You may
brokenness caused by the sin in our lives. At select a cross as an expression of your commitment
each of the times listed above, Confessions     to the practice of almsgiving.
will be heard in the context of a prayer                We will continue to place crosses in the
service. Multiple confessors will be available  Narthex   during the season of Lent. Please return
at each service (and one or two at each service your  unwrapped   package, with the cross attached, at
                                                your convenience before Palm Sunday (April 5). We
will be able to hear confessions in Spanish, as ask that any gifts you bring be new. Please place
well).                                          gift cards in the collection basket or turn them in at
                                                the parish office. Do not leave them in the Narthex.
          MOMS GROUP                                        FAITH FORMATION THIS WEEK
When: Monday evenings at 7 pm.                        Tuesday, February 25 at 7 pm
                                                            Holy Spirit Prayer Group
                         February 24,                 Wednesday, February 26
                         March 9,                           8:30 am Bible Study –Pivotal Players
                         March 23, and                      7 pm Evangelization and Scripture—
                         March 30                                 Mary in Scripture
                                                      Thursday, February 27 at 7 pm
                         Where: The Commons
                                                            Spanish Women’s Faith Sharing

                   Unlock                             Friday, February 28 at 7 pm
                   the                                      Hispanic Bible Study
                   secret of                          Saturday, February 29 after 8:30 am Mass
your personality and learn                                  Scripture Reflection for Men & Women
                                                                   on the upcoming Sunday readings
how to be a be er spouse,
parent, friend, & Chris an!
Contact: Tricia Dill,

St. Michael Parish, 14327 Highland Ave., Orland Park, IL 60462, 708-349-0903 -
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                                       February 23, 2020

We Make Hospital Visits                                           Domestic Violence Ministry
                       If you or a relative of yours is                Planning Meeting
                       admitted to the hospital it             Monday, February 24 from 7 to 9 PM
                       would be so helpful if you                        At St. Michael in the Commons
                     would call St. Michael to let us
                   know you are there. It is not a            On Monday, February 10th, Fr. Chuck Dahm
              bother for us! We try to visit the sick         from the Archdiocese of Chicago Domestic
              on a regular basis and would love to            Violence Ministry met with over 30 parishioners
visit you if you are hospitalized. Please call: 349-          who are interested in moving forward with a
0903 and we will use our own list of people to visit.         Domestic Violence Ministry here at St. Michael.
                                                              Thank you to Fr. Chuck and the mentors he
Sick List                                                     brought with him. The group decided to meet
We will pray for those who are sick. To include               again to develop a Mission Statement and
yourself or a family member on our sick list please           discern next steps in getting this ministry off the
                                                              ground. We will focus on Awareness of the
call the parish office. The name will be read at
                                                              problem, Connections for Victims, and
Sunday Mass for two weekends and then will                    Prevention of future domestic violence in our
be in the bulletin for three weeks.                           community. If you could not make it on the 10th
                                                              and are interested in helping, please join us on
Please Pray For The Sick                                      the 24th for our second meeting or contact
 We continue to remember the sick, the infirm,                Pastoral Assoc. Pat Chuchla at
 and all those recommended to our prayers; and                708-873-4652,
 especially, the following, that they may
 experience the healing and power of Christ:
                                                                 Teen Dating Violence Presentation
 Bob Alpert, Lucas Salvatore Bryant,                                    Incarnation Parish
 Walter Cizak, John Davis, Dee Draski,
                                                                   5727 W. 127th St in Crestwood
 Joseph M. Galica, Becky Garcia,
                                                                  Sunday, March 1 from 2 to 4 pm
 Richard Garcia, Sergio Gaytan, Eva Gonzalez,
 Dolores Gorski, Marilee Hankin,
                                                                    Guest speaker: Bobby Dunlap
 Bret Herklotz, Jerry Kasper, David Kircher,                              All are welcome!
 Daryl Klock, Michael Lawver, Chris                                                   eGiving with Faith Direct
 Lechowicz, Elizabeth Lisuzzo,                                                        Please join in enrolling by visiting
 Eva Malajewicz, Bernie McEarlean,                                           to enroll
 James Melton, Jesus Mendez, Adrienne Noga,                                           securely online.
 Teresa Ochoa, Colleen Pallotto,                                                      Our parish code is IL851.
 Thomas Patterson, James Pawlak,                                            Support St. Michael Parish
 Linda Pendleton, Kyle Radke, Linda Tarandy,                              by shopping at AmazonSmile.
 Andrew Tess, Tom Walsh, Thomas Xique,                        SHOP with Amazon Smile and the
and all those injured in service to their country.            school/church will receive .5% of qualifying
                                                              purchases made. When you shop with
Please Pray For . . .                                         Amazon sign in to SMILE.AMAZON.COM
                                                              and select St. Michael as your charity.
Those who have died and their families
                                                              “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…”
Lynda Marek, sister of Joan Hanson                            MATTHEW 5:44

Neil Kuenn, husband of Karen and brother of Bob               Love your enemies, easier said than done, no doubt. But,
                                                              remember, the founda on of stewardship is prayer. When we
Catherine Denlinger, mother of John and Carol                 are in close communica on with God, it opens our heart and it
                                                              turns our a en on away from “me” and moves it towards
Alexander Stanevich, husband of Dorothy
                                                              God and others. It allows us to have a li le more empathy for
Shirley Kosic, mother of Robert                               “our enemy”. When we pray for others, even “our enemies”,
                                                              maybe it so ens their hearts as well.
St. Michael Parish, 14327 Highland Ave., Orland Park, IL 60462, 708-349-0903 -
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                   February 23, 2020

                                              PASSION PLAY AUDITIONS
                                   All High School Students are invited to take part in the Passion
                                   Play. The live presentation of the Passion of Our Lord is
                                   presented at the Masses on Palm Sunday weekend, April 4th &
                                   5th. Teens are needed for acting and music. Auditions will be
                                   Monday, March 2nd & Tuesday, March 3rd from 7:00 to
                                   8:30pm in the Teen Room. If you are unable to attend but
                                   would like to be involved in the play call the Youth Ministry
                                   Office at 708-873-4650 or e-mail

                         HOME MEETINGS TONIGHT!
                                              Women’s Club
                                        Monday, February 24th at 7 pm
                          Watch, Listen, Participate—Life in Uganda
           Our own Father Geofrey Andama will present an overview of everything
           you ever wanted to know about this exotic country. (Well, maybe not everything!)
                    Discussion and refreshments will follow along with “Split the Pot”.

                                       Fun Food Fashion Friendship
                          Join St. Michael Women’s Club at our fundraiser for charity

                          SURROUNDED BY THE SOFTNESS OF SPRING
                               Luncheon Fashion Show and Raffle
                             Thursday March 26, noon to 3 at the Orland Chateau

Fashions from Soft Surroundings modeled by some of our talented members. Tickets will be available for $45
            at the Club meeting 7 pm February 24, after Masses the weekend of March 14 and 15
                                or from the parish office through March 22.
                    Everyone is invited to Socialize and enjoy Donuts and Coffee/OJ
                   after the 9 am and 10:30 am Masses on Sunday February 23, 2020
             The Knights of Columbus are hosting their quarterly Donut Social so everyone is invited
                     Donuts, coffee, milk and O.J. will be provided for everyone to enjoy.
                          Knights of Columbus Bishop Fulton J. Sheen Council 10858

                                   Hooks and Needles
               St. Michael Prayer Shawl Ministry meets in February on 25 from 9:00 a.m. until
               10:30 a.m. We are making baby blankets, adult prayer shawls, hats for cancer
               patients, child and adult hats ….we are always busy! In our dreams “yarn is
               free, and knitting or crocheting make you thin.” If you knit or crochet, please
               join us! No special invitation is necessary, just come! If you would like a prayer
               shawl for a neighbor, friend, or relative, or for more information, please call
               Donna 708-403-2122
St. Michael Parish, 14327 Highland Ave., Orland Park, IL 60462, 708-349-0903 -
Voice of Saint Michael                                                              February 23, 2020

                              St. Michael Youth Ministry
             invites all 6th, 7th, & 8th graders to Saddle         Up and do a little
                               Boot Scootin’ Boogie at the

                         Mother Son Dance
   Treat your mother/grandmother/special person to a night of dinner & dancing.
                           Country attire is optional.
                                   Friday, February 28th
                                   St. Michael Small Gym
                                     6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

                         $25 per couple plus $10 for each additional son
                                       Buffet style dinner
        Professional photos: $15 per couple/ $10 for class picture to be paid at the dance

Name & Grade ______________________________________________Phone # ___________________________

Payment Enclosed $ _______________________cash/ check payable to St. Michael Youth Ministry
Top 5 song requests for the DJ to play : ________________________________________________________


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED (High School students can earn service hours)

Desserts _______________ Decorate _______________ Serve ________________ Clean Up ____________

Name ____________________________________ Phone ________________ Email _________________________

          Please return this form to the school or parish ofϔice no later than February 21st.
               Any questions, please contact Danielle Scheel at

St. Michael Parish, 14327 Highland Ave., Orland Park, IL 60462, 708-349-0903 -
Voice of Saint Michael                                February 23, 2020

                         VIP/ Father Daughter Dance

Voice of Saint Michael                      February 23, 2020

                         Isn’t She Lovely

Voice of Saint Michael        February 23, 2020

Voice of Saint Michael                                                                      February 23, 2020

        Las escrituras de esta semana nos recuerdan que como discípulos de Jesús debemos actuar de cierta
manera. Los cristianos son llamados a ir un paso más adelante o pasar una milla más. Jesús utiliza la Ley de
Moisés y dice a sus seguidores que deben de hacer aún más. La Ley de Moisés define, “Ojo por ojo, diente
por diente”. Esta era una creencia comúnmente creíble pues ponía un límite a la venganza. Jesús nos llama a
ir un paso más allá y no poner resistencia – en otras palabras, que no haya revancha entre uno y otro. Esta
enseñanza es difícil. Un ojo por un ojo y un diente por un diente parece razonable – parece justo. Aun Jesús
nos dice que debemos ser diferentes. No estamos para hacer lo mínimo sino para hacer más. Debemos ser
misericordiosos y no buscar represarías ni venganza. Jesús nos recuerda que todos somos hijos de Dios y
debemos amarnos unos a los otros. Tal vez hoy podemos reflexionar en lo que significa ser un hijo de Dios
bautizado. Somos llamados a amar a los demás porque somos amados tanto por Dios.
Miércoles de Ceniza
       Este miércoles es Miércoles de Ceniza. Somos marcados o señalados con cenizas para recordar
quienes somos, pecadores; y como las ramas secas, anticipamos la próxima primavera – la venida de una
nueva vida. La Cuaresma es tiempo de reconocer nuestra necesidad de arrepentimiento y volver al Señor. La
Cuaresma no es solo un tiempo “de sacrificar” algo, sino un tiempo de decisión – decidir la conversión y
regresar a Dios. Durante la cuaresma, somos llamados a purificarnos por medio del Sacramento de la
Reconciliación y ser los discípulos tradicionales de oración, ayuno y limosna. St. Michael ofrecerá varias
oportunidades para renovar y fortalecer nuestra fe durante la Cuaresma. Tendrán la oportunidad de recibir el
Sacramento de la Reconciliación, rezar el Vía Crucis y asistir a la Misión Parroquial.
                          Nuestro horario para el Miércoles de Ceniza es el siguiente:
                                                    6:30 AM – Misa
                                                    8:00 AM – Misa
                                             10:00AM – La Palabra/Ceniza
                                             Mediodía – La Palabra/Ceniza
                                              4:00PM – La Palabra/Ceniza
                                               6:00PM – Misa en Español
                                                    7:30 PM – Misa
En el Servicio de La Palabra/Ceniza, la lectura de las escrituras serán proclamadas y se impondrán las cenizas
después de la reflexión. En las Misas, las cenizas se impondrán después de la homilía.
Reglas de Cuaresma
       Los católicos de 14 años o más deben abstenerse de comer carne el Miércoles de Ceniza, el Viernes
Santo, y todos los viernes de Cuaresma. Además, el Miércoles de Ceniza y el Viernes Santo son días de
ayuno. Los católicos mayor es de 18 años per o menos de 59 deben comer una comida fuer te. Dos
comidas pequeñas se permiten si son necesarias para mantener la fortaleza de acuerdo a la necesidad
individual. El ayuno es una disciplina antigua de la Iglesia y adjunto con la limosna y la oración nos ayudarán
a prepararnos para celebrar la Pascua.
El Vía Crucis
        El Vía Crucis ha sido y continúa siendo una devoción tradicional durante la Temporada Cuaresmal. El
Vía Crucis por lo general se reza los viernes como recordatorio del Viernes Santo. El Vía Crucis es una forma
de oración, una devoción que nos permite caminar el camino de la cruz con Jesús – ayudándonos a comprender
lo que él hizo por nosotros. Cada Iglesia Católica en el mundo tiene el Vía Crucis en sus paredes. Esto no son
solo marcos bonitos, pinturas o estatuas – estos están con la intención de ayudarnos a comprender que Jesús
sufrió gravemente por nosotros y para conllevarnos a una oración profunda. Si no han notado nuestro
estaciones, los invito a ver las paredes de al lado de la iglesia – estas estaciones dicen la historia del amor de
Cristo, su sufrimiento y su muerte. Por favor vean el boletín para los detalles sobre las horarios del Vía Crucis.
        Les pido urgentemente que no ignoren estos próximos cuarenta días de Cuaresma, sino hacer lo más
que se pueda. Aprovechen las varias oportunidades de orar para profundizar su relación con Cristo. Cada año
Dios nos da este tiempo para nuestra renovación y conversión. ¿Qué es más importante que sus alma? Que
nos levantemos de las cenizas del pecado y avivemos con el fuego de la fe que se nos da en ¡Pentecostés!
En el amor de Cristo, Padre Frank
Voice of Saint Michael                                                                           February 23, 2020

                                        Miércoles 26 de febrero del 2020
                                             a las 6pm en Español

  ¡Bueno para toda la familia!
   Dando Vida a la Escritura,
     con Drama y Humor
        St. Michael—
     Misión Cuaresmal
       De 3 días—7 PM
     2, 3 y 4 de Marzo del

                                                MARTES, 3 de MARZO
                                                El Sermón de la Montaña                   MIER., 4 de MARZO
        LUNES, 2 de MARZO
     Lucas: Historias en el camino       Mateo proclama el gozo de las                      Hollywood vs. Fe
                                         bienaventuranzas a su iglesia local en   Frank concluye con un libro honesto
Las historias que Jesús mismo deja
                                         Antioquia, una comunidad con             y gracioso sobre “Las Otras Tres
camino a Jerusalén, con drama, luces
                                         personajes cuales historias hacen eco    Bienaventuranzas” de los medios,
y personalizado, apuntando a donde se
                                         a las propias… Una noche de humor        exhortándonos a ver las vueltas en el
encuentra el verdadero gozo en la vi-
                                         y nuevo discernimiento. gozo en la       espejo de casa-diversión; sonríe cami-
                                         vida.                                    na… a una vida de gozo verdadero.

EMMY-NOMINADO FRANK RUNYEON ha brillado en más de 1,000 shows de TV en los últimos 30 años…frente a
LAW Y MELROSE PLACE. Frank es católico, graduado con honores del Seminario de Princeton University.

Voice of Saint Michael                                                 February 23, 2020

                                  Domingo de Ramos
                                  La Pasión de Cristo
                                  5 de Abril del 2020

         Jóvenes están invitados a ser parte de la Pasión de Cristo en Español,
                         Practicas todos los sábados a partir del
                                  5 de marzo de 2-4pm
                 Para mas información llamar a la oficina parroquial,
Recuerden que esta es su ultima oportunidad para acumular sus horas comunitarias para
                                     la confirmación!

                                     Viernes Santo
                                  10 de Abril del 2020

               Adultos y Jóvenes están invitados a participar en el Viacrucis
                       Se pueden anotar con Daniel después de misa

Voice of Saint Michael                                                                                                                     February 23, 2020
                                         Masses for the Week — February 22nd through February 29th
             4:30 PM      Kathleen Varnagis                     John Hatz                       Mr. and Mrs. Milton Biggs
              6:00 PM     John Pieczyrak                        Thecla Gorski                   Bronislawa and Edward Ogrodny
              7:30 AM     Fr. Jerry Kroeger, OP                 Michael Cooper                  Special Intention for Jeff and Whitney Bohrer
  Sunday      9:00 AM     Nancy, William and David Jungles Thomas Zinkus                        Special Intention for Donna Micum
             10:30 AM     Jay Lauricella                        Joseph Lauricella               Nancy Lauricella
             12:00 PM     Eugene Smith                          Bridget Coyle                   Kaz Scibor
  Spanish —→ 1:30 PM      Madeleine L. Figueroa                 Marco Escudero                  Roxanna Diaz y Margarita Herrera
             5:30 PM      Brigid Gaughan                        Roman Salvador                  Daniel Hidalgo
              6:30 AM     Roberto Montenez                      Daniel Hidalgo                  Special Intention for Jesus P. Casco
              8:00 AM     Larry George                          Kathleen Varnagis               Walter Norkiewicz
              6:30 AM     Mathew and Arlene Sobczak
              8:00 AM     Gallagher Family Intention            Daniel Hidalgo                  Special Intention for Larena-Casco Families
     Ash     6:30 AM, 8:00 AM. 6:00 PM (Spanish), 7:30 PM
  Wednesday                                                All Mass Intentions for St. Michael Parishioners
              6:30 AM     Special Intention for Tammy           Special Intention for Jhaxson
              8:00 AM     Special Intention for Fr. Paul Burak Dr. Agustin Carvallo             Nancy, William and David Jungles
              6:30 AM     People of St. Michael
              8:00 AM     Gallagher Family Intentions           Tom Castline
  Saturday    8:30 AM     Givon Jasper

                                                  March 1, 2020 — First Sunday of Lent
                    Mass Intentions             Lectors                        Altar Servers                              Eucharistic Ministers
4:30 PM        Donna Josephson         Madeline Huie                Leah Huie                    Donna Bollero           Deacon Colin Huie        John Radecky
Fr. Frank      Donna S. Myron          Sandy Schuber                Rebekah Huie                 Linda Chenore           Rosemary Lambert         Steven Sherman
               Froggy Chenore                                       Gianna Marciano              Denise Dillon           Mary Jo Murray           Pam Stepansky
                                                                    Mya Marciano                 Mary Kay Entsminger     David Murray
6:00 PM        Alice Barry             Matthew Martin               Ellie Cullen                 Lynn Backofen           Deacon Colin Huie        Isabella Tortorici
Fr. Geofrey    Marge Polo              Richard Vail                 Annie Cullen                 Theresa Bongiorno       Dawn Kaderabek           Marilyn Howard
               Maria Devens                                         Shane DeNardo                Ed Broniarczyk          Mark Tortorici           NEED MINISTER
                                                                    Andrew Quinn                 Jamie Cullen            Janet Tortorici
7:30 AM        Judy Young              Lou DePasquale               Ava Dill                     Tricia Dill             Deacon Jim Janicek       Amanda Tracy
               Special Intention for   Pat Janda                    Lucas Dill                   Matt Dill               Fran McCabe              Ed Tracy
                49 years of marriage                                Ashley Marth                 Bert Grasso             Laura Rees               NEED MINISTER
                Tom and Joan Reid                                   Connor Marth                 Sharon Grasso           Alexandra Szkoda
9:00 AM        Salvatore and Nancy     Tommy Richter                Luke Detampel                Mary Fei                Fatima Maglaya           Marietta Umlor
                  Monaco               Lindsey Richter              Kellie Ellis                 John Fei                Steve Messina            CeeCee VanHecke
               Josephine Dudek                                      Joseph Kanan                 Mike Gaichas            Mickey Noonan            Carol Wool
                                                                    Ainsley Messina              Deacon Jim Janicek      Lindsey Richter
                                       Young People’s Liturgy Presider — Sue   Castline-Noonan
10:30 AM       Rose and Henry Berardino Owen Glennon                Sophia Castaneda             Patty Allison           Bill Nebel               Kevin Scanlan
               Alice Bara               Ethan Scheel                Bre Doherty                  Jennifer Bailey         Tita Oblena              Maria Villasenor
               Chester Sibik                                        Adrianna Doherty             Berta Garza             Bob Palermo              NEED MINISTER
                                                                    Samantha Rahman              David Lynn              Tom Pendziszewski

Celeb. Choir                           Young People’s Liturgy Presider —Jenn Skalitzky
12:00 PM       Violeta Moneda          Emilia Durante               Jeremy Alcordo               Mike Alcordo            Chang Sun Kim            NEED MINISTER
               Charles Korpics         Laura Hodge                  Caroline Kaspar              Alyssa Dababneh         Timothy Sargis           NEED MINISTER
                                                                    Anthony Pagliero             Madeline Dababneh       NEED MINISTER            NEED MINISTER
                                                                    Alexis Thanos                Thomas Hudon            NEED MINISTER
1:30 PM        Gente de St. Michael    Brenda Gonzalez              Sofia Gutierrez              Diacono                 Rosy Maya                Hilda Pulido
Spanish Mass                           Hugo Aldaba                  Nadia Ghouleh                Alexia Espino           Yolanda Medrano          Diana Reyes
                                                                    Oriana de Anda               Luis Gonzalez           Maria Elena Perez        Lydia Reyes
                                                                    Diego Martinez               Mary Lou Matheke        Martha Perez

5:30 PM        Jessie Lurito           Conor Cooke                  Zachary Barrett              Linda Chenore           Kelly McHugh             NEED MINISTER
               Brigid Gaughan          Kelly Martinez               Nicholas Barrett             Nuala Cooke             James McHugh             NEED MINISTER
                                                                    Annie McHugh                 John Fairchild          NEED MINISTER            NEED MINISTER
                                                                    Ella McHugh                  Deacon Mike McDonough   NEED MINISTER

Sunday Masses                                                PARISH OFFICE
 Saturday Evening: 4:30 p.m. & 6:00 p.m.                                  14327 Highland Avenue 708-349-0903
 Sunday:           7:30 9:00, 10:30, 12:00, 5:30 p                        Orland Park, IL 60462
                              1:30 p.m.
                                                             Rev. Frank A. Kurucz, Pastor                     873-4611
Weekday Masses: Mon—Fri 6:30 & 8:00 a.m.
                  Saturday     8:30 am                       Rev. Geofrey Andama, Associate Pastor            873-4612
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)
 Saturdays              3:00 —4:00 pm                        Rev. Charlie Plovanich, Associate Pastor         873-4613

                                                             Rev. Paul Burak, Retired Priest                  call parish
Confesion en español: 12:30—1:15 pm
 los primeros y terceros Domingos de cada mes                Rev. William Finnegan, Retired Priest            call parish
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament                           Derek Hooper, Seminarian, call parish
 Monday-Friday        9 a.m.—9 p.m.
 Saturday & Sunday 9 a.m.—7 p.m.                                                      Pastoral Associate          -4635
                                                                 Compassionate Ministry, RCIA, Service
Baptisms: Baptisms are celebrated several Sundays a    
month at 3 p.m. and at the Noon Mass once monthly.
A preparation class is required. 708-349-0903.               Pat Chuchla, Pastoral Associate                  873-4652
                                                                    Worship Ministries
Weddings: Marriage Preparation required. Call 708-
349-0903 to schedule & begin the process.                    Diana Vitela, Business Manager                   873-4617
Parish Office Hours                                       
  Monday thru Friday         8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.           Kelly Martinez, Religious Ed. Coordinator        873-4633
  Saturday                   1:00 p.m - 4:30 p.m.         
  Sunday                     9:00 a.m. - Noon
Please call or stop by the Parish Office to update your      Paul Smith, Principal of St. Michael School      349-0068
address or to advise you are leaving the parish
                                                             Maureen Morrissey, Asst. Principal               349-0068
Religious Education (Faith Formation) Office Hours
Mon and Tues: 1 to 8:30pm
Wed: closed                                                  Gary Patin, Director of Music Ministry           873-4627
Thurs: 1 to 5pm                                          
Friday: 9am to 4pm
Sat: 8am to noon (on class days)                             Rose Koch, Youth Minister                        873-4650
Classes for children ages 5 through 14: Registration is
available until classes are full. Registration forms and     Hispanic Ministry 873-4619
class schedules are in the narthex and online
at under Religious Education.
                                                             DEACONS         Tom Bartholomew
Educacion Religiosa en espa ol                                               Tony and Eileen Cocco
Si usted desea que sus hijos reciban los sacramentos de                      Colin and Sarah Huie
la confesión , Primera Comunión, y Confirmación en                           Jim and Sharon Janicek
español, debe registrar a sus hijos en las clases de                         Michael and Donna McDonough
                                                                             Abel and Yolanda Trujillo
catecismo llamando a la Oficina Parroquial al 708-873-
4619. Estas clases se ofrecen en español. Si prefiere las
clases en inglés, favor de llamar directamente al 708-873-   Mothers Room -All nursing mothers are welcome to use
4633.                                                        our Mothers Room during Mass for privacy during
                                                             feedings. See an Usher or Sacristan for assistance
                                                                                 Can’t Hear in Church?
Bulletin deadline: Fr iday at 9 a.m. a week befor e          Our built in hearing loop works with most hearing aids.
the bulletin date. Please e-mail articles, in Word or        We also have receivers and headphones that work with
Publisher for mat, to                                        our built-in hearing loop that can be used by                                parishioners during Mass. Questions? Contact the Worship
                                                             Office at 708-873-4652.
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