Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church

Page created by Christine Freeman
Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
Saint Edna
                                   Catholic Community
                                      . . desires to live as a reflection of who Christ calls us
                                        to be by welcoming all in Charity, Justice, and Hope.
                                                            This is our mission.

Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday evening - 5:00pm
Sunday - 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am
(NO 5:30pm Mass on September 1st
  due to the Labor Day holiday)
Weekday Masses
    Monday, Tuesday,
 Wednesday, Friday 8:00am
Communion Service
Monday - Friday: 6:45am
Morning Prayer and
Communion Service
Thursday: 8:00am
Eucharistic Adoration
and Benediction
First Friday of the Month
Sacrament is available first and
third Saturdays of each month,
from 8:00am until all are heard,
or by appointment with a priest.
Office Hours
Mon-Thurs: 8:30am - 8:00pm
Friday:       8:30am - 5:00pm
  (closed 12 - 1pm weekdays)
Sat:          9:00am - 5:00pm
Sun:          9:00am - 1:00pm

     Sharing Sunday—2
   Take Five for Faith—9
    Faith Formation—10
      Parish Life—13
   Human Concerns—18
       Kids Page—20
Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
St. Edna ~ Sharing Sunday

                          Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

When Jim and I were going through training for the diaconate, we would meet regularly in a faith-sharing
group with other couples who were in our ordination class. One of the things we would talk about was our
“God moments”, times when we saw God’s love for us in the events of our lives. Our classmates were always
eager and excited to share their experiences. Jim and I were never very good at that. We never had much of
anything to say. Maybe we thought we could only see God in big things, and those moments only happen
rarely. I envied the others who could see God in small things. An act of kindness, a song on the radio, or a
butterfly on the wing, could be seen as God telling them that He loves them. They could see Him in the small
wonders happening every day.
In faith, we know that God is always with us and is showing us that He loves us. This is the God we have
been taught to call “Daddy”. As a mother, I know how many things I do each day out of love for my family. I
also know that my kids don’t always notice. Sometimes it can be hard to notice the quiet wonders that are
God’s reminders that He loves us. Our daily to-dos, our everyday worries, the ugliness we see too often in the
news can blind us. It’s hard to hear the quiet whisper in the midst of the storm. It can be hard to believe that
God is present in the middle of all this messiness. God can seem distant, because we can let the noise of our
lives drown him out.
However, with God’s grace, we can all open our eyes to His presence in our lives. I personally have been
trying to follow the Examen, which is a spiritual practice created by St. Ignatius. You carefully review the
events of the day to see God’s presence in them. I have been praying for the grace to help me notice. Slowly
my vision is becoming clearer. I can see God’s love for me through my daughter smiling and saying “Thank
you,” when I pay her a compliment or do a favor, in a caress from my husband, in my son sharing his day with
me. I even saw a butterfly on wing, just as I was wondering about whether God was around.
I hope that we all know that God is with us in the noise of our everyday lives, showing us His kindness and
His love. Our days are filled with quiet wonders, and with His grace, we can see each and every one of them.

                                           Therese Pauwels

                    Labor Day Office Hours
Please note: Due to the Labor Day holiday, there will not be a 5:30pm Mass
on Sunday, September 1.
The Parish Office will be closed on Labor Day, Monday, September 2.
On Labor Day, there will be a 9:00am Mass to commemorate the holiday. There
will not be a daily 8:00am Mass nor a 6:45am Communion Service that day.

                    No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church;
                    No matter what your current family or marital situation;
                    No matter what your past or present religious affiliation;
                    No matter what your personal history, age, background, race or color;
                    You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at St. Edna Church.

  2                                                August 18, 2019
Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
St. Edna ~ Sharing Sunday

       Some Photos !

                                                      Summer Mission
                              Sister Mary Ann Barnhorn of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur will be
                              speaking about the need for clean water in Africa at the Masses on
                              Saturday, August 24th and Sunday, August 25th.
                              Throughout Africa, there is a critical lack of clean water for drinking and
                              sanitation: Almost one billion people do not have access to safe water.
                              Next weekend a special collection will be taken to help the Sisters of
                              Notre Dame de Namur provide life-changing electricity and clean water to
                              the people in Africa.
Mary Ann Barnhorn entered the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in 1952 in Cincinnati. Early on she
taught elementary school, high school religion and adult religious education. She later developed
educational programs for pastors and pastoral associates throughout the country as a member of the
National Pastoral Life Center in New York. Also, she served as Executive Director of the National
Association of Church Personnel Administrators.
She has served in congregational leadership for 15 years, six as provincial, and most recently completed
21 years as mission advancement and development director for the Sisters of Notre Dame of the Ohio
Province. In addition, she has played an active role in the wider Notre Dame world, traveling throughout
the United States as well as to Europe and Africa.

Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
This Week At St. Edna                                       

This Week at St. Edna                                                 Upcoming Events
Sunday, August 18
* Sharing Coffee after all morning Masses *
                                                                              August 18
10:30am     Welcoming Session—Community Room                                Sharing Coffee
12:30pm     Baptism Families—Community Room                                  September 2
 1:00pm     Baptisms—Church                                                   Labor Day
 4:00pm     SNL Rehearsal—Church
                                                                           (Office is Closed)
 6:30pm     SECT Dinner—Doherty Center
Monday, August 19
                                                                             September 3
 9:30am    Prayer Shawl Ministry—Hurley Center                        Breakfast with the Pastor
Tuesday, August 20
 8:30am    Grandparents Prayer Time—Hurley Center
 9:15am    Transformations—Hurley Center
 7:00pm    Rosary—Church
Wednesday, August 21                                                  Labor Day Week-end
 9:00am    WOSE Spirituality—Doherty Center                        Note—Mass will not be celebrated
 1:00pm    EM and Ministry of Care (MOC) Recertification           at 5:30pm on Sunday, September 1,
           Training—Doherty Center, Church                            due to the Labor Day Holiday.
 4:30pm    Options Ministry Team—Teen Center
Thursday, August 22
 7:00pm    Peer Ministry Team—Teen Center
 7:00pm    EM and Ministry of Care (MOC) Recertification
           Training—Doherty Center, Church                              Bulletin Deadline
 7:15pm    WOSE Board—Hurley Center
                                                                    Articles for the September 1, 2019
Friday, August 23                                                   bulletin may be dropped off in the
Saturday, August 24                                                      Parish Office or e-mailed
 9:30am    SPRED—Hurley Center                                        to
                                                                               no later than
Sunday, August 25                                                      Tuesday, August 20, 2019.
 4:00pm    Confirmation Class—Doherty, Hurley & Parish Center
 4:00pm    SNL Rehearsal—Church
 6:30pm    Kairos Leadership Team—Teen Center

                                                      . P

  4                                              August 18, 2019
Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
Worship Commission                                                 

     Mass Intentions for the week of August 18, 2019
Weekend of August 17 & 18
5:00pm—Melba Cuttone, Catherine McLaughlin, Anna McLaughlin,
        Kathleen McLaughlin, Maureen Moody
7:30am—George Tokarczyk, Pat Dussling, Boleslaw Walaszek, Betty Schmaus
9:30am—Roberta Reinhold, Rev. Eugene Faucher, Thaddeus Korabik, Bob Cosgrove,
        Magdalena Torchalski
11:30am—Anna D’Andrea, Bernard Geigel, Dolly Cummings, Gene Connolly,                       Celebrated the 1st, 3rd &
        Zino DiFranco (A)                                                                      5th Sunday of the
5:30pm—Germaine Draftz, Daniel G. Manczak                                                     month at 1:00 pm.
                                                                                            Parent preparation class:
Monday, August 19                                                                            2nd Thursday of each
                                                                                                month, 7:30 pm.
6:45am—Liturgy of the Word & Communion Service                                               Please call to register.
Tuesday, August 20                                                                                Marriages
                                                                                               Arrangements for
6:45am—Liturgy of the Word & Communion Service                                              celebration of marriage
8:00am—Lee Hafer (A)                                                                         should be made at the
                                                                                            Parish Office at least six
Wednesday, August 21                                                                          months in advance.
6:45am—Liturgy of the Word & Communion Service
                                                                                            Anointing of the Sick
8:00am—Patrick O’Sullivan, The Souls of the Faithful Departed                                 Please call the Parish
Thursday, August 22                                                                          Office to have a family
                                                                                            member who is seriously
6:45am—Liturgy of the Word & Communion Service                                              ill or elderly receive the
8:00am—Morning Prayer & Communion Service                                                   Sacrament of Anointing.

Friday, August 23
6:45am—Liturgy of the Word & Communion Service
8:00am—Nick Weinrauch
Weekend of August 24 & 25
5:00pm—Tadeusz Koziol, George Kutz, Bernard Geigel, Lottie A. Fafrowicz,
        Eric T. Horabik, Donna Cybul, Tom Altpeter
7:30am—George Tokarczyk, Irene Chmielowski, Louis Puglisi, Eugene Wisniewski,
        Genevieve Dziekanski
9:30am—Roberta Reinhold, Thaddeus Korabik, Germaine Draftz, Lexi Swiatkiewicz
11:30am—Anna D’Andrea, Jeanne Leber, Gene Connolly
5:30pm—Antoinette Manczak, Richard Rogulski (A)

                                                   HEARING LOOP
              Through the generosity of a parishioner, St. Edna Parish has installed a hearing induction loop
              system, allowing people who wear telecoil-equipped hearing aids or cochlear implants to hear
              much better.
              The induction loop system transmits the audio signal directly into the hearing aid via magnetic field,
              greatly reducing background noise, competing sounds, and reverberation. Please sit in one of the
              two middle sections of the church as they are the looped areas and be sure to turn your telecoil ‘on’.

Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
Worship Commission                                                 
    Worship Commission
        cultivates the
 liturgical life of the parish
by fostering full, active and
                                         Mass Celebrants - August 24 & 25
 conscious participation of
       the community.                   5:00pm—Rev. Darrio Boscutti & Deacon Jim Pauwels
                                        7:30am—Rev. Darrio Boscutti & Deacon Jim Pauwels
Gary Daigle                             9:30am—Rev. Paul Maina & Deacon Joe Yannotta
Marie Schalke                           11:30am—Rev. Darrio Boscutti & Deacon Joe Yannotta
Members:                                5:30pm—Rev. Darrio Boscutti & Deacon Jim Pauwels
Justin Abbink
Phil Bares
Deacon Greg Beeber
Moira Burdi
Peg Connolly                     Pray for Our Sick                       With Sympathy
Kelly Fagan                         as of August 5, 2019
June Garby
Anne Mura
Camille Murray                     Robert Schnitzius                              John Gape
Deacon Jim Pauwels
Therese Pauwels                         Al Raupp                                Joan Solberg
Paula Pollman (Rec.)
Mary Salm
Frank Starshak                      John Guthardt
Susan Tennessen
                                      Jim Scheer

          Jack & Melissa Farrell                                     Altar bread and wine
                                                                       will be offered for
         60th Wedding Anniversary
                                                                     Jack & Melissa Farrell
           Joe & Diane Yannotta                                      (60th Wedding Anniversary)
         50th Wedding Anniversary                                          donated by
                                                                         Eileen Rubin
            Wedding Banns
                                                                         during the week of
                                                                        August 18, 2019
                Rachel Johnson &
                 Neven Pavlovic

                     As a reminder—To insure that we have enough for everyone to use at
                     each Mass, we ask that you please return your missal to the Narthex before
                     you leave the church.
                                                      Thank You!

  6                                                August 18, 2019
Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
Worship Commission                                                       

 Re-mandating of Eucharistic Ministers and Ministers of Care
The Archdiocese of Chicago requires that all Eucharistic Ministers and Ministers of Care be
re-mandated every three years. Our cycle ends this year. In order to comply with this mandate
we will be offering 8 sessions during August and September.
If you wish to continue in these ministries you must attend one of these sessions. Students
away at college will be taken care of individually.
All sessions will be held in the Doherty Center. Please RSVP before or by the date shown.
         S                                                                       R.S.V.P.
       Wednesday      August 21        1-2:30pm         August 16th Closed
       Thursday       August 22nd      7-8:30pm         August 16th
       Wednesday      August 28th      7-8:30pm         August 23rd
       Thursday       August 29th      1-2:30pm         August 23rd
       Thursday       Sept. 19th       7-8:30pm         September 16th
       Saturday       Sept. 21st       9:30-11am        September 16th
       Thursday       Sept. 26th       1-2:30pm         September 23rd
       Saturday       Sept. 28th       9:30-11am        September 23rd
Please RSVP to Lorie Crepeau @ or 847-398-3362 x325.

                                            ROSARY GROUP
                              The Rosary Group meets Monday through Thursday at 8:30 am,
                              and Tuesday nights at 7:00pm, in the Church.
                              All are invited to join us to pray the Chaplet of the
                              Divine Mercy and the Holy Rosary.

                            MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITY
If you would like to remember a deceased relative or friend in a special way, here is your
opportunity. We are accepting donations for the altar breads and wine that are used at Mass
for that week. Every week in the bulletin we will post who the bread and wine was donated
in memory of. Suggested donation is $25. You can drop off or mail your donation to the
Parish Office, marked “Altar Bread Memorial.” Make sure to include your name and the
name/s of whom you would like to be remembered.
             Requests are published in the bulletin in the order that they are received.

Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
Worship Commission                           

                  Saint Edna Parish
                   Children’s Choir

     Does your child love to sing and desires to praise God in a fun way?
       We would love for them to sing in our Parish Children’s Choir!
       The Children’s Choir is open to all parishioners in grades 1-8.
     We rehearse on Thursday evenings and sing for the 9:30am Sunday
       Mass once a month during the school year. Our first rehearsal
               will be Thursday, September 5 in Church, and
                our first Mass will be Sunday, September 22.

                   Our rehearsals are split by grade level:
                           6:00-6:30pm— Grades 1-4
                           6:30-7:00pm— Grades 5-8
                   For more information and registration,
                    please email Mrs. Allison Blomeke

 8                                 August 18, 2019
Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
Take Five for Faith
                                                                            unpretentious lifestyle (he never lost sight of his poor roots), his
                                                                            personal warmth and love of children, and his generous charitable
                                                                            outreach. After the horrific Messina earthquake of 1908, the most
                                                                            destructive earthquake ever recorded in Europe with some 100,000
                                                                            casualties, Pius is said by one source to have filled the Apostolic
                                                                            Palace with refugees long before the Italian government acted. Make
                                                                            sure a warm heart is front and center in your own life of faith.
                                                                                  TODAY'S READINGS: Judges 9:6-15; Matthew 20:1-16 (421).
                  Sunday, August 18, 2019
                            Get fired up!                                                      Thursday, August 22, 2019
Author Jack London told the chilling tale of a brazen traveler who                         MEMORIAL OF THE QUEENSHIP OF
failed to take the peril of extreme weather conditions seriously.                            THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY
Building a proper fire in the right place might have kept him alive                                 The sky is not the limit
during a blizzard. Absent such a fire, the man’s fate was sealed.           Lumen gentium, Vatican II’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church,
Jesus assures his friends that his mission in this world is to set such a   declares the “Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all guilt of
blazing, saving fire in the hearts of believers. If we carry this           original sin, on the completion of her earthly sojourn, was taken up
passionate flame, no circumstances can endanger us. Contemplate an          body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen
image of the Sacred Heart, and stoke the fire in your own!                  of the Universe.” Going to Orlando, Florida anytime soon? Visit the
     TODAY'S READINGS: Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10; Hebrews 12:1-4;               Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe, a
     Luke 12:49-53 (120).                                                   2,000-seat church dedicated to the Queenship of Mary and
                                                                            established to serve the 30 million tourists who visit the Orlando
                                                                            area every year. Wish to be reminded of Mary’s connection to the
                  Monday, August 19, 2019                                   whole universe, and why that will matter into the future? Visit
             MEMORIAL OF JOHN EUDES, PRIEST                                 nearby Cape Canaveral.
                God cares through your hands                                      TODAY'S READINGS: Judges 11:29-39a; Matthew 22:1-14 (422).
During the plagues of 1627 and 1631, John Eudes cared for the sick,
sleeping in a field to avoid infecting his fellow priests. Similar
efforts made today are honored by World Humanitarian Day,                                        Friday, August 23, 2019
commemorating 22 United Nations staff killed by a terrorist attack                       MEMORIAL OF ROSE OF LIMA, VIRGIN
in Baghdad in 2003. Since then, more than 4,000 aid workers have                                         Care of the soul
been injured, kidnapped, or killed, targeted as they served more than       Life isn’t easy. It’s good and beautiful, yes, but stressful, chaotic,
65 million people displaced from their homes and more than 26,000           and sometimes even devastating. Wouldn’t it be great to “get away
civilians killed or injured in six countries. Learn more at                 from it all”? One might think that this is what Saint Rose of Lima
Humanitarian Day and ask yourself how you can help contribute to a          did when she became practically a recluse in her parents’ house. She
more humane world today and every day.                                      dedicated her life to solitude and a profound sense of solidarity with
     TODAY'S READINGS: Judges 2:11-10; Matthew 19:16-22 (419).              Jesus the Christ, especially the Suffering Christ. Yet within this
                                                                            calling, Rose found a spaciousness within herself to open a nearby
                                                                            room in the house to care for people in need. How do you experience
                  Tuesday, August 20, 2019                                  this sacred dynamic of contemplative quiet and compassionate care?
               MEMORIAL OF BERNARD, ABBOT,                                        TODAY'S READINGS: Ruth 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22;
                 DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH                                             Matthew 22:34-40 (423).
                    Saintly? It’s complicated
Bernard of Clairvaux was a brilliant and charismatic leader of the
Cistercian monastic reform that encouraged a return to the original                            Saturday, August 24, 2019
Benedictine life of prayer and manual labor. At the same time he                          FEAST OF BARTHOLOMEW, APOSTLE
was friend and mentor to powerful church leaders and was drawn                                        Caught up in prayer
into the geopolitical struggles embodied in the Crusades. How to            If you met Jesus face-to-face and he saw right through you—straight
reconcile the image of the prayerful monk with that of spiritual            into your soul—and told you exactly what you had been doing
cheerleader to a militant army of Crusaders? Church history is filled       before meeting him, what would he see and what would he say?
with contradictions—as is each one of us. We have the simple                Would he judge that you were honest and good? That you had spent
contemplative and the militant crusader living in our own heart.            the prior moment in prayer? That’s what happened to the Apostle
Which one shall we nurture?                                                 Bartholomew upon being introduced to Jesus. Let’s always be ready
     TODAY'S READINGS: Judges 6:11-24a; Matthew 19:23-30 (420).             to be “caught in the act” of communing with God, with a pure heart,
                                                                            recognizing our King when he greets us.
                                                                                  TODAY'S READINGS: Revelation 21:9b-14; John 1:45-51 (629).
                Wednesday, August 21, 2019
                  MEMORIAL OF PIUS X, POPE
                  Be a warm-hearted believer
Pope Pius X pastored the universal church from 1903 to 1914, a
tumultuous period in world history, which saw traditional ways of
life giving way, whether in the natural sciences, politics, or
economic life, to new ways of thinking, organizing, believing.
Though most commonly remembered as a staunch traditionalist and
“anti-modernist,” Pius should also be remembered for his simple,              Free daily email and app available online at

Saint Edna - St. Edna Catholic Church
Faith Formation Commission                              

Our Faith Formation
Commission fosters
the life-long growth,
of all, in the Catholic        Special Religious Development—SPRED
                           Mission: The mission of the St. Edna SPRED Pr ogr am is to
                             share the Word and the Love of God with people who have
                             developmental disabilities.
                           Age Group: the SPRED Pr ogr am at St. Edna minister s to
                             children ages 6-10.
                           Meeting: SPRED meets monthly on Satur day mor ning fr om 9:30-11:15.
Heather Daudelin             If you have a child with special challenges who would benefit from the
Members:                     SPRED Program, please contact the Office at 847-398-3362.
Steve Jabek
Cynthia Jochum               Volunteers are also needed. Special training is provided through the
Tom O’Neill                  Archdiocese of Chicago.
Katie Pisello
Camille Ponski
                             If interested please contact the Parish office at 847-398-3362.
Michelle Stuercke
Ann Marie Thomas

                                  The Book of Deuteronomy
Dates and Times:
Monday’s           7-8:30pm Sept. 9, 16, 23, 30, Oct. 7 and 14
Wednesday’s        7-8:30pm Sept. 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 9 and 16
Friday’s          10-11:30am Sept. 13, 20, 27, Oct. 4, 11 and 18
Facilitator:      Lorie Crepeau
Cost: $10.00/person for book and materials. Make checks payable to St. Edna Parish
Registration deadline: August 26th. Books are now available in the Parish Office.

                                              Registration Form

     Name: ___________________________________________________________
     Phone: ______________________                E-mail: ____________________________

     I will be attending: Monday’s _____ Wednesday’s _____                      Friday’s _____

     Please return registration form and payment to the Parish Office by August 26th.

  10                                                 August 18, 2019
Faith Formation Commission                               

     Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
What is RCIA?
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a process by which adults are fully
initiated into the Catholic Church. It primarily focuses on: Faith Development (rather
than mastery of doctrine) and maturing in one’s relationship with God and Building and
Nourishing, not only among the participants and leaders but within the parish
community and the universal Church.

Who is RCIA for?
RCIA is for any adult (18+ and out of high school) would like to be baptized Catholic, or become a Catholic
after having been baptized in another Christian tradition. It is also for adults who were baptized as Catholics,
but have not completed the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation.
What is involved in the RCIA process?
Our group meets September through Pentecost (May/June). There are four stages involved in the process.
   Inquiry - We begin to explore such areas as: What is Faith? Who is God and why does God care
   about me? What are the roles of Mary and the pope? Why are there statues in the Catholic churches?
   And more.
   Catechumenate - Marked by the Rite of Acceptance this period of study reflects on so things as:
   Catholic beliefs, prayer, participating in community worship, social events and charitable activities,
   and the apostolic life of the Church. We will also begin breaking open the Word each Sunday.
   Period of Enlightenment - Marked by the Rite of Enrollment this period focuses on the
   Sacraments, deeper prayer experiences, Lent and the scrutinies which are celebrated during the
   Sunday liturgies. The scrutinies focus on healing, conversion and reconciliation.
    Mystagogy - this is the time after Easter up to Pentecost that focuses on a deeper experience of
   prayer, understanding God’s word and the sacraments, social justice issues, ministry in the parish.
If you or someone you know has expressed an interest in joining the Catholic Church our first
INQUIRY NIGHT will be Tuesday, September 3rd at 7:00pm in the Community Room.
For further information or to RSVP to Inquiry Night contact Lorie Crepeau at

        We NEED YOU ! !                                   Grandparents’ Prayer Time
 Religious Education is looking for               All Grandparents are welcome to gather in the Hurley
 people like you to help teach the faith to           Center for prayerful support for your families:
 the youth of St. Edna for fall classes. No
                                                              Tuesday mornings 8:30-9:00
 experience is necessary and training is
 For more details, Please contact Heather                      TRANSFORMATIONS
 Daudelin,     Director   of    Religious      Join the open discussion, every Tuesday morning at 9:15am in
 Education, at:                                Room D of the Hurley Center, to discuss the readings for the or                 following weekend.
           847-398-3362 x307                   It brings us together in prayer and friendship, renews us
                                               spiritually, and brings the Word of God into our everyday lives.
                Thank you.
                                               Please note this year we will continue to meet over the summer.

Faith Formation Commission           

                           Confirmation Preparation News
            Registration for Confirmation is on-going for those young people who
            will be in 8th grade this fall. Classes start on Sunday, August 25 at 4 PM.
            While we are accepting registrations now, there is a need for catechists to
            teach these classes!
            If this is something you are interested in as a way to share your faith and
            help our young people grow in theirs, contact Nancy Holpuch at the
            Parish office or email her at

12                                August 18, 2019
Parish Life Commission                                                

                               Please Join Us
                                                                                                              Parish Life
                                                                                                      Commission fosters
                                                                                                         a sense of parish
Are you looking to connect with other families from St. Edna?                                         unity by organizing
                                                                                                     and welcoming all to
Christian Family Movement (‘CFM’) is for You!                                                        community-building
Our Kick-off Picnic is Sunday, August 25, 2019 at
2:00pm . . . We will be gathering at Jim and Rose
Fagan’s house for the afternoon.
Please contact Jan or Bob O’Brien at (847) 359-1330
for more information !

                          We Hope to See You There!
                                                                                                             Sue Jackson
                                                                                                            Kathy Romza
                                            St. Edna Sunday Bowling League                                     Members:
                                                 is Looking for Bowlers                                     Sandy Bialek
                                                                                                              Dawn Finn
                                  Both men and women of all ages and skill abilities enjoy                 Kathie Galvani
                                  playing every other Sunday evening at 6:00pm at                         Nancy Holpuch
                                  Arlington Heights Lanes, starting September 8.                            Karen Janisch
                                  A new team of 2, 3 or 4 can play together plus we have                  Jackie Lapetino
                                  room for new individuals. Families, friends, couples,                     Lori Pinikidis
                                                                                                         Denise Swanson
                                  singles. No pressure, just fun bowling. All are welcome.            JoAnn Tennenbaum
                                               Call Don Quant 847-705-7654.                              Theresa Watkins

                             Stewardship Bulletin Reflection
                      August 18, 2019 — Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                JER 38:4-6, 8-10; PS 40:2-4,18; HEB 12:1-4; LK 12:49-53

Today’s readings set a high bar for us Christian stewards, reminding us that a stewardship way of life is meant be a
challenging way of life.
In the second reading, from the Letter to the Hebrews, we are told to live as Christ lived. And how did Christ live? “For
the sake of the joy that lay before Him He endured the cross.” If we are tempted to complain about the sufferings we
must endure in living as Christ’s disciples, we are told, “In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the
point of shedding blood.” In other words, “If you’re not bleeding, what are you complaining about?” That is quite a high
The Gospel reading from Luke continues this challenging theme. Our Lord tells His disciples “I have come to set the
earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing.” A couple of verses later Jesus adds, “Do you think that I have
come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.”
Jesus’s life on this earth and the message He brought were not meant to simply make us feel good. In fact, His words
can make us downright uncomfortable at times. That’s because His Good News (and it is indeed good news!) Is meant
to change us, to make saints of us.
The stewardship way of life sets a high bar indeed. But deeply embraced, this way of life focused on God and others
will make us the saints we are called to be.

Parish Life Commission                                   

              MARK YOUR CALENDARS ! ! ! !
                      St. Edna’s Craft and Vendor Fair
                            (Raffle & Bake Sale)
                           Saturday, October 19, 2019
                            Sunday, October 20, 2019
                               9:00am to 3:00pm
                      Located in the New Parish Center
                         Free Parking - Free Entry
                                                             For More Information:
                             / 630-878-7627

                         Help Wanted For the Craft Fair
                              October 19 and 20
          Various times available from 7 am until 3 pm. You don’t have to work
            all day just two hour increments OR whatever time you can spare.
                                Any help is much appreciated.
         We need raffle ticket sellers, floor assistants, hall monitors, to name a few.
             We can also use some muscle at the 7 AM shift on Saturday and
                                  the 3 PM shift on Sunday.
               Anyone helping will get a free raffle ticket for their choice of
                       a craft item or a free drink or a free food item.
                          Email Diane at
                            to sign up or for further information,
                           or call Kathy Romza at 847-253-1859.

 14                                        August 18, 2019
Parish Life Commission                                        

                                                           We’re NOT a bible study group, but yes, we
                                                           do discuss biblical verses and teachings….

                                                             We’re NOT a family counseling group, but
                                                               we often share our experiences and
                                                                 perspectives on issues affecting
                                                                         our families…

                                                             We’re NOT a social group, but certainly
                                                               Socialize and have a great time….

                                                              We’re NOT a wine or beer tasting club,
                                                              but we often take advantage of our time
                                                                Together to throw back a cocktail ..
                                                                             Or two…

                                                           We’re NOT a charity, but we do coordinate
                                                           and participate in several service activities
    What is Christian Family Movement                                 throughout the year...
Christian Family Movement is a network of parish
families, in various stages of life, who meet to discuss
issues of relevance to today’s Christian families.
Groups discuss a different issue each month intended
to help gain a better understanding of our faith and
how it affects our lives and our families. Members
can participate to their level of comfort, whether they        CFM is the heart of St. Edna
actively join the discussion or simply listen to other’s
perspectives on topics.                                         parish. We hope your will
               When does CFM meet?                                 consider joining us!
CFM at St. Edna begins in September each year and
continues through June. Members of CFM are
assigned to a small groups of 8 - 10 couples or
individuals who meet the second Friday of each
                                                                      Kindly contact:
month in the Hurley Center or group member’s                       Jan or Bob O’Brien
homes.      Small group discussion are typically
bookended by a social time with snacks and              
refreshments. New families are able to join through             by Thursday, August 22nd
out the year but we encourage joining us beginning in

Parish Life Commission                                     

            The Wednesday Afternoon Mixed Bowling League
                                    New bowlers welcome!
  We bowl Wednesdays 12:30 PM (weekly), done by 3pm (or before), August 28th through April 2020
                  Where: Arlington Heights Bowling Lanes (Dundee & Kennicott)
               Fees: $11.00 per week, which includes Prize Moneys & a nice Banquet
      The league is men & women of all ages! Join the Fun. Bring friends, family & neighbors!
                            For more information or to sign up, contact
                                  Linda Ekberg 847-398-1059 or
                                     Ann Berry 847-398-6885

             If you are new to our parish, and you are interested in becoming a member of
                    St. Edna Parish, please join us today in the Community Room.
                                      August 18, 2019 at 10:30am
                                       (after the 9:30am Mass)
                   For an opportunity to meet some of your fellow parishioners and
                             to learn more about our St. Edna Community.
                               Registration will take place at this time.
                              We Look Forward To Meeting You!
                                Our next welcoming session is Sunday:
                                  September 15, 2019 at 10:30am
                                      (after the 9:30am Mass)

 16                                           August 18, 2019
Parish Administration
                                                                                        Pastoral Council
           ST. EDNA FINANCE COUNCIL                                                          Co-Chairs:
                                                                                           Kathie Galvani
                                                                                             Steve Jabek
   “Parish Finance Councils assist the Pastor in the administration of parish
   temporal matters…and support the Pastor in his stewardship of parish                        Members:
                                                                                            Justin Abbink
   resources while being accountable to the parish and the diocesan bishop. An              Travis Beeber
   active, well-formed Parish Finance Council is a key element for promoting the            Phil Blomeke
   financial health of a parish, assuring accountability and assisting the pastor      Dominic Fernandes
   with his temporal responsibilities.” (Archdiocese of Chicago)                          Sharon Gaughan
                                                                                              Ajith Joseph
Do you have an interest in sharing your talent & time in the ministry of parish        Stacey Kelly (Rec.)
                                                                                          Emily Kopetsky
finances? Do you work well in a collaborative environment? There are                           Anne Mura
opportunities for registered, active parishioners to serve on the Parish Finance             Tom O’Neill
Council. Both women and men ar e invited to submit their name for a                    Alannah Rodrigues
                                                                                                Ella Salm
three-year term which begins January 2020.                                               Jeannie Williams
                                                                                      Deacon Joe Yannotta
Meetings are held the fourth Monday of each month at 7:00pm.
For more information, contact the Parish Business Manager:                              Finance Council
      Pat Freeman, at 847-398-3362, x338.                                                     John Pelican
                                                                                              Wayne Fritz
                                     ALMS                                                      Jim Perkins
    Our Alms for August 18 will benefit St. Edna Community Table.                   Theresa Stoklosa (Rec.)
                                                                                             Jim Williams
  Our alms for next week will benefit N.W. Regional Catholic Charities.
                     Thank you for your generosity!

Human Concerns Commission                                     

         Human                Basic Training for New Ministers of Care (Fall 2019 )
   Commission       This program is designed for persons to be commissioned and mandated
    will witness,   as Ministers of Care, in their respective parishes, to visit and/or take the
    support, and    Eucharist to those who are hospitalized, in nursing homes or confined to
 promote efforts
  in all areas of   private homes. Full participation in all sessions will fulfill Archdiocesan
Ministry of Care    requirements for mandating. No walk-ins can be accepted.
      and Social
     Outreach to
further Christ’s    When:          Sat. Sept 21 and Sept 28, 2019 Attendance on both Saturdays is required
mission to serve    Location:      St. John the Evangelist Parish Center - 502 S Park Blvd,
    one another.
                                   Streamwood, IL 60107
    Co-chairs                      (Park Blvd is approximately a mile west of Barrington Road)
Diane Yannotta Gathering:          8:30 A.M. Each Saturday. Personal will be there to direct you to
 Phil Blomeke                      the sessions.
     Members        Reservations: You MUST contact the Ministry of Care Coordinator at your parish prior
   Bob Amend
  Paquita Bares                     to registering for this workshop at
    Bob Rokos       Questions? Deacon Joe Yannotta at or
 Mark Rymsza
 Karen Korabik      Please bring your own brown bag lunch each Saturday, coffee and water will be provided.
  Evelyn Getty      Also bring a note pad and pen to take any personal notes you wish to make.
  Joe Yannotta
 Tarry Hoskins
Emily Kopetsky

 18                                                     August 18, 2019
Human Concerns Commission                      


                                        The Women’s Center of greater Chicago appreciates
                                        the spare change that was received from the baby
                                        bottle campaign last Spring. St. Edna families and
                                        individuals generosity totaled $6,200.
                                        The members of Respect Life ministry give thanks to
                                        each person who demonstrated their voice for LIFE.
                                        More information on Respect Life Events may be

              Outreach Ministry Report for the months of July, 2019

187 clients were served during this period.                                              June
                                               Service                    July Totals
81 were experiencing homelessness.
                                               Number of clients served      187          160
                                               Jewel / Aldi Cards          $1,465        $1,455
The total amount of assistance given during
this time period was $9,975.10. Here is the    Speedway Cards               $695          $600
breakdown of assistance and how the            McDonalds Cards              $370          $330
5 weeks in July compares to the four week      Community Threads /
                                                                             $60          $70
period in June.                                Walmart / Target Cards
                                               Ventra/Pace Cards           $108.10      $101.20
We could not help the vulnerable in our        Food Pantry (est. value)    $3,503        $2,435
community without your continued support.      Rent/Utilities/Auto
                                                                           $3,774        $2,140
Thank you for your generosity.                 Repairs
                                               Totals                     $9,975.10     $7,131.20
We are always looking for compassionate people to serve as outreach ministers. We currently
have 4 teams. As a minister, you would serve one three-hour shift every four weeks. Training
is provided. For those who work fulltime, we currently have a need for someone to serve on
Saturdays. If you are interested in serving as an outreach minister, let me know.
                Please continue to pray for those less fortunate than ourselves.
                    Bill Clark, President St. Edna Outreach. 847-772-2578

Just for Kids

                             Children’s Stewardship Corner
                                        August 11, 2019
                         The children gave thanks to God for the
                                   blessings in their lives by
                        * Helping Mom and Dad.
                      In addition to their good deeds, the children donated
                      $10.00 to St. Edna Parish. May God continue to bless
                      each of you.
                              I feel good when I thank God!

20              August 18, 2019
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000555 St Edna Church (A)                                                                                                                                                                        For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
St. Edna Catholic Church
2525 N. Arlington Heights Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60004

                                      The Staff of St. Edna
Rev. Darrio Boscutti       Pastor                               

Permanent Deacon Couples
Greg Beeber & Debbie       For Baptismal Preparation Information  
Jim Pauwels & Therese      For Outreach Ministry                 
Joe Yannotta & Diane       For Ministry of Care                 

Pastoral Associate
Lorie Crepeau              Adult Faith Formation, RCIA—x325      

Faith Formation
Heather Daudelin           Director of Religious Education K-7—x307
Nancy Holpuch              Director of Youth Ministry—x341       

Gary Daigle                Director of Music & Liturgy—x322       
Allison Blomeke            Children’s Choir Director—x342       

Human Concerns
Deacon Jim Pauwels         Outreach Ministry                     
Deacon Joe Yannotta        Ministry of Care & Bereavement Ministers

Parish Operations
Pat Freeman                Parish Manager—x338                  
Laura Kniskern             Operations Manager—x305               
Helene McNicholas          Bookkeeper—x310                    
Frank Starshak             Communications Director—x321     
Tom Walters                Maintenance Engineer—x317               

                            St. Edna Catholic Church
                               847-394-5226 (fax)
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