St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL

Page created by Joyce Floyd
St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
St. Thomas of Villanova
A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Parish Information
                                                                                  PARISH OFFICE
             MASS SCHEDULE
                                                                  1201 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074
   Visit for registra on.
                                                            Phone: 847-358-6999; Fax: 847-934-4919;
           By appointment only.                                                  Parish Office Hours:
                                                                            CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
                                                         Rev. Kris Janczak, Pastor              
                                                         Rev. Marcin Zasada, Associate Pastor   
NEW PARISHIONERS: All are welcome!                       Deacon John Breit, Business Manager    
Visit our website to download               Deacon Tom Dunne, Minister of Care     
our registra on form or call the Parish Office             Jeff Walczynski, High School Youth Dir. 
for more informa on about our Parish.                    Jeanne Slatkay, Music Director         
                                                         Suzie Walczynski, Bulle n Editor/Outreach
BAPTISM: Visit our website                  Sheila O’Shea, Admin. Assistant        
to fill out a request form for a bap sm or call
the Parish Office for more informa on.
                                                         Ann Duffey, Admin. Assistant            

MARRIAGE: Arrangements for the                                                      STV SCHOOL
celebra on of marriage should be made at                             1141 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074
least six (6) months prior to your planned                  Phone: 847-358-2110; FAX: 847-776-1435;
wedding date. Call Deacon Tom Dunne for
more informa on.                                 Mary Brinkman, Principal                       
                                                 Stephanie Hardy, Assistant Principal           
BECOMING A CATHOLIC: Our RCIA (Rite              Alice Scardina, Admin. Assistant               
of Chris an Ini a on of Adults) Process is for
adults who were never bap zed in any faith,                                 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
who were bap zed in another Chris an faith                               1141 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074
but wish to become Catholic or who were
                                                                          Phone: 847-358-2386;
bap zed Catholics but never received the
Sacraments of Confirma on and Eucharist.          Owen Walsh, Religious Ed Director              
Contact the Parish Office for more info.
                                                 Lisa Lechowicz, Religious Ed Asst. Director    
COMMUNION FOR HOMEBOUND:                                  __________________________________________________
No ministers are allowed to bring communion
to the homebound at this me.
                                                                     Priests                                  Pastoral Council
Parish Office to add your name to the sick list.             Rev. Kris Janczak, Pastor                     Pam Maloney, Co-Chairperson
Due to pa ent privacy (HIPAA Law,) only the           Rev. Marcin Zasada, Assoc. Pastor                   Barb Howell, Co-Chairperson
ailing person, or in case of their incapacita-       Msgr. John Canary, Weekend Assoc.                        Deacon John Breit
 on, the person delegated for the medical            Rev. Tom Rzepiela, Pastor Emeritus                         Lexine Cramm
care, can add their name to the sick list.            Rev. Ray Yadron, Pastor Emeritus                           Ann Johnson
                                                                                                              Norbert Krogstad
PRAYERS FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL:                             Permanent Deacons                                   Steve Lundell
Contact the Parish Office to add a name of                      Deacon John Breit                                   Gay Sladky
someone serving in the military, so our faith                                                                Rev. Marcin Zasada
                                                             Deacon Mark Duffey
community can pray for their safety and
service.                                                     Deacon Tom Dunne
                                                            Deacon Bill Karstenson
FUNERALS: Please contact our Parish Office                    Deacon Len Marturano
for more informa on to plan a funeral service.                Deacon Rich Willer

                                                 Bulle n deadlines: Ar cles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publica on date.

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
STV Reopening

     All who wish to a end Weekend Mass will be required to sign-up.
                           NO WALK-INS, PLEASE!
Signup to a end weekend Mass will open on Thursday mornings at
9:00am. Look for a Flocknote with the link to signup for Mass or signup on
our website:—under the Reopening tab.
• Each individual person wishing to a end Mass must be registered.
• If you (or if you know someone) are not able to register online due to a                We are aware of the concern with the
                                                                                          rising cases of COVID-19, especially in
    lack of computer / internet access, please call the parish at 847-358-6999.
                                                                                          the following states that are currently
    Someone will get back to you and help you register, if spots are available.           on a quaran ne list for our area.
• Pre-Mass registra on is needed for contact tracing if someone gets sick.
    A endance records will be destroyed every 14 days.                                       Alabama              Mississippi
                                                                                             Arkansas             Missouri
• Seats will be sani zed before each Mass.
                                                                                             Arizona              Nevada
• Masks must be worn and social distancing will be observed at all mes in
                                                                                             California           North Carolina
    the Church and building.                                                                 Florida              North Dakota
 NOTE: While we are excited to resume public Mass, the Archdiocesan dispensa on              Georgia              Oklahoma
 for Spiritual Communion remains. There is no Sunday Mass a endance requirement              Idaho                Puerto Rico
 at this me. If you feel sick, State and Archdiocese guidelines ask that you remain at       Iowa                 South Carolina
 home. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, please do not feel an obliga on to join          Kansas               Tennessee
 us physically in the church. If you are considered part of the 'vulnerable popula on',      Louisiana            Texas
 we welcome you to join us IF you are comfortable to do so. We desire to be reunited
 with you, but we understand the seriousness of COVID-19.                                 Note: These states change each Tuesday. Please
                                                                                          look online for the most up-to-date list.

WEEKDAY MASS                                                                              We ask that if you have traveled for
Every Tuesday & Thursday - 8:00am                                                         more than 24 hours in these states,
Come celebrate Mass and receive the Eucharist with us! No pre-registra on                 please refrain from a ending any
                                                                                          liturgies at St. Thomas of Villanova for
is required for weekday Mass. However, you will need to sign in upon arrival.
                                                                                          14 days out of cau on and compassion
PLEASE arrive early to allow enough me. Doors will open at 7:40am. The                    for your fellow parishioners.
doors will be closed once Mass begins, so please don't be late.
                                                                                          We want to reiterate that we con nue
ADORATION                                                                                 to do all that we can to follow the
Join us each Wednesday from 6pm - 7pm in church for silent prayer before                  guidelines provided by the Archdiocese
                                                                                          of Chicago to keep you as healthy as we
the Holy Eucharist. Just like daily Mass, no pre-registra on will be required.
                                                                                          can when you come to St. Thomas of
However, you will need to sign-in when you arrive. You are invited to come                Villanova to worship. Adhering to these
pray for the en re hour or just a li le while - whatever fits your schedule.               prac ces has been extremely helpful
                                                                                          thus far. We have worked so hard to
OTHER SERVICES                                                                            make our Church a safe place to pray in
Reconcilia on is available by appointment only. Leave a voicemail message                 the midst of this pandemic.
at the Parish Office - 847-358-6999 and one of the priests will return your
                                                                                          Remember, too, that the Archdiocesan
call. We con nue to celebrate Bap sms, wedding and funeral Masses.                        dispensa on for Spiritual Communion
                                                                                          remains. There is no Sunday Mass
MASS INTENTIONS                                                                           a endance requirement at this me.
If you would like to have a Mass celebrated in honor or memory of someone,
please either call 847-358-6999 or email Dona ons                    Together, let us pray for a swi end to
                                                                                          the coronavirus pandemic that afflicts
can be mailed to our Parish (1201 E. Anderson Dr, Pala ne, IL 60074) or
                                                                                          our world, that our God and Father will
dropped in the offertory box, if you a end Mass. If you are reques ng a                    heal the sick, strengthen those who care
par cular date, please contact us at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the               for them, and help us all to persevere in
inten on. Thank you.                                                                      faith. Amen.

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Parish News
                                        SPIRITUAL COMMUNION
                                         Televised or live-streamed, online Mass viewing is an opportunity for you to remain
    Please visit our                     connected to the Sacrifice of the Mass during this difficult me. Here are some
                                         resources for you:
       website:                          ♦—Find many forms to listen and watch relevant Catholic
                                            prayer including Sunday Mass from Holy Name Cathedral. Radio, TV, YouTube
 WWW.STOV.ORG                               and more are all available from this Archdiocesan link.
                                         ♦ Mercy Home—h ps://, which is televised
     for reopening                          across Chicagoland and available online.
                                         ♦ EWTN – is the Global Catholic Network sta on. Along with daily
   informa on and                           Mass, the site provides many other resources for daily prayer and reflec on.
                                         ♦ Relevant Radio – Daily Mass at noon broadcasted live on WKBM (930AM) &
    registra on for                         WNTD (950 AM), on the Relevant Radio® app, at, and on the
                                            Father Rocky Facebook page. (Rebroadcast each evening at 7:30pm. )
    Mass and other                       ♦ Marytown – Libertyville - Chapel Live Stream with Mass on Sunday at 9:00am
                                            and Mon-Sat at 12:00 PM -
        services.                        Prayer for Spiritual Communion: My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the
  __________________________             Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my
                                         soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least
                                         spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite
                                         myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

                                        VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
                                        The number of Masses and other services we can offer and the number of people
                                        allowed in church will be directly ed to how many volunteers will be available to
         Like us on                     set-up, greet/usher and clean-up before and a er each service. To volunteer or
                                        receive more informa on about volunteering, email:
      Saint Thomas of                   Set-up team: Volunteers will ensure that: all supplies needed for each sacramental
  Villanova Parish- STOV                celebra on/gathering are ready for use, entrances and exits are marked and propped
                                        physically open prior to a endees’ arrival/departure, windows are opened,
  __________________________            restrooms are stocked and managed. They will ensure hand sani zer is available and
                                        that pews are marked off according to social distancing guidelines. 18 years or older.
      Thank you to our                  Gree ng team: Greeters will assist in managing the flow of congregants as they enter
     Bulle n Adver sers!                the church, par cipate in the liturgy/sacrament, and exit the church. Team members
We so appreciate your support which     will combine some of the func ons of an usher, such as direc ng par cipants to ap-
 allows us to provide this important    propriate sea ng/wai ng areas, but will include addi onal responsibili es, including,
  channel of communica on to our        making sure a endees use hand sani zer upon entering, are wearing a mask, and are
                                        reminded not to enter if ill. Given the circumstances, greeters will need to be tac ul
            Parish Family.
                                        and firm paying careful a en on to all people on-site. Must be 18 -65 years old.
To our Parish Family: Please look on    Cleaning team: These volunteers will help maintain and clean essen al and trafficked
the last pages of our bulle n for our   areas of the church before and a er the church has been used. Masks and gloves will
 adver sers and support them with       be provided, if necessary, in addi on to approved cleaning/disinfec ng supplies.
 your patronage, which they surely      Parishes need to develop appropriate schedules and verifica on methods to ensure
    need in these difficult mes.          cleaning occurs at the proper mes rela ve to when congregants arrive and leave the
                                        building. 18 years or older. Note: High schoolers allowed with permission of parents.

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Parish News

                                  CONGRATULATIONS, DEACON ANDY!
                                        Last Sunday, Deacon Andy celebrated his first Mass with our St. Thomas of
                                        Villanova Parish Family. It was a wonderful day of celebra on and joy. Thank
                                        you, Deacon Andy for sharing this day and your inspiring words of God's love for
                                        all. We con nue to ask God for His blessings on Andy and all those who are
                                        being called to Priesthood.

                                        Many who could not a end asked to watch his first Mass or read a copy of his
                                        homily. We are happy to be able to provide both!

                                        You can visit our website: for quick links to the Mass and Homily.

                                        Or, follow this link to watch Andy's first Mass:

                                       Here are a few excerpts from Deacon Andy's homily:

"As the woman responds, “Please, Lord, for even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from the table of their masters.”
And Jesus said, “O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish,” we see that the metaphorical table
of the Lord’s goodness has room for the outcast. Jesus came to seek the lost of the house of Israel, and yet, he saves
this outcast woman’s daughter. He shows us that there is more to be given, that his saving works through his passion,
death, resurrec on and ascension are available for all people. The scraps from this table of the Lord were enough to
heal the woman’s daughter who was tormented by a demon! Imagine what grace comes from being at the table and
ea ng the full meal! Some mes, as in the case of Friday night pizza, the pizza crust, the scraps of the table, are the best
part of the meal."

" As we approach this altar in a few moments, whether we are frequent Mass goers or not, whether we have been
faithful to our call of Chris an discipleship or not, whether we have always had a place or just recently have been
invited to the table, may we believe that here in this place, we all have a place at the table. That here in this place,
people of all backgrounds and upbringings gather as one unified body, and praise God for his blessings that we
undeservedly receive. That here in this place, everyone gets a piece of the feast. "

       Deacon Andy with his parents, Beth and Mike                         Deacon Andy assisting Fr. Kris at Mass

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Parish News

                                      GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS
OUR NEW EMAIL SYSTEM                  The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass that was scheduled
                                      to be celebrated on Sunday, September 13, 2020, will need
                                      to be cancelled to be er ensure the health and safety of all involved during
                                      this COVID-19 pandemic. The Archdiocese truly regrets the cancella on of
                                      this celebra on, as the commitment of 50 years of marriage is not only a
                                      significant and hear elt milestone for you and your families, but for us as a

                                      While it is not possible for an in person celebra on this year, we cannot over-
                                      look the deep need to honor you in your commitment to the Sacrament of
     We     having you as part        Marriage. It would be greatly appreciated if you could register at: h ps://
            of our flock!     or call the Parish Office or
                                      email for us to register you for a very special message
        Get connected with            from the Cardinal and his office.
      St. Thomas of Villanova!
                                      It is our hope to be able to celebrate our 2020 Jubilarians during the 2021
Want the latest news from St.         Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass. More informa on on this celebra on will
Thomas of Villanova? Looking for      be provided as it becomes available.
the link to register for Masses?
Signup for Flocknotes! It's our way
to stay connected during these
constantly changing mes.

Flocknote - Because we're sending a
NOTE to our FLOCK!

  Sign-up online at:

Signed-up but haven't received a
Flocknote?                                       Monday, September 28, 2020
                                          The Club at Wynstone, North Barrington, IL
1. First, check your SPAM! Some
                                                •    Registra on begins at 10:30 a.m.
   Flocknote emails have been sent
                                                •    Hot off the grill lunch begins at 10:45 a.m.
   to SPAM accounts accidentally.
                                                •    Shot-gun start is at 12:00 p.m.
2. Be sure to add
                                                •    Cocktails/Appe zers about 5:30 p.m. to your
                                                •    Dinner and Awards
   email address contact list.
                                               For info: or contact Diana Olson
3. Email and
                                                 at 847-358-5700 or dvpala ne@li lesisterso
   someone on staff will help you to
   fix the problem.                               Thank you for your support of the Little Sisters of the Poor and
                                              elderly Residents at St. Joseph's Home for the Elderly in Palatine, IL.

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
STV Scripture Study

                        FALL 2020
            St. Thomas of Villanova is pleased to be able to offer the following Scripture study classes
        virtually via Zoom mee ngs. Check our website: for easy links to all these classes.

                                                   FRIDAY MORNINGS
          JESUS: THE WAY,                          Beginning September 25, 2020 from 9:30 un l 11:30 a.m.
      THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE                      Register for the Friday class and purchase the materials
                                                   online through Ascension Press, at: h ps://
              A 10-Week Study             ons/new.

                                                   TUESDAY EVENINGS
                                                   Beginning September 29, 2020 from 7:00 un l 9:00 p.m.
                                                   Register for the Tuesday class and purchase the materials
                                                   online through Ascension Press at: h ps://

                                                   $29.95/ per person + tax and shipping*

                                                   *Par cipants should purchase one STUDY SET, which
                                                   includes a workbook, a so cover text, meline chart and
                                                   one group study credit for online video streaming.

     MARY: A BIBLICAL WALK                         SATURDAY MORNINGS
                                                   Beginning September 26, 2020 from 8:45 un l 10:45 a.m.
    WITH THE BLESSED MOTHER                        Register for the Saturday class and purchase the materials
               An 8-week study                     online through Ascension Press at: h ps://

                                                   $24.95/ per person + tax and shipping**

                                                   ** Par cipants should purchase one STUDY SET, which
                                                   includes a workbook and one group study credit for online
                                                   video streaming.

TO REGISTER: Since these studies are virtual, par cipants will register and purchase materials online. By clicking
on the appropriate class link, you will automa cally be registered when you purchase your study materi-
als. Par cipants will receive an email invita on to Zoom in mid-September.

                          Are you new to Zoom? No problem, we’ll help you get started!
                             Contact Nancy Hulsebosch at

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
STV School News


From the Desk of the Principal…

Back to school! We are off to a wonderful and fresh start. We opened our doors for students Monday, August 17 a er
gaining cer fica on for our reopening plan from the Archdiocese. Many people worked long and hard to make this
possible, and we are so grateful for their commitment to our school!

Many parishioners have been curious about our reopening. To answer a few ques ons: We increased our enrollment
to slightly over 200 students due to many factors. Families followed our website and social media and were so
impressed with our eLearning curriculum that they enrolled at our school. As we begin this unique school year, we do
have bus service, plus our before/a er school care is available. All co-curricular and a er school ac vi es are currently
suspended with the excep on of cross-country. All in person events and gatherings are currently suspended, too. For
those who prefer, we are offering remote learning by our own STV school teachers for trimester intervals.

We are blessed to have hired Alice Scardina as our new administra ve assistant. Mrs. Scardina has vast experience as a
school secretary, and comes to us from St. Cole e. Best of luck to Alex our former administra ve assistant, who le to
complete her degree! We have one new teacher at St. Thomas. Mr. Jason Wheeler is our 8th grade homeroom
teacher. He is teaching social studies, math, and religion. We are s ll looking for a part- me librarian.

On Wednesday, we had our first prayer service for all our students. Thank you, Mrs. Liquin, for including all the faculty
and staff in this prayer, which every classroom got to watch and pray along. All our students enjoyed mee ng new
friends, while prac cing our social distancing protocol.

Looking forward to an amazing year!
Mary Brinkman

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
     Date      Weekend             On-Line       Weekly           Over / Under
               Collec on           Giving         Total       Budget: $19,230.00

  Aug 2        $ 21,841.00     $ 3,883.50       $ 25,724.50        $ 6,494.50
  Aug 9        $16,384.00      $ 4,231.00       $ 20,615.00        $ 1,385.00            ON-LINE GIVING
  Aug 16       $ 12,682.00     $ 5,436.00       $ 18,118.00        ($ 1,112.00)    GiveCentral online giving is a
  Aug 23                                                                           convenient way for St. Thomas of
  Aug 30                                                                           Villanova to receive your Sunday
                                                                                   Sacrificial Giving (SSG) support, as
                         YTD Totals                                                well as other giving opportuni es.
                                                                                   It is a secure online system with
                      YTD Budget             $ 134,610.00
                                                                                   payment op ons from direct debit
                      YTD Actual             $ 136,644.21                          (ACH) to all major credit cards: Visa,
                                                                                   MasterCard, American Express and
                      Over / (Under)          $ 2,034.21

                                                                                   You can donate to these funds:
                                                                                    • Sunday Giving
SACRIFICIAL GIVING DURING OUR REOPENING                                             • Sharing / Ministry of Care

                                                                                    • “To Teach Who Christ Is”
                                                                                    • Peter's Pence Collec on
Our weekend collec ons are vital to provide the income which pays our
                                                                                    • Seminary Collec on
Parish Family’s opera onal expenses and the salaries of our STV staff. We
definitely need and appreciate your sacrificial offerings. Ways to contribute:
                                                                                   How to sign up:
   1. If you a end Mass, place your dona on in the offertory box located            1. Go to
      by the choir area door as you exit.                                          2. Click “FIND YOUR CHARITY”
                                                                                   3. Type St. Thomas of Villanova in
   2. Sign up online using GiveCentral. Informa on and direc ons on
                                                                                      the search box and click on our
      how-to sign up are provided on this page.
                                                                                      picture when it appears.
   3. Use the Archdiocese of Chicago Universal Offertory Program online.            4. Choose a fund to which you
      Visit our website: and click on the GIVING PAGE to find             would like to donate, entering
      this link. If you do choose to donate through this universal program,           the frequency, date range and
      please be sure to select "St. Thomas of Villanova" to credit your gi .          dollar amount, then click “ADD
                                                                                      TO MY GIFT BASKET.”
   4. Mail your sacrificial offering envelope directly to our Parish Office:           5. You may click “CHECKOUT” at
              St. Thomas of Villanova Parish Family                                   any me, or add more dona ons,
              1201 E Anderson Dr Pala ne, IL 60074                                    if you wish.
                                                                                   6. Click “CONTINUE,” then
                                   THANK YOU!                                         “COMPLETE PROFILE” to
                                                                                   7. Complete the registra on form,
SECOND COLLECTIONS— NOW ON-LINE                                                       then click “REGISTER AND
With more people dona ng on-line, we are adding the Archdiocese Second                CONFIRM GIFT.”
Collec ons to our GiveCentral site. Currently, the Seminary (ends September        8. You’re registered! You will
20) and Peter's Pence (ends October 4) Second Collec ons are now available            receive a confirma on email
on GiveCentral. Please use the instruc ons on the right side of this page to          from GiveCentral.
give via GiveCentral. Thank you for your generosity to these two collec ons.
                                                                                             THANK YOU!

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
STV Reopening—What to Expect
                                    TIPS FOR WORSHIPERS
                                        What to Expect

                                              While our Parish Staffs will
                                             a empt to take appropriate
                                          precau ons consistent with the
                                               advice of public health
                                            authori es, parishioners and
                                            guest should understand that
                                               they assume the risk of
                                           contrac ng COVID-19 any me
                                           they enter a public space since
                                         such precau ons do not eliminate
                                                 the risk of infec on.

Porady dla Wszystkich Wiernych
                           Czego należy oczekiwać

Thank you to….

Our Weekly Prayers
                                                                          FOR OUR NEWLY BAPTIZED
                                                                                  Sara Zaborowski
       MASS INTENTIONS                                                            Filip Pawel Bialy

Monday, August 24
                                                                                   FOR OUR SICK
8:00am  Andy Kist & Family
                                               MaryAnn Acton                David Hicks        Baby Benjamin Mauro           Virgilio So o
Tuesday, August 25                              Barbara Amato             Barbara Kerlin          Jason Mayschak           Kris na Sromek
                                                 Lisa Antonelli              Mary King           Brunilda Melendez        Richard Steelman
8:00am Int. for Igna us Gerard Quiaoit
                                                 Baby Aubrey               Roswitha Kist           Joanne Moser           Joseph Suchowski
                                               Helene Behrman           Mary Alice Kobler            Paul Moser            JoAnn Swanson
Wednesday, August 26
                                                 Alex Bingham              Susan Kordell            Jeff Moskala              Robert Szo
8:00am  Ben Stepp                               Carmen Cline               Frank Koss              Lana Murley             Sharon Tadsen
                                                  Jason Dean              James LaCapra            Earl F. Nicholas          Jack Treanor
Thursday, August 27                                 Nona Dix               Louis LaCapra        Baby David Paprocki      Alfreda Wasilewska
8:00am Inten ons for Blessings Granted        Jeanne Formanski              Gene Lazich              Amie Parisi           Luke Wilberding
                                                Parker Forseth         Mary Margaret Lazich        Larry Peterson         Susan Wilberding
Friday, August 28                              Steve Fortunski             Robert C. Lee           Emily Piscitelli      Deacon Rich Willer
8:00am For All Who Are Sick                         Bill Gerl                John Lenz                Jean Pope             Fr. Ray Yadron
                                                 Phil Gerould              Harold Lewis            Brad Rohrssen          Charmaine Zuchel
Saturday, August 29                             Tommy Glaser                Alan Loden            Rosalyn Rubino             Erin Zwadoo
                                                 Grace Gorska            Ron Magnuson               Dick Samojla
5:00pm  Martha Zara                               Judy Gott            Alexa Rae Mang              Jane Samojla
                                              Edward Grygowski           Elayne Maruska            Shirley Serena
Sunday, August 30
7:30am Mass—POLISH
9:00am  Marie Kay
         Isabel del Mar                                                IN SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY
         Magdaleno del Mar, Sr.          Lord, bless the men and women of our military as they answer the call to serve our na on and
         Rev. Bob Palen                  defend our freedom. Protect and heal them-- body, soul, mind and spirit--especially those in
                                          harm's way. Most of all let them know your love; that you are with them, and that you will
11:00am Mass—POLISH                       never forsake or abandon them. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
                                          U.S. Air Force                      •   MAJ Jon Meier
                                          • A1C Arick Duffey                   •   CWO2 Timothy O’Cain          U.S. Navy
  _______________________                 • MSGT Dan Fialek                   •   CPT James Ruetsche, Ranger   •  LT Jeremy Adams
                                          • MSGT Ma hew Grelck                                                 •  LCDR Kevin Brandwein
                                          • Lt Col Ross A. Mol                U.S. Coast Guard                 •  CMDR John-Paul Falardeau
                                          • SrA Joshua Olszak                 •  CPO Nick Gaines               •  CAPT Jason Haen
                                          • MAJ Ma hew Walz                   •  LT Kevin O’Brien              •  PO3 Caleb Harrington
        DAILY READINGS                                                                                         •  PO2 David Holley
                                          U.S. Army                           U.S. Marine Corps                •  PO1 Konrad Otachel
                                          •  Lt. Col Bernade e O'Shea         •  LCpl Nicholas G. Dean         •  AP James Steininger
Mon: Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18;       Bland                            •  WO2 Thomas Grygowski
     Jn 1:45-51                           • SFC Brian J. Dankowski            •  SGT Cameron Miller            And all those serving in the
                                          • SPC Jack Davis                    •  SGT Kyle Rich                 Middle East.
Tue: 2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Ps 96:10-13;   • SSG Christopher M. Fedrick        •  CAPT Jake Schlenbecker
     Mt 23:23-26
Wed: 2 Thes 3:6-10, 16-18; Ps 128:1-2,
     4-5; Mt 23:27-32
Thu: 1 Cor 1:1-9; Ps 145:2-7;                                                 OUR FUTURE PRIESTS
     Mt 24:42-51                               Pray for all Transi onal Deacons and Seminarians as they con nue their priestly
Fri: 1 Cor 1:17-25; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5,              forma on, especially: Casey Flack, Deacon Andy Ma jevic and AJ Sales
     10-11; Mt 25:1-13
Sat: 1 Cor 1:26-31; Ps 33:12-13, 18-21;
     Mk 6:17-29
Sun: Jer 20:7-9; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9;                                  FOR OUR DEPARTED, REST IN PEACE
     Rom 12:1-2; Mt 16:21-27
                                                                                    Dora Adelizzi
                                                                                   Doris Bobowski

Informacje po polsku
                                                          XXI NIEDZIELA ZWYKŁA – Wywiad Jezusa
   Jezus niczym wytrawny dziennikarz przeprowadza wywiad wśród swoich uczniów. Zaczyna od ogólnego pytania: ‘Co mówią ludzie? Kim według nich jest Syn
  Człowieczy?’. I tu pada wiele odpowiedzi. Kiedy jednak Jezus pyta bezpośrednio: ‘A według was, kim jestem?’, zapada milczenie. Odzywa się tylko Piotr, który
rozpoznał sekret Jezusa nie dzięki własnym zdolnościom, lecz dzięki łasce od Boga. Gdyby dziś Jezus nas zapytał: ‘Co mówią o Mnie twoi sąsiedzi, znajomi, rodzi-
                         na?’, mielibyśmy wiele do opowiadania. A jaka byłaby moja odpowiedź, gdyby zapytał: ‘A kim jestem dla ciebie?’

                                                          Kościoła, po raz kolejny, jak zawsze, zostanie ukszt-              W wielu mniejszych parafiach lub autonom-
                                                          ałtowana przez świętych, to znaczy przez ludzi,            icznych grupach społecznych opieka duszpasterska
                                                          których umysły nie zatrzymują się na hasłach dnia,         będzie zazwyczaj prowadzona w ten sposób. Obok
                                                          ale dociekają głębiej, którzy widzą więcej niż widzą       tego niezbędna również będzie posługa kapłańska w
                                                          inni, ponieważ ich życie obejmuje szerszą rzec-            pełnym wymiarze czasu, jak dawniej.
                                                          zywistość.                                                         Ale we wszystkich tych zmianach, w których,
                                                                 Bezinteresowność, która czyni ludzi wolnymi,        jak można się domyślać, Kościół na nowo odnajdzie
                                                          osiąga się jedynie poprzez cierpliwość małych              swoją istotę i pełne przekonanie, co do tego, co
                                                          codziennych aktów samozaparcia. Przez tę                   zawsze było w jego centrum: wiary w Trójjedynego
                                                          codzienną pasję, która sama objawia człowiekowi w          Boga, w Jezusa Chrystusa, Syna Bożego, który stał
                                                          ilu wymiarach jest on niewolnikiem własnego ego,           się człowiekiem, w obecność Ducha Świętego aż do
                                                          przez tę codzienną pasję i tylko poprzez nią oczy          końca świata. W wierze i modlitwie na nowo uzna
                                                          człowieka powoli się otwierają. Widzi tylko na tyle, na    sakramenty za formę oddawania czci Bogu, a nie za
                                                          ile przeżył i przecierpiał.                                przedmiot wiedzy liturgicznej.
                                                                 Jeśli dzisiaj prawie nie jesteśmy już w stanie              Kościół będzie wspólnotą bardziej uduchow-
                                                          uświadomić sobie Boga, to dlatego, że tak łatwo            ioną, nie wykorzystującą mandatu politycznego, nie
  42-letniego ks. Ratzingera zapytano, jak będzie         przychodzi nam uciec od samych siebie, od głębi            flirtującą ani z lewicą, ani z prawicą. To będzie trud-
            wyglądał Kościół przyszłości.                 naszego jestestwa za pomocą narkotyku takiej czy           ne dla Kościoła, bo ów proces krystalizacji i
  Czy wówczas wypowiedział prorocze słowa…?               innej przyjemności. W ten sposób nasza własna              oczyszczenia będzie kosztować go wiele cennej
      Nie udawał, że umie przepowiadać przyszłość.        głębia wewnętrzna pozostaje dla nas zamknięta.             energii. To sprawi, że będzie ubogi i stanie się
Nie. Był na to zbyt mądry. Prawdę mówiąc, łagodził        Jeśli prawdą jest, że człowiek widzi tylko sercem, to      Kościołem cichych.
swoje wstępne uwagi takim zastrzeżeniem:                  jakże jesteśmy ślepi!                                              Proces ten będzie tym bardziej uciążliwy, że
      ‘Bądźmy zatem ostrożni w naszych                           Jaki to wszystko ma wpływ na problem, który         trzeba będzie odrzucić zarówno sekciarską zaścian-
prognozach. Prawdą jest ciągle to, co powiedział św.      rozpatrujemy? Oznacza to, że chełpliwe i głośne            kowość jak i napuszoną samowolę. Można prze-
Augustyn: człowiek jest wielką głębią. Co wyrośnie z      twierdzenia tych, którzy wieszczą Kościół bez Boga i       widzieć, że wszystko to będzie wymagało czasu.
tych głębin, nikt nie może zobaczyć zawczasu. A ten,      bez wiary to wszystko pusta paplanina. Nie potrzeba        Proces będzie długi i żmudny, tak jak droga od
kto sądzi, że o Kościele nie decyduje tylko owa           nam Kościoła, który celebruje kult działania w modlit-     fałszywego progresywizmu w przededniu Rewolucji
głębia, którą jest człowiek, ale sięga głębiej, ku        wach politycznych. To jest zupełnie zbędne. Dlatego        Francuskiej – kiedy biskup mógł być uważany za
większej, nieskończonej głębi, którą jest Bóg,            też on sam siebie zniszczy.                                błyskotliwego, jeśli wyśmiewał się z dogmatów, a
pierwszy zawaha się w swoich przewidywaniach, bo                 To co pozostanie, to Kościół Jezusa Chrystusa,      nawet sugerował, że istnienie Boga wcale nie jest
to naiwne pragnienie, by wiedzieć na pewno. To            Kościół, który wierzy w Boga, który stał się człowieki-    pewne – do odnowy w XIX wieku.
może być jedynie obwieszczeniem własnej histo-            em i obiecuje nam życie po śmierci. Ksiądz, który nie              Ale kiedy minie już proces tego odsiewania,
rycznej nieudolności’.                                    jest nikim więcej, niż pracownikiem socjalnym może         wielka moc popłynie z bardziej uduchowionego i
      Ale jego epoka, pełna zagrożeń egzystencjal-        być zastąpiony przez psychoterapeutę i innych              uproszczonego Kościoła. W totalnie zaplanowanym
nych, cynizmu politycznego i moralnej samowoli            specjalistów; ale ksiądz, który nie jest specjalistą,      świecie ludzie będą strasznie samotni. Jeśli całkowi-
łaknęła odpowiedzi. Kościół katolicki – moralna latar-    który nie stoi [z boku], obserwując grę, udzielając        cie stracą z oczu Boga, odczują całą grozę swojej
nia morska na burzliwych wodach swoich czasów –           oficjalnych rad, ale w imię Boga stawia się do             nędzy. Następnie odkryją małą trzódkę wyznawców
sam doświadczył wtedy pewnych zmian, w obliczu            dyspozycji człowieka, który towarzyszy ludziom w ich       jako coś całkowicie nowego. Odkryją ją jako nad-
których zarówno jego wyznawcy jak i dysydenci             smutkach, w ich radościach, ich nadziei i strachu,         zieję, która jest im przeznaczona, odpowiedź, której
zastanawiali się: Co stanie się z Kościołem w             taki ksiądz na pewno będzie potrzebny w                    zawsze potajemnie szukali.
przyszłości?                                              przyszłości.                                                       A zatem wydaje mi się pewne, że przed
      Kościół jutra będzie niewielki                             Pójdźmy krok dalej. Z obecnego kryzysu wyłoni       Kościołem bardzo trudne czasy. Prawdziwy kryzys
      I oto w 1969. roku w niemieckiej stacji radiowej    się Kościół jutra – Kościół, który stracił wiele. Będzie   ledwo się zaczął. Będziemy musieli liczyć się z tym,
ks. Joseph Ratzinger, późniejszy papież Benedykt          niewielki i będzie musiał zacząć od nowa, mniej            że nastąpią straszliwe wstrząsy.
XVI, przedstawił swoją starannie przemyślaną od-          więcej od początku. Nie będzie już w stanie                        Jestem jednak równie pewny, co pozostanie na
powiedź. Oto jego uwagi końcowe:                          zajmować wielu budowli, które wzniósł w czasach            koniec: nie Kościół politycznego kultu, który już jest
      ‘Przyszłość Kościoła może wyrosnąć i wyrośnie       pomyślności. Ponieważ liczba jego zwolenników              martwy, ale Kościół wiary. Może już nie być domi-
z tych, których korzenie są głębokie i którzy żyją z      maleje, więc straci wiele ze swoich przywilejów            nującą siłą społeczną w takim stopniu, w jakim był do
czystej pełni swojej wiary. Nie wyrośnie z tych, którzy   społecznych.                                               niedawna; ale będzie cieszyć się świeżym rozkwitem
dostosowują się jedynie do mijającej chwili ani z                W przeciwieństwie do wcześniejszych czasów          i będzie postrzegany jako dom dla człowieka, gdzie
tych, którzy tylko krytykują innych i zakładają, że       będzie postrzegany dużo bardziej jako dobrowolne           znajdzie on życie i nadzieję wykraczającą poza
sami są nieomylnymi prętami mierniczymi; nie              stowarzyszenie, do którego przystępuje się tylko na        śmierć.
wyrośnie z tych, którzy podejmują łatwiejszą drogę,       podstawie samodzielnej decyzji. Jako mała                          Kościół katolicki przetrwa mimo mężczyzn i
którzy unikają pasji wiary, twierdząc, że wszystko co     wspólnota, będzie kładł dużo większy nacisk na             kobiet, niekoniecznie ze względu na nich. A jednak,
stawia im wymagania, co ich uraża i zmusza ich do         inicjatywę swoich poszczególnych członków. Niewąt-         nadal mamy do odegrania naszą rolę. Musimy
poświęcenia siebie jest nieprawdziwe i nieaktualne,       pliwie odkryje nowe formy posługi kapłańskiej i            modlić się i pielęgnować bezinteresowność, wyrzec-
despotyczne i legalistyczne.                              będzie wyświęcał do kapłaństwa wypróbowanych               zenie, wierność, pobożność sakramentalną i życie
      Ujmując to bardziej pozytywnie: przyszłość          chrześcijan, którzy wykonują już jakiś zawód.              skoncentrowane na Chrystusie’.

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