Lord Mayor serves up a challenge - Summer 2018 - Portsmouth City Council

Page created by Esther Griffin
Lord Mayor serves up a challenge - Summer 2018 - Portsmouth City Council
Summer 2018

                                           Lord Mayor
                                           serves up a
                                           See page 3

              6 – ​9           13                21
         Out & About      Holiday fun         Seafront
         Four pages of   Making mischief   Have your say on
        summer events     with libraries   coastal defences
Lord Mayor serves up a challenge - Summer 2018 - Portsmouth City Council
Next issue delivered    flagship is produced by Portsmouth City Council,
                                                  15 – ​23 September    Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth PO1 2AL
                                                                         editorial 023 9284 1395 / advertising 023 9283 4307
                                                                         flagship@portsmouthcc.gov.uk
Inside this issue:                                                      	search for flagship at www.portsmouth.gov.uk

                                                                        Distribution 93,000. flagship is distributed by the National
                                                                        Door to Door Company (d2dc). Deliverers should have an
                                                                        official route map from the company. If you live in a block of
                                                                        flats, please help them get access. To check their identity or
                                                                        in case of a problem, please contact Charlene Ellis at the
                                                                        company on 019 0460 6300.
       3 – ​5                       10                       17
                                                                        Your council
   On the move             Armed Forces Day         Southsea Common     Councillors’ meetings are normally held in public. Anyone may
  Ideas for being          Events to celebrate       Learn more about   make their views known on an agenda topic or ask questions
active this summer         the armed services         a special space   by prior arrangement. For details of council meetings search
                                                                        meetings at www.portsmouth.gov.uk Search council wards
On the cover                                                            for details of your local councillors. Or call 023 9283 4092.
The Lord Mayor, Cllr Lee Mason, playing street table tennis.            Normal opening times – ​visits and phone calls
                                                                        Civic Offices reception, housing options and children’s social
                                                                        care: 9am – ​5pm Mon to Thu, 9am – ​4pm Fri.
                                                                        City helpdesk, licensing, housing benefit, council tax, elections,

            GL OR IOUS
                                                                        parking and family information service: 9am – ​4pm Mon to Fri.

                                                                        Getting in touch
                T H E Q A T A R G O O D W O O D F E S T I VA L
                                                                        Using our website www.portsmouth.gov.uk is quick and easy.
    31 J U LY – 4 AU G US T
                                                                        The main council switchboard is on 023 9282 2251. Use this if
                                                                        you know the person or department you need to speak to.
                                                                        Problems like broken street lights or potholes
                                                                        ff use our My Portsmouth app
                                                                        ff click the report button on our site
                                                                        ff call 023 9283 4092
                                                                        Bins, rubbish and recycling
                                                                        ff click bin collection calendar on our site
                                                                        ff tell us we’ve missed a collection – ​click report on our site
                                                                        ff call 023 9283 4092
                                                                        Elections enquiries
                                                                        ff search elections on our site for lots of information
                                                                        ff call 023 9283 4074
                                                                        Council tax
                                                                        ff click on paying your council tax on our site to pay or set
                                                                           up a direct debit
                                                                        ff click report to tell us you’ve moved
                                                                        ff call 023 9268 8588
                                                                        Schools admissions
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We will not accept any responsibility for claims made by                Subscribe to our My Portsmouth Updates. Get monthly flagship
advertisers and their inclusion in flagship, and this should not        emails or updates on a whole range of topics about life in
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Lord Mayor serves up a challenge - Summer 2018 - Portsmouth City Council

Make a change with me
The Lord Mayor, Cllr Lee Mason, is calling on             than a warning. If I can change my eating habits and
Portsmouth people to eat better, move more                get more active then anyone can.
and do more to help others.                               “As the name of the campaign suggests, this is not
He’s launched a campaign called Small Changes Big         about drastically altering your life but about making
Difference, with these targets:                           small changes, which we know can make a big
                                                          difference. I also wanted to include a volunteering
ff a million pounds in weight lost
                                                          element as I’m a passionate volunteer and see how
ff a million miles walked                                 much of an impact it has on organisations. Many places
ff a million hours volunteered                            wouldn’t be able to run without volunteers. At the end of
                                                          my year as Lord Mayor I’m really hoping to have made a
To take part, you just need to register at                lasting change for the city, and helped it to be a
www.smallchangesportsmouth.co.uk and record               healthier, better place to live.”
your pounds lost, distance walked and hours
volunteered. On the website you’ll also be able to:
ff see information such as recipes and exercise guides
ff find services to help you
ff look up events you can take part in
By joining in, you become a Portsmouth Millionaire
and get access to exclusive rewards, discounts
and incentives.
Cllr Mason said; “Portsmouth has higher rates of
obesity than many other places in the UK and it’s
causing people to die younger and have a poorer
quality of life. I know that my own weight has led to
health problems and I want to be an inspiration rather

                                 www.facebook.com/portsmouthcitycouncil    www.twitter.com/portsmouthtoday        3
Lord Mayor serves up a challenge - Summer 2018 - Portsmouth City Council

Great ways to keep
                                                                         Solent Stormers
                                                                         The Solent Stormers is a free
                                                                         running and walking group for
                                                                         people with learning difficulties,
                                                                         which meets every Tuesday at
                                                                         10am at the Mountbatten Centre.
                                                                         It has something for all abilities. It lasts
                                                                         an hour, then there’s a chat in the café.
                                                                         Run leader Will Dunkason said: “It’s
                                                                         aimed at people who would like to get
                                                                         fitter through some fun exercises. It
                                                                         doesn’t matter how fit you are.”
                                                                         Search for the Solent Stormers group
                                                                         at runtogether.co.uk

Enjoy the outdoors
The Andrew Simpson Watersports Centre, off the Eastern
Road, is a great place for outdoor activities of all kinds, on
or off the water.
As well as sailing, windsurfing, kayaking and stand-up
paddleboarding, they offer climbing, high ropes and archery.
They also run charitable sailing programmes for disadvantaged
young people, and all their profits go back into the Andrew Simpson
Foundation charity.
Find out more: 023 9266 3873 or aswc.co.uk

Take the challenge
You can explore some of the wonderful green spaces
Portsmouth has to offer by taking our Green Space
Challenge on Sunday 12 August, from 12pm to 3pm.
The challenge involves Milton Common, Great Salterns, Baffins Pond,
Tamworth Park and Kingston Park. Walk around as many of the five
green spaces as you can, take part in the activities and win prizes.
Start at any one of the locations. Our staff will give you a suggested
route and a passport so you can collect a stamp as you visit each
                                                                                                               Baffins Pond
4    cityhelpdesk@portsmouthcc.gov.uk       www.portsmouth.gov.uk
Lord Mayor serves up a challenge - Summer 2018 - Portsmouth City Council

active this summer

                                                                         Let’s all go Ping!
                                                                         Ping! – ​a festival of street table
                                                                         tennis – ​is in Portsmouth until
                                                                         September. You can play for free
                                                                         at locations including:
                                                                         ff The Pyramids
                                                                         ff Lakeside, North Harbour

Get fit and do good                                                      ff Central Library, Guildhall Square
                                                                         ff Head barbers, 53 Albert Road
With GoodGym, you combine a short run with helping a                     ff Paulsgrove community centre
community project.
                                                                         ff Milton Park
Members have already done jobs such as moving furniture for the
                                                                         ff Somerstown community hub
Salvation Army, clearing rubbish at Buckland community centre and
sorting out an unloved plot at St Jude’s Primary School.                 ff St Margaret’s Church, Highland Road
Run leader Katie Carew-Robinson said: “It’s perfect for people who       ff Hilsea Lido
hate the gym or struggle with motivation. It’s a sociable way to get     Table tennis is a great way to be active,
fit and you’re helping the local area.”                                  whatever your age or how fit you are.
The group meets every Wednesday at 6.15pm at Fratton                     Find out more:
community centre.
                                                                         ff www.pingengland.co.uk/pompey
Find out more at www.goodgym.org/areas/portsmouth

Free water on tap
To help reduce the amount of plastic we bin, and to make
it easier and cheaper to stay hydrated, you can fill a water
bottle up for free at about 60 cafes, shops and other
places in the city. Plus, five refill stations along the
seafront should all be in place later this summer.
Go to www.refill.org.uk for more information and to download
the Refill app, so you can find businesses that allow you to fill your
bottle up.

                                 www.facebook.com/portsmouthcitycouncil     www.twitter.com/portsmouthtoday          5
Lord Mayor serves up a challenge - Summer 2018 - Portsmouth City Council
out about
                                                                                                           Our distributors are contracted to
                                                                                                           deliver flagship between 23 and 30
                                                                                                           June. Depending on where you live,
                                                                                                           some events may have taken place
                                                                                                           before you receive your copy.
                                                                                                           However, events for this period were
            ★ JULY ★ AUG ★ SEPT ★                                                                          included in the last edition of the
                                                                                                           magazine. Details correct at time of
                       All the highlighted events are free                                                 going to press.

                                                          Every Saturday
                                                                  Family Saturdays

more happening
                                                                                                           1              Open Day
                                                                  Aspex Gallery, 11am – ​3pm.                             Peter Ashley Activity Centres,
                                                          Every Wednesday                                                 11am – ​3.30pm, £5 adults, under
                                                                 Mini Makers                                              16s free. Archery, pony rides, animal
                                                                 Aspex Gallery, 10.30am – ​11.30am.                       encounters and more.

                                                          Second and last Sundays                          1              Summer Fair
    There isn’t room here for all the                             Port Solent Car Meet                                    Eastney Community Centre,
    things to do and places to visit                                                                                      11am – ​3pm, 20p.
                                                                  Port Solent, 10am – ​12pm.
    in Portsmouth.                                                                                         1              Messy Church
                                                          Every Sunday, until 30 September
    You can find out more about                                   Car Boot Sale                                           St Luke’s Church, Greetham Street,
    forthcoming events and attractions                                                                                    3.15pm – ​5.30pm.
                                                                  7am – ​2pm, Southsea Common
    at www.visitportsmouth.co.uk It’s                             (next to Pier Road), unless there        3              The Court Cafe
    the definitive listing for events and                         is bad weather or a major event.                        Hartford Court care home,
    activities, for residents and visitors.                       For updates search Portsmouth                           2.30pm – ​4pm. Socialising for
                                                                  and Southsea Car Boot Sale on                           people with dementia and their
    If you have an event to promote,
                                                                  Facebook.                                               carers. Call 023 9289 3340 to book.
    or want more information about
    something listed on the website,                      Tuesdays & Thursdays, 24 July – 3​ 0 Aug         4              Kevin and Karen
    call us on 023 9282 6722 or email                            Port Solent Kids Club                                    Guildhall, 7pm, £31.80 – ​£48.04.
    vis@portsmouthcc.gov.uk                                      Port Solent, 11am – ​4pm.
    To keep in touch with things to                       Thursdays, until 27 September
    do around the city, sign up to                               Special Car Club Meet
    our monthly Visit Portsmouth                                 Port Solent, 7.30pm – ​9pm.
    e-newsletter. Go to bit.ly/2bz13Sn                    Every Friday
                                                                   Stand Up’s SEN Kids Club
             ONGOING                                               Stamshaw & Tipner Community
                                                                   Centre, 3.30pm – ​5.30pm.
    Tuesday to Sunday                                              £2 per family.
            You Don’t Know Sherlock Yet
                                                          Every Sunday, until 26 August
            10am – 5​ .30pm, Portsmouth                           Sunset Sundays
            Museum. See p12.                                      Sky – ​high pop – ​up bar. Emirates
    Until 16 September                                            Spinnaker Tower, 8pm – ​11pm.
                                                                  £16, includes drink.
             Push & Pull
             Aspex Gallery, 11am – ​4pm,                  Until 21 December
                                                                                                               START YOUR
             Wednesdays to Sundays
             Exhibition by Will Cruickshank.
                                                                   British Tattoo Art Revealed
                                                                   Historic Dockyard, 10am – ​5.30pm,
                                                                                                               VISIT ON                                     25% OFF ENTRY
                                                                                                                                                            FOR LOCAL
                                                                   free with valid attraction ticket.          A HIGH                                       RESIDENTS*

                                                          28 July – 1​ 0 August                                   Explore the view decks with our interactive
                                                                                                                  i-View screens and telescopes
                                                                   Phoenix and Turtle
                                                                                                                  Brave the amazing glass floor with 100 metre
                                                                   Theatre production touring city                drop below
                                                                   libraries, for children aged four              Get comfortable in our Sky Garden open to
                                                                   and over. Donations welcome.                   the elements
                                                                   See page 13.                                   Dig into a locally sourced lunch along with an
                                                                                                                  illustrated kids place mat with any kids meal
                                                          30 June – 3​ 1 August                                Open daily from 10am
                                                                  Dockyard Alive                               * Local residents receive a 25% discount off general admission.
                                                                                                               PO1 – PO6, PO7 5AT, 5AU, 5AX, 5AY, 5AZ, 5BA, 5BS, 5BT, 5BU,
                                                                  Historic Dockyard, 10am – ​5.30pm,           PO12 & PO13 eligible only.

                                                                  free with standard admission.                SPINNAKERTOWER.CO.UK
                                                                  Singing, dancing and more.

                   Dockyard Alive, 30 June – ​31 August
6      Visitor information service 023 9282 6722                    vis@portsmouthcc.gov.uk             www.visitportsmouth.co.uk
Lord Mayor serves up a challenge - Summer 2018 - Portsmouth City Council
1920s Murder Mystery, 26 July

                                                                                                           15       Crafts in the Tower
                                                                                                                    Square Tower, 11am – ​4pm.
                                                                                                                    Local designer – ​makers.
                                                                                                           15       Bow Wows Doggy Fun Day
                                                                                                                    Port Solent. 11am – ​4pm.
                                                                                                           18       General Meeting
                                                                  Southsea Food Festival, 14 – ​15 July             Portsdown U3A, Cosham Baptist
                                                                                                                    Church, 2pm – ​4pm, £2 (free for
5        Jeffrey Martin/Anna Tivel                 11       Portsmouth Green Drinks on Tour
         The Tea Tray, 7.30pm, £10.                         Round Tower and The Canteen.
         www.squarerootspromotions.co.uk                    Hotwalls artist special.                       19       Neighbourhood Forum
5        Tremonti                                           hotwallsstudios.co.uk                                   Old Portsmouth & Gunwharf Quays.
         Pyramids, 7.30pm, £24.75.                                                                                  Cathedral House, St Thomas’s Street,
                                                   12       Portsmouth Business Expo
5 – ​6   Evlyn’s Folly                                      Pyramids, 10am – ​3pm. Speakers,
         Groundlings Theatre, 7.30pm,                       seminars and workshops. Delegates              19       #ThirdThursdays
         £12 (£10 conc, £8 children,                        include decision makers and                             Aspex Gallery, 6pm – ​8pm. Check
         £32 family of 4).                                  entrepreneurs starting or growing                       details with venue.
                                                            a business. 023 9396 0096 or
6        Spinnaker Comedy Club                                                                             20       UKG Chronicle
         Emirates Spinnaker Tower, 7pm.                                                                             Featuring DJ Luck & MC Neat.
         £15. Paul Tonkinson headlines.            12       Neighbourhood Forum                                     New Theatre Royal, 8.30pm, from
                                                            East Southsea. Royal Beach Hotel,                       £28.50 (£10 for under-25s).
7        Eastney Beach Clean
                                                            7pm.                                           21       Community Fun Day
         Meet outside the Coffee Cup,
         10am – 1​ 2pm.                            12 – ​22 My Fair Lady                                            Baffins Pond, 12pm – ​4pm.
                                                            Groundlings Theatre, timings vary,                      07949 729249 or
7        Pretty Muddy
                                                            £16 (£14 conc, £12 children,                            bpa.centre@btconnect.com
         Southsea Common, 9am.
                                                            £48 family of 4).
         £10 – £​ 19.99.                                                                                   21       The Greatest Showman (PG)
         raceforlife.cancerresearchuk.org          12       Veterans’ Breakfast Club                                Film. Southsea Common, 9.30pm,
                                                            Bradbury Café, Age UK, Kingston                         £8 (£5 under-16s).
7        Strawberry Fayre
         Buckland Adventure Playground,                     Road, 9am – ​11am. Free for veterans,          23 – ​2 September
         11am – ​4pm. 30p adults, children free.            spouses and serving personnel.                           Sea Life Summer Holidays
                                                   14       Kung Fu Panda (PG)                                       Emirates Spinnaker Tower, from
7        Dirty Dancing (12)
                                                            Film. Canoe Lake, 9.30pm,                                10am. Entry from £8.50.
         Film. Cumberland House Museum
         gardens, 9.30pm, £8 (£5 under 16s).                £8 (£5 under 16s).                             24 – ​31 August
                                                   14 – ​15 Southsea Food Festival                                   Holiday Activity Days
7        Roller Disco
                                                                                                                     Peter Ashley Activity Centre,
         Southsea Skatepark, 7pm – 1​ 0pm.                  Palmerston Road and surrounding
                                                                                                                     Fort Purbrook. 9am – ​4pm,
         £5 entry, £2.50 skate hire. Families               area, 10am – ​6pm Saturday,
                                                                                                                     £20 per child per day. 8 – ​13s.
         welcome. No alcohol.                               10am – ​5pm Sunday.
                                                                                                           25 – ​3 September
7 – ​8   Hotwalls Studios Showcase                 15       Hotwalls Open Studios
                                                                                                                     Jurassic Shark
         Round Tower, 11am – ​4pm. Second                   10am – ​4pm.                                             Blue Reef Aquarium, 10am – 5​ pm,
         anniversary celebrations.                                                                                   see online for prices.
8        Race For Life                                                                                     26       Veterans’ Coffee Club
         Southsea Common,
                                                                                                                    Bradbury Café, Age UK, Kingston
         11am, £10 – £​ 14.99.
                                                                                                                    Road, 2pm – ​4pm.
                                                                                                           26       1920s Murder Mystery
8        Waterside Market
                                                                                                                    Groundlings Theatre, 8pm.
         Port Solent, 11am – ​5pm.                                                                                  £35 inc meal and cocktail.
11       Ask the Archives                                                                                  28       Summer Fair & Family Fun Day
         Historic Dockyard, 10am – ​4.30pm,                                                                         St Luke’s Church, Greetham Street,
         free with valid attraction ticket.                                                                         11am – ​3pm. 30p adults, children free.
                                                         Veteran’s Breakfast Club, 12 July & 13 August
                                  www.facebook.com/portsmouththewaterfrontcity                            www.twitter.com/visitportsmouth                     7
Lord Mayor serves up a challenge - Summer 2018 - Portsmouth City Council
12       Waterside Market
                                                                                                                       Port Solent, 11am – ​5pm.
                                                                                                              12       Green Space Challenge
                                                                                                                       12pm – ​3pm. See p4.
                                                                                                              16       #ThirdThursdays
                                                                                                                       Aspex Gallery, 6pm – ​8pm.
                                                                                                                       Check details with venue.
                                                                                                              18       Teddy Bears Picnic
                                                                                                                       Baffins Pond, 12pm – ​4pm.
                                                                                                                       07949 729249 or
                                                                                                              18       Portchester Village Fete
                                                                                                                       Portchester Community Centre,
                                                                                                                       10am – ​4pm.
                                                                                                              19       Hotwalls Open Studios
                                                                                                                       Hotwalls Studios, 10am – 4​ pm.
                                                                                                              19       Crafts in the Tower
                                                                       Victorious Festival, 24 – ​26 August            Square Tower, 11am – ​4pm.
    28       Port Solent’s 30th Birthday               7       The Court Cafe                                          Local designer – ​makers.
             Featuring live music. Contact venue               Hartford Court care home,                      21 – ​25 Madagascar – ​A Musical
             for details.                                      2.30pm – ​4pm. Socialising for                          Adventure
                                                               people with dementia and their                          Kings Theatre, timings vary,
    28 – ​29 Castle Road Summer Fayre                                                                                  from £29.50.
                                                               carers. Call 023 9289 3340 to book.
             11am – 8​ pm. Street market with
             live music.                               7       Summer Stay and Play Activities                24 – ​26 Victorious Festival
                                                               Eastney Community Centre,                               Seafront. Gates open 4pm Friday,
    28 – ​29 Comic Con                                                                                                 10am Saturday and Sunday.
                                                               10am – ​12pm.
             Groundlings Theatre, times and                                                                            £45 per day. Family – ​friendly festival
             prices vary.                              9       Veterans’ Breakfast Club                                featuring The Prodigy, Paul Weller,
    28 – ​29 Open Day                                          The Bradbury Café, Age UK,                              The Libertines, Brian Wilson,
                                                               Kingston Road, 9am – ​11am.                             Paloma Faith and more.
             Eastney Beam Engine House,
             1pm – 5​ pm. Engines not in steam.        11      Roller Disco                                   28       Southsea Skiffle Orchestra
                                                               Southsea Skatepark, 7pm – ​10pm,                        Guildhall, 12pm.
    28 – ​10 August
                                                               £5 entry, £2.50 skate hire. Families
              Phoenix and Turtle                                                                              30       Veterans’ Coffee Club
                                                               welcome. No alcohol.
              Family – f​ riendly show at Portsmouth                                                                   The Bradbury Café, Age UK,
              libraries, see visitportsmouth.co.uk     11 – ​12 International Kite Festival                            Kingston Road, 2pm – ​4pm.
                                                                Southsea Common, 10am – ​5pm.
    31       Southsea Skiffle Orchestra                                                                       31 – ​1 September
             Guildhall, 12pm.                          11 – ​12 Hotwalls at the Kite Festival                           Prosecco Festival
                                                                Southsea Common. More info:                             Pyramids, 6.30pm – ​11pm (plus
    31       Summer Stay and Play Activities                                                                            12.30pm – ​5pm Sat), £12.50 – ​£35.
             Eastney Community Centre,
             10am – 1​ 2pm.

    3        Stand Up’s Family Fun Day
             Stamshaw & Tipner Community
             Centre, 10am – 3​ pm.
    3        Spinnaker Comedy Club
             Emirates Spinnaker Tower, 7pm.
             £15. Bobby Mair headlines.
    4        Southsea Beach Clean
             Meet outside Rocksby’s,
             10am – 1​ 2pm.
    4 & 18 Octonauts Meet and Greet
           Emirates Spinnaker Tower, from
           11am. Free with standard admission.
    5        Beach Dubbin’
             Southsea Common, 10am – ​4pm.
                                                                                                                         International Kite Festival, 11 – ​12 August
8        Visitor information service 023 9282 6722               vis@portsmouthcc.gov.uk                  www.visitportsmouth.co.uk
Lord Mayor serves up a challenge - Summer 2018 - Portsmouth City Council
1        Roller Disco
         Southsea Skatepark, 7pm – 1​ 0pm,
         £5 entry, £2.50 skate hire. Families
         welcome. No alcohol.
1 – ​2   Try Watersports Weekend
         Port Solent. £5 per session.
         Contact venue for details.
4        The Court Cafe
         Hartford Court care home,                                                                                                Nathan Carter, 21 September
         2.30pm – 4​ pm. Socialising for
                                                                                                           21        Nathan Carter
         people with dementia and their
                                                                                                                     New Theatre Royal, 7.30pm,
         carers. Call 023 9289 3340 to book.
                                                                                                                     from £30 (£10 tickets available
6 – ​9   Heritage Open Days                                                                                          to under-25s).
         Hotwalls Studios. More info:                                                                      22        D – ​Day Conference
         hotwallsstudios.co.uk                                                                                       The D – ​Day Story, 9am – ​5pm, see
7        Spinnaker Comedy Club                                                                                       theddaystory.com for ticket details.
         Emirates Spinnaker Tower, 7pm.                                                                              All welcome.
         £15. Dane Baptiste headlines.                                                                     22        999 Day
8 – ​9   Open Day                                                                                                    Port Solent. 11am – ​4pm.
         Eastney Beam Engine House,                                                                        22        Europe
         1pm – 5​ pm. Engines not in steam.                                     G4 Live, 12 September
                                                                                                                     Pyramids, 7pm, £30.75.
9        Waterside Market                          15        Beach Clean and Survey                        22        Charmed Life Festival
         Port Solent, 11am – ​5pm.                           Meet outside Rocksbys, seafront.                        Victoria Park, 12pm – ​11.30pm,
                                                             10am – ​12pm.                                           £20 adults, £10 children,
9        Luke Winslow King
                                                   16        Hotwalls Open Studios                                   £2.50 under-10s.
         Square Tower, 7.15pm, £14.
         www.squarerootspromotions.co.uk                     Hotwalls Studios, 10am – ​4pm.                22 – ​23 Autumn Bazaar
                                                   16        Crafts in the Tower                                    Castle Road, 11am – ​7pm.
                                                                                                                    Street market with live music.
                                                             Square Tower, 11am – ​4pm.
                                                             Local designer – ​makers.
                                                   16        Motorbike Action Group
                                                             Port Solent. 11am – ​4pm.
                                                   19        Portsdown U3A’s General Meeting
                                                             Cosham Baptist Church, 2pm – ​4pm,
                                                             £2 (free for members).
                                                   20        #ThirdThursdays
                                                             Aspex Gallery, 6pm – ​8pm. Aspex
                                                             Gallery, 6pm – ​8pm.

                  Luke Winslow King, 9 September                                                                             Crafts in the Tower, 16 September

9        Carmen
         Russian State Opera, New Theatre          Venue contact information
         Royal, 7.30pm. From £31                   Aspex Gallery....................................... 023 9277 8080..............www.aspex.org.uk
         (£10 for under-25s).                      Blue Reef Aquarium............................. 023 9287 5222..............www.bluereefaquarium.co.uk
12       G4 Live                                   City Council Museums......................... 023 9282 6722..............www.portsmouthmuseums.co.uk
         New Theatre Royal, 7.30pm,                Emirates Spinnaker Tower................... 023 9285 7521..............www.spinnakertower.co.uk
         from £25.50.                              Groundlings Theatre............................ 023 9273 7370 . ...........www.groundlings.co.uk
                                                   Gunwharf Quays................................... 023 9283 6700..............www.gunwharf-quays.com
12 – ​16 David Walliams’ Awful Auntie
                                                   Kings Theatre....................................... 023 9282 8282..............www.kings-southsea.com
         Kings Theatre, timings vary,
         from £22.                                 New Theatre Royal............................... 023 9264 9000..............www.newtheatreroyal.com
                                                   No.6 Cinema......................................... 07435 029408..............www.no6cinema.co.uk
13       Veterans’ Breakfast Club                  Port Solent........................................... 023 9221 0606..............www.portsolent.com
         The Bradbury Café, Age UK,                Portsmouth Film Society..................... 07528 808400..............www.portsmouthfilmsociety.org.uk
         Kingston Road, 9am – ​11am.               Portsmouth Guildhall........................... 0844 847 2362 . ...........www.portsmouthguildhall.org.uk
15       Portsmouth Pride                          Portsmouth Historic Dockyard........... 023 9283 9766..............www.historicdockyard.co.uk
         Southsea Bandstand, 1.30pm – 6​ pm,       Portsmouth Pyramids.......................... 023 9320 0330..............www.pyramids.co.uk
         parade sets off at 12pm.                  Royal Marines Museum........................ 023 9281 9385..............www.royalmarinesmuseum.co.uk
                                                   Wedgewood Rooms.............................. 023 9286 3911..............www.wedgewood-rooms.co.uk

                                  www.facebook.com/portsmouththewaterfrontcity                          www.twitter.com/visitportsmouth                        9
Lord Mayor serves up a challenge - Summer 2018 - Portsmouth City Council
Image courtesy of Portsmouth Historic Dockyard
  Armed Forces Day
  On Saturday 30 June the city celebrates                  Meanwhile, at the Historic Dockyard, from 10am
  serving armed forces personnel, reserves,                to 4pm, there’ll be more to see and enjoy including
  veterans and cadets with free events at                  live vintage music, BBQ food, cadet drills and a
  Southsea Common and the Historic Dockyard.               replica Spitfire.
  On the Common there’ll be military vehicles, a Lynx      A free shuttle bus will run on the hour, 11am – 3pm,
  helicopter, the Band of HM Royal Marines, the            between the two locations.
  Lightning Bolts army parachute display team, the Fort
                                                           Flagship was scheduled to be delivered 23 – ​30 June.
  Cumberland Guard, the Portsmouth Military Wives
                                                           We’re sorry if you didn’t get your copy in time to
  Choir, hovercrafts, a parade and lots more. The event,
                                                           attend the events.
  sponsored by BAE Systems, runs from 10am to 4pm.


10   cityhelpdesk@portsmouthcc.gov.uk     www.portsmouth.gov.uk
A deadly game
Jumping into the sea from walls or piers is
called tombstoning for a reason. Since 2004,
around 20 people in the UK have died doing it.
People who jump don’t know how shallow the water
could be, or what’s under the water. Submerged
objects like rocks may not be visible, and can cause
serious injury if you land on them.
The shock of cold water may make it difficult to swim,
and currents can sweep people away. Young children
may also watch older ones and want to copy them.
Please talk to your kids about the dangers of jumping
into the sea.
Our community wardens work closely with police and
others to help prevent injury through tombstoning.
You can report any incidents or concerns about it to
the wardens on 0800 085 3840. If you’re concerned
about a crime, call police on 101. If life is in danger, or
in another emergency, call 999.

Save on                                                       Help stop
water bills                                                   illegal sales
If you receive pension credits, you could                     We need your help to stop traders selling
save an average of 20% on your Southern                       alcohol to under-18s. Drinking can put
Water bills. Just contact them, and they                      young people in risky
can sign you up for a discounted rate under                   situations, is bad for

their Essentials scheme.                                      their health and can
                                                              lead to anti-social
To get in touch with Southern Water:
                                                              behaviour and crime.
ff call 0800 027 0363 (Monday to Friday
                                                              If you know of a venue
   8am to 7pm, Saturday 9am to 1pm).
                                                              which is selling alcohol
ff email payless@southernwater.co.uk                          to youngsters, you
ff write to: Affordability Team, Southern House,              can report it on our
   Yeoman Road, Worthing, West Sussex,                        24-hour trading
   BN13 3NX                                                   standards hotline:
                                                              023 9268 8777. You
For more information go to                                    don’t have to give your details. You
southernwater.co.uk/payless                                   can use the same number to report anyone
                                                              selling illegal tobacco or counterfeit goods.

                               www.facebook.com/portsmouthcitycouncil        www.twitter.com/portsmouthtoday   11
More choice at city market
If you’re a foodie, a bargain-hunter or just in         A barber can be found near Argos each day, and there’s
need of a haircut, then visit the city centre           a mix of other traders offering everything from home-
market at the top of Commercial Road.                   made soaps and bath bombs to handbags, cycles and
                                                        baby clothes. And you’ll find all the market favourites
The traditional market, which runs 9am – ​5pm on
                                                        including fruit and veg, pet food, fresh fish, watch
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, has even more variety
                                                        repairs, DVDs, video games, rugs, meat and toys.
these days. Saturday’s the big day for worldwide
flavours, with jerk chicken, Thai cuisine, Polish       Keep in touch by following Portsmouth City Centre
sausages and Greek kebabs alongside regular             Market on Facebook. If you’d like a stall,
bangers and burgers.                                    call 07985 160403 or 07931 503787.

     World of                                              Clues to
     adventure                                             Sherlock
                                                           Portsmouth Museum’s latest exhibition
     There’s loads of fun for children between             explores the connection between
     six and 13 at our free adventure                      Portsmouth and the creation of Sherlock
     playgrounds. Activities include cookery,              Holmes by writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
     sport, arts and crafts, discovering nature,
     making friends, and trips.                            The exhibition, called You Don’t Know Sherlock Yet,
                                                           uses material from the city’s Doyle collection.
     Summer festivals are every Friday during              It follows the author’s career from his arrival in
     the school holidays, between 12pm and 4pm,            Southsea to the first two Sherlock
     as follows:                                           Holmes novels.
     Stamshaw – ​27 July                                   You can discover more about the
     Paulsgrove – ​3 August                                famous detective and test
     Somerstown – ​10 August                               your sleuthing skills
     Buckland – ​17 August                                 through a range of
     Portsea – ​24 August                                  interactive displays.
     Landport – ​31 August
                                                           The museum is open
     For more information search adventure                 Tuesday to Sunday,
     playgrounds at www.portsmouth.gov.uk                  10am – ​5.30pm.

12     cityhelpdesk@portsmouthcc.gov.uk   www.portsmouth.gov.uk
your                                                                          City of stories

                                                                              We’re bringing together a range of
                                                                              reading, writing and publishing
                                                                              activities together under the City of
                                                                              Stories banner. Familiar events will be

                                                                              included, plus new activities to help
                                                                              tell the city’s many stories.
                                                                              For details please search libraries
                                                                              at www.portsmouth.gov.uk

The Mischief Makers summer reading challenge is a
brilliant way to get kids enjoying books in the holidays.
With the help of famous Beano characters like Dennis and Gnasher,
they can go on a hunt for buried treasure. To complete the
                                                                              No more fines
                                                                              We’re getting rid of library fines to
challenge they just need to read six library books, while collecting
                                                                              encourage more people enjoy the wide
stickers and exploring Beanotown to find clues.
                                                                              range of materials we stock. If you have
Just pop into your local library from Saturday 14 July to sign up.            an outstanding book we’d love you to
It’s all free. Plus, look out for activities in all our libraries through     return it, but more importantly we’d like
the summer, including a Mischief Makers extravaganza at Central               you to continue to borrow from us and
Library on Saturday 4 August, 10am to 3.50pm.                                 not be put off.
This year’s challenge is supported by the Victorious Festival.

                                                                            and Turtle
                                                                            A story of friendship and freedom, Phoenix
                                                                            and Turtle is a theatre production for
                                                                            children aged four and over, designed
                                                                            for libraries. Shows are 10am – ​11am
                                                                            (except 9 August, 3pm – ​4pm.) Admission
                                                                            is ‘pay what you want’.
                                                                            ff 28 July: Central Library
                                                                            ff 30 July: Carnegie Library
                                                                            ff 31 July: Cosham Library
                                                                            ff 1 August: Paulsgrove Library
                                                                            ff 2 August: North End Library
                                                                            ff 3 August: Beddow Library
                                                                            ff 6 August: Portsea Library
                                                                            ff 7 August: Alderman Lacey Library
                                                                            ff 9 August: Central Library
                                                                            ff 10 August: Southsea Library

                                   www.facebook.com/portsmouthcitycouncil        www.twitter.com/portsmouthtoday          13
Sisters for 20 years
This year marks the 20th anniversary of our
sister link with the port city of Maizuru in Japan.
To mark the event, cherry trees have been planted in
Cosham Park. And next month a Maizuru delegation is
due to visit Portsmouth and discuss the economic and
cultural benefits of the link.
Our ties with Maizuru go back to the Japanese admiral
Togo (1847 – ​1934), who lived and studied naval
gunnery in Portsmouth. Togo Avenue in Gunwharf
Quays is named after him.
Our modern link began in 1993 when Portsmouth
donated bricks from the Historic Dockyard to Maizuru’s
World Brick Museum. In 2000 a Japanese garden in
Southsea was opened by Mayor Mitsuoki Emori.
Earlier this year, students from Maizuru visited
Portsmouth and attended lessons at Mayfield School.
For more information on our links around the world,
please go to tinyurl.com/portinter

                                                                                                      Goro Sky Tower, Maizuru

     Help for                                                 Caring for your
     new parents                                              kids’ teeth
                                                              Here are some top tips for keeping
     Having a newborn baby is exciting, but it                children’s teeth healthy:
     can also be exhausting, and many people                  ff Reduce the amount of high-sugar food and
     worry about whether they’re doing the                       drinks they have.
     best things.
                                                              ff Make sure they brush twice a day, including
     There’s a new app called Baby Buddy, for parents-           last thing at night, with a fluoride toothpaste.
     to-be and new parents. It guides you through
                                                              ff Remember that after brushing they should
     pregnancy and first six months of your baby’s life.
                                                                 spit, not rinse.
     It can also help you keep track of appointments
     and provide you with helpful reminders. Plus, it         ff Take them to the dentist regularly, from when
     includes lots of useful videos and lets you ask             they get their first tooth.
     questions. You can download it for free from the         ff Use a smear of toothpaste
     iTunes App Store or Google Play.                            for children under three and
     The Lullaby Trust offers lots of useful advice about        a pea-sized amount for
     the best way for your baby to sleep. They also              three to six year-olds.
     support anyone affected by sudden infant death           ff Brush their teeth, or
     syndrome (cot death).                                       supervise them, until
     Go to www.lullabytrust.org.uk                               they’re at least seven.

14     cityhelpdesk@portsmouthcc.gov.uk      www.portsmouth.gov.uk
Your councillors
Following the May local elections, a Lib Dem minority         Here are all 42 councillors who represent you.
administration now runs Portsmouth City Council. The
                                                                = newly elected            = newly re-elected
council’s political make-up is now: 19 Con, 16 Lib Dem,
five Lab and two non-aligned independents.                    For councillors’ contact details search councillors
                                                              at www.portsmouth.gov.uk or call 023 9283 4092.
Portsmouth people voted in 14 councillors to serve for
the next four years. The city is made up of 14 areas,         Details correct at time of going to press.
called wards, each with three councillors. One seat in
each ward was up for grabs.

Conservative    Labour   Liberal Democrat                     6 – Nelson
Non-aligned Independent                                       Leo                        Jason                Ian
                                                              Madden                     Fazackarley          Lyon
                                                              7 – Baffins
          1                                                   Jeanette                   Darren               Lynne
                                                              Smith                      Sanders              Stagg
                             2            3                   Cabinet Member for
                                                                                         Cabinet Member for
                                                                                                              Cabinet Member for
                                                                                                              Traffic & Transportation

                                                               ​8 – Fratton
                                                              Dave                       David                Tom
                             4                                Ashmore                    Fuller               Coles
                                                              Cabinet Member for         Deputy Lord Mayor
                                     5                        Environment and
                                                              Community Safety
                                                              9 – Charles Dickens
                                     7                        Yahiya                     Stephen              Claire
                                 8                            Chowdhury                  Morgan               Udy
               9                                              10 – Milton
                11                   10                       Ben                        Will                 Gerald
                                                              Dowling                    Purvis               Vernon-Jackson
                            12                                Cabinet Member for                              Leader of the Council
                         13 14                                Planning, Regeneration
                                                              and Economic

                                                              11 – St. Thomas
1 – Paulsgrove                                                Ryan                       Tom                  Rob
John                 Gemma                    Jo              Brent                      Wood                 Wood
Ferrett              New                      Hooper                                                          Cabinet Member for
                                                                                                              Children and Families
2 – ​Cosham                                                   12 – Central Southsea
James                Hannah                   Lee             Suzy                       George               Steve
Fleming              Hockaday                 Mason           Horton                     Fielding             Pitt
                                              Lord Mayor      Cabinet Member for                              Deputy Leader and
                                                              Education                                       Cabinet Member for
3 – Drayton and Farlington                                                                                    Culture, Leisure and
Simon                Ken                      Steve
Bosher               Ellcome                  Wemyss          13 – St. Jude
                                                              Hugh                       Judith               David
4 - Hilsea                                                    Mason                      Smyth                Tompkins
Scott                Frank                    Donna
Payter-Harris        Jonas                    Jones           14 – Eastney and Craneswater
                                                              Luke                       Jennie               Matthew
5 – Copnor                                                    Stubbs                     Brent                Winnington
                                                                                                              Cabinet Member for
Ben                  Robert                   Neill                                                           Health, Wellbeing and
Swann                New                      Young                                                           Social Care

                                     www.facebook.com/portsmouthcitycouncil            www.twitter.com/portsmouthtoday             15

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Work      Domestic abuse:
with us   get help
                                         If you’re experiencing
We’re looking for relief school
                                         domestic abuse and
passenger assistants, to cover
                                         need support, please get
for permanent staff when
                                         in touch with Southern
they’re absent
                                         Domestic Abuse Service
We’re seeking caring, responsible        on 023 9206 5494.
people to work on a flexible, casual,
                                         Our experienced specialist
part-time basis, escorting pupils
                                         team is on hand to discuss
with special needs on school
                                         your concerns and needs,
                                         9am – ​9pm Monday to Friday
The hours are primarily                  and 10am – ​6pm weekends
around school times, typically           and bank holidays.
8am – ​9.30am and 2.30pm – ​4.15pm,
                                         Contact can be by phone, or
term time only. Pay is £9.82 per hour.
                                         they can arrange a face-to-
More info:                               face chat in a safe location.
ff jobsatportsmouth.co.uk
ff 023 9284 1596

16   cityhelpdesk@portsmouthcc.gov.uk    www.portsmouth.gov.uk
An uncommon

Southsea Common is one of the most treasured
open spaces in the city.
It’s owned by the council, rather than being common
                                                            BBQ tips
land, which means the council has a duty to manage          ff Make sure you’re in a BBQ zone (look for a sign).
and protect it. But we still want to encourage the widest
                                                            ff Use a BBQ that comes with a stand.
possible use of this unique and beautiful space.
                                                            ff Bring water with you to carefully put it out.
The Common has a fascinating history. Once called
Froddington Heath, it got its current name when             ff Make sure your BBQ is fully out and cold.
Southsea Castle was built around 1545. Until the            ff Dispose of it in a black bin with a red top.
1840s, it consisted of gorse, scrub, shingle and sand,
crossed by tracks with pools of water in between.           For more details search beach and seafront at
In 1884 the council leased it from the government. It
laid out the Ladies Mile and turned one of the watery
areas into Canoe Lake. The military kept the right to put
up billets, march, muster…and play cricket.                                                Barbecue
The council bought the Common in 1923 for £40,000                     NO                     Zone
and began converting it into gardens and recreation
areas. A condition was that part of the land, west of a
line from Southsea Castle to the corner of Osborne                    Zone
Road and Western Parade, would be preserved as open
space for the military.
We can all help look after our wonderful Common by
taking our rubbish home after a visit. The council
ensures that organisers of events pick up the cost of
clearing up afterwards.

                                www.facebook.com/portsmouthcitycouncil     www.twitter.com/portsmouthtoday         17
Have you had a near
miss on your bike?
If you ride a bike in the city, please tell us if
you’ve had a near miss, so we can improve
cycling on our roads.
It’s important that we know about such cycling
incidents, so we can build a picture of what’s happening
on Portsmouth’s streets. Along with other collision data,
this information will help inform local transport plans
and cycle infrastructure schemes so we can make
cycling safer.
Examples of a near miss include other road users
passing too close or cutting across your path.

                                                                                                             Image courtesy of British Cycling
Incidents resulting in a collision or which need
police investigation must be reported to Hampshire
To find out more and to report a near miss search
near miss at www.portsmouth.gov.uk

                                                              Your city,
                                                              our mission
  Blade running                                               Shaping Portsmouth is a community
                                                              organisation with three staff and over 200
  Council-owned cargo operator MMD                            volunteers who are running 12 projects in
  Shipping Services has secured a 10-year                     the city to help us become one of the best
  agreement with international manufacturer                   places in the UK to live and work.
  MHI Vestas Offshore Wind. The deal
  involves handling 80m long wind turbine                     From inspiring our children to helping small
  blades which weigh 35 tonnes.                               businesses, we are here to work for the city
                                                              and its population.
  Mike Sellers, MMD director, said: “This long-term
  agreement is a game-changer for MMD Shipping                See our work at www.shapingportsmouth.co.uk
  Services. MHI Vestas is a high-profile client and
  the deal marks a change in direction for the type
  of cargo we typically handle and diversifies our
  current offer.”

18   cityhelpdesk@portsmouthcc.gov.uk     www.portsmouth.gov.uk
Cleaner air for all
  There are lots of things we can all do to reduce pollution and look after our health.
  Here are some tips:

                                                     Before buying
   Leave your car                                    online, think          Turn your
   at home and              Switch off your          about whether a        commute into a        Think about
   walk or cycle            engine when              delivery van will      workout – ​walk,      buying a hybrid
   instead.                 stationary.              be needed.             run or cycle.         or electric car.

  Our work to improve the city’s air quality has had a           As well as encouraging people to walk, cycle and use
  boost, after we successfully applied for almost £1/2m          public transport (such as the Park and Ride), we’re
  from the government to enable us to do more.                   also working on cycle training schemes, travel plans
                                                                 for workplaces and improvements to key routes.

Last year we announced we’d be installing free
charge points for electric vehicles in three of
our busiest car parks, funded by the council and
local company CityEV. Two of them are now
operational, at the Isambard Brunel multi-storey
and Esplanade car parks.
The new facilities have been used more than 100 times
with an average charge time of one hour and 42 minutes.
They’re free to use during the first year of a two-year trial.
A third charge point is planned for later in the summer.
We’ve also received £100,000 from the government
towards providing charge points in residential areas
without off-street parking. Over the summer around
50 will be installed at 30 locations, chosen with the
help of residents.
To find out more, search electric charge points at

                                   www.facebook.com/portsmouthcitycouncil        www.twitter.com/portsmouthtoday        19
Don’t bin it,
get it fixed
Got something that’s broken? Instead of
buying a replacement, you could save money
and help the environment by getting it fixed
at the Repair Café.
It’s a regular social event where you can repair your
things with the help of volunteers and enjoy a cuppa,
                                                                                             Fixing fairy lights
some cake and a natter.
In their first two sessions they fixed 50 items, including
13 bikes and 13 electrical items. They can also mend
clothes, toys, shoes and more. Repairs are free, but they
ask for donations and you’ll need to buy any spare parts
They welcome volunteers, whether fixers or other
helpers. The next events are 21 July and 15 September,
10.30am – ​1pm, at Buckland United Reformed Church,
174 Kingston Road. Find out more at
                                                                                                 Fixing a radio

                                                                   LOOKING FOR A
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20   cityhelpdesk@portsmouthcc.gov.uk      www.portsmouth.gov.uk
A drone image of Southsea seafront

Southsea coastal defences
Southsea Coastal Scheme is responsible for                 decisions. These include how some of the seafront
creating new flood defences along 4.5km of                 roads could be used in the future and how the new
seafront, from Old Portsmouth to Eastney. The              defences could look near South Parade Pier.
aim is to build new defences that embrace                  You’ll also be able to sign up to workshops where you
everything we all love about the seafront, while           can explore the emerging designs with the help of
reducing the risk of flooding to more than 8,000           experts, who will explain the opportunities and
homes in Southsea for the next century.                    constraints in each area. The council will also be asking
Following the engagement events at the end of last         for your views on the future of its seafront masterplan,
year, the team are going to be out and about across the    with staff on hand to answer your queries.
city in July holding a new series of consultation events
                                                           For more information go to
on the emerging designs. These will be held at:
ff Eastney community centre: 4 July, 1pm – ​7pm
ff Canoe Lake tennis pavilion: 6 July, 1.30pm – ​7.30pm
ff Aspex Gallery: 10 July, 1pm – ​7pm
ff Anchorage Park community centre: 11 July,
   3pm – ​7pm
ff St Jude’s church: 12 July, 1pm – ​7pm
ff Cosham community centre: 16 July, 3pm – ​7pm
ff Royal Naval Club & Royal Albert Yacht Club: 17 July,
   1pm – ​7pm
ff Fratton community centre: 20 July, 1pm – ​7pm
There will be lots more sketches and visualisations, and
the team will be asking you for your help with some big
                                                                                                   Southsea during high seas
                               www.facebook.com/portsmouthcitycouncil       www.twitter.com/portsmouthtoday              21
Foster care will help

                                                                                                  Joe on his army course

Young people in care                        I was in foster care from the age of nine, but I’ve been living
                                            on my own for the last couple of years. Fostering has made
face huge challenges.                       me the person I am today. My foster carers have helped me
                                            not to give up when things get difficult, to become more
But foster carers can                       resilient and hang in there. Being able to talk things
make all the difference,                    through, at the end of a bad day, helps keep you going.
says Joe, 22, from                          I’ve wanted to join the forces for a long time. To be part of
                                            something for Queen and country, and to be able to say ‘I play
Portsmouth.                                 a part in keeping my country safe’ would be a huge honour.
                                            I’ve been torn between the navy and the army, and recently the
                                            fostering service at the council organised for me to go on an
                                            eight-day army course. It was incredibly inspiring.
                                            Being in care from an early age, you’ve obviously not had an easy
                                            time of it, but I met two senior army officers who are both dyslexic,
                                            yet look at what they’ve achieved. It shows what opportunities are
                                            there if you give it your all.
                                            I’ve also done some work experience at the council and enjoyed
                                            the purpose it has given me, learning new things and contributing.

22   cityhelpdesk@portsmouthcc.gov.uk   www.portsmouth.gov.uk
me achieve my dreams
                                                                                    Find out more
                                                                                    If you’re thinking about adoption or
                                                                                    fostering, come to the Solent Hotel &
                                                                                    Spa in Fareham (PO15 7AJ) on
                                                                                    Saturday 14 July, 10am – ​1pm, have a
                                                                                    chat with the adoption and fostering
                                                                                    teams, and meet families who have
                                                                                    already fostered or adopted.
                                                                                    You can foster or adopt regardless of
                                                                                    ethnicity, sexuality or gender, whether
                                                                                    you’re single or part of a couple, or
                                                                                    whether you rent or own your own
                                                                                    home. A spare room is essential, and
                                                                                    we’re particularly keen to speak to
                                                                                    anyone with any childcare experience
                                                                                    or experience of working with people
                                                                                    with disabilities, whether personal,
                                                                                    professional or voluntary.

                                                                                    More info
                                                                                    For more details on fostering
                                                                                    or adoption:
                                                                                    ff foster.portsmouth.gov.uk
                                                                                    ff fostering@portsmouthcc.gov.uk
                                                                                    ff 023 9283 4071

                                            Joe on work experience at the council
                                                                                    ff adoption.portsmouth.gov.uk
I’m proud to say that I’m now going to military prep college. The
support of my foster carers, and the council in general, will go a                  ff adoptioncentre@
long way to helping me achieve my dream of ultimately being in                         portsmouthcc.gov.uk
the military.                                                                       ff 023 9287 5294
I keep imagining the day when I can visit my foster carers, proud in
my uniform, and say: ‘Look at me now, thank you for everything you
did for me, I’m doing OK now.’

  Joe’s message to you
  “If you want to help children and young people who haven’t had
  it easy, you really can change their life for the better through
  fostering, and help give them a solid future.
                                                                                                                              © John Birdsall. Posed by models

  “Yes, you can earn really good money, but you’ve got to do it
  with a desire to give someone a leg up. You could give them a
  home, keep them safe, be their role model, their advisor, help
  keep them on track. Believe me, it can make a massive
  difference in their life.”

                                www.facebook.com/portsmouthcitycouncil                 www.twitter.com/portsmouthtoday        23
You can also read