Page created by Kristen Morris
                 43-775 Deep Canyon Rd., Palm Desert, CA 92260
                      760-346-6502       Fax: 760-773-4873
                       Pastor: Rev. Gr egor y Elder , Ph.D.
                        Parochial Vicar: Rev. Tyler Tr ipp
                       Assisting Priests:    Fr . Mar lin J . Connole
                                             Fr. Donald Craig
                                             Fr. Robert Finamore
                                             Fr. Thomas Thorne

                        Deacons:        J esus Mer cado and Char lie A. Stanton
To register on line please visit our website:
                                 AUGUST 29, 2021
                               THIS WEEKS MASSES AND INTENTIONS

SATURDAY        August 28                4:00 PM    Jack Marchese, Rest in Peace by Sister Rose Marie and Joe Sherry
                                                    Por Populo - For the People of the Parish
                                         5:30 PM    George Rex, Rest in Peace by The Frost Family

SUNDAY          August 29                6:45 AM    For the Well Being of Kent Jure (Jury) by his mom
                                         8:00 AM    Anastasia Gresser, Rest in Peace by Isabelle Chapman
                                          9:30 AM   Al Zappala, Rest in Peace by The Zappala Family
                                                    Marilyn Paige, Rest in Peace by Paul and Wendy Allaire
                                         11:00 AM   Robert Orr, Rest in Peace by his beloved wife Joan Orr
                                                    Tim Loeffler, Rest in Peace by Trudy Cassin
                                         12:30 PM   Juan Gabriel Martinez, Descanse en Paz de parte de su esposa e hijos
                                                    Por la Salud del Padre Rigoberto Sanchez
                                         2:30 PM    For the Healing of Eva Gizowski by Ann Babcock
                                         5:30 PM    Tim Connor, Rest in Peace by The Mock family
                                         7:00 PM    Fabian Castellanos, Por su Pronta Recuperacion

MONDAY          August 30                7:45 AM    Raul T. Lemos, Rest in Peace by Dolly Lemos
                                                    Walter Yetnikoff, Rest in Peace by Connie Varelli
                                                    Veronica Fulmer, Rest in Peace by Maria Rodriguez

TUESDAY         August 31                7:45 AM    Jim Jacewicz, Rest in Peace by Mom and Yvonne
                                                    Ryan Fontaine, Rest in Peace by Edward and Barbara Arienti

WEDNESDAY       September 01              7:45 AM   For the Intentions of Veronica Perez and Victor Perez

THURSDAY        September 02             7:45 AM    In Memory of Erna Solis by Lourdes Kulik

FRIDAY          September 03             7:45 AM    Lupe Davalos, Rest in Peace by her family

SATURDAY        September 04             7:45 AM    Guillermo Sanchez, Rest in Peace by The Sanchez Teran Family

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time                Vigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

                                                     LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA
                                                     Lunes:     1 Tes 4:13-18; Sal 96 (95):1, 3-5, 11-13;
Monday:    1 Thes 4:13-18; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 11-13;                 Lc 4:16-30
           Lk 4:16-30                                Martes:    1 Tes 5:1-6, 9-11; Sal 27 (26):1, 4, 13-14;
Tuesday:   1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14;               Lc 4:31-37
           Lk 4:31-37                                Miércoles: Col 1:1-8; Sal 52 (51):10-11; Lc 4:38-44
Wednesday: Col 1:1-8; Ps 52:10-11; Lk 4:38-44        Jueves:    Col 1:9-14; Sal 98 (97):2-6; Lc 5:1-11
Thursday: Col 1:9-14; Ps 98:2-6; Lk 5:1-11           Viernes:   Col 1:15-20; Sal 100 (99):1b-5; Lc 5:33-39
Friday:    Col 1:15-20; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 5:33-39      Sábado:    Col 1:21-23; Sal 54 (53):3-4, 6, 8; Lc 6:1-5
Saturday: Col 1:21-23; Ps 54:3-4, 6, 8; Lk 6:1-5     Domingo: Is 35:4-7a; Sal 146 (145):7-10; Sant 2:1-5;
Sunday:    Is 35:4-7a; Ps 146:7-10; Jas 2:1-5;                  Mc 7:31-37
           Mk 7:31-37
On the Cameras in Church                                          Mass Reservations are no longer required!
As many people have noticed, we have been
                                                                  Mass Schedule
recording at the daily Masses as well as 8:00 am
and 12:30 pm Sunday. We are currently investi-                    Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00pm & 5:30pm English
gating getting a profession quality livestream sys-               Sunday:
tem installed, which will both record and transmit                 6:45AM English
the assigned Masses, and send them to our web                      8:00AM English
page, YouTube and        perhaps elsewhere. The
                                                                   9:30AM English
camera will be positioned so a viewer at home can
see the Altar and Lectern, and it will be placed at               11:00AM English
such an angle as will show the minimum number                     12:30PM Spanish
of the back of your heads.                                         2:30PM Latin
The little rascal will not be cheap! Yet we trust it               5:30PM English
will serve the parish for some time. It is also ca-                7:00PM Spanish
pable of having additional units added in the fu-
ture, should we want to cover other angles. It will               Daily Mass: Monday – Saturday 7:45am English
be able to cover any of our Masses, English,
Spanish, or Latin, as well as holy days and special
vents. If you would like to contribute to this pro-               Confessions/ Confesiones
ject please contact the Betty and the Church Office               Thursday/ Jueves: 8:30 AM — 9:30 AM
or speak with Father Gregory.                                     Saturday/ Sabado: 3:30 PM — 4:00 PM
Why are we doing this? We have many members                                        & 5:00 PM — 5:30 PM
of this parish who are homebound and not able to
get to Mass in person and this is a ministry to                   SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES
them. It will be professionally done so that the
sound and the image will be clear, as many of                     Sunday:    Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
us do not have perfect eyesight or hearing. It is                 Wednesday: World Day of Prayer for the Care
important to remember that our mail has told us                              of Creation
that previous broadcasts in the past have been                    Friday:     St. Gregory the Great ; First Friday
viewed around the world, by students in college,                  Saturday:   Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday
by those in military service and our own people
while on vacation. We anticipate about two
months before the project will be operational.
                                                                                Adoration of the
Thank you for your patience and support.
                                                                                Blessed Sacrament
Fr Gregory Elder, Pastor

 ADORATION VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ‼                                    Padre Pio Adoration Chapel
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1st, is the target date to resume our             Open daily from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM and
FIRST FRIDAY 24 HOUR ADORATION in our beautiful                   FOB accessible from 2:00 PM to 6:00 AM.
Padre Pio Chapel. We need many volunteers in order to make
this successful. Please consider volunteering for one hour each   Reglamentos de la Capilla de Adoración
month to make it possible.                                        Abierto todos los días de 6:00 AM a 2:00 PM
We begin right after the 7:45 AM First Friday Mass and            Y accesible con FOB de 2:00 PM A 6:00 AM.
continue through until the next morning when it ends at the
beginning of the 7:45 AM Mass. Volunteers spend one hour             For 24 Hour adoration, please purchase
on the hour praying or sitting peacefully in Adoration of our          an Adoration Chapel key from the
Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. We especially always need
people for the sacrificial hours of Midnight to 6:00 AM.                     Parish Office for a $5 fee.
 To volunteer or receive more information, please contact:         Para tener acceso las 24 horas a la capilla de
                    Mary Ann Worrell                                Adoración favor de obtener una llave en la (310) 686-4442
                                                                        oficina de la iglesia, el costo es $5.
                                is celebrated every Sunday at 2:30p.m.
                               Come and experience the majestic ancient Mass and be
                                formed in the same spirituality of our great Saints.

                Join us for the Daily Rosary
                 Monday through Saturday
                          at 7:15am
                 We invite you to pray the
                   Rosary with us prior                 Interested in becoming Catholic?
                     to the Daily Mass.                 RCIA is a process for (1) those interested in joining
                                                        the Catholic Church who may or may not have been
                                                        Baptized, (2) Catholics who began their Sacraments of
  PRAYER LIST FOR THE SICK                              Initiation but did not complete them (Baptism, First Com-
                                                        munion, Confirmation), or (3) Catholics who wish to
The prayer list for the sick is posted on the church    learn more about their faith in an adult –education forum.
        bulletin boards in the vestibule.
                                                        Some in RCIA are being prepared as they await
 Please call the parish office to have your loved       resolution of marriage issues that have delayed their en-
      ones added to the list. 760-346-6502              try into the Church. Some are still exploring the faith. But
                                                        the focus of the class is always a presentation and discus-
                                                        sion of the Catholic faith to prepare people for entering
            Mass Inten ons                              the church at Easter.
                                                        If you have any questions, please contact Sr. Pia, OCD,
  The 2022 Mass Book is now open to schedule your       (760) 346-6502 or
 Mass intentions. Due to the large number of requests   She will also be available to answer questions after the
   mass intentions are limited to one intention per     English Masses on Sunday 08/22 and Sunday 08/29. We
family, per month, with a maximum of four intentions    are all on the journey together, learning with each other
                in each calendar year.                  and helping each other along the way. Let us journey with

                         Holy Hour - Hora Santa
                Friday/ Viernes - Sept. 3rd at 7:00pm
         To include The Divine Mercy Chaplet and/ or Rosary
     Incluyendo la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia o el Rosario
Ministry meetings limited to 10 people.
  Please contact ministry coordinators for details.
 WOMEN'S Christians in Commerce                               Life in the Spirit Ministry
           Join us every Monday afternoon,
                   2:00PM to 3:00PM                              Charismatic Prayer Group
               St. Theresa meeting room                                   Join us Monday Evenings
     Christians in Commerce is for all Christians                           7:30 PM — 8:30 PM
    in the Community, including retired persons.                        Sacred Heart Church – Palm Desert
    For information please call: Judy Foudy (760) 345 8141               St. Theresa’s Room
                                                                    Across from the Parish Office

 Knitting for charity
Join us the First and Third Friday of each month!
St. Theresa Meeting Room
10:00 AM—11:00AM
Friday, September 3rd & 17th
Please bring your own needles
Please call to reserve your spot.
Alice 760-779-0896
Please be sure to leave a message.

  Saturday Sew and Serve!
   We invite you to join us in creating dresses!
                During the pandemic women have                       Sacred Heart Men’s Retreat
                been sewing at home and we have                           Sept 17-19, 2021
                sent 300 dresses to the Philippines          Men, this is an important time for our faith renewal.
                already. Please help us send even                     Isn’t it time you consider going on
                more to girls in need!                        a men’s weekend retreat? Our annual retreat this
                                                                     year will take place at the Passionist
                                                                        Retreat Center in Sierra Madre
Because of the increase of the Delta variant,                        (near Pasadena) at Mater Dolorosa.
DAG will not have the regular monthly sewing                                      The theme is
sessions. You can pick up dress packets at the                             “walking with God during
covered parking lot next to the main church entrance                          these difficult times.”
on Saturday, September 11th from 1pm-2pm.                    The talks are incredible, the food is outstanding and
Directions and packets will be provided.                                 the grounds are magnificent!
                                                                    You will find a great deal of serenity.
The finished dresses can be returned on October 9
from 1pm-2pm. Additional packets will be available             Carpooling is available. Check out the website.
on this day too!                                               
   For more info, please call Anne 760- 899-0351                     For details contact: John Sloan at
               All ages are welcome!                                          760-898-1724 or
Have you registered your family ?
               Register online at
                Rosary Devotion every Thursday
                8:30 am in St. Theresa Room
                Please join us as we are called to pray the
                                                                              Charismatic Prayer Group
                rosary for peace in our country, peace in our                Sponsored by Life in the Spirit
                world and for our own private intentions. We
                pray the rosary to show our devotion to our          Join us every Thursday 9:30AM-11:30AM
                Lord, through His blessed mother, Mary.                       In the St. Theresa Meeting Room
                The rosary is our greatest weapon against the     Each week we surrender our hearts to Jesus as we li our voices in
                challenges and evils of today.                    songs of worship. Join us as we pray together for our Church, our
                                                                  country, our world, and for one another!

      Christians In Commerce                                                            The Flame of Love Cenacle
for all Christians in the Community, including retired persons.                          Join us Saturdays after morning Mass
     Prayer, scripture based teaching, and discussion                                             8:30 am - 10:00 am
     on the teaching– all within the one hour meeting.                                            St. Theresa's Room
          Our Men’s group meets each Friday                                               For more information please contact:
                  7:00AM to 8:00AM                                                                 Rick 760-699-1775
  Salta Pastoral Center—Lanterman Conference Room
            For more information, please call:
                John Sloan 760-898-1724

  Sacred Heart Youth Group                                        Light of the World
   Meets Weekly Via Zoom!                                             Join our Young Adult Group
                                                                        via Zoom on Wednesdays
High school aged youth are welcome
                                                                           from 7pm to 8:30pm
      to join our youth group.
  We meet on Fridays from 5pm-6:30pm                               For more information, please call our
 online via Zoom. For more information,                                        parish office,
       please call our parish office                                   or Luisana at 760-831-0076
            or email Liliana at                                          or email Juan Arreola at                      
                                                                               Inscríbete hoy!
                                                                           Registrarse a FORMED
              Join Today!                                                  es más fácil que nunca:
     Registering for FORMED is easier than ever:                        Visita
1. Go to
                                                                       Selecciona el nombre de
2.Select our parish:
                                                                          nuestra parroquia:
Sacred Heart 43-775 Deep Canyon Road Palm Desert CA
                                                                  Sacred Heart 43-775 Deep Canyon
3. Register with your name and email address
                                                                       Road Palm Desert CA
4. Check that email account for a link to begin using              Regístrate con tu nombre y tu correo electrónico
   FORMED                                                           Revisa tu cuenta de correo electrónico donde
                                                                  recibirás una liga para empezar a usar FORMED.
Non-Discrimination                    *PLEASE NOTE: ENROLL NOW for the
                                                         2021-2022 year at Sacred Heart Preschool.
                   Policy: Sacred Heart adheres
                                                         We are accepting applications for children 2 years 10
                   strictly to a policy of racial non    months and fully potty-trained or no older than 6 years
                   -discrimination as dictated by        old by September 1, 2021. We would love to have your
                   the Diocese of San Bernardino         child join our beautiful little preschool where we create a
                                                         caring respectful environment which promotes academic
                   which reads as follows:               excellence and fosters a love for learning and teaches as
                                                         Jesus did.
The schools of the Diocese of San Bernardino admit       Please have the following copies available when picking
students of any sex, race, color, national and ethnic    up your Preliminary Application at the Preschool Office:
origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and       x Birth Certificate
activities generally accorded or made available to the   x Updated Immunization Records
students at the respective schools. This school does     x Baptismal Certificate (if Baptized)
not discriminate on bases of sex, color, national and    Please call the Preschool Office Manager, Mrs. Perea at
ethnic origin in the administration of their educa-      760-674-3000 to get more information on securing your
                                                         spot or to schedule your tour. Tours by appointment only
tional policies admission policies, scholarship and
loan programs, and athletic and other school             If you have a 2020-2021 waitlist preliminary applica-
administered programs.                                   tion on file, please note, it DOES NOT roll over, you
                                                         must come in to fill out a new one for the 2021-2022
                                                         school year.

                       Monthly meeting will be held off campus
                         For more information or to join the Knights please contact
                      Grand Knight: Jim Shipley 714-814-7146
                                       or Frank Rayo 760-424-6273

Saturday, September 11 from 7:30am to 11:00am
     North parking lot behind the Salta Pastoral Center
Bring your California Refund Value (CRV) Recyclables:
CRV aluminum cans, CRV glass bottles, CRV plastic bottles, CRV bi-metal cans
This includes beverage and fruit juices packed in containers less than 46 ounces and
vegetable juice in containers 16 ounces or less. Please NO wine bottles.
Pick-up Service available for homebound parishioners wishing to participate.
Contact Frank Rayo 760-424-6273
                        CONTINUED DONATIONS
               Please mail donations to: Sacred Heart Church
               43775 Deep Canyon Rd., Palm Desert CA 92260
                    WE SHARE ONLINE GIVING
                      To enroll Simply go to our Parish website
    Select Donation Opportunities and click on the Online Giving link
  or call our Parish Office 760-346-6502 to leave a message for our staff

Relevant Radio                                                                   Are you feeling worried, over-
                                                                                 whelmed, sad, lonely, or irritable?
Now in the Coachella Valley at                                                   If you are 18 years + we provide free
                                                                                 consultations and linkage to
97.1 FM Station KXCP                                                             Behavioral Health resources. We are
Now’s your chance to listen to Catholic Radio!                                   here to help.

                                                     For more information, please call the Riverside County Office on
                                                     Aging 1-800-510-2020 or contact the mental health liaison,
                                                     Nora Escobar, clinical therapist II, 760-863-7892.
                                                     Prevention Early Intervention Program funded by the MHS

                                                     ¿Se siente preocupado, abrumado, triste, solo
                                                     o irritado? Si tiene 18 + ofresemos consultas
                                                     gratuitas para obtener recoursos de salud
                                                     mental. Estamos aquí para ayudar. Para más
                                                     información, llame a la Oficina de la Tercera
                                                     Edad del Condado de Riverside 1-800-510-2020
                                                     o comuníquese con Nora Escobar, Terapeuta,


Dear Parishioners:
Please know that we greatly appreciate our bulletin advertisers as their ads subsidize the weekly
publishing of 4,000 copies of our bulletin. As an Exempt Organization under IRS Section 501(c) (3)
we are not able to endorse nor vet any of our advertisers. While we appreciate their support, we ask
that you make your own decision and reach your own conclusion regarding the hiring or use of any ad-
vertiser. While we are grateful for all of our supporters and parishioners, we make no representations
nor recommendations regarding our advertisers and sponsors.
Ministry meetings limited to 10 people.
                        Please contact ministry coordinators for details.
                                                    MINISTRY DIRECTORY
Carmelite Seculars St. Joseph of the Holy Family group of Carmelite Seculars meet monthly following the teaching of St. Teresa of Jesus
and St. John of the Cross in prayer and contemplation. Contact Jim Mara 760-610-2144 or Leanne Cooper 760-774-2342
Carmelite Sisters' Retreats Experience the Peace of the Sacred Heart. Extended and day retreats, conferences and workshops for groups and indi-
viduals of all ages. Sacred Heart Retreat House in Alhambra - Our Mission: Promoting a deeper spiritual life among God's people. For more information,
visit the web-site ( ) or contact our parish Retreat Captain, Genie Lorenz, at
Catholic Men’s Fellowship Ministry Objective- to support and help each other in getting closer to Christ and to grow in our faith. Will resume in
September. Every Tuesday, 10:00am to 11:00am, St. Theresa Meeting Room. For more information contact Armando Hernandez 760-609-2945
Catholics Returning Home No matter how long you have been away and no matter what reason, we invite you to consider renewing your relation-
ship with the Catholic Church. Join us for an update series (six sessions in the Fall and Spring). Next Session will begin in the fall.
Christians in Commerce Men’s Meeting: Every Friday 7am-8am in the Salta Pastoral Center. Contact John Sloan 760-898-1724
Women’s Meeting: Every Monday 2:30pm—3:30pm St. Theresa Room. Contact Judy at 760-345-8141. Start date pending.
Centering Prayer Weekly sessions are every Thursday, 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM in the St. Andrew Room . Will resume October
For more information, contact George Shultz, 626-429-3678,
Companions Visitation Ministry (CVM) The objective is to offer friendship to a senior by providing companionship. We provide training.
If this is your calling, please contact Patrick Crofoot 760-776-1000 email:
Dress a Girl We are excited to announce that we will continue our monthly Sew and Serve via packet pick-up! See bulletin announcement for
specific dates. All ages are welcome! Please call Anne 760- 899-0351 with questions. Will resume in Sept.
Eucharistic Adoration The Padre Pio Adoration Chapel is open to all who seek a greater sense of intimacy with Jesus. Through our Ministry we hope
to mobilize the maximum number of individuals to spend one hour, each week in adoration. Contact: Mary Ann Worrell 760- 834-8923
Eucharistic/Lector Ministers If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, please contact Juan Arreola at the Parish Office at 760 346-6502
or email
Flame of Love Cenacle Join us Saturday’s 8:30AM—9:30AM in the St. Theresa Room. Contact Rick Collins 760-699-1775
FORMED Enjoy a free subscription to - an incredible online gateway to the best Catholic content, all in one place!
Greeter Ministry Are you warm, friendly, outgoing, enthusiastic? We invite you to join us and donate just a little bit of your time before Mass as a
Sacred Heart Church Greeter. For more information or to sign-up, please call Mary Maloney at 760-776-9727.
Hospital Ministry –Volunteer in the Hospital Ministry of Eisenhower Medical Center as a “Catholic Chaplain’s Assistant.” For more information,
contact Genie Lorenz, Coordinator of Chaplaincy Services at 760-340-3911x2823;
Hospitality This ministry currently includes events such as Sunday morning hospitality after the 6:45 and 8AM masses (October through mid-May,
excluding major holidays) and the Sacred Heart Christmas Dinner at the Esmeralda event, with other events being planned for the future. Volunteers are
always welcome to help set up, serve and clean-up. Please contact Betty Fernandez in the parish office to participate.
Kairos Prison Ministry A lay lead Christian ministry that conduct highly successful and structured program in correctional institutions. The mission
of Kairos Prison Ministry is to bring Christ's love and forgiveness to incarcerated individuals, and to assist the incarcerated in the transition to become
productive citizens. For more information call Jim Foudy 760 345 8141.
Knights of Columbus Council, Saint Padre Pio #17203 This is the local council of the national organization of Catholic men devoted to charitable
services to the church and greater community. There is an application process that is required of any adult Catholic man wanting to be part of this
fraternal organization. For more information call Grand Knight, Jim Shipley( 714) 814-7146
Knitting for Charity Join us the First and Third Friday of each month! St. Theresa Meeting Room 8:30 AM—10:30AM Fridays— will resume Sept.
Please bring your own needles. For more information contact Alice 760-779-0896 Please be sure to leave a message.
Life in the Spirit Ministry - For a deeper union with God, a greater love for self and others, a fresh appreciation of Scripture, and an enriched
presence of the Holy Spirit in your life, don't miss the Life in the Spirit seminars, Special Events and Healing Services or one of the weekly Charismatic
Prayer Groups; Monday evenings and Thursday Mornings. For more information, please contact Donna Ostrander (714)381-9018
Little Rock Scripture Study - For more information contact Hal Rover 760-346-1967. Will resume in the fall.
Magnificat Presents Magnificat Bible Study for Women and Magnficat Spiritual Enrichment Group will began again in October.
Questions: Contact Lenora Grimaud – 760-342-9092(home), 760-702-5231(cell) or
Music Ministry If you are interested in becoming a cantor or participating in one of Sacred Heart’s many choirs, please contact Javier Triviso at or leave a message in the church office at 760-346-6502.
Ministry to the Sick Please contact the Parish Office to request Communion Visitation. 760 346-6502
Prayer Chain Please contact Prayer Chain Director, Roseanna Radoff for more information at 760-880-3987 or
Pro-Life Promotes the Culture of Life through regular prayer, volunteer and fundraising support for our local crisis counseling pregnancy centers,
post-abortion healing, legislative action and peaceful prayer outside local abortion clinics. Contact Jeanne Jewett at 760-779-8933.
Read With Me Ministry Reading Program 501(c) 3 We provide volunteers to help the children in 12 schools in the East Coachella valley improve
their English Language skills. Volunteers needed in Indio,Coachella and Thermal Buses to Mecca from Sacred Heart and Oasis from La Quinta. For
more info please contact Roberta Klein at
Restorative Justice Ministry In need of volunteers for Indio Juvenile Hall and Jail. Help us to share the word of God to our brothers and sisters
incarcerated. For more information please contact Connie Vargas, Volunteer Coordinator 760-831-9090
RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process of faith formation which helps you decide if God is calling you home to the Catholic
Church. Adult Catholics who wish to be confirmed may also attend. Please contact the Parish Office 760-346-6502.
Rosary Devotion The traditional rosary with short meditations is prayed each Thursday morning. 8:30 am in St. Andrew Room
Sacred Heart Guild A women’s service organization serving needs of the Altar, raising funds for the needy, the unborn, and those
preparing for religious life. We meet Sept.—May, every second and fourth Wed. of each month at 8:45am.
For more information please contact Carole Ranck 760-485-6309 or Arlene Lucchesi (760) 772-5158
Sacred Heart of Joy Prayer Group By worship, praise, prayer, faith-sharing and scripture-based teachings, we seek to know Jesus’
Holy Spirit. Thursdays in St. Theresa’s Room 9:30am - 10:30am. Contact Angelica Zamora
Supper & Speaker Club Promotes Catholic fellowship and serves the parish community. Will resume in October.
For information contact Tom McKeown 760– 898-5791
Ushers If you are interested in becoming an usher, please contact Cary Gerken 760- 328-2473
Women of Faith All women are welcome to join us as we grow in faith and personal relationship with God through discussions,
prayer, Bible study and fellowship. 1st and 3rd Tuesday mornings 10:00am to 12:00 noon (October to May). Save the date ! We will
resume our meetings on October 5th. For more info Contact Julie Schmiesing (760) 360-8410 or Louise Erickson (760) 200-3093
Youth Ministry High School – Life Teen / Jr. High - Edge/ LOL—Grades 3-6 / New program to begin in October.
For more info please call the Parish Office 760-346-6502. Currently meeting via Zoom.

                                             DIRECTORIO de MINISTERIOS

                    Nuestros ministerios en español se reanudarán en septiembre
Armada Blanca Los invitamos a rezar el Rosario y Oración Familiar Cada viernes de 5:30 - 7:00PM En el salón de St. Andrew junto a
la oficina
Comunidad de Hombres Católicos - Soldados de Cristo Cada lunes de 7:00pm – 9:00pm En el salón de St. Andrew junto a la oficina
Defensores de La Fe - Apologética es dar razón de la Fe (Breve pausa durante la Cuaresma) Cada jueves, 7:00pm-9:00pm
En el salón de St. Andrew junto a la oficina. Para mas informes llame a Rosario Magaña 760-702-1502
Estudio de Biblia Cada jueves de 6:00 - 7:00PM En el salón de St. Theresa junto a la oficina
Ministros de Eucaristía Si estás motivado a servir como ministro durante la misa por favor comuníquese con Juan Arreola en la Ofi-
cina Parroquial al 760 346-6502 o envíe un correo electrónico a
Ministros de Hospitalidad Si deseas ayudar durante la colecta dominical y a dirigir a las personas durante la comunión, por favor comuní-
quese con Juan Arreola en la Oficina Parroquial al 760 346-6502 o envíe un correo electrónico a
Ministros de Visita a Los Enfermos Este Ministerio responde al llamado de Jesús, visitando en sus casas, hospitales y
centros de recuperación, a los que no pueden venir a su templo. Si sabe de alguien, o tiene un familiar que necesite ser
visitado con la comunión, llame al 760-346-6502
Mujeres Bendecidas para ser Bendición- La invitación está abierta para todas las mujeres mayores de edad.
Las juntas serán todos los viernes de 7:00-9:00am en el Salón Santa Teresa,
Para mayores informes contacte Carmen Perez (760) 610-9870
Ofrendas Si estás interesado en ayudar por favor comunícate con la Oficina (760) 346-6502.
Proclamadores de la Palabra (Lectores) Si te gusta leer y quieres ayudar proclamando la palabra de Dios durante la misa por favor
comuníquese con Juan Arreola en la Oficina Parroquial al 760 346-6502 o envíe un correo electrónico a
Servidores del Altar (monaguillos) Niños y jóvenes que desean ser parte de la celebración eucarística cada domingo y en
ocasiones especiales, por favor comuníquese con Juan Arreola en la Oficina Parroquial al 760 346-6502 o envíe un correo electrónico a jarreo-
Renovación Carismática de la Diócesis de San Bernardino — Grupo de Oración Carismática
Su propósito es evangelizar, a través de retiros y noches de alabanzas, compartiendo lecturas bíblicas y por medio de la oración.

                             School Office: (760) 346-3513                    Pre-School Office: (760) 674-3000
                             Principal: Alan Br uzzio                         Director: Mona de los Reyes
                             Assistant Principal: Kate DeNovi                 Assistant Director: Allison McManus

                   Prayer Chain                                             Charitable Organizations
        Please call the Prayer Chain at 760‐880‐3987               Birth Choice of the Desert: 760-895-4044
        Prayer requests can also be sent by email to               Catholic Charities: 760-568-5101 or 760-342-0157 Requests remain anonymous.
                                                                   Catholic Charities Counseling: 760-449-7877
                                                                   C. V. Rescue Mission: 760-347-3512
           Parish Walk Prayer                                      Galilee Center & Thrift Store: 760-396-9100
   We ask for perpetual prayers for all Friends, Family            Martha’s Village & Kitchen: 760-347-4741
    and Loved Ones remembered in our Parish Walk.                  Martha’s Village Thrift Store: 760-775-6060
      The prayer list for the sick is posted on the church         Suicide Prevention: 800-273-8255
 bulletin boards in the vestibule. Please call the parish office
  to have your loved ones added to or removed from the list.
                         760-346-6502                              If you or someone you know is suffering from
                                                                     the effects of abortion, help is available at:
                 Lost and Found                                      1.877.467.3463 or
If you think you have lost anything in the church--phone, keys,
     jewelry--please call the Parish office: 760.346.6502.               Is someone’s drinking affecting your life?
                                                                            Call Al-Anon for meeting information
  ATTENTION: All registered parish members                                             (760) 674-9554
     please contact the parish office with any                        
           name or address changes.
         Parish Office: 760 346-6502 or                                        ¿Desearía que la bebida llegara a su fin?
                                                                                   para reuniones de Al– Anon en
                                                                                   Palm Desert llama a María C.
            Pregnant & Scared? You have options:                                          ( 760) 899-3422
              1 800-395-HELP/

      LINEAS TELEFONICAS DE AYUDA                                  For information on the Committee for Diocesan Pastoral
     Embarazada & Con Temor? Esta la linia de opcion:                  Response to Sexual Abuse, log on to the official
            1 800-395-HELP/                                 Diocesan web site,
                                                                     To report the sexual abuse of a child by a priest,
                                                                   deacon, employee, or volunteer, call 911 to file a report
  Christ of the Desert Chapel                                         or call the toll free Sexual Misconduct Hotline at
                                                                    1-888-206-9090; you may also complete and mail the
73-441 Fred Waring Dr., Palm Desert 760-346-0089                         special form available in the church vestibule.                     Para reporter el abuso sexual de un menor por parte
      Pastor: Rev. Gregory Elder Ph.D.                              de un sacerdote, diácono, empleado o voluntario, llame
                                                                        al 911 para presentar un informe a la policia, O
           Various Visiting Priests                                      llame a la Línea Abierta para Informar sobre
Mass Schedule                                                        Conducta Sexual Inapropiada al 1-888 206-9090
                                                                       Tambien puede completar y envíar por correo el
Friday - 12:30PM Healing Mass                                      formulario especial que está disponible en la iglesia o en
Sunday – 9:30AM                                                                        oficina parroquial.
Sunday— 11:15AM Korean Language Mass
Kevin & Amy Chandler Parishioners              Business to Business


                (760) 779-0123
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523217 Sacred Heart of Jesus Church (C)                                                                                                  For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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                                                                                                         For further information,
                                                                                                       please call the Parish Office.

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                                                                                           72-624 El Paseo • Palm Desert                                                                   RAY RODRIGUEZ
                                                                                                   760-773-9441                                                                          General Manager
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                                                                                           Monday-Saturday Open 4:00pm                                                                    73-703 Hwy 111
                                                                                                                                                                                 Palm Desert          760-568-0011
523217 Sacred Heart of Jesus Church (A)                                                                                                     For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
Sacred Heart Parish Registration/ Registración Parroquial
Last Name/ Apellido:                                                 Donation Envelopes/
                                                                     Sobres para donaciones          Yes/ Si               No
Address/ Domicilio

Phone Number/ Numero de Teléfono                                     Email/ Correo Electrónico

Seasonal Parishioner
(Please note the months of your stay in the desert)           From____________________ to ______________________

                                     Birth Date/      Religious        Baptized/   First Comm./   Confirmation/   Married by Priest/
                                      Fecha de        Affiliation/     Bautizado     Primeara     Confirmación     Casado por la
                                     nacimiento        Religión                       Comm.                            Iglesia

First Name

Spouse Name

Name of Children /                  Birth Date/       Religious        Baptized/   First Comm./   Confirmation/   School & Grade/
                                     Fecha de         Affiliation/     Bautizado     Primera      Confirmación     Escuela Y Año
Nombres de Hijos                                                                      Comm.
                                    Nacimiento         Religóin
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