42nd National Charolais Sale - Oklahoma State Fair Park - American International ...

Page created by Kelly Lyons
42nd National Charolais Sale - Oklahoma State Fair Park - American International ...
42nd National
Charolais Sale
 Saturday, January 9 • 1 p.m.
  Oklahoma State Fair Park

         42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
42nd National Charolais Sale - Oklahoma State Fair Park - American International ...
Sale Sponsor:
                                                                                                             American-International Charolais Association
                                                                                                             David Hobbs
                                                                                                             Director of Activities
                                                                                                             (816) 464-2474 ext. 200

                                                                                           Sale Manager:
                                                                                                             Greg Hubert
                                                                                                             P.O. Box 100 • Oakley, KS 67748
                                                                                                             (785) 672-3195
                                                                                                             (785) 672-7449 cell

                      NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SCHEDULE                                          Auctioneer
                                                                                            Justin B. Stout, Overland Park, KS (913) 645-5136

                      Saturday, January 9                                                  Sale Day Phones/Charolais Journal Representative:

                        8:00 am National ROE Pen Show                                      David Hobbs             (913) 515-1215
                      		        Pens of 3 Heifers & Bulls                                  Floyd Wampler           (423) 612-2144
                      		        Judge: Matt Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo.                      Cody Beck		             (765) 719-1622
                        1:00 pm 42nd National Charolais Sale                               Colt Keffer		           (765) 376-8784
                      		 Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales                                 Ty Groshens             (970) 818-6016

                      View/Bid Online:                                                     Charolais Hotel Headquarters—
                                                                                           Embassy Suites Will Rogers Airport
                                                                                           1815 South Meridian, Oklahoma City, OK 73108
                                                                                           Reference: American-International Charolais Association

                      Sunday, January 10
                        8:00 am Junior Percentage &
                                Charolais Heifer Shows
                      		         Judge: Brady Jensen, Brookings, S.D.
                      		         Followed by the 52nd National Show
                      		         Judge: Mitch Thomas, Raymondville, Texas

                                                            42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
42nd National Charolais Sale - Oklahoma State Fair Park - American International ...
AICA/Charolais Journal:                                                                                                                is Sale!
J. Neil Orth, Executive Vice President (816) 464-2474 ext. 101                                 Welcome to the National Charola
                                                                                                                                      king forward to 2021 and what
                                                                                               The entire Charolais breed is loo
                                                                                                                                  r with the National Charolais
 Dear Charolais Enthusiast:                                                               a way to kick it off in the new yea                                        nts
                                                                                                                               City! The continuing achieveme
     By now, every Charolais breeder is aware that the National Western                   events to be held in Oklahoma                                             it just
                                                                                                                                  ustry is well documented and
 and Fort Worth stock shows have been cancelled due to Covid-19                           of Charolais cattle in the beef ind                                           t
                                                                                                                                the future. All of our breed’s pas
 challenges. Since AICA’s 42nd National Sale was scheduled for Denver                     keeps building momentum into                                                    e of
                                                                                                                                  ory and we need to take the valu
 and the 52nd National Show for Fort Worth, we had to find new venues.                     accomplishments are all past hist
                                                                                                                                      breed forward.
     Undaunted and determined to continue with scheduled livestock                         that history as we plan to take our
                                                                                                                                          genetics to do just that,
 shows and sales, the AICA staff, livestock marketers and many other                             Before you in this catalog are the
 interested folks joined forces to find a solution. From there, the                                                                 forward with the superior genetic
                                                                                            move all breeders and the breed                                             e
 Cattlemen’s Congress was born. Slated for January 2-17 at the Oklahoma                                                             not one lot that can’t be of valu
                                                                                            packages you see here! There is
 City Fairgrounds, the Cattlemen’s Congress will host all Charolais                                                                   ement to their herds. Each lot
                                                                                            to many breeders to make improv
 National events including the 42nd National Charolais Sale, the Charolais                                                        t out by the breeders, myself and
                                                                                            in this offering was well though                                               is
 Pen Show, the Junior Heifer Show and the 52nd National Charolais Show.                                                               ore it went into this catalog. It
 The event schedule is included on the inside front cover of this catalog.                   the Charolais association staff, bef                                       e   ever
                                                                                                                                    provoking offering we may hav
     The 42nd National Charolais Sale will feature 26 elite lots of breed-                   without doubt the most thought
 changing genetics. Donor females, picks of the herds, show heifers,                          put before the public in one sett
 flushes, embryos and herd bull prospects will make this memorable                                 There are  ma  ny am  biti ons in   the purebred cattle business. For
                                                                                                                                      ers it is the challenge of compet

                                                                                                                                                                                    GENERAL INFORMATION
 event even more special. We are grateful to Greg Hubert of Hubert Cattle                     some it is their livelihood, for oth                                     can
                                                                                                                                      breeding a better beast. You
 Sales and the AICA staff for their determination to work with Charolais                      and for others the fascination of
 breeders toward another successful sale.                                                                                             offering!
                                                                                               find the answer to all within this
     We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the Cattlemen’s Congress staff                                                                    to you for this sale, please give
                                                                                                    As always, if I can be of service                                    of
 and board of directors, all experienced in livestock show management.                                                               to offering this outstanding set
                                                                                                me a call. We all look forward
 They have a resolute commitment to planning and executing a successful
 national event, while managing public safety during a global pandemic.                         genetics to you!                                     , Sale Manager
                                                                                                                                    Greg Hubert
 Regardless of the willingness of many to plan and organize, any national
 event relies on a city with a venue large enough to house thousands
 of head of livestock, parking, hotels and food service, and just as
 importantly, a commitment from that city to support and promote the
 event. Oklahoma City has a long and impeccable history of hosting world-
 class livestock events.
     Again, on behalf of AICA, I want to personally thank and congratulate
 the consignors, the sale committee, the sale manager, the AICA staff,
 Cattlemen’s Congress and Oklahoma City for your unwavering dedication
 to making this year’s National Charolais events possible.
     If any of our AICA staff can be of assistance, please contact the office
 at your convenience. Hope to see you all in Oklahoma City on January 9
 and 10, 2021!
      J. Neil Orth

                                                                 42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
42nd National Charolais Sale - Oklahoma State Fair Park - American International ...
Lot 1 – Choice of One-Half Embryo Interest in Two Donors
                                          Selling buyers Choice of ½ Embryo Interest in either donor dam with the option to double the bid and take 100% and Possession. One successful flush
                                          will be retained by the seller if the option exercised.

                                          “Add females to your herd only with the potential background and breed character to further enhance your program and the breed. They have to make their reputation
                                          by production alone.” Who said it, I can’t remember, but it meant enough to me to write it down 35 years ago when I started managing Charolais sales? It most likely was

                                                                                                                                       1A              LT MADALYNN 6108 PLD
                                          noted Charolais Sale Manager Buzz Garey, my friend and mentor.
                                                                                                                                                       2/28/2016     F1225399        P
                                                                                                                                   		                                                     LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P
                                                                                                                                                       LT LEDGER 0332 P
                                                                                                                                   		                                                     LT BRENDA 6120 PLD
                                                                                                                                   LT PATRIOT 4004 PLD
                                                                                                                                   		                                                     LK DISTANT RIO 900
                                                                                                                                                       LK MISS RIO 2119
                                                                                                                                   		                                                     LK MISS SILVER T 059
                                                                                                                                   		                                                     LT UNLIMITED EASE 9108
                                                                                                                                                       LT EASY BLEND 5125 PLD
                                                                                                                                   		                                                     LT BRENDA 1014 PLD
                                                                                                                                   LT MADALYNN 0154 P
                                                                                                                                   		                                                     LT WYOMING WIND 4020 PLD
                                                                                                                                                       LT MISS CENTURY 5519 PET
                                                                                                                                   		                                                     WCR MISS YL06 3435 ET

                                                                                                                                   BW: 88      AWW: 777 R:110

                                                                                                                                             CE        BW     WW     YW       Milk       MCE    Mtnl    SC      TSI
                                                                                                                                    EPDs:    2.3       0.8    46     80       5          0.3    28      1.4     219.32

                                                                                                                                       This female LT Madalynn 6108 Pld has quickly proven herself to be one of
                                                                                                                                   those great ones, and that doesn’t come along often enough, especially at her
                                                                                                                                   young age. With her second calf , she cracks one off for $105,000 for 2/3 interest
                                                                                                                                   and possession during the annual Lindskov-Thiel Bull Sale on April 18, 2020. LT
                                                                                                                                       Badge 9184 Pld is his name and he has quickly become the hot sire of the
                                                                                                                                       breed. NextGen Cattle Company made the purchase along with Link Charolais
                                                                                                                                       and Satterfield Charolais in tow. Her 2020 bull calf sired by LT Affinity 6221
                                          LT Madalynn 6108 Pld
                                                                                                                                       will be another featured bull calf in the 2021 L-T Bull Sale with a 775 lbs.
                                                                                                                                            This upscale donor prospect has a level, well-attached udder, superior feet
                                                                                                                                       and a quiet disposition. LT Madalynn 6108 ranks in the top 2% of the breed
                                                                                                                                       for WW EPD, top 3% for YW, top 25% for Udder, top 25% for teat and top
                                                                                                                                       6% for TSI. She sells bred to SCX Triumph 50B, a high performance, high
                                                                                                                                       marbling outcross Canadian sire with a minus BW EPD and is ultrasound
                                                                                   LT Badge 9184 Pld – Son of Lot 1A
                                                                                                                                       pregnancy checked safe in calf with a heifer calf, due March 1, 2021.

                                                                                                                                      1B               LT BRENDA 3357 PLD
                                                                                                                                                       4/3/2013    F1173023
                                                                                                                                                         LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P
                                                                                                                                                                                          LT ASSERTION 1277 P
                                                                                                                                   		                                                     LT PEARL’S BREEZE 2236 P
                                                                                                                                   LT BLUE VALUE 7903 ET
                                                                                                                                   		                                                     LT UNLIMITED DUKE 1172 P
                                                                                                                                                         LT UNLIMITED MAID 7184 P
                                                                                                                                   		                                                     LT UNLIMITED LASS2156P
                                                                                                                                   		                                                     LT RIO BLANCO 1234 P
                                                                                                                                                         LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P
                                                                                                                                   		                                                     LT 7N OF DUKE 9083 PLD
                                                                                                                                   LT BRENDA 6120 PLD
                                                                                                                                   		                                                     LT UNLIMITED EASE 9108
                                                                                                                                                         LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD
                                                                                                                                   		                                                     LT BRENDA 1014 PLD

                                                                                                                                   BW: 74      AWW: 747 R:112
                                                                                                                                             CE      BW      WW      YW       Milk       MCE    Mtnl   SC       TSI
                                                                                                                                    EPDs:    12.8    -2.5    39      62       13         11     33     1.5      209.67
                                                                                                                                      One of the most admired LT Blue Value daughters at Lindskov-Thiel. She
                                                                                                                                  stems from the historic LT Brenda 6120 Pld, the dam of the $105,000 LT Ledger
                                                                                                                                  and the $50,000 LT Brenda 8034! And then consider that LT Brenda 3357 is the
                                                                                                                                  dam of the EPD giant LT Inception 7456 Pld ET! He was the third high-selling bull
                                                                                                                                  during the 2018 L-T Bull Sale at $36,000 for two-thirds interest to Full Circle Cattle
                                                                                                                                  Co. in Kansas. He has been referred to by many breeders as one of the best ever
                                                                                              LT Brenda 3357 Pld                  produced at the Lindskov-Thiel Ranch. Inception’s EPDs rank him in the top 2% of
                                                                                                                                  the breed for WW and YW, top 3% for TSI and top 15% for Marbling.
                                                                                                                                      LT Brenda 3357 ranks in the top 2% of the breed for Marbling EPD! Also
                                                                                                                                  consider that LT Brenda 3357 has only weaned off 4 bull calves and they had an
                                                                                                                                  average adjusted weaning weight of 816.8 lbs.! She is also ultrasound pregnancy
                                                                                     LT Inception 7456 Pld ET – Son of Lot 1B     checked safe in calf to SCX Triumph 50B with a heifer calf pregnancy and due
                                                                                                                                  March 11, 2021. Choose wisely my friend, the whole breed is watching!
                                         PRESENTED BY LINDSKOV-THIEL RANCH, BRENT THIEL: 605-848-1840, ISABEL, SOUTH DAKOTA

                                                                                                      42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
42nd National Charolais Sale - Oklahoma State Fair Park - American International ...
Lot 2 – Proven Donor
                                                                                                             Selling Full Interest and Full Possession.

                                                                                                                                                                                 JORGENSEN CHAROLAIS PROVEN DONOR
FTJ LTRB905 LTBV Shandy 1527

     2            FTJ LTRB905 LTBV SHANDY1527
                  1/24/2015      F1215092
                      LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P
                                                    LT ASSERTION 1277 P
                                                                                                           FTJ Monticello 1806 – Son of Lot 2
		                                                  LT PEARL’S BREEZE 2236 P
		                                                  LT UNLIMITED DUKE 1172 P
                      LT UNLIMITED MAID 7184 P
		                                                  LT UNLIMITED LASS2156P
		                    LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P
                                                    LT RIO BLANCO 1234 P                     From the great state of California comes this truly great female that many
		                                                  LT 7N OF DUKE 9083 PLD
FTJ RIO BRAVO SHANDY 4042-905                                                            breeders will want to take a good, hard look at. Not many breeder’s out here in the
		                                                  SPARROWS ALLIANCE 513G               Midwest have heard of the Fred Jorgensen herd, but you will be hearing more and
                      BCC SHANDY 1123-4042 PET
		                                                  LT UNLIMITED SHANDY1123P
                                                                                         more. Just ask some of the breeders and livestock guru’s that have been there and
BW: 68
                                                                                         looked through his small but highly productive herd; Brent Thiel, Ty Groshans, Jim
          CE      BW      WW      YW    Milk       MCE      Mtnl   SC     TSI
                                                                                         Johnson and John Dickinson. They have all laid eyes on this beautiful daughter of LT
 EPDs:    11.5    -2.3    29      58    14         11.9     29     0.9    210.29
                                                                                         Blue Value 7903 ET and report nothing but admiration for her type and kind.
                                                                                             She had her first calf before reaching the age of two, when on January 11, 2017
                                                                                         she had a heifer calf sired by M6 Fresh Air 8165 P ET that weaned at 645 lbs. to
                                                                                         ratio 104. But her production masterpiece has to be FTJ Monticello 1806, her son
                                                                                                 sired by VPI Free Lunch 708T now owned with ABS Global Inc. and J-Mar
                                                                                                 Genetics! Pull up his EPD numbers and see what you find. His first calves hit
                                                                                                 the ground in the spring of 2020 and you will be hearing more about them.
                                                                                                 Monticello ranks in the top 20% of the breed for both CE and BW, the top
                                                                                                 9% for WW, top 2% for YW, 8% for MCE, 6% for SC, 1% for CW, 30% for
                                                                                                 REA, 1% for Marbling and 1% for TSI! How about that?
                                                                                                     But she has maybe out done herself again with her 2020 calf. Born
                                                                                                 March 9, 2020 sired by BJR Hank 984P, he weaned off with an adjusted
                                                                                                 weaning weight of 833 lbs. to ratio 117, the #1 ranked bull calf in his
                                                                                                 contemporary group! This female descends from the highly proven Shandy
                                                                                                 cow family that Lindskov-Thiel propagated for years with progeny abounding
                                                                                                 in their herd, the Colomb herd in Louisiana, the Fink program in Kansas as
                                                                                                 well as three generations of great females in the Jorgensen herd.
                                                                                                     Fred wants to share this female with the breed, as he feels he just can’t
                                                                                                 do her justice in California. She needs to be in a leading breeder’s embryo
                                                                                                 production program to maximize her genetic potential. Fred has flushed
                                                                                                 her twice resulting in 8 and 10 quality embryos. This female will remain in
                                                                                                 California and we will make arrangements to truck her to the buyer’s embryo
LT Blue Value 7903 ET – Sire of Lot 2                                                            collection facility.

                                                          PRESENTED BY JORGENSEN CHAROLAIS, FRED & TONI JORGENSEN, 209-602-8130, ORLAND, CALIFORNIA

                                                                   42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
42nd National Charolais Sale - Oklahoma State Fair Park - American International ...

                                          WR Miss Long Shot Z626

                                                                                                                                                                                                     WR Duchess Z610

                                                                                                                                     WR Duchess B612

                                                                                           WR Duchess Y601

                                         Lot 3 - Selling Choice of the Entire Herd of over 150 head
                                              I can only imagine the impact that this lot will affect Charolais breeders across the country. Charolais Journal
                                         Fieldman Colt Keffer and myself were looking for a fresh influence into the National Charolais Sale when we                                                     WR Duchess F4124
                                         dreamed up contacting Joe Epperly at Wagonhammer to be a part of this great event. The Wagonhammer Ranches in Albion, Nebraska have been in the
                                         cattle business since the early 1900’s and developing their Charolais herd since the early 1960’s. Their Charolais program may have been overlooked by the mainstream
                                         Charolais breeders, but their proven pedigrees and cow families will turn many heads with this offering!
                                              One only needs to look at these pictures for a short time, to see the potential in this breeding program and the opportunity for you to get to Albion, Nebraska and
                                         tour through these cattle to select a female that may influence your program for years to come. There are over 150 head of females to select from, and you will be guided
                                         through them with Joe. We will only wet your whistle with some of their genetics and pictures.
                                              The top picture is WR Miss Long Shot Z626 that Joe describes as one of the most symmetrical designed Charolais cows in the country. She and her Ledger daughters
                                         in the bred heifer pen will be hard to get away from! Next will be WR Duchess Z610 which starts us into the Duchess cow family that is featured heavily in the donor pen
                                         at Wagonhammer and in major bull studs across the United States. Her maternal sister WR Sandy D633 was the 2018 Denver Grand Champion Composite Female. The
                                         following picture is WR Duchess Y601, sired by NWMSU Doc Silver 362 and she produced WR Travel Agent A602 at Select Sires. There are six daughters of Y601 in the herd
                                         to pick from. Y601 produced pictured daughter WR Duchess B612, sired by LT Ledger that produced WR Foreman D602 at ST Genetics Bull Stud. And the final picture is WR
                                         Duchess F4124, daughter of B612 making her a maternal sister to WR Foreman D602 sired by M&M Outsider 4003. Starting to get the picture???
                                              Yes, opportunity abounds with this first-time pick in the National Charolais Sale!

                                                             PRESENTED BY WAGONHAMMER RANCHES, JOE EPPERLY, GENETICS & SALES: 303-884-3900, ALBION, NEBRASKA

                                                                                                       42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
42nd National Charolais Sale - Oklahoma State Fair Park - American International ...
Lot 4 - Selling Choice of the Fall Calving Herd
     When considering to nominate a lot to the National Charolais Sale, breeders certainly intend to offer their very best and with that in mind David Hubert consigns this
“Choice of the Herd”! Only in the National Sale has he offered an unrestricted selection from this herd and then only from the open heifer calf crop. The last few National
Sales this heifer calf offering has sold for $8,000 to Lindskov-Thiel in Denver, January 2018; $9,000 to Full Circle Cattle in Kansas City, October 2018 and $11,000 to J&J
Trust in Louisville, November 2019. The interest and bidding keep increasing!
     This herd was a spring calving herd for many years, along with just a few fall calving cows that were then sold in their annual spring sale. In the last few years David
has put together an impressive fall calving program and there are 40 females in that breeding group from which to select. This group consists heavily of young three-
year-olds, most of which are daughters of LT Pyramid 6164 Pld, LT Ledger 0332 P, M6 Fresh Air 8165 and LT Landmark 5052 Pld. You will find some outstanding females
in those sire groups, as well as sired by other well-known bulls.
     The daughters of LT Pyramid 6164 will be a feature of this selection along with these other sire’s daughters. Pyramid a son of LT Sundance, was the third highest
selling bull in the 2017 Lindskov-Thiel Bull Sale at $29,000. His dam was the “Choice of the Herd” by Lindskov-Thiel from Hebbert Charolais during the Denver National
Sale. Pyramid sons have been the high-sellers in the annual Hubert Charolais Ranch Bull Sale the last two years with his first progeny selling at $17,500, $18,000 and
$20,000, along with 20 sons each year averaging $5,605 and $5,666! The Pyramid daughters are now weaning some of the top calves of the herd.
     This offering only happens once a year, don’t let it get by ya!

                                                                                                                                                                                HUBERT CHAROLAIS CHOICE OF FALL CALVERS
   4A             MISS HCR PAIGE 8051 PLD
                  2/23/2018      F1261880       P
                                                                                             4B              MISS HCR PAMELA 8061 PLD
                                                                                                             2/24/2018      F1261967       P
                                                                                          Sire: LT PYRAMID 6164 PLD X Dam: MISS HCR VIVIAN 5095 PLD

          CE      BW      WW     YW      Milk       MCE    Mtnl   SC     TSI                         CE      BW      WW     YW      Milk       MCE    Mtnl   SC     TSI
 EPDs:    9.4     -1.5    41     68      8          6.8    28     1.3    212.34            EPDs:     1.2     2.3     53     96      8          0.5    35     1.1    235.13

   4C             MISS HCR PAIGE 8125 PLD
                  3/7/2018      F1261966        P
                                                                                             4D              MISS HCR LANDRY 7528 ET
                                                                                                             12/12/2017      EF1261158 P
                                                                                          Sire: LT LANDMARK 5052 PLD X Dam: MISS HCR SILVER 1002 PLD

          CE      BW      WW     YW      Milk       MCE    Mtnl   SC     TSI                         CE      BW      WW     YW      Milk       MCE    Mtnl   SC     TSI

 EPDs:    10      -1.9    23     42      11         7.8    22     1.1    192.15            EPDs:     10.4    -2.8    21     41      23         -2.8   33     0.5    191.52

                                   PRESENTED BY HUBERT CHAROLAIS RANCH, DAVID HUBERT: 785-672-2540, OAKLEY, KANSAS

                                                                  42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
42nd National Charolais Sale - Oklahoma State Fair Park - American International ...

                                                     For over 100 years the Eaton family has been ranching and for 55 years have been
                                                 collecting carcass data on over 2,000 head of Charolais females on the ranch today that are
                                                 enrolled in the AICA Whole Herd Rewards. This is a beef business proven cowherd that is
                                                 leading the nation for AICA Dams of Distinction. Eaton Charolais is listed in the 2020 BEEF
                                                 magazine as one of the Top 100 Seedstock Producers in the United States.

                                                 Lot 5A – Choice of the Eaton Charolais Females
                                                 Udder Quality, Pigmentation, Fleshing Ability, Mothering Ability,
                                                 Marbling, Longevity, Proven Cow Families.
                                                     ETN Females Ranking in the Breed’s Top 25%—
                                                     Milk: 1,544 MB: 1,360 TSI: 768
                                                     Average EPDs of 2,304 Active ETN Females—
                                                      CE      BW      WW      YW     MILK     MCE     TM    SC       CW     REA    FAT      MB      TSI
                                                      5.79    -0.08 24        52     16       8.42    28    0.83     14.8   0.58   0.01     0.17    202

                                                     The buyer may wait until spring for more dependable weather in Montana and most of these females will have calved
                                                 out, so you are really getting a pair. But be prepared to look through hundreds of females to make just one selection.

                                                 Lot 5B – Choice of One-half Interest in one 100% owned Herd Sire Prospect
                                                      Over 800 bulls are on test right now waiting for your visit! Proven outcross genetics and proven leaders of multiple traits! Only once a year does the Eaton family make
                                                 this choice available to the public. There are 50 plus ETN herd sires that they have already selected to use and will be two-year-olds ready to turn out this coming summer.
                                                 But that’s not all, you also can sort through the 800 yearling bulls that are on test to see if you can find that one special herd sire prospect that fits your needs. This is a
                                                 tremendous opportunity for anyone brave enough and bold enough to pick ONE out!
                                                             PRESENTED BY EATON CHAROLAIS, THE EATON FAMILY: OFFICE: 406-584-7520, LEE EATON: 406-584-7546, LINDSAY, MONTANA

                                                                                                              42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
42nd National Charolais Sale - Oklahoma State Fair Park - American International ...
Lot 6 – Selling ½ Embryo Interest! Kelton Arthur will retain ½ Interest and Possession.

                                                                                                                                                                                 KELTON ARTHUR & GRAND HILLS DONOR SHOW HEIFER
                                                                                                                     CC BS Call Me Maybe 8906 ET P – Full sister to Lot 6

      6             BS CC MS GISELE 221G
                    4/6/2019      EF1274677
                    LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD
                                                       LT SILVER DISTANCE 5342P
		                                                     LT BELLE 7026 P
		                                                     M&M RAPTOR 8122 PLD
                    M&M MS CARBINE 1567 PLD
		                                                     MS COOLEY JPOT 1107N9 ET
		                                                     THOMAS OAHE WIND 0772ET P
                      TR MR FIRE WATER 5792RET
		                                                     LC SUSPECT 0109 P ET
                      CC GINGER 361 PLD
		                                                     CC DREAMSICLE 961 PLD

BW: 83
           CE      BW      WW      YW      Milk       MCE   Mtnl    SC      TSI
  EPDs:    5.2     0.3     34      59      4          2.4   21      0.8     199.01

     Without doubt, the most exciting heifer on the show circuit this past fall. What
more can one say about the success that Kelton Arthur and his dad Jarred discover              BS CC Ms Gwen 91G – Full sister to Lot 6
and get accomplished with these daughters of Outsider! We all knew this one
would be making her mark as soon as she got started into the show season.
So, October 24, 2020 she walks into the show arena at the American Royal and
quickly claims the Grand Championship honors. In November, she wins the
Louisville Junior Show Grand Championship honors! She comes to Oklahoma
City ready to stake her claim to the National Charolais Show.
     Is there success in this pedigree? I don’t know how much success you can
stand! The M&M Outsider progeny continue a long run in dominating every
show! A full sister to Gisele – CC BS Call Me Maybe 8906 ET P was selected the
2019 AIJCA Junior National Grand Champion Female for Jeanna Tlach in June
2019. In October she was the Kansas City American Royal Grand Champion
Female and in January 2020 she was the National Western Stock Show Grand
Champion Female. And the same day that Gisele captures the American Royal
Open Show, her full sister BS CC Ms Gwen 91G owned and shown by Katie Utech
wins the American Royal Junior Grand Championship! There is maternal power
of unmistakable strength out of CC Carly Rae 2361 Pld!
     Gisele is safe in calf and is due to calve in the spring. She will be ready
to start flushing shortly thereafter for the new owner or owners of this 50%
embryo interest!
                                                                                                                                          CC Carly Rae 2361 Pld – Dam of Lot 6
                                        PRESENTED BY KELTON & JERROD ARTHUR: 405-826-6807, STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA &
                                              GRAND HILLS CATTLE, LANCE PFEIFF: 970-215-5281, EATON, COLORADO

                                                                    42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
42nd National Charolais Sale - Oklahoma State Fair Park - American International ...

                                           Lot 7 - Buyer’s Choice of the Hebbert Charolais Bred Heifers
                                               Every year for many moons the Hebbert’s have sold the choice of their bred heifers and cows in the National Western Stock Show and many times that was also
                                           the National Charolais Sale in Denver. This year it isn’t going to happen in Denver, but they will support the National Sale in Oklahoma City with the choice of 122
                                           bred heifers!
                                               That’s correct, your choice of over 120 head of excellent brood cows to be and you won’t have to choose until they have calved out, which means you are buying
                                           your choice of any of their 1st-calf-heifers and her calf! You get to witness how each young female has been milking, the quality of either a bull calf or heifer calf to
                                           build your herd with, this will be a “no guesswork” selection. This is an outstanding choice of the herd. The Hebbert’s would like this selection to be made before or
                                           at their Annual Bull Sale the second Saturday in April 2021.
                                               The Hebbert herd is built upon proven genetics with an emphasis on calving ease. One of the solid foundations they have surrounded their cow herd with is LT-HC
                                           Blue Rock 0368, a herd sire co-owned with Small Livestock in Idaho that has 572 progeny registered at AICA. He is a son of Bluegrass 4017, out of LT Brenda’s Ease
                                           3055 – the dam of LT Rushmore 8060 and LT Brenda 6120, the dam of LT Ledger 0332. You will find stacked pedigrees throughout in this class of heifers with LT- HC
                                           Blue Rock 0368, HC Ledger 4396, LT Rushmore 6033, WCR Sir Kingsbury 7334, WR Top Hand C631 and HCR Equity 3123 among their sires.
                                               As stated earlier in this write up, this selection from the bred heifers at Hebbert Charolais has been sold for years and only once a year in a range of $8,000 to
                                           $13,000 with some of the breed’s premier breeding programs winning the bid. Many have gone on to become elite donor cows like HC Rhinestone 5100, the pick of
                                           the herd by RBM Livestock and dam of RMB-TR Rhinestone Z38, a Roll of Excellence Sire.
                                               Over the past seven years, Hebbert Charolais ranking is #2 breeder in the nation for the number of Dams achieving AICA Dam of Distinction designation. What
                                           a great opportunity to buy into a top performing herd!

                                           PRESENTED BY HEBBERT CHAROLAIS RANCH, MATT: 308-458-8812, LACY: 308-458-8823, MICKIE: 308-458-2540, HYANNIS, NEBRASKA

                                                                                                  42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
Lot 8 – Buyers Choice of the Cobb Charolais Bred Heifers
     This “Choice of the Herd” usually only happens when the National Sale is in Denver nearer to the tremendous Cobb Charolais location, but as with a
lot of changes in America, the Cobbs gave us this exciting offering now! Why, because breeders look forward to bidding on this selection and demand it.
And the Cobb families enjoy offering this selection and having breeders from across the United States coming up to Montana to look through this awesome
“closed herd” set of females and visit their beautiful ranch. Just looking through these few pictures you get the feeling of wanting to come to Cobb
Charolais Ranch, Inc. and see this majestic ranch country and their “one iron brand” herd.
     There are 110 of their “keeper” 2019 born first-calf-heifers that will have spring 2021 born calves at their sides when the weather starts to subside in
the later spring for you to search through. Again, that’s the even greater value of this choice of the herd. These heifers are all due to calve in February
and March and you get to select a pair, but they would like this selection to be done before May 15, 2021. Select the best uddered momma, pick one with a
heifer or a bull calf at side, choose your own destiny with one of these great pairs! And don’t ask for two, it won’t happen!


                                                      42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021

                                     King Ranch 2015 Bred Heifer sold in 2017

                                                                                                                            King Ranch 2015 Bred Heifer sold in 2017

                                       Lot 9 - Selling Choice of the Bred Heifer Herd
                                           A first-time consigner to the National Sale and what an opportunity presented. Bill King will open up his herd to one selection from his impressive first-calf-
                                       heifers keeper pen! There are over 60 head of these 2019 born heifers from which to select, with over 25 head that were already taken off the bottom.
                                           Bill has worked for years down there in New Mexico developing an admirable program based on the breed leading Lindskov-Thiel bloodlines for many years.
                                       There are many daughters in this group that are sired by one of his best purchases from the L-T program, LT Horizon 6303 Pld who is pictured. That bull has a
                                       tremendous set of daughters in this group. He is a son of LT Silver Distance 5342P that set benchmarks for calving-ease, disposition and milk, all while being an
                                       AICA Trait Leader for CE, Milk and Multiple Traits for many years. LT Horizon 6303 has a 14.1 CE EPD as well as a -5.3 BW EPD, both in the top 4% of the breed.
                                           There are also many daughters of LT Ledger, RBM Fargo, granddaughters of LT Sundance and a knockout set of ET heifers sired by the National Champion TR
                                       CAG Carbon Copy 7639E ET out of one of Bill’s best donors KR Miss Easy Pro 5116 ET, a full sister to KR Miss Easy Pro 8063 pictured below! Oh, we haven’t even
                                       mentioned the many foundation LT Easy Pro 1158 influenced pedigrees that dominate this herd like the heifers pictured above! Including that same KR Miss Easy
                                       Pro 8063 that was born and raised in the King Ranch herd, was the Reserve Grand Champion Heifer at the 2009 Denver open and junior shows. She then produced
                                       59 ET progeny for Dan Sullivan and Thomas Ranch including the Reserve National Champion Bull TR DSUL 100 Proof B24! What we’re saying here is that there is a
                                       diamond in the rough waiting for someone to discover in this selection!
                                           This set of heifers are all bred to start calving the first of January, 2021 into the end of March. They are all bred to Bluegrass or Rushmore bred sons. You may
                                       wait until most have been calved out so you will have a live calf, choose the sex of the calf, see how they milk, ah heck we’re not selling the choice of bred heifers, we
                                       are selling “Choice of the first-calf-heifer PAIRS! Lots of value in this offering!

                                    KR Miss Easy Pro 8063                                                                     LT Horizon 6303 Pld – Sire of many of the bred heifers that sell

                                                                             PRESENTED BY KING RANCH, BILL KING: 505-220-9909, STANLEY, NEW MEXICO

                                                                                                   42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
Lot 10A – Choice of MBS Bred Heifers – Twenty head to select from out of 30 head produced.
    An outstanding opportunity from our AICA President, to come into a very select herd of females and pick out your choice of not only the very best-bred heifer, but
also select from the impressive open heifers as well. We have pictured just a few from each group and you will also get to see a video of both groups. These bred
heifers are due to calve mid-January with an AI date of 4-1-20 to VPI Free Lunch 708T and pasture exposed from 4-20-20 to 6-15-20 to Bamboo Ledger 4398. Mike
would like this selection to be taken after they calved out so you will get an excellent opportunity to pick the best pair of cattle, but before April 1, 2021, so he can get
them into the breeding pasture again.

                                                                                                                                                                                         MBS CHAROLAIS CHOICE OF BRED & OPEN HEIFERS
        10A               MBS MS TANK 454 931
                          1/17/2019        F1284312        P                                         10B                MBS MS FARGO 653 921
                                                                                                                        1/14/2019     F1284315       P
                                                                                                    Sire: RBM FARGO Y111 x Dam: MBS MS LINCOLN 312 653
      Sire: DC/CRJ TANK E108 P x Dam: MBS MS CHARGER 454

      BW: 98                   		                                                                   BW: 88

                 CE      BW         WW     YW       Milk       MCE    Mtnl    SC    TSI                       CE        BW     WW     YW      Milk       MCE   Mtnl    SC       TSI

       EPDs:     4.3     -0.2       34     78       20         3.3    36      1     230.15           EPDs:    9.4       -0.1   41     75      15         8.3   36      1.6      214.3

Lot 10B – Choice of the MBS Open Heifers – Top seventeen head out of 30 raised.
    Several daughters of LT Affinity 6221 Pld, RBM Fargo Y111 and DC/CRJ Tank E108 P.

       10C              MBS MS AFFINITY 849 012
                         1/4/2020        F1292743        P
     Sire: LT AFFINITY 6221 PLD X Dam: MBS MS MAXIMO 603-849

                                                                                                      10D               MBS MS TANK 522 033
                                                                                                                        1/22/2020     F1292735       P
                                                                                                    Sire: DC/CRJ TANK E108 P X Dam: MBS MS LINCOLN 340 522

     BW: 71       AWW: 687 R:112 		                                                                 BW: 92      AWW: 738 R:121
                CE      BW      WW        YW    Milk         MCE     Mtnl    SC    TSI                        CE        BW     WW     YW      Milk       MCE   Mtnl    SC       TSI
      EPDs:     8.9     -1.4    36        69    17           4.4     35      1.2   215.77            EPDs:    7.4       0.1    47     102     12         4.2   36               247.86

                                 PRESENTED BY MBS CHAROLAIS, MIKE SCHUMACHER: 573-470-5411, BOWLING GREEN, MISSOURI

                                                                       42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021

                                                  11          Selling Choice of these ET Full Sisters
                                                                  LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD
                                                                                                   LT SILVER DISTANCE 5342P
                                              		                                                   LT BELLE 7026 P
                                              M&M OUTSIDER 4003 PLD
                                              		                                                   M&M RAPTOR 8122 PLD
                                                                  M&M MS CARBINE 1567 PLD
                                              		                                                   MS COOLEY JPOT 1107N9 ET
                                              		                                                   HOODOO SLASHER 1144
                                                                  DR STEALTH 574
                                              		                                                   DR ALEXIS 412 ET
                                              M&M MS STEALTH 9509 PLD ET
                                              		                                                   RC BUDSMYDAD 225 POLLED
                                                                  BALDRIDGE SWEETHEART 7M

                                                        CE      BW       WW      YW      Milk    MCE     Mtnl    SC      TSI

                                                                                                                                             11A               NG FIRES STEALTH 20H
                                               EPDs:    9.6     -1.7     42      70      9       3.1     29      1.1     208.69

                                                                                                                                                               3/6/2020   EF1294650   H

                                                                                                                                             11B               NG FIRES STEALTH 21H
                                                                                                                                                               3/6/2020   EF1294651   P

                                               M&M Ms Stealth 9509 Pld ET – Dam of Lots 11A -11D

                                                  We could not have asked for anything more from NextGen and their first
                                              time offering to the National Sale. They have put together a tremendous
                                              set of genetics. They have partnered with Three Fires Cattle Company on this
                                              pen. These ET full sisters will astound the breeders that show up in Oklahoma
                                              City for this sale. What a great time to come and meet the owners and staff at

                                              NextGen and enjoy their hospitality.
                                                  This set of ET heifers is sired by none other than the most influential sire of
                                              the breed – M&M Outsider 4003 Pld! His progeny continues to dominate every
                                                                                                                                                               NG FIRES STEALTH 22H
                                                                                                                                                               3/9/2020   EF1294652   P
                                              show ring and sale ring across the United States and this offering will be no
                                              different. The awesome donor dam of these ET full sisters – M&M Ms Stealth

                                              9509 Pld ET also continues a track record of success. In 2016, we dispersed the
                                              M&M Charolais herd and it was spread across the United States including many
                                              females going to NextGen, but not before this donor was selected out of the
                                              2014 National Sale by Polzin Cattle and RJB Cattle for $20,000. She then went
                                              into orbit in just a few months producing two heifer calves that sold for $12,000
                                              and $17,000 and sold a flush for $10,000. In 2017 her value took another
                                              jump forward when a one-half interest in her sells for $45,000 during the
                                              Embryos on Snow sale to Grand Hills and during their dispersal Filippo Family
                                              Farms added her to their donor program. Her influence will last in the breed
                                              for many more years, here is your opportunity to add Outsider amd 9509’s

                                                                                                                                             11D               NG FIRES UNICORN 5H
                                              genetics into your program.
                                                                                                                                                               4/7/2020   EF1293519   P

                                                              PRESENTED BY NEXTGEN CATTLE, DEREK THOMPSON: 785-213-1753, KURT SCHWARZ: 660-424-3422, PAXICO, KANSAS

                                                                                                              42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
Lot 12 - Selling Choice of 5J Pen of Heifers
             Three beautifully balanced, April born show and brood cow prospects from which to select. The first of which is Lot 12A- 5J Clarice 2005, this heifer and Lot 12C
         – 5J Cigarro 2007 are sired by the two-thirds interest $30,000 WCR Icon 756 P that Wagonhammer Ranches and Leachman Cattle Company teamed up to purchase
         from Wienk Charolais after posting some big-time numbers. His AWW was 794 lbs. to ratio 111, the number 10th ranked bull out of 151 head, then had an AYW of
         1,485 lbs. to ratio 118, #1 out of 146 head and then really knock it out of the park with a 134 ratio of IMF! Both of those heifers have some outstanding balanced
                                                                                    EPDs highlighted by their TSI numbers in the top 15% of the breed.
                                                                                         Lot 12A’s dam is sired by the $18,000 WC Over Time 3015 for Beavers Charolais
                                                                                    and out of their tremendous donor BC Ms Clarice 1220, a daughter of the super donor
                                                                                    JWK Clarice J139 ET. Lot 12B is sired by the outstanding Fargo that we are seeing many
                                                                                    super progeny of across the spectrum. Her EPDs are super powerful with her WW EPD
                                                                                    in the top 3% of the breed, her YW number in the top 4% of the breed, MTL in the top
                                                                                    2%, SC in the top 6%, CW in the top 3% and her TSI in the top 5% of the breed. Her
                                                                                    dam is the equally productive M&M Ms Stealth 9509 Pld ET that is the donor dam of the
                                                                                    entire previous Lot 11 heifers and is pictured there. A one-half interest in her sold for

                                                                                                                                                                                 5J CHAROLAIS CHOICE OF THE PEN OF HEIFERS
                                                                                    $45,000 in 2017! Lot 12C’s ET dam is one of the Missouri famous 5J Cigarro cow family
                                                                                    members which has 67 progeny at AICA from that family.
                                                                                         Check these April prospects out closely, they are all bred to be great ones!


                   5J CLARICE 2005
                   4/7/2020      F1294863
                  PZC BOTTOMS UP 5011 ET
                                                      TR MR FIRE WATER 5792RET
		                                                    THOMAS MS IMPRESSIVE0641
		                                                    WCR COUNTY LINE 3132 P
                  WCR MS COUNTYLINE 5251 P
		                                                    WCR MS IMPRESSIVE 3152 P
		                                                    LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD
                  WC OVER TIME 3015 P
		                                                    WC MERRY 1132 P
		                                                    LT LEDGER 0332 P
                  BC MS CLARICE 1220 P ET
		                                                    JWK CLARICE J139 ET

BW: 77
           CE      BW      WW     YW      Milk       MCE   Mtnl    SC       TSI
 EPDs:     8.6     -1.9    34     70      14         5.2   31      0.6      220.03

                                                                                              12B             5J MS STEALTH 2004
                                                                                                               4/9/2020     EF1294738
                                                                                                                SPARROWS FARGO 811U
                                                                                                                                                    WINN MANS LANZA 610S
                                                                                            		                                                      SPARROWS DELIGHT 74L
                                                                                            RBM FARGO Y111
                                                                                            		                                                      LT EASY PRO 1158 PLD
                                                                                                                HC RHINESTONE 5100
                                                                                            		                                                      HC JACK 2082
                                                                                            		                                                      HOODOO SLASHER 1144
                                                                                                                DR STEALTH 574
                                                                                            		                                                      DR ALEXIS 412 ET
                                                                                            M&M MS STEALTH 9509 PLD ET
                                                                                            		                                                      RC BUDSMYDAD 225 POLLED
                                                                                                                BALDRIDGE SWEETHEART 7M

                                                                                            BW: 72
                                                                                                      CE      BW      WW      YW     Milk       MCE      Mtnl   SC     TSI
                                                                                             EPDs:    8.9     -0.7    47      87     16         7        40     1.4    226.71


                   5J CIGARRO 2007
                   4/11/2020      EF1294740
                PZC BOTTOMS UP 5011 ET
                                                      TR MR FIRE WATER 5792RET
		                                                    THOMAS MS IMPRESSIVE0641
		                                                    WCR COUNTY LINE 3132 P
                WCR MS COUNTYLINE 5251 P
		                                                    WCR MS IMPRESSIVE 3152 P
		                                                    HOODOO CROOK 7118
                HOODOO SLASHER 1144
		                                                    MISS HOODOO Z6151
		                                                    LHD CIGAR E46
                CREEK CUT CIGARRO 382PET
		                                                    VCR MISS DUCHESS 641 PLD

BW: 80
           CE      BW      WW     YW      Milk       MCE   Mtnl    SC       TSI
                                                                                                                BC Clarice 1601 P – Dam of Lot 12A
 EPDs:     1.2     0.8     36     75      13         4.5   31      0.5      221.06


                                                                   42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
Lot 13 - 42nd National Charolais Sale ACF Donation Heifer

                                                                                                                                                                                SHF BJCF Benefit 1350 – Sire of Lot13

                                                                                                                                                                                RF Ms Stealth 215 P ET – Dam of Lot13

                                              BJCF/JVS Ms Benefit 215H

                                                                                                                                                         BJCF / JVS MS BENEFIT 215H
                                                  Meeting the challenges of the Breed’s Future! Ms Benefit will not only                                 1/5/2020   P1282163        P
                                                                                                                                     		                                                  TR MR FIRE WATER 5792RET
                                              impact your breeding program, but proceeds from her sale, will continue the
                                                                                                                                     SHF BJCF BENEFIT 1350
                                                                                                                                                           SHF FIRE POWER 0080
                                                                                                                                                                                         ACE MS DYNASTY 7117
                                              reach of the American Charolais Foundation. Larry and Beth Ludeke, Bar J               M842535

                                                                                                                                                           ACE MS NANCY’S-BENEFIT-6935
                                                                                                                                                                                         WR BENEFIT 7418
                                                                                                                                     		                                                  ACE MS NANCY 4001 935 ET
                                              Charolais, ardent supporters of the ACF, have stepped forward with the donation        		                                                  THOMAS OAHE WIND 0772ET P
                                                                                                                                                           TR MR FIRE WATER 5792RET
                                              of this year’s National Sale ACF Heifer. Join them in supporting the youth and
                                                                                                                                     RF MS STEALTH 215 P ET
                                              future of our breed.                                                                   EF1169590

                                                                                                                                                           M&M MS STEALTH 7515 PLD ET
                                                                                                                                                                                         DR STEALTH 574
                                                                                                                                     		                                                  M&M MS WYO WIND4623PLDET
                                                  Ms Benefit’s pedigree tabulation represents generations of proven results.
                                              Eight Roll of Excellence Sires are stacked in the first 4 generations, with many       BW: 72

                                              of those being past performance Trait Leaders. Her sire, Benefit 1350, the 2015                   CE       BW    WW     YW     Milk       MCE    Mtnl   SC     TSI
                                              #4 AICA Show Bull of the Year, is sired by the 99th ROE Sire, Fire Power, and            EPDs:    -0.9     1.8   30     50     13         -1.9   28     1.2    191.54
                                              stems from the foundation Nancy cow, JCA Ali. Her dam, Stealth 215, sired
                                              by Fire Water and out of the noted Stealth 7515 donor, is a proven herd sire
                                              producer – a son, BJCF/JVS Some Of It E37, was a featured herd sire candidate
                                              in the 2020 Texas Elite Athletes Seedstock Sale and finished as a Top 10 2020
                                              AICA Show Bull of the Year. Miss Benefit is a certain quality brood cow prospect
                                              – consider her moderate 72 lb. birth weight coupled with a Top 25% Milk EPD.
                                                  Thanks to Larry and Beth for this herd building and Foundation Donation
                                              Heifer! And congratulations to Larry for being selected the 52nd National
                                              Charolais Show Dedicatee in Oklahoma City.
                                                  The ACF mission is to provide research, development and education activities
                                              benefitting the beef cattle industry and the Charolais breed. Under IRS Code
                                              Section 501 (c) (3), ACF is a tax exempt organization qualified to receive tax
                                              deductible bequests, devises, transfers and gifts.

                                                                                                                                     Beth & Larry Ludeke

                                                                                     DONATED BY LARRY & BETH LUDEKE, BAR J CHAROLAIS, LIVERPOOL, TEXAS

                                                                                                        42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
                                                                                                                                         FFF Maggie 2014

FFF Maggie 2014

    14             FFF MAGGIE 2014
                   4/10/2020     F1294648
                   WC BIG BEN 3418 P ET
                                                 WC BIG BEN 9036 P                             007 Big Wind 1629
		                                               LT LACE MAKER 6085 P
007 BIG WIND 1629
		                                               THREE TREES WIND 0383 ET
                   RE LADY WIND 958
		                                               RE MS LEADING LADY 793
		                                               LT LONG DISTANCE 9001 PLD
                   M&M OUTSIDER 4003 PLD
		                                               M&M MS CARBINE 1567 PLD
		                                               TR MR FIRE WATER 5792RET
                   TR PZC IMPRESSIVE LADY 0790ET
		                                               THOMAS MS IMPRESSIVE0641

BW: 72
          CE      BW      WW      YW      Milk       MCE   Mtnl   SC     TSI
 EPDs:    8.9     -0.9    35      62      4          5.1   22            204.76

     You are going to enjoy heading to the backdrop with this one and then send her to the breeding pasture to produce your next champion. This young April show and
brood cow prospect will get the blood pumping for all observers of her in the stall at the Oklahoma City Cattlemen’s Congress and the National Charolais Show and Sale!
She is super sound, soggy-middled with great hair. Just look at this picture and notice her big belly, long hind quarter, level hip, she’s got it all going all. And an added
bonus, she is first-year young showman approved! This means any youngster that wants to enjoy a quiet dispositioned heifer that isn’t going to be tough to handle, and
has the quality enough to win, should be sitting right in here on this one. You will enjoy the entire show season and be the envy of the new friends you’re going to make
showing on the junior level.
     The sire of this heifer, is one of the most admired herd sires in the Filippo bull battery. He has produced many high performing progeny for them. He should, he had
an adjusted weaning weight of 945 lbs. and that’s not the only high weaning weight performing calf his dam has raised in the 007 Charolais herd. One previous heifer
calf had an AWW of 772 lbs. and two other bull calves had AWW’s of 795 and 855 lbs. Now turn your attention to the dam of this awesome show heifer FFF Maggie 2104.
She was purchased from Derrer Farms in Illinois sired by the power show sire M&M Outsider and out of a full ET sister to many of the famous National Champions such as
Bomshell, Firegirl, Ivory Angel, Rapid Fire, Fire Fly, Turton, Lily and Adalina. The entire maternal side of this pedigree is jam-packed with breed leaders!
     If you need more information about this super nice young April heifer give manager Gina Brumley a call at Filippo Family Farms, she knows the inside and outside of
this attractive show and brood cow prospect.


                                                                  42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
Lot 15 - Selling Choice of the Wright Charolais Fall 2020 Heifer Calf Crop

                                           WC Jasmine 9152 P ET – Select a full sister to her

                                                                                                                                        This offering of the Wright Charolais breeding program is as deep and as rich as
                                                                                                                                   it has ever been! One astute buyer will get his or her choice of any fall 2020 born
                                                                                                                                   natural or ET heifer calf from the WC herd. Only one may be selected and Wright
                                                                                                                                   Charolais will retain one successful flush from the selected heifer.
                                                                                                                                        There will be approximately 120 heifer calves from which to choose. 70 of them
                                                                                                                                   are natural born and 50 are ET’s from the very best of the Wright Charolais ET
                                                                                                                                   program. The natural born heifer calves are sired by the likes of CCC WC Redemption
                                                                                                                                   7143 (which there are some show prospects that will knock your eyes out), WC
                                           WC Lady Blue 0506 P – Full sisters included                                             Uncharted 7328, WC Milestone 5223, LT Rushmore 8060, WC Inferno 6561, WC
                                                                                                                                   Monumental 5524, ACE-ORR Lock N Load 243, M6 Comfort Zone 227, WC Southern
                                                                                                                                   Comfort 8043, Winn Mans Skaggs 663X and WC Executive 6211. If you can’t pick one
                                                                                                                                   out of that, you ain’t trying!
                                                                                                                                        And if you can’t find one out of those natural born heifers or don’t want to, that’s
                                                                                                                                   fine then go take a look at some of these mating’s from the ET program. Five ET LT
                                                                                                                                   Blue Value 7903 daughters out of DS Miss Fab Mack P ET, making them full sisters to
                                                                                                                                   WC Lady Blue 0506 P the dam of $125,000 WC Milestone 5223 P. Four ET daughter’s
                                                                                                                                   sire by the $50,000 one-half interest - WC Benelli 2134 P ET out of WC Lady Blue
                                                                                                                                   0506 making them full sisters to WC Milestone 5223 and three ET daughter’s sired
                                                                                                                                   by the $92,000 PVF Ridge 7142 out of WC Lady Blue 0506 P. One ET Redemption
                                                                                DS Miss Fab Mack P ET – Five daughters available
                                                                                                                                   daughter out of Sweetheart 3206, making her a full sister to WC Jasmine 9152 the
                                                                                                                                   current AICA Show Heifer of the Year. And there is a full sister to WC Monumental
                                                                                                                                   5524 and WC Inferno 6561! They would like this selection to be chosen by June 1,
                                                                                                                                        If you’re looking for a show heifer, you will find some of the best in the breed
                                                                                                                                   right here. If you’re looking for a production oriented maternal power young heifer
                                                                                                                                   to be your next donor, you’ve come to the right source. If you’re looking for the
                                                                                                                                   maternal genetic lift, to put you in the game, you’ve got to take one choice out of
                                                                                                                                   this set of engaging fall born heifer calves. It has been proven time and time again
                                                                                                                                   within the pasture fences at Wright Charolais.

                                          WC Milestone 5223 P – Full sisters in this selection

                                                         PRESENTED BY WRIGHT CHAROLAIS, DERRY WRIGHT: 816-456-3792, CHRIS PEUSTER: 816-529-2190, RICHMOND, MISSOURI

                                                                                                          42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
Lot 16 - Selling a Guaranteed Successful Flush

                                                                                                                                                              SATTERFIELD/BOWEN/REINHART FLUSH
M6 Ms Jewel 428 P

    16            M6 MS JEWEL 428 P
                  3/7/2014     F1191540
                    M6 COOL DUDE 6463 P ET
                                                      M6 FUNCTION 169 PET
		                                                    MISS LPF 630 MAC
		                                                    VCR SIR DUKE 914 PLD                                 M6 Ms New Jewel 0155 Pld – Dam of Lot 16
                    SR LADY EASE 914 ET
		                                                    CCF LADY GERMAINE 718PET
		                                                    LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P
                    M6 NEW STANDARD 842 P ET
		                                                    M6 MS GRID MAKER 2175 ET
		                                                    M6 MARK 7136 PLD
                    M6 MS 5078 MARK 635 PLD ET

BW: 78
          CE     BW      WW     YW        Milk       MCE   Mtnl   SC        TSI
 EPDs:    8.1    -0.6    31     59        18         8.1   33     1.5       207.7
    You want to talk about a flush donor that will make you money with almost every turn, stop
right here and take advantage of this offering. M6 Ms Jewel 428 has sold more than $300,000 of
progeny and embryos.
    M6 Ms Jewel 428 sold as a weaning age heifer calf for $19,000. Her dam sold that same day
when a one-half interest sold for $36,000. A full brother to Ms Jewel 428, M6 Slam Dunk 3115 P
ET sold for $45,000 and another full brother SAT Declaration 7321 P ET sold for $20,000. Then                      SAT Revere 6108 P ET – Son Lot 16
consider these sons of Ms Jewel 428 that sold in the annual Satterfield Charolais Bull Sales
including in 2018 SAT Revere 6108 PET in which a 2/3 interest sold for $20,000 to Bowen
Farms. In the Satterfield 2019 Bull Sale the highlighted feature was SAT Boomtown
8303 P ET, a son of Fargo out of Ms Jewel 428 in which a one-half interest and one-half
possession sells for $34,000 to Lindskov-Thiel and Full Circle Cattle Company.
    There is tremendous performance in her progeny also. The sons of Ms Jewel 428
raised in the Satterfield program have had adjusted weaning weights of 787, 854, 845, 783
and 778 lbs. to average 809.4 on those five sons. Her sons raised in the Reinhart herd had
adjusted weaning weights of 643, 702, 711 and 783 lbs. to average 710 lbs. And what a
set of daughters she has put in both herds. They milk, are docile and great mothers. And
they should be super brood cows, just look through the well-known donors in this pedigree
tabulation; Miss LPF 630, SR Lady Ease 914(the dam of not only Cool Rep, but Field Rep
and M6 Fresh Air 8145), M6 Ms Grid Maker 2175, M6 Ms Jewel 428, Ms New Jewel 0155
and M6 Ms 5078 Mark 635!
    M6 Ms Jewel 428 is open and ready to flush immediately at ReproLogix in Fort Scott,
Kansas. She is guaranteed to produce at least 7 viable embryos.                                                      SAT Boomtown 8303 P ET – Son of Lot 16


                                                                  42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
Lot 17 - Selling a Guaranteed Successful Flush & Six Frozen Embryos

                                                                                                                                                                2H Lady Bug 1901 Pld – Daughter of Lot 17

                                                     2H Elvira’s Duchess 414 P ET

                                                        17             2H ELVIRA’S DUCHESS 414 P ET
                                                                       12/26/2014     EF1202979 P
                                                                         WCR SIR DUKE 761
                                                                                                       BR DUKE 261
                                                    		                                                 WCR MISS TRADITION 8335
                                                    VCR SIR DUKE 914 PLD
                                                    		                                                 WCR SIR FA MAC 2244
                                                                         WCR MISS MAC IV 534
                                                    		                                                 MISS DOC 509
                                                    		                                                 JWK IMPRESSIVE D040 ET
                                                                         WCR PRIME CUT 764 PLD
                                                    		                                                 WCR MISS EASE 4314
                                                    OBG ELVIRA 4303 PLD
                                                    		                                                 VCR SIR DUKE 914 PLD
                                                                         BALDRIDGE ELVIRA 120M ET
                                                    		                                                 BALDRIDGE ELVIRA 62D

                                                    BW: 90
                                                              CE      BW      WW      YW     Milk    MCE     Mtnl     SC      TSI                OBG Elvira 4303 Pld – Dam of Lot 17
                                                     EPDs:    12.8    -1.1    28      51     6       8.7     20       1.2     197.83

                                                        VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld was a sire that changed the females of our breed and was considered by many to be a sire 20 years ahead of his time. He was born in 1989, has
                                                    over 5,900 progeny registered at AICA and calves are still being registered today! His daughters have and will continue to exert their presence in the breed for years to
                                                    come and this female is linebred to him and one of those special females.
                                                        She also has the extra benefit of being a daughter of another well-known power animal with the equally productive and impressive mother – OBG Elvira 4303 Pld.
                                                    She was an AIJCA Junior National Grand Champion Female and one of the only females that also raised an AIJCA Junior National Grand Champion Female! She has 103
                                                    progeny registered at AICA. At the recent Wild Indian Acres sale this past September two baby heifer calf daughters of Elvira 4303 sold for $16,500 and $20,000!
                                                        Elvira’s Duchess 414’s first calf, born: 1-1-17 sired by LT Ledger 0332 was sold as a show heifer prospect to Katie Moller in Minnesota. Her 1-21-19 daughter 2H Lady
                                                    Bug 1901, sired by WC Milestone 5223 had an adjusted weaning weight of 711 lbs. and sold for $7,500 to Full Circle Cattle Company in Kansas. And her 3-6-20 bull calf
                                                    sired by TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET had a birthweight of 87 lbs., an adjusted weaning weight of an impressive 786 lbs. named HACC KL Carbonite 032 Poll. He will be
                                                    the sale feature of the Hang’n A Cattle Company annual Rancher’s Choice Bull Sale in February.
                                                        This great homozygous polled donor is open and ready to flush immediately with an offering of an IVF flush with a guarantee of six (6) frozen embryos. This flush is to
                                                                                                                                   be performed at Vytelle Lab, Hermiston, Oregon and the seller will provide transportation to
                                                                                                                                   and from that site and asks that this flush be completed by April 1, 2021. To add to this great
                                                                                                                                   opportunity and as an option, the sellers will provide semen for the flush on CML Raindance
                                                                                                                                   996G, the homozygous polled LT Patriot 4004 sons who was the 2019 Alberta Select Champion
                                                                                                                                   and high-seller at $45,000 for ½ interest! This super donor has been flushed to CML
                                                                                                                                   Raindance, TCSS Saint Christopher, CCC WC Redemption and Carbon Copy.

                                                                                                                                        Lot 17A & 17B – Offering TWO sets of three (3) frozen embryos
                                                                                                                                        sired by TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET out of 2H Elvira’s Duchess 414 P ET
                                                                                                                                        with one guaranteed pregnancy per set of three embryos, if implanted by a
                                                                                                                                        certified embryologist.

                                                     TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET – Sire of Embryos

                                                                         PRESENTED BY HANG’N A CATTLE COMPANY, ALAN & LESLIE ALEXANDER, PASCO, WASHINGTON 509-727-9151 AND
                                                                                               KEIFER LIVESTOCK, WILLIAM KEIFER, PULLMAN, WASHINGTON.

                                                                                                                    42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
Lot 18 -Selling a Guaranteed Successful Flush

                                                                                                                                                                                   FULL CIRCLE/SATTERFIELD/LINDSKOV-THIEL FLUSH
                                                                                                                                    LT Brenda 2184 Pld

                                                                                                            LT BRENDA 2184 PLD
                                                                                                            3/9/2012     F1156384          P
                                                                                          		                                                       LT UNLIMITED EASE 9108
                                                                                                              LT EASY BLEND 5125 PLD
                                                                                          		                                                       LT BRENDA 1014 PLD
                                                                                          LT BRIDGER 9191 PLD
                                                                                          		                                                       M6 GRID MAKER 104 PET
                                                                                                              LT CAROL 4105 PLD
LT Brenda 8034 Pld – Dam of Lot 18                                                        		                                                       LT CAROL 0271
                                                                                          		                                                       LT SILVER YIELD 3196 P
                                                                                                              LT SILVER DISTANCE 5342P
                                                                                          		                                                       LT MATTIE 9026 POLLED
                                                                                          LT BRENDA 8034 PLD
     This female is a “no questions left unanswered production beast”! If you study       		                                                       LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P
                                                                                                              LT BRENDA 6120 PLD
                                                                                          		                                                       LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD
every aspect of what has happened and what can happen when you mate this
                                                                                          BW: 89      AWW: 773 R:115
female to your choice of sires, you will readily see that this flush is invaluable to
                                                                                                    CE      BW     WW      YW       Milk       MCE      Mtnl    SC      TSI
your success!
                                                                                           EPDs:    8.3     -2     40      73       14         6        34      1.2     217.47
     Let’s start with embryo production. In 2019 and 2020; two conventional
flushes have averaged 10 viable embryos per flush and five IVF flushes have
averaged 12.4 embryos per flush. Then let’s move on to weaning performance of
her 33 registered progeny; 11 daughters had an adjusted weaning weight average
of 715.2 lbs. and 22 sons had an adjusted weaning weight average of 789.3
lbs.!!! Now, let’s go into value of her progeny and cow family, with 13 sons sold
as yearlings across the public auction block have averaged $13,118! A one-half
interest in LT Brenda 2184 sold for $29,000 to Full Circle Cattle Company during
the fall 2019 National Charolais Sale. In the fall 2020 Satterfield Female Sale a
½ interest in yearling heifer SAT Brenda 9307 ET out of #2184, sells for $13,000          LT Anthem 8439 Pld ET – Son of Lot 18
to Rathmourne Charolais. At the recent Grand Hills Dispersal, 2184’s dam LT
Brenda 8034 Pld sells for $50,000 at 12 years of age to J&J Trust. 4 weaning age
maternal sisters to #2184 sell for an average of $12,000! This female and cow
family heritage answers every question!
     This flush sells with a guarantee of at least 7 frozen embryos, and no lid or
                                                                                                                                           LT Apollo 8460 Pld ET – Son of Lot 18
cap on the total number of embryos you could get. LT Brenda 2184 is open and
ready to flush immediately. The flush work will be completed at ReproLogix in
Fort Scott, Kansas.
     There are no questions left unanswered!
                                                                                           LT Nationwide 8455 Pld ET – Son of Lot 18


                                                                  42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
Lot 19 - Selling a Guaranteed Successful Flush in Choice of Donors
                                                    Two great donors that most definitely are at the forefront of the breed to choose a flush from. Their jaw-dropping pictures are only one indication of their potential
                                                for great things to come for their ET progeny.

                                                                                                                                            19A               M6 MS NEW GERMAINE 484 P
                                                                                                                                                              9/1/2014        F1202316
                                                                                                                                                              LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P
                                                                                                                                                                                                    LT RIO BLANCO 1234 P
                                                                                                                                          		                                                        LT 7N OF DUKE 9083 PLD
                                                                                                                                          M6 NEW STANDARD 842 P ET
                                                                                                                                          		                                                        M6 GRID MAKER 104 PET
                                                                                                                                                              M6 MS GRID MAKER 2175 ET
                                                                                                                                          		                                                        M6 MS E46’S DUKE 248 PET
                                                                                                                                          		                                                        M6 COOL DUDE 6463 P ET
                                                                                                                                                              M6 COOL REP 8108 ET
                                                                                                                                          		                                                        SR LADY EASE 914 ET
                                                                                                                                          M6 COOL GERMAINE 1145 P ET
                                                                                                                                          		                                                        THREE TREES WIND 0383 ET
                                                                                                                                                              M6 0383 GERMAINE 8163 P ET
                                                                                                                                          		                                                        SR LADY EASE 914 ET

                                                                                                                                          BW: 77       AWW: 747 R:114

                                                                                                                                                     CE      BW         WW     YW    Milk         MCE     Mtnl    SC     TSI
                                                                                                                                            EPDs:    11.3    0          49     88    21           4.2     45      1.8    233.52

                                                                                                                                              This beautifully uddered female topped the M6 Charolais Complete & Final
                                                                                                                                          Dispersal in 2017 at $36,000 selling to Grand Hills Cattle. Her weaning age
                                                                                                                                          daughter, sired by LT Patriot 4004 also sold that day at her side for $9,000 to
                                                M6 Ms New Germaine 484 P
                                                                                                                                          Satterfield, Reinhart and Jess Taylor where she has turned out to be one of their
                                                                                                                                          top donors. Two guaranteed successful flushes in #484 have sold for $10,000
                                                                                                                                          and $15,250! Two of #484’s sons were highlights of the May 2020 Grand Hills
                                                                                                                                          Bull Sale when they sold for $9,000 and $12,000. Her LT Patriot daughter was
                                                                                                                                          the high-selling 2019 bred heifer in the recent Grand Hills Dispersal at $16,000.
                                                                                                                                          She is an EPD Monster with numbers that rank in the top 1% of the breed for
                                                                                                                                          these traits; WW, YW, MTL, SC, CW, REA & TSI. Her Milk number also isn’t too bad
                                                                                                                                          either +20 in the top 6% and Marbling in the top 25%.
                                                                                                                                          PRESENTED BY POLZIN CATTLE & PARTNERS,
                                                                                               Son of Lot 19A

                                                                                                                                          CHRIS POLZIN: 612-916-0105, DARWIN, MINNESOTA

                                                 Son of Lot 19A

                                                                                                                                                                 M&M MS WATT 5054 PLD ET
                                                                                                                                                                 4/11/2015     EF1217448        P
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ALI BABA BRAMARD
                                                                                                                                                                HAMM BRAMARD 12R
                                                                                                                                            		                                                       ZH ENERGETTE 516E
                                                                                                                                            BJCF WATT Z36
                                                                                                                                            		                                                       THREE TREES WIND 0383 ET
                                                                                                                                                                M6 MS 0383 MAMIE 764 P ET
                                                                                                                                            		                                                       M6 MS MARK 9485
                                                                                                                                            		                                                       DR STEALTH 574
                                                                                                                                                                M&M RAPTOR 8122 PLD
                                                                                                                                            		                                                       BALDRIDGE SWEETHEART 7M
                                                                                                                                            M&M MS 8122 0011 PLD
                                                                                                                                            		                                                       B/T SMART CHOICE M207 ET
                                                                                                                                                                M&M MS SMART CHOICE 7056 PLD
                                                                                                                                            		                                                       VCR MISS DUCHESS 433

                                                                                                                                            BW: 85        AWW: 715
                                                                                                                                                       CE        BW      WW     YW       Milk       MCE    Mtnl    SC        TSI
                                                                                                                                             EPDs:     9.7       -0.6    34     53       14         8.7    31      0.5       198

                                                                                                                                                Just add one more great donor female to the equation with M&M Ms Watt
                                                                                                                                            5054 Pld ET. She sold for $52,500 one-half interest in the 2020 Charolais in
                                                                                                                                            the Rockies Sale in Denver to Mentink Cattle Co.! Two daughters have sold for
                                                                                                                                            $20,000 and it looks like her latest heifer calf is heading towards that number
                                                                                                                                            also. Her sire was the National Champion Bull in 2014, also in Denver. Her dam
                                                M&M Ms Watt 5054 Pld ET
                                                                                                                                            M&M Ms 8122 0011 sold in the M&M Dispersal 2016 for $9,000 and she was
                                                                                                                                            sired by M&M Raptor 8122 Pld who also sired M&M Ms Carbine 1567 in which
                                                                                                                                            a one-half interest just sold for $38,000 in the Grand Hills Dispersal. Yes, there
                                                                                                                                            are some breed leading genetics at work here. This female is amazing in her
                                                                                                                                            big-bodied, deep-ribbed structure yet still has that perfect shoulder and front-
                                                                                                                                            end extension.
                                                                                                                                                Take your choice of either flush that is guaranteed to give you at least 7
                                                                                              Daughter of Lot 19B
                                                                                                                                            frozen embryos and get ready for ET progeny that will take you to the next level.
                                                                                                                                            All embryo flushes to be completed at Polzin Embryo Center.
                                                                                                                                            PRESENTED BY MENTINK CATTLE COMPANY, LAKE PARK, IOWA;
                                                                                                                                            CAPROCK CATTLE COMPANY, MULESHOE, TEXAS & POLZIN CATTLE,
                                                Daughter of Lot 19B                                                                         CHRIS POLZIN: 612-916-0105, DARWIN, MINNESOTA

                                                                                                                42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
Lot 20 - Selling a Guaranteed Successful Flush

                                                                                                                                                                       STEVE SMITH COUNTRY & AML LIVESTOCK FLUSH
 SAT Ms Elvira 4315 P ET – Dam of Lot 20

                                                                 GHC Elvira 8559

                                                                                                      GHC ELVIRA 8559
                                                                                                      9/12/2018     EF1290654 P
                                                                                   		                                                 WINN MANS LANZA 610S
                                                                                                  SPARROWS FARGO 811U
                                                                                   		                                                 SPARROWS DELIGHT 74L
                                                                                   RBM FARGO Y111
                                                                                   		                                                 LT EASY PRO 1158 PLD
                                                                                                  HC RHINESTONE 5100
                                                                                   		                                                 HC JACK 2082
                                                                                   		                                                 M6 COOL REP 8108 ET
                                                                                                         M6 BELLS & WHISTLES 258 P
                                                                                   		                                                 M6 MS GAIN & GRADE 552 P
                                                                                   SAT MS ELVIRA 4315 P ET
                                                                                   		                                                 VCR SIR DUKE 914 PLD
                                                                                                         SOUTHERN ELVIRA 696S ET
                                                                                   		                                                 BALDRIDGE ELVIRA 62D

                                                                                             CE      BW      WW     YW      Milk     MCE    Mtnl   SC        TSI
                                                                                    EPDs:    7.7     1.4     49     91      12       4.7    36     1.6       231.1
 RBM Fargo Y111 – Sire of Lot 20
                                                                     This tremendous female was easily the most exciting bred heifers to sell during the “one for
                                                                the books” Grand Hills Dispersal when Steve Smith brought her home for $18,000. After the sale,
                                                                AM Livestock also bought in for a one-third interest. As a sale manager, I have never had so many
                                                                breeders tell me after the sale that they wished they had kept bidding!
                                                                     This female is so beautiful in her make-up and design, with an unreal front end that made
                                                                every breeder in attendance pay attention during that sale. You can easily see from this picture
                                                                what the potential for this female in the breed can be. She due to calve early November and will be
                                                                ready to flush after this sale. You will be buying one guaranteed successful flush of a minimum of 6
                                                                frozen embryos.
                                                                     Her sire RBM Fargo Y111 has quickly become a breed leading sire of powerful growth
                                                                performance throughout the breed as well as the maternal side of this pedigree. The dam of this
                                                                great one is the most exciting female to come to the top of the Satterfield Charolais program in
                                                                recent years. SAT Ms Elvira 4315’s first calf, a natural born heifer sired by LT Patriot 4004 had an
                                                                adjusted weaning weight of 702 lbs. to ratio 107, the #2 ranked heifer calf in her contemporary
 Southern Elvira 696S ET – Maternal granddam to Lot 20
                                                                group. Elvira 4315 quickly went into the embryo transplant program and a set of Fargo embryos
                                                                sold to Grand Hills that produced the following ETs. The first of those ET’s was a fall 2018 ET
                                                                brother that really pushed the envelope coming in with a powerful adjusted weaning weight of 890
                                                                lbs. to ratio 120, the #1 ranked bull calf out of 13 contemporaries. Then Elvira 4315 had another
                                                                natural born daughter on 10-3-18 also sired by Fargo that had an adjusted weaning weight of 732
                                                                lbs. to ratio 112, another #1 ranking in that heifer calf crop of 13 more contemps too! There is
                                                                performance and eye-appeal throughout this donor’s heritage!
                                                                     This female needs to be seen to totally appreciate the potential in her genetic value and


                                                         42ND NATIONAL CHAROLAIS SALE / January 9, 2021
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