Wolf 's Eye - Isle Royale and Keweenaw Parks Association

Wolf 's Eye - Isle Royale and Keweenaw Parks Association
2018 Issue 2                                     Newsletter for the Isle Royale & Keweenaw Parks Association

                                              Wolf ’s Eye
2019 Issue 2                                 Newsletter for the Isle Royale & Keweenaw Parks Association

 Experience the                          New Neighbors on the Rock
 Keweenaw!                                                                                  By Susanna Ausema

Take part in this family-friendly
weekend full of acve outdoor            It’s that time of year again, when Isle Royale employees and
opportunies! Keweenaw NHP will          their families pack up a summer’s worth of necessities and hop
offer two FREE guided hikes:              aboard the Ranger III. This type of annual migration takes a lot
                                         of energy and planning! But it’s also a time filled with the
Friday, May 24 at 5 p.m.                 excitement of adventures to come.
Hike with a Ranger while exploring       My husband and I dream about and discuss our main adventure
Quincy’s Surface Geology. Meet at        goals, whether they be solo or family trips, by foot, motorboat,
the Quincy Mine Gi1 Shop, Hancock.       canoe, or kayak. Will it be a good berry season? Will we host
                                         any visitors? Will we have any resident moose or foxes making
                                         frequent appearances near our summer home this year?

                                          Marilyn and Grant Merri on Merri Island.
                      Photo: M. Ausema

Saturday, May 25 at 2 p.m.               But one thing that’s different about this summer is that we’ll be
Come along to discover the Calumet       sharing the island with at least 15 wolves! These past few
& Hecla Story. Meet at the Agassiz       summers, we’ve been pretty excited to see a track or a pile of
Statue off Red Jacket Road, Calumet.      wolf scat, knowing that just two wolves were inhabiting the
                                         entire island. What were the chances that we’d be in close
www.experiencethekeweenaw.com            proximity to one? Next to nonexistent.

                                         However this summer, as the wolves that were translocated
                                         from Minnesota, Ontario, and Michipicoten Island team up and
                                         explore their new habitat, chances are a lot higher that we’ll see
                                         signs of their habitation, and maybe even hear them howl.

                                         Here’s a summary of the wolf translocation results. In Septem-
                                         ber and October, four wolves were brought to the island by heli-
                                         copter from Grand Portage, MN. One perished of pneumonia

                      Photo: M. Ausema                                                   Connued on page 2
Wolf 's Eye - Isle Royale and Keweenaw Parks Association
2019 Issue 2 for the Isle Royale & Keweenaw Parks Association
                                             Newsletter  2018
                                                        for theIssue 2
                                                                Isle Royale & Keweenaw Parks Association


 within weeks, and one ended up
 departing the island on an ice bridge in
 January. The government shutdown
 caused a delay in the annual winter
 study, during which time more wolves
 were to be trapped and translocated.
 Just when it seemed that the
 opportunity for potential translocations
 would end for the season, a window of
 good weather, combined with funding
 from private donors, allowed 11
 Canadian wolves to be brought over in
 March. Many of those wolves,
 including the alpha pair, came from
 Michipicoten Island, where they lacked        Wri en and illustrated by longme Isle Royale
 a sustainable food source. The                resident Susanna Ausema, this BRAND NEW children’s
 remaining wolves, some of which have          book follows a poec storyline to explore some of Isle
 a black color variation, were captured        Royale's key features, including the plants and animals that
 on mainland Ontario.                          have made this rugged wilderness island their home.

 One of the Michipicoten females is            Admire the beauful scenery and catch a glimpse into
 thought to have been pregnant at the          some of the many adventures to be had on a visit to Isle
 time of her capture. Also, based on           Royale! Includes pictures of common tracks, scat, and clues
 information from the radio-collars, it        le1 behind by wildlife. Older children and adults will be
 appears that at least two more pairs          able to delve deeper into their exploraon of Isle Royale
 may have formed. As wolves have just          through the nature notes on each page.
 a two-month gestation period, there’s
 a chance that pups will be born this
 spring on Isle Royale.

                      If you’ll be            Events at Keweenaw Nat’l Historic Park
                      spending time on
                      the island this
                                              Jacob A. Riis, Gilded Age Advocate for Social Jus+ce
                      summer, keep
                                              (presented by art historian and author Bonnie Yochelson)
                      your eyes and
                      ears open for our       Wednesday, June 26, 6:30 - 8:00pm, Calumet Public Library
                      new neighbors.
                                              Educator Workshop for Grades 4-12
 You just might get lucky!                    Thursday, June 27, 8:30am - 4:00pm (Register by June 15)
                                              Focuses on Jacob Riis and his role as a pioneering newspaper
                                              reporter and social reformer in New York City.
 For more informaon, visit:
 www.nps.gov/isro/learn/news/                 History on the Hill - Panel discussion with Bonnie Yochelson
                                              Thursday, June 27, 7:00pm, Quincy Mine Hoist Building
Wolf 's Eye - Isle Royale and Keweenaw Parks Association
 2018Issue  2
      Isle Royale                               Newsletter
                  & Keweenaw Parks Association Members  (asfor the Isle Royale
                                                            of December        & Keweenaw Parks Association
                                                                          31, 2018)

LIFE                            Janet Franczek                   Tom Moore                    Richard Thomas
Shirley Ala                     Marna Friedeberg                Todd Moore                   Virginia Thomas
David Albano                    Paul Gabriel                     James & Arleen Morrissey     Steve Trynoski
Sheila Albrecht-Irwin           Donald & Amba Gale               Paul & Linda Moscherosch*    Sharon Turovaara*
George & Velta Anast            Steve Gale                       Richard Mosteller            Donald Udelson
Richard & Diane Anderson        Thomas & Kendra Gale             Martha Myers                 John Van Westenburg
Alfred & Beth Angeli            Chris & Peg Gale                 James & Laura Nelson         Jerry Van Wormer
Samuel Angeli                   James N George, MD &             Patrick Ness                 David & Miriam Vinton
Roger & Be y Antony*                 Rebecca K Morgan, MD        Pat Noordsij & Dave Jones    Michael & Deborah Ward
Charles Armstrong*              David & Barbara Gilbert          Janet Parker                 Clifford Wetmore
Susanna & Mike Ausema           Fred Greenwood*                  Jim & Mare Payne             Charles White
Jim Backus                      Linda & Bob Guiliani             Marianne Perkins             Kathryn Wilson
Sara & Ronald Basso             Mary Hakala                      Rolf & Carolyn Peterson*     Peter Wimberg
Toxie Beavers                   Edward & Debra Halcomb           Joan & Gary Pethe            John Winn
Len & Mary Beavis*              Tom Hall                         Richard & Diann Pickard      Jacqueline Worden
Susanne Beilfuss*               Tina Marie Hallberg*             Greg & Mary Pilbeam          Charlie & Sue Zamzow*
Susan Benfield                   Kurt Hansen*                     Dr Merle & Barbara Plagge*
Lynn Bjorkman &                 John & Heidi Harlander*          Marshall & Dawn Plumer       PATRON
      Arnold Alanen*            Douglas & Jan Harris*            William Pugh#                Stephen & Judith Albee
David Blocker                   Jerry & Connie Hendrickson       Bob & Kay Pusakulich*        Len & Mary Beavis*
Arthur & Sue Ann Bombrys        Doug Hippe & Lisa Kinney*        John & Betsy Quail           William Buffe
Joanne Broady*                  Karen Hollowood-McCoy &          Daniel Rambo*                Phyllis & Jay Green
Jane Bryan*                          John McCoy                  Bill & Karen Regan           Bob Gurda
John C. Waugh*                  T C Howery                       William Ribich               Doug Hippe & Lisa Kinney*
Anita & Paul Campbell*          Joshua James Hudson              Suzanne RigheO               Teri & Leo Jeczen*
Stephen Candell                 Charles & Patricia Jarvi         James & Bonnie Robertson*    John McLaughlin*
John Carbo *                    Wendel & Judith Johnson          Dan & Be y Rogalla*          Thomas Monaghan
Larry & Sally Carr*             James & Barbara Kackley*         William Roorda               Mary Ochsenschlager
Sandra Carrigg                  Dr. Thomas & Debra King*         Bill & Nanno Rose            Alison & Art Pontynen*
Jill Caskey                     Glen Kivela*                     Elizabeth Rossini*           Alan & Sandy Po s
Ellen Caskey                    Paul Kola*                      Susan Ruddy*                 Alisa & Bruce Sandahl
Melba Clapp                     Gerrie Kupper                    Mark Rude                    Russ Schipper & Ilse Gebhard
John & Sue Clover               Russell La Beau*                 Darcy & Bob Rutkowski*       Russell & Barbara Tripp
Dave Conn                       Doug & Mary Lake*                Ron & Debbie Sanders         Garret Vandenbelt*
Marilyn Cooper*                 Dennis Lakomy/Darlene Frederick* Kent Schielke*               Susan & Charlie Vecchi
Jean & Craig Coverdill          Heather & Marcus LaManna         Noreen Schoener*
Stuart Croll*                   Alvhild Larson                   Cathy Schroeder              SUSTAINING
Janet Dalquist*                 Paul & Kathy LaVanway, Sr        Robert Schulz*               Joan & Dwight Allgood, Jr*
Skip & Debra Dassler            Dr John & Karla Lawton*          Ken Seaton                   Dorthey Behrend*
Deanna Dawson                   Patricia Lee Musselman           Philip Shelton               Sco & Lisa Belanger
Ken Delong*                     Robert & Maria Lohrmann          Vaughn & Terri Snook*        Ruth Ann Benne *
Johanna Diepenhorst             Bill & Carol Ludemann*           Dave Speranza                Jim Bielecki
Sue Drenkhahn                   Mike & Barb Madden               Larry & Mindy Sporer         James & Carol Bradof*
Nancy Dubrul                    Chrisne Manninen*               Leo Stern                    Krisne Bradof
Mike & Connie Ducey             Elaine Marn*                    Robby & Andie Stewart*       Holly Brassington
David & Anne e Duchamp*         Robert McEnroe*                  Robert Sto lemyer            Ralph Bremigan
John Dunn*                      Robert & Barbara McTaggart       Norma Lee & Doug Stuart      Troy & Karen Brown
Janet Dunn                      Bruce & Renie McVeety            Kenneth & Susan Suppes       Robert Campbell, DDS*
Pam Dyke*                       Grant & Marilyn Merri            Robert Swanson, Jr           Jerome Chappel
Ronald & Barbara Eckoff*         Tom & Karen Mertaugh             David Swearingen &           Jeff Christensen*
Mary Ellen Finch*               James Mertens                          Princesa VanBuren      Steve & Chris Dahlberg
William/Barry Elizabeth Fink*   Gail & Doug Miller*              Kris Sweeney                 Robert Dawson
Hil & Marilyn Florek            Steve Miltz-Miller               Robert Swendrzynski*         John DeLap &
Vic Foerster                    Margaret Moehl                   Tom & Liz Szpond                  Tracy Hosterman
Sherilyn Fowler                 Bruce Monroe &                   David Ta an
Brian & Cheryl Fox*                                                                           * 2018 addional donaon
                                      Cynthia Giacobone*         Heather Anne Thieme
                                                                                              # deceased
Wolf 's Eye - Isle Royale and Keweenaw Parks Association
 2018        for the
      Isle Royale  & Isle Royale &
                     Keweenaw      Keweenaw
                                 Parks        ParksMembers
                                       Association  Association
                                                           2018 Issue 2

Karen Dressel                 Julia Caroff                      Lou & Peggy Ma son              Joel Brown & Eleanore Maurer
Susan & Chuck Dziadzio        Michael Chappel                  Robert & Denise Morton*         Jill Burkland & Randy Freisinger
Virginia Feleppa              Lisa Cleckner                    Sharon & Michael Mousel         William & Debbie Byrd*
Vic Foerster                  Mary & Loren Clifford*            Nadia Oehlsen                   William & Helen Campbell*
James Foss                    Ronald Clise & Alexandra Coon*   Linda O                         David & Priscilla Chynoweth
Jack Gale & Sandy Joos        Sally Connolly                   K Elaine Owens                  Ranessa Cooper
N. T. Halvorson, Jr.          John Corbin                      William & Ursula Paine*         Lisa Dahl
Dave Herbster & Meredith      Ma hew Courchane                 Jane & Dave Pallin              Seth DePasqual & Beth Cook*
      Morgan                  Michael Delahanty                Tina & Bob Pa erson             Ted & Melissa Dohnal
Alison Hoagland*              Robert Dumas                     Monnie Peters                   Patrick & Lloyd Eagan*
Nancy Janice*                 Peter & Grace Duren              Michael & Barbara Pflaum*        Frank & Emily Fiala
Jerry & Trish Jones           Hal & Ann Evensen*               Bob & Sue Pokorski*             Judy & J.C. Fisher*
Janice Knight                 David & Ian Evensen              Peter Pollock                   MJ Fleischman
Joseph & Mary Konieczka*      Kelli & Stanley Flory*           Jacqueline & Ronald Polomski*   Sam Foerster
Jim Lemmen                    Francis & Carolyn Fota           Lyne e Potvin                   Michele Gordon & Rex
Dr Karl & Kathryn             Michael Franla                  John Raeside                          Hendrickson
      Lemmerman               Larry Fuerst                     William Remington               Doug Hammerand & Chrisne
Kris Link & Geof Smith       Daniel Geddes                    Rob Robbins*                          Notha1-Hammerand
John & Reva Lizzadro          Karen & Michael George*          Steve Rosswurm*                 Dave Hapka
Telli Luneack*                Chrisne Goepfert                Janet Sawyer                    Steve Harold
Robert & Maria MacFarlane*    Charles & Barbara Goodwin        Karen Schantz                   James & Cathie Hatch
Georgia & Hugh Makens         Ted Gostomski                    Bob & Gena Schrems*             Dan Haugen
Jim & Mary-Parke Manning      Edith Greene                     Harriet Shaw                    Rex Hendrickson
Mike & Linda Meetz*           Chris & Cary Grover*             Beverly Jean Simonson*          Mary Hindelang & Mark Silver*
Larry & Nancy Molloy          Eloise Haller                    Dena Smith                      Susan Holm & David Wexler
James Northey & Sonia Goltz   Tom Hanneman*                    Jeanne Snell*                   Martha Hubbel*
James Phillips*               Mark Hanson                      Sandra & Carter Snider          Mar & Joseph Hunt
Tom & Lori Porter             Patsy Hardin                     Ken & Sue Socks                 Steve & Mary Imming*
Millie Pyorala*               Bonnie & Jim Hay*                Lois Starck*                    Jo & Alan Ingman*
Rudy Reising                  David Henning                    Amy & Dave Stawicki             Dave & Julie Jaeckels
Maureen & Ron Ronquist        William Howe*                    John Stegman*                   Margaret Janovetz-Casey
Joan Schumaker Chadde*        Bill & Karen Howe*               John & Helen Stenvig*           Byron & Mary Jost
Thomas Smith*                 Virgil Hubbard                   Bonnie Swanson*                 Mark Kane
David Smith & Joan Edwards    John Ingersoll*                  Lenore Swenson                  William Kerins
Suzanne Spain*                Darleen & Chris Innis            Russell & Barbara Tabbert*      Linda & Ed Kmit
Alan Tate*                    Kenneth & Sarah Jerina           Veronica & Richard Telfer       Ray & Jill Koivunen
Kathleen Taylor*              Cathy Joyce                      Kate & Carl TerHaar*            Ron & Jeane e Koski*
Jane Tro er                   Sharon & Alfred Kauth            Norbert & Sandra Thieme*        Chrisne Kosmowski*
Gary VanDeel                  Nanne e & George Kean*           Carol Ann Todd                  Craig & Jeanne Kurtz
Beth Veino & Shane Mueller    Larry & Michele Kerr             Gary Towns                      Larry & Lucy Lane*
Bill & Judy Walter            Tim Killeen                      Judy Trousdell                  Ken & Sue Larson
Sandy Wilhoit                 Kay Kingsley                     David & Theresa VanVeelen       David & Elizabeth Larwa
Marriot Winquist              John & Gretchen Klasner          Cindy Walters & Sue Kartman     Barbara & Rolfe Leary
Edmund York II                Edward Klunk*                    Dean Warlin*                    Kenneth Leary
                              Chris & Gina Koeppl              Alan West*                      Bill & Nancy Leonard
SUPPORTING                    Robert & Donna Kondek            Mary Wilson*                    Cinde Lippold-Owen & Chris
Heidi Allen*                  Marlene Kowalski*                                                      Owen
Michelle Ancl                Russell La Beau*                 HOUSEHOLD                       Carolyn & Mike Luptowski
Sue Anderson                  Bernard & Charlo e LaRoy         Jason Allen                     John & Ann Mahan
Richard Antony                Ray & Gerry Larson*              Mark & Ginger Ambrose           Lauri Mendelsohn & Dan Dunn
Ruth Baker*                   Helen Laux                       Chet & Eloise Anderson          Dave Miess & Sandy Schlosser
Michael Bigsby                Rae Legge                        Sue & Steve Andraschko*         Dennis & Rae Monsere*
Jan & Terry Black             Paul Lessner                     Fran & Rick Armstrong           Tom, Valerie & Steve
Steve Blackburn               Larry Lowe                       Randy & Maria Barnes                  Musselman*
Phil & Jo Ann Bryant*         Ken Lukow                        Ron Bengtson                    Kelly & Todd Ontl
Karen & Mike Burmester        Janet & Bob Marr*                Mary & Philip Borkowski         Mike Opel & elli Schaefer*
Wolf 's Eye - Isle Royale and Keweenaw Parks Association
 2018Issue 2
      Isle Royale                               Newsletter for the Isle Royale & Keweenaw Parks Association
                  & Keweenaw Parks Association Members

Paul & Pat Padden                   Michael Carry          Russell Magnaghi*                 Teri Snell Power*
John & Tory Parlin                  Mary Caskey            Margret Malone                    Paul Sobota*
Marjorie & Anthony Piernick         Nancy Cassano          Jon Markley, MD*                  Russell Stabile
Gene & Arlene Radtke*               Daniel Cerys           Chris Marn*                      Ma hew Starke
Susan Rasmussen & Nancy             Mary Chambers          Jeremiah Mason                    Dr. Jean Steitz
      Malinowski                    Eric Chapman*          Dan Matney                        Barbara Stewart
Lynne & Jamie Robertson             Stephen Cheaney*       Dick Maurer                       Don Spech
Maegen & Christopher Rochner*       Marcella Chester       Zach Merrill                      Gerald Taragos
Frank & Barbara Rock                Brian Clark            Gerald Michalski                  David Theune
Philip Scarpino & Virginia Garner   Judd Clover            Charli Mills                      Suzanne Tietjen
Norm & Sue Sco *                    Dennis Collison        Jack Morris                       Sherry Tooker
Jennifer Slack & Kenny Svensen      Jeff Conderman          Nancy Murphy*                     Robert Traczyk
Rachel & Chris Smith*               Jim Cooper*            Richard O'Brien                   Marc Traver
Debra & Marschall Smith             Judith Corning         Anne Okonek*                      Michael Tremblay*
Michael Smith & Judith Doyle        Katherine Cox          Dan Orz                          Ken Vrana
Mike & Sherry Spain                 Perry Croll            Sheree Peterson*                  Robert Welsh*
Randy Spencer                       Joseph Dervin          Pam Pipkin                        Lawrence Wesolowski
Fran & Denis Stotler*               Gary Dewey             Abigail Pontynen                  David Wheeler
Ben Stotler                         David Dogger           Nicholas Posak                    Sandra Whitmire*
Greg Stotler                        Craig Dogger           Mary Powell*                      R. A. Winrich
Jennifer Thominet*                  Larry Dumpert          Linda Ramsden*                    Kathleen Wiedell
Greg Thominet                       Joseph Earle           Jennifer Richardson               Sr. Jeanne Wiest, O.P.
Luke Thominet                       Susan Elsner*          Joseph Robinson                   James Willoughby*
Randy & Karen Travelbee             Tom Ferran            Bill Rockwell                     Susan Wisehart*#
Michael Trenary & Wendy             Jan Ferris*            Greg Romaneck                     Barb Woodhull*
      Greenhouse                    Barbara Flanagin*      George Rose                       Joseph Zychowicz
Valorie & Keith Troesch*            Conrad Flessner, Jr    Elizabeth Rose*                   Library Of Michigan
Liz, Patrick & Isabel Valencia      Jo Foley               Susan Rubick
John & Leah Vucech                 Jodi Foley             Joshua Rude                       HONORARY LIFE
David & Phoebe Waugh                Anita Foss             Peter & Marylyn Ryan*             Fred & Be y Bie
Frank & Susan Weaver                Tykie Ganz             Susan Salgat                      Marn Bie
Jen Weaver                          Frank Giblin*          Suze e Sanborn                    Joanne & Cliff Hannula
Mary & Chuck Weber                  Michelle Gobely        Greg Shanklin                     Tom & Cindy Holden
Doug Welker & Marjory               Patrick Gorski*        Napier Shelton                    Bruce & Katherine Weber ѱ
      Johnston*                     Joshua Grove           Edward Sheridan
Lyn & Debbie Whiston                Elaine Harrington      Allison Slavick                   *2018 Addional Donaon
J Edison & Jesse Woods              Pam Heide              Margaret E. Smith*                #Deceased
Lawrence & Mary Zipp*               Ben Hocker
                                    Les Homan
INDIVIDUAL                          Lori Honrath           THANK YOU to all of our supporters!
                                    Chrisna Huntzinger    We apologize if your name is missing from this list. Let us know
Elizabeth Alton
                                    Eric & Libby Iversen   if there’s a discrepancy and we’ll correct it in the next edion.
Vilma Amberg
Jim Arden                           Adrienne Jaeger
                                                           IN MEMORIAM
Hans Arlton*                        Michael Johnson
                                                           Ed Sheridan, a former IRKPA board member, passed away in
John Ausema                         Michelle Karl*
                                                           January 2019, at his home in Keweenaw County. Over the years,
Margaret Bartelt                    Gary Knowlton
                                                           Ed volunteered for many outreach events on behalf of IRKPA
Lynn Beck                           Kathy Koenig
                                                           and was a generous donor. We are grateful for Ed’s
William Beckman                     Susan Kramer
                                                           service and generosity in supporng our Naonal Parks.
Sco & Brenda Benson                 Eileen Kreiner*
Myrna Berlet*                       Christopher Kubik
                                                           Nancy (Johnson) Stegman, age 81, passed away in January
Dianne Berry                        Doug Lake, Jr.
                                                           2019. Nancy grew up on Isle Royale with her parents, Holger
Cynthia Birk                        Jeanie Lands*
                                                           and Lucy Johnson, who operated a fishing operaon and resort
Frank Boles                         Stephen Lesjak
                                                           at Chippewa Harbor. Nancy remained passionate about Isle
Donna Browning*                     Heidi Lukow
                                                           Royale, and kept the Johnson family heritage alive on the island.
Donna & John Buckley*               Eugene Lyons
                                    Steven M. Chorkawy*    She was a longme member of IRKPA.
Marsha Cannon
Wolf 's Eye - Isle Royale and Keweenaw Parks Association
Newsletter for the Isle Royale & Keweenaw Parks Association
                                                        2018 Issue 2

2018 Annual Report
The Isle Royale & Keweenaw Parks Associaon had      the Canoecopia paddle sport expo in Madison, WI.
another successful year, in terms of the Aid-to-     IRKPA staff collaborated with the Houghton Police
Parks monetary donaons given to Isle Royale         Department, the Portage Lake District Library, and
Naonal Park and Keweenaw Naonal Historical            the Naonal Park Service to offer the 1st annual
Park, as well as community outreach                              “Big Boat Boo!” event on the Ranger III.
efforts. Aid-to-Parks giving                                          Over 300 costumed community
increased from $15,290 in 2017                                           members a ended the event,
to over $21,630 in 2018. This                                              which included an educaonal
money helped finance the                                                     scavenger hunt onboard the
IRNP Teen Arst Explora-                                                     boat, snacks, treats, and even
on, prinng of both park                                                    a glimpse of a very friendly T-
newspapers and the Rock                                                      Rex! Folks commented, “I’ve
Harbor area guide, supplies                                                  lived here all my life and never
for KNHP’s “My Neighbor-                                                    had a chance to board the
hood, My Heritage” youth                                                   Ranger III before,” and “I had so
photography program, Jr.                                                 much fun. I can’t wait unl next
Ranger stamps, and costs                                              Halloween so I can come back.” The
associated with outreach acvies.                               goals of this event were to encourage lo-
                                                         cal community members to become familiar with
Gross sales increased to a likely all-me high of    the sales area at the Houghton visitor center, to
$173,087. Our sales manager, Alison Pontynen, has    spread the word about IRKPA and encourage new
connued to do an excellent job introducing new      memberships, and to provide an opportunity for safe,
products, eye-catching designs, and working with     family-oriented FUN!
local arsans to provide an ever-increasing
selecon of Isle Royale and Keweenaw products to     IRKPA offered three workshops in 2018, each
our visitors. Proceeds from these sales benefit the   reaching maximum capacity. Local Botanist Janet
parks! Among the new items are a custom              Marr guided two of those workshops, for a total of 26
replacement for the out-of-print USGS Isle Royale    people. One focused on the botany of the Keweenaw
waterproof map, new t-shirt designs, and new         Peninsula, and the other on the plants of Isle Royale.
KNHP posters from a local designer.                  Marque e photographer Shawn Malone led IRKPA’s
                                                     second annual Night Sky Photography workshop at
Another one of IRKPA’s goals is to provide in-kind   Rock Harbor in September for 12 parcipants.
service to our parks. Last year this included
volunteerism at a woody invasive plant manage-       Donaons and Grants 2018 $28,058 2017 $26,844
ment project around one of Keweenaw NHP’s
ruins, an invasive species removal event at Isle     Membership dues        2018 $20,705 2017 $21,574
Royale, and assistance during the Copper TRACES      Net Program (Workshops) Income $12,071
school field trips. IRKPA staff also helped edit the
park newspapers.                                     Sweepstakes           2018 $1,754 2017 $1,370
                                                     1st prize was two round trip ckets on the Isle Royale
IRKPA took part in various community events, as      Queen IV and a two-night stay at Rock Harbor Lodge.
well. IRKPA staff, board members, and volunteers
respresented IRKPA and sold a variety of sales       IRKPA connues to thrive as the nonprofit partner of
items at the Poor Arsts Event in Calumet, MI, the   Isle Royale NP and Keweenaw NHP, thanks to our
Quiet Water Symposium in East Lansing, MI, and       members and special donors. Thank you!
Wolf 's Eye - Isle Royale and Keweenaw Parks Association
2018 Issue
2019 Issue 2
           2                                       Newsletter
                                                 Newsletter      for Isle
                                                            for the  the Isle Royale
                                                                          Royale     & Keweenaw
                                                                                 & Keweenaw     Parks
                                                                                             Parks    Association

TRACES and Trunks at Keweenaw NHP                                                  You’re Invited!
By Kae Keller                                                                     Our annual meeng will take
                                                                                   place on Isle Royale the
This year marks the fourth annual Copper TRACES program at Keweenaw                weekend of July 26. We’ll have
Naonal Historical Park (KNHP). In just four years, the program has grown          a meet and greet meal on
tremendously. It established itself not only with area educators and stu-          Friday (must make advance
dents, but also with volunteers, partner organizaons, and local business-         reservaons), followed by the
es—all of whom truly make the program possible. Copper TRACES is a                 board meeng at the Rock
highly ancipated event at the park’s Calumet Unit, with many educators            Harbor auditorium. Our guest
stang that this is the most excing field trip and event of the school year.       speaker, Chief of Natural
This popularity and interest in the program means there is also room for           Resources Mark Romanski, will
                                                  growth.                          give a presentaon about the
                                                                                   wolf translocaon project. On
                                                      Area educators expressed
                                                                                   Saturday, July 27, there’s the
                                                      interest in expanding
                                                                                   possibility of a field trip. On
                                                      Copper TRACES into their
                                                                                   Sunday, join us for the service
                                                      classroom experience
                                                                                   project (below)!
                                                      beyond the one-day field
                                                      trip. Keweenaw NHP staff
                                                      cra1ed a funding             Service Project on IR
                                                      proposal to create and
                                                      fabricate traveling trunks   July 28-31, 2019
                                                      that will bridge the         Limited to 10 parcipants
 Fourth graders plan their ideal community with the
                                                      ranger classroom visit
 Keweenaw Land Trust at Copper TRACES. NPS Photo.
                                                    students experience in the     Join us! Our focus will be
fall and the Copper TRACES event in May. These trunks will have a variety          invasive species eradicaon
of acvies and items that relate to the topics idenfied in the Copper             near Daisy Farm and Rock
TRACES acronym (Technology, Research, Art and music, Community, Envi-              Harbor. IRKPA membership is
ronment, and Service), allowing students to dive deeper into educaon              required (starng at $25/year).
standards-based content in their classroom.                                        Must be able to bend and
                                                                                   stoop repeatedly and hike up
A team of five area educators from Calumet to Crystal Falls helped devel-           to 4 miles.
op a traveling trunk prototype that they field tested in their classrooms
during the 2018-2019 school year. Based on student and educator feed-              Includes free Ranger III trans-
back, the acvies will be adjusted and finalized for the final stage of the         portaon, a shared group
traveling trunk development. Graciously, the Isle Royale & Keweenaw                camping spot, daily entrance
Parks Associaon (IRKPA) has been a crucial partner throughout this pro-           fees, tools, and instrucon.
ject. IRKPA’s assistance has allowed KNHP staff to take the me needed to           Parcipants must provide their
develop the traveling trunks in a holisc manner.                                  own food and camping gear.

                                                                                   Interested? Please contact
In Fall 2019, the trunks will be available to “check out” to all area fourth
                                                                                   Sandy Wilhoit, IRKPA member-
grade educators and equivalents. The traveling trunks are helping us
                                                                                   ship and fundraising co-chair,
achieve our vision of Copper TRACES being an integral part of every fourth
                                                                                   at (269) 462-3982 or
grader’s educaonal experience in the western Upper Peninsula.                     upnorthigo@aol.com.
Wolf 's Eye - Isle Royale and Keweenaw Parks Association
2019 Issue 2 for the Isle Royale & Keweenaw Parks Association
                                               Newsletter 2018  Issue
                                                          for the Isle 2Royale & Keweenaw Parks Association

Isle Royale & Keweenaw Parks Associa+on
800 E Lakeshore Dr
Houghton, MI 49931-1869
906-482-7860 or -3627 (800-678-6925)                        Isle Royale has announced the 2019 Teen Arst Exploraon selec-
irkpa@irkpa.org, www.irkpa.org                              ons. Abigail Bolli (Whitehall, MI) and Adelaide Lyons (Ann Arbor)
   Facebook.com/IRKPA                                       will explore their art through wilderness at Isle Royale. They’ll be
IRKPA is the membership-based nonprofit partner of Isle
                                                            accompanied by their families and an arsc mentor. Abigail will
Royale Naonal Park and Keweenaw Naonal Historical         create poetry, and Adelaide will focus on drawing and painng.
Park. Gi1s, bequests, memorials, and membership are
U.S. tax deducble.                                         Kellan Heikkila, a 2018 parcipant, said, “The Isle Royale Teen
                                                            Arst Exploraon program has provided me with a unique
Membership Categories
                                                            opportunity to discover both the freedom and challenges of art in
Individual $25       Household $35    Supporng $50         a natural seOng.”
Sustaining $100      Patron $250      Life $1,200
Board of Directors                                          IRKPA is a co-sponsor for this program. THANK YOU to our
Lynn Bjorkman (President), Linda Guiliani, Bob Marr, Kay
                                                            members and donors who help provide this excellent
Pusakulich, Darcy Rutkowski, Steve Trynoski, Alan West,     experience for these young ar+sts!
Emily Fiala, Dan Rogalla
                                                                                       Once you’ve finished reading this,
Krisne Bradof, execuve director
                                                                                       please share your copy of the Wolf’s Eye
Alison Pontynen, sales & visitor services manager
Susanna Ausema, membership outreach manager and                                        with a fellow outdoor enthusiast! You
Wolf’s Eye editor                                                                      can help us inspire others to be
Pam Heide, sales assistant                                                             stewards and supporters of our parks!

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Houghton, MI 49931-1869
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Wolf 's Eye - Isle Royale and Keweenaw Parks Association Wolf 's Eye - Isle Royale and Keweenaw Parks Association
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