Island Laker October 2020 - Island Lake Camp

Page created by Martha Bowers
Island Laker October 2020 - Island Lake Camp
Island Laker
  October 2020
Island Laker October 2020 - Island Lake Camp
    OCTOBER                     As October sneaks up on us, this past summer is now a distant
                                memory. It didn’t even feel much like summer since we didn’t get to
                                spend it all together at Island Lake. With that said, we are happy to say
                                goodbye to summer 2020 as we now look forward to summer 2021.
                                We’ve already begun planning for next summer with camper
                                enrollments and hiring staff.

                                We are looking forward to having you join the ILC family and
                                experience all that our camp has to offer - fun, new friendships, fun,
                                exciting activities, fun, new adventures,… oh, and have we mentioned
       In this issue:           FUN? That’s what we’re all about at Island Lake and we’ll do an extra
                                super duper job of providing that to all of our campers next summer,
Page 2:                         that’s for sure. We know that once summer comes around, our staff will
                                be over the moon thrilled to meet you all and take wonderful care of
·Contact Us                     you to provide you with the BEST SUMMER EXPERIENCE EVER! We
                                just have to get through this school year, as unique and challenging as it
Page 3:                         may be for many of you.
·Important Information for
 Parents                        Meanwhile, up at camp the leaves are changing color and autumn is
                                setting in, however many of our thoughts are still centered on our ILC
Page 4:                         friendships and experiences of summers past. Yeah, we know that next
                                summer seems too far away, but rest assured that it will be here before
·Help Wanted
                                we know it.
·Winter Reunion
                                We were hoping to host our thrilling, fun, exciting annual ILC camp
Page 5:                         reunion in November at SportimeUSA but unfortunately, it doesn’t yet
·Staff Stuff                    seem safe or feasible to do so. If the situation changes for the better in
·ILC Blog                       the coming months, we will be open to discussing the possibility of
                                hosting a reunion then. We are so sorry because the last thing we want
                                to do is disappoint our loyal campers any further. However, we have to
Page 6:
                                be smart and diligent with regards to safety and health concerns, so for
·Important Dates                now, we will have to put our camp reunion on hold.
Page 7:                         Hey, if you have not yet registered for summer 2021 but are planning to
·FYI                            do so, please don't toss the enclosed registration form aside or place it
                                in that pile of paperwork you never quite get to. You can still secure a
                                spot for next summer by signing up now. All families who were enrolled
                                for 2020 were automatically re-enrolled for 2021 unless you requested
                                differently. For those families who had not yet enrolled for 2020 when
   Find us online               the pandemic hit, you should receive a registration form with this
                                newsletter. We also enclosed forms for those who chose to receive a
         refund on tuition.
                                We want to hear from you and know what you’re doing, who you’ve
          seen or spoken with from camp, and all of that fun stuff. We
                                can share this info with your fellow Island Lakers in the
           islandlakecamp       FYI section of the newsletter. Feel free to send us
                                photos from your own camp get-togethers and Bar/
        Bat Mitzvahs so we can post them. We look forward
                   mpofficial   to hearing from you throughout the winter months!

                                                    Page 1
Island Laker October 2020 - Island Lake Camp
Contact Us:
Even as everyone continues to work remotely,
  we can still be reached by using all of our
    typical off-season contact information:

             Island Lake Camp
                 PO Box 228
           Chappaqua, NY 10514

           Phone: (914) 769-6060
            Fax: (914) 769-6161


                    Page 2
Island Laker October 2020 - Island Lake Camp
Important Info For Parents
    For those of you who were enrolled for summer 2020, whatever rate you
    registered under will be honored for 2021. Any 2020 families who have a
    question about their rate for 2021 can contact us individually in our winter office
    (914-769-6060 or

    For those of you who have not yet registered for 2021, there is an enrollment
    form included with this newsletter or you can enroll online by visiting

    Our session dates and prices for next summer are as follows:

                                                                      2021 Rates
              Session 1 - June 26 to July 24 (4 Weeks)                  $7,500
              Session 2 - July 24 to Aug 14 (3 Weeks)                   $5,950
              Full Summer - June 26 to Aug 14 (7 Weeks)                 $11,800

              1st Year CIT – Full Summer                                $10,600
              2nd Year CIT – Full Summer                                $10,300

                           If you have any questions, give us a call.
                           We look forward to seeing you next year!

1                2                   3          4               5                   6
Hannah Huddleston Aubrey Benmosche              Lily Hufnagel   Giavanna Entrekin   Wojtek Klonecki
                  Chad Loup                                     Lindsey Ritchie     Jonah Lonker
                                                                Jaime Silla         Calum McClelland
                                                                Lily Stoltz

                                             Page 3
Island Laker October 2020 - Island Lake Camp
                                      We are currently looking for doctors and nurses to

                                      work at camp next summer. Doctors can work for as
                                      little as one week and nurses have the option of
                                      working for either one or both sessions.

                                      If any of our camp parents are doctors or nurses (or
                                      have friends who are) and are interested in spending
                                      part of their summer at camp with us, please contact
                                      Matt at

                                              , we will most likely not be
       As we’ve previously mentioned
                                                 n this year. We were
       having our annual winter reunio
                                             uld change and we would find
       hoping that circumstances wo
         way to pu ll it off , bu t it do esn ’t look like that will be the
             We ar e  sti ll discu  ssi ng po ssi bilities, but at this point it
                                                le to hold any sort of
       looks unlikely that we will be ab
       reunion event this year.

7                 8                   9                     10              11               12
Hayden Fruhling   Duvan Garman          Kiley Goldfarb      Hudson Dean     Anna Bellinson   Layla Horner
Henrietta James   Jaden Gleiber         Nicholas Michaels   Camryn Heyman   Elliot Kaner     Luc Levene
Rachel Singer     Mason Sheridan Hawley Michelle Skidmore                   Isaac Simon      Ryan Schwartz
Jack Stoltz

                                                       Page 4
Island Laker October 2020 - Island Lake Camp
Remember, if you                                                            ATTENTION
 ever misplace your                         Staff Stuff                     STAFF MEMBERS:
 newsletter you can                                                     Many of you have been
 always download a                                                      in touch with Dustin
   copy from our                                                        throughout the course
                                                                        of the summer
                                                                        regarding 2021. If you
       Just go to                                                       are planning to join us
                                                                        for 2021 (even if you                                                     were not originally
 and you can find all                                                   scheduled to be back in
  of the newsletters                   2020) please contact Dustin (
   from this season!                   and let him know that you are interested.

                                       Believe it or not, we already have a lot of staff signed up
                                       for next summer so it’s important to let us know if you
                                       would like us to hold a spot for you even if you can’t
                                       commit this early in the season.

                                           ILC BLOG
                                  Don’t forget to keep
                                  checking our Island Lake
                                  blog for new postings.
                                  Better yet, send us your

                                  news, stories, photos, or
                                  anything else you have
                                  to share and we’ll post it
                                  in the blog!

                                  To find the blog, head over to and
                                  click on the yellow blog icon on the bottom left side of
                                  the home page. The same icon can also be found on
                                  most other pages throughout the site.

13                 14             15                 16             17                 18
Tyler Moss         Carly Harris   Shannon Entrekin   Hope Mercier   William Coleman    Myria Ftellecha
Arianna Schiller   Ryan Harris    Ellis Krusch       Anna Robson    Killian Fynes      Corie McHugh
                   Imani Thomas   Sasha Savel                       Alyssa Steinhart   Dylan Sawransky

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Island Laker October 2020 - Island Lake Camp
Important Dates
     Please mark your calendars for a few important dates during the upcoming
     summer… If you plan on staying overnight in the area for Open House,
     Visiting Day, or our Rookie Day, it is important that you make hotel
     reservations early. We have a complete list of hotels that can be found in the
     ‘Forms & Mailings’ section of our website. Some families book hotels for
     Visiting Day up to a year in advance, so it is a good idea to start making your
     plans early if you intend to make a reservation.

        Open House                      Visiting Day                        Rookie Day
     Saturday, June 12                Saturday, July 17                  Saturday, July 31
  All new campers and their       Visiting Day will run from         All future campers entering
  families will be invited to     9:30 am until 3:30 pm. We          2nd through 5th grades in
  camp for a day of tours,        will provide a buffet lunch for    September 2021 are invited
  games, meeting other first      all visitors and there will be     to spend a day with us. We
  timers, and a buffet            performances and activities        will have fun activities for all
  luncheon. The day will run      running throughout the day.        prospective campers and
  from 11 am until                Should you prefer, you may         siblings of current campers.
  approximately 3 pm. Any         take your children out of          There is no better way for
  family with a new camper        camp for the day. No prior         children to understand camp
  attending next summer           notice is necessary for this       life than to experience it for
  (even if they have a sibling    visit, but we recommend that       themselves.
  who has previously been to      you start making your plans        There is no charge for Rookie
  camp) will receive an RSVP      early if you intend to stay        Day, but we ask that you
  form in the spring time.        overnight in the area.             register your child in
                                                                     advance. Just give us a call!

19                20             21                  22             23                 24
Marion Karp                      Samantha Grossman                  Aisling Sullivan
Olivia Maytin                    Hilary Katzman                     Bree Sullivan
Evan Siegelheim

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Island Laker October 2020 - Island Lake Camp
                                         Sammy & Max Silver along with
                                         Ellie, Anna & Liv Wojie, and Kayla,
                                         Ella & future camper Leah
                                         Cullinane all recently got together
                                         and sent in this picture!

  Pearl and Rose Marks met up
  with Isabelle and Imogen
  Leight in Acadia National
  Park and enjoyed a great
  socially distant hike!

     Riley Ostroff shared some pictures with us of
                                                   a few of the friends
     she has been able to meet up with. Over the
                                                  course of the summer
     she saw Alexa Weiss, Maddie Plansky, and
                                                 Olivia Berlin.

25              26             27                 28               29               30
Mollie Sherry   Scott Zinman   Conrad Seib-Levinson Heynes Brown   Morgan Shapiro   Elizabeth Hiller
                               Daniel Timlin
                               Joshua Tompkins                                      31
                                                                                    Codie Campbell
                                                                                    Alix Goldman
                                                                                    Conor Kim
                                                                                    Lucie Kristkova
                                              Page 7                                Ulises Medina Ruiz
Island Laker October 2020 - Island Lake Camp Island Laker October 2020 - Island Lake Camp
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