IIIT Bhopal Activities 2020

Page created by Carlos Flynn
IIIT Bhopal Activities 2020
IIIT Bhopal Activities 2020

On 26th January 2020, Indian Institute of Information Technology Bhopal (IIIT Bhopal) celebrated the
Republic Day event at the MANIT campus. The event was witnessed by Dr. N. S. Raghuvanshi, the Director
of MANIT Bhopal, and mentor director of the IIIT Bhopal, all the administrative head of IIIT Bhopal,
faculty members, and students.
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bhopal believes that a college should have its equal share of fun
& sports along with the technical studies. Every student is talented in his/her own way, we give credence to
each youngster to showcase their talent in a unique way. We also strive to encourage you to bring out your
hidden talents, and bring out a better ‘you’.
IIIT Bhopal Activities 2020
Inter IIIT-Sports tournament GUSTO 2020

Inter IIIT-Sports tournament GUSTO 2020 was hosted by IIITDM JABALPUR between 29th February to 3rd
March, 2020. The event saw participation of a huge strength of students from more than 20 IIIT’s. Total 80
students of IIIT Bhopal participated in various games of this event, athletics, volleyball, football, cricket,
etc. from which the following emerged teams and winners.

S. NO.         SORTS                             ACHIEVEMENT                    PLAYERS
1              CHESS                             BRONZE                         4
2              ATHLETE (800M)                    BRONZE                         1
3              VOLLEYBALL                        QUATERFINAL                    9
4              CARROM                            SEMIFINALS                     3
5              TABLETENNIS                       SEMIFINALS                     3
IIIT Bhopal Activities 2020
Webinar on “Internship for Crime Free and Job & Service Rich Bharat:
A Motivational Talk to Transform”

An interactive webinar on “Crime Free Bharat: Internship for Crime Free and Job & Service Rich Bharat: A
Motivational Talk To Transform” was organized by Dr. Meenu Chawla, Nodal Officer, Indian Institute of
Information Technology (IIIT) Bhopal & Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) Bhopal; Dr. Jaytrilok Choudhary, Prof. I/c
Student Welfare, IIIT Bhopal & Assistant Professor, MANIT Bhopal, through StreamYard and YouTube
Live telecast on 27th May, 2020 between 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM. The webinar witnessed participation of over
100+ students, 9 faculty members, and all administrative head of IIIT Bhopal.
The invited speaker Mr. Maithili Sharan Gupta is a Special Director General of Police, Police Reform,
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh. He provided the insight into the development of
technological solutions (both hardware and software) that need to be accomplished as a first step to
contribute for crime free India. The webinar was two hours long including the interaction and
question/answer session in the last half hour.
IIIT Bhopal Activities 2020
Webinar on Internet of Things

An interactive webinar on Internet of Things was organized by Dr. Meenu Chawala, Nodal Officer, Indian
Institute of Information Technology Bhopal and Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
Mulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT) Bhopal, through Google meet on 29th May, 2020
between 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
The webinar witnessed participation of over 100+ students, 9 faculty members, and all administrative head
of IIIT Bhopal.
The invited speaker Mr Sudesh Morey, Founder and Managing Director of DRMZ System Innovations
Private Ltd., founded it in the year 2010.
The webinar was two hours long including the interaction and question/answer session in the last half hour.
IIIT Bhopal Activities 2020
IIIT Bhopal Innovates to Provide 'COVID-19 Safety Circle'

                            Mr. Shobit Umrao (Student) and Dr. Nitesh Bharadwaj (Faculty)
                            have developed an APP to assist it's user to maintain social distance
                            in public places.
                            This app helps us to visualize a distance of 6 feet around us by
                            creating a virtual translucent circular disc (radius 6 feet ~ 1.8 meters)
                            of red color, so that we may have an idea of how much distance
                            should we keep with others for everyone's safety and adhere to social
                            distancing norms. This app is made open source for its further
IIIT Bhopal Activities 2020
International Yoga Day

International Day of Yoga i.e. 21st June 2020, is celebrated in high spirit by all students and faculty
members of IIIT Bhopal. This important event could not be conducted at central place, due to present
conditions of Covid-19, hence all staff and students of IIIT Bhopal celebrated this event at their respective
places. This year the emphasis was on Yoga@home, Yoga with Family. The online booklet on Yoga
Protocol was circulated among all staff and students of IIIT Bhopal and it was very helpful in understanding
the details of yoga positions and how to perform it.
Everyone participated in the event between 7:00-7:45 am. Our Director Prof. Narandra Raghuwanshi lead
the event from front line and did yoga during the given time slot.
IIIT Bhopal Activities 2020
Webinar on Gender bias, stereotyping, gender inequality and women’s rights

An interactive webinar on Gender bias, stereotyping, gender inequality and women’s rights was organized
by by Prof. Namita Srivastava, Dean Faculty Welfare, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology
(MANIT), Bhopal and Prof. Meenu Chawla, Nodal Officer, Indian Institute of Information Technology
Bhopal and Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of
Technology (MANIT) Bhopal. This webinar was organized online through Webex platform on 22th June,
2020 between 11:00AM to 1:30 PM.
The webinar witnessed participation of over 259 attendees from various organizations, Honourable Director,
MANIT Bhopal 12 faculty members from MANIT Bhopal, and IIIT Bhopal.
The invited speakers were: Dr. Raka Arya, Assistant Professor and Faculty Coordinator at National Law
Institute University. The next respected speaker was Dr. Shewali Kumar. Dr. Kumar is an Associate
Professor at the Tata Institute of social science, Mumbai. The webinar was two and a half hours long
including the interaction and question/answer session in the last half hour.
IIIT Bhopal Activities 2020
Kargil Vijay Diwas

The Kargil Vijay Diwas celebrated on 26 July 2020 at IIIT Bhopal. Let us salute to all our soldiers who are brave and
protect us throughout the day and night. Let us remember their fights and toil on this day. Let’s remember the
sacrifice of those brave soldiers who died in the line of duty to protect our great nation. Jai Bharat!

Remembering the sacrifices made by the Jawans during the 1999 War against Pakistan. Jai Hind...Kargil Vijay Diwas!

Our flag does not fly because the wind moves, it flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.
Kargil Vijay Diwas!

Real Heroes don't have a name on the back of their Jersey. They wear their country's Flag. Thank you India's Real
IIIT Bhopal Activities 2020 IIIT Bhopal Activities 2020
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