HROD ICT Update Lynne Ridsdale Director of HROD - Human Resources Sub Group

Page created by Gordon Lucas
HROD ICT Update Lynne Ridsdale Director of HROD - Human Resources Sub Group
Manchester City Council                                        Item 2
Human Resources Sub Group                            28 November 2017

                            HROD ICT Update

                                Lynne Ridsdale
                               Director of HROD

                                   Item 2 - Page 1
Manchester City Council                                                                               Item 2
       Human Resources Sub Group                                                                   28 November 2017

Improvements so far
Greater use of technology to support people management is an important element of Our People Strategy, so far:

•   Launch of mi people self service in July 2015 gave self service access to circa. 5,500 staff allowing them to:
    view payslips, update their contact details, claim annual leave, work expenses and additional hours (including
    overtime) and record sickness absence

•   Collaboration across GM with new tools for streamlined recruitment ( Jan 2017) and agency resourcing (Oct

•   A new joint HROD & Shared Services Centre Intranet site was launched in summer 2017 responding directly to
    staff feedback with the content aligned to customer themes as opposed to service structure

•   mi people Phase 2 in 2017: improved the look and feel of the system and streamlined processes to claim
    mileage, book leave and record sickness absence. Changes were made to expense categories and sickness
    reasons and parental and volunteering leave were added in response to staff feedback. The end-to-end process
    for managing attendance including AMRs and AMHs was also brought in scope and the need for paper forms (e.g.
    Return to Work form) removed

•   New Intranet based staff directory go live in October 2017.
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Manchester City Council                                                                        Item 2
       Human Resources Sub Group                                                            28 November 2017

The Role of Technology in Supporting Our People
Our People Strategy is about making the Our Manchester behaviours real day-in, day-out in the heads,
hearts and habits of the workforce. - Technology has a role to play in supporting this by giving managers
and staff improved tools to get the job done. However, ultimately it’s about people.

Managers are key:

•   Improved systems for recording absence more easily and greater access to intelligence will help
    managers in monitoring and managing absence and the organisation in understanding trends. BUT
    only through effective, supportive and strengths based people management in line with our behaviours
    and policies and a culture which encourages access to corporate support, like the EAP, will we truly
    improve absence levels

•   Streamlined processes and technology to support resourcing, staff movements and payments will help
    managers respond more quickly to service demands and ensure resources are in place to deliver BUT
    the increased trust and flexibility this brings to enable Services to control their own resources needs to
    be used cognisant of our budget constraints and in the best interests of the Council as a whole with
    high trust and high accountability balanced by clear management responsibility in line with our
                                                      Item 2 - Page 3
Manchester City Council                                                                        Item 2
      Human Resources Sub Group                                                            28 November 2017

The Role of Technology in Supporting Our People (cont’d)
 •   Streamlined processes and technology to support resourcing, staff movements and payments will
     help managers respond more quickly to service demands and ensure resources are in place to
     deliver BUT the increased trust and flexibility this brings to enable Services to control their own
     resources needs to be used cognisant of our budget constraints and in the best interests of the
     Council as a whole with high trust and high accountability balanced by clear management
     responsibility in line with our behaviours

 •   Talent Management technology will help the organisation develop skills for the future and
     individuals to access the training they need to deliver BUT this will only work if it is underpinned
     by quality people management which gets the basics right with regular About You discussions
     and team meetings and a balanced focus on managing staff as individuals as well as strong
     performance management.

 This isn’t just about managers: every employee has a role to play in taking advantage of the
 technological and other tools and resources developed to support them and Our Manchester.
                                                  Item 2 - Page 4
Manchester City Council                                                                     Item 2
      Human Resources Sub Group                                                         28 November 2017

HROD ICT Priorities 17/18 - 18/19 and Beyond

We want to expand, improve and innovate in the use of technology to support the delivery of Our People

Council-wide discussions are underway on future options for SAP. - Our long term aim is for a people
management system which incorporates core back office and self serve transactional processes as well
as a talent management solution and comprehensive management information.

A new solution to replace our existing SAP platform will need to be in place by 2025.

The next slide set out the HR ICT Priorities for the coming circa. 18 months cognisant of this direction
and with the aim in maximising the use of existing assets, addressing the most urgent and high risk
areas and/or quick wins and increasing, improving and innovating whilst minimising required investment.

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Manchester City Council                                                                                              Item 2
        Human Resources Sub Group                                                                                  28 November 2017

HROD ICT Priorities 17/18 - 18/19
                                    2. Skills Audit                       3. Org animation Modeling      4. mi people phase 3
    1. Universal Access
                                    Providing a solution for staff             and Viewing               Improvements and
  Delivery of the initial phase     to record and update their                                           enhancements to mi people
                                                                          Implementing a tool to view
  of work to provide intranet       skills, qualifications and                                           self service with a range of
                                                                          and model the organisational
  access to all staff and scoping   aspirations to support                                               potential areas identified,
                                                                          structure and manage
  to broaden this to include        workforce development and                                            including enhanced reporting
                                                                          changes more easily,
  email and, ultimately other       corporate planning.                                                  and, potentially, skills and
                                                                          potentially through NAKISA.
  systems including SAP.            (Potentially linked to mi                                            qualifications.
                                    people phase 3)

                                                                         Other Potential Work
  Immediate delivery priorities
                                                                          ● Opportunities from Business Objects upgrade and BPC for
   ● ELearning risk analysis and solution to enable launch                    reporting
    ●    About You recording
                                                                          ● Opportunities from new intranet
                                                                          ● Requirements from learning and development review
                                                                          ● Opportunities for interaction and collaboration.

 Improvements to support Our People Strategy through improved technology and behavioural change in line with our 3-5 year
                                                         journey for HR ICT
                                                               Item 2 - Page 6
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