Holy Family Parish - Holy Family Catholic Church
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Holy Family Parish PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Led by the spirit and example of the Holy Family, our parish community embraces as its mission the salvation of all people. Rooted in the celebration of the Eucharist, we go forth to serve, to educate, and to live daily the message of Jesus Christ.
Holy Family Parish 2400 S. Franklin St. Rd. Decatur, IL 62521 (217) 423-6223 Mass Schedule Weekend Liturgies Saturday 4:30 p.m. Staff Sunday 8:00 a.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. Reverend Michael Friedel………………………... Parochial Administrator Weekday Liturgies Mrs. Joanne Kater..........................Parish Secretary Monday 7:30 a.m. Tuesday 7:30 a.m. Email: holyfamilychurch1@comcast.net Wednesday 7:30 a.m. Thursday 7:30 a.m. Sr. Paulette Joerger, O.P. & Friday 7:30 a.m. Mrs. Beth Vandercar…...Interim Co-Principals Mrs. Colleen Richardson……...Director of School Operations Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday at 3:30 p.m. or by appointment. Ms. Lisa Roddis..………….…......School Secretary Mrs. Diane Keller…….…….……PSR Coordinator Communion Calls Mr. Peter Miller…..... Director of Music Ministries Please contact the parish office to make Mrs. Ann Carr…….………...….Business Manager arrangements. Rectory………….....217-423-6223 Sacrament of Baptism School……...............217-423-7049 Arrangements for Baptisms are made by calling the School Fax................217-423-0137 parish office. Participation at the Baptismal Preparation Class for parents is a requirement for HOLY FAMILY WEBSITE: decaturholyfamily.com the celebration of the sacrament. If you need to take a class, please contact the parish office at 217-423-6223. HOLY FAMILY DECATUR LIKE US ON FACEBOOK Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements for all weddings must be made at ROSARY will be prayed at 7:10 a.m. least six (6)months in advance. Please call the parish before each daily 7:30 a.m. Mass. office. Come, pray, & stay for Mass. PRAYER LINE REQUESTS: Rosanna Frey, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) 217-429-6657, or Barb Lesyna, 217-428-0058. Classes for those interested in joining the Catholic ADORATION will not be held during the summer faith begin in the fall of each year and continue months. It will begin once again during September. through the Easter season. Please call the parish office to inquire about the sessions. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS THE WORD OF GOD IS AVAILABLE 24/7 on Decatur Catholic Radio WDCR FM 88.9/96.5
Did You Know? – What a Priest Wears and Why There are so many things in the Church that we “do” or “say” that are done or said for really great reasons, but in my experience, most of us never found out the rea- sons why! Speaking for myself, many of these things I only learned once I started seminary. For example—have you ever wondered what a priest wears and why? We all know that a priest traditionally wears black, whether that is in the form of a clerical suit (black slacks and clerical shirt, with or without a suitcoat) or a cas- sock (the long robe with buttons down the front of it). Black is worn as a symbol that the priest has “died” to himself and lives his life now for others. The black serves also as a sign to others that we all live for a greater reality, which is life with God. The white collar is two-fold in its symbolism: first, for obedience, reminding the priest that he is yoked to Christ; and second, for life, reminding us that there is hope in the eternal life God promises us. During Mass, the priest also wears several other vestments. The first one, a piece of white fabric worn over the collar, is called an amice, and it symbolizes the “helmet of salvation.” Practically, the amice serves to cov- er the black collar when worn underneath the other vestments, but the prayer that is prayed while vesting with the amice is one asking for the protection of God amidst the assaults of the devil. The priest then covers himself with the white garment known as the alb (from the Latin word for “white”). Black reminds the faithful that the priest has died to himself; but in the Mass, the priest is no longer himself at all, but acts in the person of the living Christ. Hence, the white alb (also a reminder of baptism, where we all receive the gift of divine life!) covers any reminder of death and replaces it with a reminder that Christ Resur- rected is now among us in the person of His priest. Around the waist is then worn the cincture, a rope-like belt. Other than the obvious practical function, the cincture reminds the priest of his promise of celibacy, and as he ties it, he prays that the Lord might protect him in those promises and grant him the gift of purity. The priest then places the stole over his shoulders (this is not often seen, as it is covered by the outer gar- ment). The stole is a symbol of authority, granted by Christ to protect and persevere His Church; ironically, it is also, somewhat literally, a yoke, reminding all who see it that a priest’s authority comes only from his con- formity to Christ, the true Head of the Church. (The priest wears this stole in all of the sacraments he per- forms, as a reminder that it is always Christ through the priest who acts in the Sacraments.) When the priest dons the stole, he prays that God might restore to him the “stole of immortality” which was lost through the sin of our first parents. Finally, over all of this, the priest wears the chasuble, which has taken various shapes throughout the Church’s history. The color of the stole and chasuble also changes based on the liturgical celebration, in gen- eral: green during Ordinary Time, red on the feasts of martyrs and for the Holy Spirit, violet during the peni- tential seasons or (optionally) at funerals, and white in all other circumstances (Easter, Christmas, non- martyrs’ feast days, funerals, weddings, etc.). The chasuble is a sort of cloak, symbolic of love. Importantly, over authority, the priest puts on love, as St. Paul reminds us to do (cf. Col 3:14). In the Mass, what stands before all is the Person of Christ—Love made Incarnate for me and you. There is certainly more that could be said about what a priest wears and why, but I hope this gives you a little something to ponder next time you’re looking at the priest at Mass…and just maybe answers some of your (unasked) questions! Keep spreading joy! Fr. Friedel
Fr. Joe’s new address is: St. Joseph the Worker Church, 700 E. Spruce Street, Chatham, IL, 62629. PLEASE PRAY for those in our Sister Parish in El Salvador—they pray for us. The amber candle in our Vigil Candle area is lit as a reminder to pray for them. PLEASE NCLUDE HOLY FAMILY IN YOUR WILL & as a Memorial at the time of the death of a loved one. PRAYER FOR PROTECTION FROM THE CORONA VIRUS Our Father Who Art In Heaven, please blanket our nation in protection from the Corona virus. Thank you for healing our land and protecting those who are most vulnerable. Give peace to those who struggle with loneliness and isolation, and endurance to the many businesses that are affected by our feeble attempts to control Corona. Come to the bedside of those who are strug- gling with the effects of contracting the virus. Please protect and give guidance to those healthcare workers who place themselves in danger caring for the sick. Hear our prayer O Lord. We pray this in the powerful and victorious name of your only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen. MASS INTENTIONS Have you ever wondered how to get a Mass intention for someone? The process is very simple. Call the rectory at 217-423-6223 and the secretary will help you find a date. We are now filling dates for 2021 & 2022. If you have a specific date, be sure to get it reserved early. ATTENTION—ROSARY & MASS The Rosary WILL NOT be live-streamed daily, but the daily Masses & the 10 a.m. weekend Masses WILL CONTINUE to be live-streamed. We wel- come the priests from Our Lady of Lourdes who will be here for sacramen- tal duties until Fr. Mark arrives. If you need spiritual assistance in any way, please call OLOL at 217-877-4404.
PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Donna Benting, Susan Bird, Jamie Brown, Pat Chott, Susie Christopher, Cindy Craw- ford, Pat Davis, Jenny Douglass, Susie ADORATION AT ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL Flynn, Gary Glosser, Jim Grant, Floyd Grove, CHAPEL has started up again. The days and hours Cathy Helfrich, Becca Hogan, Mike Hogan, Kathy will be Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If Kirby, Kathy Kunz, Tom Little, Joy Madsen, Perry you are interested, please call Tim Hagenbruch for Marchisello, Mike Moran, Kaye Moser Norlin, more details at 217-454-7967. Debbie Peters, Rex Poe, Susan Randol, Donna Raycraft, Regan Smith, Russ Steil, Thomas Valdahl, Marty Van Ausdale, Kayla VanWessenhove, Gene SCHOOL POSITIONS OPEN: Holy Velchek, Joan Whitacre, Derek Winchester, Gary Family Catholic School has the following Woolington positions open for the 2021-2022 academic year—Part-time Pre-K 3 teacher. If interest- SICK LIST POLICY: Names will be removed ed in either, please contact the school at 217- after 4 weeks unless resubmitted. Please call the 423-7049. rectory or email holyfamilychurch1@comcast.net to add or remove a name. New names added each week will be in BOLD for 1 week. SDCCW-Springfield Deanery Diocesan Counsel of Catholic Women - Women living in the Springfield Deanery, which now consists PRAY for the repose of the souls of Sr. of parishes in Macon, Sangamon, Cass, Mor- Janet Pfile, O.P.; Lisa Dilbeck, sister of Tom Dilbeck; Dolores Brady, mother gan, Menard, and Christian Counties, are invit- of Jean Zerfowski. May they rest in the eternal ed to a Brunch and Meeting on Wednesday, peace of heaven, & may God comfort their families. Aug. 4. from 9:30 a.m. to noon at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Springfield. Learn about the mission of the Springfield Di- St. Teresa High School English Teacher ocesan Counsel of Catholic Women and the St. Teresa High School is seeking highly qualified candi- dates for a part-time English position (3-4 classes per SDCCW's participation in the "Water for Life" day) for the 2021-2022 school year. Successful candi- Catholic Relief Services project. Father Peter dates are able to creatively engage students with a varie- Chineke, parochial vicar at the Cathedral and ty of instructional practices that inspires today's learner; the Spiritual Advisor of the Springfield Dean- effectively communicates with families, staff, and ad- ery, will share his vocation story. Please RSVP ministration; effective use of assessments to gauge learn- to Janet Zimmerman, Springfield Deanery ing and guide curriculum choices, and creates a student- President, by July 27: or 217-494-4743. You centered classroom environment focused on success. must be vaccinated to attend. Requirements: Illinois licensure and High School Eng- lish endorsement(s) required. Ability to work with all levels of students to differentiate instruction in English. VACATIONS-Many will take a vacation this Knowledge of college readiness skills is preferred. summer. Do we also make sure we schedule a trip Teamwork and collaboration are required, along with to a Catholic Church to fulfill our obligation to give reflection and a desire to continually improve your prac- praise & worship to God? Let us help you find a tice. Church—masstimes.org How to Apply: All applicants should submit a letter of intent, resume, and completed position application https://stteresa.org/employment to Larry Daly - Principal DON’T FORGET TO INVITE St. Teresa High School SOMEONE TO MASS WITH YOU! FORMED has books, audios, movies, & bible study & faith formation programs for both children and adults. Try Formed by going to decaturholyfami- ly.formed.org. This does not cost you anything to Avoid judging your spouse. sign up as the parish pays for the subscription. Give each other the benefit of the doubt. Questions? Contact the parish office at 423-6223.
COLLECTIONS: Thank you to all who are now sending in donations through bill pay with their financial institutions. This is an easy way to may your donations. If you do use this method, please use your envelope number as your “account number”. This makes it easy to post for your year end Contribution Statement. Please let us know to stop your monthly envelopes being mailed to you as this saves the parish even more money. Several people have requested a way to know if there are any “extra” collections going on since they do not receive envelopes any longer. We will list these in the bulletin each month now. The August enve- lope packet includes the Regular, Building Fund, & Sister Parish envelopes. If you’d like information on setting up your bill pay or to stop envelopes, please call Joanne at 217-423-6223. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ex 14:5-18; Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday: Ex 14:21 — 15:1; Mt 12:46-50 Wednesday: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Mt 13:1-9 Thursday: Sg 3:1-4b or 2 Cor 5:14-17; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Friday: Ex 20:1-17; Mt 13:18-23 Saturday: Ex 24:3-8; Mt 13:24-30 MONDAY, July 19 Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:42-44; Ps 145:10-11, 15-18; 7:30 a.m. Gene Kusnerik Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 (Whalen & Valerie Vancil) TUESDAY, July 20 Thank you for your generosity! 7:30 a.m. Janice Earl (Jim & Pam Kelley) WEDNESDAY, July 21 7:30 a.m. Leon Vemmer (Marilyn Hight) THURSDAY, July 22 7:30 a.m. Nick Neiers (Bob & Frances Stengel) FRIDAY, July 23 July 10 & 11, 2021 7:30 a.m. Cathy O’Brien (BLDD Architects) SATURDAY, July 24 Envelopes…...…………………$ 18,471.00 4:30 p.m. Dan Whithaus (Kristan Fear) SUNDAY, July 25 Building Fund…….……....……$ 550.00 8:00 a.m. Patricia Hogan (Hogan Family) 10:00 a.m. Holy Family Parishioners Sister Parish………...……....…$ 220.00
REST IN PEACE SR. JANET PFILE, O.P. 7/2/1941-7/7/2021 Springfield Dominican Sister Janet Marie Pfile, OP, died peacefully, Wednesday July 7 at Sacred Heart Convent in the 60th year of her religious profession. She was born in Decatur, Ill., in 1941 to William H. and Violanta (Vi) Kocher Pfile. She joined the Dominicans in 1959 and professed her vows in 1961 at Sacred Heart Convent, Springfield, Ill. Sister Janet Marie, who for a time was known as Sister Maria del Rey, was an elementary school teacher and principal. She taught in Chicago, and Duluth, Minn., and was both teacher and principal at schools in East Moline, New Berlin, Hampshire, and Cary, Ill. She was a full-time principal in Quincy. She briefly taught math at Rosary High School, Aurora, then began ministry as a pastoral associate, dedicating 12 years to the parishioners at St. James Parish, Rockford, and 14 at Holy Family Parish, Decatur, until re- cently. In preparation for the celebration of her 60th profession anniversary Sister Janet Marie wrote that her call to Dominican life was nurtured by God and the blessing of the “faith-filled people who have journeyed with me.” Sister Janet Marie was preceded in death by her parents. She is survived by her sisters, Sister Judith Pfile, OP, at Sacred Heart Convent, and Donna (Stu) Sorensen, Round Rock, Texas; brother Larry (Pat) Pfile, Kirkwood, Mo.; her loving aunt, cousins, nieces and nephews, great nieces and nephews, many dear friends. Memorials to honor the memory of Sister Janet Marie may be made to the Dominican Sisters Retirement Fund, 1237 W. Monroe St., Springfield, IL, 62704. The Dominican Sisters and family of Sister Janet Ma- rie are served by Butler Funeral Homes.
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